Two women glared at Skyla and didn't say anything, the more they stayed silent, the lower Skyla bowed her head as her lips trembled.
She looked like a little puppy who was caught doing what it shouldn't be doing and was now about to get punished.
On the other hand, Felberta and Lane, who were looking at this woman didn't know what to say, Felberta could feel her head aching from what she just heard.
"So let me get this straight… I send you to pry on that man, try to understand his goal and why he is here…
And you… you became his Big Sister?"
Skyla lowered her head even more.
"What happened to the 'pry on him' part!? Did you forget about it when he called you Big Sister!?" Felberta shouted.
"I-I did t-talk to him… he didn't seem like a bad person…"
Skyla replied, not daring to meet Felberta's eyes.
"You…" Felberta was speechless.
No, the Illusion wouldnt focus on every detail like it did right now. I focused on the start of the illusion to show how much Nux had changed and how he is different than before.
Just setting the groundwork.
We will leave the Forgotten Continent soon, and the Illusion Arc would be done soon.
Just that this Arc is so important because it would connect everything in the future with it, so I needed time.
I know last few chapters were boring, i felt the same, but I needed to focus on his wives, because I didnt want them to be left behind once Nux leave the illusion.
Because trust me, when he does...
Oh boy he will be broken.
Look forward to it.
Anyways, most difficult exams over, only a few left. So we will be moving back to 2 chapters a day from now on.
I will try for another Mass release in mid of june since my summer vacations would start after 22 May.
Bai Bai, have a nice day.