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47.5% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 36: Because I'm Eidolon

Chương 36: Because I'm Eidolon

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"A hero is someone who is concerned about other people's well-being, and will go out of his or her way to help them - even if there is no chance of a reward.

That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero."

- Stan Lee


(A.N.: I'm late because this chapter is big. Like the one that ended the BNHA arc. Sorry. Now, Enjoy)

Eidolon P.O.V.

Finally, the battle is over. Now all that's left is cleaning and rescuing. No time for shawarma.

I think all the heroes who participated in the battle have already gathered here around Loki. (A.N.: All that the MC know, minor heroes like Luke Cage or Daredevil are not here and they fought too. Spider-man is not here too.)

Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Giant, Wasp, Black Widow, Hawkeye, The Fantastic Four, Thor. And my people too, Helena, Shego, Mikhail and Gigantomachia.

Mr. Fantastic arrived bringing the "Dodecahedron" or whatever and I was finally able to look at the thing. It looks exactly like the Tesseract in the movies, only that instead of a cube it looks like a DnD dice.

My group is a bit separate from the other heroes that are around Loki. We are out of earshot, to normal people. I think Loki can probably hear us if he wants.

"No mask?" I ask Mikhail. He looks a little worn out, but uninjured.

"No need." He simply answers.

"Whatever..." I shrug my shoulders.

It's not a big deal if people know of his identity. No one can relate him to "Hector". It can even be a good bait for anti-mutant groups. Is hard to track the bastards, they will make my job a lot easier if they take the initiative to come looking for trouble.

I turn to my most trusted companions. No injuries either, which is a relief. Helena and Shego are spotless and Machia is just a little dirty.

Machia is just standing there, waiting for new orders. Helena is looking curiously at the group of heroes, her expression is a little complicated and Shego is next to me.

She looks almost protective as she stands right next to my left side which is still missing an arm.

Honestly, I could have regenerated already, but I feel a little awkward to do so. Like I missed the best moment...

"I'm a little surprised that you show up." I say to Shego.

"What? I can't? I was bored…" She replies as she twirls a lock of hair around her finger and looks away.

"Obviously you can, I just thought it was out of character..." I comment.

"Hmph." She snorts before asking a little unsure "Did I disturb your plans?" She gives me a side glance.

"...Nah. Initially, I really planned for you to take care of my most... 'unsavory' activities. But that went down the drain when you were seen with Huntress. It's my mistake..." I sigh. "No plan survives first contact with the Enemy... We can only adapt now."

While I planned for Helena to go the anti-hero route, I wanted Shego to be my proxy for criminal activities. Because it's something more compatible with their personalities. But it's alright.

Shego became important to me. Being a proxy means that the person has a chance of being abandoned. If Shego as a criminal was captured by heroes, "Eidolon" couldn't help her without losing his reputation.

I would have to create a new identity and this would bring a whole new set of problems.

I will delay my plans to swallow the criminal empire of the Kingpin until I have one person capable of managing it all.

"...good." Shego speaks. "And your arm?" She says looking at my stump.

"Relax. I can grow it back in no time. " I reply watching her breathe a sigh of relief. "What? Are you that worried about me?? Hmm..." I smile smugly.

She just stares at me and then gives a smug smile on her own. "Hmpf. I'm just worried that your sexual prowess would drop, that's all. You couldn't pull my hair and spank me with only one arm after all." She says.

"...Now you're back in character." I roll my eyes making her smile.

"And you don't like that?" she asks slowly, as she moves even closer. Her breasts almost touching me.

Hector, Hector... Don't give up. The longer you wait, the greater the reward.

Shego started with all this flirting just as a way to probe my intentions or guarantee her place. Now things are evolving. I could have accepted her advances from day one, but then I would only get her body.

The longer I hold on... Maybe I can win her heart too. I'm a greedy man.

And she likes this little tango between us. Like a big preparation/foreplay before I finally give in.

Haah~ I sigh mentally. I'm gonna lose eventually. I mean, it's not a defeat. I will win too, but as I said the reward will be bigger the more I resist.

Many thoughts run through my head, but my face remains impassive. I have a very good Poker Face.

"Whether I like it or not is irrelevant." I reply "Now is not the place for this." She pouts a little.

I feel someone approaching.

Looks like the other heroes are done mocking Loki. They can't get my sword out, so Loki will stay there for as long as I want.

Natasha Romanoff, or is Natalia Romanova? Or Alinovna? I'm not sure; The thing about so many different universes and different realities of the Marvel Multiverse is that I don't initially know who I'm dealing with.

From what I've observed, Black Widow is a enhanced too. So she must be that version that's been alive since World War II.

I quickly look around at the other heroes, already thinking which ones could be a problem.

In the MCU the heroes are cool and nice. They're quirky and funny and even when they make bad decisions, they don't make him assholes or evil per se. In other media... Ugh.

An example is Reed Richards, fun fact: He is the character with the most number of "evil versions" in the multiverse. Why? Generally, the ratio of Good and Evil versions is 50-50, varying depending on the circumstances. But Reed? He fucked up too much and many times. Even when he is "good" he makes a mistake that spirals into a snowball effect that makes him a problem.

The guy is literally a lab accident away from becoming a Supervillain.

I need to interact more with these guys to clearly understand them.

While my super fast brain thinks of all the conter-measures to take down everyone. (Something absolutely not healthy to think at first when you meet new people...) Black Widow finally arrives.

She gives a look to Shego, noticing the close distance between the two of us. My body language betrays nothing, but Shego doesn't shy away even under the gaze of the redhead spy.

"I didn't get a chance to thank you for your help, Eidolon~." Black Widow speaks while reaching out to take some imaginary dirt from my shoulder.

Shego starts to glace daggers in her direction.

Haah~ I see what she is doing here.


Shego slaps Natasha's hand.

"Paws off, woman." Shego says.

Natasha smiles looking unfazed by Shego's attitude.

"C'mon~ I just want to know him better. What bad can happen?"

"Your moniker is 'Black Widow'... I think you'd better keep a good distance." Shego speaks. The two facing each other.

"Can't you even share him a little? I thought we were besties..." Natasha says still smiling and taking a step closer to Shego.

Tch. She just wants to annoy you. Don't fall on her game, Shego.

"A woman's friendship is a fickle thing. You don't know that?" Shego is not intimidated and approaches too.

The two are now so close they can probably feel each other's breath. Their bosoms squeezing against each other.

Girls... It's a bad thing if I have a hard-on in this tight suit.

And Shego is the jealous type? Or is only with Black Widow? She is not that aggressive against Helena.

*Haah* I sigh, attracting their attention.

"Stop your games, Black Widow." I say extending my closed hand towards her. To give her something.

She unconsciously reaches out as well. I put on the trackers and bugs she put on me in the palm of her hand.

"You are good. Just not THAT good." I say. Not 'Batman' good.

I reach to Shego too and remove the bugs she put in her too and give it to a blank-faced Black Widow.

"Bitch! You bugged me?" Shego asks frowning and angry.

I look at Helena and see that she has nothing. She is more cautious and knowledgeable about these things apparently. She probably didn't even let Natasha near her.

Hearing Shego's accusation, Natasha just smiles innocently. "Isn't a woman's friendship the fickle thing?" She says.

Oho~ She got you there, Shego. That's a good lesson.

Shego stare for a while before letting a crooked smile. "I thought that you're a goody two shoes. I'm starting to like you now."

Well, let's help Shego gain some lost ground.

"Don't be so angry. Ms. Black Widow here is active as a spy for a long time. It is normal that she can deceive you like this." I say consoling Shego.

Shego turns to me and asks. "Active for how long?" Natasha also turns curious, probably surprised that I know so much about her.

"Since World War II…" I say and I know I'm right by Natasha's reaction.

Shego's face blanked.

She turns almost robotically to Black Widow with wide eyes.

And then she starts to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA. You're a fucking old hag!!"

I see Natasha's face twitch a little.

Shego doubles over as she holds her stomach and laughs uncontrollably.

"Pfft. Are you back okay? You moved so much today. Haha."

"My back can take a lot of blunt force..." Black Widow says as she looks at me. But Shego appears immune to provocation now.

"Haha. Okay, Grandma. Later you tell me more about your adventures in your youth. Hold on to me as I help you across the street so you can rest."

Seeing that Shego won't be letting this go anytime soon. I decide to interrupt.

