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66.15% Deathworld Commando: Reborn / Chapter 172: Vol.7 Ch.158- New This, New That.

Chương 172: Vol.7 Ch.158- New This, New That.

Good afternoon party people.

As a reminder, I will be going on vacation starting tomorrow. I will be gone and away from my computer and duties, so tomorrow's chapter is coming today.

There will not be a chapter Monday, June 5th. I'm uncertain if I will post at all during the week of June 5th. It all depends on when I get back and how I feel after a long plane flight.

Regardless of what I do, we will return to our regularly scheduled posting starting June 12th.

I'll miss you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful week. And for those of you in the state, I hope you enjoy having Monday off.

And for those of you who just can't wait...well...buy me a drink and get some chapters on Ko-Fi >:)



Kaladin Shadowheart's POV

I finished buttoning the top button on Mila's coat and stepped back to appreciate just how well it matched her school uniform. I had to say. I had done a great job without even meaning to.

She looked positively adorable in all red with her little hat. Even her ears poked out from the top, and now that her hair had grown more, it really helped fill her face out. She looked up at me with piercing blue eyes and an expectant look. I couldn't help but chuckle and pat her on the head.

"You are too cute for your own good," I told her.

A smile bloomed on her face, and she hugged the hand patting her. "Daddy is even prettier!"

Prettier, huh? Should I be happy that I'm pretty? I think I should. Better to be a pretty daddy than an ugly one, I guess.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked the person standing in the doorway with a smile on her face.

Mila ran over and hugged Sylvia. "Sylvia is pretty too!"

Sylvia stroked Mila's hair, and her smile brightened even more. "Thank you, Mila," she said softly. "Let's go, shall we? We don't want to be late for our first day of class."

Today was the first day of school, so we were all dressed up in our school uniforms. It had been a long time since I donned the red and gold jacket of Forward University, not since I had reunited with my family. In that amount of time, I had missed a lot of school as well as essential tests and such.

It was a shame, but to be honest, I didn't exactly need to attend classes, nor did I need to graduate. As far as I was concerned, my family came first, and I fully intended to accept whatever consequences came my way, even if that meant expulsion from the university.

However, that never came to pass as Bowen explained that all was well. Students missing class for important reasons was common enough and wouldn't negatively reflect on them if they had sufficient proof and explanation. But that meant I had to make up all those tests, which was a hassle and something I didn't want to do.

In the end, Bowen suggested that I simply take the tests I missed. If I passed them, then there was nothing to worry about, and I could continue with my studies as if nothing had happened. Apparently, Forward University did offer advanced placement tests in specific scenarios. After all, it would be useless to have a student take a class they didn't actually need.

Either way, I'm not looking forward to it, even if I can pass the tests with ease.

"Hey, what is Professor Garrison doing here?" Sylvia asked as we made our way down the stairs.

Professor Garrison was at the front door, talking with my parents. He looked apologetic as he lowered his head after speaking a few times. Our eyes met, and he gave me a quick nod of greeting as well. Come to think of it. I hadn't parted ways with him amicably the last time we met.

I didn't mean to do that to him. Professor Garrison had always been good to me, and I appreciated him as a person, friend, and mentor. But at the time, I couldn't let him threaten my family like that. I had my priorities, and I wasn't afraid to handle those who wanted to threaten my family, even if they were friends.

"Good morning, Professor," I said with a friendly nod.

"Good morning, Kaladin, Sylvia, and Mila. I'm sorry to bother you before classes, but I thought it would be best to do this now…I should have come sooner, though," he said, regret laced in his voice.

I looked at my mother, and she just smiled softly and tilted her chin down. I figured they must have already talked and apologized. If Mom and Dad weren't mad, then neither was I. Besides, I understood where he came from. It would be hard just to let the person who killed your comrades walk around, even if it was years ago.

"I'm sorry for my outburst in class at that time. I shouldn't have acted so harshly toward you or your mother. And I definitely shouldn't have drawn my weapon. I'm sorry, Kaladin," Professor Garrison said with a bow.

