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93.61% An Ancient Saiyan in Marvel / Chapter 44: Chapter 44 : Ta-daaaaaa

Chương 44: Chapter 44 : Ta-daaaaaa

The word count for this chapter is 5051 words.

If i screwed something just comment on it and i'll fix it whenever i can.

Thank you in advance.

Enjoy the chapter and have a nice day.


Unbeknownst to both of them, a tiny dot appeared on the horizon not long after their departure, rapidly closing the distance. As it grew larger, even an ordinary person could recognize what it was.

It was Tony Stark, soaring through the sky in his upgraded Iron Man suit. This Mark IV suit, seen in the first part of Iron Man 2, was impressive but still not on par with the one in the Avengers movie. Who knows, maybe Noah will have some impact that will help Tony upgrade his suit to a level never seen before.

But that's a story for another time.

Right now, Tony was flying over the vast desert, surveying the battlefield where the two had fought.

"It's like Godzilla had a field day making love with Mrs. Godzilla all over this damn place!" Tony exclaimed, shocked and awed by the aftermath of their fight.

The Nevada desert was pockmarked with large craters, some the size of small meteors and one the size of a big one. Long gouges marred the landscape, as if someone had been dragged through the sand like a fish on a hook.

The burned-out sand and scorched desert vegetation bore testament to the intense battle. Smoke and dust still lingered in the air.

Tony gulped in relief, thanking God those two hadn't fought in a city, where millions could have died in the crossfire.

He circled the largest crater for a few moments before landing and examining the colossal meteor with a serious look under his helmet.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., is it me, or is there a grabbing handprint on this meteor?"

"It seems so, sir."

"Do you think these are the handprints of our mysterious alien?"

"I don't think so, sir. These handprints originated from a female human, if one can still call someone who uses meteors as an attack a human."

"Ah, Fury's little helper. Glad to hear SHIELD has someone who can demolish an entire country by herself just by dropping a few of these," Tony said sarcastically.

"But seeing that the trail of fighting didn't stop here means Noah was able to avoid this attack, at least."

"He didn't avoid it, sir."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Take a look at the back of the meteor, sir."

Tony flew over the meteor, and what he saw made him want to take off his helmet to make sure he was seeing things right.

It was an outline of a tall person emerging from the center of the meteor.

"What in the Tom and Jerry is this?! You telling me he got hit by that and just walked out of it like some kind of Looney Tunes character?! Are you sure?"

"The height and build match the current known measurements of Mr. Noah, so this hole in the meteor should have been made by him."

Tony fell silent, lost in thought for a few moments before raising an eyebrow.

"Wait a second, Mr. Noah? Since when did you start calling him that?"

"Well, sir, I thought this way of addressing him is better and more efficient than what Mr. Noah asked me to call him. He wanted to be called, and I quote, 'The granddaddy of all Saiyans, hide your fridges, hide your pantries, for I have arrived: Noah, the raider of all that contains food.'"

"Hold on a second, when did that guy have time to talk to you? And how did he know you even existed?"

"It was three hours ago when Mr. Noah arrived at the mansion, sir. He materialized out of thin air started talking to as if he already knew i was watching him then he walked into your kitchen and started raiding the fridge."

"Again?! Why didn't you inform me right away?"

"Before I had the chance to do so, sir, had already emptied the whole fridge and vanished again, reappearing at the gym where you were at that time."

"Makes sense then, but you still haven't explained why you keep calling him Mr. all of a sudden?"

"Sir, with all due respect, I just saw the man empty the whole fridge into his mouth in one fell swoop. If he tries to eat me next as part of his unknown alien diet, I'll be done for sure. So it's better if I show him some respect and avoid that altogether."

Tony sighed. "Remind me to run a comprehensive check and reboot for you on all programming; last thing I remember, AIs should not be able to experience fear."

"Of course, sir."

"In the meantime, start looking for any DNA samples we can get our hands on. I want to find out how this guy can be so strong, and if I can make anything out of it."

