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76.25% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 59: A Lucky Man

Chương 59: A Lucky Man

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"They accused me of hating women... To prove them wrong, I have a ton of wives nows."

-Hector in the future


Little Author Note: Ahoy.

Sorry for not having a chapter last week, I was not in the mood. And this chapter should be a light-hearted one.

Thank you for the good wishes by the way.

R.I.P. real life Cathulhu.

By the way, there's a important note on the end of this chapter. Please read.



Recap: In the last chapter, the unexpected happens and Hector enjoys some quality time with Mary Jane. Turning things complicated in his mind. Shego confronts him on his bias and he decides that feigning ignorance and acting oblivious. Even without making sure where this decision will take him, he decides to take a step forward.


Eidolon P.O.V.

"It's good to see that even without my influence you have a basic grasp of your aura now, Rogue." I say to the goth meta that just finished showing that she can use Nen's basis forms and maintain them for a reasonable time.

Right now, I'm in a secluded part of the garden of the X-mansion. This place is really big, Xavier's parents are stacked.

Ororo's glass house is near us, where she keeps her plants. Apparently is her hobby. The glass house is big too, I remember something about her being claustrophobic... Maybe is because of that.

A small part of my brain already registered this information to use against her if we fight, like giving her hallucinations that she is trapped or something like that.

I can probably make something like the Fear Toxin from the Scarecrow(DC), from what I got from the Green Goblin here. Most of his Pumpkin Bombs are plasma but there are other crazy things too.

I shake my head to dispel the thoughts, Rogue's voice attracts my attention again too.

"I can keep it for like... Half an hour." She says while keeping her Ren.

Some other people are watching, like Jean, Kitty, and Illyana after she tidies herself and puts on some nice clothes. Eyeing me to see what I would think of her...

Heh, it's cute that she has a crush on me, but no. The Omnidimensional FBI is too powerful even for me.

Well, long life is a thing... In ten years we see how this plays out.

When Kitty teased her previously, I commented that in some years I could accept her as my sidekick and it's not even a bad idea. I said that if she wants it, in four years, when Shadow becomes more independent, Ylliana can be the next.

I even said that I will train, or find someone to train, her in swordsmanship for now.

Changing the subject... Ten Years, I can't even imagine what I will be in ten Years. Ten Years is so long...

"Hm, that's acceptable progress... But keep in mind nowhere enough to use in a fight..." I say to Rogue

"But... But I feel much stronger like that." She says unsure, feeling the power that the Ren gives to her body.

I go on to explain the reason "Just because you can keep this state of flaring your aura to increase your strength right now... In a controlled environment, calm... That doesn't mean that you can keep it in the heat of the battle."


"Can a normal person read a book while skydiving? Or solve a Rubik's cube? Even if you can, your level of concentration will absolutely drop and you will do it badly. You can totally waste your aura if you don't keep your composure." I continue "Imagine that if you can keep your aura now for 30 minutes, in a battle you probably can only keep this state for 3 minutes..."

"That's... That makes sense..." Jean comments while thinking about her fights probably. Using her power needs concentration, things that you can do easily on a normal day, during a fight she needs to put her fingers on her temple and close her eyes to concentrate.

"But we spar and all..." Kitty adds

"A spar is too tame..." Illyana comments off-handly

"True..." I agree "A life and death situation is on a whole other level... Sparring can only go that far, you need to acquire experience in real-life situations. With time, your mental strength will be honed, your willpower will increase, and your concentration and decision-making skills will improve too."

Even I'm not an exception to this. I remember my first real battles in the BNHA/MHA world, a little clumsy... I thought I would do better.

But I caught it easily, probably thanks to the assimilation of the many battle-hardened warriors. But assimilation can only help this much, only by doing myself can I truly use my card's full potential.

Experiencing first hand these things is priceless.

"Rogue... I will teach you now the advanced forms of using Aura while giving an example of what we are talking about." I say "Keep you Ren." I say before producing two wooden katanas from my wrists, the power I shared with Saeko.

I raise one of the two katanas and move my arm casually to hit Rogue with it.


The wooden katana is destroyed to splinters when makes contact with Rogue's body. She didn't even flinch.

"Nothing new, right? Flaring your aura increases your defense greatly... If you're good enough you can pulverize bullets when they reach you with your aura alone... Now..." I continue before raising the other wooden katana and repeating the movement exactly.

*PAH* "Guh- gahk!" When the Katana makes contact with Rogue's stomach, her eyes widen in surprise when it by-pass her defenses... She doubles over like a shrimp and falls on her knees while clutching her stomach.

Spit and some other things leave her mouth.

I look down on her without pity. "Why did you undo your Ren after I hit you? Lost concentration with a simple attack? Just because of some pain? Then I hope that you're aware that you would be dead by now... if this was a real battle." I say and she looks up to me

I continue "You can't become weaker when you find yourself at a disadvantage... That is the moment that you need to become stronger to turn the tides" After my scolding I say more softly "But these are things that you acquire with time and experience."

Kitty goes to help Rogue "Are you okay?" She asks, only a little put off by the treatment.

When I started this I warned them that I will not coddle her. She chooses to go forward with the training.

"Now... Can you tell me the difference between the two attacks?" I ask casually while spinning the Boken in my hand.

"..." Rogue is still wheezing a little from the blow

"You used more strength?" Kitty tries to guess

"No... The sword is coated in Aura." Illyana answers.

"Bingo." I point the sword to her and nod my head "Aura is very... Very versatile. You can coat objects with it. Strengthen them, and even give them certain proprieties like sharpness. Watch it..."

I use my telekinesis to pull a thick log from far away. Putting it vertically on the ground I make a casual iai stance and cut the log with the wooden katana. My hand blurs and the log is cut diagonally, the upper part slowly sliding off.

"Wow..." Kitty and everyone's eyes widen "Look how smooth you cut it." She says approaching and feeling the surface.

"If you are good enough you can use it with anything..." I pull a sheet of paper from my inventory, I shake it a little to show that is a normal soft paper.

Putting my aura on it, the thing becomes hard and I throw it at the log. The sheet of paper buries itself halfway through, then it softens when my aura wears off.

"Okay... That was cool..." Kitty comments going to check on the completely normal paper.

"But I hadn't seen the aura around the sword?" Rogue comments while adjusting herself and rubbing her stomach

"So you let your guard down thinking that would not hurt you, huh?" I ask the obvious "Never let your guard down. Never! When I tank bullets using my body, or any other attack really, I always check first if there's something hidden. Acting tough and invincible to demoralize the enemy is a good tactic, but I can't go embarrassing myself being caught lacking..." I advise.

After waiting for my words to sink in I continue "To hit you I used two advanced forms of aura... These advanced ways of using aura are all branches of the basics. Now that you know the basics, you can learn them..."

After this, I explain almost everything. Talk about the difference between cutting the aura completely to hide the presence with Zetsu, from using In. The disadvantages and advantages.

About controlling the Aura around different parts of the body.

"Not only strengthening the flesh, but it can also strengthen the capabilities of that body part... Especially your senses. Concentrating the aura in your eyes to do the Gyo not only allows you to see hidden auras but gives you 20/20 vision." I say

"If you're really, reaaaly good you can even increase the function of some organs like helping with digestion if you put aura in your stomach, Useful to deal with poison and other toxins... And a more dangerous way is improving brain functions. Too risky, don't try it."

Even if not popular, Killua did it with electricity... Increasing his reflexes and reaction time.

I talked that is possible to transform aura, but didn't dove deep into it because I did the test with Rogue and she is an Emitter.

Aura is really versatile. It's better to be lax on this and let her find her own path.

Talked about En and aura perception too.

"So you can use aura to sense the surroundings, has a power-up, hide your presence, create things, shoot energy beams, increase your bodily functions..." Kitty starts saying the full list "This shit is too versatile. Now I'm jealous." She sighs

"Truly, I'm surprised that you're okay with disclosing information about a power of yours like that." Jean comments. She is used to me giving one-word answers when asked about any power that truly matters.

"You already know me very well." I chuckle "But I have my reasons. Aura is good and all but is not that easy to acquire and train. Rogue is a special case. And in some years, I will disclose Nen to the world anyway, so there's no problem teaching Rogue now."

A part of me doesn't want to give the world these things. But the benefits outweigh the risks. First, would be nice to my race has something extra to improve themselves.

I can envision something like Space Marines that can use Nen conquering the Galaxy in the future. Imagine knowing Nen being a requisite to being the elite of humanity.