"Okay, okay. We have more important things to do now." I say as I walk away from the two.

I walk towards the other heroes and speak facing Thor and Steve.

"The chitauri deactivated after they lost connection with their Mothership." I knew about their weakness from the movie. But I couldn't leave Thor alone, and I won't survive in the space vacuum yet... at least long enough to destroy a giant alien ship.

Not to mention the risk of someone closing the portal while I'm on the other side.

"The problem is the Frost Giants... They came in much smaller numbers than the Chitauri and most were defeated, but there are still a few out there... Leaderless." I say watching everyone here more closely.

Hm. Steve Rogers and Johnny Storm aren't identical... They don't look like Chris Evans, to be more specific.

But they're both blue-eyed blondies. But Steve is more... rugged, while Johnny looks more like a rich second-generation kid. The two are handsome... I mean, everyone here is beautiful. Nothing surprising.

I continue. "Another problem is the climate change because of the portal connected with Jotunheim. Can you help me with this, Thor?" I ask.

"Of course. I can eliminate the cold in no time." He answers.

"Be careful with the infrastructure. Cap, call for anyone to send all the help possible to the rescue efforts." I say and Steve nods and goes to contact Fury.

It's probably unnecessary, but it's good to be sure.

"I will start the cleaning..." I say not elaborating further and starting to walk away. It's time to show off a little.

But, as I walk I find myself inside a force field.

Frowning I turn to look at Susan Storm.

"...Yes?" I speak slowly.

"Can't do, Mister. You're hurt. Come with me to be treated, then you come back to help." She says with a big sister-like tone of voice.

"..." I just stand there staring at her and let the silence prolongs.

Tension begins to weigh on the air.

So I take a step towards Invisible Woman, phasing through her shield like it is not even there.

She almost winces when I get really close and tower over her.

The rest of the Fantastic Four begin to get into position around her.

"Don't do that." I say calmly. To me at least is calmly, she flinches a little.

But before things escalate too much I say.

"Look... I know that you mean well. You're worried about me, but the way you did it... Not good. Blocking my path and imprisoning me with your power. Tsk tsk." I say looking down at her before continuing.

"It's not hard to deduce that you're probably the glue that holds your team together and you probably have to act in the most authoritative tone to things work. But be careful not to go too far... You arbitrarily decided what is best for me, without consulting me, and used your powers to exert your will. Do you know how dangerous this is? Start in small things like that..." I look at her and see that Susan starts to get my point from the widening of her eyes.

"You... We..." I correct myself "We have to be very careful how we use our powers. Laws and morals only stop us when we allow them to. We need to put certain limits on ourselves. But only we know ourselves well enough to make those rules…" I say and look at my stump, causing everyone else to look too.

Then I regenerate.

A fascinating sight of my arm growing back is seen by everyone. Bones, muscles, and tendons grow in a matter of seconds. The nanobots in my suit keep up with and covers my arm instantly too.

Everyone, even my companions, is wide-eyed at the sight as I flex my arm and open and close my hand. Testing some jabs too.

I look at Susan again.

"See? No problem, you would know if you had talked to me before. Without acting forcefully."

"Eh... S-sorry..." She says shyly and blushing a little.

Susan Storm is one of the people I have a good first impression of in this world. She is compassionate, thoughtful and not afraid to stand for her ideals... I have a strong impression of the comics in the Civil War.

She holds off all pro-registration (even against her own husband) so that the anti-registration group could escape. This was after Reed, Pym and Stark made a clone of Thor that killed a certain hero.

See why I want to lobotomize these guys?

Honestly, answering the question: "What Marvel character would you take as a wife?" My answer would be Susan Storm.

The Woman has power, is beautiful, smart, and so patient she's practically a saint. Seriously, she keeps up with Reed for years. She is supportive and loyal.

It's no wonder Namor and Doom want to be Mrs. Steal-your-girl.

She is also the mother of baby Jesus, Franklin.

Hm... Another problem. Should I prevent the birth of Child-Plot-Armour?

I can sterilize her... Or Reed. The safest would be to sterilize her. But sterility can be cured easily.

Hm. Maybe I should become the Mini-God's father.

Honestly, the thought intrigues me... I'm already OP. Practically I'm the ADM of the metas. Franklin will likely be born buffed as hell.

Wait... Stop that. Don't go into this rabbit hole, Hector. The Fantastic Foursome has too much drama already.

Honestly, I'm torn between trying to stop Franklin's birth and letting him be born just so I can copy his powers. Well, I can always visit another universe where a Franklin already exists, without needing an Omega-level Reality-warper to be born here.

The risk is he'll sneeze and erase me from existence as I try to copy his powers. I need to get stronger steadily. More shortcuts are just too dangerous.

Well, let's save that thought and prepare for the future.

Pulling my hand off Susan's head I continue.

"Starting to think we are always right and using our powers to impose our ideas on others is a dangerous path, Ms. Storm." I say. That's how most of the disasters in Marvel happened.

Maybe she's being influenced by Reed.

"Sorry to startle you... But I want you to understand that. I want EVERYONE to understand that." I say looking around.

I hope that my speech becomes a seed in these people's minds and prevents something bad in the future.

If one of these guys, before making a stupid mistake, stops and thinks twice, this little speech of mine will have been worth it.

I gained some morale and respect today with my actions. I can try to influence them.

Susan nods. Others too, especially the more 'normal' like Hawkeye and Black Widow. Normal people are the most concerned about the actions of the "supers".

"The world is in the process of change. And our actions can shape the world... For better or worse." I say as I turn my back on the heroes and walk towards the wreckage of a building.

Lifting my hand, I float the debris to reveal a pool of blood and gore... A child... Or what's left of her.

I noticed the smell very early.

It is different to see the consequences of disasters in person. The Avengers moved is PG-13 after all.

I notice everyone's face darkening.

Until recently they were still celebrating the victory. Is a good "wake up to reality" moment for them.

To me too...

Fuck it. I won't hold back now. Let's show some abilities.

Show that meta-powers can be used for good.

Let's shock the world.

"There's no time to shawarma right now." I say as I pull my mantle out of my inventory and cover myself again. Letting only my head exposed "For those who are very injured or tired, go recover for now. The rescue efforts took a while. Maybe days." I say and hold out my hands.

But something interrupts me. My senses alert me that something is coming. Fast, powerful and mysterious... but not dangerous?

I turn my head in the direction of whatever is coming, my movement is noticed by everyone and the more experienced ones realize the strangeness and quickly put themselves on alert.

Then a multi-colored beam of light hit the ground.

"The Bifrost?" I say.

"Bifrost..." Thor spoke at the same time as me.

A little late for reinforcements, I would say.

The beam of light continues for a few seconds until it reveals the figures it transport here. Five people.

Four men and one Woman.

The Woman and the easiest to recognize can only be Lady Sif. She is a beautiful Woman with black long hair and blue eyes, clad in armor and with a sword and shield on her back.

Lady Sif, huh... I allow myself to look at her for a few seconds longer. Everyone has a childhood fictional crush. One of my "cartoon crushes" is Shego, who made me and an entire generation have the hots for goth girls. But... Shego is not my biggest fictional crush.

My biggest and first fictional crush from my childhood was... Xena, The Princess Warrior.

That character pretty much defined my initial favorite type of woman. Black and long hair with blue eyes. And the fact that I like Amazon Strong women... I blame Xena, Wonder Woman, and the Snu-snu episode of Futurama.

Now I'm seeing a real-life woman warrior. I can't help but admire little

Well, shifting my focus before my stare turns creepy, I look at the other newcomers. Three of them must be the Warriors Three: Volstagg, Fandral and Hogun. They are closer to each other.

The biggest and most "viking" of them must be Volstagg, He looks like a real-life Obelisk. Big, with a huge belly and a big red beard.

Fandral is blonde with a very cool goatee.

Hogun looks like a Mongolian, with Asian features and very fierce.

The other male in the group is a little far away and in front of everyone. Hence, I deduce that he must have a higher status than the others. Heimdall? No, he is not black... But Heimdall in the comics is not black either. But this man here doesn't have "eyes full of wisdom" or something.

I can't relate him to anyone...

But I don't have to think long before Thor gives me the answer.

"Balder!! My brother!!" Thor says as he steps forward to give the other man a bear hug.

"Thor... I missed you." The Other guy responds by smiling calmly and reciprocating the hug.