" Beginning scanning for . . . . ."


Rumble! Rumble!

Out of nowhere, the ground beneath him began to shake. It was as if Tony was standing in the middle of an angry sea, the raging water slamming into his boat. He struggled to maintain his balance, his muscles straining against his suit with each tremor.

He tried to fly away, but before he could, a brilliant white pillar burst forth from the distant North Pole, blinding him for a moment.

A resounding, mighty voice accompanied the dazzling display, commanding in its authority as it roared a single word:


The ground shaking intensified in response, amplifying its vigor. What had felt like a raging sea now felt more like facing a colossal tsunami.

Sensing the imminent danger of being tossed around like a ragdoll, Tony swiftly opened his suit's palm and blasted off from the ground, flying toward the open sky.

After stabilizing himself mid-air, he looked down and saw the ground breaking apart.

It wasn't just where he stood; all over the Nevada desert, the earth began to vibrate and fracture, long ruptures appearing everywhere. From some of these cracks, lava rushed out, adding to the chaotic scene unfolding across the landscape.

Tony immediately turned his head toward the pillar of light. Knowing all of this started from the North Pole, he began commanding J.A.R.V.I.S.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., connect to our satellite and give me a live broadcast of what the hell is happening at the North Pole right n--"

Suddenly, a second sun appeared in the sky, blinding and illuminating every corner of the earth before doing what most suns do: setting down.

On the North Pole itself.


Wind, dust, and magma—all these elements began to clash and mix. What followed made Nevada look like a scene out of Dante's Inferno.

The sky turned crimson, a dust storm began howling, and the air charged with hot energy.

Tony recovered from the flash-bang of the pillar of light and the second sun just in time to see a pop-up window containing a live broadcast.

Of whom, you ask?

It was of two people, a man and a woman, embracing each other as if they were the closest of lovers.

This could have been a romantic and touching scene if it weren't for a few things.

The man looked like a bloodthirsty serial killer out for blood.

The woman was already beaten to a pulp, thrashing around and trying her hardest to escape his grasp.

And both of them were plummeting toward the earth at a speed that put space rockets to shame.

Tony was stunned for a moment before another horrifying thought slammed into his mind.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., how fast are these two heading toward the earth?" Tony asked, a few drops of sweat running down his forehead.

Lights flashed in his helmet for a few seconds before J.A.R.V.I.S.'s emotionless voice spoke again.

"After analyzing the information we received from the satellite, it appears they are dropping at 2,440 km/s."

"God damn it, that psycho is going to push the earth out of the sun orbit!" Tony cusred

"First, he'll destroy the entirety of the U.S., and then cataclysmic events will ripple across the globe!!"

"Then, we'll either be cooked alive or freeze to death because the earth won't be orbiting the sun correctly anymore!"

And as Tony finished uttering those word he began hearing a faint whistle.

A whistle announcing the immanent impact of one psychopath Saiyan.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Now that you, dear reader, understand what's about to happen to poor Earth and its inhabitants, let us return to our hero and his victim.

Both of them had already entered Earth's atmosphere and were heading toward... oh, look at that, they're going to hit Nevada again.

Does the author have a grudge against that place or something?

Anyway, Captain Marvel was still thrashing about, letting out animal-like noises while trying to kick and punch our hero.

But alas, it was all for nothing.

Whatever attacks she had landed before were not even enough to faze him, let alone now when she was beaten bloody, almost powerless, while he on the other hand is radiated enough energy to look like a living, walking, sun.

Every kick, every punch, every elbow she threw at him felt like it hit a body covered in the strongest of armors.

But that didn't stop her! She attacked and attacked while praying to whatever god was out there to let one of her attacks work, to let even one human survive what was about to happen to the Earth.

Such valiant efforts!

Such a noble soul!

. . . . . . . . . . .

On the other hand, we have Noah, an evil grin still apparent on his face, looking toward Earth while not caring about what Captain Marvel was doing.

He said nothing.

He did nothing.

