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23.1% Head-Patting in Marvel / Chapter 55: Chapter 55: 1 vs thousands.

Chương 55: Chapter 55: 1 vs thousands.

A team of agents arrives in Prague. Coulson, who is leading Shield's strike team, asks his subordinate. "Are you sure that Kai is here?" 

The subordinate is checking his tablet for the location. "Yes! Following down that road into the sewer with a bunch of people" 

Kai's phone signal is reactivated here. Phil thought this might be a signal. "Get ready everyone!" He ordered. 

Shield has been working hard to find a clue to the mutant vampire origin, but so far no luck. 

*Cling-clack* Prepping their guns, UV flashlight, and UV bombs, the strike team enters the sewer. 


Verlaine is getting chased by her former lover Lighthammer. 

"The mutants are more attracted to Vampires than humans," Kai said while he was watching the show. 

Not too long after, Verlaine committed suicide with Lighthammer by opening the manhole cover that connected to the streets and letting the sunlight in. Both she and her lover turn to ashes. 

In Blade's team. Asad and Nyssa are entering a deeper part of the waterway to find the mutant nest. The water is reaching their chest. 

Blade approaches them quickly as he notices something wrong. "Get out of here!!" 

*Splash* The mutant vampire emerged from the water and bit Asad to death. "Arghh!!" Amidst the dying screams, Blade goes into the water to save Nyssa. 

There are more than 20 mutants in the water. Blade throws the UV bomb into the water.*Slash* He cuts a mutant hand that wants to grab the girl. "Go Nyssa, take cover. I'll attract them to me". 

UV light might not kill him, but it will kill Nyssa. She nods and runs further from the scene. Blade is standing waist-deep in the water, counting the seconds for the UV bomb to explode. 

"5..4..3..2.." The mutants emerge again and attack Blade this time. "One!" Using his sword, he cuts down the mutants to pieces while the UV bombs turn them into ashes. 

Whistler has some bad luck, but it's not from the mutants. Chupa the vampire is beating up the old man. 

"Our team loses one man, Blade loses one!" He is dissatisfied because the Priest died in their previous mission. 

Reinhart snickers from the side, as he is the one who instigated Chupa before he took off with the big UV bomb deeper into the sewer. 

*Bam* Whistler falls to his side when the vampire punches his face. While he's down, he opens the pheromones bottles that can attract the mutant vampires.

Beating the old man for a while, Chupa then notices the bottle. He picks it up. "What is this? HAHAHA. Do you still have hope, hillbilly?" 

Chupa is grinning, but not for long. A mutant jumps on him from behind and bites his neck. "ARGHH GET OFF ME! HELP ME WHISTLER!" 

The old man shows his middle finger to the vampire, picks up his rifle and infrared glasses, and runs away quickly. 

Hundreds of thousands of mutants are now aware of their movement as they are attracted by the pheromones. 

Reinhardt is setting up the big UV bomb while he's near the mutant's nest. But he purposely set it up for failure. He runs to Blade's location to regroup. 

The vampire team and Blade are besieged by hundreds of mutants from all over the place. Nyssa, Blade, and Reinhardt are the only ones left in the group. 

"Hey, are you still alive?" Whistler asks the communication channel while he is separated. He's afraid Kai have the same fate as him

A cheery voice is heard on the earpiece "Yo, I'm still alive. But there are too many mutants" 

Whistler plans to regroup with Kai and Blade. He tells the situation on the earpiece. 

Reinhardt is worried that the agent will survive. He purposely slows down the group coming to Kai's location. He said to Blade. "I've left the bomb on XX route. If it's detonated, we will survive."

Although Blade is suspicious, he knows that the cavemen are right. He splits off from the team to search for the big bomb. Reinhardt smirks when he sees Blade's back. 

Kai at the time is fighting the mutants with his sword. *Sizzles* The mutant slashes into two and turns into blue fiery ashes. "Damn, Ryan's sword is good" 

The sword is made with a mixture of vibranium and titanium. It is also added with Nichirin ore, which carries the property of sunlight. Not only that, a UV laser with the temperature of half the sun's, is coating the sword blade. 

