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14.28% Star Wars: A New World (Star Wars X Danmachi: Crossover) / Chapter 1: Chapter One: Separation, Rebirth and a New World
Star Wars: A New World (Star Wars X Danmachi: Crossover) Star Wars: A New World (Star Wars X Danmachi: Crossover) original

Star Wars: A New World (Star Wars X Danmachi: Crossover)

Tác giả: Triple_Sweet

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter One: Separation, Rebirth and a New World

This story is a non profit, fan based fan made fictional story. I own none of these characters, story and plot of their original franchise all intellectual properties and intellectual property rights belong to their respective creators. Please don't sue me, I'm poor.

Darkness. There was nothing but total darkness and nothingness as far as the eye could see. The world itself was a void of pitch black. Every area, every direction, and the entire atmosphere is enveloped in a bitter cold. And the deafening silence reverberated across this space. A man discovered himself floating in the utter nothingness, enveloped in the icy cold of...

'Is this death, really?' The man thought to himself, without worry or fear, with nothing else occupying his mind. 'Is this a penalty? My retribution? Has the force abandoned me, condemning me to an endless period of solitude?' The man conjectured. But his theory had no foundation. He who had been foretold as the champion of light, the hero of good, and the one who would restore balance to the force, betrayed his kind and people, subjecting them to an evil tyranny, leaving a trail of blood and destruction in his wake, and serving a dark lord who had carried out the same act of betrayal he had. It was none other than Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker.

"How long ago was that? A day? Two?" Darth Vader thought, his sense of time disturbed, "Or maybe even a week, perhaps even a month. But eventually he discovered himself suddenly engulfed in a warm sensation."

His internal warmth increased in intensity, becoming hotter than ever. Vader was unable to move his body, not even a single flinch or a slight movement of his limbs. 'Argh! Exactly what is this? It stings! Aggh! This pain was greater than even Mustafar's magma!' Vader muttered.

The ex-dark lord of the sith then experienced a brief respite as the pain subsided. But that luxury was short-lived because he experienced new kinds of pain. One that was even more agonizing than the previous one as though... "My body feels like it's being torn apart! Arrgh!" But suddenly, everything vanished as he was engulfed by the surrounding shadows.

Vader opened his eyes after that, as if compelled to emerge from a deep sleep that comes with a nightmare. He opened his eyes, but his vision was distorted by a bright light. He again averted his gaze and then quickly opened his eyes again after adapting to the illumination. But what he discovered greatly surprised him. Apparently there was a sun, a cloud, and some flying birds. He compelled himself to stand up despite his surprise and was astonished to discover that his body could now move.

He began to look to his left and saw soil. He then turned to look to his right and saw more soil. When he turned to look in either direction, he discovered that he was in a crater. It appeared as though a spacecraft had crash-landed nearby. But a noise that he thought was all too familiar interrupted his thoughts.

"Kuuuhhhh, Ker. Kuuuhhh Kerr."

He then turned to look behind him and saw a recognizable but completely unsettling figure. What he saw was a tall figure with a black tablet on its sternum, dressed in all-black, including its cape, gloves, and boots. The figure's face was hidden by an identical-colored mechanical helmet with reddish-gray eye lenses. His breathing was unsettling and robotic.

"Y-You're me? B-but I'm me? H-how? Wait, my voice?!" the man stammered. He inspected himself, looking first at his hands to his arms. He patted his chest and stomach, looked at his feet and finally touched his face. "I-I'm healed. But how?" he blurted out, his old injuries and cybernetics absent from his person.

"Your reaction is just as valid as mine." The other man in black interjected, interrupting the other man's thought process, "I myself am not aware of what to make of this situation." The man in black said, "I believe we need not introduce ourselves to each other, Skywalker."

Anakin took a moment to pause before saying anything "Indeed. Darth." Replied Anakin eyes staring right into Vader's eyes. "Tell me, do you...really know who I am?" he added.

