"Well, from what I've heard, you are not human. And from what I've seen, I'm pretty sure that you aren't normal," said Yan, pointing at the glowing orb on her finger.
"You've got keen eyes for one so blind to the world," said Mavislin, scanning the Earl from head to toe.
"Blind, you say? Now, why would you think so?" asked the Earl, his tone slowly getting annoyed.
"No matter. I assume most humans are blind in that sense. They boast so much in knowing the world's filth, yet they are powerless when faced with life and death situations," said Mavislin, shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, that's dangerous to do so. You should not just assume human beings since we have so much potential. Especially those from the underworld."
"To answer the question before, I've traveled from the Campania to here via flight," answered Mavislin, happily sprouting her wings.
"My, my. Aren't you afraid I would claim you as a witch?" Yan asked, shaking his head.
"Aren't you afraid of what I could do to you? My appetite is not exactly small," smirked Mavislin.
"Nice threat. Now I know why you are the leader of the Barren Pillars."
"I'm the leader of the Barren Pillars because there was no other choice. The Headmaster forced me to create an Ark., But I had fun."
The duo walked towards a massive stone door. It was chained up with rusty padlocks and had a giant dragon's head as a knocker. The Earl used it to make three huge knocks on the door. A small peephole with a wooden sliding door opened. All the Valkyrie could see was a bloodshot eye.
"Yan, I've come with the leader of the Barren Pillars," replied the Earl.
The eye closed as the being shut the small window. The stone doors opened with a vast creak, conjuring a mini dust storm.
"And how long have you not used this area?" asked Mavislin, coughing at the side.
"A few years. I don't use it for normal occasions. But for now, it's the safest thing to be in," replied the Earl, going into the room.
"Anyways, Lady Roydon. Welcome to the underworld's meeting room, otherwise called the underworld's den," said Earl Yan, introducing the room to Mavislin.
The room had vast amounts of food and water stored in its wooden cabinets. A huge candlelit chandelier hung above the duo. The walls did not look like stone. Instead, it looked like it was draped with expensive royal blue cloth.
A vast stone table with lavishly carved stone chairs lay in the room's heart. On top of the table were maps, documents, and letters strewn. A wax stamp and blue wax sat in front of a stone chair that had an intricate carving of lilies.
The Valkyrie gasped as she looked around. There was a reason why they were dubbed 'villainous nobles.' She was captivated when she gazed at Minwoo's mansion. The Earl's mansion was much grander than the one at the Campania.
It was odd towards the poor girl. How could the Earl be more prosperous than the Marquess? Her thoughts were disrupted as someone cleared their throat. Mavislin instantly looked at where the voice had emitted. A plump man sat on one of the chairs, looking directly at Earl Yan.
The man's face was round; his hair was spiky. The familiar shape of the man reminded the Valkyrie of Z, an aching reminder. Oh, how the poor girl had missed that peanut.
The man in front of them wore a grey, long-sleeved, button-up shirt. His black pants practically hugged his thighs as he threw a small, thin object toward the Earl. Yan smiled as he caught the weapon quickly.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Baron Tuazon," apologized the Earl, bowing.
"You could at least clean this place up. And I've seen you brought the leader here, eh?" asked Gabriel Tuazon, looking at the Valkyrie.
"Mavislin Roydon. And I'm here to help you on the Umbras case."
Gab seemed to scowl at the poor girl before bursting into a smile. Least to say, the Valkyrie was shaken at the sudden change of mood.
"This Earl! He did not say that guests were coming! I'll go fix up a drink for you, young one," said Gab, happily grabbing some drinks to make for the two.
"I want juice. Grape juice," said Mavislin, taking a seat.
"Alrighty then! Coming right up."
"White wine for me, Gab. And I hope you don't mix up one of your 'deadly' concoctions in mine again," replied the Earl, taking a seat on the lily-carved chair.
"Hah! Do not worry; I don't have anything up my sleeve for today."
"The last time I checked, you made me destroy my home's lavatory."
"It's not my fault that you are weak."