"Now that you have been officially sworn in, you will be given the opportunity to get to know your squad mates and square away any personal belonging that you may have brought with you until eighteen hundred hours. That is six pm for you that insist in using the outdated twelve hour time format of our ancestors. It would be wise of you you to learn how to tell time in the twenty four hour format quickly, as that is the standard formant used by the NE. At eighteen hundred hours the instructor assigned to oversee your squad will give you a small informal block of instructions over dinner. Training will not typically be done in this fashion, but as it is more of an introduction, and facility tour along with an overview of the first week of training, it is done in such a way. I understand that the kitchen wiped up a special meal to mark to occasion of all fifty one of you passing as well. Even I do not know what all they have planed, beyond that the dinning hall typically reserved for you recruits is being opened up to the entire division for the night. It will be crowded, but each squad has a reserved table, or so I have been told. All but squad one is dismissed. See you at dinner recruits."
"Sir, what do you need of squad one?"
"Nothing much, Cadet Demonbane. I just needed to inform you that you will need to give Senior instructor Westnight guest access to ES001 prior to eighteen hundred, and to all of your squad members as soon as they have placed their bags in their respective rooms. I will leave it up to you as to how you wish to coordinate the members of your squad getting their things put away, and being given access to you executive suite. I will be stopping by to inform you of your training schedule at some point between now and dinner as well. Also that mark six is considered part of your uniform, and you are required to have it on you at all times. Unless you are in the practice range please keep it set to stun, as that is considered the standard power level for patrol in Los Diablos. it is left up to the individual officer to determine when a higher setting is required. However, you will receive a block of instruction in what the recommended setting is for various situations in a few days."
"Umm, sir what about when he is in the shower, or exercise uniform?"
"What a good vice squad leader, you are already thinking ahead. To answer those questions, he should keep in close by, incase an emergency occurs while he is washing up. As for when he is in the exercise uniform, he can make use of a special thigh holster. Be sure to request one, and a concealed carry holster form the building's main AI. Your personal drone, that you still need to set up by the way, can help you with the process."
"Anything else Sir?"
"No, you can be dismissed squad one."
"Senior instructor, if you have time I can give you access now while the other members of the squad gather their things, and place them in their rooms."
"I was going to go hit the gym for a while, but I would be lying if I said no to wanting to check out ES zero zero one."
"Feel free to use the small exercise room in the suite, Senior instructor."
"I will take you up on the offer, how about I meet you in the main lobby in ten minuets? I need to grab my training uniform out of my locker in the instructor's office."
"Sounds fine sir."
"Squad leader, how much time should we spend getting or things put away?"
"I was thinking twenty minuets should be enough time, but if any of you require more time, please use the squad one message board that we were all just given access to, to send me a message. I will come down to the main lobby telapod pad once you are all ready. Squad one fall out, and recover your personal gear."
"Looks like bath time is going to be postponed for a while. I am going to go ahead and return to our room Zeph. Do you mind if I see if there is a music channel on that stupidly big screen in the main room?"
"Fine with me Sonya. I am going to use the time the senior instructor needs to grab his uniform to visit the vending machine room we passed on the way to the practice range, so I can get us all some drinks, and more milk to place in the refrigerator for later."
"Oh, if you have enough, can you get a few snacks too?"
"I will see what I can do Laxana."
""Wow, all of this stuff is so cheep. Maybe I miscalculated the value of a credit. I thought there were about the same as a dime based on how much a meat warp/ street taco was.""
To answer the users inquire as to the price of goods on offer in this auto vend, the prices shown reflect a discount given to NEO's and other uniformed service members in Los Diablos.
""I will take twelve cans of iced coffee, three bags of ranch yuca fries, three bottles of milk, and one cup of carrot sticks.""
The total is twenty eight credits
Your new balance is five thousand nine hundred twelve credits.
"Ha, ha, leave it to a rookie to find the snack machine on their first day in a new division."
"Ua, sir I just got sworn in, so I guess that the Los Diablos Training Academy, could be counted as my first division."
"It is an old saying Cadet. Basically everyone tends to find the machine with the best snacks, and the shower with the most water pressure, before ever looking for their desk when they transfer to a new division. I was in no way picking on you, Administrator."
"I hope you like iced coffee senior instructor. I was unsure what drinks to get everyone, so I just got twelve of the same thing, along with some milk to restock the refrigerator with."
"They gave you a mini frig in your executive suite, you have it so much better than the other recruits, they have to go to the bathroom to even get water out of a fountain. But then compared to them your training is going to be hell, so I guess you do deserve some extra perks."
"I have a full sized one on in the kitchen, and a mini one on the master bedroom. I think there is also another one just big enough for a few bottles of water in the exercise room too."
