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84.94% Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time / Chapter 79: 79) Of Business and Conditions

Chương 79: 79) Of Business and Conditions

"Your win in the first task has increased our sales. We got free publicity with it." Lucius commented looking over the papers with a smile. At least the tournament was helping them in some way or other.

"What about the muggle world's sales?" Severus asked curiously. No wizard was allowed to break the Statute of Secrecy. The products of the Wizarding World were not allowed to enter into the muggle world. However the reverse wasn't the same. They couldn't launch the products into the muggle world. However the foreknowledge from an advanced society helped him here.

He had started a new branch of Prince Industries in the muggle world. It was hard to find employees of all that secrecy thing. However once he got good number of squibs, he immediately placed them there. Moreover the muggleborn employees, whose families knew a little about magic. He hired interested members of those families for him. He wasn't going to let the chance be wasted. Now was the perfect time to exploit the market. It was better this way.

"Better. The perfumes and colognes are top of the market. Our shops have the highest number of customers. The clothing brand's work is still ongoing. We may launch it within a month." Petunia replied factly. She was proud that she was finally financially independent. Even if it was due to the snivelling boy whom she hated during her childhood years. Nonetheless she grew up. She was still a little nervous around the magic. But the hate had ebbed away a little. She got to meet more members like her. People who too wanted to have a magical life. Listening to their words slowly snubbed the jealousy out of her.

"Petunia wants that we should start exporting magical beauty products to the non magical people." Evelyn said with a mischievous smile. She often met Petunia during her travels to muggle world. They all had to maintain a clear past and background if they wanted to operate in the muggle world. It was easier to say than actually do. They all had to go and had their paperworks clear. It was pain to go and visit the Ministry about this. But they agreed. Same happened with the muggle ones, atleast they were susceptible to the confunding charms making it easier for them.

Severus ignored the betrayed looks Petunia shot to Evelyn. The truth was that he already thought of it. It was not as simple they thought it. Not till he could give it some more time.

"It isn't easy like you think. There will be too many questions. While the market is huge, I have not researched properly about any replaceable ingredients which we could use safely in the muggle world. The Ministry won't allow magical ingredients being used there. It is the ultimate problem which we will face." Severus replied with a frown. The ingredients thing needed time and research. Stuff which he lacked those moments. His girlfriend took much of his free time. The little time left was used in the potions and the other thing.

The others were a little disappointed to hear that. Everyone present there wanted the best for the business. They knew that the company's success meant a lot for the people involved there.

Petunia was a little disappointed. What the wizards thought as little things were miracles for the normal people. The wit sharpening potion was a cure for patients suffering with Alzheimer's disease. The blood replenishing potions could help anaemic patients. The skele gro could help people with broken limbs and shattered bones. There was so many things which could be utilized for a better future. The wizarding cosmetics acted much faster than normal cosmetics. They were also much better in results.

"What about you Lucius? How's your business going?" Severus asked with a smirk. The Malfoy patriarch was shocked to see the untapped market in the muggle world. He had immediately started to take away and place important ventures under his command.

"Well. The cash's coming. The formalities were a little tougher at first. But I have suited to it." Lucius replied with a smile. He had started meat processing shops. There were already three slaughterhouses under his command. His companies supplied meat to nearly 1/3 of the London by now. The cattle, milk and meat were profitable ventures. Severus had even advised him to start dealing in dairy products. It will help him earn some quick money. The people would love them. He was already working on them. Once he tasted those buttermilk and flavoured milk, he was onboard with the idea. That shit was too good to be left upon. He had already envisioned selling packed flavoured milks throughout the country.

"He even has 20 different suits in his collection." Evelyn added mischievously. Her boyfriend looked better in a suit than in robes.

Severus cracked an amused smile at that. He couldn't fault Lucius. He too found robes a little odd. A suit looked better than most.

"Speaking of suits? What are you going to wear to the Ball?" Lucius asked to Severus. The Ball was only 11 days away. Surely he must have something in his mind.

"Suit, tie, black shoes." Severus replied casually. It was enough for the Ball. What more was there to wear to the ball?

"So, no robes?" Andromeda asked curiously. She could imagine the headlines after the Yule Ball.

"Lucius is going to arrive the party as a Board member. You're arriving too, I hope?" Severus asked Andromeda. It would be better if Andromeda knew about him and Narcissa from before.