Balder... Fuck. Is everyone really here in this universe? I had already forgotten that Odin has a lot of sons... I need to check out the mythology books. And I need a Kratos card.

And a Doom Slayer card...

And a Dante card too. And a Vergil if possible.

God killers, devil slayers, demon hunters. I need all possible Slayers/Killers card.

Siegfried from FATE is a Dragon Slayer, right?

Anyway, this universe has too many characters.

After realizing that the newcomers are allies, everyone relaxed.

Thor gives a hug to all his acquaintances. Looks like he hasn't seen them in a long time. After catching up a little he turns to us to make the presentations.

"Everyone, these are my friends and Family. My brother Balder, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three: Volstagg, Fandral and Hogun. We know each Other for centuries, Fighting in many battles and embarking on many adventures." Thor talks excitedly introducing the Asgardians, or maybe not... Maybe some of them are from others from the Nine Realms.

"And these here are my companions who bravely fought this invasion." Thor says before starting to introduce the other heroes.

The fact that Thor knows everyone reveals that they had met before the invasion, like in the movie. And I didn't know a thing.

Tch. I still don't have a network intelligence to spy on S.H.I.E.L.D., and the fact they're meeting secretly to deal with Loki backfires because I didn't know until the time of the invasion.

No moment to introduce my group Thor stumbles.

"These are... Er. Hmm…" he starts.

But before it gets awkward Huntress steps in and introduces my people.

"Huntress, Lady Jade, Gigantomachia and Mikhail" She says gesturing to each one.

Mikhail nods, Gigantomachia just looks vigilantly at the Asgardians and Shego sideglances before her attention focuses on her fingernails.

I think her gaze lingered a little longer on Lady Sif... Is it because of me? Or I'm overthinking? My gaze lingered only a couple of seconds longer on the warrior woman than the rest. Damn, I glared more at Balder because I didn't recognize him.

Did Shego notice that I had "stray" thoughts for Sif? Is this some innate women's superpower? Scary.

Anyway, Thor turns to me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"This one is Eidolon, he helped me get rid of Amora's mind control." Thor speaks smiling.

I nod. "A pleasure."

"Amora managed to bewitch you?" Sif's eyes narrow dangerously.

"She uses foul methods, but she is all in the past now." Thor speaks. "But brother, to Loki bring all these problems... What is the situation in Asgard?" Thor asks.

Apparently, he's been here in Midgard for a while. No wonder he was wearing his Donald Blake persona at my parents' funeral.

"Yeah, you know… Thank you for coming. But it's a little late... No offense." Stark speaks. He took off a lot of his armor because so much of it has short-circuited and it's hard to move with that if JARVIS doesn't help.

Black Widow swats Tony's head because he was being rude. Even though he said what everyone else is thinking.

"It doesn't matter, as long as they get Loki, Amora, and all the Frost Giants off our hands, it'll be enough help." I say and notice that everyone agrees.

"I'm sorry. It's not that we didn't want to help. But we were delayed because of Loki." Balder speaks regretfully.

"Loki sent Jörmungandr to poison the roots of Yggdrasil, the Bifrost was inoperative for a long time. It is actually still badly damaged at the moment." Lady Sif speaks.

"We were only able to come with the help of the All-father's powers." Fandral talks twirling his mustache.

"We came first as a vanguard, an army of Einherjar was already being prepared," Volstagg speaks.

"But it looks like it won't be necessary. So let's just take the criminals back." Hogun complete.

"They will receive justice in Asgard. And we also came to bring you back from exile, brother." Balder speaks with a smile.

Yeah, the personality of everyone is as I expected.

And I don't have too much knowledge of Balder because I've never seen any media about him. But terms like "Balder, The Bold", "Balder, The Brave" or "Balder, The Good" cross my mind. And he gives that impression of being an honorable Knight.

If Loki is sly and Thor boisterous, Balder would be the most serious and responsible of the siblings.

"Yggdrasil? Like the tree? What this have to do with your guys coming here?" Tony asks

"The Tree of Life roots are what connects all realms together." Thor explains likes is enough. Must be common sense to him.

"But how?" Reed pergunta

"Like the roots expand across the universe or something?" Susan asks.

I decide to explain to the muggles.

"Imagine the Yggdrasil like a cosmic nimbus that connects all Nine Realms. It overlaps all realms, allowing you to travel between worlds without the need of space travel. The Bifrost is the rainbow bridge that uses this power of Yggdrasil to teleport people between the Nine Realms... If I'm not mistaken the Bifrost was created in the time of Bor, Thor's grandfather and it was what allowed Odin to finally unify the Nine Realms." I explain

I notice the silence and see everyone looking at me shocked


"Do you know a lot about our history, Eidolon?" Thor laughs

"I read in a book." A comic book.

"How do you know about all these mysteries?" Black Widow asks.

"...Because I'm Eidolon."

"Hm~Mysterious men are sexy" She says flirtingly

Meanwhile, Fandral and Volstagg head towards the fallen Loki who still has my sword pinning him to the ground and Lady Sif heads towards the unconscious Amora.

They're holding some special kind of handcuffs and gags.

Already foreseeing the problem I head towards Loki.

And as expected, when Fandral reaches for the sword to pull it out the thorns in the handle lashes out like a whip. He retracts his hand quickly but is still hit.

"Ow. That hurts a lot." He looks surprised.

"Sorry, it can't be used by anyone." I say and take the sword quietly.

"Like Mjolnir?" Volstagg asks interested.

"Something like that." I say as I make the sword go back to "sword of Thorns" mode. Looking like a normal longsword.

"Thorns in the handle?" Fandral asks with a raised eyebrow. Yeah, the design of this sword is really strange.

"As I said, not everyone can use it." I answer. I remember Guts also can't quite hold Sword of Thorns in the Berserk manga.

Thanks to the Gacha, the items I have gained cannot be used by others unless I allow them to. I can even choose the form of "rejection". I tested it with Isabella's help.

I can make the item so heavy that only I can lift it. Became literally intangible like an illusion to everyone else but me. And if it's reasonable enough, make the item attack whoever tries to use it. Like with the sword.

I tested it with Alucard's Jackal pistol and managed to make the pistol become jammed and unfireable.

"Oh~ Interesting... What is the name of your weapon, my friend?" Fandral asks.

"Usually like this you can call it 'Sword of Thorns', but like this..." I say morphing the sword in it eldritch form "You can call 'Sword of Actuation' or 'Astral Tear'." I say making small talk.

(Fun fact: The Sword of Actuation is not the true name of the sword. The name does not translate very well to English. The name in Japanese is "Yobimizu no Tsurugi" which would literally be "A sword to prime a water pump". The name of Beheliths, the things the sword is made of is in Japanese "Ikai E No Yobimizu".

The "Behelith Sword" would then be the most "exact" translation. Because of the word "Yobimizu"

Why did Hector call it "Astral Tear"?

Yobimizu is related to water, the beheliths look like droplets of water. Or tears. "A sword to TEAR the astral". It would be the best translation of the sword.

This is my interpretation of what the best sword name should look like. I think "Astral Tear" would be a good translation for the sword's name.)

"Ohoho. I've never seen a weapon like that." Volstagg comments as he pulls Loki to his feet very brusquely.

"Take that thing away from me!" Loki practically snarls.

"Are you afraid, Loki?" Fandral asks mockingly.

Knowing there's no need to keep it a secret, since Loki is probably going to talk any way I say.

"Is because this sword is very good against magic."

"Now, that's interesting. This is rare. How did you get it?" Fandral asks

"I made myself, had chance encounters to find some rare materials." I lie, I can't say I won on Gacha. And saying that I found the materials by luck, prevents me from being asked to replicate the sword.

"Oh. Did you make it? That's incredible. "Fandral comments as he holds Loki with the handcuffs and gag.

Making a twirling movement with my wrist, I make the sword disappear in my inventory like a magic trick.

I notice Lady Sif, pulling Amora up. Less gentle than even the guys with Loki.

"Well, well... Even you have a day like that huh, Amora?" Sif lifts Amora and wastes no time in gagging her her.

Oh. Is there any bad blood between them? I think they both like Thor, right? Who would have thought that Jane would be the victor? Well, for a little while at least. They will break up, I think.

I think on most timelines Thor marrys Sif.

"By Odin's beard. What happened to Amora?" Balder looks shocked by Amora's bruised appearance.

