I am a princess. Just in name though. My father is a king. The name of the country doesn't matter. At least for now. Because, I am not in my country.
I am not on my home star. I am currently on another star. The name of the star is unknown to me. We haven't had any records of this star as well.
We didn't even know there was a star which was habitable here. One day, duke Martin came to the castle.
I was there as well. Although I seldom visit the castle, I was there for a certain reason. Duke Martin greeted me when he saw me but I clearly saw it. The ridiculing smile behind his polite demeanor.
He is a man who can be said charming. A tall and handsome man. Good at fencing and is a good warrior. A truly accomplished man and the next in line to his house.
He will succeed his house because the other sons are nothing compared to him. That's the kind of man he is. To the public that is. However, I know who he really is.
A coward!! He isn't a warrior. He hired a few mercenaries to fight and then took the credit. His fencing skills are totally bogus. He doesn't have a shred of respect for the sport. And he always took credit for whatever his siblings did.
Because his father adored him, he is like a spoiled brat. He came to the castle to give information about something.
I excused myself from the castle. After a week a certain news came. The head of Aves house had died. Meaning Martin is now the duke of the house of Aves.
I was really shocked at that. Because duke Aves was a hearty man. He wasn't even ill. But it is said that he died in his sleep.
And as expected, duke Martin succeed the house of Aves. I was really disappointed. My mother who is also the head chef of the palace came home with a sad face that day.
"What happened?"
I asked her out of concern. Because she is almost never this upset.
"Duke Aves was a good man. It's kinda sad that he is gone now."
My mother is crying as she said that. I understand. Duke Aves recommend my mother for the job and he became her foster father. That's how she also became the king's concubine and I was born.
And a week after that, I was summoned to the castle. By the king. I was puzzled at that. Why? He almost never summons me.
I rushed to the castle only to be shocked even further.
"Fay, I have a mission for you. A new star has been discovered. I want you to go and claim it. Don't worry, that star is currently uninhabited."
The king said that. And I knew it. This is an order. I can't refuse.
"Duke Martin has nominated you for this mission. Should you succeed, he would make you his bride."
Ehh… What an unbelievable thing!!! I never thought of that. But I can't exactly refuse either.
So I am in a trouble.
"You should refuse."
My mother told me. But I can't. It will put pressure on her as well.
And so, I started my journey. With duke Martin's handpicked bodyguards. They all treated me like a princess and tried to flatter me.
It was annoying. But then we reached the planet. It's blue. Beautiful!!!
That word came to my mind when I saw it. It is a serene blue planet and I can see ground as well. It is green. Perfectly suitable for living.
We land on the planet.
"Princess, we have arrived." The captain told me.
I just shake my head. It's kinda awkward but I won't talk to them.
I get off the ship. It is great. A sunny day and the air is fresh. I heard that the humans who lived here died out about a century ago. That means, this is an abandoned star.
The guards are talking among themselves. They tell me to stay near the ship. And they left for the nearest town. But I won't stay here.
I see a forest in front of me. So, let's go and explore.
I walk through the forest but then notice one thing. Someone is following me. I thought it's a wild animal or something.
But it is clearly staying out of my vision and following me. Meaning, it is an intelligent animal.
I see a lake up ahead. Let's do that. I will stop by the lake and call it out. Let's see who this little stalker is.
I will write another few chapters with the same pov. Fay is currently the most difficult character to write. It gives me some troubles.