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48.75% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 37: Extra: Internet Discussion

Chương 37: Extra: Internet Discussion

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"...I'm Iron man."

"I'm Groot."

"I'm Eidolon"

"And I'm Batman."

"Wait- How?!"

"Hehe... because I'm Batman." *sips coffee*

- A Discussion between great minds.


A.N.: I had this idea of showing people's reactions on the internet. I copied the model from Worm a little. I think a reader even came up with this idea too. But I already had that on my mind.

I intended it to be in a normal chapter, but I decided to put it as an extra.

There's a little discussion about the story at the end.

I will appreciate it if you guys read it. But there's no need either.

Thanks anyway.


CONTEXT: It's been a few days since the Battle of New York. The world is shocked. Some high-quality videos of the incident began to circulate on the internet. Hector doing obviously.

Hector took special care in putting the heroes in a good light and reiterated that Thor was being mind-controlled. Since this was his debut, it would make a bad first impression



Sooo... Who's gonna start talking about the elephant in the room?


Pfft. What elephant? It's not that big deal. The last few days just turned it upside down and changed everything we believe in and our own sense of existence and priority in the universe.


Yep! Just another Saturday here in Florida.


But seriously. I'm not from the USA, how many of the things on the internet and TV is real?


All the videos released by "Anonymous" is real. I've seen some parts and I can vouch for what I saw. As for the TV stuff, totally useless... No TV channel got coverage of the Incident.

You only see some old men giving their useless opinion.




"Anonymous" is the username of the guy/gal that uploaded the best clips from the Invasion. He/she said it had a technology-based power that made it easy to cover the day.


Anonymous is a mutant then?


Probably... And the new term is "Meta-human" now. At least that's what Eidolon prefers to be called.


Is "mutant" the new N-word now? The M-word?


This is ridiculous. Black people have a whole history of discrimination and suffering. Now we can't say "mutants" just because a mutant Strong appeared. Ridiculous!


How do you know mutants didn't suffer? Just because it wasn't in the news. You're pretty naive if you think you haven't had mutant suffering.

Captain America has set a precedent that a normal human can break their limits.

And we've all known for ages that there are people with powers.

What do you think the rich and powerful did with this information? Huh??

If you were rich and powerful, wouldn't you invest in trying to gain superpowers?

How many mutants died in dark labs and nobody knows?


Stop with your conspiracy theories. This is real life, not fiction


You who have to open your eyes. Real life is worse than fiction now.

Gods, super high-tech suits, portals, mutants, magic, aliens...


True. I cannot say for sure, as I am not informed of the matter. But does Magneto want revenge for the mutants who died like this? Under the hood?


Magneto is a Mutant Supremacist. Calling himself Homo Superior, he thinks it is his right to be above all of us.

He is just another terrorist with a God complex.

The problem is that he has the power to back it up.


Thank god Eidolon doesn't think like that.


Doing a quick search, I found that the main places Magneto attacked were military installations. He rarely appears in places with civilians.

Do you guys think that he is rescuing mutants being experimented with?


Interesting... But I believe he appeared in some cities, yes. I don't remember now.


I think it was in Arkansas.

Well, that place is racist as fuck. Maybe he went to teach some assholes.


Honestly, I've never seen a mutant in my entire life. I think I only know Magneto's name.


Magneto killed our President Kennedy!


Is someone under him. The shapeshifter apparently.


Ah. I know, Magneto's sidekick shapeshifter. He always has these stories to scare us.

"Mutants can be everywhere. Spooky~"


But they can be.


I have nothing against mutants. I just don't want to be around me... Too dangerous.


Haha. Famous racist motto.

The same vibe of "I have nothing against black people, I just don't want to be around me..."


"I have nothing against mutants, I just don't ever want to see them in my life..."


"I have nothing against mutants, I even have some mutant friends..."


"I have nothing against mutants, but if my son turns out to be one I disinherit him..."


"I have nothing against mutants. This is a mistake... And being a mistake is a mutant thing."


"I have nothing against mutants, I ever consider them human beings too..."


"I have nothing against mutants, I even think They have feelings too..."