The birth of powers can be troublesome, but that means that I will have more options to copy too. And even if some bullshit thing like Nanika appears... I will probably have some sort of "Hax defense" power or perk at that point.

And I also can easily monitor the world.

The thing is... about disclosing things to the world. I will eventually need to do that. Does the Essence give subordinates? Yes

But is quality over quantity. Let's say that I found a nation. Even if the core functions be filled with my summons, I will need to rely on people that are not summons, hence people that are not 100% loyal.

It's inevitable. I can't be that much of an isolationist.

How long will take to have an army of 1 million soldiers relying on Gacha?

Well, there's still the Clones and the Terminators option. But even that is not optimal. And ignoring the military prospects...

Let's talk about myself founding a company. The dream would be for every worker, from the CEO to the janitor to be 100% loyal. Maybe robots, maybe clones.

But would be a fucking hassle. Making fake documents and everything.

Long things short, I will have subordinates that are not conveniently 100% loyal like everyone else. And like everyone else, I will need to take risks in trusting them and keep an eye on them.

Well, will not be hard. I'm surprisingly good at inspiring loyalty apparently.

"And even if I give the world this now, probably people wouldn't use it." I comment about the other reason.

"I bet that if suddenly a way to get powers appear everyone would try." Kitty comments

"Everyone would try..." I agree with her "And 80% would give up on the first day after not acquiring it easily."

I continue "People can be very lazy, awakening Aura is not an easy feat. Require months of meditation. And training it to the point of becoming useful requires even more effort. Normal people would give up halfway and choose an easy option like a serum."

"If everything goes well, in the future the Super-soldier Serum will not be something that rare. Everyone will have it, so many would prefer to not train Aura and focus on other things."

And that's where the Military with Aura enters. Martial Arts are there for everyone. It's great even if you don't like to fight. And everyone trains? Or do Sports...

In the end, Nen will not be widespread even if I reveal it today.


At some point, Jean pauses and after some seconds she turns to me "The Professor wants to talk with you for a bit, Eidolon." She conveys the message.

"Uuh... Am I being called to the Principal's office? I swear I did nothing..." I say to laughs

"I swear I didn't snitch on you." Kitty raises her hands in innocence, entering on the joke. I laugh, she is nice... It's always good to have someone with this kind of energy around.

Shego is like that, but more... acid and caustic. You would be easily offended by her if you're a snowflake.

I then teleport to where I'm feeling the baldhead's presence.

He is at the backdoor of the mansion, above some steps waiting for me. Ororo by his side.

"Eidolon, walk with me a little..." He says turning around in his electric chair to enter the mansion.

I raise my eyebrow at him "Bad choice of words..." the intrusive thoughts won and I can't help but joke. Maybe the light mood with the girls still lingers on me, but I also want to gauge his personality.

Ororo gives me a glare without any heat, and Xavier just laughs good-naturedly.

"Well, you're the one walking so my choice of words is not totally wrong..." He says with mirth in his voice

"Do you want me to cure you?" I ask suddenly. I can, obviously.

Xavier being in a wheelchair is one of these things that always happen... Almost a constant in this crazy multiverse. Like the death of Uncle Ben.

A canon event that jumpstarts other events because of the great impact on the character. Like Stark being attacked by terrorists, Superman landing in the Kent Farm, Bruce Wayne's parents... You know the drill.

Obviously, there are exceptions. "What if" scenarios of these stories. But the "normal" and "constant" that happens in the great majority of the multiverse was the "Main Canon Origin Story".

I'm genuinely curious to see if something happens if I changed these "unique canon traits" of someone. I'm already doing this with Deadpool, just waiting to see if Destiny comes to mess with things again.

Who knows? Maybe turn him into a rotten potato again by some accident, and now doing it even worse so that I can't cure him that easily.

Let's be real, what's the reason for Xavier being confined in a wheelchair with the technology present in this world? Or Barbara Gordon when she became the Oracle? None beyond a plot convenience... There's a metas that could've cured him easily, like Elixir for example.

Hm? I pause in my mind... From where the term "Canon Event" came from? And my Spider-sense... is buzzing lightly.

I look around, checking everything...

I do not feel like there's some danger to me or anyone around. This time it's different... A little similar to when I first met Peter, and I need to suppress and hide it, but at the same time different. Like I'm hearing some radio without a signal at a distance...

The buzz stop... Weird...

Some mal-function on my power? It happens with Peter a lot...


Unknown Space and Time.

"Brothers and Sisters... It's due time... Let's start our hunt for the Spider totems!" A man with a vampire-like feature shouts to his group in a creepy room while raising his arm high in the air.

In his hand... A different, but still possible to recognize, Spider-man mask. All bloodied and torn...


Back to Eidolon

I keep my senses high alert while walking with the duo. But nothing happens.

What this can be? There are some theories in my mind... Maybe I'm awakening some sort of Cosmic Sense, or magic sense because I'm learning magic now.

Maybe someone or something is trying to communicate with me, but can't reach to me completely.

That's not the first time something like this happened... I have many... eh, esoteric powers like the Force and others. Many "sixth's senses"... It's hard to pinpoint what I'm feeling/hearing sometimes. A normal human shouldn't have this many senses anyway.

Meh, whatever... This is one of those things that you can't do anything about it, only prepare for the worst. The worst case is some sort of great power trying to reach out to me for some reason. To do something for them because they can't come to this plane or something... I think Invincible traveled through time when something like this happens to him.

Back to the now, because I thought about all that in a second...

Xavier takes a long pause to think about what I said to him "This is very sudden... I'm like this for so long, that I'm surprised that I find myself weirded out by the concept of walking again." He comments softly

"Change is always strange initially... The hardest part is the beginning." I say "You will probably get used to walking in no time. It's our natural state after all."

"This process can't be that easy... Almost two decades without moving his legs..." Ororo comments on her worries at the side.

"Everything has a way, it's very easy to correct the atrophied muscles too." I shrug "In the end, it's your choice... Do what you feel comfortable doing. If you don't trust me, or already made peace with your situation, or whatever other reason... The offer will stand, no need to answer now." I say nonchalantly

Maybe the guy likes to be like that to instill pity in others, maybe the event has a deep meaning to him.

Some people like to keep some scars... His, it's only a more extreme example.

He nods silently at my words.

I change the subject, or better, go back to the initial subject "So... What do you want to talk with me? "

"I talked with Eric..." he starts.

Oh~ I don't say anything and wait for him to continue.

"... he is agreeable to meet and talk with you." He says

"That's good..." I comment looking ahead while we walk through the halls of the mansion.

"I took the liberty of arranging this meeting here, as you talked before."

"No problem. You can participate too, by the way. If I didn't myself clear, I do not only want to talk with Magneto alone." I clarify

He nods and I continue "This will be an important moment, you know? Our three groups are the ones with the Meta interest in mind. We have different perspectives, so I just want a little... Ideals Exchange." I say slowly.

That's not all obviously, I have other reasons for entering into contact with the Brotherhood on my own terms. But I have no bad intent if they don't mess with me.

"I believe that contact between our three groups could be very beneficial. Especially if my group acts like a neutral party to mediate between the X-men and the Brotherhood. I believe that fewer fights are for the better, right?" I say to them.

"I also believe in that. But Erik can be... unreasonable in some things." He says slowly

"I imagine... Are you afraid of a fight breaking out between us?" I hit the nail on the head "Fret not, Professor. I don't plan on beating up a holocaust survivor... Would be horrible to the PR." I joke, making the two chuckle

"I really hope that we can deescalate any heated discussion"

"I have nothing against him. Just wanna share some things and maybe start a small partnership... If our three groups have more contact with each other, less conflict and waste of energy. We can focus on the real issue." I explain

"I understand..." He says but he sighs "But knowing Erik... *Haah* And many of his people too."

I have no issues with his group, control your Wolverine dude.

"Well, it's better this way than I going on his private asteroid. He can get the wrong message... Misunderstandings, you know?" I comment easily before turning to him more seriously "But give him a message if you can... His days of terrorism are over." I say strongly, and my posture and tone of voice change to show how serious I am.

I can see the way they are affected by it

"I don't care if he wants to save a meta, get revenge, or whatever other scheme he wants to put in place... I will not let him destroy the goodwill that I created. Say to him that the next time that he concocts a plan or does something big... Take my existence into account."

"And be aware that I will answer accordingly." I say with finality Looking down on the Professor. The guy has the custom of not caring about innocent lives too much during his fights in the comics. This is not happening on my watch.


"I'm gonna say goodbye to Rogue and the others." I say turning around


Another Place

"Heh... When you lay down the net and prepare yourself, you just need to wait for to everything fall in place..." I comment calmly while Looking Around the small dark cell.

