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45.45% Gloves off / Chapter 5: Hospitalisation

Chương 5: Hospitalisation

"This makes no sense" Percy thought as he made his way through the now safe sewers. "Why would me of all people be called to deal with an Egyptian threat?"

The Kane siblings should be here not him. Although Percy didn't wish this on the two children. Not in any way shape or form. He just needed to figure this out himself, he fought Setne and he knocked Carter flat on his ass with and without magic. He'd be fine, although now he needed to be even more wary now.

Because this rabbit hole only kept getting bigger and bigger.

Finally exiting the sewers Percy took a greedy gasp of air. It might have a ratio of half Oxygen and half smog, but it was still better than smelling whatever artificial stuff the New-Yorkers of this world ate.

Finding the hideout again wasn't very hard. Although he was surprised to see MM worriedly pacing in the middle of the room.

"Are they safe?" Was what Percy said to kickstart the conversation.

"Are you okay!" Demanded the man stepping in front of the demigod.

"Yeah, I told you I would be didn't I? Where are the others?"

"Getting ready." MM replied looking at Percy up and down as if looking for injuries.

"For what? Percy wondered casually sitting down on the rundown couch. Kimiko sending him a brief glance and a smile.

"We're leaving for the sage grove center, it's in Pennsylvania so move around a bit you'll be still for a while." MM said sounding a bit calmer, but he still studied Percy closely.

Percy raised an eyebrow "you got ADHD right? I help a lot of kids like you."

"Your a teacher?" Percy asked surprised since the man looked better suited to crush a man's skull between his hands.

"Counselor." MM replied with a proud smile. Percy forced a smile although he had nothing against him, the memory of school counselors couldn't bring a genuine smile to Percy's face.

He'd been insulted by enough to make sure of that. Although thanks to Paul and Annabeth he dreaded school much less now.

The stairs creeked and Percy's head snapped towards the newcomers. He saw a glimpse of blond hair and jumped to his feet.

Sadly it wasn't Annabeth, that fact made Percy's heart drop. Gods he missed her si much.

It was Hughie accompanied by Starlight? So there was no need to kick her face in, that was good to know.

"Okay since when are you guys working with a member of the seven?" Percy couldn't help but wonder.

Starlight froze when she saw him. "Is that the kid who's been beating the hell out of a bunch of supes?" She demanded turning to Hughie. Who raised his hands in surrender.

"Hey they started it." Percy huffed. Before she could reply Butcher slowly came out of the backroom.

Percy's gaze bounced between Starlight's glare and Butcher's smug expression.

He sent an inquisitive look at Kimiko who made a finger gun in response before getting off the couch to go give the super hero a hug.

Frenchie came back into the room his goggles on his forehead.

"Everything is ready for the road trip, nice fight." He added in Percy's direction, the demigod shrugged humbly. It wasn't really a fight anyway.

"You got snacks?" He asked.

"Do I look like a fool?" Frenchie huffed with a friendly smile.

"Sorry guppy your not going." Butcher stated pointing at Percy without looking. Earning a raised eyebrow from the son of Poseidon.

"I'm sorry, but why aren't bringing another kick ass supe with us?" Wondered Hughie genuinely bewildered.

"Because i'm not bringing the newbie on a sensitive mission like this."

"Well that's bullshit." Huffed Percy, if it wasn't over the fact that this man clearly hated him for having powers. AKA something he had nothing over, Percy could conceded that maybe he had a point.

Trust is something that needed to be earned. He could only hope to join the fight soon.

"Well hopefully you won't need me." Shrugged Percy despite being displeased at being literally benched.

"So we should leave the kid with the secret of our location is that what your saying butcher?" Questioned MM crossing his arms.

Butcher sent MM a strange look. "Doesn't sound like your best plan." He added like it was simple.

"Yeah" slowly replied Butcher "in hindsight we should bring guppy along so he doesn't fuck us over."

"I'm right here dipshit." Percy shot back.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"Do you?" Percy replied at the hypocritical statement.

Butcher stared at him for a few moments "fair enough, come on now don't want to keep whatever cunt there waiting."

Percy sent MM a thankful nod as he marched after the leader of the boys.

The trip there took a few hours. A Time Percy used to get some sleep, with some luck he might end up with an informative dream.

Butcher glanced at the teenager in the rearview mirror. "What the fuck was that?" Butcher calmly asked MM.

"You trust my Judgement right?"

"Always." He answered in a rare moment of genuine honesty.

"That kid seen some shit man. The way he talked to that woman. The level of honest empathy to her situation, it's almost worrying."

