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60.9% The Will of Gil (Gilderoy Lockhart SI) / Chapter 67: Chapter 67

Chương 67: Chapter 67

At least the next Nine chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patrons, Cory A Cinquini and Stewart Baird.

Thank you to my Superhero Patrons, Marcus Lane, Gregory, Conradt Moore and Luis Antonio Aguilar Ocaña. Thank you for all your support.

Thank you to my Legendary Hero Patrons, Alex Borthwick, Parzivel, Jason Lopez, Tobias Schwarz, 2Bizzy and Faisal Salih. Thank you for your immense support.

Thank you to my Galactic Hero Patrons Luis Barreda, Spoder man, TheBerryMan, OettamLass, reader 76, Phil Meyering, Shynatuk, Milo Farrell, Boltaruas, Warwick Robertson, Greatestkhan and Daoist Mufasa. Thank you for your extraordinary support.

Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patron Pato Senalima. I can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 42– Train Trip.


Walking through the wall wasn't at all weird because it didn't last more than a second. Less than that, even. I walked through it, and then I saw a gleaming scarlet train. It was very interesting, for a train, that is. I guess to my modern mind, seeing an old train like this is kind of cool, but it isn't anything close to the bullet trains from the modern day. Still, it is magical, so maybe there are some secrets to it. Hell, if there aren't, I will make sure to get my hands on it and do something with it. Maybe make it a Transformer or something.

I quickly look around and notice that everyone is pretty much lined up along the train, talking through the windows to their children and saying their final goodbyes. I spot the Weasleys easily enough, their bright red hair standing out among the crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley both stand in front of a window through which I can see the young form of Ginny Weasley talking to her parents. I look on with interest, wondering how freaked out they will be when they realise Ron and Harry aren't here.

I move on when I realise that they clearly don't know that, and they probably won't until they get back to the car and find that it is missing. Most likely, they are too focused on Ginny since it is her first time going to Hogwarts, and they assume that the rest of the family, including Harry, have all gotten onto the train already. Well, they will sure be in for a shock when they realise they will have to use the Knight Bus to get home.

I don't recognise anybody else of worth, which is probably more my fault and not theirs, and so I quickly slink onto the train with nobody noticing. Of course, once I am on, I see a lot of kids still walking around the train corridors, and so I walk along, ignoring all of the kids besides smiling politely at the ones that see me. They are so stunned to see me on the train that they don't respond in time, and I quickly move on before they can. I sit down in the first empty compartment I see, making sure to confundus charm some so they don't see which one I entered. 

And now, with my compartment secure, I lock the door and relax on a seat. I don't want to interact with anyone just yet since they will probably be hyped up and annoying. Also, the train has yet to leave, and so a few parents can still accost me, and I want to make sure the train is on time. And so I sit and relax for a second as I look out the window, having used a privacy spell so they can't look in. I didn't bring a trunk with me. Call me crazy, but I don't particularly feel secure letting some House Elfs take it to Hogwarts and then sort out my room as well, especially since they obey Headmaster Dumbledore above all.

No, thank you. When I get there and settle into my room tonight, I will use the floo because every professor has a private one, and I will use it to go home and get my shit. And after I make sure the room is secure and a whole bunch of other things, I will relax and settle into my role properly. Which probably won't be for a few weeks.

With a sudden jolt, I feel the Hogwarts Express shudder to life before beginning to slowly move forward. I can feel the wheels moving and the jittering of the engine or whatever that drives it, along with the steam shooting out and the choo choos sounding out. It took me by surprise because, unfortunately, my current privacy charm isn't without flaws.

Don't get me wrong, I know a few of them, and while there are others that have good use on occasion, this is my go-to. And that is because it employs a slight aversion effect as well, making it so that unless someone is looking for me or something in the area, they won't be able to find me. The downside of this one is that it is complete privacy, inside and out, so I can't tell what is going on outside. It's useful for some situations as the other privacy charms just make it blurry with a few other different effects. 

Still, with the train having set off for a minute or so now, I undo my charm so I can appreciate the view outside of the window. I also close the curtains to my compartment so people won't be able to see in. And now I can enjoy the green fields we will be passing by, and the streams and other such sights. Maybe a babbling brook, along with a slight flying Ford Anglia. Can't wait for that last one. I will definitely be on the lookout. I also notice that the noise of the train and the engine is now gone except for the steam and the choo chooing. I guess they magicked up the sounds for the aesthetics.

