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50.49% One Piece: Reborn as Enel / Chapter 153: Deals and Mission Details

Chương 153: Deals and Mission Details

_________ POV Narration_________

'It was that easy?!' Bonney almost wanted to rip her hair out.

'What was all of that anguish and frustration for then?!?!' She didn't know if she was mad at herself or at Francisco for making her feel even more on edge.

Though, to be fair, she didn't really give him much information on what she wanted, so the Legendary Swordsman just assumed the worst.

"You seem a bit confused... Or maybe mad. From your reaction, you likely planned to ask me for something, maybe bargain a bit...

Honestly, what did you think was going to happen?" Enel almost wanted to cross his arms and shake his head at her, but he didn't really have two arms to cross.

"I don't know... I guess I just thought you'd be a bit mad that I'm not helping you out right after everything you've been doing for me..."

Bonney ended up scratching the back of her head, she was truly not used to getting things for free, not in this second part of her life as a fugitive/pirate.

"Bonney... I saved you at that time because I didn't want you to fall into the hands of the government.

I thought I had made it clear, but I won't ever ask you to use your powers outright. That is something you can only do at your own discretion."

Enel scowled a bit when seeing her flabbergasted.

"I-I mean, I'm not exactly used to this... I just figured you'd finally start acting like an Emperor, I guess?"

Bonney looked to the side a bit, she seemed to be muttering a few curses, Enel heard Francsico's name being mentioned, but he decided to just ignore it.

"I've always been an Emperor, even when we first met. Why would I suddenly change how I behave with my own people?"

"I've gone over this already with Francisco, but I'm not part of your crew!" The lightning emperor scowled a bit when seeing how fixated she was on that.

"Not part of my crew YET! How about it? Wanna join us officially?" The Emperor clapped his earlobes together and spoke with a flamboyant tone.

'I guess I never did formally extend an invitation to her, I was quite busy...'

"What? You're inviting me just like that?!"

"What were you expecting?! It's not like I give written invitations..." The Emperor pouted a bit at Bonney, not quite sure how else to respond to her.

The Glutonnous Pirate looked at the emperor in front of her for quite a few seconds, trying to process the face he was making.

"... Ok, I'll be joining your crew and all that, but first you have to save my Nephew, I'll also heal whoever you wanted me to, or whatever." Bonney ended up just accepting, well, technically accepting.

She did want to ensure the safety of her family.

Enel nodded like a sage when hearing that, his eyes closed as he seemed to be thinking about something. They then shot open and he stared at her for a few seconds.

"What?!" Bonney obviously noticed his staring. She wasn't exactly blind.

"Bonney, how old are you again?" Enel rubbed his chin as he spoke out, his expression remaining blank, but his eyes glinted with a sparkle of curiosity.

Bonney could feel her blood pressure rising a bit when she heard that question.

"Say... Have your parents ever taught you manners?! YOU NEVER ASK A WOMAN HER AGE!" Bonney shouted right in Enel's face.

The Emperor blinked a few times, ignoring the spit that landed on his face. "Fair." That was all he said as he leaned back into his chair.

"Sooo, care to spare me a few more details on who you want to rescue?" The Emperor didn't waste much time sulking before he started speaking again, inquiring further about this 'Nephew'.

"Bartholomew Kuma. Former Warlord, also the former King of Sorbet Kingdom, somewhere in the South Blue." Bonney crossed her legs as she straightened up a bit, realizing that they were likely going to get into a more serious subject.

"... Kuma? I remember him... But I don't know if you'll like how he is currently." Enel scratched the back of his head as he spoke.

He clearly remembered Kuma from the show, he didn't remember Bonney being mentioned a lot in relation to him though...

"However he is, I want him safe and out of the hands of those slavers!" Enel at least had to give it to her, she was certainly resolute.

"Understood, manageable even. So he's being held at the Holy Land?" Enel said as he rubbed his chin a bit.

