"Paris won't you thank me also? Gabriel asked grudging.
"Oh! Forgive my manners thank you Gabriel" I replied with a smile.
"Why the appreciation ? Gabriella asked confused.
"I don't know what the appreciation is for,I just said it" I said replying Gabriella's question.
" Really" Gabriel asked " I forgive you for what you said. When is the orientation program? He asked looking at I and Gabriella.
"It seems it's tomorrow, Am sure it's tomorrow" I replied."Also we don't have class tomorrow so we are free till orientation time" I said repacking my hair.
"That's true no class tomorrow, Can we attend the sport program happening tomorrow? Gabriella asked loking at us expecting a reply.
" We can attend" I said, As long as it's not same time with the orientation program".
" It's will be after the orientation has being concluded" Gabriella said.
"I'm a bit dizzy and I need to rest" Gabriella said standing up with her bag.
"I'm also tired let's just go to the lodge so that we can rest" I suggested.
When the alarm rang the following morning, We did not bother standing up because we don't have any class, I just set an alarm to wake me in an hour time so i can go to the dinning hall to collect our breakfast.
Immediately the alarm rang I tried having a quick bath,checking my wardrobe for a causal wear. I wore black short with a yellow colour plan polo then tie a black colour bandana scarf on my hair.
Leaving for the dining hall, getting to the dinning hall Gabriel was the first person i saw he just entered also he wasn't that dressed. He was just wearing a compact short with a black polo and a Nike slipper, but he still looked cute in the causal outfit.
"Hey gabriel" I said smiling at him
"Paris! How are you? He asked removing his earbud.
" I'm gud, What about you?
"I'm Great, Where is chocoholic? He asked looking around to see her.
"She is still in the lodge sleeping" I replied him " I just came to pick our breakfast then return back to the lodge" I said .
I and Gabriel walked to a dining table to seat, Soon sandwich and chocolate drink was shared for breakfast and it was already packed together just as if they were we will taking it to the lodge.
"Send my regards to gabriella" Gabriel said as we parted ways to our lodge.
Before I returned from the dinning hall Gabriella was already awake cleaning the room.
"Hey you" She said as i opened the door to enter the room. "I always knew you were a sweetie" she said asisting me to keep our breakfast on the table.
" Thanks" I said . "Gabriel sends his greeting I met him at the dinning hall"
"Awnn first time we are meeting him in the dinning hall" she said taking a bite of the sandwich, Woa ! This sandwich is delicious" she cried out. Paris aren't you eating now ? The orientation is in thirty minutes time.
"Are you for real was the time changed? I asked surprised.
" Yes a mail was sent to us all" showing me the mail on her phone.
"I have had my bath already so I just need to eat and get dressed" I replied gabriella sipping my chocolate drink.
In less than 20 minutes after we were both done with dressing ready to leave for the orientation program.
The student conference hall was large also well decorated with friendly colours, on the screen was a projection of the college building and its facilities. The chairs were well arranged in an orderly manner so we both sat on two chairs. Gabriella was calling Gabriel, After the call she asked if i could reserve that seat for gabriel so I immediately kept my bag on the seat next me. Not long after he came in all looking spick and span.
Gabriel was even looking handsome than always, like he used a special cream on his skin today
"Hey Gabriel" I said
"My pretty ladies, how are you two? He asked hugging us.
"We are fine" Gabriella replied removing my bag from the reserved seat so Gabriel could sit.
" You both are looking beautiful, Are you ladies sure that it's the orientation program you came for or you both have a party to attend" Gabriel asked smiling.
Soon the administator came to the pedium to give opening speech after which the school prospectus was read to us all by a school prefect then we were later given some advice by the discplinary committe of the college.
After the orientation was concluded we were taking pictures and making videos, I noticed someone was appearing in my video so i turned,guess who it was? Proud Noah. He was just smiling at me uncontrollable.
" Hey I said" waving at him.
"Hey paris he said"
I noticed girls were all around him. No wonder this guy is arrongant I said to myself.
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