It is a while later, with me enjoying the sights, that there is a knock at the door. There have been a few that I have ignored, but with the sights now seeing a lot of repetition and no blue magical car to be found, I am bored. And so, I look towards the door and ready myself for my first proper interaction as a professor. I can't be too overbearing or strict, but I can't be too nice as well. I need to get a nice balance where the little shits know they won't be able to pull any shit on me but that they can also come to me for problems because I am reliable and helpful. 

"Professor Lockhart?" I hear a voice call, and it is young but distinctly male. I don't really know who it is, but the voice sounds familiar. Someone I have met before? But, I must not have paid much attention to them since I can't place a name to the voice. Also, I haven't met a lot of kids, so I have no clue who it could be. 

"Who is it?" I ask, still waiting to grant them access. After all, it might turn out to be someone I don't really want to talk to. The door is open and not locked, so they could come in, but by now, I assume word has spread that this is my compartment. And so to just enter without knocking would be rude and give a bad impression to their new teacher. Now, I wonder who could have come to see me? Maybe a fan? Or perhaps somebody is having a problem, and they need my help? I wonder.

"Uh, it is Draco- Draco Malfoy, sir. I was wondering if I may have a moment of your time." Well, isn't that interesting? I do indeed remember hearing his screeching voice in Flourish and Blotts while he was annoying Harry, but I didn't talk to him. His voice is a lot more polite and gentle than it was then, which I am glad for since otherwise, I would have to discipline the guy. Still, what could this spoilt, arrogant little boy be here for?

"Very well. You may enter." I say, and consequently, the door slides open gently. And then a pale face pops in, slick blonde hair covering the scalp. The boy turns around before entering and addresses the two big, lumpy boys behind him, who look like they don't have much sentience in their eyes. Like seriously, they are shockingly dim as they stand there with their mouths open and breathing heavily, waiting for orders.

"Crabbe, Goyle. Stay outside and make sure nobody disturbs us. I have sensitive matters to discuss." The boy's tone changes, and he is imperious and commanding, ordering the two beefy boys to stay outside. Sensitive matters? I wonder what that could mean. Given that he is a Malfoy, and his father is Lucius, then he could simply be relaying something to me for him.

"So, what sensitive matters do we have to discuss, Mr. Malfoy?" I ask as Draco shuts the door closed behind him and then makes sure the curtain is properly shut, ensuring security. Hearing my words, he turns around, and then, he takes a big breath and reaches behind him into his bag.

"Yes, pardon me, sir. But my mother has given me a task." He says, walking closer, rifling through his bag, and looking for something. This is indeed interesting. His mother, Narcissa Malfoy? What could she have to do with me? I mean, through osmosis from spending time with Andromeda, I know that she is basically a trophy wife. Don't get me wrong; apparently, she was brilliant and intelligent, but Lucius doesn't really let her get involved in the business. She just stays home and makes some appearances by his side, and that is that. So, I wonder what she wants.

"Oh, and what is this task?" I ask, but Draco doesn't respond, more focused on trying to find whatever it is he is searching for in this bag of his. When I realise that he has essentially ignored me, I get a bit annoyed and give a slight cough, making his head jolt up.

"Uh, right. My mother asked me to come here to-," He begins, still rifling through the bag before he pauses and pulls out something with a look of relief on his face. "I am here to get you to sign these books for my mother." He says, shoving one towards me, his hand in the air as he looks at me expectantly. I merely stare on back at him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Uh, I mean, if it isn't much bother, sir. My mother is a big fan. Sometimes, it seems all she does is sit around at home and read your books." He quickly adds, remembering his manners. But that isn't the thing that surprised me. It was the fact that his mother sent him here to get my autograph on those books. I was kind of happy, thinking something interesting was happening and I would be getting an opportunity for business, but no. Just a signing. Why couldn't she have come when I was doing it at the bookstore?

"Of course, anything for a fan," I say, taking the stack of books from him and reaching into my robes to pull out my autographing pen, signing the books one by one. The Malfoy boy just stands there awkwardly, looking like he would rather be anywhere else at all. I'm guessing his mother forced him to do this, and he would probably get in trouble if he didn't return with them. Hmm, maybe she originally wanted to come to the book signing but couldn't because Lucius wanted to go and enact his plan with the diary. Well, I can make guesses all day, but in the end, it doesn't matter.

