Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me."
-The Sith Code
A.N.: Aaah, sorry for the delay. But I have 3 written exams last week and 2 essays.
I made the chapter, but I don't like very much, so I don't post it last week, because of... DIALOGUE, the bane of my existence.
As a non-American person, dialogue is very hard for me, and I work hard to not make it stiff and unnatural.
Anyway, enjoy.
New York, Third Person P.O.V.
Walking through the halls of S.H.I.E.L.D. New York headquarters, Nick Fury is delighted to see all the employees and agents running out of his way. It took him a long time to get to the position he is in today, decades in fact.
And he had to do it twice.
In the 1980s, the newly promoted Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. suffers in the hands of a certain criminal that tricked and captured him, and using old Hydra technology, developed by the madman Arnim Zola, switches bodies with him. Assuming Nicholas Fury's position and identity.
It took years to prove the truth and regain the trust of the high-ups. Understandable, after all how they would know that it's truly him? Luckily, Peggy Carter vouched for him, and with the help of an acquaintance of hers, Charles Xavier, he proves his innocence and that he was in fact the real Nick Fury.
Unfortunately, making a hard choice when faced with the criminal in his former body, he killed the guy together with his old identity. And because of this, now he is a bald black man.
Well, on the bright side, he becomes 30 years younger, and with his own version of Super Soldier Serum, he still looks 30 years old. Well, he can't compare to Natasha Romanoff and Wolverine, who like him have been active since World War II but have incredibly youthful appearances.
One for being a mutant and the other for being injected with her own version of the Super Soldier Serum as well, of the Black Widow program, with a focus on increasing lifespan. It looks like costs a lot of money to make one "Black Widow" so she has to be active for decades to make up for it.
Too bad for her old employers, she had morals and now works for S.H.I.E.L.D.
The only thing that intrigues Fury is the fact that he lost the same eye twice. In World War II fragments of a grenade hit him, and later with his new body, when he was on a mission with Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel, a certain alien monstrosity took advantage of a moment of distraction and injured THE SAME FUCKING EYE again.
After that, Fury believes that the universe really wanted his left eye, so he'll let the universe have this little win... Just this one. That will be the last time that he will admit defeat to fate. After this, he will be in control...
And Fury worked hard for this.
With his work throughout the years, he already knew the multitude of dangerous enemies lurking in the shadows. People with powers beyond what normal humans can achieve.
But his encounter with the "Marvel" couple made him see how small humanity is in the great scheme of things. How weak and fragile... And how ignorant we are of our own precarious situation.
Humanity needs to be better if it wants to have a chance against what is out there, in space. Move up into the universe food chain, but we don't have time.
The best option will be a group of extraordinary individuals holding out until the rest of the world could catch up.
And like that the Avengers Initiative was born. His own brainchild.
Too bad it was never implemented.
Lack of permission of the superiors and people to be part of the Avengers.
But now, there is a chance.
And Nick Fury is now going to meet with this chance. In fact the greatest asset possible, and the one who will be able to lead the Avengers. The legendary Captain Steven "Steve" Rogers himself.
Freshly awakened from the ice, The War Hero Captain America.
That's huge.
The birth, or perhaps the creation, of Captain America was a game-changer moment for the world arms race. The focus went from manufactory Weapons to who would make the best soldiers.
After all, even if you have such weapons of mass destruction, what will you gain from turning your enemies into a wasteland?
People can do all kinds of jobs... subtle jobs. That a BVR missile could not do.
Even with the death of Dr. Erskrine, the man who made the original Super Soldier Serum formula, the world has never stopped trying to re-create his success, and every country wants its own super soldiers. Many with different variations... The Hulk is the biggest example.
And Fury suspects that the Green Globin and Spider-man are also the results of those researches. After all, he already confirmed with Charles Xavier that the duo of Hero and Villain are not mutants.
That's why Fury is already preparing a mission with his best agents to investigate the company that is the main suspect in these experiments: Oscorp.
The big problem was political... Norman Osborn simply has too many "friends" in the upper echelons. So many were trying to stop this investigation.
No doubt because they wanted any benefit for themselves first rather than letting it fall into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D... Sometimes Fury just wants to bomb some politician's cars.
It's this kind of thing that makes people like Trask and Ross still be able to jump around, even after fucking up really bad sometimes.
