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92.95% the great king with a quest system and chat group [English] / Chapter 65: 13 hours later, making it past the deep river and each team has their problem to deal with.

Chương 65: 13 hours later, making it past the deep river and each team has their problem to deal with.

[13 hours later] (9 at night)

[AWS team point of view]

'That river... doesn't look so dangerous... does it?' - Wutong spoke as he looked towards the river in front of them.


'Yes... nothing dangerous' - Silvi replied to wutong after seeing the explosion inside the river.

'Hahaha don't worry... we'll be fine' - buck said while he was leaning against a tree.

"I don't know... where will you cross well after seeing that explosion inside the river" - Alba spoke while looking towards the river and how different monster fish moved and attacked each other causing some mini explosions inside the water.

'It's that we arrived at night... at this time the monsters are more active than during the day...' - Buck said while sighing, he had said that they wait until tomorrow to come but they wanted to get out of here as fast as possible and now they are here... in the deep river at night and with all the monsters awake and hungry.

'...' - Silvi remained silent since she was the one who proposed to move forward to get there faster... forgetting that monsters like to hunt at night... even though it's not her fault anymore that they had accepted... right?.

'Well... we're going to have to rest while we wait for all the monsters to calm down and we can cross the river' - said buck as he gathered twigs to create a fire and be able to have a source of heat on this cold night.

"Yes, we won't be able to cross if there are so many explosions like that in the water" - Alba agreed since according to Buck they had to cross the river using a piece of resistant wood that could take them to the other side without getting wet... she had thought that his way of getting to the other side was something like... a resistant rope tied to two trees that act as a spring to launch him to the other side but it turns out that it is something more dangerous than crossing the river by boat.

'(Sigh) Too bad... we can't carry them while we fly over the river' - wutong sighed as she lit the fire... the reason they don't is simple, if they start carrying silvi or buck while she and alba fly above the river they would be very exposed to any attack from some monster that can attack from afar... and then taking into account the lot of monster fish that live inside the river possibly they all start attacking them and All they would have left would be to dodge and defend.

"Well... it is better that we rest and get ready because possibly tomorrow we will arrive at the place where the volcano is" - Alba said as she sat next to Silvi and hugged her... she was already beginning to miss the fur a lot comfortable by andrius.

'yes, tomorrow we'll get there if we hurry but in that place we'll have to be very careful since the ground is always melting and we could end up stranded in the lava river' - buck nodded and spoke about the danger of that place.

'Well... have us at dawn to help us with the heat' - said wutong as he approached dawn.

"If that place is too hot I don't think I can create much ice, since it would end up melting but I can increase the cold of my body to keep them a little cool" - Alba scared wutong a little with the first part but then relieved her. ..since what can she do as a small butterfly in the high temperatures that exist in a volcano... her delicate wings will burn.

'...' - Silvi has been silent while she listens to them talk, when Alba hugs her so I can't help but remember how she used Andrius's fur to sleep because of how soft and comfortable it is.

'Well... it's better to rest a bit, I'll take the first shift to watch, it's better that you go to sleep and rest' - buck spoke while he cut himself in a more or less comfortable tree and kept looking from here to there in search of of some dangerous danger. (:v)

"If you're right, it's better to rest... good night" - Alba nodded as she settled down and used Silvi as a pillow... Silvi and Wutong also settled down and said good night.

[Andrius POV]

'...' - I was looking at the place where the descent is to get to the place where the girls are but I can't help but stop when I was about to cross and start going down, I started to feel an invisible pressure like the one I felt when we met with kanna the first time, even though she is much stronger.

'sorry?' - I asked Tsubasa and Kanna who had gotten up... they were asleep on my back, I left them at least to Kanna who asked me if she could sleep because she was tired, she had fought an hours ago with a very strong centipede, Like Kanna, he had an affinity for lightning, which made it difficult for him to kill him in his human form... but, it was good training for her to fight monsters with the same affinity, even though we all know that if he could use his true form, he would Centipede wouldn't have lasted two minutes.

"Yes... it seems that there is a very strong monster down there" - Kanna nodded while trying to assess the monster's power with the aura it gives off.