Question to the New Yorkers: Is it true that a nuke almost hit Manhattan?


I don't know. I'm on the subways.


Nothing was said on the news.


There's no footage of the missile by Anonymous either. But there is footage of Eidolon using Captain America's shield to protect the city from something on the other side of the portal.


I saw this one. Cool as hell...


I saw the missile. Iron man sent the missile through the portal in the sky. Eidolon must have protected us from the blast.


Seriously? So why is no one talking about this? Is a fucking nuke!!!


Rumors that it was the President who ordered the launch.

Only him has that authority.


Woah. That's fucked up. My relatives live in NY.


Well, from a rational point of view. Sacrificing a few to save the world... Not that I'm agreeing. I'm just illustrating how these high-ups must think.


Bullshit. They are not "a few". It's the entire island. Of Manhattan, even maybe further, because nobody here knows how potent the last mass destruction weapon is.

These higher-ups should only be thinking about self-preservation.

The alien army was coming from the portal, so it would only kill the gnete and the aliens here on Earth. And the remains of the aliens on the other side? Who would fight them if not the Avengers?




Perhaps it was another country that sent the missile.


If so this would become an international incident, my friends.

Is everyone ready for World War III?


There will be no WW3.

Eidolon would not allow it.


WW3? Captain America got off the ice in the right time


Would Eidolon mind?


Who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We know nothing about these guys. Only maybe Captain America.



Why aren't we talking about this any more???


Is really crazy the fact that he is alive to this day. But...

When compared to the other crazy things that happened...


Yeah. It fell short a little. True.

But Captain America. Damn. super cool.


New Yorkers: How are the things there right now? Sorry if this is a sensitive topic...


It's okay man.

Most of the city is fucking bad. (Eidolon gathers the debris in certain parts of the city, so it's still possible to go to work. If your workplace still exists.)

Eidolon started helping the city, like Spider-man since the invasion.

Crimes were expected to skyrocket, but it didn't change too much because of Eidolon's presence.


So Eidolon is holding up, huh?


Yeah. Speaking of which I have to vent.

Everyone saw the video of the General demanding that Eidolon return the alien tech.

Eidolon let them have it. To god know why.

But the military did a poor job of putting together the thing...

Yesterday, I saw some kids in my neighborhood playing with an alien grenade.

My heart went to my mouth.

Dudes... I'm angry till now.


Not only that.

Muggers are using alien weapons now.

Now the officers have to go against high-tech weaponry with a 9mm.


NEWS: Many countries start sending support to the U.S to help rebuild the city.

In a side note, the U.S. proposes that several apises around the globe come together to study alien tech and be able to develop our society.


Looks nice like that, but they're basically selling the alien tech. Vapitalism at the finest.


They were probably pressured to share. The U.S. was going to get way ahead of the rest of the world with this alien tech.


Honestly, it's not that wrong. Sharing technology will create a balance between nations. And the money will help rebuild NY.


Yeah. On paper it's beautiful... But I bet that money goes to other pockets.


At least is something. We, the Earth, are far behind. We are cavemen to the rest of the universe


But haste is dangerous. If these things fall in the wrong hands. Everyone knows about corruption and hidden agendas.


But we need to do something. We can't just depend on the goodwill of the Avengers.


Why not? We could abuse a little of being defended by them and grow steadily and safely.


We don't know out is out there, in the space. Maybe we can't afford to go "steadily and safely".


Guys... Important discussion and all but. I have the most important question...

Red(Black Widow) or Green(Lady Jade)


















Purple (Huntress)






Blue (Invisible Woman)




I love this community.

At one point we were discussing geopolitics and the mysteries of the universe.

Now we are questioning who is hotter.

Seriously guys...

Green btw. Obviously


Can I choose Eidolon?

(I'm a girl)


I will choose Eidolon, and I'm a guy.


I prefer Captain America.


Me too.


Thor, obviously.


I wish Thor would hammer me down.


Eidolon has many powers. He can be creative in bed.




Eidolon powers: (Which he showed)

super strength

Super-durability (Is must with super-strength, right?)

super speed

Super-senses, probably too.







