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66.66% Naruto: A Change From Memories / Chapter 12: Fighting Zabuza!

Chương 12: Fighting Zabuza!

The group had just reached the Land of the Waves after asking a kind fisherman to give them a ride over the waters through the thick mist. Due to the mist being so dense, they couldn't see the bridge until they neared it.

If the unfinished bridge could be described in a single word, it would be gigantic. Naruto closed his eyes, attempting to sense the enormous bridge in its entirety. However, even with his (in his opinion) rather large sensing radius, he couldn't cover 1/20th of the whole bridge.

If anything, it sure explained why Gato was in a rush to kill Tazuna and stop the bridge from being built. Once the bridge was completed, his ambitions to take over Wave would be finished, with no chance of redemption.

After getting off the small boat, the group thanked the fisherman who had given them the ride across the waters and set foot on the land where waves of trouble turmoiled.

"It seems like there were only those two ninjas, huh? Anyways, while it is a little desolate as of now, I welcome you all to the Wave Country." Tazuna gestured to the area around him, happy to be back home. "My house isn't too far away from here; we can reach it before night falls."

As the group continued their trek along the road, there was rustling in the bushes beside the group. Naruto instinctively entered his awareness mode before quickly determining that it was a rabbit.

However, before he could relax, a domineering chakra signature entered the range of his perception. Naruto froze in fear; this chakra signature had to be almost on par with Kakashi's, and whoever it was wasn't afraid to reveal their chakra. It also didn't help that the man was dyed with a scarily red tint.

Suddenly, the man seemed to flick his wrist, releasing a giant sword from his arm, which started spinning towards the team. Naruto felt sharp stinging pains in his head, demanding that he avoid the weapon or face his early demise.

Kakashi, having heard of an incoming object, widened his eyes in recognition before calling out to the group.

""GET DOWN!"" Both Kakashi and Naruto screamed while diving to push the people nearby them onto the floor. The Jonin pushed Tazuna and Sasuke, while Naruto pushed down Sakura and his clone, Haruto.

Not even a moment after they hit the ground, a huge sword buzzed about their heads, releasing gales of winds in its wake before it lodged itself into a nearby tree trunk.

After the dust settled, Naruto instinctively turned to the man who now stood by the sword, freezing at the malice that the man spewed toward their group. 'Maybe it was a better idea to wait for backup before proceeding', he couldn't help but bitterly think.

While Naruto didn't admit it, he was a little proud that he had managed to overcome the two Chunin ninjas without injury, thinking that they would be able to handle any other ninja that was sent their way. Yet that misjudgement meant that they had to face a terrifying enemy when they weren't prepared.

"Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Hidden Mist," Kakashi uttered, his one eye narrowing at their attacker.

"Oh? I am pleased to hear that Kakashi of the Sharingan has heard of little old me." Zabuza amusedly said, shrugging off the glare of the one-eyed Jonin.

At this point, Naruto wished that he didn't only focus on training and instead at least spend some time learning about his potential future enemies. He had no idea who this 'Zabuza Momochi' guy was.

Although in hindsight, this couldn't be blamed on him, considering that Naruto never thought he would be fighting against high-level ninjas this early in his career.

"Let's cut the small talk. What are you after? I would really prefer it if we didn't engage in a fight since I am on a mission." Kakashi attempted to de-escalate the situation while keeping a close eye on Zabuza, fearing he would make a move against his Genin and client.

"Why, of course, it's the bridge builder I want. Leave the old man with me, and I will let you go on your merry ways." Zabuza nonchalantly said something frightening like it was a casual conversation between two close friends.

Kakashi sighed, pulling up his forehead protector, revealing a Sharingan in his hidden eye. "Unfortunately, that isn't something I can accept. I guess it can't be helped, huh?"

"Hmmm, the Sharingan. It is my honour to see it in action." Zabuza said, although his tone showed that it was anything but fear he had when he looked at Kakashi. "I can't wait to fight the man who has copied over one thousand jutsu. Kakashi the Copy Ninja!"

Hearing this surprised Team 7, who barely knew anything of their teacher except his laziness and love for reading erotica in public.

"Team 7, triangle formation!" Kakashi shouted. The Genin instantly got into formation, each taking a point around Tazuna and Haruto with a Kunai in hand.

Zabuza took his sword, jumping onto the nearby lake before making a hand seal. Suddenly, the mist became incredibly dense, and everyone could barely see a few meters ahead of them.

"This has got to be the worst time for the mist to roll in. The Land of Waves is surrounded by the ocean. It isn't uncommon to see swirling mists appear from time to time." Tazuna explained to the nearby members of Team 7 if only to gain some manner of composure from the dense killing intent that Zabuza was releasing.