'you have to be careful... there's a mid-range monster down there " - tsubasa said as he looked down.

'What... since there could be a mid-rank monster in the outer zone, weren't they supposed to be here?' - I asked surprised at what he said… I couldn't help but raise the level of the mission several levels… this will be difficult.

'Yes... but, there is a small possibility that the monsters are fulfilling a mission from some king to be able to get here without any of them coming back or killing him' - he said as he sat waiting for him to speak.

'...' - I stayed silent thinking if we go down there or try to find another route to go down... well... it's not that bad we've only been looking for two days we can go and find another way... but, what bad thing is that I'm running out of meat and I only have incepts to eat... think think.

"What do we do?" - Kanna asked as he looked at me.

'(sigh) I don't know... you say Tsubasa, do you think the monsters will attack us if we go down there?' - I replied but then I asked tsubasa that...because, I don't know if the monster came for some mission and they forbid him to attack a low rank monster while he is here.

'Well... I wouldn't know how to say it, since we don't know if the monster came because some king sent it, but if so, there is a possibility that it was forbidden... but you decide if you want to go this way or find another way. to go down' - she answered while making me nod... it's true she's as lost as I am.

'Well... let's go down and hope that the monsters don't try to kill us... since, we don't have much food left... other than some incepts' - I spoke while making the decision to go down, I don't want to eat incepts, Kanna may be the only one in this group who likes them but neither Tsubasa nor I like them... so as the saying goes... let's prepare for the worst and hope for the best. (:v)

'Well... but, you better get ready to run... even though I don't think it will help much but well' - Tsubasa accepted while he climbed on my back and gave me some advice... very bad but I did prepare myself mentally .

"Well... I'll keep watching that no monsters come from behind" - Kanna also accepted while he sat on my back looking back.

'Well...here we go' - I thought as he went down and the pressure began to feel more but it was bearable.

[AWS team point of view]

[3 hours later]


"What was that?" - Alba asked agitated while she got up quickly and went everywhere looking for the cause of the explosion.

'Mmmm' - Silvi started to wake up half asleep... but, you can't blame her, she is the most tired of the group after the fight this morning against the treant and the guardian.

she still she was thankful that the guardian after they killed the nature spirit clone, he got up and went back to the place he came from…she doesn't think she can fight against that thing and her ridiculous defense.

'What's going on?' - wutong also woke up not as sleepy as silvi but she still needs a moment to wake up well... she blames andrius and his soft and comfortable fur that now without lying down using it as a pillow it's hard for her to sleep... silvi doesn't help either his fur is not as good as andrius's.

'It seems that there is a big fight at the bottom of the river...' - answered buck while he went to the river in search of the culprits of the explosion.


"Wow...they must be very strong monsters to achieve that" - Alba said while she saw how the water rose high after the explosion.

Then there was a too long silence that made the girls think of the same saying as last time... the calm before the storm.


Two creatures came out of the water, one was a black snake with blue eyes, the other had a long neck with blue scales, the body was still in the water but it was clear that it was not a snake. (I know... horrible description below the photo. :v)

[photo of snake]

[nesi photo]

'IT'S NESI' - buck shouted after seeing the monster fighting with the giant snake.

"nesi?" - Alba asked after hearing Buck shout the name.

'yes... nesi, an old acquaintance, I didn't expect to see you here' - said buck surprised while he saw nesi fighting against the snake.

'Hey, what's that?' - silvi spoke while she pointed to the back of where nesi was, they were some objects that were floating in the water but they were too far away to distinguish what they were.

'Do they look like... eggs to me?' - Wutong replied as she walked towards the place.

'WHAT... EGGS... YOU HAVE TO GO HELP HER' - shouted buck while implying that nesi was a woman and those were her balls, taking the dagger in her mouth and starting to run towards the fight.

"HEY... he's gone" - Alba tried to talk to him but he had already gone too far.

'What do we do?' Silvi asked as she watched Buck jump enzyme off the snake as she began to sway trying to get him off of her.

"well... help him, but we have to secure the eggs, silvi you go and help buck with the snake, wutong and I are going to go get the eggs out of the water" - Alba answered while she indicated what to do.

