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72.72% Gloves off / Chapter 8: Rememberance

Chương 8: Rememberance

"What is this about?" Giggled Stormfront as she landed besides Homelander in the forest surrounding the cozy cabin they had decided to live in with Ryan. She was better off raising him than his actual mother was.

He smiled at her. "I just wanted to enjoy the sunset with you. It's one of the many reason I chose this place." Responded Homelander holding onto her hand.

"Things are finally looking up. I'm almost afraid." He said chuckling somewhat nervously.

"Everything will be fine, your the goddamn Homelander, there's nothing on this planet that can stop you, even less with me and Ryan by your side."

Homelander smiled as the sun settled in the distance in a sea of colors. She was right, screw this magical business.

There wasn't a single person in the world powerful enough to stop him.

Naturally it took a few days to prepare the whole operation. Percy told Carter to look for Magnus in the meantime. The magician hadn't looked pleased with the idea of leaving Percy behind, but he understood the importance of the three of them being united.

It was needed for what would come next. Whatever it may be.

Percy wanted to think this would go without a hitch, but after seeing several people have they're heads popped like balloons on the news he wasn't so sure anymore.

He sat in the hideout deep in thought sipping on a glass of orange juice.

They were about to depart soon. Starlight and Hughie had left in hopes that Queen Maeve would be willing to help them. Percy highly doubted she would say yes.

The son of Poseidon had a hard time keeping his thoughts from drifting towards his love.

He was pretty sure Annabeth was currently busy beating the crap out of a bunch of inmates.

"So... what is that sweetheart of yours like?" Frenchie suddenly asked sliding next to him. "If she is even real that is." He smirked taking a swig of beer.

"We've known each other since we were twelve. We've seen it all together, I simply can't wait to go back to my life with her." Percy said smiling "so after the mission is done you plan on going home, just like that?"

"Just like that." Percy shrugged "what are you going to do?"

"Probably get high off my ass." Chuckled Frenchie "and maybe settle down." He added glancing at Kimiko. Who doodled something with extreme focus.

"Settle down." Percy mimicked dreamily "hopefully I end up getting that for myself and Annabeth. We've been trying to do that, but life being the bitch that it is keeps throwing curveballs at us."

"What kind of curve ball?"

"Well nearly getting killed on multiple occasions by my cannibalistic grandfather was already enough, but it just kept getting worse."

"How does it get worse from there?" Frenchie demanded wishing he was a bit higher than at the present moment.

"You don't want to fucking know." Percy shot back drinking the rest of his orange juice.

"And I thought I had family issues." Chuckled Frenchie.

Hughie and Starlight descended the stairs. Both looking dejected.

"Let me guess the self entitled alcoholic pseudo hero didn't want to do the right thing?" Percy deadpanned.

"Yeah." Sighed Starlight, we could have had more strength on our side."

"What we need is influence." Percy shot back "let's say we do expose them some more. People are easily manipulated by those they think they admire. Is there anyone famous we can relay this information too?"

"That's already done." Came the voice of Butcher "now come along guppy I gotta talk to you."

Percy raised an eyebrow, but he followed. Butcher wordlessly climbed in his car and gestured at Percy to climb in.

Percy sat down shotgun. "What is it?" He asked curiously.

"I don't know if your confident in doing so, but if it comes down to it. Are you willing to face Homelander if needed?"

"Yes." Bluntly answered Percy. "You sure you can?" Percy mulled it over, Homelander was a Superman reject, but he was dangerous nonetheless. "I have nothing to fear." Calmly replied Percy.

"But what are you, going to do Butcher. Because you look uncharacteristicaly guilty."

"My counscious is as clean as a baby's bottom." Scoffed Butcher.

"Yeah that's exactly what people with a dirty counscious tell themselves. Does it have anything to do with the kid?"

The lack of answer was all Percy needed to know.

"Your not gonna try to kill him are you? Try to take out the threat before it can become one?" Percy asked accidentally projecting a bit on the situation.

"Are you fucking crazy that's still my wife's kid!" Angrily hissed Butcher.

"So why are you clearly going behind her back on this?"

"She wants to keep him, but he'll just paint a bigger target on said back, i'm protecting her."

"She's a mother Butcher. And if she's even a half baked one she won't hesitate to never see you again if you pull that shit."

"And what do you propose huh? Your a dumbass teenager what do you know about that stuff!"

"I know for a fact that if you call me a dumbass again I'll beat the shit out of you." Calmly replied the son of Poseidon.