The sword is also enchanted with attributes [Undead: +10 attack] [Holy light] [Bleeding] [Penetration]. It's a little lower attribute from his reward sword, but Ryan makes it, especially for vampire creatures. 

The long sword that carries some reddish color when Kai holds it is very fatal for the mutant creatures. 

"Shrieks!!" A mutant jumps to attack Kai from the top, but he turns the sword to a 90-degree angle, splitting the mutant into two. Fiery ashes fall to his surroundings. 

"No matter how many times I cut them, these things are endless" 

4 small bombs the size of marbles it held from the gaps of his finger. He throws the bombs in 4 different directions, exploding UV light all over the sewer. *Ziiiiiing* 

"It will give me some time". Kai rested for a few seconds before the mutants came back for him. 

"Do you want me to come?" Ryan said. He is getting ready with his gear. If Kai couldn't do it, then he will be there. 

"Don't underestimate me. Although I am the weakest among us, it's only for now." He decided to be serious. 

He opened the arm weight bracelet and leg weight bracelet he wears for training. Not only that, but the weight will also help him to hide his strength. 

*Booom* The 250 kg additional weight is removed from his body. That's 1 ton for the metric system, while almost 2000 lbs for the bald Eagle system. 

Holding the sword to the front, he mutters. "Dragon Dance", the impact of him kicking off his attack cracks the sewer foundation. 

He goes into the mutant crowd, slithering away like snakes, cutting all the mutants in his path. "113..New record",  he said while wiping off his sweats. 

The narrow pathway of the sewer greatly helps him from becoming surrounded. 

"(sigh) Why the hell did I come?" He gets ready in a battle position, waiting for the mutant to get near. 

"I could help if you want," Ryan asks again. He is itching to fight. But Kai still said no.

Blade is in the same situation as him. But unlike him, he didn't have the weapons to kill the mutant on the spot. 

He's kicking and slashing the mutants that come near him." Come on!" he found the bomb that Reinhardt set up, but the lever is stuck. 

While shooting the mutants, he accidentally kicks the bomb. That seems to make it work as the bomb countdown starts. [10] 

All people for themselves now. Nyssa and Reinhardt split up minutes ago. Whistler doesn't trust the vampires so he didn't get with them. The cavemen leave as he has ulterior motives. 

[9]  Whistler is pointing the UV flashlight attached to his rifle and shooting the mutants, to stun them and kill them. 

[8] Nyssa does the same thing, but she is overwhelmed by the mutants. She is lucky as Kai is nearby. The coincidence saved her. He cleared out the mutants near her and said "Go". She nods and leaves. 

[7] Nomak meets Whistler, in which he gives his ring to the old man. He told Whistler about Eli Damaskinos and what he did to him. Whistler finally managed to piece the information together. 

[6] Reinhardt is contacting Eli Damaskinos. "The team can come in now, Daywalker has started the countdown." 

[5]  Kai is cutting through a lot of mutants where he sees Whistler wrestling with one. 'Did he meet Nomak yet?' He thought in his heart. 

[4]Kai kicks the creature off the old man. "Go, run away, I'll hold them off." The old man listens and hurriedly wants to go meet Blade. 'I need to alert Eric of the vampire conspiracy at all cost!' 

[3] The strike team of Shield finally sees the mutants and are now engaging.*Bang bang bang* "Arghh" One of them is bitten by the mutants and dragged away. 

"Guns don't work. Throw the bombs!" Phil ordered. Even though Kai already told them, some members are still stubborn. Phil had a headache because of this. 

'Too much pride but too stupid to hold it'. Most strike teams in shield are from Hydra, but still, you'd think they be a little smarter. 

[2] The security detail of Eli Damaskinos equipped with full-body armor and an electric baton enters the sewer. "Over here", they radio contact to get into position. 

