A collection of cushy armchairs and wizened-looking couches sat interspersed around the room, turned away from one another, as though the furniture was in the middle of a disagreement. Soft carpet colored the floor a dark blue, the color of a night sky without stars. In the center of the room, a polished oak table sat, gleaming prettily. A stone fireplace was set in the far wall, cold, dark, and dreary looking.
There were no windows, and the only door was the one through which Vix had entered. The ceiling stretched far overhead, a hollow tower that echoed with every noise. Shelves filled with bits and bobs covered the walls, below which stood armoires of fine wood, similarly laden with odd little things, which Vix did not recognize.
Vix felt like she had stepped into the sitting room of a wealthy old woman, with too many things and not enough room to put them in.