"You are Anakin Skywalker, Grandmaster of the Jedi Order and General of the Galactic Republic. Shmi Skywalker's son, Padawan of Obi Wan Kenobi, and spouse of Her Majesty, Queen of Naboo and Galactic Senator Padme Amidala, was conceived in Tattooine in the year 41 BBY.

"All of that is accurate; how did you acquire this information?" Anakin questioned, his arms crossed inside of his dark brown and black robes. "I...I'm not certain. I just...knew." Darth Vader replied only for Anakin to interject. "Tell me, what was the last thing you remember?" Anakin continued. Vader in turn, replied saying "Disposing of Sidious in the death star's core reactor." Anakin then put a hand on his chin then says "Go on." Vader obliged and said "And then it all went pitch black."

"I see. What about before...this. Do you remember?" Anakin asked pointing towards his chest, suggesting the lore of how he got his "suit". Vader then simply replied with the word "Mustafar." This answer made Anakin exhaled deeply.

"My turn to ask questions." Said Vader, earning a nod from Anakin after a short delay. Vader then proceeds to ask him "Do you who Luke and Leia are?" Anakin replies instantly saying "Yes, of course I do. They are my children." After Anakin said that last word, he finally realized the situation, after all only a few know of Luke and Leia's existence as Anakin Skywalker's descendants "They are...our children. How could I forget?" he added.

Darth Vader said, "Then it seems that the two of us, actually comprise the same person, but are now separated with an alter ego, while still retaining our respective memories..." to which Anakin somberly responds, "And past experiences."

"However, this raises a concern. How did the two of us end up being different individuals?" Anakin inquired. "How did we get to where we are now; and where we happen to be now, in my opinion, would be a better question." Vader responded.

"Do you think that the force has something to do with it?" Anakin asked his alter ego's opinion to which he replied, "Possibly."


The world was now under the graceful rule of night as the sun had set behind the mountains. In Orario, today was a very special day. The 'Divine descent', which ushers in a new god every fifty years, took place today. But because they were the last god who could be permitted to do so this century, they would be the last to descended from heaven.

The fact that new gods would descend to the earth on this day made it a fiercely celebrated holiday in the eyes of many citizens. It was a happy event! A brilliant, golden-white beam of divine energy could be seen ascending to the summit of the enormous structure as citizens gazed upon the tower of Babel. Similar to a television, the gods would design magical mirrors that let people view objects in the distance. The goddess of the hearth and home, Hestia, is the final god to descend from the majesty of heaven this century, announced an announcer with a shout as the beam dissipated, revealing a short woman with curves in very tasteful places. She gave a wave to the mirrors that reflected her as if she was a film.

Until someone whistled, the people of Orario were silent for a moment. After that, more people joined the celebration, and so on until eventually the entire city of Orario was applauding and encouraging the goddess. Stay tuned for updates on the upcoming "Monster fare"; it will be very exciting. "And that's all, folks! Stay tuned for news on the upcoming 'Monster fare!' It will be Very exci-" The announcer was interrupted as a great pressure descended over the entire city; only the gods stood.

The pressure then vanished like the snap of a finger just as quickly as it had been felt. Just outside the city, a massive boom was heard as a black beam of energy and a separate white beam of energy crashed down from the sky. Orario had his guard up.

Without a doubt, they reasoned, this was a magical attack from their rival country, Rakia.

Hestia screamed to her friend Ganesha, "I-I was supposed to be the last god to descend to the middle realm, right!? Ganesha cursed the treacherous war god, saying, "You were! This has to be Rakia's doing! Damn that Ares!" All the people could hear Ganesha barking his orders was, "Go Find who ever did this!"