I patted the man on the shoulder and just smiled at him. "No need to worry. It appears that everything has already been forgotten and forgiven. And I never harbored any ill will toward you, even after that event," I told him.

Professor Garrison slowly looked up at me. His green eyes were wide behind his glasses, and his eyebrows were high on his face. He looked genuinely shocked at something.

"Is something the matter? Is there something on my face?" I asked as I wiped at my cheeks.

Professor Garrison shook his head like he was clearing his thoughts with force. "No, no, not at all. I was just a little surprised, that's all." Then he started laughing, and he even grinned. "It's been so long since I've seen or talked to you, Kaladin. You seem like a completely different person now. No, maybe I should say you've finally grown up? No…that's not quite right either…huh," he mused with a shrug.

"Hopefully, in a good way?" I asked.

"Yeah…definitely in a good way." His eyes turned to Sylvia, and he raised an eyebrow. "In a good way?"

"In the best way," she told him.

Is that so? I think I've changed a little, hopefully for the best. If I got any worse, things would probably get ugly fast.

Professor Garrison nodded to himself in satisfaction and then chuckled. "Alright, you three, get to class. I'm going to stay here and talk to your parents for a bit. I might be a little late, so let everyone know for me."

"Yes, Professor," I said with a grin.

Mila and Sylvia said their goodbyes and see you laters, and we made our way outside. Forward University was buzzing with energy today as students and staff walked around campus. Even in the early morning hours, the place was truly alive for the first time in months.

We walked through the teacher and staff homes until we reached the main pathway. There were so many students out and about the walkways were actually shoulder-to-shoulder. But as we approached a four-way intersection, there was suddenly a massive traffic congestion of bodies.

Everyone was oohing and awwing as they talked amongst themselves. I followed their eyes and looked up at the giant statue that had been erected in the last few weeks in the new park that had been built. I didn't pay much attention to it because, frankly, I didn't care…but now I wish I did.

I gawked at the black marble statue in embarrassment. It depicted what could only be described as me, wearing fancy armor and driving a spear into a Dragon's skull while I sat atop it triumphantly.

Never in my life had I expected to see me…like that. That's not even how events played out. My spear never went into the Dragon's head, and I never stood tall over it. The last time I checked, I was dying while being crushed inside of a rock face.

I really hope there are no statues of me anywhere else…

"Sylvia…remember when I asked if you knew what was going on here…did you lie?" I asked in disbelief.

Sylvia giggled to herself as she looked up at the statute. "I did, sort of. I never imagined it would be taller than the trees." She tilted her head to the side to look at me. "I think they did a fantastic job. They really caught your general vibe and got your face almost perfect. I probably would have made you a little more handsome, though…maybe make your hair a bit longer."

I sighed deeply. It was true. Whoever sculpted my face had done a good job at replicating it, which was better than them screwing up and making me look like a fool or too much like some fantasy hero. At least they didn't have me yelling to the heavens or grinning like a fool. The expression was best described as stoic, which was appropriate considering the event and the number of people that had lost their lives.

"Wow…Big Daddy," Mila mumbled to herself.

"Please don't say that out loud, Mila," I begged.

Then it started.

"Hey, is that him?"

"It is him, right?"

"Yeah, that's Voker—"

"No, that's Kaladin, you idiot."

From there, the voices picked up exponentially, turning into a single block of loud noise. I felt all the eyes in the general vicinity flick toward me as the information of my arrival spread through the crowd. It didn't help that I was taller than the average person which meant it was easy to spot me in a group.

"Let's just keep walking," I muttered.

Thankfully the crowd of onlookers did not impede our walking. They even parted to the sides to let us through, which was both good and bad for various reasons. Mila tightened her grip on my hand, most likely nervous at all the attention she was getting.

Instead of just leaving her be, I picked her up, and she instantly held onto me tightly. I personally didn't care about fame or the attention. People have gawked at me for as long as I can remember in both of my lives, so this was nothing new. However, it clearly upset Mila, who only had bad memories of large crowds staring at her.