I turn to the other occupant in the room "So, I was hoping for Trask... But being captured by Hydra is good too." I say to Rob Lucci that is sitting on the ground with his back to the wall.

Only he can see me, the cameras can't perceive my existence either, and he didn't answer because of the cameras.

Like all my summons, Rob Lucci has a job. Taking advantage of his training on being a double agent and everything else, I said to him to live normally but at the same time "slip" at some point to attract some people's attention.

In this world where everything and everyone is being watched all the time. It's not hard to guess what happens if he reveals his Leopard form "accidentally" in a fight in an alley against some drunks or something like that.

I'm really not wrong in don't give chances to people figure out my identity. Well, I have Cortana...

"Have they treated you well?" I ask a little sarcastically

'Nothing surprising...' He answers easily through our telepathic connection

I can see that they using the whole "deprivation" approach. No food, no sunlight, no notion of time, no human contact...

"Apparently they want to brainwash you..." If they're gonna dissect him I would have intervened and destroyed this secret facility.

I can see a smirk forming on his lips before he suppresses it.

I understand. Good luck trying to break a Haki user with these methods... Those guys weaponized willpower, you know?

"The protections I put on your mind go beyond shielding you from telepaths... even if they brainwash you, I can easily restore you to your normal self." I say.

And sincerely I'm curious if they really can. Can they mess with a summon mind enough for him to betray me? Attack me?

I should've felt bad for letting Lucci go through all that, but... He is Rob Lucci. I have seen his past and his mind. This guy is a sadistic psychopath.

'They took samples...' He reports

"I know. Relax, that's the reason that I didn't give you any power. Your fruit is not that special... And you know Rokushiki, Haki and Nen." I say

'I used 'Seimei Kikan' to downplay my physical prowess...'


Seimei Kikan is the body control technique in the One Piece world. How many characters do some strange things non-related to Devil fruits, like moving their hair.

Robb Lucci's Zoan Devil fruit, Rokushiki and the world that he comes from allowed his body to be very, very strong. If I let him, he can massacre everyone in this base.

'What are the orders?' He asks

"Well, Hydra is not something that can be destroyed in one day. Your capture allowed me to grab their tail. Just play the good brainwashed puppet to them till I give you further orders" I say

I just scratched the surface, but Hydra is fucking everywhere. Everywhere.

And they know how to do compartmentalization very well... This little facility and everyone inside is like a lizard tail, can be detached easily, and will not give anything that will affect the rest of the body.

The whole takeover of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not even all of the organization.

"Just bear with it for some time... I bet that you will even enjoy the jobs that they will give you. After this is over, I will let you go rampage on them." I say, making him smile predatorily.

This is a good opportunity. Roob Lucci can climb the ranks of Hydra with his abilities. Unfortunately, maybe clones of him will appear, but you gain some you lose some.

And... Will the clones have the devil fruit weakness? Will even the clone Devil Fruit work properly? Let's wait and see...

It's fun that I considered giving a background to Lucci about him being a mercenary or something like that to make him close to the criminal underworld.

Whatever connection with the Ten Rings, Ulisses Klaue, Hydra, or any other will be good.

Well, I at least economized in a Background Card.

"And relax that I will take care of your Pigeon." I say before disappearing


Shego P.O.V

I hum to myself while applying some makeup. It's a little tricky because of the ring that changes my skin color to normal. So I don't use a lot, just some eyeshadow and mascara. Black obviously, black goes well with everything.

And it's Hector's color too. So I'm leaving the green out of this tonight. Better not try my luck too much by using "Lady Jade" colors. Green? Only my skin after I take the ring off... And everything else.

I stand up to choose my clothes for the night.

Hmm~ What to wear~ What to wear~

So many options~

I go through a lot of them in my closet. Took out some sexy options...

"No... Too much cleavage..." Wow, look at me saying that! I never thought that I would do that, but let's be more "well-behaved".

It's not a big deal... But I know that Hector would like something that would show less skin. Something more... modest. Only for him.

Again, it's not a big deal. Here is from Brazil for god's sake. And we're "heroes", so he will not care if I use something very sexy. He is not insecure.

But don't caring if I do that is different from him liking if I use something only for him.

"This one!" I take the chosen piece. A black dress that leaves a little of my back exposed, a slit on my left leg but only that. The front goes all the way to my neck, the material is thinner on the cleavage, but still hides it, only leaving it 30% transparent.

It hugs my body, showing my curves, but not much of skin. I still want to show off my amazing body, after all.

"Pass the whole 'It's only for you' message." I put it aside before choosing my REAL WEAPONS.

"Heh, if the dress is modest. This absolutely is slutty" I say looking at the lingerie set.

Still black, but transparent where it shouldn't be and with some open, and convenient, spaces.

"When he sees what is underneath... The blood on his brain will go to his dick. He will return to his base instincts." I put it on and look at the full-body mirror

"Let's see how you resist this, stoic bastard." I admire myself. The black makes a good contrast with my skin. The thin thong waistline going above my hips in a V, the see-through parts on the crotch and breasts. Heh~

"Hm... I think the corset is too much... Let's keep it to another day." I finish my preparations.

I pose in front of the mirror, my hands on my hips.

"Shego, your sexy bitch. Time to grab your man by the balls."

Hmm, it's some minutes early... The right thing to do would expect him to take me, but...

Let's surprise him a little.

Going to the Portal Door on my penthouse, I move to his house.

"Where is he?" I ask Isabella, that is reading something in the living room.

She raises her eyes from her holo-tablet to give me a look

"In his room. He arrived 5 minutes ago but will not take long for him to get ready..." I didn't wait for her to finish before walking to his room.

The guy was really doing another thing on our date night!

Men... They can be ready in 5 minutes, Lucky fuckers.

Unceremoniously I open the door to his room. A big room, a little different from his previous nerdy room. There's a full bookcase, a study table with a computer with three monitors, some tech that he was tinkering with, a huge bed... Hm~ Will happen in this bed?

When I enter, I go face to face with Hector, he is just finishing buttoning a long-sleeved dark grey shirt.

Tch, this man doesn't even need to put an effort to look sexy, with these rolled-up sleeves showing his forearm, his unbuttoned chest, and messy hair. Well, Lucky me~

"Shego..." he says looking at me, taking a pause. "You can always get prettier, huh? You look very good tonight." He says with a smile after admiring me a little. His compliments are always like a statement more than a flattery.

"So I don't always look good?" I ask with a smirk

He rolls his eyes while finishing to put his attire, a black suit, and tie. "Don't even start... Women..." He scoffs lightly

I chuckle, I like to annoy him.

He faces the mirror and focuses on his own face.

"Tell me what you think..." He says before his face starts to change.

He is not morphing his face like I was thinking he would. He is a cautious man like that. Would be weird, but I can get over that.

His face is aging. Some wrinkles and hard lines appear close to his eyes. He stops in middle age, maybe in his forties. A well-trimmed beard appears, salted with grey.

His hair changes. Losing all waves and becoming straight, the hair on the side shortens and he combs o the top to behind.

Now in my front is a Middle age Hector.

"Well... Men really age like fine wine. You're giving Dilf vibes." I say with a smirk while getting close.

He looks like one of those celebs that are 60 years and don't looks like it. Only small hints of aging, but the beard and his eyebrows changed all the look.

No one would think that is him. Well, maybe a distant relative...

"I don't like beards too much, but I can ignore it for tonight..." I comment caressing his face.

He chuckles "And what about a respectable moustache?" He asks before changing to the big mustache that would not be out of place in someone in the early XX century.

"Pfft No! Absolutely not!" I say

He laughs and changes back. Looking again at the mirror he does other changes like the color of his eyes, which become stormy gray, and his ears, making them grow just a little.

"Done." He says admiring himself

Yep, really good. Much better than him changing his appearance completely.

"I look like a trophy wife." I say going to his side to look in the mirror. Like a sugar daddy and his young babe.

Not something that I am against... I can be his trophy wife.

"Heh, if you want I can age you a little too." He teases

"Hell no... I like the fact that I will keep this appearance forever. Thank you very much." I refuse and even pass my hand through my body. Damn, I love myself.

"Don't say that... I bet that you would be a very sexy Milf... Even as a Gilf..." he teases again, pulling me closer by the waist.

Hmm, I like that assertiveness. Can we skip the dinner? The bed is just there...

"Too bad you will never see that." I bop his nose playfully with my index finger. As if I will let even one wrinkle taint my pretty face. Or a strand of white hair!! The horror!

