Tải xuống ứng dụng

Chương 2: my home and understanding

next thing I knew I found myself fall on a bed, looking around finding a very nice bedroom around me I got up, went near the balcony and looked into the most beautiful garden, flowers a nice fountain and a copse of trees on one side, a lake to the other followed by some mountains to the center some distance ahead, once finished admiring the back view of my own dimension I decided to check the rest of the house and my new home.

"greetings master!"

in front of me a translucent form of a woman in a classic English maid uniform, in my mind I realized that this was a hologram made by the house in order to better interact with me, so with a deep breath I relaxed and greeted her.

" greetings Penelope this will be your name from this day forward, how's the situation around the house, is everything good?"

" everything's fine, there are several rooms available and more can be manifested as needed, aside from all other expected divisions, the library, forge/crafting room, as well as the computers room have been installed with all the necessary amenities required by your needs, the garden, forest as well as other biomes are handled automatically without need to worry."

hearing all this I was very impressed as well as pleased with the place that house myself as well as all others that I may have come travel with myself from all other possible places I'll visit and live in.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C2
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Stone -- Power Stone
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