He only flew toward Nevada at what he called a "moderate" amount of speed.

He might have been doing nothing on the outside, but inside his head he was...


Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time!

I feel alive

And the world, I'll turn it inside out, yeah

I'm floating around in ecstasyyyyyyyyy

So don't stop me now!

(Don't stop me)

'Cause I'm having a good time

Having a good time

I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky like a Saiyan

Defying the laws of gravityyyyyyy

I'm the strongest Saiyan, with a lady in my arm

I'm gonna go, go, go, and there's no stopping me

I'm burning through the sky, yeah ...

"What are you doing?" a voice in his head interrupted his singing.

It was the voice of Psyche, his brain roommate.

"Having a good time?" replied Noah with a coy expression.

"Don't act coy with me now! For the love of Shenron, I go to filter through our memories for only ten minutes and you're already trying to destroy the Earth and every cigar place on it!"

"First of all, wow, is that what Earth is worth to you? A cigar-making planet? Second of all, I'm not going to destroy all of Earth, only like... uhhhhh, like a third?"

"Like hell a third!! With the Ki you're emitting and the speed you're going at, you're going to break through the ground on impact, go all the way into the Earth's molten core, break it, then continue to the other side of Earth before flying into space yet again!"


"You are a pain in my ass sometimes, you know that?"


"Alright, alright, stop screaming. I'll slow down, okay?"

Noah's face became annoyed on the outside, and his speed slowed down so much that even Captain Marvel noticed the change.

"It worked?!" she thought in disbelief for a moment before pushing that thought away. She began gathering more power into her arms to unleash another barrage of attacks.

But out of nowhere, her entire body felt weak, and she couldn't even muster the strength to lift a finger.

"Damn it, not now," she cursed internally as she tried yet again.

She didn't know if it was the nonstop fighting, the blood loss, or the multiple attacks she had endured throughout their battle, or a mix of all of them, but this crash came at the worst possible time.

She felt her body slump while her eyelids closed, and that meant one thing.

She was losing consciousness.

"Damn it! So close."

Those were her last words before the lights went out and she went to sleep.

"Tsk," Noah clicked his tongue.

"I guess this is her limit after all."

If Noah had looked annoyed before, now, with his opponent being out for good, his mood turned foul.

So much so that if someone were to look at his darkened face, they would start shivering in their boots.

In one swift move, Noah removed his hands from Captain Marvel's waist and swapped his hold on her to that of a potato sack instead.

He, of course, did all of this while still dropping toward Earth at a dangerous speed.

"Oh, how romantic. Now, brave villager with his lovely sack of potatoes on his shoulder, how about you decrease your speed even further? Otherwise, the whole Nevada desert is gonna go up in smoke," asked Psyche in a sarcastic tone.

But Noah's reply made him flare in anger.

"Na-uh," Noah said.

"The fuck do you mean 'na-uh'?"

"I'm blue-balled and angry, and I need something to release my anger on."

"The hell? Then just go destroy some asteroid belt or something. What did Nevada do to you anyway?"

"Fuck Nevada! What the hell does that shithole have anyway? Only cacti and too many fucking taxes. I'll be doing that place a favor by blowing up half their desert. Maybe then those motherfuckers will start acting like normal people and not like greedy dogs!"

(Did he start this whole fight here because of his beef with the state of Nevada? A/N)

"But they have Hoover Dam over here!"

"Fuck the Hoover Dam!!"

Noah cursed as he came closer and closer to the impact area.




"STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP," Psyche screamed as they were 50 meters away from the area of impact, but his screams fell on deaf ears.

But at the last second, Noah shifted from a head-first position into a hero landing pose, and then the impact happened.


. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Well, now, dear readers, Author-kun really wanted to write an epic passage describing the devastation where the MC smashed into the ground, how the earth opened up, and pillars of lava shot toward the sky and such...

But, and that is a big but,

Author-kun has been doing that for a few chapters already, and if he has to do it one more time, he is going to jump out of the window and disappear into the sunset for another ten months.