"Never say never..." he smiles mysteriously before separating himself from me "I'm ready, let's go." He opens a portal and offers his arm to me to take.

On the other side, we arrive at an empty private parking lot. A single car there.

"When did you buy a Lamborghini Veneno?" I ask admiring the car. It's my favorite type... and the colors... Green and black. It can't be, right?

"I built it myself. I'm more of a Bugatti man myself... Just kidding." He laughs to himself, sometimes he does that. Like he tells a joke he only gets it. "It's yours, by the way."

I look at him "Seriously?" I ask in disbelief and he tilts his head confused

"Why are you surprised? Have you forgotten about the stealth jets, satellites, flying bikes, and other things that I made for you?" He asks genuinely confused

Fair enough, I have an Arsenal and a Hangar full of these "little toys" that he made for me. Helenas has too. But I never used them. The opportunity did not present itself

"I don't know... This is for Shego and not for Lady Jade." I say

He shrugs "Wanna drive? I took care of the documents..." He asks

"Hm, tempting... But these heels are not for driving" I say "Give me the full formal date experience." I smile at him

He laughs and goes open the door for me

I put the hand in my mouth and act shocked "Yoouuu? The advocate of true gender equality conforming with gender roles in dating and opening the car's door to a woman... Are you finally my simp?"

He rolls his eyes "You misunderstood... I have no problem in treating a woman like a queen, if she acts like one and treats me accordingly." He says

"Fair enough..." I say imitating his tone of voice and accepting his gesture by entering the car.

He enters afterward and starts the engine. A good sound, I will have fun with it later.

"Try to not kill anyone with it..." He says as if reading my mind.

"I can't promise anything." Even if I run through someone he could take care of it anyway.

He advances through the traffic fast, doing things that only his super reflexes can do.

I don't even care where we are, if I had to guess, I would say in Europe... France or a country that has a place with French things.

"You know, normally people start with flowers..." I say caressing the car to signal what I'm talking about.

He scoffs "The key-word is 'normal'. And this is no big deal, took a little of time and effort, but it was fun. Like a lego."

"Heh, so this is why the hangar of the Space Station is full of vehicles, mechas, and other crazy things?" I ask raising an eyebrow. I think only he has this hobby.

"... something like that"

"Boys and their toys." I roll my eyes


Third Person P.O.V.

Hector drives Shego to a 5-star restaurant. Shego gives him a smug smile seeing him open the door to her again. He left the car with the valet parking and enters the place.

Taking their reserved private booth, they receive the menu and expensive drink from the waiter, before he goes away.

"So, our date will not be traceable? Driving dangerously in an expensive car, going to a famous restaurant... Your paranoid skin must be itching by being observed in such high profile." Shegos teases

He chuckles "All the cameras already have been hacked, there are a program and a widespread virus around the world that makes it impossible to use any facial recognition on Eidolon, I can use telepathy or some 'Jedi-like' trick to get us away with practically anything and..." he takes a little device from beneath the table "...no one can hear us. You can speak freely." He says putting it back again

"...I'm not even surprised at this point," Shego says shaking her head.

She likes to act exasperated by his cautious attitude, but she likes having someone that takes care of everything like Hector. Who doesn't? Makes life so easy.


"I still almost can't believe that you have a degree in Child Development... You, a teacher!" Hector laughs while pausing his eating

"For your information, I'm very good at that." She comments with an amused smirk

"Sincerely, I can't take off my head the mental image of you hanging some brat upside down as a teaching method" He jokes

"That's absolutely something I would do. We learned that in our second period." She jokes too

Hector remembers that Shego has a soft spot for children and animals, even if she doesn't want to be around children too much. But she really pampers his pets at home, always giving treats to Cathulhu and the others.

"And what made you abandon your path as an educator?" He asks

She huffs "Having an example of what I would have to deal with my childish brothers made me rethink my life... In many ways" She says

That's when she abandoned the heroic Team Go to be a villain. Or better, a mercenary for hire initially...

Hector thinks that Shego's personality is the opposite of Spider-man, don't want the responsibility.

"I can't blame you, everyone has the right to seek their own happiness first..." He comments before making an unsure expression. "Well, normally I would add something about 'seeking your own happiness without affecting other people' but let's hypocritically let this part out of this." He says with an amused smirk

Shego laughs again "Yep, I like that. Hypocrisy is our race's best trait."

"Well, in this society is hard to climb your path without stepping into other people's dreams and aspirations. We are naturally very competitive... It's impossible to live properly without hurting anyone in some way." He adds wistfully

"Philosophical today, aren't we?" She says amused


"Are you sure that you want this conversation to go in this direction?" Hector asks a little exasperated

"What is the problem? It's just a topic..." She shrugs nonchalantly

"Talking about the 'women in my life' is not a 'date topic'."

"I'm just curious... Anyone would pity little poor me. You are out there, meeting a lot of people. And I am home, alone and miserable" She says as a drama queen "I heard that you're very close to a certain cat burglar..." She continues slowly while watching his reaction over her drink


"You even blocked my access to her information on your database..."

"... She has personal issues. Sensitive topic... it's not something that I'm comfortable sharing without her consent"

"All right then, let's talk about that girl for another world..." She suddenly shifts the topic

Hector sighs "I already said that was a fling and I left just after that, nothing was born from it..."

"Hmm~" But she still has some competitive spirit inside that can't just let it go "You can travel anywhere... Must have a lot of experience. Who is the most beautiful woman that you've seen?" She asks, genuinely curious this time.

Hector pauses and answers seriously "Shimura Nana, my teacher..." He says

"Pervert... So you have this kind of fetish." She mocks

"Ugh... Not at all. She taught me a lot with things, together with other people, she is the closest thing that I have to a teacher." He says "And funnily enough I never had any lewd thought about her..." The thought stops even himself, he just sat there contemplatively thinking about the why.

'Apparently, I'm not that much of a horndog if a woman doesn't present herself in a... Eh, sexy way, maybe? That's good I think.' He thinks 'My trip to that world is too fast too, I didn't even appreciate Mirko's female form completely...'

"Show me her." Shego says, waiting for him to deny it.

"...Okay, no problem." He says before making a hologram in his hand to show Nana from the waist and above.

Shego analyzes the woman. Shiny black hair, a beauty mark, a slightly muscular but still feminine body, a kind, and confident smile...

"Yeah... She is not bad." She says dismissively, and a little jealous "I'm not even surprised that she is asian... Pervert. I need to warn poor Cassandra to not fall into your evil hands."

Hector doesn't answer, sometimes is better to stay silent. Any answer will trigger a stream of teasing anyway.

"And your first girl? Can you show me her?"

"Nope" He says popping the 'P'. He found himself surprisingly protective of Kaina "Continue to live in the abyss of ignorance about the rival that you created by yourself..." He teases with a smug smirk

"Asshole..." She says with a matching smile


"So Hector, sincerely I was half expecting that you would do something crazy on this date... Everything has been pretty normal." She comments amused

"Oh? Aren't you liking it? Let a review later..." He quips

"Pfft, no dumbass. I'm liking very much, a good contrast to our crazy lives. But what I was half dreading was that you would take me to another planet or dimension, to eat some strange food. I don't know..." She comments

He laughs "How did you discover my plans for the next date?" He jokes, making her laugh. He continues "Well, I can't go all out right from the beginning, right? I really thought about going to have a dinner under the sea or watching the Northern lights..." He says comtemplatilvely


"But I dismissed the idea from now. In truth... This is all path of my plan..." he smirks at her

"Oh? Your plan?"

"Yes... To manipulate you." He says in a serious tone, the quirk in his lips the only thing that denounces the joke "I would first show you a normal boring date, and in the future show how superior my own dates will be. You will get used to something that only I can provide, entrapped on my web. You would never escape my clutches." He reveals dramatically

She raises her hand to her mouth shocked "You evil maniac... How could you concoct such a devious plan? Gaslight me in order to become dependent on you!!"

"The best part is that even if you know, it's too late." He chuckles "Checkmate, Shego. No more escaping... Welcome to my life forever."

She holds back a laugh" But I have to say that this an incredible coincidence..." She starts

"Coincidence?" he raises one eyebrow

"Yeah... I thought long and hard about your little fling with the red bimbo teenager. And arrived the conclusion that was a good thing...." She reveals "You would get used to such low-quality goods, that when you taste the real thing... You will get hooked."

Hector raises an amused eyebrow "Maybe we are perfect for each other after all..." He raises his glass of wine

"To our evil minds." She meets his glass with her own



The talk goes on and on. Many topics appear in the conversation, from the most serious to the most trivial. And obviously, there's a lot of teasing and flirting between the two.