"Balder has a thing for Amora." Fandral whispers to me.

Oh. What a weird love triangle. Seriously, Marvel has too many problems with relationships. I still blame the writers for wanting to please everyone's ships.

I remember Jane!Thor once got involved with Sam Wilson. Thor kisses Betty, the girlfriend of Hulk, but when she was in her Red She-hulk form.

It's no wonder I'm so reluctant to start a relationship with Marvel woman.

"It's me." I say moving forward. I already foresee some friction so it's better that I take all responsibility. "I beat her to see if I could break her spell. It didn't work, but she deserved it worse." I say evenly

"Is it really necessary to be so rough with her?" Balder asks turning to me.

"Yes. But I still pulled my punches, it would look a lot worse if I went all out." I say

"If you're so much stronger than her, you could have subdued her without hurting her too much." Balder argues.

"Hmm... No. I have no time or disposition to care about her. I just want to take her down the fastest way possible." I say

"You have no shame in doing THIS.?" He states pointing to the sorry state of Amora "To a Woman?"

Oh~ He is one of these. He's not just a Knight... He is a full-fledged "White Knight".

"Not even a little. I am an advocate of true gender equality. I will not hesitate to dropkick a Woman's chest if she deserves it." I quote the Great Kazuma.

Seeing him getting mildly furious with me, I resolve to tease him some more. Seriously, this guy is worried about a woman that just brainwashed his brother...

"Oh~ I see. You are one of these..." I say in sudden realization

"One of these?"

"A Simp." I say.

"Simp?" he asks and I see the rest are confused too. Ah, the simp term hasn't been popularized yet? So I will introduce it today. I'm very proud of myself now.

"A Simp... Coming from the word 'Simpleton' is a term I use for a person who is desperate for the attention and affection of someone else. Doing everything, defending, giving gifts and money, and even humiliating himself to have his one-sided feelings accepted." I explain.

"Usually the simp is a man. I'm sure all the beautiful women here must have found a simp in their lives." I say looking around. I see some nods.

"The worst is when the woman has ill-intent. She can use the simp, never intending to have any relationship with him but keeping him close enough to have a convenient tool."

I continue. "Seeing your straightforward personality and Amora's rotten one... Let me guess some things..."

"You must have chased her, right?"


"But she has an obsession with Thor. But since Thor wants nothing to do with her, you think you have a chance, right?"


"Because she never said 'no' to you directly."


"She must have made one or two serious mistakes in the past, that you put yourself on the line to defend her, right?"


"She was probably grateful for a day or two before she went back to her usual cold self to you."


"She only comes to you to ask for something and never gives anything, right?"


"You never got not even a kiss from her, right?"


"And the worst thing is, I don't want to be right... You're not going to tell me that you keep yourself 'chaste' in fidelity to her, right? Even when she sleeps around..." I say.

And I hear Volstagg laugh out loud before he control himself because Fandral elbows him in the stomach.

I can see Sif and Thor hiding their faces and holding back their laughter. Even Loki is looking in amusement. It seems that Balder's pursuit of Amora is a hot topic in Asgard. I can imagine everyone advising him to give up, but him being too stubborn to see the truth.

"Accept, my friend. You're a Simp." I say making his face redden in shame and fury "One often gets angry When someone guesses their thought right." I finish.

Then it happens...

Very quickly Balder reaches for the sword at his waist, but I'm faster.

Before he can draw his sword I'm already in front of him. Two fingers pressed the pommel of his sword back into the scabbard. The only indicator I've moved is my mantle which is slowly falling down to readjust itself to my body.

We were in a stand-off for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry, Balder. But is the truth. Do you have any idea how stupid it is to see you defending the woman who was an accomplice in the death of thousands of people and who brainwashed your brother?" I say.

Only he and I know he's still trying to pull the sword out of its scabbard, but I don't bulge.

Hm.. He is Much weaker than I expected. Thor is really special, huh?

"Why are you taking her side? Because she is a Woman? Because she is beautiful? If you look closely you'll see that she doesn't have any redeeming qualities other than her looks." I say looking him in the eye.

"These things are worthless in my eyes and it should be in yours too. I won't apologize and I won't take back what I said. I believe a punch in the face, keeps a bitch in her place."

"If you still want to play blind and think I've damaged her honor or whatever…" I start calmly before getting serious.

"I have no problem in accompanying you in a little spar..." I exert pressure, the skies darken, and cracks spread on the floor of my feet.

"Thor... Loki... And now you. I have no problem in beating you and completing the whole set of Odin's sons today."

He and I continued to stare at each other.

The situation is tense. The heroes from Earth don't quite know what to do.

Gigantomachia has now become ready and started to grow slowly. Shego and Helena are already in a ready-to-fight stance and Mikhail has uncrossed his arms and is ready too.

It's good that they act this way. For a group or organization, it doesn't matter how much internal strife there is. Against an outsider, we should always show a united front.

I didn't even have to say it, and they already understand. Very good.

Honestly, I don't want things to go out of control. But he came looking for trouble with me first. I won't let anyone admonish me.

As expected, the only person that can stop this fight (beating) steps forward.

Thor puts a hand on my shoulder but turns to Balder.

"Brother, stop that. You know that Eidolon is right. Me, father, mother and everyone that truly loves you already advised you about your situation with Amora." Thor speaks with a sigh. Looks like this is really old gossip.

"If you want to blame someone, blame me. I was the one who got caught in Amora Spell and forced Eidolon to act. He was just trying to help me." Thor speaks.



"Alright. I will let it slide this time." Balder says stepping back.

I almost scoff. Prideful till the end, huh?

Shego is the one that scoffs out loudly, not caring about the situation.

"Since we're over this issue, I'm going to focus on something more important. Saving people. Excuse me." I say before turning my back on Balder.

I look around the city, the destruction, and death.

With my empathic powers, I feel fear and despair.

Like I said before being interrupted by Bifrost "Fuck it, I'm going all out"

I focus and let my awareness spread all over New York.

My arms come out through the two gaps in my mantle as I raise them to the air.

The city trembles a little.

Palms turned to the sky, I act.

Debris begins to slowly levitate. Small at first, then bigger... And bigger... And bigger...

Until entires buildings that had fallen begin to float in the sky. Chitauri remains have the same fate.

"Holy fuck..." I hear someone says.

If anyone looks at the sky, it will look like there's another city above us.

I removed all rubble and obstructions from the road, to facilitate the movement of rescue teams. I was careful not to lift anyone alive.

I have good control.

So I use other powers.

Under my mantle, mouths open on different parts of my body like chest, back, shoulder...

From these mouths, black ectoplasm comes out, forming more than twenty clones of mine.

Identical, except they don't have my mantle.

Ectoplasm clones are better than Twice clones because they are tougher and I have a degree of control over them. But they can still act independently.

"You guys know what to do." I say, causing my clones to nod their heads before moving so fast they look like they've teleported.

By telepathically connecting with them, I can see everything they do. It's a nuisance... I think it's because is unnatural for humans to make a hive mind.

I start to levitate and sit in the air in a meditative pose with crossed legs.

"Captain… get in touch with the experts and ask where I can deposit most of the debris." I say

"Alright... How long can you hold on?" he asks a little worried.

"Perpetually…" I reply simply.

He looks at me for a while and nods his head before contacting someone.

"...Open portals in the sky." I say

Isabella receives my command.

Big portals made of black mist appear nearby. Each 5m x 5m.

I focus a little and start separating the chitauri from the leftover debris. Chitauri weapons, corpses, and vehicles start moving to portals like a river in the air.

Hmpf. Like I'm going to let this technology lying around to anyone catch it. I mean, they must have already taken it. These people of Marvel act incredibly fast when it comes to recovering DNA or alien technology.

It's inevitable that some unsavory groups already have chitauri weaponry in their hands now, but I can at least prevent any thug from having an alien energy weapon in their hands to steal a grandma at night.

If I'm not mistaken, this technology is what drives many villains in the MCU.

Closing my eyes, I connect with all my clones to manage the situation.

With my powers, I can save a lot f lives.

Let's show the world the potential for good that the metas have.


Hawkeye P.O.V.

"Holy fuck…" Someone says. Probably me.

These last few days have been full of surprises.

Gods descended upon Earth, and attacked a research facility. Controlled my mind and Selvig's.