"And the reason your sorry ass is so mad at me. Is because you're fully aware that if that woman doesn't find her son at the end of the day, she'll hate you for the remainder of your sad lonely life."

With that Percy exited the car not wanting to even look at the man. This wasn't his business and Percy didn't want to make it is. If this kid was to end up as being used as an emotionless weapon for the government he'll step in.

Right now he needed to focus on his own things.

The group swiftly made they're way to an abandoned hangar.

Percy sat on the roof gazing into the empty sky, letting his senses do they're thing. He could only hope that Butcher would finally decide to do the right thing.

From what he had heard from Hughie that was quite hard for him to do. Especially when thing became too personal.

Percy wished Annabeth was there. She could have helped make an actually well oiled plan. Percy knew they were just winging it at this point. He only hoped that no mythological threats would come along.

He sensed a few rivers around nearly a mile away. He was already dragging it closer just in case.

Percy smiled when a car approached, seeing a young boy with blonde hair and blue eyes step out. Becca Butcher racing towards her son.

"I'm sorry mom." Ryan tearfully told his mother.

"It's alright sweety, it's alright everything's going to be okay now." She replied not caring about the past.

"Who is that by the way I didn't catch his name." Becca asked Butcher Looking up at Percy. Ryan did the same, the demigod giving them a friendly wave. Ryan waved back albeit a bit confused.

"That's Percy, he's a supe that graciously accepted to help us, after nearly drowning me." Butcher added like it was an afterthought.

"Come on." He said gesturing at her to follow him. The three boarded another vehicle. They started driving off. Percy smiling at them, glad that for once it all went well.

Of course he had to jinx it.

Percy felt a wave of coldness wash over him. He shivered lightly before recognizing the unnatural feeling.

Shadow travel.

Percy jumped to his feet just in time to see a teenager around his age thrust his hand at him. A powerful telekinetic force knocking Percy off his feet and throwing him several dozen meters into the woods.

Wind whistled on Percy's ears until he slammed through a relatively young tree. His descent digging a small trail in the ground.

Percy sighed "so your the one kissing up to Homelander of all people? Pretty sure the guy is even more full of himself than the gods!" Percy snapped at empty air. He slowly got to his feet cracking his neck.

"On that I might actually agree Jackson." Percy spun around only to be met with a torrent of flames to the face. Naturally Percy stumbled back in surprise, but it didn't deter him in the slightest.

He reached forward blindly. Latching onto the hand of his attacker and promptly breaking it.

Alabaster might have been a demigod too, but he was out of his league in any sort of physical confrontation against Percy.

The son of Hecate stumbled backwards. Suddenly brought back to the madly cackling killing machine he witnessed mow down hundreds of monsters."

"I'm guessing Hecate." Percy said acting casual. Effectively annoying Alabaster.

He pulled out his short crossbow and fired another poisoned bolt at the son of Poseidon. Percy merely tilting his head aside as the slow projectile made it's way past him.

"Barely worked the first time when I couldn't see you. So why would it work now?" Percy asked like he actually cared.

"You really think you can stop what we've begun here huh Jackson." Sneered Alabaster.

"I have a first name use it. What's yours?"

The son of Hecate slammed his good hand against the ground crying out.

"Choros spinae!"

Vines sporting sharp spikes burst forth from the ground. Ensnaring Percy's leg like a hungry snake.

Flicking his mist card Alabaster now wielded a one hundred pound imperial gold sword. He swung the massive weapon like a toy.

Only to be intercepted by Riptide. The defense was flawless. Percy's counter sending Alabaster stumbling away carried by the weight of his own sword.

Percy quickly managed to free himself with a few slash of his blade.

"What exactly have I done to you?"

"You ruined everything!" Roared the bitter demigod.

"Dude I ruined a lot of evil plans you're gonna have to be a bit more specific?"

"You sided with the gods and it killed us all!" Shouted Alabaster reaching inside his pocket with his mostly broken hand.

"What are you on about." Percy asked suspiciously.

"Kronos would have made everything better without costing any lives! You idiots just had to stand aside!"

"Tell me." Percy coldly began sending involuntary shivers down Alabaster's spine.

"Are there any other delusional fools like you back in our world. Specifically some who are plotting more bullshit."

"Oh no there's only me, the Olympians saw to that themselves!"

"And what did they do?"

"You know damn well." Growled Alabaster almost madly.

"No I don't." Honestly answered the son of Poseidon.