"Are you gonna eat all that?" Shego asks suddenly, acting exaggeratedly wide-eyed.

"Why?" Hector asks suspiciously. He already can imagine the teasing coming in some way...

"I mean... I know that you're accustomed to eating cheap meals... But shouldn't you save some space to better things?" She says accentuating her chest, her voice full of innuendo

"Oh... Maybe you're right..." he starts slowly, playing this game "But what if the meal is not... satisfactory?" he looks at her "Can I go find some good dessert elsewhere?" he asks with a teasing smirk

A vein almost popped from Shego's temple, but she keeps her calm "I assure you that you're not gonna find something better in any other place." She says

"Maybe you're right..." he looks at his plate "I was just thinking of tasting something new anyway. Like a salad... Something 'green', you know?" He looks at her eyes intensely

"Oh~ I was thinking the opposite" She kept eye contact "I'm craving... meat." She then acts oblivious, rolling a lock of hair in her fingers, and looking at the menu for an instant "I ask myself if can get some tonight..." She makes a show of sighing

"..." Hector can't take his eyes off her "I would be a horrible date if I can't provide what my lady wants..." He says in a low voice

The staring match continues for a long time. The sexual tension is high. The next dish will be the last.

And they ate it as fast as possible like they were possessed.


A pilot of F1 would lose to Hector in driving right now.

He cuts through the traffic so fast and skillfully that looks almost like a work of art.

Inside the car, Hector is back to his normal appearance, and the couple continues to stare at each other.

Hector does not even look at the road while avoiding everything and passing green lights just milliseconds away from becoming red.

The sexual tension between the two is so thick that Hector would need the Sword of Actuation to cut through it.

Shego's hand is on his thigh, she is holding himself back to not go down on him right now.

Hector drives to a desert and dark street. He rolls the steering wheels with everything he can making the car do 180. It looks like the car will crash the side on a wall. Till the wall becomes dark and a portal swallows the car.

The car stops in one of the many rooms of Isabella's Infinity Castle.

Hector helps Shego out of the car, when they leave this room. Shego finds herself in a big penthouse.

The lights of the night city make a good view, but she can't identify where they are.

Not that she cares whatever Hotel Hector reserved this thing.

Hector also is not caring about whatever things he set prior to create a nice mood like the lighting or the music.

In a few seconds, Shego is jumping on him. Her legs wrap around his waist, her arms around his neck and their first kiss is like that. Nothing overly romantic or lovey-dovey, but full of passion and desire.

All the waiting will pay off now.

"Take me to bed. Now!" She says breathlessly after separating from him for an instant.

Hector can obey this order easily. He throws her onto the bed, only giving her a second of bouncing on the soft mattress in giggles before he is on her again. Intensifying their previous make-out session.

The kiss becomes sloppy, their tongue battle for dominance inside their mouth while their body presses against each other like they want to become one.

Shego's hands run over his back till his front, her powers flare and her hands ignite turning his upper clothes into nothingness.

"Eager, huh?" He separates himself to smirk at her "I'm the same..." He says in a low rumbling voice before grabbing her dress and tearing it off her body with one hand.

"!" What he sees makes even the man that went head-on to clash against the Mjolnir pause.

The sexy lingerie that teases a lot and covers nothing. The lines hug her female form, exacerbating her thickness. The color complements her skin. And where should be covered, is either transparent or open.

Shego watches her setting having the exact effect that she expected.

"Remove your ring..." He almost growls at her, staring at her body intensely.

That's a look that he has been holding back to not show for a long time, but now he doesn't care anymore.

Even if he said to her to remove the ring, he is the one that takes it off with one hand.

He watches the effect of the illusion recede slowly, starting from her hand, her pale green skin emerges to him.

"Perfection..." It's the only thing he whispers before not wasting time and going down on her. She smiles softly at the compliment.

His hands go to cup her breasts, feeling the firmness and softness. His mouth goes lower, giving a small peck on her toned stomach before moving even lower.

He wants to get her ready. He kisses her pussy lips, making them grow wetter. He looks up at her for a moment, before smirking. Then his tongue darts out his mouth... A tongue big enough to lick his eyebrows...

Shego eyes widen, but it's all she can do before she is assaulted by the pleasure.

"Oh FUCK! You know what you're doing! HMm~" She grabs the sheets of the bed while arching her back. The thick green thighs squeeze his head, still undecided if wants to bring him deeper or keep him away because the pleasure is too much.

After some time, when she is spasming slightly, Hector stops. Letting her on the edge of an explosive orgasm.

"You... Bastard!" She spats

He smiles while licking his lips, his eyes two crescents full of amusement "Patience, my dear..." he says slowly, removing the rest of his clothes.

Then Shego sees the long and thick cock hitting her pussy with a wet plop, she can't help but grab it to stroke lightly, rubbing the underside against her lower lips.

'Think you're in control, huh? Smug fucker...' She thinks

"You know, Hector..." She starts a little breathless "I'm a virgin again."

"!" This makes him pause again, she can feel the dick jerking up on her hand, reacting to her words

"Imagine my surprise... After a training session, I find my panties with a little blood, I've just broken my hymen again." She starts rubbing his cock more vigorously, her voice in a sexual tone. "You know what this means?"


"It means that my tight pussy is ready to take the form of your dick forever." Her voice laced with a sexual tone

"You want that, right? Reshape my pussy with this monster~ To become your perfect cocksleeve~" She continues to jerk him off, increasing the speed while she talks.

"Shego..." He says slowly in a bestial growl. Even his dick looks angry, bigger than ever before.

Shego starts sitting down to change position, she wants to blow him off now, and get him ready for her. But he puts his hand on her chest, forcing her down.

"That's it... You won." He says slowly, grabbing her knees and opening her legs. "Your fucking cocktease..."

Shego gulps at his tone. Now, that's rare. The man finally will give in. Give what she wants.

"Do you know how hard was for me to resist? I'm not waiting not even a minute." He takes position, the cockhead pressing her folds "All the touches, phrases full of innuendo, your bending over too much, hints of cleavage, pressing yourself against me... A man can only take so much before snapping, Shego. I'm not a buddha." He says before going for a deep kiss, at the same time he buries his dick in her

"Fucking finally~~" She moans out loud while she feels his invading her pussy slowly, deeper and deeper, her walls grip him tightly. With a single thrust, she surpassed the edge that he left her hanging, achieving orgasmic bliss.

But he doesn't let her rest.

He moves away to see her in full glory, gripping her waist firmly, he starts moving. Hypnotized by her breasts bouncing up and down with each thrust and her expression full of ecstasy.

Her hands seek his body, finding his large frame and settling on his back, trying to draw him closer.

He relents and is met with a sloppy and wet kiss, he can feel a burning sensation on his back.

She is clawing at his back, her hands glowing in green flames, but her nails can only break one layer of skin.

He can't say that he doesn't like the way that she is losing herself and acting feral, so he let her be and increases his speed and strength.

His hard waist hits her thighs with wet sounds, feeling her close to cumming again he buries himself totally in one single and strong thrust. Shego almost goes cross-eyed, her mouth open in a silent moan.

"FUck~" She moans, her voice trembling while her interior clamps down on his length. Like it's trying to keep it there, to don't release it ever anymore.

Watching her reactions and the way her body responds with his powers, it's easy for him to do exactly whatever she likes. Hitting the right spots.

She climaxes hard, her whole body clinging to him while she tenses.

"Damn, that was good~" She breathes out. The feeling of relief after a long dry spell. She finally scratched that itch. "But I'm ready for more big boy." She smiles at him

He smirks too. Removing himself from her, he shows that he didn't cum and is still rock hard. "I hope that you don't have plans for tomorrow..." He declares.

Then he flips her over on her stomach unceremoniously.

She catches the message. She got on all fours, raising her ass to him and arching her back. Exposing her holes to him.

Swaying her booty slowly from side to side, invitingly she looks back over her shoulder "If you hold back I will kill you." She threatened, making him chuckle

He gets in position behind her, giving her ass a slap that makes ripples on her pale green cheek. She moans at the treatment. "Don't ask for what you can't handle... And I remember something about pulling hair now, hm?" He says like he just remembered something

Grabbing her hair with one hand, he holds her waist with another. His cock teased her entrance. And then he pulls her by the hair, making her move back, engulfing his cock slowly into her folds

Her sweet moan is music to his ears

"Such slut... I should've had fucked you on day one." He says increasing his speed

"Yes! You should have~" She screams in ecstasy

"Bend you over and put you in your place. I bet that you would gladly get on your knees" He dirty talks because he can see that she enjoys it a lot, by the way she clamps around him. And is moving her ass back to meet his thrusts

"YES! I'm your slut! Only yours~ Treat me like one!" She shouts, her arms collapse and she was biting the sheets.