Aliens, Gods, Magic, and portals. All happened in these last few days and mixed up like a bad movie plot.

I need a raise.

And a vacation. Spending a good time with Laura and my child.

Watching Eidolon lift tones and tones of debris in the sky makes me realize the world has changed.

I didn't think much about it while I was on top of a building knocking down chitauri after chitauri, but... Damn...

I'm good agent. One of the best if I can speak in my humble opinion.

But a guy can't help but feel inadequate around these others...

I thought Captain was already unreachable enough.

Reed and Stark are super genius.

The Hulk isn't exactly new. But the Hulk, I don't know... Maybe because he can be outsmarted, I always thought maybe he could be contained.

Consoling myself with the fact that the Hulk had a weakness or a limitation.

But Thor and Eidolon... Haha... No chance.

Not even a million of me can go head-to-head with them.

It scares me a little... But not that much. Because they seem to be good people.

I mean, they fought with us. And they look nice.

But there is a certain invisible pressure when you are face-to-face with an existence that is superior to you in every way.

When I finally arrived to meet everyone I got a good look at the two of them. After all, it's impossible for me to follow how the fight went.

Thor had cuts all over his body and looked in bad shape. But he was talking and laughing like he was full of energy and hadn't been fighting a battle that nearly destroyed New York.

Eidolon was spotless. With the exception of his missing arm... But he also seemed to care little for that either.

Then it was revealed to me why.

Because losing an arm is as insignificant to him as being scratched is to me. Maybe even less...

And I can't help but agree with what he said to Ms. Storm.

The world has already changed, and now there are people with personal power enough to change the rules as they see fit.

It's a scary prospect.

Right now, there truly people who can go to nation leaders or whatever and say "Change that", "No, you can't do it". As a normal human, obviously, I fear for myself, and especially for my Family.


Third Person P.O.V.

The city is a wreck.

The difference is big from what was shown in the movies. Not only are buildings and cars destroyed. Body parts, blood, people screaming, and in shock are common sights.

The biggest points of destruction were the center, where the Stark Tower is located. The north where the portal to Jotunheim was opened. And Hell's Kitchen, a peripheral part of the city.

Eidolon floats in a meditation pose several feet above the ground. Cleaning roads and removing buildings at risk of collapse from the ground.

The more than twenty clones spread out and begin to do their jobs.

In a certain part of the city, a group of people seems helpless. They are crouched on the ground trying to communicate with someone who has been buried. A store is destroyed above them.

"It's okay! Help will come! Hold on!" A man screams into a crack in the wreckage. Crying and shouts for help are heard in response.

As this man tries to look around for any help, something moves very fast and sinks to the ground.

"Wha-!" Before anything else can be said.

Eidolon clone emerges phasing through the ground, holding a woman and two children in his arms.

Slowly levitating, he goes to an open space and places the three people on the ground.

People around look in awe.

Eidolon kneels and examines the wounded.

The children seem fine, but they must have inhaled a lot of dust, he analyzes. The woman has her right ankle totally crushed.

Narrowing his eyes Eidolon makes a decision and allows the clone to act. Reaching out with his hand enveloped on a golden glow, Eidolon uses [Rewind] to "heal" the woman's leg.

People around gasp in surprise.

The woman who was in pain sits and looks fascinated at her leg.

"Thank you... Thank you, vey Much..." She starts crying and hugs the two children, who also cry in her embrace.

Eidolon nods and gets up slowly. "Do not worry. The worst has ended. Everything is gonna be alright... I'm here now." He smiles and with this cheesy line, he takes flight to another part of town.

Eidolon decided to use [Rewind] as a cure. With some limitations. Only treating some serious wounds and doesn't restoring lost limbs.

Eidolon has some powers to heal. But the two most effective are [Rewind] and [Overhaul].

But he can't use [Overhaul], is too much gruesome. Destroying someone to repair them afterward is not good for his PR.

So he decided to use [Rewind} carefully.

Even if Eidolon is revealing his powers. He's still downplaying them a little. And he also still has other Trump cards.

And most importantly... Hector gets stronger every month. In a little over a week, he will pull another Gacha and get stronger. So it's not a huge disaster to reveal that he can make clones or other Medium-level powers.


Back to the group.

"Are you gonna help too?" Shego asks Helena.

"Yeah. And you?"

"I'm already here... Let's see this till the end." Shego responds and turns around.

"Machia help me here." She says attracting the giant's attention. "Look, let's go heroing. Let's share our work." She speaks as Machia brings a palm to the ground and helps Shego climb onto his shoulder.

"A hero helps people and looks good doing it. Obviously, we know who is better at doing what. You help, and I look good, capisce?" She says as she goes guided Machia to remove save some buried people.

Helena also moves. She's not the most qualified for a rescue, but she can help a little.

Mikhail also disappears by teleporting. He intends to carry people to help zones and hospitals.


With Captain America

"Metahuman?" Captain America asks while guiding some civilians to a safe zone. An Eidolon clone is carefully moving small debris away and restoring the road with its powers.

"Yes. Meta for short... Basically I'm a mutant. But I find the term very defamatory. And 'Homo superior' is too arrogant." Clone Eidolon responds as he heals some children. Pieces of metal had stuck into their backs, they would probably be paraplegic if Eidolon didn't use [Rewind].

"In my day, I never saw many mutants... Metas." Steve corrects himself. "But I remember one guy… He was fierce on the battlefield, almost crazy and fearless. One day he was hit by a grenade. But when I went to see him he was unharmed... After that he disappeared. I think he should be a meta."

Eidolon looks at Steve "I see... A small, hairy man with sideburns?"

Steve's eyes widen "Yes, do you know him?" he asks surprised.

"As expected… Yeah, I know him. He is alive to this day. Very young even. I won't reveal his whereabouts... Sorry. But he has the power to regenerate, he must have run away because he raised suspicions." Eidolon speaks.

"So he won't be captured by the government and experimented on…" Eidolon mutters.

Steve looks on in horror.

"...you'd be surprised, Cap."

Steve sighs. He understands... He is a smart man. The experiments with the dodecahedron, the nuke... The government is by far perfect. He's a little disappointed if he were, to tell the truth.

"I thought I would be the last..." Steve says referring to the attempt to create super-soldiers. He understands that the success of his experiment must have caused a armamentist race for super-soldiers all over the world for all these decades... and the number of people who died was not few.

"Don't feel bad. None of this is your fault." Eidolon consoles and raises his hand.

He uses his powers to cleanse his cap of the blood and heal him.

"We are only responsible for our own actions. Let's do some good." Eidolon speaks.

Captain America smiles before nodding and moving to another street.

Eidolon flies and stays in the air for a while.

He lifts his hand and looks at the blood floating in his palm.

Captain America blood...

The original Super Soldier formula.

Eidolon looks at the little ball of blood with self-deprecation eyes..

"I'm sorry, Cap. But I need this... Don't worry, I will be careful and I will never clone you or anything like that." Eidolon mutters before disappearing to store the blood sample.


In the northern part of NY a similar scene takes place.

An Eidolon clone helps Thor get rid of all the ice and snow. And also prevent the water from flooding the houses.

They also gathered and controlled all of the Frost giants into a great dome of Earth that Eidolon created. The Asgardians stood guard to prevent trouble.

Eidolon also healed Thor of his internal wounds.

But he already had blood samples that he acquired during the fight.


Hell's Kitchen

Luke Cage, moves a bus that is blocking the street to the side as if it were a couch.

Broken pieces of chitauri litter the street, obviously a battle has taken place here. But only Luke Cage is standing, his clothes are practically torn apart, but his skin is unharmed.

Feeling like he's being watched Luke stops moving an electric pole and looks up. Sure enough, an Eidolon clone is floating a few feet above him watching him.

"You're that guy." Luke speaks

"Yes." Eidolon looks around "Did you do all this?" he asks as he makes a motion with his hand lifting everything that is chitauri and making it disappear into a portal in the sky.

"Yeah, they weren't all that impressive…" Luke speaks nonchalantly. But inside he still apprehensive.

Luke Cage is a guy used to being the big fish, but today he saw glimpses of a fight in the sky that left even him intimidated.

"Tha fight in the sky..." he starts.

"It was me against Thor. He was mind controlled..." Eidolon speaks.

"I see..."