Growling the son of Hecate threw another mist card. This one sporting an Egyptian Hieroglyph that Percy managed to somewhat recognize.

It was Sadie's favorite.

Percy braced himself. The ha-di spell confined inside of the card exploded sending him flying and ratteling his brain like a maracas.

So he had spells from Egypt. That was just great.

"Okay this is getting old." Percy huffed getting back on his feet, his shirt nearly entirely ruined.

Alabaster charged Percy again. The son of Poseidon went to intercept him again, but he suddenly puffed into mist.

Percy spun around ducking under the wide slash of the golden blade. Percy punched Alabaster in the stomach sending him stumbling back.

Percy didn't want to kill him, but he was starting to push his luck.

"Funny, your siblings can usually summon way more illusions than that. Guess it takes much more energy to mix magic from two pantheons."

Alabaster looked shocked "yeah I've met the house of life before. And much more, what are you planning."

"What do you take me for. Some monologuing supervilain from a cartoon!" Snapped the son of Hecate looking offended.

"Well you're fitting the profile for now, so why don't you give me a cackle while you're at it." Deadpanned Percy.

"Oh you think your funny."

"I think I'm hilarious." Percy shot back "I also think you have a bigger endgame than just killing me. Because you seem pretty hellbent on stopping me, if not obsessed even."

"Well your not as stupid as you look." Scoffed the magic user.

"I hear that one a lot, come on man if you were part of his army you know you stand no real chance here."

"We'll see about that." Snarled Alabaster.

"LUPUS UMBRA!" He chanted. The shadows around Percy stretched and morphed into a pack of wolf.

Percy sighed and raised the gleaming Riptide.

One wolf lept at him at blinding speed. He swung his sword down, cleaving cleanly through the magical creature. It was sparring with Lupa's pack all over again.

He winced as the fangs of one of the wolf dug in his calf. He kicked it away and slashed another in half. His hand shot up behind him, catching the wrist of his ennemy. He swung Alabaster into one of his shadow construct and dissipated another with a sword thrust.

Percy stomped towards the son of Hecate and pressed his foot on his chest. Alabaster went to shout another spell, but the glowing xiphos pressed to his chin made him decide otherwise.

"What are you even looking for in this world, there's no magic in this literally gods forsaken place."

"No, but it still has a lot to offer."

Percy drew a bit of blood from Alabaster's chin. Wordlessly demanding for more information.

Instead Alabaster smirked "where are your little friends Jackson?" Percy's eyes widened he hadn't been shot that far had he?

Suddenly a giant explosion painted the previously calm sky. Percy cursed himself for getting tricked so easily.

"So are you going to keep asking me stupid questions or are you going- SON OF A WHORE!" Cried out Alabaster as Percy spun around slashing deeply into his leg.

Hopefully he'll still be there once Percy gets back. He raced back in the direction of the smoke. Hopefully one of the boys had just made good use of the rocket launchers they brought.

Percy noticed yet another wolf of darkness tailing him from the side. Percy had to admit to himself that son of Hecate was resilient. Luckily he lept out of the treeline bathed by the sunlight.

Clearly the wolf couldn't follow him in it's opposite element.

Percy reached the clearing just in time to see Stormfront fly off. Percy didn't bother acknowledging Queen Maeve, he scanned his surroundings.

"Where's Butcher?"

"Off to the second extraction point where Stormfront is going. GO!" Ordered MM hoping that he'd be fast enough to gets there.

Percy nodded and ran in the general direction gestured to him. His heart pumping with anxiety and anger.

It was that day all over again. Him running in the middle of an unknown forest in a race against time to save a mother.

Only this time there was no gods ex-machina to fix it all in the end.

Percy pumped his legs harder, the grounded underneath his feet caving slightly in under his powerful steps. A large tree bark layer between two trees in his way.

The son of Poseidon merely ran through it showering his hair and clothes with splinters and tree bark.

His ears caught a faint noise. It was Butcher. He ran towards the sound the words becoming clear.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US!" The helplessness and pure terror in his voice shot ice in Percy's veins. He ran in a small clearing upon a disturbing sight.

Ryan wept begging for forgiveness, the smocking mutilated body of Stormfront layed on the ground, only one of her limbs still intact or even attached. She sung softly in German, looking like the even less attractive cousin of Fredy Krueger.

"Percy, come here please do something!" Butcher exclaimed, the demigod raced to the couple's side. Becca butcher profusely bleeding from her neck.