Hearing this, Naruto shook his head in denial. "That's impossible. This is no natural mist. It is completely saturated with chakra. It has to be some sort of Ninjutsu."

The blonde closed his eyes, attempting to sense through the mist. While it was filled with a bluish chakra that disorientated him due to its concentration, he could still determine the position of everyone nearby.

Strangely, Naruto felt the existence of another chakra signature hidden in the trees. 'Another enemy?' he thought absentmindedly. However, he couldn't see the usual red tint that he had now begun to associate with anyone with harmful intent towards him.

Therefore, while he wouldn't attack this new signature, he would keep an eye on it after learning his mistake about making assumptions from overlooking the Chunins in the puddle.

'Hiding in Mist Technique, huh?' Kakashi thought to himself, his Sharingan seeing the chakra that filled the mist. It was Zabuza Momochi's speciality, and he was very proficient in the technique.

"Eight spots." Zabuza's dark voice reverberated throughout the surrounding mist. "The larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, the subclavian veins, kidneys and the heart. Now… Which vulnerable spot should I attack?"

Suddenly, the air began to permeate with dense, potent killing intent. It weighed down on everyone present, with the Genin and Tazuna stiffening in fear at the unexpected appearance of the suffocating aura.

'What is this feeling? If I take even one breath or move my eyes away, I will be marked and killed.' Sasuke thought to himself, holding a kunai near his throat. He would rather die than suffer through this any longer.

Sakura also froze up, trembling in fear. She was the most affected after Tazuna by the terrifying killing intent, to the point where she felt like she would collapse on the spot.

Meanwhile, Naruto's senses were going haywire. The sharp stabbing pain in his head was almost unbearable, alerting him that he was in danger, that he should flee from the monster in front of him.

"Everyone stay calm. There's no need to panic. I promised that I would never let my comrades die. Never again." Kakashi spoke, his voice gentle, soothing the nerves of his Genin and Tazuna. The man knew how terrified his students must be. They weren't prepared for this. Nobody could prepare for this.

"Oh really?" A voice sounded from inside Team 7's formation. "Well, allow me to be the first and last person to break your promise."

Naruto spun around immediately, instinctively driving his kunai to where he perceived Zabuza to be. The blonde felt like he had made contact with something or someone before a liquid sprayed on his face. It was… water?

"A clone?!" Naruto said in alarm as the Zabuza near him collapsed into a puddle of water. By this point, the other two Genin had reacted, both thankful that the blonde had acted as quickly and decisively as he did.

"Oh? To think that I would be detected by a snotty brat. I almost feel sorry for your talent going to waste by killing you. But you can only blame yourself for being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Zabuza's voice echoed from the lake.

Finally pinpointing where Zabuza was hiding, Kakashi vanished, reappearing behind him and slicing his neck with a kunai. Yet again, the expected blood didn't appear as the body leaked water instead.

'Water clone again?!' The silver-haired Jonin thought in alarm. Zabuza silently rose from the water behind Kakashi and flipped through several hand seals, his hands blurring from the speed.

Water Release: Water Prison Technique. The lake water around Kakashi enveloped him, immobilising him in place. Zabuza smirked as he saw the Jonin attempt but fail to escape. "It's futile, Kakashi. Now watch as your Genin die due to your incompetence."

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura! Take the client and run!" Kakashi shouted at his team, hoping that they would leave him there. He knew that they stood no chance against the monster that was Zabuza. The man was utterly out of their league.

Meanwhile, Zabuza created a single water clone that languidly walked towards the group, his footsteps trailing on the water. He noticed a young boy that was further away from the group. Initially, he planned to kill the unaware boy to destroy the Genin's spirits, but a better plan came to mind.

The clone vanished before instantly reappearing near the boy, holding a sword to his neck. He wasn't aware that the bridge builder had taken his grandson along with him on their trip to Konoha, but it made for a more fun experience.

"Hmmm… How about this. You give me the bridge builder, and I will give you the boy." Zabuza taunted the group, smirking as everyone shifted uncomfortably at his declaration. Of course, he would give the boy to them, but even after the trade, he would still kill them all. Maybe if on the off chance that one survives, they would forever remember the lesson to never trust your enemy.

"Grandpaaaa, save meee!" Haruto screamed out in fear, tears welling in his eyes, causing everyone to look angry and helpless at the situation in front of them.

However, despite the fear-inducing scenario, something didn't sit right in the minds of Kakashi, Tazuna, Sakura and Sasuke that they couldn't put their minds on. They felt like they had forgotten something.