Sylvia and I hastened our pace to class, leaving the onlookers behind us.

"Wow, he actually came to class for once. It's a miracle," snickered Varnir.

"Indeed, it has been some time since we have all been together, has it not?" Sylas said thoughtfully.

"I suppose it has been a long time since all of us have been in class at the same time. Even Jen is back with us," Ren said with a warm smile.

I almost forgot what it was like to be in this class…it's good to see everyone is happy and healthy again.

Jen had put back on some healthy weight and looked far better than she had during winter. Some color had returned to her face and hair, and she smiled as she sat next to Tsarra. It was also nice to see that Tsarra wasn't hiding under one of her spells. Perhaps Jen and Varnir would slowly whittle down her shell.

There was a solid thump as Professor Garrison dropped a stack of papers on his desk. He stared out at us, and the entire class went silent. The Professor let out a deep breath and walked to the front podium.

"It's good to be back, everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful, rest-filled winter break with your friends and family. I also hope that you did some studying," he joked with a grin.

A few students groaned in annoyance, but Professor Garrison continued with his trademark smile. "So…we have much to talk about today. As you all know, today is the first day of classes despite there being no lecture. So for that, I welcome all of you to your final year here at Forward University and congratulate you all for being in Class Onward. As your teacher, I am proud of every single one of you for the trials you have overcome this previous year. We all know just how difficult of a year it was…"

The Professor trailed off for a moment before heading to the chalkboard and writing down a name. "As you all have heard, the tournament with Sandervile is being hosted in Luminar this year, which means we are going to be incredibly busy these next few months with training. Of course, those of you who have no intentions of competing will not be forced, but those of you who are interested will have to compete in the school's preliminaries to be selected, as is tradition."

That applies to everyone but me. As the sole person who received a golden ticket so to speak, I'm exempt from this preliminary, which is nice.

Professor Garrison pointed at the name on the board. "I'm sure you are already aware of all this. His and Her Majesty have changed this year's venue to the coastal city of Flumare. I'm sure this came as a surprise to many of you, and rest assured. It was a surprise to us as well. We only learned of this change around the same time I'm sure most of you did, especially with the addition of Saber Academy and with Tel'an'duth joining us this year. And I'm here to say that for contestants who qualify, nothing will change. The school will house, feed, and equip you free of charge, as they have done every year. For the students who are interested in traveling to the venue, the school is offering free tickets as well as free passage to the city. However, lodging is another matter that has still yet to be resolved. I'll release the information as I get it but don't worry too much. I'm sure we will figure something out."

A few students whispered amongst themselves. But what the professor had said was true. For the first time ever, Tel'an'duth was sending students to the tournament, which was as historical as it sounded since this entire tournament was devised to raise and nurture students to fight against Tel'an'duth.

But now the times are changing. And Queen Maxwell was making her moves.

The professor moved to his desk and grabbed a giant scroll. He unraveled it and laid it across the board for all to see. "Now, this is probably what most of you have been waiting for, our new student standings."

He gave us a few moments to look over the list. In all honesty, there wasn't too much of a drastic change overall. However, the top five students had changed significantly, and everyone else sort of moved to reflect that change, staying within one or two spots of their previous ranks.

It was also nice to see that Jen had actually stayed the exact same. It was probably due to the Dragon incident keeping her out of school for so long. If she were to be punished for that, it would have been a heartbreaking penalty.

But…there was a new number one on the board…which I didn't think was necessary.

"I'm sure that there are very few of you who have complaints about the new number one student. Honestly, giving reasons as to why he shouldn't be number one would be hard. Well, maybe besides his constant absences," Professor Garrison said with a grin as he winked at me. "Academically, Kaladin has achieved top marks since his arrival last year, only ever stumbling in his Beastmen language studies. And as for his merits outside of the class and in physical examinations, what else is there to say? Please, everyone, give a clap for our new number one student."

