Vix floated, untethered, through the darkness. She was neither awake nor asleep, but somehow both at once, neither ever fully beginning or ending. Vix was aware of soft, soothing voices coming from somewhere above her, behind the darkness of her closed eyelids. But she did not have the strength to open them and see.
Time stretched meaninglessly on. A single second felt like a year. ‘Or is it the other way around?’ The thought drifted on the sea of Vix’s muddled mind for a moment, then slipped back beneath the surface.
A crisp snap. A cool pressure on her forehead. Vix wrinkled her brow. Her sleepless limbo slipped out of synchronization. Sensation came flooding back from the void. The murmuring voices grew louder, more insistent.
She managed to crack open her eyes.
— Kết thúc — Viết đánh giá