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Chương 4: Chapter 4

***Homelander pov***

I walked into the room with Stilwell and Ashly, of course, I had to come and see this famous… superman everyone was talking about as soon as I heard he was in the building. when he came around, A-train had encountered him while doing my… errands to the chine's restaurant.

The idiot was probably so high, he nearly ran through a girl, good thing this guy was there I guess, saved the company some money in payoffs, but still… he started meddling in affairs that are not his own, and that makes Vought look bad, which Means it makes me look bad. And we can't have that now, can we?

I walk up to him, give him a big smile and say, "Hi there, you must be the famous Superman I've been hearing so much about as of late." I extend my hand, and at first, he seems to hesitate before eventually taking it, while saying, "It's… an honor sir." I could be mistaken, but it seems that saying this was a big pain for him, good.

When he takes my hand, I feel an iron grip around my hand, I look him up and down, all the while thinking, 'the bastard copied my looks!' and I return an iron grip of my own, but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it. I then ask him, "well… do you like what you see here?"

"well, I'm still thinking about it, but I have to admit, your headquarters are really nice." I smile at that, at this point, it was a common occurrence that people were fawning over our meeting room, and who could blame them? We are the Sevan, earth's most mighty. It should come as granted that they would worship us as gods in this hall.

Then I say, "yes of course, this really is a good place to work on protecting the world, and of course. our great nation, so tell me… Superman… where are you from, originally?"

He looks at me and says, "Kansas."

"AH, a real American then, well what do you stand for, I stand for the privilege of being an American, and that our great nation under God would never die."

He then speaks, and his words irritate the hell out of me, "I stand for truth, justice, the American way and a better tomorrow." 'what a naïve. He is going to be a pain in the ass to work with, but then again, so is Guppy.' I think to myself, and then. 'Which reminds me…'

"Tell me, Superman, what is your take on this so-called King of Atlantis, this… Aquaman?"

"Why would you ask me that?"

"I just want your opinion on the matter, as an outside observer."

He then scratches his chin in contemplation, and then says, "well… if you ask me, I think the guy is what the deep is supposed to be, only much stronger, and clearly better trained, I mean, look at how he commanded the water, and his fighting technique, it is a martial art I had never seen before."

'he does make a good point on that.' I think to myself admittedly, then I say, "so then, do you think that with proper training, the deep, could achieve this level of mastery?"

"well that depends… does the deep also has the ability to control the water around him?"

'well, if he doesn't he'll soon have, just let me have a little talk with Vought's executive. We can't have this bogus supe have the drop on us like this.'

I turn to superman and say, "thank you, Superman, this talk was very informative." I see his brows arch at that, and he said, "it was... my pleasure sir."

"Oh, the pleasure was all mine. now, I'll leave for Stillwell to sort you out, with everything else." I then turn around and start making my way out of the room and towards the 82.

***Clark pov***

'shit that was close.' I thought to myself as Homelander left the room, there was also something creepy about the way he said that this conversation was very informative… I have got to get my hands on compound V as soon as possible. I have to watch myself, I don't yet have full control over my powers, and if a fight broke out, the collateral damage alone would hunt me, I have to bide my time.

Well, this is something to worry about for later, now I have to deal with Stilwell and Ashly.

"well then, not a lot of people can say that they had the chance to meet the head of the seven." I just give her a smile at that and ask, "so you wanted to talk to me?"

Seeing I was eager to change the subject, she gestures for me to follow her to her office and when we sit down she starts to talk, "well Superman, other than telling us that you are from Kansas, there isn't much we know about you, which… is pretty much unbelievable considering the abilities you already have exhibited, I would have thought we would have heard of you a while ago, maybe in cape for Christ, or even little hero contests."

I suppress the urge to just tell her who I really am, not that she would believe me if I had told her, I needed to find a way to get her off my scent.

"Well… when I was a kid, my parents wanted me to have a normal life, at least until I was ready, so they never enlisted me to the whole supe events and whatnot."

"well… what had changed their mind… and most importantly, yours?"

"Well, they had died a few years ago, car crash."

"Oh… I am so sorry to hear that."

"it's ok, I had time to grieve, so anyway after that, I know I had the power to make this world a better place, so that is exactly what I started to do."