Percy pressed his hand to her neck not knowing what he could possibly do. He sensed a pulse, but it was getting weaker by the seconds.

"Please, there's got to be something you can do." Butcher begged.

By the gods it was just like that horrible night. Percy could understand they're pain that he could, but he didn't know if he could fix it.

"I- I cant heal people." Percy stammered not moving his hands from her neck. Becca was starting to look peaceful, which in this case was far from a good sign.

"Your a fucking supe there's gotta be something!" Snapped Butcher punching Percy's shoulder as hard as he could. His knuckles were bruised if not broken but he didn't care.

Percy bit his lip. In truth there was something he could do.

But some things weren't meant to be controlled, right?

Ryan's cries made Percy take his decision. Percy drew in every negative emotions, all of his rage all of his sorrows and fear inwards.

The glass ball was starting to crack once again. Percy's entire being wanted to rebel against this broken promise, but this time it was for a good cause. This time it wasn't for himself.

Suddenly the blood stopped flowing. The dripping abruptly stopping. Drop by drop the blood flowed back in the wound and throughout Becca's body.

Butcher looked down at his hands as the blood of his wife miraculously started flowing back into her like a miniature crimson river.

She started breathing normally again. Percy actually sensing the beat of her heart and the way her blood flowed. He shivered repressing the strange and unnatural feeling.

Butcher exhaled in pure relief looking at the sky to thank the heavens or whatever fucking god up there who answered his prayers.

But the only man in the sky he saw, was the slowly descending Homelander covered head to toes in blood.

Butcher got to his feet crowbar in hand. Percy couldn't save Becca and fight Homelander at the same time. Something that both of them knew.

But Homelander had no eyes for him. He slowly made his way towards Stormfront, his fist in front of his mouth,.he choked on a sob. Ryan apologized again and again, repeating that he didn't mean it. She was hurting her mom.

But then he got a good look at his father. His blue eyes wide with silent rage and horror. His face covered in dry blood.

"It's alright Ryan, come here."

Ryan looked between him and Butcher. Said man sending him a reassuring look. His eyes not clouded in blood. Ryan looked lower and was beyond relived to see that his mother was breathing again somehow.

"Ryan." Confusedly said John as his own son started inching towards Butcher.

"Ryan come here." He asked again his voice growing more strong and more desperate.

Ryan hid behind his mother's actual husband. Butcher putting a protective arm between him and the Homelander.

Homelander, no John's face twisted with so much grief it was almost like his mind no matter how fast, simply couldn't process the level of grief flowing through him.

His eyes turned crimson. Percy was ready to thrown himself in front of the two mortals who undoubtedly couldn't survive what would come next.


Percy's gaze was turned to Queen Maeve holding up a phone. It played a footage of a plane where Homelander threatened to kill everyone on board. Only for him to abandon them all to die.

"What do you think your doing." Homelander asked, his voice terrifyingly calm.

"If you kill then I upload this!" Threatened his teammates.

"If you do that, I will destroy, everything." Stated Homelander. Percy would have sent a witty retort to his claim, but he needed all of his focus to keep Becca's body working.

"That's fine by me, as long as the world finally gets to see you, for the monstrous piece of shit you are." She shot back "You won't go after them, or me or the people I love you understand me."

"Maeve" slowly said Homelander in a warning tone.

"Leave!" Shouted the super hero.

"This isn't over." Homelander said after a long silence.

"Oh we know." Percy manage through gritted teeth.

Homelander turned his gaze towards him with pure distain and hatred. He lifted the broken body of his lover off the ground and flew off."

"Butcher managed a nod. Maeve sent him one back in kind.

What came after went by very fast for for the others, but Percy was having a grueling time using his powers in such a way.

With the help of the others Becca was safely carried to the extraction point. Where she and the boys were dropped to a safe C.I.A hideout far far away where proper medics managed to take care of Becca.

Percy looked at himself in the bathroom mirror of the old house. He wasn't angry that he saved that woman. Far from it, but he hated himself for breaking his promise to Annabeth.

He watered his hands clean of Becca's blood and exited the bathroom. The entire group was seated in the living room in silence.

Soon enough Butcher Ryan and Mallory exited the bedroom where Becca had been brought.

"She's stable, but she lost a lot of blood. She's in a coma." Butcher stated his eyes downcast. Yet his voice was more relieved than it had ever been in many years.

He raised his head towards Percy ready to thank him with everything he had left in his heart, but someone was a lot quicker.