The class erupted into claps and a few cheers as everyone turned to me. It was a relief to see that people weren't in an uproar over it. Which I thought would happen since I had missed so much school. But perhaps I had just become too much of a figure to be denied that spot.

I even looked at Lin, and she just winked at me. She had no qualms about relinquishing the position she had maintained all these years. However, I did feel somewhat bad for dethroning her.

"Daddy is number one!" Mila said as she sat up in my lap and hugged me.

Well, this isn't so bad.

"Now, now, then. We will go over the top five as it has changed the most. Linnetia Paine, although you are now second, I hope you are not discouraged in the slightest," he said as he eyed Lin.

Lin bowed her head graciously. "Being second to the Dragonslayer is hardly a downgrade. On the contrary, perhaps it's even more of an upgrade. I have no problems with my ranking, and I am more than happy to congratulate Kaladin," she said, her voice kind yet firm.

As expected of the next head of the Paine family. I almost forgot that Lin was a noble now.

Everyone clapped at that, and Professor Garrison continued. "Congratulations to Arene Maxwell for successfully holding onto the third-ranked position. In such chaotic times, I believe that shows just how much you have grown."

Ren bowed her head while everyone clapped for her. "Now, to our new fourth-placed student, Tsarra Tel'an'duth, congratulations on your new ranking. You have by far improved the most out of any previous student. Even though you were not officially recognized for your act of bravery against the Dragon, the school has decided to do this much for a hero. You have also shown incredible growth in your magic, officially reaching the mage rank of Grandmaster. And as to be expected of a princess, your academics are outstanding, and the school has even published your book on illusion magic."

The room erupted into clapping once more, and I watched Sylvia put a hand to her chin. "She wrote a book? That's impressive," Sylvia muttered quietly to herself.

"Is it that surprising? I think she is more than capable of that," I told her.

"I guess we have two very different images of her then," Sylvia whispered.

Tsarra, at first glance, seemed to be a shy, introverted girl. And that was because she was. Although she had changed steadily since I met her, her nature was still much the same. However, she became a completely different person when it came to reading books.

And it turned out it wasn't only reading books she was passionate about but writing them too.

I turned in my seat and clapped for her, but Tsarra looked about ready to explode. Her face was redder than her hair from all the attention. I was afraid she would burst a blood vessel with how hard she clenched her jaw.

Well, some things change. And some things don't.

"And, of course, another congratulations is in order to our new fifth-ranked student, Varnir Shadowstone. Varnir, you are easily the second most improved student in Class Onward, only falling short of Tsarra slightly in academics, which you have improved greatly in and in outside achievements. However, your prowess in your physical testing has improved dramatically. Once again, congratulations, Varnir," Professor said, his voice full of praise.

"Hey, look at that! I almost caught up to you," Varnir said with a chuckle as he hugged Tsarra by the shoulder.

If Tsarra wasn't embarrassed already, that was enough to kill her. I watched as the air around Tsarra wobbled and warped, and she disappeared completely in a blink of an eye. It was amazing that she lasted that long in the first place.

Sylvia grumbled some things under her breath about beating Varnir on the first day of school but still being ranked below him, and surprisingly, even with the clapping, Professor Garrison heard her. "Sylvia, I imagine many people are confused as to why you are only ranked eighth. It's no surprise that you played a critical role in the Dragon incident, and many people, including myself, owe our lives to you. I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you for saving us. Also, your physical prowess is something to remark on. If we based rankings solely on that, you would be in the top five, no questions asked. However, we take more into account. To be honest, your academic abilities fall short of the class average, which is nothing to be ashamed of. And if rankings were to be recalculated today, your outside achievements would have doubled even more considering your involvement with Dragonheart Foundation. Regardless of your rank, we should all congratulate President Sylvia of the Dragonheart Foundation, who will give us a speech tonight at the school banquet."

Everyone in the class clapped loudly for Sylvia. It seemed that despite her being a Vampire, many students felt that she had done something remarkable, which was the absolute truth. Sylvia deserved all the praise and more.

"Congratulations, Miss President," I said with a grin.