"What do you mean he's seen some shit?" Butcher asked instantly latching onto whatever could be used negatively.

"Didn't you notice? Kid's always looking like he's expecting a fight, he analyses every room he's in to the slightest details for exits and entry points, I even saw him test a support beam, as if he was checking how easy it would be to cave in the place. That seventeen year old looks at dangerous situations like he's born to be in them. I don't like making assumtpions, but the kid looks and acts like a fucking soldier."

"What you think Vought just has a bunch of teenagers to be trained as weapons?" Annie wondered glancing at said sleeping teenager, his normally stormy expression now much softer.

"Wouldn't put it past them." Hughie added looking slightly appalled.

"Great a potential army of tiny supes killer ain't that a bitch?"

"Isn't it too early to tell?"

"Best to try and figure him out before he figures us out." Butcher answered Frenchie in a heartbeat.

"What if he is really trying to help, I mean look at this jeune garçon¹ Butcher. He seems friendly."

"Yeah and i'm willing to bet my own ass that Homelander looked like a wee little lad before he became a psycho murdering piece of shit!" Butcher snapped temporarily taking his eyes off the road to glare at Frenchie. Not noticing the deformed figure leaping out of the woods.

The van crashed into the creature. Percy awoke roughly and he almost wished he hadn't.

The monster was 12 feet tall and the most grotesque thing  he had ever seen.

"The elephant man looks like a Victoria secret model compared to that guy." Percy noted with a small shiver of disgust.

The nearly human like monster roared with it's uneven jaw. Spit flying into the windshield.

Without hesitation Percy lept out of the car. Unsure if it was an actual monster or just another abomination created by compound V.

The monster chucking away the van turning sorely in his direction was good enough of an answer. Butcher wasted no time driving off, the tires schreeching loudly.

"What's up with your face?" Percy asked tilting his head to the side. "Or with your whole body really, you look like chewed gum left in the sun for a week."

He didn't bother asking why it was clearly trying to kill him.

It was like asking a clown fish why they swam.

Clown fish always had a surprisingly sassy answer to everything. That's why Percy respected them.

He inspected the monster further, swiss cheese had less holes than this thing. A massive sickly green eardrum bulged out of the side of it's head.

A weak spot.

It's left arm was blatantly larger than the right all of it's fingers conjointed into a long crude clawed finger.

"Your not from my mythology either are you? I know something so ugly would earn itself a too descriptive poem."

It let out a horrible bellow ratteling Percy's ears, but it almost sounded like a child throwing a tantrum as well. It swiped at Percy with it's deformed hand, he ducked. The singular claw slicing cleanly throught the bark of a pine tree.

Percy lept up kicking the monster between the legs, but it only stumbled backward screaming again, but not in pain.

Percy looked lower at the naked creature and saw what was lacking.

"Ohhhhhhh." Percy suddenly shouted in realisation. "Your the Grendel right? Yeah Annabeth tried to make me read the book, but we ended up watching the movie instead. Are you a girl? Do you even have a gender? I don't know if something that ugly and downright disgusting is even allowed to have one?"

The Grendel blinked owlishly at the son of Poseidon.

"Oh right how do you say ugly fuck in old english?" Thoughtfully wondered Percy to himself.

Grendel had enough of the talking and recklessly charged Percy.

Said son of Poseidon uncapped Riptide and in a flash was behind the Grendel putting his pen back in his pocket. "Ah it's so annoying to forget words like that, i'm usually surprisingly good at learning new languages." He complained not paying attention to the violent beast. Grendel bellowed again and raised his arm.

Only for half of it to fall wetly on the asphalt. The Grendel's golden blood seeping into the ground.

He screamed in agony and terror. He hadn't even felt the cut. Percy rolled his eyes, he would have honestly felt some sympathy for Grendel.

If he didn't gain glee from violently slaughtering people on the regular. Percy shouted back as loudly as he could. The Grendel screamed clutching at his overgrown eardrum trembling like an Earthquake.

Percy lept up and latched onto his shoulder. Slamming his fist into the obvious weakspot. Percy gagging as his entire hand sunk into the eardrum and what he assumed was Grendel's tiny brain.

The monster howled in pure agony. Managing to shove Percy away and run back into the woods.

"Beowulf made it seem a lot harder." Percy mused looking back at the road.

"Aw of course they ditched me. Can't exactly blame them." Percy sighed as he started running.


Homelander paced in front of his desk. "What is it?" The image of Alabaster Torrington asked forming into a trail of mist.