Ryan crashed into Percy. Wrapping his little arms around his waist.

"Thank you for saving my mom." He said sniffling. Percy's face instantly softened. He gently rubbed Ryan's head "it was the right thing to do, you don't have to thank me."

Ryan pulled away wiping his tear. "Mom says you have to thank people when they do something nice."

"Your mom sounds like a smart lady, I'm sure she'll wake up soon enough." Gently reassured Percy smiling.

"I hope so." Mumbled Ryan sitting down alone on a free couch.

Butcher sat down next to him in a heartbeat. "Nah he's right, there ain't nothin that can keep that woman down. She's even tougher than me."

"Really?" Ryan asked with a tiny smile.

"Oh yeah a bunch."

Everyone in the room agreed with Butcher. Doing they're best to reassure the young boy.

The group spent the rest of the day relaxing, but Percy needed something.

"I'm not one to ask for services like that, but I need some help for something personal."

"Anything" was Butcher's instant reply.

"Don't be so hasty William." Almost chastised Mallory. "What could you possibly want from the C.I.A young man?"

"Just a chopper with enough fuel to get me to Alaska."

"Why do you need to go to Alaska?" Wondered MM.

"A member of teenage Kix got handsy with my girlfriend, she beat the crap out of him and Vought somehow managed to capture her. All I need is a vehicle the rest I can do on my own."

"And what proof do you have of this."

A sudden schreech painted a smirk on Percy's face. He approached the door and opened it. Revealing a falcon with a file in his beak.

Percy took it under the bewildered look of those present.

He turned back to the boys. "What? Never see a carrier falcon?" Chuckled Percy handing Mallory the file.

She opened it and rapidly skimmed it.

"A prison filled with Vought's embarrassment and those who didn't take they're dirty money." She shook the file "this is a fucking gold mine. How did you come in possession of this."

Percy shrugged "if I were to tell you everything where would be all the fun?"

Mallory didn't look pleased, but she was more than willing to just take what was given to her.

"Fine, it might make take a few days, but we can organize another operation."

"Don't take too long." Percy advised as the secret agent left to give this document in the proper hands.

Percy sat down "well, I guess that means you can go back to your family." He said sending a smile to MM.

The father smiled so widely it almost split his face "I just can't wait to see my little girl again."

"And I'm getting high in célébration." Smiled Frenchie until Kimiko gave him a slap on the shoulder.

"I mean I'm getting clean in celebration, with baby steps." He added as a bargain making Kimiko roll her eyes.

"I'm gonna go work with Neuman." Hughie suddenly spoke up.

"What?" Butcher asked like he hadn't heard him properly.

"Yeah your leaving us petit Hughie?" Frenchie asked sounding dissappointed.

"You sure she can be trusted." MM asked not seeing anything wrong with Hughie's plan.

"I think the way she does things fits me much more than... this. Don't get me wrong." He hastily added seeing Butcher's offended expression.

"I see how this works, a lot even, but it's weighing too much on my counscious." Annie gently grabbed his hand in support.

"Well when that inevitably fucks up you can always come back." Offered Butcher too happy that his wife made it to sound anymore like an asshole.

"Thank you Butcher, for you're unsolicited input." Deadpanned Hughie.

"It's what I do." Butcher replied smirking.

"Listen kid you do you, just make sure it's what you really want."

Hughie slowly nodded gaining some assurance as he did so. "It is, what do you think? Your unusually silent on this." Hughie asked in Percy's direction.

"Hey it's none of my business, although I'm a more eat the rich and overthrow the government kind of guy."

"You mean an anarchist." Interrupted Frenchie with a raised eyebrow.

"Meh more like an agent of chaotic good." Percy shrugged earning a nod of respect from the Frenchman. "Either way if she can be trusted go on do things the way you believe they should go, but seriously if she's not she's gonna suffer."

"Duly noted." Hughie said with a nervous smile.

"Should we go to bed?" Starlight spoke up through the silence. "Yeah let's take example on Ryan and sleep before Percy and Frenchie can talk more, I can't handle that level of chaotic energy."

"Ah just admit your a little bitch." Mocked Frenchie in good fun.

MM shook his head in resignation. Making Percy chuckle, but he agreed with them. After such a feat he was tired.

But his hearing caught a slight creak on the roof. Either someone was trying to sneak in or Carter wanted to talk ASAP.

Making his way outside Percy walked around the side and did find someone on the roof.

It was Ryan.

