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13.46% Blind Dreamer Of Madness / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - The reason

Chương 5: Chapter 5 - The reason

Well this is surprising, me joining them? I mean I wanted to but I was expecting to skip me over since I'm just a kid no more than 10 years. 

To be fair, I'm confident that they would immediately stop if I was ever in danger.

"You don't have to worry. We made sure it lowers the difficulty for you to make sure you won't get hurt."

"Alright I guess."

I unreluctantly said I started to walk my way to the arena while hearing the girls cheering me on.

"Just try your best, Enzo!"

Ororo shouted from the crowd.

"You got this, sugar!"

"It's alright if you can't win. This is just training."

I nodded before stepping on the arena and stoically waited for my opponent to materialize. I wonder where they got the schematic for this place or even the budget.

To be fair, from the looks of it the X men existed for quite some time and it wouldn't be strange that some acquired it on a mission. 

The world is strange and the government would likely hide some events to the public. 

"Are you ready, Young Enzo?"

"Sure, though I want to try fighting it seriously."

"What!? Why? You will get hurt."

"Nah, my power doesn't allow me to feel pain. I mean I morph my body including my bones without feeling anything like Try imagining breaking your bones and muscles?"

Colussus thought more about it and wince a bit before looking at the professor who nodded. I can see him and know that he trust me on not getting hurt. 

Hmmm, I can see that I slowly pick his thought using my telepathy. Though, I don't want to always use it since this goes against their privacy and only use my Empathy to do so.

I understand why he always mind rape and that is because he couldn't easily trust anyone or he would risk the children that he supposed to protect. 

It would be hypocritical of me if I judge him for trying to read my mind before. Still, if he did then his mind wouldn't handle the truth of being nothing more than fiction and there entities out there watching everything.

The Watcher is likely to see me but wouldn't interfere. 

As I was saying, I won't use reading mind but I'll do it if it is utmost necessary like for example Jean Grey going on rampage. I'll wait a year or two once I gain her trust to ask for permission to read her mind. 

"If you insist then fine. I will stop the simulation once it gets out of hand."

I nodded before the robot materialized before me and prepared to attack. It didn't have any weapons but I am certain it's a lot stronger than any average human. 

The robot blitzed towards me while I stood there unmoving. I was too busy thinking on how to fight it considering I have countless ways to do it. Everyone felt slow when my mind changed its perception of time.

I morph my fingers into guns before shooting on its legs to render it unable to move. 

This demonstrates a non lethal way of subduing an enemy even though I still leave a wound on them but they'll likely live and recover rather quickly.

Most likely I'll make a paralyzing projectile when using this kind of power to avoid killing them. 

Though, I must repeat that I'm not someone who shy away in killing if it is necessary. Still, I am still afraid that it will traumatize me. 

Anyways, the robots fell into the ground unable to stand let alone run. I returned my arms back to normal while the girls clapped at my victory.

"Nicely done, you've easily aimed for the head but choose to shoot on the legs. Remember everyone, try to subdue our enemies and not kill."

Everyone nodded as I went down the arena and Colossus called for another student while I joined back with the girls. 

"Nice job, sugar."

"It's interesting how you use your power. Can you explain how you made the bullet for your Handgun?"

Jean asked curiously.

"I'm not sure myself. Everything is like a mental trigger, Pun not intended."

To be honest it would be a lot more complicated if I were to explain the process. 

To simplify, I create explosive fossil gas since it's still organic material before adding more chemical compounds to reactions that create the combustion and use small hardened bones as bullets.

After a while the class ended with everyone heading to have lunch. I joined the girls and noticed how I didn't have anything with me.

"Enzo, where's your lunch?"

"Ah, to be honest I don't really need food anymore since my body-"

"Nonsense even if you can doesn't mean you should! Here are some of mine."

Ororo scolded me and gave some of her food to me. If I were to talk about their personalities, Ororo or Storm has the struct elder sister while Rouge or Anne Marie the outgoing and seductive girl and Jean Grey is the quiet and shy yet intellectual of the bunch.  

"A-Are you sure? I don't want to steal your food."

"Just eat! Next time I'll make sure to not let you forget to eat food."

"It's not like forgot to eat and just deci-"

"Again, even if you can, it doesn't mean you should. Hold on, when was the last time you ate?"

Now that I think about it, when was the last time I ate? To be honest it's probably when we hangout. I mean if I want a stimulus of eating then I can just hop into the sensation of my infectant. 

I look at Ororo who was waiting for answer with a frown that made me warily smile. 

".....O-Only when we hangout."

"Whaaat! Alright, here I have this and from now I am serious about not letting you forget to eat!"

"*Sigh* alriiiight, MoooooM."

The two other girls giggled while I just took some of her food and ate with them. I can see that it was her own cooking and tasted quite amazing. 