But Hector wants to hear her, so snaking a hand around her bosom, he pulls her to his chest while mauling her big breasts.

"I will..." He whispers in her ear

"Fuck me good, you big dicked bastard!" She says back to him, going for a sloppy kiss. Their tongue battle in and out of their mouth.

Hector discovers that he also likes dirty talk, because Shego is a master of that. Whispering profanities and debauchery in his ear. Things that would make a succubus blush.

"I'm gonna cum..." He says on her neck

"Inside! If you stop now, I'm seriously gonna kill you! Ahn~" She moans back with her eyes closed. She is close right now.

"Don't worry, I have powers to prevent unwanted consequences... Tonight I'm gonna paint your interior white." He says before bottoming the deepest he cano n her. Her ass flattening on his crotch

"Oh~ FUCK!" She curses feeling her uterus hot from the assault

Hector takes a content sigh and releases her, she falls on the soft mattress limply riding on the afterglow

'Still hard, huh? This will be a problem...' He notices to himself. It's not really possible to blame him.

Seeing Shego with her face down and ass raised in the air, red by his slaps and well fucked pussy. He would never calm down.

He uses X-ray and Microscopic vision to check something too...

'Yep, it's working perfectly... No risk of pregnancy.' He can't help but double-check.

A pity that he didn't have Homelander card the last time.

And sometimes your own mistakes are the hardest ones to see.

He stops his checkup after seeing Shego moving again.

She pushes him down, hands on his chest.

"This time... I'm on top." She says and without much of a 'excuse me' sinks down on his hard dick.

Only a fool would stop her. She watches her move, jumping on his cock, moving her hips up and down, side from side, twerking.

Her enjoyment is visible on her face while she throws her head back and grabs her own hair, hands behind her head while she rides him, like a goddess of sex. He can't stand idle.

Hugging her thin waist with one arm, he sits down and pulls her closer. Bringing his head to her breasts and helping her move with a hand on her ass.

Then not many words are exchanged between the two beyond sexy talk.

They fall into a rhythm. Having back-breaking, toe-curling sex in all positions that their strength, flexibility, and imagination allows.

At the highest point of the night, Hector is pounding her as hard as she can handle. Already accustomed to each other. Their forehead are touching while their bodies don't want to know a world where they're separate.

Shego is reaching another clímax, being built up little by little with each thrust. Like a balloon being filled that at some point will explode.

When this point happens she grabs him by the neck to devour his mouth, muffling her moan in his lips

When she separates from the liplock she looks at his eyes, just some inches apart.

"I love you..." She says and doesn't wait for an answer, she doesn't even want it now. She hugs him again, resting her chin on his shoulder, she wants to still feel him inside her for some time, just like that. While she recovers to the next round.

Hector's eyes are on another thing at this moment


[Shego Ortega

Relationship Loyalty (10/10)]


The next day, Shego wakes up feeling all sore in the right way and in the right places.

Still with her eyes closed, she stretches herself and tries to reach for Hector at her side, but her hand only finds the open space of the bed.

"Hum?" She sits down to look for him

"Hungry? There's breakfast..." She hears his voice close to the glass wall. He sat on a small table with food, observing the city below him. Only in his boxers.

Shego turns to look at him, don't caring about her nudity. "Don't tell me that you went do some heroic thing while I was sleeping..."

"I do not 'went'... I can do for here." He says giving her an amused look before watching the city again "Come eat something..." He says softly

"Something in your mind?" She asks without getting out the bed

"A lot of things..." He says nonchalantly

"Hmm..." She can guess what he is thinking "You spoiled my plan..." She pouts

"What?" He turns to her

"I was planning in giving you a morning wake-up blowjob... And you go and wake up so early." She huffs

Then she felt a breeze. When she looks again, Hector is not on the small table.

She slowly turns to her side and there he is. "Sleeping" peacefully under the covers.


She shakes her head and laughs, especially after she notices his boxers falling on the ground only now.

"Well... Everything is well when it ends well." She smiles predatorily before going under the covers to serve her man



Helena comes to Hector's house to eat together with them. Something that she always does.

But the scene that she finds shocks her, in her weird life, this was probably on the top 10.

"What the fuck...?" She mutters slowly

"Language..." Surprisingly who said that is Shego. "Say 'aaah'." And this is what is freaking Helena out.

Shego is on Hector's lap acting all sweetly affectionate.

"You're giving me the creeps." Helena comments seeing Shego spoonfeeding Hector some food.

"If you are unloved don't come here to step on my vibe..." Shego says glaring at her before turning to Hector again, the glare disappears to a smile that blossoms on her face.

"Even Hector is weirded out by you." Helena points out to the stone face Hector.

"She is like that all day..." Isabella comments

"..." Cassandra only stares at them

"Not really... I think that this is what people call the 'Honeymoon phase' she will get over that." Hector deadpans. He remembers an episode that Shego was hit by something that make her act like that in her cartoon.

"I do not think so~" She says bopping his noise affectionally "My love for you will only grow~" She says sweetly

"Blaarghh" Helena grabs a trash bin to throw up.


Helena is now sitting leisurely in the living room eating some cold dessert.

Hector just went out to do something. Shego accompanied him to his room before he teleported away.

Helena has a pretty good idea of the why...

When she comes back licking her lips, it only serves to confirm her suspicious

"..." Helena pauses her eating to stare at her

Shego pauses too, before shrugging and plopping herself on the couch "What? I can't let him go out pent up... Some Skank can take advantage of that." She says "And don't act disgusted like I spoiled your eating... Do you know he can make his spunk taste the same as this ice cream pie on your hand?" Shego comments with a smirk

"..." Helena looks down at her dessert. And put it away...

Shego holds a laugh seeing her doing that.

"I believe everything went well..." Helena starts the conversation

"Yes! Perfect! As expected, right? That date was just a formality, really... To seal the deal..." Shego comments animatedly

"Good... Did you guys solve everything? About other girls, I mean." Helena asks

"Nope... We didn't have time and I don't want to spoil the good mood with this talk." Shego comments a little more serious now "But I can tell it's bothering him. You know how he is..."

Helena nods. "He wants everything perfect... Without loose ends."

"Maybe I should be the one that needs to broach the subject..." Shego comments more to herself

"Maybe. And I will ask one last time to be sure. After you guys developed to this point... Are you really okay with sharing?" Helena asks still in a little of disbelief

"..." Shego pauses to think "Yeah, I think I am. Some problems will arise but overall I think I can do it. And knowing the guy I don't think he will dick down everyone with breasts..."

"This I can agree. He is very reserved." Helena says

"Probably will be the people that he will bring... The guy has trust issues" Shego comments looking at Helena




"Wanna get in?" Shego finally asks


"Are you sure? Don't want to do a test drive? A threesome? You can ride dick, while I sit on his face..." Shego says. Helena doesn't know if she is being serious or if she is messing with her.

'But it freaks me out how hot that sounded...' Helena thinks while facepalming

"Don't wanna ride him? Okay, you sit in his face instead. He can do things with his tongue, let me tell you... Vibrations and many others." Shego continues ignoring Helena's discomfort

"Ugh, please stop..." Helena groans

Shego really stops, but to laugh. She still remembers when Helena messed with her using Black Cat. It's just a little payback.

"But really, what's your deal, Helena? Are you gay? Asexual? You can tell me, I don't judge." Shego says self-righteously

Helena shoots her a glare "I'm hetero. Well, it can fluctuate... Especially relative to the number of drinks." Helena confesses with a shrug of shoulders "I dated men and women. In truth, mAn and women. I only really dated one man seriously my whole life." She says with a distant look "And two girls..."

To this revelation Shego recoils, putting her arms to cover her body, she says scandalized "You saw me Naked!" She says exaggeratedly

"I thought that you wouldn't judge..." Helena deadpans

"I lied, obviously." Shego quips

"Ugh... I don't even know why I take you seriously sometimes." Helena groans

"I mean, you're bi... Doesn't this make things even better?" Shego asks genuinely confused "Well, don't expect me to munch carpet. What I like is long, thick, veiny, and attached to Hector's waist."


"But I bet eventually all types of girls will gravitate around him..." Shego advise.