"that is all well and good, but if you don't mind my asking… why didn't you look for a Vought agent to help you get through the whole Bureaucracy of the press and all that jazz? Do you even know how much you can earn by merchandise alone?"

'I have an idea.' I think to myself as I remember all the Superman merchandise from my previous life, but I keep it to myself and I said, "Mrs. Stilwell, I think you had me mistaken for someone else, I didn't get into the hero business to get rich and famous, I did it to help people, now look, I like a lot of things about Vought, but I am going to have to think about this."

"Well then, just let me know what-" she is cut off by the ringing off her landline.

"Excuse me, but I have to take this."

"No problem, go ahead."

She picks up the phone and says, "hello," then she is quiet, but my super-hearing picks up everything and now my phone is ringing with an alert from Kelex saying that trans-oceanic flight 37, from Paris to Chicago was abducted by terrorists, and I hear her asking, "what? When? How many people know?"

After that, she says to me, "I'm sorry Superman, but there is this situation that requires my attention."

"I think I know what you are talking about Ma'am, I had just gotten an alert about a possible plane abduction in progress."

She looks at me wide-eyed and asks, "how do you…?"

"You have your ways, and I have mine, now if you'll excuse me." I get up and start making my exit, but before I can reach the door she calls out, "wait! Let my supes handle it, you can get the next one." 'yeah right, and let Homelander kill all those people? No thanks.'

But I simply say, "with all due respect, I can get there a lot faster and take care of the situation all by myself."

Her face says it all, and then she says, "how about this? Homelander and Maeve would go there, and you'll follow them in case they need backup?"

I am about to protest when she says, "look, right now, this is Vought's best chance of getting that defense contract with the military, so if you do this, I can make a much better deal on the table."

I sigh in defeat and say, "we'll talk after this is over, but… I am willing to be their backup." Her face is now that of relief and she says, "thank you, now if you could wait here for five minutes while I bring Homelander and Maeve up to speed, that would be great." And she leaves the office.

I then get an alert from Kelex saying, "sir, one of the labs is now receiving their shipment of Compound V, should you not get a sample?"

I get an exact location of the shipment and say, "Kelex, hack all video feed and put it on a loop, I'll be back in a sec." then using my super-speed, I run to the labs, taking a vile of compound V, and without anyone noticing, I am back at Stilwell's office.

Two minutes later, she gets inside with Homelander and Maeve, and Homelander asks, "and what does he still doing here?"

Before I could say anything, Stilwell answers for me, "Superman is going to follow you, In case the situation will require back up."

I can see Homelander grimness at that, and say, "but Maeve and I can handle It by ourselves."

"I'm afraid this is none negotiable, Superman is joining you."

He makes a shit-eating grin at that, but doesn't react, he just turns his back on me and says, "try to keep up." And gets out of the room.

I go right behind him, and once we are out of the building, he grabs hold of Maeve and flies off, I have an easy time keeping pace, this is not the fastest I have flown, In fact, I have a hard time not speeding up.

We eventually get to the plane, Homelander defeats the terrorists, he also accidentally kills the pilots. I hear everything that is going on, and just when he is about to suggest to let the plane crash, and let them all die, I appear Infront of them.

The windshields are open so I yell to them, "I can get this plain down safely?"

Homelander looks at me shocked and asks, "how?!"

I don't answer and just move to be under the belly of the plain.

Soon enough, I fell Homelander comes and flies beside me with Maeve in his arms. He looks at me dumbfounded, and asks, "how the hell are you able to do that?"

I don't answer, and I can see that it drives him nuts, but he doesn't do anything.

After a while we get to Chicago O'Hare, I slowly and gently land the plain, then I get inside of it and everybody is staring at me, eyes wide. I clear my throat, and doing my best Brendon Routh I'm saying, "I hope this experience did not put you all off of flying, statistically speaking, it is still the safest way to travel." Everybody nods their head, still in shock, then Homelander and Maeve get on the plane and he says, "ladies and gentlemen, now please everybody exits in an orderly fashioned way, the paramedics and ambulances have already been notified and will be here shortly."

Then they all cheer at them, and we all wave, just then, Homelander gets close to me and whispers, "you may have saved the day, but I'm the big hero. You'll do well to remember that."

That enrages me, but I keep myself from saying anything, I still need to gather evidence, but now every media had captured my saving the plane, so this had put a monkey wrench in Vought's plan, for now, and Homelander can't give his speech to try and make everyone want supes in the military.