The two force users decided to leave the crater after finishing their conversation and taking a look around. This region does not appear to match the geography or description of any data bank from the Republic or Empire, according to the library. They both shared the same thought: "The life signature of the planet and its inhabitants don't seem all that familiar either. "

Then, a single arrow missed Anakin's right eye, and a small army bolted from the clearing at that precise moment. Anakin said, dodging a sword swipe and then jumping backward to avoid a spear, "We've got company." Vader avoids attacks that are directed at him.

"Halt! For what reason have you attacked us?!" Vader demanded.

"You attack us and have the audacity to ask us why?" A man in armor said.

Both force users appeared perplexed. Vader responded, "Attack? We have not attacked anyone around the premises." But the man ignored him and swung his sword at Vader with a swiftness that the Dark Lord of the Sith had never seen from a normal person. Attack after attack shows that these individuals are skilled fighters. There was not a single wasted motion. As he avoided attacks aimed at him, Anakin had this thought. Arrows flew swiftly and precisely in the direction of Vader and Anakin. On either of them, however, not a single scratch was made.

As she fell, a woman with a Naginata ready to strike her said, "I've got you now!"

"Announcing your attack just before it is about to happen. Such stupidity," Vader mocked. "I'd rather you don't provoke them any further, Vader," Anakin said, avoiding a sword strike from one of them while they were still unarmed.

We don't have time for this, Anakin thought as he reached up to stop the blade with his hands enveloped with the 'force', protecting himself from the five swordsmen who were about to attack him from above.

"Stop it! I don't understand why you would attack us. We didn't do anything wrong! Anakin yelled as Vader threw with a woman with the 'force' toward the tree line and violently snapped her naginata, disarming her.

Rain was about to start because thunder could be heard off in the distance.

Someone with a mace replied, "What the hell are you talking about, Boy? You clearly used gravitational magic! The whole city felt it!" As the first raindrops fell on the earth, the audience yelled in agreement and rage at the two figures. Anakin gasped in surprise as he took in the peculiar absence of arrows that were headed his way, "Gravitational what-now?" Thanks to Vader snagging every single one of their arrows and snapping it with the force.

"Don't try to fool us! We know it was you, That Black beam struck right here, the moment the magic was cast! You were here too! Who else could it have been but the two of you?" yelled a woman with reddish pink hair as she calmed the larger man with a mace. "Yeah, Sure, I guess, but who do you think you are to attack a random people who you aren't entirely sure did any of this in the first place? It is against the law!" Anakin attempted to argue with them using both his and Vader's knowledge of the Republic/Empire's constitution.

As the city lights began to bounce off the growing rainclouds, the twilight sky faded to dark. The air smelled of rain, steel, and dirt. Anakin and, especially, Vader could feel the anger infiltrating, multiplying, and spreading.

"No! It was you, there's no other explanation, you fool!" said the girl as the assault resumed. "Listen, both of you, stop resisting and come with us," urged another guy, dwarfing the fatso with the mace. "Captain Ottar!" said the Reddish-Pink haired girl, almost in admiration.

"Surrender yourselves, you are outnumbered," Ottar, the huge muscular guy, said to the Jedi and Sith.

"We can't do that, not when it was you and your people who attacked first," Anakin grumbled, furious.

"I'm not going to ask again," Ottar remarked as he grabbed one of the colossal swords that surpassed Anakin in stature. Thunderclaps rang out near the group's position, as though for dramatic effect.

"No, we refuse!" Anakin said, staring at his counterpart, Darth Vader, who nodded slightly.

This strange setting, the cluelessness of his surroundings, and the stress permeating the air from the surrounding were weighing hard on both Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader, making Anakin sweat profusely, not out of fear, but out of pressure. He didn't want to shed any unnecessary blood. He refused to allow himself to be like...HIM again. Not that he wasn't HIM in the first place.

Vader, on the other hand, was unintentionally letting his wrath pour from him, engulfing him in an unseen aura, and everyone around him felt enormous pressure and terror, with the exception of his counterpart: Anakin. His tone, look, and strange breathing did not assist his case either, as if he were the hunter and they were the prey. Vader's pressure made their hearts feel crushed and their bodies feel chilly, as if they were naked in a hailstorm. To them It's unclear if it was the cold of the approaching rain or the dark lord looking at them.