"Long day Huh." Ryan nodded, Percy frowned in worry, knowing exactly well what was bouncing around the child's head.

Percy lept up on the roof, surprising Ryan in the process. He sat down next to his basking in the silence of the night for a little bit.

"You know this wasn't you're fault right?"

"Of course it was, if it wasn't for you my mom would be dead!"

"Did you mean to hurt your mom?"

"NO!" cried out Ryan.

"Hey hey it's alright, see you didn't want to hurt anyone. You were scared, that's normal. It's just that for people like us, fear and anger can be more dangerous. Someone's who's angry they might punch a wall and move on, but when you have powers like us you can't hang onto your anger and fears. you might accidentally break a lot more than that if you do."

Ryan clearly understood, but it was also clear that the prospect terrified him.

"You know I almost lost my mom in the woods too, she got hurt by a bad man, another took her prisoner. I had to go save her, but in the process I discovered I had super powers too."

"How did you deal with it?"

"Discipline and help from the people around me." Percy answered like it was simple.

"You see when I was younger I lost control."

"What did you do?" Shyly asked Ryan unsure if he was being impolite or not.

"I accidentally made a volcano erupt. Luckily no one died, but they easily could have."

"Wow." Breathed Ryan finding it hard not to call it awesome.

"Yeah that scared me a lot, I knew then what I was capable of. And what I needed to do in order to not hurt people with these powers, but protect them. That's a choice you'll need to make eventually."

"But there's no need to rush this." Percy added reminding himself that he wasn't speaking to his past.

"Your still just a child, but having powers like that people will expect you to know better."

"C-could you help me?" Ryan asked.

"I'm still getting the hang of my own powers you know, they keep growing more than I can help it, but maybe I have a few pointers for you. Who knows we won't be sure until we try." Percy replied smiling softly.

Ryan smiled back a little.

"Was your dad a super hero too?" Percy's smile faded.

"My father wasn't always a decent man, but I like to think he's better now. Why ask me this?"

Of course Percy knew why he asked, but Ryan needed to let the words come out of his mouth.

"Is my dad really all bad?"

"Did he ever directly hurt you?" Percy asked seriously, genuinely not putting such an action beyond the Homelander.

Ryan shook his head "he pushed me off a roof, but he said he knew I wouldn't get hurt. He said he loved me." He added in a small voice.

"Ryan I need you to listen to me well."

Ryan looked up hopefully in Percy's eyes.

"He does love you that much is clear." Percy said remembering the look on Homelander's face when Ryan stepped away from him in fear.

"But kid, you can't allow yourself to love him."

"Why not?" Ryan asked sounding close to tears.

"Because even if Homelander loves you it's in his own twisted way. This man has no concept of right or wrong beyond those he imposes. Some people can't change no matter how much you love them."

"But if he really loves me maybe I could change him?!"

Percy sighed "kid, some people can change, but most of the time they simply don't want too. Believe me even if that man loves you, spending any sort of time with him would end up flipping you're concept of right and wrong on it's heads, in order to earn more." Percy explained to the best of his capacity for a young child.

"That's what love can do to someone. You know my girlfriend she's the smartest person I ever met, but even she had her mind a little twisted as she tried her best to defend a very bad man that she loved like a brother on every turn."

"So my dad hates me?"

"No it's not that, he loves you that I'm certain of. Which is strange considering all of the horrible things he did, but I know something for sure. Even the most evil of monsters are still capable of feeling love to a certain degree. That doesn't mean they're willing to change for what they love."

Ryan looked down at his knees curling up on himself.

Percy wrapped his arm around Ryan. "Wanna hear something else?"

"I don't know." Mumbled Ryan.

"Family doesn't end with blood, but it doesn't start there either, family's there for the good the bad, all of it. Your father does fit that designation, but he is incapable of humanity or general goodness against other living beings except you." Percy explained hoping that Ryan would understand the next part.

"My blood family can be a lot like that, but if there's something i've learned throughtout my various misendeavors, it's that family is something that can be found or made from scratch. You don't need Homelander to have a family, nor do you need him to feel truly loved."

Ryan looked up at him, his blue eyes filled with hope. He threw himself around Percy again.

The son of Poseidon was a little surprised, but he hugged him back. Smiling softly. Yes, for once he spoke right.

Ryan Butcher would find his family eventually.

But it broke Percy's heart that he needed to rip away a part of it so he could find his way back to his.

)(Spell translation.)(

1(dancing spines)

2(shadow wolf)

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