"You must be careful, Mr. Cage." Eidolon warns

"Why?" Luke Cage asks intrigued

"As you have seen, the world has a depth that no one expected. There is a spy organization monitoring the world. And there are other organizations that are not very well-intentioned. You acting like that in the open, displaying your powers... Be careful." Eidolon advises.

Luke Cage understands. After all, he himself is the product of an experiment. So he knows how far some people are willing to go for their goals.

"I see, thank you."

"It was nothing." Eidolon speaks and disappears.


But Luke feels a loud attack in the back of his head. He didn't feel any pain, it was just noisy.

"What was this?" he asks as he puts his hand behind his head.

"Stay smart, Mr. Cage." He hears Eidolon's voice reverberating in space.


Original Eidolon

"Hm..." While in the air, Hector pulls a tablet out of his inventory and marks something "Minus one..."

List of Bald-heads to give a slap




-Luke Cage


-The Watcher


-Living Tribunal(?)



-Ancient One

-The Thing

-Silver Surfer


- Click to Show Others [...]

"A long way to go..." Eidolon mutters before looking at another list.

Snu-snu list


-Jane Thor (No NTR)

-Lady Sif


-Red Sonja

-Jessica Jones? True question: If I'm Much stronger is still Snu-snu? Or only muscly women?



-Ms.Marvel (Captain Marvel) (if she's not a bitch) (possible hatefuck)

- Click to Show Others [...]

"I think this is just a weeb's dream..." Hector sighs sadly. "Let's leave it to fate..."


Rescue efforts continue for a few more hours.

Thanks to Eidolon, the process was greatly streamlined. What should take days can be completed in 24 hours.

Eidolon clones are always on the move. Taking people to hospitals, opening paths, curing people.

With all his powers, it's just too easy to locate people and save them.

It can be estimated that the death toll would be at least 10 times worst if Eidolon didn't help. That's just what he's doing now in rescue.

No one knows how many lives he's saved since he started acting today.

Defeating the chitauri, or stopping Thor and Loki.

"There is a open space, here, here and here. It would help if you deposit…all of this there." The fire brigade commander speaks pointing to the debris in the sky. He's talking to an Eidolon clone.

"No problem. The original body will separate debris from the possessions of the civilians... so that people can recover their belongings. He will put it here, here and here." Eidolon talks by pointing at various parts of the map.

"In each place like this, he will place what he has managed to recover from the nearby houses. Neighborhood people can easily find their stuff that way." Eidolon speaks. He wants to protect people's property too so they don't lose everything. "I would like you to notify everyone to go look for what is theirs."

The commander looks to Eidolon for a little before nod. "Good, good. It will lessen people's problems a little bit." He says.

Many people lost a lot. Perhaps they are now in poverty. In just a few hours an unlucky person can have everything destroyed. Eidolon removed and organized as best he could even the smallest of people's belongings.

"Can you make the debris float higher? To facilitate the movement of helicopters." the commander asks.

"No problem."

Saying goodbye to the commander, the Eidolon clone prepares to move to another part of the city when he notices someone approaching him.

Military clothes. Slightly familiar. Someone important. Hector guesses right when he sees the newcomer's last name on the uniform.

"General Thaddeus Ross..." Eidolon speaks to the man who is only a few steps away from him. He is accompanied by other soldiers.

This is the guy who constantly chases the Hulk. Father of Betty Ross, the main love interest of Bruce Banner.

"Do you know me?" General Ross asks gruffly.

"I know the things you've done... Like that fiasco with Emil Bronsky. Or as he is called these days: The Abominable." Eidolon speaks making the General's face darken.

"Wonder in what hidden lab he's suffering in right now..." Eidolon begins lightly as if he's talking about the weather.

"Enough!" Ross snarls. "I have orders to secure all alien-related objects. Give it back everything you stole and follow me to answer some questions." The general orders.

...Is this guy for real? Is he really delusional like that?

"...I refuse." Eidolon speaks simply

"What do you mean 'refuse'? You have no choice..."

"I don't answer to you and you can't make me accompany you."

"Are you going to disobey direct orders from the government and military?" General Ross asks gravely.

I walk towards him, invading his personal space. "Yes, I will. And what are you going to do about it, huh?" I look in his eyes from him. To his credit he doesn't flinch, it seems that facing the Hulk for years turned his ball into one of steel.

Soldiers on the other hand are not so brave. They almost embarrassingly point their rifles at me and even shake a little.

"You're making an Enemy of America." The General speaks looking at me.

"No, I'm not. You guys are making an enemy of me. And I have to say it's a bad move."


"…but okay, I will at least stop from taking further things.… I'm taking out alien tech so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. But if you think you can do a better job... Be my guest." Eidolon waves his hand and the black mist portals in the sky close.

All alien tech starts to fall to the ground.

"Help yourself, but it will be your responsibility if we see any criminals using a chitauri gun." Eidolon speaks.

Ross grimaces. It's impossible that some alien tech hasn't fallen into the wrong hands already, Eidolon is just putting all future blame on Ross.

Ross turns, without sparing a glance at Eidolon. "You'll regret not cooperating." He says before walking away.

"Huhu…" Eidolon just watched his retreating back.

Then he looks at a corner of the street. Where a small camera was recording his talk with the General.


Near queens

One of Eidolon's clones had the job of checking on the people important to Hector and making sure everyone was okay.

The number of important people is low. The clone basically went to check out Christine Palmer. Then he went to check out Peter's Family and the other classmates.

While making his rounds, this clone saw something that made him stop.

At the moment, the clone and even the original Eidolon are in a daze.

Eidolon sighs before bending down to retrieve the corpse.

The dead person he discovered is the hobo guy.

The one he tested D4C, who vented about life and gave advice not to regret the things he never did.

Hector doesn't know the guy well. He doesn't even know his name. But seeing someone you talked to a few days ago dead affects anyone.

Remember human frailty.

The hobo guy died from having the side of his stomach hit by some object at high speed. Probably a rock.

Closing the guy's eyes and cleaning his corpse, Eidolon allows himself a little prayer.

"I hope you didn't have too many regrets..."

Standing up, Eidolon resolves to double his efforts. The clones start moving like on steroids.

Hector recalls something Shimura Nana told him. " More than being hurt by villains, seeing someone dying in being unable to save them... That pain in a hundred times worse."

Hector is not a naive person, he knows it's impossible to save everyone and trying would only make himself miserable. But knowing and experiencing for yourself is different.

Hector wants no regrets. So even if he can't save everyone, he wants to at least, in the future, be able to look back and think he did his best.


The rescue, with Eidolon's efforts, progressed smoothly.

It is expected that everything will be over in a few hours. The problem would be the reconstruction of the city and the large number of people without homes.

But this is not a problem that can be solved in a few days.

An Eidolon clone is currently holding the Dodecahedron.

Hector would be lying if he said he doesn't want to keep the Space Stone. But Thor needs the Infinity Stone to go back and take all the Frost Giants.

And it will be much better if the stone is in Asgard.

'Let's use Asgard and Odin as the first layer of defense from Thanos.' Hector thinks.

The initial plan for the "Battle of New York" for Hector would be for him to deliver the Space Stone to Thor and keep the Mind Stone in Loki's Scepter.

So he would have a good gain and keep the stones separate. And the scepter away from Hydra, if the situation is the same in this reality as in the movies, where Hydra took over S.H.I.E.L.D..

But things are different. There's no Loki's Scepter or Mind Stone. There's Amora and the Warlock's Eye. By the way, Hector will not return the Warlock Eye. No one asked for it back, and he'd rather have the artifact that can brainwash even Thor in his inventory.

"This decision is not yours to make." An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. that maybe it's a Hydra speaks.

Reed was handing the Dodecahedron to "safe hands" when Eidolon's clone, faster than anyone could react intrudes and grabs the Dodecahedron.

"I and we all know the consequences if this thing gets into your hands. If you don't know, just look around." Eidolon speaks

"And you want to yourself?"

"No… Thor asked me to retrieve this thing. We will all be safer with it away from here." Eidolon speaks.

Even Captain America agrees.

Steve saw firsthand that S.H.I.E.L.D was producing weapons with the Dodecahedron.

"The World Council will not allow it." The agent speaks.

"The World Council has no power here." Eidolon speaks before simply disappearing. Talking with this guy is useless.



"He has take the Dodecahedron." Someone in a screen showing the World Security Council

"I know." Fury says simply.

"We have plans for that thing, Director!" Another councilman says.