So, dear readers, for this time only,

Author-kun is going to write some noises related to the impact, and you can fill in the details in your comments.

Anyway, here it goes.





Distant Star Wars death scream



The dust then settled, and the earth stopped trembling. Noah emerged from within the chaos, standing in the middle of a massive crater, the likes of which had never been seen in recorded history.

The air around him was boiling, and small sparks of electricity flickered around him.

His eyes were full of madness, and if someone looked closer, they would notice a faint hue of pure whiteness deep within them.

He grabbed Captain Marvel from over his shoulder and dropped her on the ground like a sack of vegetables. Then,


He let out a mighty roar. Not that of a great Saiyan warrior, but that of the great ape Oozaru!

Whatever animals were left alive after the fight between the two began running as soon as the roars of the great Oozaru echoed throughout the desert.

Big and small, as if possessed, all the animals began running in one direction—the one that led outside the desert!

It was a primal fear from hearing the roar of a creature that lived at the top of the food chain.

A creature that shouldn't be challenged, nay, couldn't be challenged!

Even the simplest animal understood this much.

Noah looked down at Captain Marvel, and with eyes full of madness, he reached out toward her neck with the intent to kill.





Out of nowhere, a blinding golden light appeared over his head. From within that light, a small amount of snow fell on top of our MC, turning into vapor almost instantly upon contact with his ki.

But it managed to wake him up, at least.

His eyes immediately cleared up as if someone had flipped a switch, and they returned to their usual clear moon-like color.

He looked at his hand for a moment before looking upward, just in time to see a golden portal close behind his head.

He was dumbfounded, to be honest.

A minute ago, he was just getting ready to release his pent-up anger before everything went blank. Then he came back to his senses with the help of the Ancient One, finding himself an inch away from breaking his new "friend's" neck.

"Damn, I almost lost control there..." Noah muttered to himself.

"No shit, Broly. You think one year of freedom is going to rewrite over ten thousand years of being stuck in a prison made out of the energies of higher souls and the well of a mad divine who was and still is hell-bent on corrupting you every waking moment?" Psyche's voice boomed in his mind yet again.

"If you want to experience human emotions again, sure, but do it in moderation at the start. All of these things feel alien to you after all. And if you're going to spike it up like that, you're just inviting the white-plane bastard to take over our hard-earned freedom and body for himself."


"I feel like shit. I'm going back to sleep," Noah declared as he powered down and then started flying away.

But he didn't leave before snapping his fingers, causing a few balls of light to emerge from Captain Marvel's body and vanish into thin air.

"What was that?" asked Psyche.

"I pulled out technique I made up on the spot when I fought those mutant clowns that one time after I saved Tony ."

"What does it do?"

"By injecting Ki into my opponent's body via physical attacks, I can use that Ki to slow or block any attempt to heal their wounds—like mutants' healing regeneration. This leads to their injuries healing slower than usual, or if I want to, I can block them from ever recovering."

"This is why the woman's jaw wasn't able to heal as fast as it was supposed to, and why some of the X-Men I fought are still recovering from my attacks to this day."

"Also now that women can heal back as normal without me needing to heal her because believe it or not she has a regeneration buff strong enough to compete with deadpool and wolverine 

"Wait, you can do that? How?!"

"The start of all creation begins when one masters how to control and manipulate their Ki. When you train all aspects of Ki to the extreme, you gain a broad understanding of how creation works. When that happens, you can create techniques that you thought were impossible when you started your training journey."

"And guess who had all the time in the world to train all aspects of his Ki to the extreme? Yours truly. So, creating something that hinders people's healing properties shouldn't be much of a problem as long as I can see the flow of their energies."

"Hm, hm, hm. I see... but tell me, why are we flying and not just teleporting again?"

"Damn, you do like asking a lot of questions, huh? It's like some kind of writer made you just to move the flow of the story while making explaining different things easier for himself."

(It was Mr. Editor's idea, not mine, I swear!! A/N)


"Anyway, to answer your question, I can sense Tony and a few other random people this way. I also chose to fly because..."