"Did you cook this?"

"That's right, it's a speciality of my mother."

"It's amazing, maybe you can teach me how to cook it."

"Sure, I don't mind."

"I mean seriously, you make a great wife!"

I exclaimed then felt odd when I felt the empath react and saw that Ororo gave a smile appreciating my words but at the same time there was something more to it.

Wait, don't tell me she is starting to grow fond of me? I don't mind but isn't this too fast? Maybe I'm just imagining things.

Surprisingly the two girls flare a small emotion of jealousy. Good lord are they included? I am not too keen about this but we will see in the future. 

"Hey, try some of ours, Sugar!"

"Here, have mine too."

Wait, stop stuffing food into my face! When the hell did my life become a harem rom-com!? Jeez, the watcher is probably laughing their ass off right now. 

Still I didn't complain and happily received their meal. We chatted a bit more until our next class started and returned. 

Everything was mundane and boring so I focused more on the ever expanding colony of my hivemind. I decided to change the people's perception of mutants since it would allow for some peace in the world. 

Though I dislike doing something like this considering it basically mind controlling innocent people.

Even if they discriminate, mutants still have the right to feel fear of them since they're power could easily harm them.

When the class ended, I returned to my room. It was quiet and laid on the bed before going through every host of my parasite. There, I discovered something that changed everything for the better.

'What the!? Oh this is….I can't believe it! Hahahahaha.'

I inwardly laughed at myself when one of my parasites devoured another weaker bio-organism on humans that instantly linked myself to the hivemind of this creature who seems to be a sentient bacterial life-form. 

This creature appears to be the cause of the rising descrimination against the mutant kind. 

The creature calls itself Sublime and fears mutants for its inability to latch itself into them that made him afraid at the possibility of mutants to overtake the human population. 

'It's too bad my power is a lot stronger than his.'

When looking into the main body of this bacteria and found the man it currently possessing was the head of some kind of mutant experiment that it called U-Man and contrast of the X-Men.

It seems human with mutant augmentation and can see it aim to control even the mutants. 

I went into mental space when I arrived at a wriggling mass of viscous substance that noticed my presence turning its attention to me in shock.

"What!? Who are you!? How can you be in this place!?"

"Why would I tell you that?"

It felt annoyed and tried to attack me but I evaded its tendrils without much effort. This went for a few minutes until it became even more angry and spread out even more tentacles.

"Stop moving!!"

At that moment I managed to grab my hands and feet which I actually allowed. I mean I can easily overpower it after obtaining another mutant power of empowerment.

This definitely is going to be like those anime power up plot armor power. To be perfectly honest my parasite and power is rapidly growing the more it is infected until I got a power called Evolution that evolved my power past its initial state. 

Though it would fail but this is rapid and nearly instant unless the person I'm infecting is ridiculously powerful. 

Sublime relishes at my powerlessness being ensnare in its tendrils like some hentai g-Okay stop it sounds disgusting! Damn why did I imagine that shit!

"You look calm for a captured insect."

"Geh, you smell like shit! Have you brushed your teeth? Oh wait you don't have one, sorry."

"Hmph! Answer me, who are you and how did you manage to link with my hivemind!?"

It roared at me in amalgamation of endless voices that frankly made me annoyed. I must say that this sentient bacteria made me interested in making my own later. When it noticed my expressions immediately made it tighten the restraints around my neck and limbs.

"Oh kinky, but sorry I'm not into that."

It tried to snap my neck and overpowered me but dumbfounded when it was unable to infect me and manipulate my mind. 

Though, generally it couldn't infect mutants, seeing I've got human cells in me and I connected to its mind made Sublime think that I could be dominated.

The tendrils deteriorated causing it to let go while I stood looking at it frightened. Everything right now is in a mental space where I can't harm it's body but not the mind.

I'll give it the utmost despair possible along with its buddy Stryker. The mental space instantly turned into reddish flesh where eldritch imagery could be seen that terrified sublime.

"What is this! How can you overpower me!"

"Typical villain words. You are asking the obvious here. I use hand sanitizer to kill 99.99% of bacteria."

I jokingly replied that and tried to sever the link between us but found that his trapped within this space. 

"Dammit! Once I escape this place I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you!"

"Jeez, I didn't even kidnap your daughter."

This made him even more desperate to escape and attack me with its tendrils but I merely evaded all of them much quicker. I enjoyed toying with it but too bad I can't kill it right now. 

It would spoil the  of acquiring the justice that all innocent mutant kinds had to endure. 

I didn't say all mutants, seeing that some are guilty for abusing their power but I can't blame them since I'm doing the same thing. 

Regardless, as long as it doesn't harm innocent people then it's fine to use them.