"Shut up…" she whimpered, her ears burning red.

"Sylvia is number two to Daddy!" Mila squealed as she rolled off my lap and into Syliva's arms.

Sylvia looked surprised for a moment but hugged Mila back, the two of them touching heads. "I guess being second to Daddy is okay…" Sylvia muttered.

Professor Garrison took a swig of water and let out a deep sigh. "Sadly, we don't have time to go over everyone's rankings today. We would be here all day if we did. For those of you who have complaints or want to know how you were ranked, please head to the counselor's office. They will give you your breakdown there." The professor clapped and put his hands on his hips. "Now, onto the next and hopefully last article for today. I would like to welcome three new students to Class Onward. And before you ask, I understand that it's a bit late to be accepting new students into our class. And the school agrees. It's best to consider these three as… short-term transfer students with exceptional skills and circumstances. Although they will not graduate with you, they may just become teachers one day, so please treat them well and warmly welcome them to our class."

Everyone clapped once more as the door to the room opened. I was clapping as well, only to stop in surprise. I'm sure I had a dumb expression on my face as I watched the two familiar faces walk in. I had no idea they would attend Forward University, let alone join the class. They had somehow managed to keep this a secret.

The first to walk forward was none other than Padraic. The young Dwarf looked dashing in his gold and red jacket. He left the jacket hang open, exposing the black dress shirt underneath.

He had his trademark grin as he eyed me across the room. I'm sure he was positively reveling in my surprise. And I had a feeling he was about to say something outrageous in an attempt to embarrass me.

Professor Garrison motioned for Padraic to introduce himself, and the Dwarf cleared his throat as all eyes turned to him. "It's good to meet all of you and all that good fun. My name is Padraic Whitehelm, and to be honest, I'm really only here to use the forges and the school's resources, and since I had to take classes to do so, I figured I would join the class with my brother from another mother and my two future fiancees. So uh…yeah, that's it, really."

Oh, he boldly declared that. At least his embarrassment was targeted at…wait…two fiancees? Who's the second? Did I miss something?

I thought that as I looked back at Jen. Much like Tsarra, she was beside herself as she hid her face in her arms. It seemed she wanted to run away. I scanned the room for the second so-called future fiancee, but it didn't seem like anyone was reacting to that statement, so I had no idea who it was.

The class clapped somewhat awkwardly but was more or less mumbling to each other. Padraic's brazen entrance no doubt shocked quite a few students. But that was Padraic for you. He never cared what others thought of him.

Professor Garrison chuckled awkwardly to himself. "Well, that was something. But a little background on our new student is that he not only passed the entrance exam but tested in the top one percent of advanced mathematics, not only in this class but the entire school. Padraic here also impressed both the forge and smithing teachers, earning their respect with a single demo. As well as being an Opal adventurer with three years of experience."

With a little more context, it seemed that assuaged anyone's worries, and they put more excitement into their applause. I had no idea he placed so high in math, but Padraic was always good at it. Even back in the day, he took to math faster than Cerila. But that was only when he was actually focusing and not goofing around or teasing me…

And good for him on impressing two teachers at Forward University with one demonstration is definitely something to be proud of. He did make my new bow, which was expertly crafted.

Next up was also a surprise. She looked stunning in her uniform, and it was hard to look away. Her long snow-white hair flowed down to her hips as her new jacket fit snugly around her upper body, accentuating her athletic and curvy physique. And her white and gold skirt was—

"Why is her skirt shorter than everyone else's? What's with that crap?" Sylvia growled in a low voice as she glared down at Cerila.

It's uh…true…Cerila's skirt, for some reason or another, was shorter than the norm. And it only exposed her long toned yet pale legs even more as she chose to wear short white socks.

I felt Sylvia's glare turn to me in my absence of a response, but I just kept my eyes forward, fully intent on not meeting her gaze. I felt that no matter what I said, I would be wrong. And it would only open me up for criticism. So the best course of action was to say nothing.

