Raiyen could only compare the stance to a person ready to fire a cannon.
"O' Seas of the Deep, I command thee. Let the winds comb the waves... The Storm Of Atlantia!" shouted Mavislin, unleashing a monumental torrent of water toward the Time Mage.
The torrent of water had morphed into a giant waterspout before it was confronted with Raiyen's palms. Yep, the Child Of Time had decided to employ his bare hands to deal with spell head-on. The Valkyrie rose her eyebrow in surprise as she witnessed the Time Mage in front of her.
This was the Raiyen who had grown stronger, nothing like the one she was dealing with back in the Old Chapel.
"Impressive, Raiyen Harmony," praised Mavislin, settling down the shield.
Her hands reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small sack. The small pouch was brown, but the contents inside it were glowing. As she loosened the white cord around the bag, the items were burning in various contrasting colors in the form of rings.
The Valkyrie tossed a few rings over her shoulder, never losing her ground with the Time Mage as he leaped for another attack.
"Roar. O' wind of Thunder and Lightning. Fan of steel, flames of perdition," chanted Mavislin as her Elemental Aura exploded.
"Hang on! This early?!" asked Raiyen, sounding exasperated.
"Don't underestimate me, Time Boy. If you are more superior in Magecraft than me, it is only reasonable that I challenge you fairly as well."
"But that's Gillian's spell! He resorted to it years ago, with that duel with his wife!"
"Yea, I think I would know more on that than you do. You were busy dying the last I checked."
"Hey! That isn't nice! You can't blame me for being weak back then!"
"Point still stands. It's not the same thing! You'll see it. What's more, Gillian possesses no Original Spell," explained Mavislin.
"Merge and never divide. Win and never concede. Black Lotus Of The Storm," chanted the Valkyrie.
The rings Mavislin had tossed bloomed into multiple lotus petals, seizing the sneaky attacker off guard. Then, a torrent of black outlined with a blue glow shot out from the flower, instantly flinging the nosy princess away.
The petals formed a holographic shield as a lotus flower before converging into the middle. Raiyen looked at the spell in awe. It was nowhere the amount of power that Gillian had used in the past, but within due time, it could adequately be on par with the Headmaster.
Then, a high-pitched scream rang through the air from behind her.
"Don't think I have forgotten about you, whore of Babylon," mocked Mavislin as she smiled at the fallen princess.
"Don't mock me, peasant," said the foreign girl.
"Quite the tongue for the person laying at a peasant's feet," said Mavislin, turning to look at the fallen girl before pushing Raiyen away.
In the intervening time, Jeanette had painstakingly caught up to the duel, only to have herself face to face with the shock wave of the spell. To lessen the impact, she stabbed the flag into the ground. The clang of metal striking the parched ground reverberated through the barren land.
The cloth unraveled and shined gloriously with golden lights. Without hesitation, the banner negated the shock wave the spell emitted.
"I didn't know the Maiden Of Orleans could do Magecraft," replied Raiyen.
"I'd like to refer to that as a gift from God to protect, not a power to wield," explained Jeanette.
"Magecraft is nevertheless Magecraft. No matter which God you believe in. In other Gods' eyes, it might be a curse."
Jeanette shot a disapproving glare at the armed Valkyrie and the Time Mage. And let out a sigh. Raiyen shrugged his shoulders.
"Must you challenge everyone you encounter?"
"She set about it first. It was a one-on-one battle. And she breached the rules," argued Mavislin.
"Jeanne is right, Mav. You don't have to engage her. You'll eradicate her if you exert your powers on her alone," said Raiyen, desperate to end this battle.
"I can stand my ground in a Magecraft duel!" yelled the foreign princess.
"You're right. I won't just fight her alone," replied Mavislin.
Raiyen heaved a sigh of relief. The Valkyrie, on the other hand, had other plans up her sleeves. She then conjured up Emerald Wave Sword and clutched both weapons in an attack stance. Her wings were now fully grown, extending out in their true glory.
"I'll fight the two of you. Two versus one. A Time Boy and a Feisty Princess against a mere Valkyrie" announced Mavislin.
"You make it seem like Valkyries are the weakest beings in the Universe," mumbled Raiyen, combing his black fringe.
The foreign princess decided to step in front of the Time Mage, much to Mavislin's annoyance.