A woman took a step forward, proudly proclaiming. "See? That energy you have right now is clear proof that it was you. This feeling matches the same pressure we felt earlier, and the evidence is undeniable." Despite her zeal, her demeanor wasn't so good, as she clutched her chest, feeling her heart and sweats trickling down her forehead.

To relieve the strain, she hurled a spear at Vader, whom she suspected was the source of the "magic," who swatted it away with his hands as if swatting a fly.

Ottar surged forward, slicing his sword downwards at Anakin, whom he intercepted with his bare hands, shielded by the force, and drove Ottar back with a force push. The man was propelled into the air, but he took advantage of the momentum and flipped backwards to land on his feet.

'Impressive,' Anakin thought of Ottar's ability to turn an attack in his advantage, but Vader had a different opinion, 'Pathetic,' he thought to himself with sadness.

"Ah, Wind magic," Ottar said. The others had let these two fight because they were afraid of getting hurt. "Impossible," said a man with a Mace.

While watching Anakin's combat with Ottar, Vader found his back beginning to feel as though someone was watching him...and with intent to murder. He took a glimpse backwards, just in time to move sideways and avoid a sword from a blond haired woman wearing strange armor.

"Woah, the sword princess is here!" said one witness. "Look at her go!" exclaimed another. "Take him down, Ms. Wallenstein!" said a girl wearing a bow. But it didn't stay long as Vader shoved her with the force, making a crater, but to his surprise, the woman grit her teeth just to get up right away.

Vader watched as the two began to stand next to each other and square up to him and Anakin. Vader then approached Anakin and stated, "They are adamant. They seem very keen on fighting." Anakin answered, "Just don't kill them. I mean it." Vader remained silent for a while before responding, "I make no promises, but I shall try."

Fortunately for them, both of them grabbed for the belts on their waste and discovered a familiar gadget. The buzzing of their weapons reverberated as they both activated their lightsabers, one red for Vader and one blue for Anakin. The two persons who were facing them exchanged a look. "Magic swords?" whispered Ais.

Ottar said, his gaze fixed on the two figures in front of him. "Who are they?" Ais asked, raising her sword in a stance. The two circled the jedi grandmaster and sith lord around each other, weapons drawn in clockwise and counter-clockwise directions. "They are enemies. I heard on my way here that at least three people suffered heart attacks," Ottar remarked, glaring at Vader. "And the brown robed one?" Ottar said."An associate of his," Ottar answered to the girl now known as Ais Wallenstein.

Ais opted to attack first, leading with a stabbing motion as if she were wielding a spear rather than a sword. Vader ducked once again, becoming enraged at the individuals who were attacking him in such a foolish manner. Vader sliced back at Ais, who had blocked his path, Ais dodged using her immense speed but was caught by Vader's force push and was driven back thirty.

Ottar on he other hand swept Anakin's foot with a slice, making Anakin jump, hismjump incorporated the use of the force, effectively launching himself 20 feet into the air. Ais took advantage of Anakin's immobility in mid-air and switched targets, lunging at him with her blade in front of her. Anakin, on the other hand, was immobile, and Vader was not one to abandon his counterpart. Vader threw his sword towards Ottar like a boomerang, to prevent him from assisting, Ottar parried it with his sword, but to his surprise it was cut into two.

Anakin, on the other hand, steadied himself by utilizing force to halt his ascension and descent; in fact, his drop was so slow that everyone else thought he was flying. However, this was simply force levitation. And force pulled Ais back to the earth, creating a crater and fissures in the process.

"A flying skill?" whispered someone in the audience, and the rest of the crowd agreed. Ais grumbled as she strained to stand, her armor cracked but still clung to her. She couldn't breathe at first, but she didn't let others notice her struggle. She touched her ribs and discovered that at least half of them were shattered.