"Quiet, kid. Another word, and you die now." Zabuza threatened the squirming boy in his arms, causing the boy to stiffen, his pleading eyes looking towards Team 7 to help him.

"Hey, let him go! Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!" Naruto screamed out, conjuring several shadow clones which dashed towards Zabuza on top of the water.

'Solid clones and water walking as a Genin? He seems skilled but… naïve.' Zabuza grinned. He could see that this boy didn't have much combat experience. "You shouldn't shout out your technique names, kid. Did they teach you nothing in the academy?"

With a single swing of his sword, Zabuza killed all the clones, which dispersed into puffs of smoke. "Since you didn't accept the deal, I am going to have to retaliate!" Zabuza taunted once more, enjoying this new game and the despair on Kakashi's face.

Water Release: Wild Water Wave, The clone flashed through several hand seals before spewing water out of his mouth in a water-fall like fashion, which rapidly moved towards Team 7.

"Earth Release: Earth Shore Return!" Naruto ignored the taunt, instinctively slamming his hands on the floor while shouting out the name of his following technique. Earth nature is strong against water nature, so the wall managed to easily block the water technique.

By this point, Zabuza's clone was nearby the Genin, easily able to take their heads off with a single swing. He could see the fear of the raven-haired boy slowly morph into determination while the pink-haired girl stayed frozen.

Tazuna couldn't help but feel regretful that these ninjas would die, all because he wanted them to continue the mission to free their country.

"I didn't want to use this technique, but you asked for it!" Naruto screamed out once more, emitting a large amount of chakra as his hands flipped through several hand seals.

'1…2…3…4…5…6…' Zabuza counted the hand seals in shock. There was no way this brat knew a B-rank technique. However, the amount of chakra Naruto was expelling made him reconsider his judgement.

While he was shocked by the sudden technique, the boy in his arms shifted before he felt a stabbing sensation in his chest. The clone looked down to see the boy in his arms, holding a kunai that was buried deep within his chest. With the last of its energy, the clone smacked the boy away before dissolving. One turned into water, while the other turned to smoke.

'Another clone?!' Zabuza thought in shock. He never thought that the civilian boy had turned out to be the blonde's clone. Strangely, the same thought went through everyone's mind, even Tazuna's. They had forgotten that the civilian boy walking with them for almost a day was Naruto's clone.

"Lightning Release: False Darkness!" Naruto screamed out as he flipped through the last few hand seals before opening his mouth, which was now glowing yellow with lightning chakra.

'False Darkness?! That's a B-ranked technique!' Peculiarly, Zabuza's instincts weren't warning him of the danger of that technique. But his instincts were overridden with reason.

The boy had performed too many hand seals for it to be a C-ranked jutsu, there was a lightning chakra buildup in the blonde's mouth, and the brat had a habit of shouting all of his techniques.

He knew that lightning release techniques were very quick and lethal, so Zabuza decided to cut his losses with Kakashi. He wouldn't be able to tank such a technique while keeping the water prison up, so he did the logical thing and dispelled it.

Zabuza jumped back from Kakashi and smirked while shouting, "Like I said, you shouldn't shout the names of your techniques, kid!"

Everyone inwardly facepalmed at Naruto's mistake, which the blonde didn't seem to notice or care about. He shot out a tiny, thin stream of lightning that barely made it past a meter before flickering out of existence.

Naruto looked around sheepishly at the shocked reactions of everyone before smirking at Zabuza. "I forgot to say, I don't know any lightning techniques yet."

Everyone baulked at the balls the boy had to fake using a high-level lightning technique to get Zabuza to free Kakashi from his prison. Yet such a strange, gutsy strategy actually paid off.

Despite the grave situation that they were still in, Kakashi couldn't help but snicker after realising that they had all been fooled by the Genin.

Meanwhile, Zabuza was blushing red in embarrassment and anger at being played by a Genin. 'Nobody would know of this folly if everyone here was to die' A thought crossed his mind as his killing intent skyrocketed. He didn't care about fighting Kakashi anymore. That blonde brat had to die.

However, just after he made a step, he was blocked by Kakashi. The two ninjas started exchanging punches and kicks faster than the spectators' eyes could see.

They had also fired multiple Ninjutsu at each other, with Kakashi taking inspiration from Naruto by neutralising all of Zabuza's techniques with the stronger element.

In the end, it seemed like it was a tie as Kakashi was launched onto the water while Zabuza crashed on the nearby land.

"Like I said, I won't let you harm my Genin." Kakashi stood up, wincing. He was sure he had broken something, but it was the least of his concerns.

Zabuza shakily stood up, knowing that he was running on his last legs. The amount of chakra it took to sustain the Hiding in Mist Technique and the Water Prison Technique, alongside the number of clones he had made, was finally taking a toll on the shinobi.