"And what do you want me to do?" Fury asks.

"Our authority can't be challenged." Another councilman says.

"And again… What do you want me to do??" Fury opens his Arms "Fight the God who took the Dodecahedron? Or maybe the mutant who can fight the so-called God?" Fury holds back a sigh. These talks are always a bother to him.

Natasha, Clint, and Maria Hill are nearby watching the exchange.

"And are we just going to watch them make these decisions arbitrarily?"

Before Fury can respond, someone else responds.

"But our decision is the right one."

! Everyone turns to the newcomer.

Eidolon, the original because he's wearing the mantle, is sitting at the same table as Clint and Natasha. No one has seen him arrive and he is nonchalantly stroking a cat that is sitting on his lap.

The cat is obviously Cathulhu, but Hector put an illusion on him to make his fur turn black and less fluffy. He looks like a cliché witch cat.

When everyone noticed Eidolon's arrival, everyone stood up in alert and pointed their weapon at him. But he just sits there and is unconcerned.

"The Dodecahedron is much more powerful than you can imagine. And Loki didn't use it carefully... The energy signature of the Dodecahedron is very... unique. Power-hungry aliens can detect it and come to Earth to cause trouble. Better give it to Thor so he can take it to Asgard. We have no structure to support so many alien invasions." Eidolon explains his reasoning.

"How did you find us?" Fury asks

"Because I'm Eidolon." He says "And because Black Widow is good... But I'm better." After Eidolon says this he raises his hand and retrieves the trackers he's placed on Natasha Romanoff.

"What? Two can play this game..." He tells the Black Widow who looks equal parts outraged and amused.

"And can you guys stop pointing those guns at me?" Eidolon speaks but no one lowers their weapons. Must be protocol.

Eidolon sighs before disappearing.

Moving faster than the agents can see, Eidolon appears in another corner of the table. All their weapons are now on the table neatly organized.

As everyone expresses surprise at being disarmed, Eidolon speaks up. "I noticed you have hidden weapons..." He says to Natasha. "But I didn't think it was appropriate to reach for them..." She has weapons in certain special places.

Natasha only smiles and raises an eyebrow to white-haired hero.

Eidolon picks up one of the pistols on the table and points it at his own temple.


He fires, but the bullets don't even come close to hurting him. The bullets all fall on the ground flat.

"See…Useless. Now that we're on the same page. Let me introduce you to my pet..." At that moment Eidolon looks curiously at Fury. "...He is a Flerken."

The moment he says that Eidolon sees Fury's eye widen. He mentally smiles, having confirmed one more thing.

"You bring a fucking Flecker to my helicarrier?" Fury almost shouts. Everyone looks curiously at Fury's overreaction.

"Oh~ So you've actually had a certain encounter with a Flerken... I thought it was baseless rumours." Eidolon speaks nonchalantly.

"What's so special about this Flerken? He is just a cat." Hawkeye talks while going to caress Cathulhu.

Cathulhu looks at him with an indescribable look.

"Barton do not approach this thing!" fury screams

So Cathulhu acts. Opening its mouth, tentacles expand and grab the giant table and bring it to his stomach.



"He doesn't like to call a thing." Eidolon explains. "Be a good boy and return their table, okay?"

"...Meowth" Begrudgingly Cathulhu spits the table. Surprisingly the table is still whole, with no damage or deformation. But it's covered in saliva.

The table bounces a little before stopping.

Cathulhu didn't devour Clint only because of Hector's orders to "Do not devour humans unless I allow it". But Cathulhu had to defend his dignity somehow.

"What is that thin-cat?" Natasha asks correcting herself in the middle.

"Like I said is a Flerken, an alien cat. You can ignore it for now. I just brought him here to test your boss." Eidolon nonchalantly confesses.

"Now to the important things..." Eidolon turns to Fury "We finally meet, Director. You can ask your questions now." Eidolon speaks.

Nick Fury stares at him for a while.

"I only have one question: Are you going to cooperate?" Fury speaks.

"Hm... A question with many layers. Let's go in parts" Eidolon says "First, I'm not gonna join the Avengers or whatever, I have my own group. But I will always help to defend Earth. I will not be on your beck and call to burst arm dealers or terrorists, but if something like what happened today happens again, I will show up." Eidolon says.

"How do I find you?" Fury asks

"That's the neat part, you don't. I will find you." Eidolon says, and then he speaks in a softer tone. "Look, Director. I feel that we are similar. Under normal circumstances, we could be good friends. But because of our line of work..."

"We will put our guard against everyone, so we will never achieve complete trust in each other. So, let's do our own things and unite when we fight against big crisis." Eidolon says and prepares to leave.

Taking Cathulhu in his arms, he turns to leave one last message.

"And you guys... From the World Security Council... Next time you guys decide to nuke a place full of civilians..." Eidolon narrow his eyes.

"I will teleport your Family to the same place. Is easy to make a 'hard decision' when you have nothing to lose, right?" Eidolon speaks shocking everyone.

The people from the council look angry.


They start to rage and threaten.

But Eidolon only remains impassive.

"Pierce...Malick...Yen...Howley...Singh...Rockwell..." Every word spoken by Eidolon makes the room friendlier and quieter.

These are the surnames of the people who make up the Council.

"Maybe if your loved ones are in the place where you decide to do a nuclear attack, maybe you guys have learned a little more empathy." Eidolon speaks before disappearing.

The room has a tense atmosphere after Eidolon's departure.

The World Council starts shutting down one by one.

"Have the scientists already analyzed his hair?" Fury asks.

In truth, Natasha got a sample of Eidolon hair. Or she thinks she got it.

"Er... hm... They have nothing." Maria Hill says.

"What do you mean nothing?" fury asks

"The hair looks like is made from some synthetic material. There's no DNA or anything..." Maria Hill says before signaling the operator nearby.

The operative types a little and an image appears on the big screen. It a white long hair. The operative starts to zoom in and reveals there are words written on the hair.

The words are: "Still not that good"

Maria Hill continues, "Our team backed off from doing any procedure after seeing these words."

Fury looks at the image.

"Was he already expecting us to try to get a sample? How did he manage to do that?" Fury asks a little gaping

Maria Hill shows a strange expression.

Like she was holding back laughter or something.

"The answer is..." She starts "Show him." She says to the operative.

Zooming out and then zooming in to another part of the hair, the big screen show other words.

"Because I'm Eidolon."



Appearing a few hundred meters above the helicarrier, Hector looks at an object in his hand.

"With disasters come opportunities too..."

In his hand a little cube made of nanobots shifts. Eidolon stole S.H.I.E.L.D.'s information and database.

Is very easy with technology hundreds of years ahead in time. (BNHA world)

"You make it too easy, Fury... And I can't let my guard down with those Marvel people, huh?" Hector speaks

Obviously, he noticed when Black Widow tried to pull a hair out of him. But even if she had ten of more of herself, she would never be able to pull out even one strand.

Eidolon then moved quickly and put the strand of hair he had already prepared in her hand.

And how would he know that the opportunity to deceive someone who wants his DNA would arise?

Well, this is Marvel.

"My Snu-Snu objective is very hard... I can't leave fluid out there." Eidolon sighs before disappearing.


The day after the Battle of New York

Every person who could be saved has already been saved. The wounded are receiving treatment, if they still need it.

The Mayor and President are planning to rebuild the destroyed parts, while organizing support for the homeless.

In the northern part of the city, Thor and his companions from Asgard prepare to use the Dodecahedron to return. The Frost Giants are all around, the will to fight has been removed from their bodies a long time ago by Eidolon... convincing talk. Batman style.

The Avengers and Eidolon are around to say goodbye.

"Bye, Thor. Come back anytime." Stark says "Not you two" He quips pointing to Amora and Loki who are still trapped.

"Goodbye, my friends. We will see each other again." Thor nodes to everyone. "Eidolon, my friend. Next time I will bring you to Asgard. We can go visiting the Nine Realms Fighting, drinking and having fun. "Thor smiles.

"That looks nice. If it wasn't a problem…" Eidolon replies.

"It won't be a problem." Thor laughs.

"Hey! Why is only him is invited? I want a Viking adventure too. " Tony speaks with fake outrage "You know what, never mind. I prefer the modern world."

"Don't fret, my friend. All of you are invited." Thor says before getting ready to teleport.

Eidolon gives Thor the Dodecahedron.