"You, there. Stay down. I can tell you're hurt," Anakin, who was still hovering, said to Ais. Ais, who had regained her breath, prepared her blade. Anakin sighed as he dropped and returned to the earth. It's presently raining outside.

"Fine, but you people forced us into this," Anakin began, but was sent back into the air by a fist to the gut. It didn't do much harm, but it threw Anakin off balance crashing him doen towards the ground, though without damage.

Ottar, now armed with just his fist, charged at Anakin, who was holding his saber. "Try me," Anakin said, but Ottar's onslaught never arrived.

It didn't help that the terrain was muddy and slick. And Vader's size and low agility made it slightly difficult for him to fight. Which led to slow support and responses towards Anakin. But he pulled his own weight nonetheless.

Vader raised his right hand, squeezing his thumb, index, and middle fingers towards them. Ottar was forced to float two feet off the ground after being choked. "Enough," Vader muttered, dropping his left hand's weapon.

"T-Tempest," Ais said as a light green mist engulfed her as she hurried towards Vader, whom she assumed was the caster of the strange spell performed on Ottar. Only for Vader to parry her attacks with his left hand, wielding his saber. Her sword now evaporated only remaining as a hilt.


Anakin was taken aback by this girl's determination. He had to have assumed she'd be in a bad way as a result of her injuries.

Then she sliced with a flurry of sword strikes, all of which were deflected by Vader, much to the amazement and apprehension of the spectators. A woman on the sidelines used dispelling magic against the "magic" thrown on Ottar, but it was in vain.

"Vader! Stop!" implored Anakin, to whom Vader grudgingly agreed. He did, however, choke Ottar until he passed out, putting him out of the battle. Anakin lets out a sigh of relief. Unbeknownst to him, someone had began to cast a healing magic.

Ottar fell somewhere in the throng when Vader flung him in their direction, and he began to cough violently as he passed unconscious. "Please, stop. You're only going to hurt yourself," Anakin begged the girl, who was still stabbing madly with her strength as a second sword was thrown to her by one of her comrades from the side lines. And rightly so; Anakin and Vader may be the same person at first, but they have quite distinct personalities. And Darth Vader was...well, Darth Vader.

Her eyes were filled with frigid rage, something Anakin was all too familiar with. The burning impulse to protect...and the icy thirst for vengeance, but against whom? He couldn't work it out. But for now, the two of them were the source of her rage, her outlet so to speak.

Anakin watched as Vader continued to play with Ais, but he sensed danger and hardened his body as much as he could with the force, only for something to crash into his neck with the force of what seemed like a soothing massage. As the sound of broken steel and shards of steel shattered the ground, the Ais halted fighting and gazed at Anakin wide-eyed.

"How strange. your head should be resting at my feet," Ottar muttered as he prepared his second blade. "How strange, you should be sleeping right now," Anakin answered.

Ottar sneered at him and said, "You guys are stubborn. We'll defeat you and take you back with us. I told you to lay down your sword and come with us, but you didn't want to listen."

"What do you mean we didn't listen? I already stated that we weren't the ones who attacked," Anakin stated emphatically.

"Because that energy you just emitted didn't look like that beam from the sky," Ais sneered, sarcastically. "Every time this man uses magic, he emits a black mist, the same color as the beam that struck earlier, and you are the same, but with a white mist instead," Ottar remarked which surprised both force wielders. 'Emitting a mist? But the force is intangible and invisible?' Anakin and Vader thought.

"Talking was no longer necessary once you revealed yourself," Ottar replied, referencing the nature of their abilities. "...Very well, have it your way," Vader muttered, encapsulating electricity into his hands. Vader wasn't sure how he accomplished it because his suit refused to allow him to utilize force lightning, but his sixth sense told him it was now feasible. This was not his first time using force lightning, however, since he had used it in his mindscape against another sith lord, though with his psyiology he was not able to use it for a second time, up until now.