"T-Thats where I think he is... He's probably a slave there. I can't give you exact information, as I don't have any. But there is really nowhere else he could be... It's either there or with Dr Vegapunk."

Bonney bit a bit into her fingernails as she spoke, visibly frustrated by the lack of information.

Enel simply nodded, there really weren't many places where Kuma could be at the end of the day.

'So it's either a raid on the Holy Land or a visit to the smartest human alive...' Enel smiled a bit as he thought about that.

'Yet, in the show, he was being kept as a slave in the Holy Land, that's where he's most likely to be.'

"Well, I know what to do in this case." Enel nodded and got up, he signalled Bonney to follow him, and she did so, questioning him a few times along the way.

Enel simply answered in odd phrases and hummed his way along through the forest, as the two of them walked for a few minutes.

Bonney was obviously irritated by Enel's lack of responses, but she did seem to understand a few things when seeing where exactly the Emperor had brought her.

They were staring at two men, playing chess in the middle of the woods. Both were tall and blonde, but one was obviously older and with dyed hair.

Francisco and Shiki just seemed to be relaxing... Well, Francisco was relaxing, Shiki was losing(badly) and was angry, thrashing around like a rowdy child and swearing every time Francisco made a move.

"This isn't fair!! I'm too old for this shit!" Shiki said as he lost once again. The Golden Lion had never been able to win against Francisco, not even before he had gone a bit senile...

"... I'm older than you..." Francisco tilted his head a bit as he spoke, and it seemed to tick Shiki off quite a bit.

"Older my ass! Well... I guess you are, mentally... But I refuse to call you old while you look like that!" Shiki shoved his finger into the legendary swordsman's face as he spoke, his spit flying everywhere.

Francisco simply chuckled a bit as he turned and looked at the two newcomers.

"Come to gander at the most engaging strategic match of this island?" Francisco's tone sounded grand, arrogant even. Shiki simply scowled when hearing it, mumbling some curses under his breath.

"I am quite sure this is the only chess match on this island... I don't think the Shandian Tribe is playing chess." Enel said as he narrowed his eyes at his first mate.

"Hmmm, but there is also the Revolutionary Army. Though I guess they are quite busy for now... Still doesn't disprove my claims." The Old Swordsman laughed a bit as he tapped the hilt of his blunt cutlass.

"Soo, what are you two here for?" Shiki looked at Enel and Bonney with a hopeful expression. The Emperor instantly understood the message: 'Please save me from this!'

It wasn't his idea to start playing chess by the looks of it...

"Francisco and Shiki... Would the two of you be willing to raid the Holy Land?" Enel smiled as he spoke, and Shiki's eyes gained a crazed glint.

"Willing!? YOU ONLY NEED TO ASK ONCE!" The Golden Lion immediately stood up, laughing as he did. Bonney couldn't help but sweat a bit at his eagerness.

"Now now, don't get your horses all riled up..." Francisco smacked his partner on the back of the head, making him a bit dizzy. "What does this raid consist of, captain?"

The First Mate looked at the Emperor with a last smile, he was clearly up to the task, he was just asking for more information.

Enel simply smiled as he started speaking again. "You two old guys are to save this wee lass's Nephew!"

The Emperor pointed at Bonney with a smile on his face, making the woman in question cringe a bit at the strange tone he had used.

"Nephew?! No offence, but ya don't look that old!" Shiki said as he squinted a bit at the gluttonous Super Nova.

Bonney simply shrugged, before snapping her eyes open and looking at Enel with a slanted gaze.

"See?! Even a senile old man has enough manners to not ask for my age directly!" Bonney crossed her arms, a smug look creeping on her face as Enel just scowled a bit.

"Hey! I ain't Senile... Not that much at least..." Shiki said as he scratched his beard a bit.

"Anyway, you want us to rescue someone, that's it? No absolute destruction on the World Government or something along those lines?" Francisco was the one to get the conversation back on track, once again being the voice of reason in a conversation.

