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Chương 16: Fighting Jonin


On the way as Genma took three of his students outside the Konoha Village and into the forest, Menma was constantly giggling. Sometimes his voice was quite low while other times, he was quite loud.

"Hey, Menma, what happened? Why did you become an idiot?" Okinawa asked with confusion in his eyes.

'Is that how you should ask someone?' Genma and Jeme froze for a moment. Their lips twitched as they waited for Menma to react.

"Haha! I am just excited." Menma didn't care about his questions. He already was aware of Okinawa's way of talking.

'Hmmm…. So, they are quite close friends. This is a bit easier for me. But, I still need to check their teamwork.' After taking them to the middle of the forest where there was a small open area, Genma stopped.

"Sensei, why did you bring us here?" Jeme asked as she looked around her.

"I brought you three here to test you. If you don't pass the test, you will be sent back to the academy. So, give it you're all!" Genma responded.

"So Sensei, what's the test?" Okinawa asked.

"The test is actually simple. You have three hours to force me into using any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu above C-Rank. So, you can use any methods or jutsu you have in your arsenal. I will give you five minutes to plan. After that, we will start."


Saying so, his body flickered and disappeared. He appeared on the tree a bit far away and curiously stared at them.

"Alright, let's make a proper plan to defeat sensei." Okinawa proudly raised his fist and stated.

Genma's lips twitched. Although their motivation was good, it felt like they were too arrogant. Suddenly, he felt like someone gazing at him and noticed that Menma had already sensed him.

It was a surprise but Genma only smiled and retreated several meters away from where he couldn't hear anything.

"Before we make any plans, let's talk about our strength." Menma sensed Genma moving away and finally opened his mouth.

"I will start with my abilities. I have trained Taijutsu- Leaf Hurricane, Medical Ninjutsu 'Mystic Palm Jutsu', and a few Sealing Jutsu below B-Rank. I currently do not possess any Ninjutsu except for Lightning Release- Thunderclap Arrow."

Hearing his words, Jeme was surprised. She remembered Menma mentioning his Medical Ninjutsu and Sealing Jutsu training but she didn't expect him to possess that jutsu as well.

But, she didn't think for long and introduced herself.

"I haven't trained anything except Ninjutsu. Since my clan uses Shadow-related Jutsu, I have learned the basic Jutsu of the clan 'Shadow Imitation Jutsu. I have also learned a Great Fireball Jutsu and Mud Wall Jutsu."

This time, it was Menma who was surprised. Originally, he thought she would be just like Shikamaru who had only trained his Shadow Imitation Jutsu but didn't expect her to know two more Jutsu.

Finally, two of them looked at Okinawa who proudly spoke of his abilities.

"I have trained Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Although my Leaf Hurricane might not be as good as Menma's, my Ninjutsu is way better than his. I know Shuriken Jutsu, Water Gunshot Jutsu, Water Prison Jutsu, and also Gale Palm while teaching Naruto."

Menma wasn't surprised as he was already aware of Okinawa's powers. But, Jeme was stunned. She didn't expect Okinawa to learn so many Jutsu at such a short age.

She didn't expect to be on a team of such monsters.

"Alright, here is my plan. First, Okinawa will engage in battle with Sensei while you and I will give him support from the back. But, Okinawa's real intent would be leading Sensei to the middle where I will set up a Movement Binding Jutsu."

"But, obviously, he can break it without even using C-Rank Jutsu so Jeme, you would use Shadow Imitation Jutsu to move him towards a new sealing jutsu that I will create."

"It will take some time so you have to give me as much time as you can. Once Sensei is caught within this Jutsu, he will have no choice but to use C-Rank Jutsu." Menma presented his plan.

Jeme looked at him with some doubts and asked "Are you sure it will force him to use C-Rank Jutsu?"

"Hey, are you doubting Menma? He is the best strategist. There is no way his plan would fail." Okinawa snorted.

"No! Actually, this is my first time using this Jutsu. It is my own creation so I am not even sure it will work but it has proven in theory so believe in me." Menma shook his head and looked at Jeme with strong eyes as he asked her to believe in him.