Vader fired crimson lightning from his fingertips towards Aiz and Ottar. "W-What?! Lightning magic?!" the man with the mace exclaimed as he raced forward attampting to assisst, only to collapse unconscious like Ais and Ottar.

The crowd began to fear. Two of their strongest were completely eliminated by this stranger, and as the crowd began to disperse, morale reached a new low.

A man yelled, "STOP!" and the crowd dispersed to let him pass. Anakin was very concerned as Vader turned his head to look at the newcomers and appeared uninterested in them. There was a strong-looking man with an elephant mask, a curvy woman with an eye patch and a plain white shirt, and a man with a scarf over his face and a feathered hat.

The man in the elephant mask flexed his arms and shouted, "I...AM...GANESHA!" As the blonde-haired man in the hat grinned, the woman behind him almost face palmed. He is Hermes, and I am Hephaestus. She crossed her arms under her ample bust and said, "We're here to look into the force that attacked the city.

More footsteps could be heard as more people arrived. "Hey, has anyone seen Ais? She ran off without us!" a smaller woman wearing revealing clothing exclaimed. "Oh shit," Hephaestus exclaimed, raising her hand to her head as she realized what was about to happen. The woman looked down at the unconscious form of Ottar and his shattered sword, which lay next to Ais, and the crowd fell silent. Her gaze then trailed up to Anakin, then to Vader, who was closer to Ais.

"What. Did. You. Do?" the woman asked, her eyes widening and her gaze fixed on the dark lord of the Sith.

Darth Vader, sword still in his left hand, said almost casually, "I eliminated her," and gave off a relaxed, if not stoic, look, though no one could see his face behind his mask. Moments pass in silence as the moon peeks just above the distant mountains, bathing the land in its pale light.

"Y-You...did what?!" exclaimed the woman, finding her voice as she began to emit a white aura with a rainbowish tint that shifted the color spectrum. "Loki!" Hephaestus yelled at the Unleashed Goddess, "remember that our powers are forbidden on the lower world!"

Anakin's eyes widened as he realized that this woman was as powerful as Coleman Trebor on Geonosis. But how had he not felt this before? She was powerful, but not powerful enough. Especially now that Vader and Anakin are at their prime and peak, with no limitations holding them back. Anakin was no longer crippled and an amputee, and Vader remained the same, but without his lightning weakness. During the fight, both of them realized this, but they didn't know how or why.

"Shut up! I don't care!" Loki exclaimed as an ornate shortsword materialized in her hand and she blurred forward with such speed that both force wielders were taken aback. Vader raised his sword to block, but was thrown back with great force and thrown to the ground. Vader's impact created a crater that splattered massive amounts of mud and even dug deeper to dry dirt, blasting up a cloud of dust that obscured his view. Loki's aura shone brightly like a star. Loki picked up an Unconscious Ais and backed away from Hephaestus, Ganesha, and Hermes. The crowd gathered the other two unconscious Adventurers and rallied behind Loki and the other three as her aura began to fade.

"Vader, are you all right? " Anakin inquired, concerned, even though he was well aware of their respective strengths, he couldn't help but be concerned for his other self.

'W-what was that?' Hephaestus thought to herself as she felt the energy of that beam, and her eyes widened with shock when she saw Vader standing there, Undamaged in a rather large crater. 'No way, To still be alive after taking a hit from a full-powered goddess?' Hephaestus thought to herself as she locked eyes with Vader, sending cold shivers down her spine, Ganesha sharing the same feeling.

"For what reason are you permitted to consider yourselves gods?" Vader inquired of the quartet. The four were having difficulty believing what they were seeing and couldn't believe the tall man in black was still alive.