"Ah Alabaster, that's still a strange name." Chuckled Homelander "I know you like to believe otherwise, but i've got better things to do than be here."

"Well I just had an issue."

The illusion raised an expectant eyebrow.

"I don't know jack shit about that damn kid."

"I told you he's the son of Poseidon. That's all you need to know to figure it out. Or is your pro Christian brainwashing not allow you to even look at another religion without getting sick?"mockingly replied the son of Hecate.

Homelander's smile didn't falter. He was quite in a good mood after all. Ryan had called him dad yesterday.

Sure it was an accident, but it meant a lot to him nonetheless.

"No, but you know Wikipedia, it's hardly always the best source."

Alabaster hummed. "Don't fight him near water unless you have a death wish, and maybe learn how to actually fight." He added before suddenly dissapearing.

"Asshole." Homelander spoke at empty air. His smile melting back into a blank careless look.

Suddenly the phone on his desk rang. The 'hero' sighed and accepted the call.

"What is it Ashley?" He asked "is Ryan okay?" He added looking a little worried.

"Oh he's fine just sleeping in, we're having a lot of fun. That's a very Smart kid you got there. I was thinking about-."

"Get to the fucking point." Coldly asked Homelander.

"Oh yeah there's an hostage situation in a building not far from you. Real subtle situation the news doesn't even know yet, but that dude has a bomb vest so..."

"I'll take care of it." Sighed Homelander hanging up before Ashley could start talking again.

Homelander flew out of his loft towards the Skyscraper in wall street.

Using his enhanced vision he saw the man in a conference room. Over a dozen hostages all tied together.

"Ohhhh, this is gonna be a fucking pain." He groaned floating down towards the window.

The shooter noticed him and aimed his gun at him. Homelander rolled his eyes as the bullets bounced off his skin. Right into the neck of a buisness man. The blood in his neck sputtering into the face of the horrified secretary next to him. Her face painted red by the victim of Homelander's carelessness.

He flew throught the window and grabbed the man by the neck, both of his hands going around his head. He didn't even bother ripping off the ski mask.

Homelander merely started approaching his thumbs towards the man's eyes. Basking in the fear that empowered him like an addictive drug.

The man screamed in pain flailing helplessly against the iron grip as the so called hero gently gouged out his eyes. He even managed to bash the butt of his gun once against Homelander's face before said monster happily snapped his neck. His head doing a 180° he dropped to the ground motionless.

His mouth still frozen wide in a wordless scream. The windows to his soul reduced to bloody holes. The hostages cried and screamed in terror.

"Oh my god." Gasped a woman in shock. "Your a monster."

Homelander's glowing eyes snapped towards her. "You ungrateful fucks!" He yelled "you're about to get blown up by this sick fuck and you complain about being still alive!"

"N-n-n-no, but."

"But what!" He yelled suddenly in front of another hostages face.

"You loved making him suffer."

"And what about it?" He growled.

"That's monstruous." Was as far as the woman went before her head was nothing more than a blood smear on the wall.

Homelander removed his bloody hand from the wall. Seeing it clearly as day that all of the other worthless sheeps were just as afraid, and just as likely to open they're mouth.

Sadly for them Homelander was good at silencing people. He looked down at the best of dynamite and smirked.

Next thing New-york knew a good chunk of the building was exploding in a ball of flames.

Homelander stood in the middle of the wrecked room in satisfaction. Every wall painted dark with the remains of the slaughtered innocents. Suddenly the door fell off it's hinges revealing a wide eyed janitor with a nametag marked with the name Griffin Pines. He had green eyes and curly brown hair thick eyebrows and fair skin.

Homelander sent the man a look. The clueless janitor slowly removed his headphones still blasting death metal.

"Hey whatever freaky shit you had going on in there I won't say a thing about it okay."

Homelander's eyes began glowing once more.

"Oh is that how it is? Well you know what mister, I think your overrated!"

The bewildered so hero tilted his head aside in confusion.

"Yeah that's right, your not even half as famous as Morgan Freeman's freckles or Keith David's voice you shitty Soldier Boy knock off!"

Griffin was silenced as his face was suddenly split in two by Homelander's heat vision. The janitor falling to the ground.

More than a little miffed Homelander flew off. Leaving the destruction in his wake without a care in the world.

Meanwhile Alabaster blinked up at the trees with a sigh. He knew leaving that communication spell in Homelander's office would be a pain.

A pained bellow echoed not far from him.

Speaking of pains.