"I feel like it."

". . . . . . ."

Silence descended upon them for the rest of the flight until Noah reached the area where Tony was.

"I said get your hand off me, you Men in Black wannabe!" Tony's angry voice echoed through the air, his fury palpable as he struggled against his captors.

"Well, look at that. Tony is surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. No, wait, these are Hydra agents!" Noah observed, his voice dripping with disdain.

As he said, Tony was being detained by three Hydra agents, their grips tight and unforgiving. Seven others stood in a line, with two airships behind them, their weapons aimed at Tony, ready to shoot at the slightest provocation.

You might wonder, why isn't Tony using his suit to fight back? Well, because his suit was utterly wrecked!

Tony's suit was a mess: busted and smoking, with sparks flying and strange fluids leaking out. It looked like it had been through a brutal battle, its sleek exterior now marred by deep dents, scorch marks, and jagged tears. The once-impressive armor now emitted a worrying mix of hissing steam and erratic electrical discharges, clearly on the verge of total failure.

"I guess that new energy I sensed in those Hydra agents' weapons is why he ended up in this situation," Noah mused, his expression darkening.

"But that energy feels familiar. It reminds me of the time stone's energy whenever I went to drink tea with the Ancient One... Wait a second, are those weapons made from the Tesseract?!"

"No wonder Tony got his ass kicked. His current suit is godshit compared to all his future upgrades," Psyche added, the sound of him lounging on a sofa and lighting a smoke could be heard.

"When did you add that here? Doesn't matter. Let's just go and get Tony to owe us another favor, which I can cash in for more food later on."


Noah landed with both legs on one of the three Hydra agents surrounding Tony, turning her into a flattened Goomba instantly.

What the hell??" were the last words of the second agent before his head was blasted clean off by a bright ki blast from Noah's palm.

The last and closest agent to Tony didn't even try to understand what had happened to his peers. Instead, he instantly held onto Tony with one hand, using him as a shield while aiming at Noah and pulling the trigger of his new special weapon. His hands trembled while fear etched across his face.


But as he was pulling the trigger, Noah thrust his tail into the agent's skull like a spear, impaling him on the spot and then lifting his lifeless body away from Tony.

"It's you!!" Tony yelled, a mix of relief and lingering fear in his voice, seeing Noah appear out of nowhere.

"Hey Tony, damn, you've seen better days, huh?" Noah said, throwing the impaled agent's body toward one of the aircraft, causing them to collide and fly out of sight.

"Who do you think is the reason my suit ended up like this?" Tony replied with anger in his voice.

Noah might think Hydra agents were the reason for the iron man suit to end up the way it is right now but that Fales.

It was because of him!!

When Noah slammed into the earth not to long Tony was sent flying through out the air from the shockwave and then his suit gazed a lava fountain then it crashed into the scorched sand below!!

Him being a live and with no major injuries at this moment is a miracle by it self. 

"Hold that thought for a second." 

Noah turned around just in time to see the rest of the Hydra agents aiming their weapons at him, while one who seemed to be in charge yelled out.

"Main target has appeared! On my mark..."

A bright blue cosmic light began glowing from within the agents' weapons, ready to fire. The agents' hands were shaking, sweat beading on their foreheads.

"FIRE!!" the commander shouted, and all hell broke loose.

All seven high-tech weapons fired charged-up lasers in unison at Tony and Noah. The beams, infused with the raw power of the Tesseract, hit Noah simultaneously.

At the moment of impact, there was a blinding flash of blue light as the lasers exploded with devastating force.

The air around Noah crackled with energy, the shockwave from the explosion sending scorched sand and debris flying in all directions.

The searing blue light illuminated the desert for miles around, creating a surreal scene of cosmic chaos and destruction.

The agents watched, their hearts pounding with a mixture of hope and dread.

But obviously, that wasn't enough, was it?