Money and benefits are all that matter to these people, even the World Security Council is not beyond this situation.
Fury is snapped out of his pessimistic thoughts by a loud sound.
He then notices that Captain America has sent flying a punchbag that weights at least 50 KG so hard that has been enough to send it through many meters, flying and with a hole in the middle.
"If that punchbag was owing to you money, you could have told me. I would help you break it knees." Fury announces his presence.
Steve Rogers turns to the newcomer and gives a nod saying "Sir", before going to get another punchbag to use.
"The punchbag is not the problem, Sir." Steve continues as he hangs up the punchbag.
"And what would it be?" Nick Fury asks.
"Me," Steve says "I shouldn't be here... Today... in this day and age..." Steve starts punching.
Precise movements, but a pretty old-fashioned kind of boxing, Fury notes. He'll see with some agent to update the Captain when possible, 60 years was a long time. And everything evolved, even fighting styles...
But some things don't change.
And that's why Nick Fury needs Captain America. If Fury wanted to, he could use the loyalty the man has for the country, and for doing what's right, and use his superior position to get Steve Rogers to comply and follow his orders, and do missions.
But that's not what Fury wants. He's looking for the long-term benefit, he wants Steve Rogers to join him of his own accord.
"I don't know, Captain." Fury starts "I think it's pretty normal that you're here..."
"Normal? Freezing in ice and awakening 60 years later is normal?" Steve asks with a raised eyebrow.
"If you caught up with what's happening today, you'd be surprised… You are still very 'normal'. But if you want an example of that, you can simply look at me." Fury says dramatically.
"I myself have been alive since World War II, Captain. I was there in Pearl Harbor, and I was fighting with the Howling Commandos at various times as well."
Steve looks puzzled.
"How? I don't remember you..."
"I'm not surprised, you see. A certain criminal captured me and switched bodies with me. That's why I look like this. I'm Nicholas Joseph Fury. Do you remember the eye patch? The only thing that stayed the same…" Fury concludes.
"This is unbelievable… Lieutenant Fury? How?" Steve says shocked.
"I'll tell you the whole story later. But know that people like Logan and Black Widow are alive too, and young. Others are not so young... Like Peggy Carter..." Fury says slowly.
Fury sees Steve's expression change, looking sad, frustrated... Several expressions crossed the captain's face in a few seconds.
"Tell me, Captain. How were your last moments?" Nick Fury says raising an eyebrow. "You fought on a plane with a Nazi leader who had no face and has a glowing alien object that could empower weapons. The world was already strange. Now you're just part of the weird side."
"And things are even stranger these days, Cap." Fury says returning to calling Steve Rogers familiarly "And maybe the world needs a 'normal' guy like you again..." He ends up handing Steve a file and then saying goodbye.
Fury knows it's not good to force anything right now... Steve Rogers isn't the type to ignore a bad situation.
Even after Nick Fury left, Steve remained silent for a long time before sitting down and looking at the documents.
It had a lot of important information that happened over the last few decades. Secret information... That Steve hasn't had access to until now.
Projects trying to make super soldiers, and other more powerful weapons. Files of people too... His old teammates Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, and more recent ones...
With names like Iron-man, Ant-man, Wasp, Hulk, Fantastic Four, and many others...
Steve Rogers was alone with his thoughts for a long time without moving.
Hector P.O.V.
*Sigh* Things escalated again.
I think as I use [Black Whip] just to keep Kitty busy.
I wonder if this is some sort of fanservice?
Sorry, Shimura-san... I tried.
But honestly, this works for me just fine. As long as I don't do any irreversible damage, I don't think I'll become an enemy of the X-men.
Hmm... I really didn't have the patience to deal with Scott... I could have just ignored him, right?
I should have known what Scott is like and predicted his reaction.
Am I getting arrogant?
Nah. I guess I just have little patience for idiots.
I spoke so many times and asked politely. But Scott wouldn't let Jean answer... I saw that the conversation wasn't going to progress. So I provoke him a little...
And I want this to be over before Xavier arrives. I don't want to deal with him right now.
I wonder if I have any prejudice against Scott... In the movies, he really is almost unbearable, in the comics he did really questionable things.
Like that time he has a relationship and impregnated a clone of Jean Grey, and when Jean resurrected, he abandoned Madelyne Prior and the child…um?