I'm getting sidetracked and focused on Sublime who is increasingly frustrated for being unable to touch me.

"Dammit! Why won't you sit still!"

"Alright, fine."

I stop moving as countless sharp tendrils heading towards me but at that moment slice every single one of it as I protrude sharp tendrils behind my back. 

It panicked and quickly regenerated but I was quicker and more powerful and easily sliced him to pieces. Sublime was perplexed at the situation as soon an amalgamation of grotesque flesh emerged under my feet while my body was shrouded in biological armor that was reddish with black accent.

[Just add any bio armor image ]

Under my feet were my monster army that ranged from Xenomorphs to Tyranids. I sense fear from it while this overwhelms my heart with joy. 

"Too bad I can't kill you here but we will surely meet again."

I lied obviously to let it feel a sense of hope while I crushed it when we could finally meet in person. 

"However, that doesn't mean I can hurt you!"

In that moment sublime tried to defend itself but the endless hordes of monsters overwhelmed and tore him to pieces. 

By the end only small palm size flesh remained as I took it and raised it close to my face with an evil grin forming in my face.

I made sure to hide my identity in case it found me.

"This look fits you, vermin."

It had strength left and launched at my face but turned my head into while like blade and sliced to pieces, finally ending my first confrontation with Sublime.

I woke up in my bed looking outside and it was still dead at night. Might as well go for a walk. A very Enthusiastic Walk.

Jumping out of my bed walking down the hall while thinking about my plans. My connection is still there with Sublime and I could see it started to get paranoid, unable to know who I was and how to fight me. 

I made sure to be subtle to not let him notice me. I'll let him be for now and focus on probably finding Infinity stones since it will be useful but it probably won't be worth much when travelling to other realities. 

Infinity stones only operate in one universe which essentially make it worthless In another reality. Still, I might find a way to make it work.

'Ah, I always love the sight of the night.'

I went outside to get fresh air looking at the full moon breathing the fresh cold breeze as I strolled around the place. 

'Huh? Oh, Jean is here.'

I noticed someone at the river close to the mansion and saw Jean Grey alone looking at her own reflection on the water. 

"Can't sleep?"

She shivered then turned to look at me before calming down.

"You too?"

"Yeah but I also like looking at the sky."

I laid on the grass next to her looking at glistening starlight.

"Why don't you lay down and see what I see?"

She looked reluctant but joined in and laid beside me looking at the stars together. 

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah, the start looks brighter today than normal."

"Who said I was talking about the star?"

Jean caught off guard turn to look at me and seem to like it but tried to shake it off.

"Aren't you smooth? You sure, you're only 10?"

"Last time check yeah but blame it on my brother."

"You're brother?"

"Yeah, a real playboy. His quite charismatic and have his way with woman. Kind off influence by it."

"Guess when you grow you'll surely quite handful of woman."

"Maybe, thought unlike him I'll probably be more responsible."

"I'm starting to think you're older than you say you are."

I shrugged it off.

"Believe what you believe I guess. Don't know if I'm normal or not since I didn't have anyone to compare myself beside my brother. How about we change the topic? How about we play would you rather?"

"Would you rather?"

"Yeah, haven't you heard of it?"

"I don't think so?"

"Well it's simple enough, I will ask you questions and pick which you would rather choose. Like for example would you rather have 1 penny every slapped or 1 million dollars but you have to spend it all in 1 day and if you didn't won't get anything."

"Oh, I see. I think that would be fun."

"Okay I'll go first, would you rather read an awesome book or watch a good movie?"

"Hmm, awesome book I guess. I haven't been in the cinema for a while now."

"Noted. Now it's your turn."

"Well let see, how about, would you rather have cat or dog."

"Tough one, I guess Cats? Wait dog!? Oh god, I don't know! They're all too cute!"

"Fufufu well I rather have a cat."

"Gaaah you ask a hard one, now it's my turn. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?"

"Your really made a hard one for me."

'That's what she said, hehehe.'

"I'll go with my Great-Great-grandchildren."

"Why? So you could spoil them?"


She giggled and we went on for an hour playing the game before ending it to just look at the sky quietly enjoying the comfort of the other. 

"This been really fun, Enzo. Thank you."

"No problem. Let's do this again next time."

Jean smiled at my words as we stood back up and walk our way back to the mansion with me followed jean to her room since her was closer.

"Thanks again, Enzo. I feel a lot better after everything."

"Well can't let a beautiful alone, can I?"

"You and you're words."

She said pausing for moment before surprising me as she lean forward with her lips growing closer to my face until…it kiss my forehead.

"Fufufu expecting in the lips? Maybe when once you grown a bit older. Well good night, Enzo."

"Good night, Jean and sweet dreams."

Jean grey smile before closing the door as I grin heading to my room after an eventful night.

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