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67.08% In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael / Chapter 50: New Spiderman

Chương 50: New Spiderman

(Author's Note: This week has been too tiring for me and I was quite busy so I was unable to upload any new chapter, apparently I had class test once in every two days and each time it was two or three class tests a day, not to mention my school has decided to organize class activities and if it wasn't enough my pre-selection exams are starting after 15 days and syllabus of some subjects is still incompleted, add my tutions on top of it your dear Author has barely time left 😥)


Peter Parker Pov

Swinging in the city using my webs I am chasing after Jackal," Hey Jackal didn't your mom tell you are too ugly?".

Jackal ignored me and kept running away with the plasma gun on his left hand which he used to fire at me occasionaly hoping me to get hit by it.

"Spiderman can you stop with your jokes and focus on catching him? He is obviously immune to your bad jokes", said Raphael via cam.

Sighing I replied," Okay, I guess I need to use this new mode", I gave a mental command and soon I heard another voice," I.R.I.S activated... Scanning Iris...Matched...Operating Normal Guidance Mode", some info appeared on my view and following the guidance I am getting on the screen I quickly catched upto Jackal.

Swinging according to the guidance I am getting, I quickly jumped on Jackal quickly changing web shooter of my right hand into sticky web mode mode I shot at Jackal, and it perfectly hit according to the calculated Trajectory, Jackal fell down and struggled to break from it.

"AH! What the hell is this?! Spiderman?! What is this sticky thing?!", shouted Jackal, I approached him and replied," This is my new webs, Sticky Webs obviously made to bind villains like you", I said cooly to which he glared at me and shouted,"You insect, just wait me to break from it and I will...".

I quickly cut his words and said," And you will go to jail since you cannot break away from it anyway".

Soon police reached here, and seeing that I said," Bye Poilcemen my duty is over! Now take care of this criminal!", I quickly started swinging using my webs running away from there.

A policeman seeing this shouted," Hey Bastard! Atleast tell us how to deal with this sticky substance", mentally giving him sorry I continued swinging.


Raphael Pov

I am drinking coffee on a chair, currently I am on my lab at Horizon High, I am looking at the Screen, and mentally nodded at Spiderman's progress.

I made him a new suit, hundred times better than the Original with I.R.I.S (Infinity Retinal Intelligence System) a very versatile A.I with several functions which can easily make a normal healthy man a better spy than Hawkeye or Black Widow or even captain America just by equiping it.

Although it might seem a lot that I did for him, but considering that my every normal soldier back at MCU wears Vibranium Armor, Siderman's suit just has more versatility and only I.R.I.S the noteworthy thing I made for him but even that can't help him against my Army's General level Super beings.

Even so, both of his new suit and I.R.I.S are extremely suitable with Spiderman and using it at it's maximum he can be as strong as a Elite Captain of my Army.

(Author's Note: For those who don't know this is the ranking of Army of the Asgard ruled by Raphael: Soldier<Warrior<Captain<Elite Captain<General<Elite General<Admiral<Arch Admiral<All Father)

I led my army personally, remembering those old good day, Maybe I should teleport all my army to kill Thanos of this world, and since Thanos of this world is more stronger he should be able to give a good excerise to my soldiers.

While I was thinking this, the door opened and Peter came inside,I can sense he is tired but remembering the debt he owe me a devilish smile came on face.

It turned to him, and saw his scared look, knowing that his SpiderSense must be ging haywire I said in emotionless voice," My Food?", he quickly nodded and took out the bucket of KFC Chicken, I took the bucket from his hands and started eating the delicious chicken.

He looked at me eating intensely and feeling that I said," I am not going to give you", a look of disspointment appeared on his face hearing that and he asked," Um, Can I have", I quickly replied before he could say anymore," No!", he sighed hearing instant rejection.

While still eating I asked," Tell me Spiderman who is whose assistant?", hearing that he replied," I am your Assistant", I nodded hearing that and then continued," Then tell me did you have helped me with my work atleast once?", hearing that he said stutteringly," I ... Didn't helped", I looked at him and said," I made a new suit for you, gave you access an super Advance A.I yet you didn't helped me once, despite you being my assistant I had to help you instead".

He sighed hearing my words and said," I understand Raphael, I am sorry for my negligence, I promise to make up for it", I quickly said after hearing his words," Ok, then go an check the mIcrobots and find if there are any errors and problems with it, I won't be helping you with that, it is your job to do".

He replied," Yes Ma'..*Cough*..Sir", he looked at me nervously and seeing me glaring at him he quickly ran to do his work, I smiled seeing that, I opened an Manga lying on the desk and starting reading eat while eating KFC, my life is heaven at this moment.