What is this strange feeling in my chest? I'm forgetting something? My sixth sense is bothering me...
And I use Haki and I'm Force-sensitive, so... I must trust my instincts.
It's because Scott was manipulated by Mr. Sinister to like Jean... right?
Must be it.
That's why he's so emotionally unstable... Poor guy. I will help him in the future.
I can help him with the uncontrollable power he has. It's not because I don't like him that I'm going to let the guy suffer...
Although there are people in much worse situations than him... So he shouldn't complain so much.
Well... let's forget about that for now.
And a part of me also wants to teach these guys a lesson. Not to hurt them, but to make them take these "super fights" more seriously...
I don't think these guys have plot armor, a well-placed shot by a sniper can kill even the strongest ones, like Jean or Storm.
Let's give these guys some urgency by showing how weak they are.
I think I'll do something similar with Spider-Man later.
A little wake-up call.
"No need to worry, I'll be nice," I say looking at the X-men "unless you want me not to be, Rough Rogue…" I say giving Rogue a look. Recalling Kitty's comment about the Southern belle meta-human preferences.
"Haha. Nice one, I will use this from now on." Kitty Laughs as she tries to circle me. And rogue blushes even more.
"And tentacles, huh? I have an even more similar power with tentacles... But I think would be weird to use... "I say while using [Black Whip] to separate the X-men.
"HEY! No kink shaming... Not cool, dude!" She speaks as her face reddens to compare with Rogue.
"What if 'Kink shaming' is my Kink?" I shot back.
"...Now you got me." She speaks after a few seconds.
"Huhu" I laugh a little.
"Can ya forget 'bout that?" Rogue speaks in her characteristic accent.
"Nope." I say popping the 'P' "It would bring shame to my family if I don't tease a cute girl when I can."
And that makes her blush even more, almost tripping.
This girl is easy to please.
"Well... Business first..." I say getting serious.
Approaching quickly I try to grab Kitty while using Haki, but my hand just goes through her.
Too bad... But expected.
I know I can hit her if I use an energy attack at a certain frequency, but I don't have the means right now.
Well... Let's up the game a little.
Using the Force I just throw everything around her high in the air... Really high. Enough for her to disappear.
"This power of yours isn't really intangibility. You separate your own atom to go through intra-atomic spaces, greatly lowering the density of your body. But you still exist. So it can still be manhandled by Telekinect Force." I advise, using a power to project my voice.
An optical beam comes toward me, but I just let it pass me by like it doesn't exist.
"I have a similar power, by the way," Mirio's old quirk was improved by me. Now it's at Kitty's power level. When I awaken the Mochi Mochi no mi, I understood how logia types work with clothes.
I remember reading somewhere, that Oda makes Devil Fruit powers work on clothes just for convenience, so he doesn't have to draw naked characters.
But I see that the power of the Devil Fruit extends to everything the Bio-electricity the body produces. This bioelectric aura is very thin, but if the body surpasses human limits...
So with that principle, I make most of my powers affect my suit. The fact that it is made of Unstable Molecules helps very much too.
After letting several optical beams of Scott pass through my body I reach out and use a low-key OP power.
[Larceny], able to steal small objects. But it has a weight and size limit. I use it on his glasses. Making Scott useless now...
"Don't you bring an extra? Very unprepared..." I advise.
A little Force Push later and he is thrown away.
Spyke and Rogue throw themselves at me.
I'm not the type to look down on someone because their power is weak. But Spyke is really out of his league right now. The projectiles he throws, I just shove to the side and then I punch him in the stomach, making him double over like a shrimp.
I thought he could make bone armor... Or is this in the future?
All this time Jean is trying to attack me, but the telepathy doesn't work and I'm just ignoring her Telekinesis, which tries to restrain me.
And the objects she's throwing at me are useless.
Watching almost in slow motion Rogue's hand approaching my face under the hood, trying to find some part of my body uncovered. I just step to the side and put her into submission on the floor.
"Do you want to touch me that much? Okay…" I say and grab her wrist.
Rogue is a secondary objective for my visit.
First, I want to copy her power, maybe even merge it with my Power Manipulation, and finally be able to copy physiologies.
My power is strong, but it has certain blind spots...
Power Manipulation works with unnatural powers of individuals, but even better if it's an innate ability. That is, not gained from experiments or accidents...