"..." Helena looks done with her

"Okay, okay... I will stop. Let's change the subject..." Shego relents "Tell me about these relationships of your universe. There's still some unsolved knot in you bi-heart?" She asks faking innocence

"Not really..." After staring at Shego for a while, Helena humors her "One was just a 'little more serious fling', one was bound to end tragically anyway, and the other... We are too much different." Helena says

"I see... how was the only man in your life? Or you don't wanna talk about it?

"..." After some time Helena finally says "Vic was a great guy. He was a vigilante too, going by the name of Question. A normal guy like me, but he was a very smart, brilliant detective, serious and with a huge sense of responsibility... A little paranoid... Heh, very much paranoid. Seeing conspiracies everywhere. We hit it off, was nice, but the guy can't hold onto a relationship. Not even if his life depends on it... He creates problems when there's none, his vigilantism is more important than anything..." She goes on and on

"..." Shego watches her silently

"... What?" Helena finally notices that Shego is giving her a strange look

"... I'm the only one seeing this?" Shego asks her "A brilliant detective..." She starts






"Sense of responsibility..."




"Girl, you're down bad for him. Admit. I can be your wingwoman..." Shego suddenly says

"Shut... Up..." Helena groans


Black Cat P.O.V.

I calmly walk out of my meeting with these criminal bastards. Want me to steal something from your partners? Heh, typical mafia behavior... Backstabbing.

I have nothing against making you guys hate each other guts even more.

I jump on a rooftop in an excellent mood, the dogs are scrabbling against each other while the cat plays.

"So this is what you've been doing..." I hear, the now familiar, baritone and deep voice behind me

"And here comes the Hawk..." I say turning around with a smirk. Dogs are easy to fool, but this Hawk is another problem

Eidolon is close, not looking at me, he is looking at the many suspicious black cars moving away.

Seriously, people? Black cars? Why don't use White vans too? So cliche...

I move to get close to my favorite hero, having that usual skinship between us, but he surprisingly made a barrier between us.

"..." Weird, very weird...

"I remember that I saved your pretty ass from a criminal organization last time... And here you are, getting involved again. Or this is related to the last time?" He asks with a frown

"...Is something wrong with you?" I ignore his statement and ask. He is different tonight

"Just not in the mood to play with a criminal..." He says flatly

"Ouch? Is that what I am to you? Just a criminal?" I act hurt

"You act like one, so you will be treated like one..."

"..." I don't know... He is being awfully cold today. He is not saying anything that he wouldn't say, but the way that he is talking and standing...

"What are you doing to them? It's not hard to Guess, but you can confess now..." He asks with narrowed eyes

"Ah, c'mon~ There's something called client confidentiality..." I joke to him, but he is really not in the mood

"It's about that joint account, huh?" He asks

Fucking bullseye. How did this guy know this?

The criminal bosses made a joint account to facilitate the laundry of money. The Russians, a guy called Kingpin and other people. But something happened and their happy little group arrived at the inevitable breaking point.

Now some want a headstart to backstab the others and asked me to steal the flash drives.

"Listen here, Black Cat..." Eidolon starts seriously "Don't get involved with these people. Some of them are not the normal two-bit criminals that you can deal with." He says a little more softly this time, before going back to being a block of ice

"I said before that I would not arrest you if you don't hurt anyone or stole cultural relics... But this is also out of bounds. You mingle with them...I will treat you the same." He says a little harshly that I'm not proud to say that I recoiled a little

He turns around and starts floating away "I will not try to change you or anything. Do you get your kicks doing those dangerous things? Fine. But be aware of the line, Felicia..." He says, using my name for the first time on the night "Play stupid games, gain stupid prizes." He finishes before flying away

"..." I watch the night sky for some time without moving.

In some way, he is warning me of the risks. Still taking care of me in his harsh style...

But he is in a bad mood, huh? Better stay out of sight

"I also discovered that he is surprising a gentleman..." I laugh to myself while removing the flash drive from between my breasts. He really didn't check there with his powers or whatever... I found his blind spot!

"Hehe. I outsmarted, Eidolon!" I laugh

"..." But for some reason, I'm not happy...

This encounter left a sour taste in my mouth. It's like we're back to square zero and I don't know why...

No, my instincts are telling me the why.

"Another woman..." My woman intuition is screaming to me


Third Person P.O.V., Hector's Residence

Later Shego founds Hector sitting on his chair, alone with his thoughts

"I think we need to talk..." He says seriously

"Ihhhh... Already 'The talk'?" She jokes and jumps on his lap

He laughs and takes some strands of hair off her face to give a peck on her lips "The early the better... We need to talk about the other girls..." He says

"So, you start or should I?" Shego asks, she doesn't seem to be taking this conversation seriously.

"I should start..." Hector says before taking a deep breath. This is harder than he thought would be. So he decided to go as usual and use bluntness "Shego, if you ask me now to me to be loyal to you. I will do that." He says seriously

"..." Shego's torso backs a little so that she can stare at him. Her face betraying her surprise.

"I could use the standard male excuses on this type of situation... Like..."

"It's okay for me to have multiple women because is on my instincts."

"Men, different from women, can easily pass their genes to multiple females at the same time so is only natural"

"I'm an alpha male or some bullshit like that so that I'm wired to not keep on my pants"

"And the classic... 'I'm too powerful and have too much stamina, you can't keep up with me. I need to go for other girls' "

In this last one, Hector chuckles. He then rolls his eyes and continues "These so self-declared alpha males loved to say that they had a lot of willpower, discipline, or some other shit like that to explain how they are successful. But they don't have enough self-control to be loyal to only one woman." He scoffs "Just admit that you're manwhore... Don't commit and be upfront."

"Even Frida Kahlo's husband said some shit like that. Like he being 'biologically incapable of being loyal'. " He rolls his eyes and scoffs again "Anyway, I'm sidetracking... What I'm trying to say is that... Deep down, I'm a little like these bastards... But I refuse to be lumped with them totally..." He looks at her eyes

"There's a reason why I delayed this inevitable relationship... The same reason that I don't actively pursue anyone in this world... Because it's convenient to me." He reveals

"I know that I don't need to seek women. Especially only one. In the Omniverse, there's an uncountable of women that would accept share me. Because of how their worlds are or any other reason... So tying the knot early would limit me. Yes, I'm a dick." Hector says

"..." Shego's mouth twitches a little

"I like you, Shego. I don't know if I love you. I never loved anyone before... I have some crushes here and there too. What makes this whole thing even more confusing, but simplifying everything... I like you a lot. Enough to kill for you..."

He completes with finality "...And be loyal to you."

"...really? Are you sure?" She finally asks

"I am. I thought about it... Relationships need some degree of commitment. And maybe in our long life, I can convince you eventually in some Years. I have time." He gives her a sly smile "Sharing is caring after all." He laughs

She laughs too, and slaps him on his shoulder

"But seriously, our relationship is one of a kind. So many things to explore together. We still don't know if you will like my curse of immortality."


"But I can dedicate my next hundred, thousand or whatever many years for you and only you, Shego." He declares

"...Hm" Shego hums contemplatively, thinking hard "You can have other women. No problemo." She finally says nonchalantly

"..." Hector blanks while staring at her "Woman, I literally bare my heart and thoughts to you." He deadpans

"What more can I say?" She raises her hands in the air and shrugs "I really don't mind. Sincerely, probably will be nice. You can have other women to support in things that I'm not good at or have no patience, and I can be the fun girl that you come to take on dates and have a good time." She says

Hector sighs 'I really can't understand women...' "Shego, I'm saying that we can have this relationship only the two of us, to see how it develops..."

"Nah. No need." She interrupts him


"..." She stares at him like he is the weird one

"Normally people would like to monopolize the one they like," Hector says

"I can understand that but... the keyword is 'normally'. We are far from that..." She says using his own words "You have powers, you can deal with these things. But... There are some conditions!" She suddenly raises her index finger and even gets out of his lap.

With her hands on her hips, she continues "I can accept other women... But not any woman!"


"Half of the why I'm good with this is that I don't care about those social norms of monogamy or whatever. Bitch, please... And the other half is that I know that you're not gonna fuck anything with tits, right?" She gives him a look

He nods. He has a lot of horny thoughts, but most of them will not be externalized. And even the people that he has hots for, are a few. No normal Random girl can catch his attention.

"So it's all good... But let me say something... When you go out there and have fun with someone... Don't expect to have me all good and willing to a night of passion while you smell like some homewrecker!" She declares with a teasing smirk. So you need to weigh your options, Hector..." She climbs on his lap again. Slowly and sensually.