A few minuets later when they took the telapod up to ES001 senior instructor Westnight's jaw dropped as he looked around the main room, and kitchen. Laxana, and Sonya were both stretched out on the curved couch singing along to the music playing on the display screen. The slightly suggestive poses they chose to lay in reminded Tim Westnight of how the XO said for Zeph to not get the two of them pregnant.
"Ah, ee ya, I forgot that you offered to let the senior instructor use the little gym we have in the suite."
"Relax, recruit Carota. This could be considered off duty time. Training does not officially start until tomorrow. But the way you to were laying reminded me of something. I am going to have a medical drone sent here to give both of you ladies a shot. You will be receiving one once every three months until graduation."
"What is it for sir?"
"It is just a preventive measure. Seeing as how Commissioner Vaughn thought it fitting to have the two of you live in this luxurious executive suite with Cadet Demonbane. It might be extremally difficult for him to resist certain urges in such a setting with to female roommates."
"Save yourself the trouble senior instructor. The building's main AI already sent a drone to give us the same shot while you were getting your exercise uniform. My arm still stings a bit, I was going to ask him to kiss it better for me while you change, senior instructor. The bathroom is the last door in the left. the center door in the gym."
"Well that is good. As long as you to got the birth control shot, I do not have to worry about those matters. While such actions are normally frowned upon during training, it seems as if the XO has already hinted towards an exception in the case of you three. Thanks for the ice coffee by the way. It will hit the spot after a long hard workout. Enjoy your time getting to know the other members of squad one. I will not disturb you until dinner time. But for now I will let you all in on a little secret as I can't exactly come up here banging trash can lids together, without getting Cadet Demonbane's permission to enter first. Training starts at Midnight. I expect all three of you to be dressed in you uniforms, and standing in the center of the main lobby at twenty three fifty. Do not tell the other members of your squad or any other recruit. That is an order."
"Sir, yes sir."
"Excuse me, it is time for me to go bring the others up. I think there are some extra chairs in the front storage room if you can please set up a few of them for us. Just don't mess with the drone station. I still need to configure the drone."
**Main Lobby**
"Good, looks like everyone made it on time. it is going to be a tight fit, but I think we can all squeeze onto the telapod pad."
"Squad leader, can I just take the elevator or stairs, I hate the way it feels when using a telapod?"
"Sorry recruit Cane, the only way to enter my executive suite it to use a telapod located in this building. I am not even sure if I can teleport to it directly from outside of this building. I was told it is for added security, and trust me I hate that blue light and what follows as well."
Once the other eight members got over the shock of how much nicer ES001 was than the barracks style rooms they had been assigned, everyone spent the next few hours getting to know each other. The caned iced coffee was a big hit with everyone, but the squad decided that the yuca fries were one of the worst things that they had ever eaten. Laxana reluctantly shared the carrot sticks that Zeph obviously bought with her in mind, while it was a slight joke on his part, because her last name basically meant carrot, she was rather fond of them. She whispered in his ear something about having to feed her his carrot later, that Candi Cane happened to over hear. This caused her to turn bright red as she understood the innuendo.
All of them go along great, as most of them came from similar backgrounds. By the time senior instructor Westnight emerged from the bathroom with his iced coffee in hand the first hints of couples being formed could be seen. Laura Lane was almost as bold as Laxana, as she staked her claim on Josh Palmer, by sitting in his lap on the couch. Laxana gave Zeph a light playful kiss on the lips in front of everyone. Causing Sonya to become upset until Zeph gave her a quick kiss too. Jonathan Smith made sure to make a joke about leaving the other girls in the squad alone, so that he and the other guys could have a shot. Jessica Fairchild stuck her tongue out at him and said; "If you ask me out to get coffee, I will not say no. That is if we can leave the building."
"You can leave the building on your days off. Our training is closer to that of a police academy, than the military's basic training. Although we do adopt some of the training ideas of the army. For Cadet Demonbane, I would say that he could leave the building anytime he wishes outside of his twelve hour a day training time, and the time set aside for squad meetings. Well that is if he is not to damn tired to move that is. Cadet even with this suite that makes me extremely jealous, and the two beauties that have more than hinted at they may as well not have their own bedrooms, I do not envy you in the slightest. I have seen what just your first day of training is going to be like. If it is any indicator of what you will be facing, I can only wish you luck. I am going to send you a V-mail that as a link to a book. I suggest that you find time to read as much of it as you can after the block of instruction and tour is over. Girls don't be to demanding of him tonight if you can help it. He is going to need his rest to get through his first day. All I will say is while the rest of you will be stuck in a classroom most of the day after a little exercise, he will be put through much worse. I would make sure you have your mark six fully charged is all I am willing to add cadet. Let's all go see what those cooks whipped up."