It was difficult to copy Luke's mutate power, possible but hard.
I believe I can't copy magic either. And I tried giving the talent for magic I got from Loki to Isabella as a test, but it didn't work.
I believe these limitations will decrease or even disappear if I upgrade Power Manipulation enough. Maybe reach the level of Protege. The guy who managed to copy the Living Tribunal powerset.
So I'll try to copy Rogue's meta-power. My focus today is Jean Grey's Omega-level Telepathy, but I won't waste this opportunity...
Also, I want Rogue to use her power on me... Okay, sounds stupid. But I have a good reason.
My secondary power, allows me to adapt to powers. Mine and that is used against me.
It's a defense mechanism, so I don't self-destruct.
It's not at Darwin's level, who can adapt instantly. But it's good enough.
Rogue can absorb a lot of things from a person... And she's not the only one here in Marvel that does this. There are people like Selene Galio, and she is much more problematic than Rogue.
So I'll use it as training. And it's better to use it now when I don't have such OP powers... From here on I'll only get stronger. Next month Gacha, I can gain better cards, and would be a problem if Rogue absorbs me at that time.
Of course, I will protect my memories and I will be the one who controls the process. If all goes well, I'll gain resistance to all types of absorption.
So guiding Rogue's hand lightly under my mantle I make a hole in my UMF suit and let Rogue's fingers touch me lightly.
It's a strange feeling... I feel my stamina and vitality being slightly drained, but this I have in excess. My focus is different...
I feel a suction force reaching out to my mind and inner world. My mind is the first thing I defend, and I feel the suction force being held back from invading my memories, but still passing harmlessly through my mindscape...
Now to my powers... In my Inner world, the stars in the sky represent my powers, and those in the center are the strongest. Of course, I'm going to stop Rogue from gaining access to these...
I start to consciously guide my secondary mutation to protect these powers and it works. I feel the suction force being barred and just absorbing some of the powers outside the central part...
After a while and seeing that Rogue's absorption has become ineffective, I let her hand touch my chest freely.
The suction force greatly increases in intensity but is still prevented from reaching my most important memories or powers. And in response to that, my resistance also increases.
Huhu, neat.
Unfortunately, a problem arises, I don't know if it's because she's absorbing a lot of my powers. But it looks like it will take me a while to copy her power.
It's as if everything merged into one thing. Tch. The rest of the X-men could show up at any time. If Kurt shows up and takes Jean away, it will all be for nothing.
Or maybe she's absorbing my own resistance... Well, I can always come back later, when the effects of the absorption wear off.
Hard choices, but I'll give up Rogue's power for now. Time to focus on the main course. I will copy Rogue's power later. I will come back in the future with a solution for the side-effect of her power, so I don't think she will mind me copying it.
I could steal her power. But I don't want to reveal now that I can take powers permanently. I have a plan for this...
And one part of me doesn't want to see her giving up on her powers... I want to give her more options.
Looking at Rogue, I see her with a dazed expression... Her mouth hung open in an "O" shape, and her hand roamed my torso.
Uh... this is starting to get weird.
After a while longer I separate Rogue's hand from my body, she looks like she doesn't want to let go.
I think my resistance is high enough now.
I also want to see how my powers will interact with her. It will be a good experiment.
Awkward, but I knock her unconscious with [Sonambulism]. Midnight's power.
After gently lowering her to the ground, I look up and see Kitty who is finally falling.
Using the Force, I grab her gently too.
"Hello there" I say
"General Kenobi... you're an asshole." She answers very pale, but still gets the reference. I'm really starting to like her.
"Sorry, but not sorry." I say and knock her unconscious too.
After placing Kitty on Rogue's side I turn to Jean, the last one left.
"Now…I'm going to kidnap you just a little bit" I say.
"*Sigh*. I guess I don't have much of a choice, right?" She speaks.
"Jean! Run!" Scott yells and opens his eyes from my overall direction, and then starts aiming more correctly, after seeing me.
"Too late." I say appearing behind Jean and wrapping her in black mist. "Don't worry, sir. I'll bring her back before 10 pm. And I won't touch below her shoulders. Bye, bye" I say mockingly to Scott.
"Here, take your glasses back, Velma." I say tossing his red glasses towards him. I just can't resist in making fun of him.