[1] Blade is overwhelmed. Many mutants jumped on top of him and pinned him down... He's barely fighting them off and is injured all over. He couldn't move anymore. 

[BOOM] A huge blinding light is detonated in the sewers, spanning a radius of hundreds of meters. Nyssa had no time to get out of the range. She dived into the water to avoid the UV light, but it burned half of her face. 

The light spreads and kills thousands of the mutant creatures. *Sizzles* Ashes with blue fiery fires are seen all over the sewer in Romania. 

Even Reinhart, who took cover long ago, is not unscathed. "Argh,'' He is burned by the UV light, in which he quickly dives into the water to save himself. 

The Shield strike team is confused by the sudden development. One member who just throws his bomb, thoughts in his mind. 'Our bomb is so powerful?' 

Blade is staggering to safety, where he sees Nyssa almost dying. He pulls her out of the water. "Hey, wake up, " He said with difficulty. 

Nyssa didn't respond. Blade knows that he needs to do something, otherwise she will die. He cuts his hand and lets Nyssa drink his blood. 

She finally responds and is licking his hand lewdly. *Gulp* "Ahh" She moans in pleasure while drinking Daywalker's blood. Her injuries stabilize soon after. 

Reinhardt approaches him. Before he could say anything, the caveman vampire kicked him strongly and made him roll away a few meters. "What... Are... You..doing?" He's too tired to fight back. 

A team of vampires familiar in a fully dressed combat suit appears from behind Reinhardt. *Szzs* their electrical baton is ready. "Arghh" Blade is tased all over and he finally loses consciousness. 

The team carries Nyssa and Blade out of the sewer. They are bringing them to Overlord Eli Damaskinos. "You bastard!!" *Bang Bang* Whistler sees the scene and he shoots at Reinhardt. 

The vampire quickly dodges, making a member of the security team die instead. They quickly subdued the old guy. "I will have fun torturing you later." Reinhardt is pissed at the stubborn, cockroach-like-human. 

'Why isn't he dead yet? What about the agent?' He thought in his mind. But Eli's orders are more important. He is to bring Blade back as soon as possible. He exits the sewer pathway with his prey, and they are heading back to France. 


Still in the sewer. "Didn't the mutants all die when the big bomb explode?" Kai said while dodging and slashing at a mutant. The bomb took out only 70% of the mutants. With Kai killing many of them before, now 75% of mutants have died. 

The rest is now besieging him, as he is the only one left. While killing these creatures, he hears the sound of a gunshot." Is there someone else here? "

He goes to the source of the sound, where he sees his friend Phil Coulson, and the 3 members that are left of the strike team, are surrounded by mutant creatures. They are overwhelmed by the sheer number of these creatures. 

"DIE!! DIE!! HAHAHAHA!!" A man who is secretly a Hydra agent is going crazy. He rushes into the flood of creatures. "Noo!" His girlfriend who is a normal shield agent exclaimed. But it is too late. 

"Die you, creatures!!" They shoot, but it's not working. Their UV bomb has already run out. Their flashlight is broken, while some are too slow to kill the creatures. 

Leyia, the now ex-girlfriend, is tired. "Is there a point in this?" She is desolate. She wants to give up now. A mutant is jumping for her neck, in which Coulson tries to make her snap out of her stupor. "Watch out!" 

She finally realizes what she had done. The mutant is now inches away from her. 'My life, is it over?'

*Tap tap* Kai runs to the scene quickly and cuts the creature in half when it is an inch from the woman dressed in full kevlar gear. It turns into ashes in front of Leyia, the African descent level 5 shield agent. 

"Kai!" Phil realizes who it is. They couldn't enjoy their reunion as the mutant is closing in. 

"Retreat, I'll take care of your back. Just focus on retreating first." Kai said solemnly. Phil could notice the tiredness in his voice. 

"Here, take these." He gives 5 UV bombs to Phil's team and a strong UV flashlight as they are hopeless right now. 