Jeme shrugged her shoulders and said, "Well, if your plan doesn't work, then I will keep him busy with my Shadow Imitation Jutsu while you two use your powerful jutsu to force him."

"Wait a minute! If that could work, then why aren't we using her Jutsu?" Okinawa suddenly got confused as he looked at Menma and asked.

"Simple! While my Jutsu could force him to imitate my movement, he is a Jonin after all. His Chakra alone would be able to disrupt my Jutsu I will be able to barely hold him for five to ten seconds. That's why this should be our backup plan, right?" Jeme asked.

Menma nodded his head "Just like her Shadow Imitation Jutsu, my Movement Binding Jutsu will also get broken if enough Chakra is used. That's why I am going to use a new kind of Jutsu to bind his movement."

"But, this sealing Jutsu requires quite a bit of time. Anyway, let's go so that I can quickly set the Movement Binding Jutsu."

Everyone nodded their heads. Okinawa walked in front of Menma while Jeme remained behind him. Menma started using several hand signs and eventually, after the final hand sign, he slapped his palm on the ground.

"Movement Binding Jutsu!"

Suddenly, a seal appeared and disappeared on the ground. A minute later, Genma finally arrived. He looked at three of them and said.

"Alright, let's start!"

"Here I come, Sensei!" Okinawa rushed toward Genma while throwing two big shurikens toward him. As for where those shurikens came from? Well, they were stored inside the scroll.

"Oh! Shuriken Jutsu..." Genma was surprised when he saw those strings. The shurikens tried to cut him but he easily used his kunai to block it. But, another shuriken moved to his back and came from behind.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Genma pushed away the first shuriken and then targeted the second one. Okinawa controlled the first one and launched it toward Genma once again. Just like last time, Genma pushed it back.

After a few times, Okinawa once again moves the strings to attack Genma with two shurikens at the same time. But, he knew Genma can easily block it, so he started performing several hand signs.

His mouth enlarged as he spits out a powerful shot of water.

"Water Release- Gunshot!"


The water gunshot struck Genma but suddenly, the smoke came out and his body transformed into a log.

"That was really amazing Jutsu but that's it." Suddenly, Genma appeared behind Okinawa as he tried to knock Okinawa with a chop on his back but suddenly, he noticed Okinawa's smile.

Before he realized it, a seal appeared beneath him as his movement froze.

"Ahh…. Movement Binding Jutsu! A class rank sealing Jutsu. It seems you planned this but don't forget, I am a Jo…."

Just when he was almost about to say that, a shadow caught his body and moved toward Menma. At this moment, Menma was drawing a few things on the ground with a small pen.

'A sealing Jutsu? What kind of sealing jutsu is this? I haven't seen one like this but from the looks of it, this Jutsu must be either B-Rank or at least C-Rank.'

'So, he wants to use Shadow Imitation Jutsu to move me into that Jutsu. But, something doesn't add up.'

Just when he thought about that, Menma shouted "Jeme, run!"

Without waiting for a moment, Jeme ran as her shadow ran with her and Genma also ran inside the seal.

Menma started making dozens of hand signs and seeing this, Genma's eyes widened as he quickly discharged a massive amount of Chakra to break free from Shadow Imitation Jutsu.

His chakra reached to the ground and the Shadow suddenly returned back to Jeme. At this moment, Genma sensed something was wrong but before he could make a move, Menma finished his hand signs.

"Partial Chakra Sealing Jutsu!"

Suddenly, the chakra that was released out of Genma entered the seal and his movement suddenly froze. Genma realized that his foot couldn't move and the Chakra he was using was flowing into the seal.

At this moment, three students instantly make their moves. From the front, Menma made some hand signs and the lightning appeared on his palm.

"Lightning Release- Thunderclap Arrow"

On the right side, Jeme made a few hand signs and put her hand in front of her mouth.

"Fire Release- Great Fireball Jutsu"

On the left side, Okinawa did the same and almost copy her movements entirely except for one difference.

"Water Release- Gunshot"

Seeing three attacks from three different directions, all three of them being C-Rank Jutsu and at the same time, he was left unable to move.


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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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