Using [Warp gate], I choose the coordinates of my destination.
I chose the top of Mount Everest as a place to talk.
A secluded place, high and cold.
You know, flames that can destroy everything... maybe it's useless, but it's better than nothing.
"Huh? Where are we? Can you teleport too? Ugh...Cold…" Jean says after appearing at my side.
I take a close look at her.
Well, she's pretty as expected, everyone appears to be in this world. Red hair and green eyes, like Mary Jane. But MJ1 is still prettier. Or maybe the right word would be "hotter".
Jean has a gentle mature vibe, while MJ1 is damn sexy.
Well... The focus is not on appearance.
Reaching out my hand, I touch her shoulder, using a power to warm her.
Let's keep the promise to Scott. Huhu.
"Sorry, Ms. Grey. But hold on for a while" I say, making her look at me. She seems calmer than I expected.
"So… what do you want?" She says on guard.
Signaling to the side I tell her to follow me while I keep a hand on her shoulder.
"Allow me to keep you warm during our conversation. Don't worry, I'm a gentleman." Lies. I could protect her from the cold without needing to touch her, but I need contact to copy. And apparently, it will take at least 20 minutes to copy her Telepathy, let alone the Telekinesis.
"Sit here with me." I touch a large rock and use [overhaul] to reshape the rock into something similar to a sofa. Then I take off the insulation blanket from under my cloak, which I just created with [Creation], and cover it.
Using [Whirlwind] I protect us of the strong and cold winds.
"Please, sit. When we're done, I'll take you back safe and sound. I promise…" I say.
"..." She looks at me for a while before sitting down. "You seem to have no ill intentions, considering you could have been a lot more violent. But it's hard to trust you since I can't read your mind." She says.
"Oh!" I gasp exaggeratedly "You mean without reading my mind you have to talk and look at me like a normal person to judge my intentions??? It must be hard…" I say teasing a little.
She has the decency to blush a little. "Okay. That's on me. But you understand what I'm talking about."
"Huhu. Relax, we all have our differences... Advantages and disadvantages. We get used to it and lose a bit of common sense when we have powers, right? Your friend who can teleport would probably climb walls out of boredom if he had to take a 12-hour train ride. And kitty should only use doors for appearances…" I say.
"Yeah! Just like that." She says agreeing.
Power corrupts. I don't mean, that the person will become evil, but it sure changes the person.
That's why I'm careful not to abuse certain powers. Like making clones and seeing the future... A lot of problems these powers can bring if used too much or carelessly. Or even make me lazy...
Civil War II happened because of a guy who could see the future, I think. Minority Report style...
"Luxury is the Enemy of man" My grandfather once told me. "Someone who's always used to having someone cook for them will never learn to cook. Or someone who has a private driver won't know how to take a train... Certain luxuries take us away from common and basic things..."
Jean looks at me. "I think you're right..." She says thoughtfully.
"I get so used to reading minds, it's weird to meet someone for the first time and not know what's on their mind..." She says.
"You don't have to read minds to know what's on my mind. I'm a young man... Obviously, I'm thinking of you, Kitty and Rogue naked, duh." I say seriously.
She pauses, before chuckling.
"... Pfft HAHAHAHA. What happened to you being a gentleman?" she says almost wiping her tears. "Ah~ That was unexpected. The first time anyone admits in having perverted thoughts to me... But somehow I can't believe you're having them right now." She says looking at me.
"Oh~How do you know?" I ask intrigued. Could her powers be stronger than I thought? Maybe empathy...
"I don't know. Just compare it with past experiences... You don't act like you are thinking of something perverted." She says suddenly falling silent, probably remembering something...
"Ugh… I don't even want to imagine what you hear or see? High School... Being a woman..." I say sympathetically.
"Right?? Women call me a 'bitch' in their minds and most boys imagine me in...not very nice situations..." She says huffing
Damn. "Sucks, huh?"
"Yeah...This too..." she says and pauses.
I pause too. Wait...
She looks at me cheekily.
It's my turn to laugh.
"Hahaha. Good one. Never thought that you would make that type of joke."
Now that she seems to have relaxed a little more with my presence, it's time to get serious.
"So Ms. Grey..."
"You can call me Jean." She interrupts. "No need to be so formal, you don't look much older than I am. How old are you?" she asks.