The Grendel burst out of the trees minus one arm.

"I told you not to underestimate him!" Snapped the son of Hecate. Grendel groaned and growled raising his stump. "I'll fix it later! You actually learn from your mistake for once in your eternal life, you brainless brute." Grumbled Alabaster.

He approached the shade or a tree and chanted the following incantation.


The shadows parted letting the son of Hecate shadow travel where he needed to go. The strange sounds of the shadow realm being background noise at this point. He emerged from the shadows under a tree near the Sage Grove center.

Just in time to see Stormfront fly overhead. Until Jackson showed up, there was no need for him to act. He pulled out a card from his overcoat that morphed into a single handed crossbow.

Percy Jackson ran towards the mental hospital. His heart tightening at the sight of the wrecked van and the bullet ridden corpse not far from it.

He ran towards the entrance. An emergency metal door blocking multiple paths. He ripped off a metal panel and entered the building.

Just in time to see Stormfront shock a patient of the hospital to death.

He hid around a wall, seeing MM Frenchie and Kimiko hiding with a man he didn't recognise. He shared a look with the clearly stressed MM and tilted his head towards the exit.

MM shook his head with insistance. Frenchie looking thorned between telling Percy to run or to fight.

Percy didn't know it, but she was telling him to go kick Stormfront's ass.

"LAMPLIGHTER!" she yelled, Percy recognised the name as an ex-member of the Seven, but he didn't bother trying to analyse the situation further.

"Looking for someone?" Percy called calmly walking around the wall.

Stormfront looked shocked for a moment, before a menacing smirk slowly split her face.

"I was hoping you'd come back."

"I sure as hell wasn't, I can only look at that ugly mug for so long."

Stormfront quickly went back to looking displeased. "You got lucky last time. Getting the drop on me gave you a free shot."

"Excuses, excuses." Percy nearly sang "you know for an eighty something year old bitch, someone with common sense would assume that you'd actually know your way around a fight, but I guess that believing yourself a cheap goddess created a false sense of power and more importantly security."

Stormfront's fingers started crackling with electricity.

"But with me around, there's no place where the likes of you are safe." Percy coldly finished just in time for the nazi bitch to shoot arcs of electricity from her fingers.

It crashed in Percy's body, but the demigod didn't flinch.

Thalia shocked him harder than that for fun.

He walked towards her as the bootleg lightning burned his shirt. He latched onto her hands pulling her towards him and delivered a head up to her nose. Spraying blood in hers and Percy's own face.

Stormfront stumbled backwards in a slight daze. Giving Percy more than enough time to kick her in the chest sending her into a wall.

Percy turned to MM who looked between Percy and the imbeded Nazi in the concrete wall in shock.

"GO!" Percy barked pointing at the door "whatever info you have, it need to get out of here!"

With an angry shout Stormfront flew into the distracted Percy, who was tackled throught a few walls before he landed his elbow in the back of the dirty Nazi's head.

The two broke apart and rolled over the grass, now outside a few meters away from the hospital.

Percy recovered quickly and sprinted towards Stormfront who had the time to raise her head for Percy to punt her face. Sending the woman spinning in the opposite direction a few feet away.

"Not so fun when your fighting someone your own size is it?" Percy rethorically asked standing over the bloodied face of Stormfront.

She sported a nasty black eyes, a broken nose and with her snarl it was made clear she lost a few teeth from the last kick.

Percy went to grab her, but a twinkle of light in the distance made him reconsider.

He saw the bolt coming from a mile away. The son of Poseidon casually catching the short arrow in confusion. Especially since it was blunt.

The tip suddenly burst in a dark smoke, Percy realising too late that it was a trick bolt. The demigod accidentally breathed in harshly coughing. He fell to one knee the air feeling like needles in his lungs, his vision darkening greatly

In a few moments he could barely see and barely breathed. He tried to move away from the ever growing cloud, but it was clearly enchanted to torment him.

"Not so tough now Huh!" Stormfront cackled triumphantly as she shocked the son of Poseidon, who suddenly found the electricity much more painful than before.

"You know it's almost a shame. A beautiful powerful young man like you, you could have made the Herrenrasse³ proud." The woman tutted briefly shifting to German.

"Fuck. You!" Percy growled throught the pain. She amplified the intensity of her powers, enjoying Percy's screams of pain.

Not noticing how the wind picked up.

"Oh fuck." Alabaster blinked at the darkening clouds, taking this as his cue to leave. No proof of his presence left behind.