'Fine... but, I'm not going to go into the water' - Silvi agreed to go help but she didn't agree to go into the water... not after she saw the few dangerous fish below.

"Do what you want... as long as you help" - Alba knowing Silvi I accept but she hoped that she would help.

'Well... I'm leaving' - she agreed as she said goodbye and ran out to help buck and nesi to fight against the snake.

"Well... let's go wutong" - said Alba as she began to fly towards where the eggs are.

'yes' - answered wutong as she followed her.

While alba and wutong were going to get the eggs out of the water, nesi, buck and the snake were fighting in the water, silvi has just arrived to join them to fight against the snake.

'HAHAHA DON'T WORRY NESI, I'LL HELP YOU WITH THIS THING' - buck laughed as he plunged his dagger into the body of the snake and this time if he managed to make a deep cut, his defense was not as strong as the of the treants.

*screamed in snake pain* (I don't know how to spell it... if someone knows please.)

*roar* - nesi roared as she pounced on the snake and tried to bite it but the snake dodged and tried to bite her with its poisonous teeth.

'NO, YOU WON'T TAKE THIS [MENTAL SHOCK]' - just before the snake bit nesi, silvi arrived and used her second affinity spell to stop the snake and see if he would kill her outright.

*screamed in snake pain* (:v)

'Hahaha take... THIS AH!' - Buck laughed as he saw the snake swaying in pain from the strong headache caused by Silvi's mental shock, then he took advantage and began to climb up to the head and plunged his dagger into the snake's eye .

*screams in snake pain*

'AHHH!!' - the snake plunged into the water making buck have to jump to avoid falling into the water.

*rooaar* - nesi roared as he dove into the water to prevent the snake from escaping.

'Hahaha that, don't let her go' - Silvi laughed as she encouraged nesi.

While silvi and buck were waiting for nesi to come out of the water with the injured snake, wutong and alba had already removed 2 of nesi's 5 eggs but now they had a little problem... well they had a lot of little problems in the form of fish with teeth very sharp that they wanted to eat the eggs and them.

[photo of the fish... I'm not even going to try]

"wutong keep them away from the eggs while I take them out of the water" - Alba said as she created several ice fragments and shot them towards the fish killing some while the others managed to dodge them but had fulfilled their mission of keeping them away from one of the eggs.

'Yes, I took care of it' - wutong agreed as he created several balls of light and fired them towards the fish that tried to eat the other two eggs.

And so they began their little fight against the fish, they were not a dangerous problem but they were annoying since there were many and they used the water as an advantage over them.

'I won't let you...' - wutong said as he created a light barrier next to one of the eggs preventing a fish that had jumped from biting it.

"You've done well, now only that wutong is missing" - Alba said as she grabbed another egg and created several ice fragments shooting them towards the fish but they managed to dodge them.

'Tsk... if only I could make my attack stronger these annoying animals would have already died' - complained wutong while creating several balls of light and shooting them towards the fish... if they were normal animals but they had mana in their body so they are stronger than one.

And why didn't he fire his strongest attack... well, if he does, it will heat up the water a lot and it can affect the egg, so what he has left is to continue using one of his weakest attacks and weaken it to a level that can hurt the fish but not so much the eggs.

"Almost... now wutong you can do it" - Alba arrived grabbing the last egg while she gave wutong permission to kill those pesky fish with her strongest attack.

'hehehe... die pesky fish next time don't try to take on a big powerful monster' - wutong laughed as he moved away a bit and lifted up and started to create a super compressed ball of light with more than half of his mana to then shoot it towards the pesky fish.


"KYAAAAA... WUTONG YOU GOED OVER, YOU GOT ME" - Alba shouted surprised by the explosion and the little water that fell on top of her.

'SORRY' - wutong apologized since in his little annoyance towards the fish if he went a little too far... even she got wet.

"(Sigh) ... come on let's take the eggs further from the water ' - she sighed as she walked away and grabbed one of the eggs to take it away from the river.

with alba and wutong finishing removing the eggs and taking them to a safe place, silvi and buck were looking at the river a little worried about nesi.

'do you think it's alright?' - asked silvi worried about nesi.