Gigantification (of himself and Other things)




Maybe I'm missing some, but the guy has a huge package.

Not to mention his sword.

Edit: Some of these powers may have come from technologic means.


Damn. That's too Much. Is this normal with mutants?


I do not think so. The normal is one power per person. And if you have two or more, the powers have to relate a little bit.

Like Invisible Woman, that can make force Shields and become invisible.

But Eidolon has multiple elemental powers, which contradict each other.

He must be like the "Cheater of the Mutants"


Magneto only has one power too.


Maybe it's just one power. Like power copying or power creation.


Maybe he can steal the power of the mutants that he kills.


Nah. If so, he wouldn't have helped. He don't look like this type of person.


You don't know him. How can you tell?


Well, he fight for us. He has many powers. So he must have loved many people, by his logic.

Then he wouldn't be nice enough to come to help.


Maybe he is only Fighting against outsiders, like aliens.


But he stayed to help even after the invasion.


Btw maybe he's been helping since before but never came out.

A friend of mine told me that she was being robbed, but out of nowhere, she was saved.

I didn't think much at the time, but maybe Eidolon was already secretly helping. But now he doesn't have to hide anymore.


Why would he hide first?


Well... He is a mutant. And Sider-man gets a bit of hate for being a vigilante. He must have thought it very bothersome to have to deal with the media.


Or maybe he doesn't care about fame. He just wants to help.








"Mama, look. A fanatic."

"Don't look directly in his eyes, Jimmy."


Nothing against the bible, but you know.

Thor is real.

So maybe all gods are true.

And the bible always said there was only one true god.


That's is a rabbit hole that you don't want to play, my friend.

But I think anything can be real until proven otherwise.


So Egyptian, greeks, and Indian gods are real too?




I'm Egyptian, and I never cared about my "mythology", but now I think I'm going to become a devotee.

For precaution.


Hm.. Reasonable. Is it wrong to pray for all religions?


Before putting the cart ahead of the horses... Thor is not like an all-mighty god. He lost to Eidolon. He was mind-controlled.

Maybe gods are just super-powered people of the past. That we ignorant and naive humans started to worship.


Yeah. But Thor lived for soooo long.


The question is, is he a god, and do we worship him? Or is he a god because we worship him?




Was Thor really mind-controlled?



Yep. You can see in Anonymous videos.


Imagine a mind-controlled Eidolon?




This puts things in perspective. Perhaps the heroes will turn against us for being mind-controlled.


It's no use thinking about it. Better to have heroes than not to have heroes.


True. But why don't they work with the government and the police?

Mainly Eidolon and Spider-man. They could save more people if they cooperated, right?

He might even get a salary.


Well, the Saturday morning cartoons taught us that heroes hide their identities to protect those close to them.

That is a valid point.


They have their own circumstances.

Tony Stark is rich and has no one to worry about.

Who knows the secret identity of Eidolon...


Do you guys think he needs a secret identity?

I imagine him living on an island separate from the world. Or on a mountain.


He is not a hermit.


He must have a life normal life too.


With all these powers, he must be living in the easy mode.


Who knows, is not like a normal everyday job needs to be able to lift skyscrapers.


But seriously. Who do I need to suck to gain powers?


The Hulk. His radiation will make you a hero. Dead-man will be your name.





A.N.: Ahoy, let's have a long talk about this story, okay? Okay.

Let's talk about the MC's morals. He is weird, doing good things and bad things.

Is his moral compass all over the place? Yes... but actually no.

Let's explain me.

I believe that people who are either totally good or totally evil are rare. I believe people are more complex than that.

I'm a fan of the concept of Yin-Yang. (Look at my profile Picture) So I incorporate this concept of Yin-Yang into the moral of the MC. (Even his suit is Black and White).

how? His actions. Like in Yin-Yang, there some White into the black and vice versa.

Hector's good actions have little of an "evil" deep reason too... Selfish reasons... Increase reputation, make people depend on him...