"Alright, there you go. I hope your mother enjoys it." I say, handing the book over to him, and I watch as he quickly stuffs them into his bag.

"Thank you, sir," Draco says, turning around and heading towards the door. Well, I can't just let him leave like that, can I?

"Draco, a moment please," I say, and though I phrase it like that, he knows it isn't a request, and so he turns around and looks at me, caution in his gaze. He doesn't say anything, so I take it as my cue to speak.

"I am going to be your professor for the next year, so I expect excellent behaviour in my class. I already know how you act, so I will ask you to refrain in my class. You can do whatever you want in your first time, but in my class, you will learn and only learn. That is the one thing I expect, so don't think you will get away with anything." I say, just trying to assert dominance. I don't want to hear this kid whining and talking about his dad all the time, so it's best to nip it in the bud now. Assert dominance.

"Right. Enjoy the rest of the trip, professor." Draco says after a moment of pause, turning around and leaving the compartment, calling to his two henchmen before leaving. Hm, he said he understood, but I get the feeling that he really doesn't. Still, I guess he must know he can't be a petulant child in front of a professor. But I doubt he will give me no trouble in the year. Maybe I will have to have a parent-teacher conference with his parents... that's an idea.

With Draco gone, I relax into my seat and look back out the window. I really should have brought a book with me. After Draco, quite a few people stopped by, but I made it explicit that I would not be signing any autographs and with that, most of them left. Some stuck around to ask me questions, and I responded with them to actually read their new books since it was evident with the questions that they were asking, that they hadn't. I made those books the real deal for the new curriculum. 

There were also a few... older students that came by. Mainly schoolgirls who were in the upper years and really wanted to stick around in the compartment. Needless to say, I acted oblivious and subtly got rid of them. I mean, technically, I was around seventeen mentally, so it wouldn't be weird. But I am also a professor, so I won't be doing anything like that. Well, maybe later. A certain Miss Clearwater certainly was enthusiastic with her questioning. She actually wasn't one of the ones wanting to get funky, but she drew my interest the most. Well, later, if things work out like that, I wouldn't mind.

With the journey halfway through, another knock on the door brought me out of my boredom. The students had stopped coming by after they realised that I wouldn't exactly sit there and answer their every question or sign anything... or anything else. The sudden knock on the door interests me, as it had already been an hour or so since my last visitor, and so I watched the door with interest.

"Professor Lockhart!" Before I can even answer and tell them to come in, the door slams open, and a loud voice calls out. Coming into the train compartment is a brown frizzy-haired girl who looks very frazzled, already dressed in her school robes and with her two front teeth being a bit bigger than her other teeth. Trailing along behind her is a red-headed girl, looking around worriedly and clutching her bag to her chest. I can see a black book just popping out of the rim of the bag, and I already know what it is.

"Yes, how can I help you? It must be something quite urgent for you to enter so rudely." I say to Hermione Granger, who baulks at my insinuation and then turns bright red when she realises I am correct and she was very rude barging in here. I can already tell she is mortified, having learned that she just basically made a very bad impression on her new Defence Against The Dark Arts Teacher. On the other hand, Ginny just stands behind her, subdued, holding onto her bag as if everything she had ever owned was inside. She was a far cry from the spitfire in that bookstore, and I think she is a little bit paler now as well, or I could just be imagining that. Still, she is already very dependent on that book. Riddle doesn't waste any time.

"Ah, yes. I am sorry, Professor Lockhart. I wouldn't have come in if it was not an emergency. I hope you can forgive the intrusion. I am usually quite-" Hermione starts to blabber on and tries to defend herself. Or, more accurately, improve her image in my eyes and make out that she wouldn't be doing this if it was not an emergency, which would be much more effective if she actually told me what the problem was. She really has a respect for authority or a dependence or something. There is probably a better word for it.

"Ahem. Okay, I understand. Now, can you tell me what the issue is?" I cough, interrupting her blabbering, gesturing to the seat across from me. She flushes again before moving to take a seat. Ginny nervously closed the door behind her and sat down as well but did not say anything.