'Yes... she is strong, only she was protecting the eggs which made it difficult for her to kill the snake' - buck, even worried, knew that nesi was stronger than the snake but because he was careful with the eggs he couldn't fight 100 % of its capacity.


In that the snake came out of the water... but, before silvi and buck did anything, nesi came out roaring and biting the snake, ripping off a piece of meat and killing it directly.

'Well...' - Silvi was moved after seeing nesi.

Buck smiled as he walked a little with Silvi away from the place since the dead snake was going to fall there.

'Well done nesi, your little eggs are there and they are safe' - buck congratulated nesi as he pointed to where alba and wutong placed the eggs.

*roar* - roaring in concern she started to get out of the water as she used her legs made to move in water to walk on land.

"Well... now everything is fine" - Alba nodded as she tried to calm Nesi down.

*roar* - roaring happily before she starts blowing kisses to the group thanking them for helping her.

'hehehe... no, you're filling me with slime' - Silvi laughed as she complained about the slime.

*roar* - nesi roared as she watched them.

'ah yes... help us with something... you see, we need to get to the other side of the river so can you take us?' - buck answered her while she asked him the favor of taking them to the other side.

*roar* - nesi roared as she nodded and motioned for them to place the eggs on her back and climb up.

'okay... thanks, come on girls, we already have someone to take us to the other side' - happy buck began to raise the eggs while he amazed the girls.

"Can you understand her... how?" - Alba asked since she couldn't understand her at all, wutong and silvi also stared at him waiting for him to answer.

'hehehe... yes, when you live here you learn one or two things hahahaha... so come on we have to go' - buck laughed while she scratched the back of her neck and then laughed and continued raising the eggs.

"Well..." - Alba nodded as she grabbed an egg next to wutong and silvi who grabbed the last two.

'Well... everything is ready, we can't go' - spoke buck after seeing that everyone was upstairs and they didn't leave anything.

*roar* - nesi roared as she nodded and started walking to the river before starting to swim to the other side.

and so quickly thanks to nesi the group managed to reach the other side without much trouble.

"Thanks for helping us" - Alba thanked Nesi after getting off.

'thank you' (x2)

*roar* - nesi roared as she shook her head.

'Hahahaha... she said no, this is nothing they helped her with... HAHAHAHA well, until next time nesi' - buck translated nesi's roar and then said goodbye to her.

*roar* - nesi roared as she slowly sank into the water.

"bye nesi" - alba de nesi said goodbye.

'bye' (x2) - wutong and silvi also said goodbye to nesi.

'Well... come on, we have to find a place to rest and wait for dawn' - said buck as he began to walk in search of a place to rest... those jumps tired him.

"''Okay''" - the girls agreed with what he said and started to follow him.

and so they managed to pass another area and now they only need two more to get out... but, they are the two most difficult, not to mention that the spirit of nature is waiting for them in the dangerous forest... for now they just want to rest .

[somewhere in the tunnels]

While the ATK and AWS teams had their own problems, the group of the two ice giants were walking through the tunnels very upset.

"AAAHHHH! .. THESE TUNNELS WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SO SMALL" - complained one of the giants while he was walking hunched over so as not to hit the roof of the tunnel.

"I understand you... but, we have to put up with it since according to the traces they passed through here" - the other giant, trying to speak calmly, answered the other.

"tsk... when I find them I'm going to tear them apart" - the ice giant spoke annoyed while crushing an incepto with his feet to calm down a bit... but, it didn't help much.

"Go... they passed through here, there is a trace that they ate not long ago here" - said the ice giant while pointing to some bones that were on the ground... those bones are not very different from the ones they found before while they were going down At first they thought that they were normal bones that are found out there, but this is the 3rd time that they have seen the same bones... in smell, they have a different smell from the others, thanks to their improved sense of smell they helped them realize that.

"Come on, let's go quickly, I want to get out of here" - the other ice giant spoke as he began to walk and hurried the other.

"Yes, yes" - answered the ice giant as he followed behind.

so each group has their own problem… the ATK team has a possible fight against a mid range monster, the AWS team and their problem with reaching the volcano area and the two frost giants team have to watch out for Don't hit the roof of the tunnel to prevent the roof from falling... everyone with a problem.

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