"Zabuza, you lost. You were a skilled ninja. I will remember this fight till the day I die." Kakashi was panting slightly as he took out a kunai and moved in to finish the job.

"You think you have won? Ha, don't make me laugh! It isn't over until-"Zabuza's words were cut off by two senbon, which planted themselves in his neck as he collapsed, unmoving.

"Thank you for weakening him. I had a lot of troubles tracking him down." A voice sounded from the tree above Zabuza's body. The group was shocked by a new ninja's appearance while all inwardly hoping that they didn't have to fight again.

"A hunter nin? What are you here for?" Kakashi asked, hoping to evade any more conflict; otherwise, he and his team would really go cold today.

Seeing the new ninja, Naruto instinctively opened his awareness again and saw that it was the same chakra signature from earlier, except it now had a slight tint of red to it. It was very faint, but it was still there. 'So they were an enemy after all.'

"I have been tasked with killing Zabuza there. Unfortunately, I cannot let you take his body as it contains valuable intel for Kirigakure. I hope you understand." The hunter nin stated, grasping Zabuza's body before vanishing in a Shunshin.

Naruto originally planned on notifying Kakashi of this discovery but noticed that the Jonin's chakra was almost empty while still draining at an alarming rate, so he decided to keep his mouth shut.

The moment the ninja left, Kakashi pulled down his forehead protector, covering his Sharingan. He then turned to the group and gave an eye smile before dropping to the ground.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura screamed in fear, hoping that her teacher wasn't dead. Sasuke also froze, not expecting his seemingly fine teacher to collapse after the fight.

Naruto kneeled next to Kakashi's unmoving body, his hand glowing a faint green as he scanned for any internal injuries. 'Hmm… chakra exhaustion, and a few broken ribs, I need to make a stretcher.' The blonde thought to himself, determining the best plan of action.

"It's okay, Sasuke, Sakura. Kakashi-sensei is experiencing a rather severe case of chakra exhaustion." Naruto explained, conjuring several shadow clones to pick up some reeds from the nearby lake.

Hearing this, the duo calmed down as Naruto continued to tend to Kakashi's injuries. The blonde pulled out a vial of thick liquid before slowly lifting up Kakashi's undershirt, exposing his chest, which had some rather remarkable red/purple bruising around the ribs.

"Naruto, you pervert! What the hell are you doing?" Sakura glared at Naruto in disgust; she didn't expect that her teammate would use this opportunity to perve on their teacher. 'Wait, maybe it was intentional that he kissed Sasuke?' The pinkette thought to herself.

'This isn't the time for this….' Naruto internally grumbled but explained as he gently applied a thick paste onto the injured areas before wrapping it rightly with a bandage. "Kakashi has multiple broken ribs which need to be attended to before we move him, in case the injury worsens."

Sakura gave a slow nod at this, not expecting Naruto, of all people, to know how to perform more advanced first aid. While it was a mandatory course in the academy, they only learnt how to bandage cuts and wounds; anything past that was beyond their expertise.

"And where did you learn this, Naruto?" Sasuke retorted in slight jealousy. How did the boy who was dead last in the class learn so many things without them knowing? Was he looking down on them? Hiding his skill all along?

'I expected this from Sakura, not from Sasuke.' Naruto thought in shock at the ridiculousness of the situation. Their teacher was on the floor, and they were pestering him about his newfound knowledge.

"Does it matter right now?! I will explain later." Naruto hissed, cutting the conversation short as he focused on gently applying the bandages to Kakashi before lifting him on a makeshift stretcher made of sticks and weaved reeds.

Naruto made a clone sign, summoning 4 clones; each held one end of the stretcher and gently picked it up. "Tazuna-san, can you please lead us to your house so we can get Kakashi-sensei to a bed?"

Tazuna nodded his head. He was more than happy to oblige after everything these shinobi had done for him over the past day.

End of chapter

Author's notes: Whaddup! This chapter took a lot of effort to write, so I hope it goes down well! I also hope that there isn't anything major that I have missed out/need to edit in, haha.

Have you guys enjoyed my little spin on the fights so far? Hopefully Zabuza being deceived by Naruto isn't too farfetched, but I thought it was a cool, funny fight scene. What was your opinion on it?

After looking at multiple reviews, the name of the ability provided by the 2nd gate has been narrowed down to 'Hyper intuition' or 'Hyperawareness'. I really like the second one, so I will probably use this in future chapters. Thank you, sfu and DarkJaden, for the suggestions if you are reading this.

Thanks for reading! Leave a review/PM, and I hope you have enjoyed!

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