"Sorry, Jean. Not telling... Secret Identity..."
"And you still expect me to trust what you're going to say? Scott is right …" She says, testing me.
"First, I don't need you to trust or believe, just listen to me…you will make your own decisions. And second, what's the deal with Scott?" I ask. "Dude needs to chill"
"...He has a crush on me, if you haven't noticed." She says after hesitating a bit.
"And you intend to give him a chance?"
"...I'm going out with Duncan. I guy from our High School" she replies.
I wince. Poor Scott.
"Damn. The guy can't even hide his crush. Sucks to be him."
I thought Mr. Sinister had manipulated both sides, both Jean and Scott... Was it just Scott? I pity him now. Suffering so much...
All to create Rachel Summers, I think... Because the Summer and Grey DNA is very strong and compatible...
Then after all this, Mr. Sinister creates Madelyne Prior, a clone of jean...
The X-men storyline is weird. Clones, Time travel... damn.
"Yes..." Jean replies looking down.
"Uhh… You don't have to feel bad, you know? It's not your fault. You can't control how you feel... If you accepted Scott's feelings out of pity, then you would be hurting both of you." I say.
She looks at me.
"Do you like this Duncan guy?" I ask. The longer we stay here, the better. I will be able to copy her Telekinesis at this rate.
"... Not a lot?" She answers uncertainly.
"...Are you asking me?"
"It's like… Argh… Duncan is a hot guy and popular. He asked me out. Everyone expected me to say yes... And I... said yes." She says, but the more she says. The more she sees that logic itself is fucked up.
I facepalm.
"That mind-reading power of yours backfires, Jean. You worry too much about what people think of you. I bet you deduced, that if you rejected it, they would think badly of you, right? Or that is only natural to you to accept, right? After all, all other girls would accept too, right?" I say. And by the way she cringes... Bullseye.
Teenagers... No matter how powerful. They still care too much about their social image.
"Jean… You can't please everyone. Focus on pleasing the people who are important to you… without sacrificing your own happiness, obviously." I say seriously.
She lightly bites her lip uncertainly...
"*sigh* You don't have to take my advice seriously. You don't know me and I don't know you. I'm just a busybody, I don't know anything about your life... Just keep in mind what I say." I say, deciding to drop the subject.
"Well, let's talk about something more important… I want you to listen to me until the end. And try to stay calm. I'll answer any questions you want later." I say and she nods.
"Well, Jean… For starters, as you've probably noticed, I have a lot of powers" She nods. "One of my powers allows me to see the future…" I start.
I'll go the route of seeing the future, I haven't even used [Foresight] on her yet, but I'll talk about the possibility anyway.
Honestly, I think hiding it will do more harm than good. Isn't it better that she knows that she is the potential avatar of a universal level threat?
I want to end misunderstandings, which are the main cause of conflict between heroes at Marvel.
"And in this future I saw, you may have caused the destruction of the planet." I continue.
And I expect... The normal reaction...
"WHAT?!" she exclaims in horror.
Yes, this one.
"Listen to me… The future is not written in stone. It can change... I saw this possibility and I came to talk to you about it... Let's work it out, okay?" I say squeezing her shoulder a little, to calm her down.
"... Okay." She says calming down a bit. But still horrified. I don't know if she believes me. But if she only listens, it will be enough.
I don't know how the Phoenix Force is going to act in this universe. Maybe she tries to take Jean's body, tricking her. Maybe she doesn't even have a conscience, act on automatic... Who knows.
Far better that Jean knows what she's dealing with.
"Well…Can I ask you a few questions before continuing? Can you tell me how you awakened your powers? When did you move to the institute? How the Professor trained you..." I say
She looks at me before starting to speak.
"My mutation awakened when I was 12... My best friend at the time, Annie was hit by a car. The trauma made me awaken my telepathic and empathic powers, I even felt her death from her perspective… It was horrible" She tells me sadly.
I just wait for her to continue, there's not much a stranger like me can say now...
"I was depressed for days, until the Professor came to help me. My powers were very strong... I could hear everything for miles. Then he said he would put up some telepathic barriers to keep me from suffering so much… So that I would slowly get used to my mutation…." Uh-oh Red Flag.
"I and Scott were the first students, obviously Dr. Hank and Ororo were already with the Professor, but we were the first kids... Then came others, Bobby, Kurt, Warren, Piotr with his sister..." she continues.