"I-I, Ganesha will answer you! Haha It is simply that, We ARE gods!" The man said as he turned and flexed his triceps. That seemed to relax the atmosphere a little, but not much considering Vader had just literally changed the atmosphere."Hmph. Pathetic. You brand yourselves gods merely because you are more formidable than average. Your power is insignificant in comparison to the power of the force." Vader said to them as he scowled.

"It's true. I'm Hermes, the god of trade and travels, as well as luck, and she's the god of fire, forge, and blacksmithing," Hermes said, jabbing a thumb in the direction of Hephaestus. She made a 'Tch' and said, "I am capable of speaking for myself. Like Hermes said. We're gods." Hephaestus scowled at Hermes.

"You're lying. Why should I believe you?" Anakin said, sensing no amount of the force within them, nor were there any midichlorians.

"OK, are you willing to come peacefully and discuss this with me, Mr. Man in Black?! If not, I have no problem telling these adventurers to take you down," Ganesha said to the terror of the the audience who started to cautiously move backwards. "No, you attacked me first, and I intend to make you all realize your mistake," Vader said, taking a step forward as the dirt around where he was standing scattered. Anakin disapproved regarding the decision of the Sith Lord, but they were so eager to fight that they were forced to defend themselves, only to complain that their best fighters had been incapacitated? Both of them were doubtful of the crowd's intentions.

"Hey, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding," Hermes said. "But please, give us the benefit of the doubt here."

"You say that, but you weren't the one on the defensive just now; you disregarded me the luxury of the doubt, so why shouldn't I do the same?" Anakin said as he jumped beside Vader, both of them still holding their sabers, remained activated. Anakin was hoping to deescalate the conflict, but given how these people acted, it does not appear to be an option.

Loki had placed Ais near Hephaestus and was re-releasing her aura. Their existence puts at risk the foundations of the world! We're granted the right to exercise our powers, right?! HAAAAAA!" Loki shrieked furiously as she charged forward again, her rage still smoldering.

Anakin and Vader had seen her move before and were prepared. Vader parries her sword to the left, and the field breaks apart as a result of the collision, causing harm to some of the adventurers. "NO!" exclaimed Ganesha, "All adventurers! Get out of here!"

"Stop!" Anakin helped Vader by kicking Loki, spinning her upwards, and Vader continued with a force push with her in mid-air, sending her skidding back.

"You Monster!" Loki exclaimed, feeling his own energy in the force that annihilated both the landscape and the Adventurers. Every Adventurer in the area had already left, leaving only Hephaestus, Hermes, and Ganesha. The fight continued, and Loki didn't back down, but neither did Vader or Anakin, though Vader was holding back as if to mock these so-called "gods," while Anakin was holding back out of fear of killing them, he merely wished to incapacitate them.

Vader slashed downwards, severing her sword and cutting her thigh vertically, searing it and exacerbating the pain. "AGH!" she screamed in agony, but her attack continued. The battle's shockwaves continued further back, and Ganesha stepped forward. Totally enraged. He summoned a warhammer and told Hephaestus, "Watch over Ottar and Ais," before sprinting forward with overwhelming speed. Anakin intervened, leaving Vader and Loki to fight. He used his lightsaber to intercept his Warhammer and locked weapons with Ganesha. His hammer seared in contact with Anakin's saber.

"Why did you have to come here!" Ganesha inquires.

"It wasn't our fault! We hadn't intended to!" Anakin exclaims.

"Liar! Which pantheon are you from?" Loki exclaims as Vader easily slashes her sword, or what was left of it, upwards, disarming her. Meanwhile, Anakin had a firm grip on his Warhammer, using the force to hold the blunt of his hammer and pushing Ganesha with two of his fingers, which were holding his sword. While Loki's sword was in the air, Vader punched Loki in the face with the gauntlet of his suit/armor, sending her into the ground and creating a crater. Her aura was deactivated, and she fell unconscious