Cerila went over to the board and quickly chalked up a hand that was leaving a head, as well as her name. To an untrained eye, it looked to be as if she drew someone saluting followed by her name in Human. But it was actually a depiction of someone signing hello.

And it was accurate as well as being well drawn. I guess years of drawing on that tablet are coming into play.

Once she was done, she turned around to face the class and repeated the motion for the sign. From there, Professor Garrison took over. "First of all, please welcome Cerila to the class. Although she can't hear any of you, the gesture still has meaning for her."

The class looked confused, and a few people muttered to each other, but after a pointed glare from the teacher, everyone quickly gave a round of applause to welcome her. "As some of you have guessed, Cerila is deaf and can not hear you, but that does not mean she can't talk to you. And although you may think of this as a hindrance, Cerila has lived her entire life this way and has not only adapted but flourished. She passed the school's entrance exam and tested out of master-level language classes for both Elvish and Human, being able to read and write fluently to the level of a translator. Not only that, Cerila is fluent in a completely new language called Sign Language. As a result, she is able to communicate in everyday conversation with others despite not verbally speaking a single word. She also shows martial prowess that is to be recognized, as she has achieved the adventurer rank of Topaz in only three years. For those of you who are unaware, that is an accomplishment beyond what a normal person is capable of, especially someone so young."

Upon his further explanation of Cerila's exploits and achievements, the room did a collective nod of approval and gave her one more final applause. Cerila flashed a stunning smile at everyone, and with Padraic next to her, the two of them walked straight up the steps and toward me.

"Are they really going…what a pain," Sylvia grumbled quietly to herself.

Sure enough, the two took open seats to my left, with Cerila right next to me. She smiled brightly at me and even let out a noise that was the same as her giggling. <Surprised?> she asked.

<Without a doubt…I have some questions for you and Padraic, that's for sure,> I told her.

Cerila was about to sign to me again, but I poked her as Professor Garrison cleared his throat loudly. "Now then, would the final student please introduce himself?"

The third student had been quietly standing to the side. At first glance, he seemed…odd, and I found it hard to tell how old he was for some reason. He wore the school uniform just the same as everyone else, and as a tiger Beastmen, he didn't appear to have overwhelming physical size but was a rather average build. His tiger-like ears poked out from his long hair that was poofed up while being the color of brownish dried blood.

But the oddest thing about him was those dark-tinted glasses he wore over his eyes…they seemed almost like sunglasses, which was weird since we were indoors and the room could hardly be described as bright.

The Beastmen had a proper air about him, almost like a noble, which was all but confirmed as he dipped into an elegant bow straight out of a book on manners.

"My name is Malachi Talgan, and I am the crown prince of the Principality of Nul. It's an honor to be here," he said in a velvety smooth voice.

Malachi also took his glasses off, exposing his unswirling Vampiric blood-red eyes to the class. But unlike Sylvia, who possessed entirely crimson eyes, Malachi's eyes were like that of a half-moon of red, leaving the rest of his iris a dead-looking white color. Of course, I only had two other Vampires besides Sylvia to compare to, but Malachi's eyes had far more red than the Vampire who kidnapped me and even more than the Vampire diplomat I saw in Sandervile.

And did he just say his last name was Talgan?

RangerFrank RangerFrank

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Family Artwork- https://imgur.com/a/9rjEOMR

Vol.3 Veme+Bella- https://imgur.com/gallery/onDyhEB

Vol.4 Cover- https://imgur.com/gallery/nfZMIzW

Vol.5 School Artwork- https://imgur.com/gallery/c7RLP41

Vol.5 Avasta Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/BroScLP.jpeg

Vol.6 Reunion Artwork- https://imgur.com/a/4p7hXsT

Vo.6 Lin+ Nyx Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/kwh5Eua.jpeg

Vol.6 Grandpa Artwork- https://i.imgur.com/3eIbeY2.jpeg

Chibi Christmas Art- https://i.imgur.com/z5LG3vB.jpg

Vol.7 Cover- https://i.imgur.com/mBYLldy.jpg

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