Morpheus was in his human form, sitting leisurely on one of the thick branches of one of the tallest trees on a nearby peak. His back leaned against the thick tree trunk, one of his arms folded at the back of his head while the other idly played with a leaf. He looked like a wastrel, one leg lazily stretched out with the other folded as he blankly eyed the sky.
His peripheral vision caught movement, and at first, he thought it was some kind of forest animal looking for food. However, he noticed it was a person and an unexpected one at that.
'What is this human doing here?'
He looked at her in amusement, observing her every movement. He saw her trying to reach fruit on tiptoes, but when she could not, he watched her give up.
'What a funny creature,' he thought and then took notice of how small she looked from her physique. A thin, frail body covered in loose clothes, and those two braids made her look even younger than the first time he saw her.
What do you think about how Morpheus's behaviour would be toward Ember when they will interact?
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