After they left Tyus and Blossom's farm, they headed straight for the wedding and coronation of Princes Mugda. However, Indicy was unhappy because he would have preferred that they had not visited Blossom.
The ride to Fireland was uneventful apart from Indicy fussing over Lendon on the smallest thing. The journey was made by Indicy, Lendon, Dude, Alan, Elmed and a few other guards but a lot of ladies-in-waiting for Lendon. No matter how she had protested, Indicy did not budge on that.
The trip that would have take at most five days, took then seven whole days to the amazement of the rest of the entourage. The weather had also been favourable for them throughout with bright skies and no rain at all.
In Fireland, the wedding preparation was underway. True to King Jeer's words, princess Asada had been married off, to the surprise of many.
Happy reading!