Thor holds it in his hand and activates it.

Blue light spreads and a multicolored light comes from the skies. A suction force takes all visitors and invaders.

"Hmm. So he uses the Dodecahedron to activate Bifrost. Like a signal…" Eidolon mutters before disappearing.

He has no interest in socializing with the other heroes right now. He has a lot to do.



Thor's party enters Odin's throne room.

They're bringing prisoners Loki and Amora.

Aside from some Eihenjar guards, only Odin and Frigga are in the throne room.

Odin is an old man, even taller than Thor. Looking very bulky with his golden armor. On his shoulders sits one of his ravens. Another raven arrives soon after and sits on the other shoulder.

Only Odin and Frigga know that Odin was watching everything that happened to his children through the eyes of one of his ravens.

Odin's face is impassive.

IF Hector were here he would instantly feel he has zero chance of winning. Only escaping would be an option and even then it would be difficult.

Odin is a being on the same level as Galactus. All-father level characters are beneath only the cosmic entities in Marvel.

Frigga (Freyja) sits next to Odin. She is a beautiful Middle-aged Woman. With two long blond braids and warm blue eyes.

She is glad that her children have returned safe and sound. Although only Balder is her natural son, she still loves Loki and Thor very Much.

Everyone knows now that Loki is a Frost Giant. But what many don't know is that Thor's true mother is Gaea.

Walking to the center of the throne room Thor and the others kneel and force Loki and Amora to kneel as well.

"We're back, Father." Thor says solemnly.

Odin just nods and then speaks, not to Thor but to Loki.

"You disappoint me greatly, Loki"

"Oh~ Did I disappoint you by trying or failing, father?" Loki responds sarcastically.

"I raised you in the hope that you could be the bridge between two people." Odin speaks a little sadly.

"I only want my throne. And I tried to win it over as you did back then." Loki says.

"This is not your throne." Odin speaks gravely.

"So you raised me to believe that a lie. To believe that if I tried hard I could be the king of the Nine Realms. Butin reality, no matter what I did, nothing would ever be enough. Nothing would change the fact that I would forever be an outsider!" Loki spats.

"Loki..." Frigga says sadly. The voice of the woman who raised him since hi is a baby affects Loki a little, but he continues to speak with his eyes focused on Odin.

"If I can't receive the throne, why shouldn't I try to conquer it?"

"You shouldn't try to own what is not meant to you." Odin speaks.

"There is no problem if you don't want to give me. But you can't stop me from trying to get my birthright—" Loki begins before being interrupted by an angry Odin.

"Your birthright! Is.To.Die!!" Odin shouts. Everyone holds their breaths. Power permeates the room, weighing down on everyone. Some guards almost fall to their knees.

"You were abandoned by your own father. I didn't need to have saved you back then. No one would badmouth me if I just left you there. To die! But I didn't..." Odin says leaning forward.

"I announced to the world that you were my flesh and blood. I raised you between my natural sons. Giving you everything and a little more. Just that you could have grown a better man than me or Lawfey."

"I raise you to peace!" Odin exclaims before reclining wearily on his throne.

"What disappointment you are..." Odin sighs thinking about his adopted son's actions.

"Take him to the lowest level of the dungeons. And his little accomplice too. " Odin orders "Everyone out! Thor, you stay." He continues

All but Frigga and Thor bow and leave.

Frigga followed the guards carrying Loki, to talk to her son.

Odin gets up and goes to a balcony. Thor follows in silence.

Looking at the skies of Asgard Odin sighs.

"The truth is the truth, you can't change it. But how it is presented can change the outcome of many things." Odin finally says before turning to Thor.

"Many years ago I exiled you. Do you understand my actions now?" Odin asks.

Thor nods. "Yes, father. I was Young, brash and reckless. I feel like I'm more mature now."

"Good, good. Do you want to make the coronation ceremony soon?" Odin asks, but Thor shakes his head.

"I'm not ready."

"..." Odin looks at Thor and nods. "Good. I'm old but I can still occupy the throne until you're ready."

Odin doesn't reveal it, but internally he's happy that Thor can see his own shortcomings. In the past, Thor was always so eager to become king. Now he sees the responsibilities that come with the title.

Odin looks at Thor more deeply and flicks his fingers.

The Upper part of Thor's armor is removed from his body.

"You flicked a little too hard, father." Thor says smiling wryly.

Odin ignores Thor's talk and focuses on his torso. Right there, a huge red brilliant scar is found. The scar goes from the waist to the shoulder and doesn't look like a normal wound.

The scar emits light, more like a crack in Thor's torso.

"Your soul was damaged a little. The person who did this to you is still inexperienced." Odin speaks. It's not strange that he already knows everything that happened.

"It's not always that someone like me is mind-controlled. It is normal for him to have taken drastic measures." Thor speaks, not caring much for his injury.

"Hmm." Odin nods "Do you want to know his real identity?" Odin asks

"No… I've lived for years as a human, he must have a good reason to hide his face from him. People to protect..." Thor spoke.

Odin turns his back on Thor to hide a small smile.

Of all the bad things that happened today, he's glad to know that Thor has matured so much. Putting himself in Other people's shoes, considering everyone's feelings and motivations, and becoming more forgiving. Are all good quality for people in power.

"You are dismissed. Go take one of the Golden apples from Idunn. Will help you heal your soul, making it even stronger than before. After that, you can challenge your friend to a rematch. But before that, I will send you on a tour for the Nine Realms." Odin speaks

"Is there something you need me to do, father?" Thor asks.

"The damage in the Bifrost has made the Nine Realms distant from each other. Tensions have already risen and many old enemies have already plotted rebellions. You will travel carrying my name. Your actions will be my actions. Like I said to Loki, I created you for peace and prosperity. Show me how you calm down the Nine Realms." Odin speaks before disappearing in a beam of Golden light.

This could be one of the last tests Odin prepared for Thor.

Thor has been away from the Nine Realms for years, it's time to reacquaint himself.

But only Odin(and Hector) knows to what he is preparing Thor.



Eidolon is flying and gaining altitude.

He has already broken the sound barrier several times, but he shows no signs of stopping.

"★ Atmosphere ★, follow me." Eidolon uses the power he rarely reveals, [New Order].

Till now, no one managed to force Eidolon to use [New Order], but he is using it now.

A star-shaped space of atmosphere with miles of radius adheres to Eidolon as the center.

Having its own "safe environment", Eidolon accelerates even further reaching the Escape Velocity of 40,320 km/h, roughly 33 Mach.

Reaching the vacuum of space, Eidolon feels no change because of the star-shaped atmosphere that follows him. Even things like temperature and pressure haven't changed.

"[New Order] is so bullshit." Eidolon mutters, hearing his own voice he is only more impressed.

Eidolon adjusts his position a bit to be in a good orbit and uses a card: Zeta Flight Space Station (Earth-25271).

Using the card, a huge space station appears in Eidolon's line of sight.

Without delay, he enters the station.

After checking out all the facilities. Taking control of the Central Computer and activating the cloaking device, Hector allows himself to relax.

Hector wasn't planning on using the station anytime soon. He has barely begun his activities on the ground, let alone in space.

He had created a goal of his own that he would activate the station card when he could fly in space without any problems. Basically when he became a cosmic hero.

Hector feared dividing himself too much. He barely has staff. He feels he is spreading himself too thin.

He ran the risk of the station being located too.

But the invasion made him change his mind.

Since the world already knows who he is, he doesn't have to act shy.

Hector is now in a part of the station that has a transparent wall that has a good view of Earth.

Hector is just in his U.M.F. suit, without his mantle and even his hair and eyes are back to normal.

He stares at his home planet for a while.

"The tutorial is over. All the world knows about me. One of my great advantages is no more, but it's okay. The gains outstripped the loss." Hector speaks with a sigh.

"Now there will be people plotting against me. I need you Upper my game." That's one of the reasons he activated the station so early.

"But because I feel a little…excited. Huhu" Hector smiles. "I gained tremendous opportunity... I came into this world. Honestly, I feel like I don't deserve it. Even with all the dangers and problems..." Hector places his hand on the transparent wall covering Earth.

"I'm grateful" Hector says simply with a small smile on his face.


A.N.: Hello there.

Would be a big author note about the story, but the chapter is already big enough.

I will post later.

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Stay good you all.

Till next time

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks for reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to make the story better for everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

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