Rowan ran toward his bridge, heedless of Nicsasi shouting behind him to slow down and stop exerting himself. Wren had turned him loose with a kiss on his doorstep, claiming to want to stay behind to save Willow from having to suffer Nicasi and Lysander's company alone, but Rowan knew he simply wanted to give him this moment to himself.
Another burst of happiness thrummed alongside the hammering of his heart when Rowan thought about how far Wren had come that he would willingly spend time with the people he once considered his enemies.
A blue butterfly fluttered across his path on wings made of sapphire sunlight. He could sense Wren's beautiful magic in the pulse of its movement, and he threw one last look over his shoulder at the man he loved as he let his feet carry him past his flowers and into the woods.
Toward his sister.
I hope this makes you as happy as it makes Rowan. I can't stop smiling. Poor Alaric, I'm not sure he knows how to have fun.