Hugging his head she whispers very close to his ear "Instead of having a fling with some cat burglar or a teenager redhead... Wouldn't be much better to come home and have Shego take care of all of your carnal needs? Hum?" She bits his earlobe

"That is..." he says slowly "...smart."

Indeed. In the end, his time is limited. He is a busy man. Yes, he meets a lot f hot women in this Marvel world. But he didn't develop any intimacy with them to the point of having a fling. Especially as an Eidolon.

The need to take off the mask, or the risk of leaving bodily fluids is a good deterrent.

As a Hector... Mary Jane was really a special case.

Now, if he needs to choose any woman of Marvel or Shego.

He will always choose Shego.

"Okay. That's reasonable and fair... If something happens, I will be transparent with you too." He declares. "Now, the only thing to watch for is the inherent male urge of tasting new things occasionally." He jokes "If Pique can cheat on Shakira, no one is safe..."

She laughs "And your disgusting good luck with women... And blaming your gender, huh? Convenient..." She leans on his shoulder

"My gender and race. A human male is very horny... I will blame everything on that." He jokes "To be worse than that only if I was Japanese."


"They are the most perverted people on this planet, obviously. I fear and respect the Japanese." Hector makes an act of giving them a salute "Do you know that they have a word to that space between a short skirt, or shorts, and high knee socks? They name the bare thigh on that space 'Zettai Ryoiki'. Those people are on a whole other level." He nods to himself with a pensive expression.

Shego laughs at his antics and useless knowledge

"Must be because they're too repressed on that... With all that stuck-up Society of theirs. They are closet perverts..." Shego comments


"Now let's go back to the more interesting subject. With whom you're gonna start?" Shego teases him

But Hector put serious thoughts about it "Now that this door is open... Let's be a little more proactive... To the ones that I know like me and would accept sharing."

"Like Saeko?"


"And Helena?" Shego looks at his eyes

"She doesn't like me that way..."

"Maybe, maybe not... The thing is that with a little effort on your part, you can make them, her and even Isabella, like you this way."

"..." He pauses "Maybe, but it's not like I need to dick every one of my female subordinates. I have a good thing going on with them... A nice friendship. Again, our circumstances could lead to this path eventually... We are tied for life after all. And probably for a looong time. But... Let's take things easy"

"Here we go again with you going slowly." She huffs

"Everyone is different, Shego. It's not everyone that grabs someone by the collar and demands an attitude."

"Worked, right?"

"I can't argue with the results." He chuckles

"By the way, let me get this out the way now..." She starts "I was talking with Helena, and don't expect me to munch carpet with any other of your girls."

"..." Hector's lips twitch "I wasn't hoping for that..." He is interrupted

"I mean, I can partake in some lesbo play to your enjoyment a little, but don't abuse!" She warns pointing at his face

"Haha. Okay, okay..." He laughs

She notices that his gaze softens looking at her

"I'm a lucky man..." He mutters, more to himself really

Even Shego becomes a little bashful being stared at like that

"Hmpf. Yep, consider yourself Lucky. You have me." She teases to avoid her own embarrassment

"Yes..." He agrees seriously "Shego, I can't promise you all of my love. But I can promise that the amount of love that I will give to you will be any less than any couple out there. I will protect and provide for you... You will not feel any less because of the nature of this relationship." Hector declares strongly, determination in his eyes

"And the only thing that I ask in return is that you be loyal and respect me. The rest we work together..." He says caressing her cheek "I know that is a hypocrite of me for asking for loyalty, but this is a must."

"You don't even need to say..." She says giving a peck on his lips

But Shego is not one that like those serious moods to grow strong. To hide her own melted heart, she pushes him down. Flipping the chair, the two fell on the floor.

"I like this serious side of you too~" She says in a husky and predatory tone

Hector teleports the two to his bedroom. Shego laughs when he throws her on the bed and she feels him above her.

"I think I figured you out... Let's try something different, okay?" He smirks down at her

"Oh~ Spicy~ What is?" She asks animatedly

"Well... I noticed that you're a very abrasive person and can be surprising lovey-dovey, buuuut..." He trails off "...Is not good on the receiving end of these lovey-dovey romantic things." He smirk widens


"It can't be that you're embarrassed, right?" He asks with a raised eyebrow

"Of course not!" She denies quickly

"So... This time... Let's not fuck..." He declares. His hands go to her hands, their finger intertwining "Let's have a slow and gentle love-making session with lots of hand-holding..."

"!" He rips off their clothes telekinetically

"Under the covers... In missionary..." The duvet covers the two

"You... Lewd bastard! How dare you?" She starts to struggle, but he is pinning her down

"With the lights off..." He turns off the lights

"You... You Sick pervert! Just fuck me already!" She tries to nudge him

Arching her back and pushing her breasts at him, tempting him to go harder and rough with her.

"Nope... Tonight will be a very loving wholesome session of passion, my love." He says slowly, close to her ear.

He slowly sinks his dick into her, noticing that she is even tighter this time

" Ung~ Only someone like you can think on this debauchery!" She tries to turn her head away, and tries to increase the pace of his thrusts, but he continues slowly and gently.

Kissing and worshipping her skin.

He holds her hands above her head, he touches his forehead on hers.

"Aah, Shego~" She can hear the teasing smirk on his voice "I love you..." He says in a whisper

She cums on the spot


A.N.: It should've been me!!! Not Him!!!!

Anyway, it finally happened... Just waiting for him to talk with Saeko and I can add the Harem tag finally.

Now let's talk about this and the last chapter.

As expected, there were people that thought that the last chapter is unnecessary. Or filler. Or "Why focus on MJ? Yew"

Surprisingly, that was a minority. I thought more people would bullshit on the chapter. I'm glad.

As I talked before, it's inevitable that some chapters will have many things happening and others will consist of only one big scene. This gives the impression a wrong impression.

It's like when you read a chapter of a manga where is only an explanation of something or a flashback. Not happen, BUUUTT....

It's about the build-up. Again, it's necessary... And will pay off in the future.

A smart reader pointed out that last chapter "It's possible to see the evolution of how the MC sees relationships". YES, exactly.

These two chapters are me laying the foundation of the future relationships of our MC. It's necessary in this modern world with modern morals...

Do you want an example? I can give you a little spoiler...

In the next gacha, the MC will gain a certain female character that it's a little of a... wildcard.

And a good way to control her it's making her fall for him. And a very shortcut to that it's sleeping with her.

There's a quote that I one day will use "Everything in the world is about sex. Except for sex... Sex is about power"

Seducing a female summon to make her relationship increase fast is very good. Especially if the summon is a villainess.

BUT... Before these two last chapters, you guys would be strange if Hector do that. Because he is not like that.

But now, the foundation is established. The door is open. He will be more assertive. Thanks to the development of the last two chapters will not be out of character if our MC uses sex and affection to put some crazy villainess in her place fast.

And now another point... Mary Jane

To me, Mary Jane is a plot device. A character that opens the door for Hector being a little more accepting of Marvel girls. She is different from what he, and you guys, thought of her because of the meta-knowledge.

A tool for the Hector-Shego relationship to get out of stagnation.

And a character keep "Hector" life, not only Eidolon, a little interesting.

Yes, many of you guys don't like her. But remember that the same character can have many versions... Instead of thinking about the Thot versions of MJ. Think about the ones that are nice, supportive...

The ones that stayed with Peter even when his life was turned upside down by the reveal of his identity.

Or that one that rejected Spider-man for the normal nerd Peter. Making Peter reveal his identity.

My author powers allow me to take what I want from the many versions of a character. Would be easy for me to take Xavier or Magneto's worst traits to make them villains. But I'm tired of seeing that in fanfics.

I will take the real and reasonable characteristics of the characters. Not making them parodies of themselves to justify something or make things easy for my MC.

Conflicts will happen, and maybe the MC's enemy has a point and are not totally wrong.

Obviously, I will not make everyone super likable like in the MCU. People have flaws... Like Stark, who is not being shown in the story, but is having problems with alcohol right now.

Is reasonable, right? Disney excluded that of his character, but during his PTSD from the invasion would be completely reasonable for this problem of his appearing again. This world is not PG-13.

But I also will not make everything canon. Do you guys know that Felicia puked on Peter when she discovered that he was a minor?? This is ridiculous. Ugh... The writer's dude...

There's a thin line on what used to make the most "realistic version" of a character. I'm trying to do it right.

That's all for today.

To those that don't like the happy-go-luck chapters...

The next one takes a dark turn. Time for the Kingpin to die.

Let's see the dark side of our dual-moral MC.

Till next time.

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