And Hector's evil actions have "good" on them too... He kills someone not because he likes, but to protect normal people who would suffer for the actions of someone like Kingpin, Norman Osborn, and others.

Exit evil in good and good in evil. That's it...

To this day there are many comments from people who expect Evil MC, or people who think the MC doing evil will act on his promise to his relatives.

Haah~ There's no winning here. I will do my own thing.

Let's take a step back and watch Hector. He comes from a world like us, a loving Family, no big trauma or bad childhood...

On the one hand, he has ZERO reasons to be an edge evil MC. He grew up with loving relatives and is rich enough.

BUT, he can't be a goody-two-shoes, naive and with a hero-complex. Why? Because he knows the Marvel world. He knows how dangerous and knows to put himself first. He knows that being selfish and committing some amoral acts can be the difference between life and death.

This is the attitude I think everyone would have (or should have) if they were

transmigrated to the Marvel world.

If he didn't have the memories and knowledge of the Marel world, maybe he would be as good a Spider-man. But he knows that only a miserable life would wait for him.


Well, well... A hated thing for many people. I don't like too much either, but I believe that I make it work.

The secret makes sense. No summoning characters like Aizen or Madara(They don't look good as subordinates). No summoning people stronger than the MC. And not making them dolls without feelings.

By the way, the next summons would be mostly male.

One thing that worries me is the number of characters. It is impossible to give the same level of prominence as Shego and the girls to the new people.

Mainly the one that will do "outside work".


Another divergence topic. As you can see, the process is very slow.

This is Marvel. If I want something more ecchi I would use the world of DxD.

I can only promise that I will try to make sense.

My main reason will be the long life of the characters and the power discrepancy.

Let's say that Jean, The biggest contestant in the Wife spot gains control over Phoenix. She will be alive for a looong time. She will be super-powerful. The number of potential partners will decrease, right?

Her own view of moral and social conventions would change.

Well, I can only say. It will take time. And a little drama.

Btw, not all female summons will be in the harem.

I choose Isabella, Helena, and Shego to be the first summons to give an example.

Shego: Love interest

Helena: Friend (with benefits? Maybe one day she will have urges. Who better than Hector?

Isabella: Family (aunt-like) figure

Last Topic Story Progression:

The story was slow. I blame my writing style.

Damn, only had two Gacha until now.

The timeline will progress more quickly, like a minor arc Every two weeks on the story.

And that brings me to the main thing. The arcs...

According to the MCU timeline (which is what I use to make life easier for the reader), the next big events would be Iron man 3 and Thor: Dark World.

But I'm not obligated to go ahead and pursue them like that. I intend to make several mini-arcs in this new volume. X-men, Defenders, maybe another travel ticket.

Show more characters like Black Cat, Namor, Magneto

I think I'll watch the series on Netflix like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Agents of SHIELD, and the others. I've never watched the whole thing, just a few episodes...

So let's expand the world in the next chapters.

Oh! One last thing now is for real.

The Mc is OP. He is not invincible-OP yet. But he will be.

So how is he going to deal with the street light things?

Well, easily of course. Or send a subordinate.

Eidolon won't stay catching muggers Forever. He is to the Cosmic level stuff.

A little question: What kind of characters do you think are the coolest?

My answer would be those characters that flex only by existing, you know?

They're super strong, they don't do much. But when they act, they solve everything in a badass way.

Like Shanks, Satoru Gojo. Saitama. You know, the type of character that's almost cheating by asking him to solve things. And usually, gets a nerf like a disease to give screen time to the protagonist like All Might, Regulus(Re: zero), Mob, Meruem, Aizen...

I think that in the future of this story, Hector will be that kind of character. Letting the minor things to others, and When things get out of hand he steps in. Because he would be preventing some invasion of another universe or something.

You can't expect Eidolon to go burst a weapon dealer's base with the Avengers.

So don't worry about the Mc becoming too Much Op to the story.

There's Always a Bigger Problem... This is Marvel.

I think that's everything.

Thanks for the support.

I read all comments, but it is impossible to comment on all.

I love the feedback

Bye Bye. Till next time.

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks for reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to make the story better for everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

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