[ Those are not your tears, host. They belong to someone else... ] The system said in a soft voice.
Jason let the tears fall silently as he remembered that something similar had happened in the past.
'Can you talk to Hestia right now?'
[ I am trying but she is once again locked up inside that temple. However, she can still hear me and has left a message saying that she will see us soon. ]
'I see...'
Through his blurred vision, Jason tried to get a better look at his surroundings.
He was present inside a spacious room with a complete black decor.
Almost everything inside the room was black with the occasional shade of blue or red.
'How long was I out for?'
[ About a few hours. The sins thought that you passed out due to exhaustion from long-range teleportation. They left you with Astryn at the Nightshade family residence. ]
We hit 200 chapters!!! Thank you all for your support <3