Andromeda nodded her head in disapproval. She wasn't going back to Hogwarts. This time the parents of the fifth years and above were invited to the party. She didn't want to meet her parents there.

"Don't worry about your parents. I want you all there for a personal reason." Severus said calmly. He wanted her to talk with her sister. It would suit everyone.

"I will think on it." Andromeda replied after moments of hesitation. It was clear that he was serious about this. He wouldn't have asked twice otherwise.

"So you're going with Francesca?" Lucius asked curiously. The students of their house would have a field day at the ball. He knew Rosier and the others won't stop teasing Severus about Francesca.

Severus nodded. In truth, he didn't know who he was going with? There was Francesca. Then there was Narcissa too.


"Where are we going?" Narcissa asked curiously to him. They were quietly sneaking away from the market. She didn't know where he was taking her. It was only 8 days to the ball. It was a Hogsmeade Weekend today. The only day where they could visit Hogsmeade and have some fun.

"London." Severus replied with a smile. Once they reached the clearing, he looked around them to make sure.

"You can apparate?" Narcissa asked curiously. She didn't know that he could do that. But then again he was a skilled magic user, it shouldn't surprise her.

"Don't worry. I won't let you splinch." Severus assured as he held out his hand. She shouldn't worry about such trivial things with him.

Narcissa slowly held his hand. She should trust him, she thought inwardly. He was no slouch in magical arts. It will suck though.

They disappeared and appeared a moment later in one of the abandoned magical alleys. The Ministry of Magic normally kept these alleys for wizards to apparate. They were warded with charms against muggles to see and notice.

Severus turned to her. Narcissa was indeed in a better shape than most. She was only panting and was standing on her legs. Better than most of the people who travel in side along apparition. Thank God, she hadn't started to puke after to the side along apparition.

"I have accustomed to it. Bella does it with me everytime." Narcissa replied once her breathing became normal. The awkwardness remained though. It was not fully gone.

Severus nodded in understanding. Wizarding children were accustomed to it by a young age. They usually travel through the way some of the times.

"May I?" Severus said as he held out his hand. It will be better if he arrived with Narcissa in tow.

"Sure." Narcissa replied as she gave her arm. They held the other hands and slowly walked through the road.

"Where are we going?" Narcissa asked curiously. It was quite odd to see the markets of Muggle London. They were much more lively than the wizarding ones. She chided herself mentally. They were to meet Francesca today. Severus had told about it to her. He had also advised to be natural. While they all had been in same house, neither of the girls had much interaction with the other. Bellatrix had been Francesca's year mate. They only met in passing mostly. The two talked but it was never much deep enough.

"There's a nice hotel here. It will be good for everyone of us." Severus replied. He had bought the hotel recently. Technically he was buying anything which he could use in future perfectly. The small hotel was just one of those things. This was the time when Land was cheap. It would help him if he started buying them from now.

They finally reached there after another minute of walking. Narcissa was a little nervous about the whole thing. But she was not showing it on her face. She didn't want to mess things up that too during their first meeting. Already Severus' decision of accepting her proposal helped in keeping her alive. She couldn't help but imagine the gruesome death which would have been inflicted on her if she had failed. It didn't matter if you were from Dark Lord's followers family. A failure was a failure in the Dark Lord's eyes. Moreover her uncle Orion won't give two shits about her father. She was not from the main branch of the family. As such her lives held little value to the others.

They entered inside a hotel which seemed to be recently painted. The hotel was not overly large but it wasn't overly small either. It was medium in its size. She watched silently as the staff of the hotel greeted him respectfully. He was probably the owner of this hotel, she thought with a frown.

They went through the hallway and finally reached a huge hall. There were tables furbished with various dishes and desserts. The hall was lively with muggle people.

Severus took her to one of the corners and Narcissus finally saw the person they had arrived to meet.

Francesca Zabini was sitting with another girl. Narcissa immediately recognised the girl from her memories. She was the same veela girl from Beauxbatons. The one who had boys around Hogwarts in a drooling mess.

"Hey Severus. Meet Apolline. She is my distant cousin." Francesca eagerly said from the chair.

Her eyes turned to her and they didn't give away anything but amusement.

"Hello Cissa." Francesca greeted amusedly with a smile. It was apparent from her face that she was enjoying this.