"Kai, we come here to help", Coulson said with a helpless expression. He realizes that he has become a burden, but he truly wants to help. 

"You can help by shutting off the area. Make sure that no mutant can come out. If even one of them escaped, then all of our sacrifices are futile."

Phil nods. He knows that this is the best path of action. "I will mobilize all our forces to do just that." 

Kai makes a path for the agents. 20 mutants there that surround the agents' retreats are turned to ashes. The team realizes that Kai is very strong.

" Go Now!! " He screams hurriedly to the agents that are blanking out. 

Coulson takes the lead." You better survive your bastard." He said as he crossed where Kai was standing. He sees a soft smile on Kai's face, which his friend says softly to him. "... You too" 

Although unwilling, the agents quickly get out of the sewer. "Cordon the area. Make sure that none of that thing escapes!!" Coulson said in agitation to the team.

They have to use all of Kai's ammunition just to get out and lose one more member. Shield mobiles all agents nearby to help Coulson.

The agents are shooting at the mutants from nearby the entrance. They are making an enclosure for the nest. Big UV light is stationed at various parts of the sewer. 

'The true battle will start at sundown.' Phil Coulson is solemn. Even Nick Fury is taking part in the command. "Get me eyes in the sewer!" 

"1 hour left until sundown." An agent notified the people there.  His drones are now inside the sewer, so they have a visual of the creatures. "Oh my god!" 

They see thousands of these creatures, but only Kai is there, fighting them off. The mutants attack the drone, so they lose sight. 

"We NEED TO GO HELP HIM!!" Leyia said. 

But Coulson has a different order coming to him, from Nick Fury himself. "If Kai didn't make it, then blow up the sewer." 

"He will", Coulson said to the earpiece. "He will make it.. No matter what!". 

At shield headquarters, Nick Fury is solemn. "Prepare for the worst possible outcome!" 

The agents on the site are praying for Kai's safety. His gallant figure fighting the creatures solidified in their heart. Even the true Shield or undercover Hydra have respect for Kai right now. 

In the sewer, the creature is relentless. Kai kept swinging his sword. Finally, he makes a long slash killing 50 creatures at the same time." Sword qi! I achieved it!" 

Not only does he want to clean up the creatures, but he also uses them as training. 

"When else can you practice?" He had started to use sword qi since the beginning of the fight. He achieved it 5 hours later. 

His sword qi can carry the attributes of his sword, making a clean kill of the mutants. "It's easier now!" Excited, he goes all out. He takes a deep breath. "Fire breathing Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation" 

He swings his blade in a circular motion that can defend him from incoming attacks and decapitate multiple enemies at once. It's like there is a fire in his sword style. He smiles and charges into the locust of monsters.

Thousands of the creatures, but it only takes him half an hour. He finishes with "Ninth Form, Rengoku". He jumps upward and unleashes the slash. It took the form of a fiery dragon burning all the mutants in its path. 

'The difference between having sword qi and not having sword qi is tremendous.' The fire breathing form is greatly enhanced with the qi. 

Lastly, he needed to hunt down the stragglers, so that no creature was left behind. He runs around the sewer and uses his bombs to kill the one's in difficult to get spots. 

*Zziing* "The last ones." He said while panting hard. His suit is torn and bloodied all over. He has a major wound on his shoulder that he treated with potions for now. 

Although he is stronger than these creatures, there are too many of them. 

"1 minute left until sundown." Coulson is worried. So are the other agents there. They have to keep vigilant so that they won't miss anything. 

"There's sound coming in this direction". The people are looking at the sewer entrance with mixed expressions. Some are fearful of the monster. Some are excited to fight. 

"GET READY!!" They will turn on the UV lamp at any time if necessary.

The tension is high. 'Will it be a monster, or will it be a man'. Finally, they saw it. A man in a sorry state is coming out of the sewer. 

"Hello?" Kai waved at them weakly. 

Alittlepiggy33 Alittlepiggy33

I got a fever. I think it's because I was too shocked yesterday. That damn lizard.

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