"If you're going to attack me with the power of the Space Stone, how about you use the actual stone itself?" Noah's voice came from within the dust and smoke, cold and mocking.

"Oh yeah, you cant see me, can you? Let me fix that."

He swung his tail around like a helicopter, and in no time, the dust and smoke were pushed away, revealing both him and Tony to the Hydra agents.

Noah stood where he had originally been, his body untouched and undamaged. The same could be said for Tony, who had used Noah as a shield from the Hydra agents' attacks.

"Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the sto—"

"FIRE!!!" The commander didn't care about Noah's monologuing and ordered his men to fire again, desperation seeping into his voice.

"Rude," Noah said as he raised his palm in the direction of the Hydra agents, causing all of them to freeze in place.

Why, you ask? Because he used Telekinesis, the best friend of any high-level martial artist in the DBZ universe!

With one swift wave of his hand, he disarmed all the agents, rendering them weaponless.

Then he vanished from where he stood and reappeared beside the furthest agent on the right.

"You know, the downside of a shooting squad formation is that it makes it easier for me to take you all out in one go," Noah said coldly, a sinister smile on his lips.

A bright Ki blade engulfed Noah's left hand, and with a precision that could make the greatest surgeons jealous, he cut the head off the agent in front of him.


The body of the dead agent dropped, but his head kept floating in the air where it had been, the lifeless eyes reflecting the fear and shock that had been there moments before.

Noah then flicked the floating head with his middle finger, fusing it with a bit of ki and sending it at 500 km/h toward the rest of the frozen agents and their terrified faces.

The severed head of the dead agent traveled in a straight line, smashing against each head of the remaining six Hydra agents.







In no time, six headless bodies stood in an aiming position, frozen in place as if they were statues. But statues don't have blood pouring down from where their heads should be.

"Ta-daaaaa," Noah yelled out, spinning around and clapping his hands as he stopped using telekinesis which led the rest of the bodies to fall to the ground.


"Damn, the sleepiness from before is becoming stronger all of a sudden," Noah uttered slowly, feeling an overwhelming need to sleep assaulting his entire being.

As if someone were listening to him, a golden portal leading to his bed opened in front of him.

"And the Ancient One comes to the rescue? Not gonna lie, I thought you'd be ultra angry after the stunt I pulled today."

His words brought no reply from the Ancient One. He slowly shook his head and then turned to face Tony with a sleepy expression.

"If you need help with your heart problem, just keep going the way you are now, and you should be okay. Don't worry, that one-eyed pain in the ass and the reason for all of this isn't going to let you die that easily, not after what your father did to help his organization."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Tony's voice was tinged with fear and confusion, but his words fell on deaf ears as Noah had already walked through the portal.

Leaving Tony alone

In the hot scorching desert.

. . .

For some reason, Tony had a flashback to the time he was kidnapped by terrorists last year. 

"At least give me a lift to my house, you damned alien," Tony muttered, taking off his busted helmet and sitting down in defeat.

After 15 minutes an aircraft appeared in the distance. Moments later, it landed, and from within it emerged a man wearing an eyepatch and a long black coat.

"Mr. Stark, I'd like to ask you about what happened here," Nick Fury said, his eye scanning the bodies of the dead agents lying (mostly) on the ground.


"Ah yes, my bed, finally," Noah muttered as he was in the process of falling into his large, fluffy, top-of-the-line bed.

But before his body could touch the bed, a portal opened on the matters

"Oh for the love of Shenron!" Noah exclaimed as his body fell into the portal and into a dark realm.

The portal closed behind him, and Noah found himself falling endlessly.

"Damn that bald lady! She was angry about what I did after all."

The Ancient One had sent him into the same realm Doctor Strange had sent Loki, the one that cause the body whoever enter thoss realm to fall continuously.

Noah wanted to teleport out of this place immediately, but the sleep that had been assaulting him came at him like a thousand floods, and his eyes began closing down.

And so, the monster who terrorized Nevada, California, and most of the Earth in general.

Had finally fell into a deep slumber.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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