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🚨Insert Kidnap GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)
🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)
Staring down at the shattered remains of his phone, Peter couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh. His phone was enchanted with all sorts of strengthening and protection magic, which should have protected it from even his power, but it seems like his new strength was more than the device could handle.
However, Peter's sharp eyes quickly caught sight of the intact memory card. With a sense of relief, he carefully removed it from the pile and decided to keep it safe in his bedside drawer until he could use it again. 'I still have that new model that Tony gave me, so I'll just transfer my memory card over to that later…'
Realizing that his touch could be destructive in his current state, Peter opted to employ telekinesis. Gently, he levitated the broken pieces and delicately placed them in the drawer, a temporary solution until he gained better control over his newfound abilities.
As Peter pondered his next move, a surge of curiosity compelled him to explore his newfound powers. He knew that he needed to check his messages, but at the moment, his lack of control needed to be addressed. 'I'll just take a minute to test…'
(A/N: What could possibly go wrong…)
Opening a portal, Peter found himself standing on the moon for the second time in two days. Unlike before, he didn't need magic to survive the vacuum of space, it seemed his body had adapted to the harsh conditions.
Contemplating this development, Peter suspected that the infusion of Superman or Silver Surfer's blood during his evolution might be the reason for these extraordinary changes.
But that wasn't all, because as soon as he stepped out into the unfiltered rays of the sun, Peter felt both rejuvenated and relaxed, the sun feeding his tired body, washing away the fatigue he felt from the constant evolutions.
Peter couldn't help but wonder, "Is this what Superman feels like everyday?" He marveled at the idea of absorbing sunlight without Earth's atmosphere hindering its effects and realized he had gained Kryptonian-like abilities.
Eager to test his newfound powers, Peter decided to push the boundaries. Taking flight from the moon's surface, he shot towards the sun, feeling an increasing surge of power with each passing moment. As he neared the sun, he marveled at the fact that he could withstand the intense heat without discomfort.
Arriving at the sun's surface, Peter basked in its immense radiance. He stretched his hand out, twiddling his fingers through the molten flames as if testing the temperature of a warm bath. The sensation of standing next to the sun without harm left him awestruck.
Meanwhile, Peter's clothes have long succumbed to the extreme conditions, disintegrating in the intense heat, though he didn't seem to notice, his mind too preoccupied by both the blissful feeling of the sun, and the awe he felt from the whole situation.
After basking in the sun's radiance for what felt like an eternity, Peter finally snapped out of his reverie. Realizing the need to test his newly acquired powers, he dismissed the daring idea of flying directly into the sun to take a solar bath, at least for now, opting to explore his abilities first.
Time was of the essence, and Peter didn't want to delay. 'My family is probably worried about me, and I still have to check the messages on my phone after this too…"
Mentally listing the powers inherited from individuals like Superman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Homelander, Scarlett Witch, Ego, Hela, Thanos, and the Silver Surfer, Peter floated to empty space, so that he would have enough room.
Starting with Superman's abilities, Peter delved into experimentation. Already familiar with superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, longevity, senses, and durability, he sought to unveil the depths of his newfound powers.
With a focus on heat vision, Peter directed his gaze towards a distant asteroid. Suddenly, his eyes began to flow a bright red before unleashing beams, which destroyed the space rock in an instant.
Smirking at how cool that was, Peter turned his attention to his wind and freeze breath. Inhaling deeply, he exhaled forcefully, creating a powerful gust that sent the remaining asteroids tumbling. Shifting his focus, Peter then unleashed a stream of icy breath, encasing another asteroid in a frosty cocoon.
The exploration of Kryptonian abilities continued, and Peter found himself testing X-ray vision. Peering back towards the Earth, his eyes widened as his visions constantly zoomed in. 'Huh? I guess I have telescopic vision too…' His vision zoomed in until he found his house. Penetrating its outer surface, he watched as his family went about their day.
Smiling down at his family from the vast emptiness of space, Peter moved in to Martian Manhunter's abilities. Ignoring the powers he already possessed, such as super-strength, nigh-invulnerability, superspeed, flight, regeneration, heat vision, telepathy, and telekinesis, Peter focused on the unique abilities he had gained from the Martian hero.
Shapeshifting became his first point of exploration. Concentrating on an image in his mind, Peter felt the very essence of his being shift and morph. Before long, he transformed into an exact replica of Martian Manhunter. Grinning at the success of his mimicry, Peter reveled in the potential for disguise that shapeshifting offered.
Next on the list was intangibility. Peter pondered the idea of passing through solid matter and, with a focused thought, allowed his body to phase through an asteroid. The sensation was otherworldly, and Peter marveled at the ability to move effortlessly through anything.
Invisibility followed, and with a mental command, Peter faded from view. As he floated in the vastness of space, unseen by the cosmic wonders surrounding him, a sense of stealth and secrecy enveloped him. Peter contemplated the practical applications of this newfound power, considering the advantages it could bring to his life as Spider-Man.
Satisfied with his exploration of Martian Manhunter's abilities, Peter moved on once again. Leaving the far reaches of space, he swiftly flew back to the moon, ready for his next set of tests, this time, the abilities of the Flash.
Landing on the moon's surface, Peter hesitated for a moment, contemplating the best way to test his speed. Uncertain whether he was connected to the Speed Force, he opted for a simple and direct approach, running. With a burst of energy, he dashed across the lunar landscape, a blur of motion that left streaks behind.
The sensation of speed was exhilarating, but as Peter circled the moon a few times in a matter of seconds, a realization dawned upon him. Despite the incredible velocity, he didn't feel a connection to the Speed Force. Confused, he slowed to a stop, wondering whether or not he actually received the Flashes powers or not.