Sure, they can still claim I am a supe with Vought, but then, "tell Stilwell I don't think I'll sign with Vought after all."

He looks at me dumbfounded, and I can see he is barely kipping himself from doing something he'll regret later on.

After we made sure everyone had made it down from the plain safely, I fly off in top speed back to my fortress.

As soon as I get to the lab, I pull out the vile of compound V, I give it to one of the drones and say, "Kelex, analyze the content of this vile but leave some of it, we need to use it as evidence."

"Understood sir, would you like me to take the gathered data and implement it to the power dampening cuffs project."

"Oh, you know me so well Kelex." Then I am reminded of something and ask, "Kelex?"

"yes sir?"

"was there any contact with our deep space drone?"

"yes sir, the Battelite' of the Marith'rai had responded to our hail, they say they are willing to discuss terms in two months' time on the planet Mars."

"did they say why mars?"

"yes sir, it is considered a neutral area and so a perfect place to conduct such a meeting."

"ok then, let them know we will be there." After that, I go to the medical wing. Just as I walk in there I see the drones there coming towards me and say, "sir, I was just about to inform you that the patients are ready to be woken up at any moment."

"good, check with Butcher if the safe house is ready."

"he says that it's ready sir."

"good, set a vessel ready, and set the quadrants for that location, have a medical drone on stand by for when we get there, he'll have the job of waking them up."

"yes sir."

***later at the safe house***

Butcher and the rest of the boys had helped me get the survivors out of the vessel that had brought us all to the safe house.

To say they were shocked to see it was the understatement of the century, Frenchie kept gawking at it, all the while muttering something about the metals it is made from, M.M was sure he was in some sort of dream, or high on some new drugs. While Butcher was just in shock, and later came to me and said, "you told me the truth from the start… didn't you? You're actually an alien…"

I look at him and smile and said, "I told you I wasn't lying." He chuckled at that and said, "that you did sonny, that you did."

After I had changed to my civilian attire, It didn't take them long to wake up, soon as the mayor opened his eyes he saw me, then he jumped out of his bed still in a daze, M.M and Frenchie had to restraint him, While Billy had come to him and said, "Wow, wow there, easy mate, you're safe."

"no, Homelander, he, he"-"

"he's not here mate, you're safe. Now, what is the last thing you can remember?"

He scratches his forehead in thought and says, "I was on the plane back to Baltimore, I was with my son, then we felt a little turbulence, I tried to calm him down, and then when he looked from the window we saw…"

Then his face became horrified and he said, "Oh my god! My son! Where is my Son?!"

At this point, I step in and say, "he is fine, he should wake up soon."

"that… is good to hear." He says and visibly relaxes, but then he jumps again and asks, "H-how was I saved? What is this place? And who are you?"

I answer his first two questions, "you were saved by the hero Superman, he had brought you to us, this is a safe house, designed especially with Homelander in mind."

Then billy gets in and says, "you could say we are trying to make a case against Homelander, and Vought in general."

"are you guys from the government?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Which branch?"

"F.B.I." Butcher quickly replies, and I hold back the urge not to roll my eyes, then I come closer to the mayor and say, "well they are, I'm just a journalist, but we are working together to build a case against them, and… we need to ask you something."

He narrows his eyes and asks, "what is it?"

"We need you to be a witness against Homelander and Vought."

He is about to resist when I add, "before you reject that offer, I promise you, superman would guaranty your safety at all times."

He seems to think about this for a moment and then says, "A-alright, as long as you can Guaranty my son's safety as well."

I nod my head and he goes back to rest, then Billy gestures for me to come closer and says, "well that is all well and good in theory mate, but how the hell are we supposed to take care of them until they will let us Put Homelander on trial?"

"don't worry, I know a guy who can help them out."


"you'll meet him soon enough."

He doesn't seem happy about that but doesn't argue with me. He walks off, and takes up his coat, I ask him, "and where are you going?"

He turns to me, smiling, and says, "I had a chance of checking out the hard drive you gave me, now that I have seen with me own two eyes you weren't lying, I am going to see my wife."

And then he walks off. I am smiling at seeing him this excited about seeing Becca, but for some reason, I get a sneaking feeling that something bad is about to befall us.