"Ah, um, where to begin. I mean, I thought my friends Harry and Ron were on the train, but when they didn't come to find me, I got worried. And so I started looking compartment by compartment, and I asked the Weasleys on board, but they all said they hadn't seen them. Ginny came with me, and we searched the whole train except this compartment. They are not on board." Hermione blurts out, getting it all out at once, and then there is silence. She looks at me with expectation, as if I can magically make them appear right next to me.

"Okay, and when was the last time you saw them, young lady?" I say, directing my question towards Ginny. She jolts, not having expected to be called upon, but she quickly answers me.

"I- I last saw Ron and Harry at Kings Cross Station, just before I went through the barrier to platform nine and three-quarters. I went with Mum, and only Harry and Ron were left on the other side, supposed to come through after us. I didn't see them after that." Ginny says, adding her two cents. I already know what has happened. I watched it after all. But still, it feels pretty cool to act like a detective and figure out what happened. Hey, that's a thought. Maybe I can be a magical detective in the future. Seems like a fun idea.

"Okay, so the last time you saw them was before the barrier and not after. Nothing at all?" I ask, and instead of Ginny answering, Hermione intercedes, answering for her.

"No, I have already asked around, and nobody has seen them since. Every other Weasley says the last time they saw them was before the barrier, and they are not on the train, so I surmise that they must have been unable to cross over in time for some reason, and they must have missed the train." Hermione exclaims, worry on her face. It's as if she thinks the world is ending and that she will never see her friends again.

"Okay, well, if that was indeed the case, then they will meet up with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and they will make arrangements and contact Hogwarts to get Harry and Ron to school. So don't worry, just because they missed the train does not mean they will miss the school year." I tell them, knowing that right now, they should be in the Ford Anglia, flying through the skies somewhere above this train.

"Really?" Hermione asks, a sense of vulnerability in her tone. I can guess why. Ron and Harry are kind of her only friends at this point since she is kind of still a stuck-up know-it-all. She is worried that she is going to be all alone this year if they don't come. Well, she shouldn't worry. They are definitely on their way.

"Really, really. I bet they are already waiting for you at Hogwarts." I say, finding it hard not to chuckle since I know that they are just flying above me. At this point, I happen to actually glance outside the window and see a flash of blue shoot past, and I find it hard not to smile. It seemed that Harry and Ron were right beside us, if just for a moment, so Hemione needn't be worried.

"Oh, well, that's a relief... Can I ask you some questions?" Hermione says, and before I can respond, she already starts barraging me with questions.

"How come you made new, more accurate books for the rest of your series but not for the Abominable Snowman? Also, I believe you mixed up your poles in that book since the Eskimos live in the other one. But I am sure you know that. Of course, you didn't make a mistake. There are probably Eskimos there that haven't been discovered yet. There are all sorts of aborigine tribes that are undiscovered." Hermione rambles on, and I quickly try to answer her questions.

"Ah, yes, well, I didn't have time to rewrite all the books so they read more accurately for learning purposes. As for the pole thing, it must have been a typo. But there probably won't be any retractions or reprints since a lot of copies have already been made. And.." As I get trapped in a conversation by Hermione, I notice Ginny pull out her black book in the corner and start to write in it with a smile on her face.

I feel a bit bad, but I know this will be better in the long run. Still, I can't help but feel a bit off as she happily gets manipulated by a Horcrux.

Still, this will all work out... right? Right.


I want to talk more with you guys, so I am starting to leave little notes at the end of each chapter like this.

The finale of Gen V. It was great. Things ramped up like crazy until, finally, boom. I wonder what will happen in the next season of The Boys.

Loki is getting good as well. Though, well, it ain't as good as it used to be. I really want to see some actual consequences instead of using time travel to fix everything.

I have been playing Spider-Man 2 like crazy, and it is such an excellent game. I finished it, Platinum Baby. I have been playing it on Twitch and uploading it on YouTube, so if you want to watch it, which I would greatly appreciate, come on by. The link is below.

Also, I have finished season 3 of Fargo, and it is good but weird. The murder and stuff were good, and VM Varga is a crazy, scary guy. I find it funny that both Dennis and Mac from Sunny in Philly have been in this show. It is still a little weird how they have a slight sci-fi thing going on, though, like the woman not activating motion senses and stuff.

If you want to chat more about this or any other topic, come to my Discord through the link.

The link to everything you need and my patronage:

https://linktr. ee/dragonfield

(Remover the space between the dot and the ee)

That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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