"Well, that's a mystery for another day," Peter mused to himself. He decided to set aside the enigma of the Speed Force for future exploration.
Shaking off the puzzlement, Peter redirected his focus to the array of abilities he still needed to test. Moving swiftly through the list of acquired powers, Peter chose to skip Homelander, considering the striking resemblance of his abilities to those of Superman. Homelander's powers were essentially a copy of the Kryptonian hero's, and Peter, having thoroughly explored Superman's capabilities, saw no need to duplicate the experiment.
Redirecting his focus to the next name in the list, Scarlet Witch, Peter contemplated the multifaceted nature of her abilities. Among the array of powers she possessed, he decided to delve into the realm of magic, particularly Chaos Magic.
Drawing upon the mystical energies within him, Peter felt a surge of power envelop his entire form in a bright red, ominous glow. The moon's desolate surface transformed beneath his feet, shifting and morphing into a breathtaking landscape, a tiny planet adorned with diverse flora and fauna.
Amused by the sheer magnitude of his reality-altering abilities, Peter couldn't help but smirk. 'This is definitely one of the best powers I received…'
The potential of Chaos Magic seemed boundless, a potent force that allowed him to reshape the very fabric of existence without the need for the Infinity Stones.
Another snap of his fingers, and the moon reverted to its original desolate form. The echoes of Chaos Magic lingered for just a moment before fading away, a reminder of the vast potential at his fingertips.
Turning his attention to the next set of powers, Peter focused on Ego, the Celestial with the ability to manipulate cosmic energy, which he called light. In the vastness of space, Peter pondered how he could put this ability to the test.
Uncertain about the specifics, he decided to begin by conjuring cosmic energy, something that had felt relatively easier now after his previous tests. Perhaps the infusion of Silver Surfer and Ego's powers had made this manipulation more accessible?
With a mental command, Peter summoned cosmic energy, feeling the raw power coursing through him. It manifested as a white glow, which enveloped his entire being.
Curious about the extent of this power, Peter contemplated a way to express it. Drawing inspiration from Star-Lord's antics, he decided to attempt a classic move, the creation of a giant Pac-Man. Focusing the cosmic energy, he shaped it into the iconic figure, complete with the familiar wakakaka sounds.
A triumphant smirk crossed Peter's face as he observed the colossal Pac-Man floating in space, a testament to his ability to manipulate matter and energy on a cosmic scale. It seemed almost effortless, as if the power flowed through him with a natural ease.
Waving his hand, Peter dispersed the cosmic creation, causing the Pac-Man to crumble into nothingness. The ease with which he could summon and dismiss such entities left him intrigued and eager to explore the full potential of Ego's abilities.
"Alright, next," Peter mused to himself, turning his attention to the next set of powers in his arsenal, the abilities granted by Hela. Aware of the overlap in their powers, he decided to focus on two specific aspects, Weapon Creation and Necromancy.
Extending his hand, Peter tapped into the essence of Hela's powers, seeking to mold his abilities into a weapon. A pitch-black energy began to coalesce in his palm, taking shape as he concentrated. Within moments, a dagger materialized, its form an embodiment of the darkness that surrounded it.
Coolly, Peter twirled the weapon between his fingers, marveling at the ease with which he could create deadly tools. The supernatural dagger felt weightless, a manifestation of his evolving mastery over the inherited powers.
Dismissively, Peter caused the dark dagger to vanish. The convenience of summoning and banishing such weaponry seemed like second nature, leaving him intrigued yet again by the vast potential within him.
Now, the time had come for the second aspect of Hela's powers, the one Peter was most excited for, Necromancy. "Hehehe… It's time to build an undead army…"
However, he faced a dilemma. Lacking a suitable dead body for the experiment, Peter hesitated. True, he had the lower half of the Silver Surfer's body stored in his necklace, but he questioned the effectiveness of Hela's Necromancy with only a partial cadaver.
Opting to test the limits of Hela's powers nonetheless, Peter retrieved the remains of the Silver Surfer. Conjuring a green flame in the palm of his hand, he observed its flickering glow before tossing it onto the dismembered corpse.
The green flames danced around the severed legs, enveloping them in an ethereal light. Peter stood with bated breath, waiting for the potential resurrection to unfold. However, after a moment, the flames dissipated, leaving the Silver Surfer's lower half unchanged.
Disappointed but not discouraged, Peter considered the implications. It seemed Hela's Necromancy required at least a semi-complete corpse for its invocation. While the prospect of an undead Silver Surfer as his ally was tempting, the reality did not align with his hopes and dreams.
Acknowledging the need for a more comprehensive test in the future, Peter stored away the remains of the Silver Surfer once again.
And finally, the last name inscribed on Peter's list, excluding the Silver Surfer, who he's already tested, was Thanos, the formidable mad Titan.
Aware that the Titan's powers comprised of just basic enhancements, such as super strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, agility, durability, longevity, and healing, Peter still wasn't discouraged. Although these powers were basic, they were strong, especially for the Mad Titan.
It also helped that these traits were shared by almost every individual whose powers now coursed through him, enhancing his strength even further.
Focusing on super strength, Peter began a series of controlled experiments. Soaring through space, he touched down on planet Mars. "This should do…"
Looking around, trying to figure out how to test his strength, Peter shrugged to himself before winding his fist back and punching the ground. The force exerted by his enhanced strength cracked a huge portion of the planet in half, creating a giant trench which spanned almost half the globe.
Staring down at his fist in shock, Peter realized. 'I really need to get my power under control before heading home…'
Taking a moment to eye the giant chasm he unwittingly created, Peter could feel the sheer magnitude of his strength, an energy pulsating through every fiber of his being. Determined to refine this power, he decided to get right to work, hoping it wouldn't take too long.
A/N: 2260 words :) Long… Boy…