***The Deep pov-Seven's tower, two days later***

I was walking on my way to the seven's room to meet up with Stilwell and Homelander, on my way I kept thinking about the fight I had in the docks with that 'king of Atlantis' the one calling himself Aquaman. I remember the feeling of power I felt coming from him, 'no, not from him, from his trident.' I thought to myself while making a turn, but I also remembered that the man himself had this commanding presence, my instincts told me to bow to this guy, but I had fought those instincts, and he dissed me Infront of the camera crew, and now… I made an even bigger fool of myself.

'he is a king of the sea, while I… am just a joke…' I thought as I entered through the open doors of the room, I see Homelander observing the city through the window, he holds his hands behind his back, while Stilwell is looking at me and says, "Deep, take a seat."

So I go to my place at the table and sit down, while Stilwell is making her way towards me and she asks me, "do you know why we called you here today?"

I sigh and answer, "I have a pretty good guess, does it have to do with my fight with that Aquaman?"

She nods her head and says, "well… yes, we have some concerns about your performance on the docks… I mean that is supposed to be your area of expertise... and corporate feels like if you can't fight at your own area then…"

'Oh my god! They are going to kick me out of the seven!' I realize in a panic and I quickly say, "no wait! I can do better, it was just this guy, he had fought in a way that I was not accustomed to, and at first, I thought him to be also under Vought so I wasn't prepared, plus, he and that Chick could control water, if only I could do that and had more proper training, then next time I can totally take him down! Just give me a chance to prove myself!"

At this point I can see that Homelander had turned towards me, smiling he said, "glad to see you are so willing to change for the better Guppy because that is exactly what we are going to do."


"Wait what? What do you mean?"

"You see guppy? I had learned a fascinating fact about Vought's Pharmaceutical department, If you give them enough incentives, they can come up with anything." Then he pulls out a vile with some glowing blue liquid inside of it, he hands it to me and says, "this, will give you the edge you need to take down this Aquaman nut job, and of course, you will get a new training regiment, we can't have one of the seven be beaten that badly without us retaliating, now can we?"

I look at the vile and gulp, "A-are you sure it is necessary? I can be so much more useful if-" he stops me by putting a hand on my shoulder and squeeze while saying, "either you take this, or you're no longer a part of the seven, it's your choice guppy."

I look at Madelyn who just shrugs, then at Homelander, and then I sigh and say, "ok, I'll do it."

Homelander gives me his creepy smile and says, "excellent, nurse!"

Then through the door comes a nurse with a cart full of medical supplies, and a specialized needle, meant to be able to pierce the skin of a supe, she rubs alcohol on my bicep and says to me, "you might not feel anything at first, but it will hurt like hell."

I look at Homelander, who simply nods his head and I say, "ok, go."

And she inject the serum into my arm, at first I only felt the prick, so I then said, "it's not that ba- gauhh!!!" I felt an immediate pain rising from inside of me, it felt like my insides were melting, I couldn't even scream, I doubled over, and started to throw up, I remember the nurse running towards me, and then. Blank.

A.N hey guys, how you all are doing?

So to tackle some things that bother me, I noticed that some of you said in the comments section that you don't like the red trunks, and that is fine, to that I say to each his own, but I personally like them, and if I was in this situation that is what I'd choose to have, but some people asked if I would change it and I said no, they said they were dropping the story, I mean good riddance if you can't enjoy a story purely out of the fact that you don't like what the M.C is wearing, that is not my problem, but you guys have to remember, this is a fanfiction!!! Try to enjoy the story itself! When you write your own you have your own right to have the M.C wear whatever you want.

And secondly, this is the only story of its kind that I've seen so far, I am writing this to inspire other Authors to right their own fics much like this one, and also I want to challenge you, authors, out there, if you answer this challenge, you are awesome, the challenge is this, write a Percy Jackson boys crossover fanfic, do it as a proof of concept that that type of story can work.

As for one last thing, I noticed a lot of you were telling me in the comments section that you don't know the alien names and all that, and that is totally ok, it is from the Boys comics, those are fake aliens in the Boys universe, ones that Vought had made to make the public believe that the supes were gathering to prevent from crisis when in actuality, they were using this as an opportunity to have a massive supe orgy.

So let me know what you guys think of this story so far, in the comments, and as always you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohny2 out!

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