"What did you do to her?!" Ganesha demanded, ripping the handle of his hammer free and winding back to strike Anakin down. "Back down," Anakin said, slicing the hammer's handle to deflect it, but instead cut through Ganesha's divine weapon, destroying it and stunning the god. "D-Divine weapons are unbreakable!" Ganesha exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"I have a talent for doing the unthinkable," Anakin said, ramming his foot into Ganesha's face, sending him rocketing towards a large tree, narrowly missing Hephaestus, Ais, and Ottar. Hephaestus was taken aback. Two gods had been crushed right in front of her eyes. Never before had a god been humbled in the millennia she'd been alive. Hephaestus had felt a gust of wind and a cold point of Vader's fingers outstreched to her in an instant, and Hermes was within striking distance of Anakin, both of them using the force to speed up towards the remaining gods.

"Are you two gonna fight as well?" Anakin asked, fully ready to disarm the man and woman if she said yes, though in Vader's case he would kill.

"..N-No..." Hephaestus may have been a weapon god, but that didn't mean she had enough skill to take on the anomalies infront of her."Yeeeahh, I don't think I will." Hermes said, backing up, with a nervous smile.

"A wise decision." Vader said in a mechanical voice, unnerving the gods.

Both of them lowered their swords, turned it off and tucked it away. Though not lowering their guard. "Now, can we finally explain ourselves?" Anakin asked, fed up with everything.

"Y-Y-Yes. W-We have a room in that T-Tower over there." Hephaestus said, her nerves shaking her body causing her to stutter. At this point, the adventurers who had evacuated had returned, and were baffled at the sight of two unconscious gods, lying on the floor. Battered and bruised.

"All of you, get Loki and Ganesha to safety, as well as Ais and Ottar, as for you? Please come with me." Hermes said, gathering his bearing.

"Only if you lead." Anakin said, being more used to conversation than Vader, not out of antisocial tendencies, but out of individual personality. "Ah-Ah, Your weapon?" Hermes said, holding out his hand.

Anakin and Vader eyed the god with neutral gazes, which made Hermes panick. 'Was it wrong for me to ask that?' Then he shifted his gaze towards Loki and Ganesha's unconsciius bodies. 'Shit...'

Surprisingly, however they had both complied. If push comes to shove both of them could recover their sabers quite easily. And they have the force to defend themselves, in the mean time.

"Right. Just follow us." Hermes said as he tucked away their sabers in his hat. 'These metal bars, seem rather peculiar as weapons. Are these magic swords?' Hermes thought as he made a mental note of asking Hephaestus later.

And with that the group head back into the city. The warriors behind him Shakily had their weapons ready just in case any of the two wanted to escape, and was quite easy for them to do so too. Vader mocked their attempts at pathetic guarding saying to himself 'Feeble.' While Anakin praised their efforts.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

So, how was it? Did you like he new chapter? Like, comment and send me a star!

My posting schedule will be once every 2-3 weeks, once a month if I become busy. There is a weekly-monthly delay on posting this to WN, but nonetheless thank you fir reading.

Now with regards to Anakin and Vader's split, I would like to clarify that they bith have the same memories and experiences, the onky difference that they have are their principles, attitudes and morals. Anakin, despite having the same knowledge and behavior, acts like Anakin prior to turning to the Dark side. Vader being the same.

Now I'm sure you guys are asking, who is stronger? Welp, both are even actually. Anakin stronger with the force, speed and agility, but Vader having an advantage in brute strength. They have their separate fighting styles, with Anakin in his and Vader with his own, despite having the same knwoledge and experiences.

Now, how strong are they really? They are at their each strongest respectively, meaning both are at their prime without limiter, what I mean by that is Vader is not vulnerable to lightning and his suit doesnt hurt anymore like usual, and Anakin does not have cybernetics, nerfing his midichlorians. With Anakin as strong in Episode 3 and Vader in Episode 6 of the movies.

This fanfiction was inspired by the story "Death God of Danmachi" it is a Bleach X Danmachi story. Though mine has my own twist and differences, especially in the upcomming chapters.

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