Humans, the elders of past underestimated them, underestimated who they were and what they were capable of, and it was nothing short of amazing.
On the day of her birthday three years after they moved into the valley at the foot of the Swiss Alphs Haila smiled warmly at Henry placing a bouquet of flowers in her hands.
"Happy birthday chieftess" he said shyly stepping back, a human boy of nineteen he was well established around the routines of the pack, or now the tribe as the humans knew them.
"Thank you! You remembered?" Haila said smelling them.
"Yes! And of course as a gift for valuing me as one of your traders I have brought vodka and rum to celebrate around the fire tonight" he said holding his hands to his truck close by, stacked with crates of bottles and bags.
Haila nodded warmly "I hope you'll join us? We have enough meat to go around?" She said knowing there is no full moon tonight.
Thanks for the support y'all, so this was where they ended up after that day they killed the elders.
Haila and Logan plays a very interesting flirting game next chapter.