3rd Pov

Poor Peter Parker is checking the design of the Microbots while a bit of Saliva is dripping from his mouth,' I can't do any work like this', he thought, as if Raphael heard him he said," I guess you learnt your lesson", he threw two KFC at him, and Ppeter quickly catched them without any fail due to his enchanced senses, seeing that Raphael shared his food with him he thanked him and after eating it he started his work.

In the middle of his work he remembered what happened after Raphael found his true identity.


Peter is sitting on the chair nervously while looking at Raphael, gathering confidence he asked," Raphael how did you found out I am Spiderman?", he looked at Raphael waiting for his reply and all he got is 'are you serious ' kinda of look on his face.

Raphael started laughing making him confused, he then said," Are you serious Peter? Do you think no one will find out it? Considering the hints you are giving like disappearing suddenly only for Spiderman to appear at the next moment, both of you having same voice, same build, don't you think that as long as someone thinks about this for a bit he can find your other identity?".

Hearing that Peter's face became embarrassed and hearing latter part of his words his face paled," Do you think someone else knows I am Spiderman?", Raphael shook his head hearing that and said," No one knows about it yet, only me, you must thank me for erasing all the evidences and covering up for you lest someone finds about it".

Hearing that Peter felt relieved and said," I am really thankful to you for helping me and hiding the fact I am Spiderman but can I ask you what will you do now when you know my other identity". Raphael replied,"Nothing, I won't do anything, what will I get from exposing your identity anyway? Some SuperSerum? I can make one If I want", Raphael casually said.

Peter's did got a bit surprised by how casually Raphael said he can make a SuperSerum, but considering the main topic he decided to ignore that and said," I am gratefull for that", Raphael looked at him and said,"Well let me ask you how you got your powers?", hearing that Peter hesistated a bit but thinking he doesn't know much about the Spider that bit him, he told Raphael about how he got his powers.

Raphael after hearing that said," Interesting, If I have to guess then Oscorp is developing on technology to merge a human's and other animals or insects's DNA to make Superhumans or to simply merge animal's unique charecteristics to develop humans as whole or use it as cure for cancer or any other disease".

Hearing Raphael's idea, Peter also thought that it might be the case and not knowing truth of Norman Osborn he thought that the fact developing cure and advancing human body is the truth, Raphael seeing his face smirked internally and said," I am surpised you haven't died, became crippled or Spidermonster after getting mutating", his words shocked Peter who felt a chill on his back just by thinking about it.

He quickly said," Is that true?!", in panick he forgot that he is a genius guy himself and seeing that Raphael clicked his tongue and mentally noted,' Too easy to make mentally unstable gotta work on that ', after that he said," You are a scientist yourslelf and as we all know mutation is mostly harmful and mixing of Human and Spider DNA will be anything but normal, if I have to say your DNA is unique and it got mixed with the Spider's DNA yielding positive results or that Spider due to being young didn't made your DNA completed mutated and only positive mutation occurs well whatever the case now that you haven't turned into a Spider Monster I am guessing it that you are safe ".

Peter relaxed hearing that and said," I am really stupid, I haven't really thought about the consequences of the mutation and thought getting super powers is the normal case", Raphael after hearing that made a serious look and Peter on seeing that became nervous," Peter, let me ask you why are you being a SuperHero? I mean even if you have these powers it is strange for a boy just 16 years old to put his life on the line to save people and fight dangerous villains.

Hearing that Peter replied with sorrow," My Uncle Ben used to say with Great Powers comes Great Responsibility, I never understood the meaning of it till I became Spiderman, when I got these powers at first I thought using them for my own benefit to earn money, and due to that I let a criminal ran away even when I could have stopped him and later that Criminal killed my Uncle, in simple words I indirectly caused Uncle Ben's Death, after that I understood that due to not fullfilling the responsibilities I got with these powers I cause his death, I am ashamed that I took these powers as granted", With guilty face Peter said to Raphael,

Raphael said," Even so, you don't have to a Superhero, you can just hide these powers and do help people by making useful inventions using your mind, and you are capable of that, let me tell you, no matter what you are just a 16-year old kid and you can die while being a Superhero".

Peter's face didn't changed hearing his words, instead he looked at him with a determined and said," NO matter what, I can't leave those in need when I have these powers, If I don't save anyone knowing that I could have saved them will leave me with a guilty conscience forever".

Raphael smiled hearing him and said," I guess you do have a heart of your hero, but your skills are garbage, your fighting skills are as bad as they can be, you cause a lot of colateral damage due to your poor fighting skills and due to that people may get hurt and fighting in that normal constume will make you end up dead before you know, so give me your suit!", hearing one after another insults Peter's mind collapsed and without replying he gave him his new Spiderman suit.