He knew what was about to happen, and while Homelander would become more unstable if Stormfront died. Losing his life to defend her was simply foolish.

Stormfront looked around herself in confusion as the wind slowly shifted into a hurricane. The natural disaster spanning several dozen meters. Miniature storm cloud morping above it.

Lightning started blasting wildly around Stormfront. The raging wind lifting away the cursed smoke. Percy still couldn't see, but at least now he could breathe.

The grass flattened windows broke and young trees were unrooted off the ground spinning around the Hurricane now protecting Percy's body.

Stormfront tried to fly away, but all she did was give the hurricane more to work with. She spun on herself in all directions around the field of the wind. Trapped inside of it all she could hear was the howling wind, her wild screams drowned out.

She screamed louder as a stray bolt grazed her shoulder, leaving a deep smocking gash. The smell of burnt flesh drifting away in the whirlwind.

Percy suddenly let go of the hurricane. Still weakened by the effect of the poison. The wind faded away as much as it came. Stormfront's resistance acting as a sling shot that flung her away several miles away.

Percy panted bracing himself on his knees.

"Hey kid!"

Percy still blind as a bat turned his head towards the voice of MM.

"That was fucking diabolical." Cried out a happy voice.


"Quoi?⁴ Butcher isn't here to say it."

Percy rose to his feet. "Steady, you took a few hits." Worriedly stated MM.

"I'm fine it's just that damn shooter who got me with some sort of poison." Grumbled the son of Poseidon.

"A shooter?"

Kimiko wordlessly handed MM the headless bolt shaft. She then gently grabbed Percy's hand guiding him away towards the extraction point.

"Who the fuck was that." Lamplighter asked with a small voice. His fear clearer than day.

Frenchie smirked slapping the ex seven member on the shoulder.

"That you fils de pute⁵, was the latest member of the boys."

MM stared at Percy's back and down at the arrow.

Who the hell was that boy?

¹young man

²shadow step (it's mentionned in blood of Olympus by Hylla that shadow travel is essentially magic that can be affected by spells)

³master race (I wanted to make it more accurate in German.)


⁵son of a bitch

A/N more Percy Jackson feats.


Instantly, my vision was a hundred times sharper. I soared upwards, above the rooftops, and the entire world switched to high-definition 3D. I saw the police cars only a few blocks away, the kids standing in the middle of the street, waving them down. I could make out every slimy bump and pore on the crocodile's hide. I could see each hieroglyph on the clasp of the necklace. And I could see just how impressive Percy's magic trick was.

The entire cul-de-sac was engulfed in a hurricane. Percy stood at the edge, unmoved, but the water was churning so fast now that even the giant crocodile lost his footing. Wrecked cars scraped along the pavement. Mailboxes were pulled out of lawns and swept away. The water increased in volume as well as speed, rising up and turning the entire neighbourhood into a liquid centrifuge.

The crocodile stumbled and struggled, shuffling in a circle with the current.

All around me, the hurricane roared. I could barely see through the swirl of mist. The current was so strong now it tugged at my legs, threatening to pull me into the flood.

In the Kane chronicles/pjo crossover percy created a hurricane that was able to move the 40 feet long son of sobek. Now I wouldn't blame you to think that it's impossible to calculate it's weight it's a giant croc after all, but it does have a prehistoric equivalent. The largest fresh water croc ever recorded, is called the sarcosuchus imperator. It could grow to the same length as the crocodile in the book and has a given weight.

Point is percy made 17500 pound croc lose its footing and slide around his hurricane.

He also moved several cars with it, but without knowing what kind I can't give it an actual number, but it's sensible to assume that all of the added weight together Percy's hurricane is fast enough to move over 20000 pounds, or a little over ten tons.

Another note is that the 40 feet long croc could freely slide around the hurricane meaning that Percy's storm which was stated to encompass the entire cul de sac they were in. Covered more than 40 feet in  circumference. Which would be a near 100 feet radius. Which is 30 meters all around for those curious.

In the last Olympian Percy states that he can move at speeds that would make a normal human pop underwater. Assuming that he means the speed from the pressure it would mean that Percy's top speed causes more than 9 G's of force on his body.

Now the fastest land vehicle a human ever drove Is the ThrustSSC driven by Andy Green, a twin turbofan jet-powered car which achieved 763.035 mph - 1227.985 km/h - over one mile in October 1997. This is the first supersonic record as it exceeded the sound barrier at Mach 1.016. And a human could handle that speed without popping like how Percy described it.

So I think it makes sense to say that underwater Percy can move at well over Mach 1

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