Besides her, she saw Severus calm as ever. He took out the chair back for her to seat. She nodded thankfully while he did the same for him.

"Apolline. This is my fiance, Severus Prince, and my future sister wife, Narcissa Black." Francesca introduced them to Apolline. The two in question nodded respectfully to the introduction.

Severus was a little amazed that the girl wasn't weirded out by hearing the word sister wife. It made him a little comfortable thinking about it.

Francesca understood the tension. Hence she immediately started to clear it. They needed to clear the important matter first. It would be best for everyone.

"Narcissa. Calm down girl. Don't worry about anything. I won't eat you alive, though I can't promise the same for later." Francesca commented with a flirtatious smile to the sister of her ex classmate.

Severus and Apolline cracked a smile at the comment. They understood the innuendo. Narcissa was the last to understand it among them. However once she got it, she immediately blushed understanding it.

"I have accepted you. Don't worry, I won't let any harm fall on you. But trust us. We will have your back on this." Francesca said with a smile. She had even told Bellatrix about the whole situation. She had been livid at first but quickly succumbed to understanding.

"I would appreciate it." Narcissa replied with a soft smile. She nodded thankfully to her senior in Slytherin.

"So all things sorted?" Severus asked curiously. Well the relationship dynamics will be unravelled with time and efforts on everyone's part. The awkwardness was gone for now. He could feel it. Narcissa felt much lighter after the whole reassurances.

"Actually no." Francesca replied with a soft smile. She didn't know how Severus will take it. It was a shot in the dark for her afterall.

"I have brought Apolline here for a reason." Francesca said with a soft intake of breath. She waited for a second before she continued on.

"Apolline here. She is in a marriage contract with her classmate Jean Delacour. Now the contract is a type of compulsion contact. You both know what it means." Francesca slowly finished.

At Severus' uncertain face. Narcissa slowly elaborated on it.

"Despite her feelings towards her fiance. She will slowly come to love him after they marry. It is the magic of the contract. Quite a different type of marriage contract, though more preferably used in France." Narcissa explained calmly.

Severus nodded in understanding. So forced love then. It wasn't surprising. The magical world had a lot of fucked things going on inside it. It didn't surprise him, that there was even such type of contract.

"Now her grandfather has custody over her since her parents died. While her father was the second son, he was free to marry anyone. He chose Apolline's mom. She was a full veela. Now, her in-laws weren't so happy by the decision. Her parents broke from the family and lived apart. However they died in a accident leaving her in the custody of her grandfather. Now, as the Head of the family, he has full control over her. Now Jean's obsessed over her. He had his family approached hers for a marriage contract. Her marriage is fixed with him now." Francesca explained slowly to them.

"So?" Severus asked instantly. He didn't want to deal with this mess. The minute he heard marriage contract, he decided he will back away from this. He hasn't the greatest of experiences with it.

Francesca smiled. It was time to drop the bomb for him. What she said stunned Severus.

"I want you to impregnate her."

This was not what he had expected for sure. Severus looked at Apolline. She was embarrassed after what Francesca had said. Before he could protest. Francesca again spoke up.

"You promised me anything while you approached about Narcissa. This is it. She is my cousin Severus. We were more like sisters since our childhood. Do it for me." She urged on. She knew how to press him now.

Fuck man! Severus thought. Yes, he had promised her one thing unconditionally. It had come to bite him in the ass now.

"But why impregnation?" Narcissa asked with a frown. She could have asked any other thing.

"The pregnancy will break the contract. The clauses didn't include virginity but remaining childless. They had thought over it for sure. Once I become pregnant, I will be free from the contract. It will also help me since I could join the Veela conclaves for research." Apolline said in perfect english.

Severus was a little surprised to hear little French accent from her. Her english was extremely good if compared to the other french.

"C'mon. She has spend her entire childhood with me. I had taught her english perfectly." Francesca said in a proud tone. Her cousin's voice held very little traces of any french accent in it now.

"So what about you Severus? You in the plan to rescue my maiden cousin from her fate?" Francesca asked with a smirk. She knew she had got him over. It was just going to be pure carnal pleasure for her. There was no way that he was going to deny it. Not when she was specifically encouraging him for it.

Severus thought about it. He looked at beautiful face which was filled with hope at him. He looked at the smiling face of Francesca and amused but anticipated one of Narcissa.

"I have a suite in this hotel."

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