Raphael took it and after analyzing it for a bit he said," Spandex?! You are fighting supervillains while wearing this?!*SIGH* I will make a new suit and give you something to help with your skills", hearing former words of Raphael he blushed in embarrasment and latter part made him grateful to him.

He also felt better, knowing that he can share his Superhero life with someone else he really felt good.

*FlashBack Over*

Peter after coming out of flashback quickly refocused on the work as not to make Raphael angry.


In a huge building in Manhattan, New York City a man is shouting in anger," Dammit! Spiderman not only captured Spencher but also Jackal as well, he also proved the innocence of Harry too early due to that my plans about making Oscorp High are spoiled!", shouted Norman Osborn in anger.

He cursed Spiderman a bit more before relaxing himself, after which he said," Now, what to do? Hmm, that insect has spoiled all my plans, now I have to make new ones, well before that", he clicked a button and soon a holographic screen appeared on which a video is showing the scene of Spiderman chasing and capturing Jackal, he then clicked another button as another holographic screen appeared with the video of Spiderman's first few Crimebattles, comparing them a frown appeared on his face.

' Just a few days ago he was a total noob and the only reason he was able to fight against supervillains was due to his Spiderpwers but now he is fighting like he has years of experience and even defeated Jackal too easily, in this fight all his moves were versatile and everyone move he did had some meaning, it's like he knew future a few seconds ahead if I have to guess then he got some new equipment and considering his new suit which is obviously highly advanced someone is backing him up ', that's the conclusion he reached and knowing that someone is helping Spiderman made his face ugly.

' He somehow got Spider powers after getting bitten by an expremental Oscorp Spider, all our experminets have resulted failure yet somehow he succeeded, I just need some of his blood to make SuperSoldier Serum and then I can create my Spider Army, unfortanuately his current Identity is unknown and now he has got someone's help I need to be careful and know who is helping him first before making any moves against him ', thought Norman, he is smart to offend whom and whom not, due to that he have survived in this industry till now,and even if he has few people who can be his enemies now he still is careful afterall it will take just a small mistake to destroy everything he have build till now.

He then switched another button and the photo of Raphael appeared on the screen,' If spiderman wasn't enough then this new guy ', thought Norman angrilyy while a blush appeared on his face unknown to him seeing the face of Raphael,' I used all my connections to about this femboy yet I found nothing, and considering how he threatened Harry without fearing me he has some special identity as well and I shouldn't be making any moves until I know what his true identity is', Norman obviously is smart so he wants to play safe lest he makes enemies with someone he shouldn't.

Unknown to him Raphael already knew his plans and was watching him even now.


On Shield Helicarrier.

Nick Fury Looked at the documents tiredly and said," So you are telling we aren't able to determine the true identity of Spiderman till now despite our resources!".

Agent Flinched hearing that and said," Sorry Director! But I am sure someone is erasing all his traces and even helping him to hide his identity unless we have known it by now".

Nick fury got angry hearing him, but controlled himself and said,"Natasha see this video and tell me if you can defeat him", saying that he presnted her the video of Spiderman chasing and capturing Jackal,

After Black Widow analyzed it carefully she frowned and said," Sir, I am afraid I won't be able to beat him, he has superhuman strength which is more than Steve Rogers and seeing his skills which are nearly perfect I am not his match".

Hearing that Nick frowned and quickly showed her another video after seeing which Black Widow became surprised and said," Sir this video", Nick Fury replied," It is Spiderman's crime fighting videos of few days ago and this one which you saw is today's, just a few days ago he was a total noob whom you or Hawkeye could have defeated easily despite his powers but now his fighting skills are nearly perfect, his skills are vesatile with no mistakes and they are terrifingly so excellent like he can see in future and predict it, if I have to guess some new technology or one of his superpowers but considering he started using that recently I am sure it is some new technology".

Black widow hearing that became a bit shocked and said," Sir, that new equipment isn't limited to just predicting attack but it can tell him the most optimal way, which I think might be the case from the level of skill he had shown".

Nick Fury nodded and said," Black Widow, we don't know if he is a mutant or not, and also his new advanced suit and technology isn't something one can get easily, he has huge backing of someone, and knowing that we don't know his true identity and his intentions is a risk so I want you and Hawkeye to investigate about him".

Black Widow nodded and said," Yes Sir", saying that she went out.

Now alone in room Nick Fury sighed and muttered," What the hell the world had become now, first it was aliens and now Super powered guys running rampant threatening the safety of humanity", saying that he looked at Spiderman's photo intensely,' I do not know whether you are foe or friend, who are you and who is helping you but I will find about it and see what to do with you '.

Unknown to Nick Fury, Raphael is watching him.

To be continued...

(Author: I know that I missed a lot of content in MCU like what happened to Wakanda and Thanos and for that I will release chapters on Volume 1)

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