"Well, we aren't quite ready for a full-on assault right now. The one that stands on the empty throne can likely kill us all by himself..." Enel simply shrugged a bit as he spoke, remembering the large eye that hovered above Baltigo.

"I don't know if he's strong enough for all of us..." Shiki seemed to not quite believe Enel at that point.

"It pays well to be careful, but I also agree with Shiki here. All of the people gathered on this island... There shouldn't be any force in the world capable of holding us back even slightly.

Especially if we can heal up Sengoku as well." Francisco also spoke out, he believed in his captain ultimately, but still felt the need to express his point of view at the end of the day.

"I know how powerful this group has become... I am not blind." The Emperor sighed a bit as he looked at the people around him.

"But I also know that the world government have their hands on pieces of two Ancient Weapons, and they also have a full Ancient Weapon... Or at least something with equivalent power." Enel's smile seemed to become a bit strained as he spoke, clearly a bit frustrated with the situation as well.

Francisco and the rest were somewhat forced to think back to Baltigo when Enel said that, especially since Enel seemed to be pointing at his missing arm with an earlobe.

"I see... Well, I guess being careful doesn't hurt... As long as I see the current Government fall to its knees in my lifetime, I don't particularly care." The Golden Lion ended up just shrugging, he wasn't intimidated by the threat of an ancient weapon, but he also knew that it was nothing to scoff at.

It was better to be careful in such situations. Francisco and Bonney both seemed to agree.

"So, would it be the three of us rescuing this Nephew? Is he being kept there as a slave, by chance?" Francisco asked as he rubbed his chin a bit, his blue eyes looked over at Bonney, who seemed a bit ashamed to meet his gaze for some reason.

Shiki and Enel both noticed that, the two of them looked at each other for a bit, then back at Bonney and Francisco.

'Women, hah!' Both of them ended up sharing the same thoughts.

But Enel did have to answer Francsico's question, so their small moment was somewhat ruined by the Emperor's next words.

"Well, it will just be the two of you actually!" Enel smirked as he spoke, making the other three people present stared at him with wide eyes.

"What?! Why aren't you going?!" Bonney was the first to react, Shiki seemed to be asking the same question, just with his gaze. Francisco was the only one trying to find a reason for Enel's actions.

"Well, I'm quite sure that if all three of us were to go, they'd just nuke the entire island. In the first place, I am quite sure they have something prepared for me if I go there." Enel shrugged as he spoke.

"You think they're focusing on you to that point? To have something prepared specifically for you..." Shiki seemed a bit unconvinced.

"Sounds a bit arrogant, sure. But they've been baiting me towards the Holy Land for a while now. They've also made it clear that they've gathered everyone there...

Every time they make an action, it almost feels like they're trying to bait me there. Even when they destroyed Baltigo..." Enel smiled a bit as his words made all of the people present think more and more about the situation.

They didn't have the full context like Enel did, however...

"At Baltigo? Are you sure they were bating you then too? Seems more like they were trying to kill you..." Bonney said as she looked at Enel's missing arm.

"There is no way they thought I'd get hit by that attack. Even if it was fast, I could've escaped with ease before the red light even hit the island... I only stood there to help the others.

But they had moved most of their forces away while knowing that it would at most take me a minute to reach their base and destroy every Celestial Dragon in the Holy Land..."

Enel's smile seemed to be turning more devious as he spoke. And the others were also starting to understand what he was talking about, even Shiki!

"... When you put it like that it does sound like they were expecting you to go there..." Francisco seemed to become thoughtful for a few seconds.

"Indeed! Well, does that mean we can also expect them to have something prepared for us?" Shiki still seemed more than willing to go to the Holy Land.

He was disappointed that he wouldn't get to see Francisco's new captain in action, but his old bones still felt like they needed some action.

"They'll likely have something prepared for devil fruit users... But that's why I want Francisco to go. You will help mainly with finding the prisoner and helping everyone flee the scene." Enel cracked his neck as he spoke his finger tapping on the wooden table in front of him.

The chess pieces on the table shook a bit, and Enel smiled.

Francisco also grinned a bit. His smile became more and more crazed, betraying his usually calm facade.

"It's been a while since I've gone on a spree..." The Legendary Swordsman's words managed to give chills to just about everyone present, including Shiki.

The Golden Lion shuddered a bit as he remembered Francisco's temperament back in the days of the Rocks Pirates. 'Yeah... He was always a bloodthirsty one, much like our captain... Maybe that's why they got along?'

"You'll both get plenty of action, I assure you. Shiki, you should be prepared for your devil fruit to fail you in there..."

"Bah! I'm not worried, even without it I can take on any Marine you throw at me!" The Golden Lion certainly lived up to his reputation, Enel couldn't help but smile when seeing his confidence.

'As expected of a monster from that generation...' Bonney also had similar thoughts.

Seeing how competent the people Enel was entrusting her Nephew's rescue made her very excited. She could almost feel that Kuma was within her reach.

"Say, if we're going there... We might as well free all of the slaves! JIHAHAHAHAHA!" The Golden Lion started cackling madly at the thought of inconveniencing the world government even more.

"... Whatever works for you I guess? I'm sure you can provide them with housing on all those islands..." Enel didn't bother to tell him off either.

It at least helped the Emperor better understand the Golden Lion's philosophy... 'The more I annoy the World Government the better!'

"Well, we'll see how things go when we reach the Holy Land..." Francisco also seemed to be on board with the idea, Enel was unsure if it was out of compassion for the slaves, or the same reason as Shiki.

"By the way... Shiki, can you even keep the islands afloat if you lose your devil fruit powers momentarily?" Bonney asked with a raised eyebrow, making all of the other people present blink rapidly.

"Umm... I guess I'll have to stay away from the actual fight then..." Shiki seemed wholly disappointed. It was as if someone had taken a shit on his parade.

"Now now, I say we just rest the islands on the Imperial Cumulus. It should do, for now, they'll just drift off a bit, but I think Enel here can keep them all together with a bit of effort." Francisco was thankfully quick to come up with an idea.

"... I'll have to touch everything again... Ah, the lengths I go to in order to fuck with the World Government..." Shiki sighed a bit, his wide smile returning to him.

Bonney could only sweat, as her trust in that operation fell more and more as the conversation went on.

In the end, it was decided that they'd rest all of the islands, the few dozen that Shiki was constantly floating around, on the Imperial Cumulus.

They did so rather quickly, as it was right underneath them, the Golden Lion just had to spread them out evenly.

The Sea of Clouds instantly became a lot more clustered, but it was easily capable of holding up the islands.

In the end, it was up to Enel and Dragon to keep the Imperial Cumulus from drifting off too far from their initial location, but Shiki said it'd be fine either way, as he'd just fly all of the islands back upon returning.

Bonney and Enel watched from the periphery of Upper Yard, as Shiki and Francsico departed on a small flying island.

Shiki had made sure to have a large mansion on that island, with enough accommodations to make a king blush...

"We're OFF TO CONQUER THE GOVERNMENT!" Shiki shouted at the top of his lungs as his island got further and further away.

Bonney and Enel looked with blank expressions, as they could hear Francisco loudly admonishing the Golden Lion, saying they were actually on a rescue mission.

"... Will they truly be alright?..." Bonney asked, that same blank expression still etched on her face.

"Yeah... I assure you, Francisco is an extremely dependable individual!" Enel simply gave her a large smile and started walking off, tapping his white stick on the ground as he did so.

Bonney just looked at his back, then looked at the island that was still flying away.

'It's not Francisco I am worried about... I hope that senile old bastard doesn't ruin the whole mission...'


Hope you liked the chapter! One of the longest ones yet ;)) Around 3.2k words

Anyhow, I've not really been uploading chapters under 2k words anymore, which is why daily uploads aren't happening as often.

In case some ppl didn't notice, I'm currently alternating uploads on my two fanfics :))

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster(Vegan Cult) on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)

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