Hmm... Names that weren't in X-men Evolution. Confirming that only the age group must have changed. In the Comics the X-men are a little older than Spider-man, like 5 years difference.
"For a long time, we only learned to control our powers and adapt to society... You know? Ethics and stuff... Not abusing our powers." She speaks.
"But a year ago, we started doing rescue missions, which previously only adults did... Obviously, we were trained before. Into the Danger Room. It's a room that makes simulations…" She explains.
I just listen. Now I have a good understanding... Nothing too remarkably different. All in my expectations.
"Now tell me... How am I going to destroy the world?" She suddenly speaks quite loudly, looking at me.
"First, calm down. Nothing is certain... Don't take my visions as absolute truth. I imagine now you understand why I want to talk to you in private… It will be your choice to share our conversation with your friends." I say and she nods.
"Thanks for the consideration." She says
She is the only one who can judge if this information is shared, although it will all be for nothing if Xavier can read her mind from this conversation...
"Well... Let me ask you another question... What's the weirdest situation you've ever gotten yourself into as an X-men? Or X-woman...?" I ask before she starts to explain everything.
"Well..." She thinks for a time "About 3 months ago we were going to stop Magneto from getting a certain chemical component, which we believed would be used as a chemical weapon. It turned out to be actually a version of Captain America's Super Soldier Serum, Magneto used the serum to make himself look much younger. Kurt hesitated to stop the machine... because it could kill Magneto. So he let the procedure be finished." She tells me remembering.
"It was a surprise to see a ripped up Magneto coming out of that tube. But he just walked away without hurting anyone else... after that, we didn't hear from him anymore. Only Brotherhood in our School." She concludes.
Magneto rejuvenating, I think it happened in the comics... Or was it in a cartoon? He's always been in shape, right?
"I see... Well, it looks like you're a newbie... Because there are so much weirder things in this world... Like gods, aliens, magic, parallel universes..." I start.
"You're kidding, right?"
"I wanted to be. But we live in a crazy multiverse... Pantheons like Olympus and Asgard are real... Aliens too... Even the pyramids in Egypt are problematic... Stay away from there for now, by the way." I notice.
Although these things haven't happened yet, I know they can happen. So to gain her trust I can talk about it now... When it inevitably proves to be true, everything I say will be more credible...
Investment in my relationship with one of the most powerful beings in this universe. Stonks.
"But what I'm getting at is... You are strong Jean, stronger than you think... Your telepathic ability is so strong that you are compatible with a cosmic entity made of pure flaming psionic energy that rules over rebirth... " I say.
"I'll ask again... You're kidding, right?"
"And I'll say it again: I wanted to be. Have you never had any dreams, or visions of flames? Or a bird? A white room? Does the name 'Phoenix' sound familiar?" I ask more interested.
Her brows knit together...
"I…I think maybe. Somehow... I have a strange familiarity with what you're talking about." She says before falling silent.
"Take your time to think..." I say. And finally I decide to use [Foresight].
[Foresight] isn't very specific, the further I look into the future, the more the images get messy and obscure.
Using my power to see the period from this year to December should be enough for now.
And I begin to see Jean Grey's future.
Hmm... As a really fast fast-forward movie I watch Jean train, go to school, travel on an X-men jet, fight some mutants, go to space, get intimate with a man, yikes... wait , I know that guy! It is me!
No no no no no no no.
One of the worst love triangles in fiction: Logan-Jean-Scott. Will it become a love square? Like the "Fantastic Foursome" of Susan-Reed-Namor-Doom???
Oh no. No, I command my destiny. This will only happen if I want to, calm down, Hector..
I will stay away from unnecessary drama.
Like, Jean isn't all bad. If I were to choose a female from Marvel to be my love partner she would definitely be at the top 5 of the list.
Beautiful, smart, powerful, and already part of the Meta community. But I won't chase her, if it happens it happened...
(A.N.: Heya, guys. Interrupting this chapter for a little message. The chapter will continue later.
As I said before, not every woman will be a love interest, in fact, I haven't even decided the love interests yet.
I can give a spoiler that will likely eventually be Wanda and Rogue for now. I like the two. But even that isn't set in stone yet. I just think that the two have been received a bad hand that Hector could help, you know? Let's see.
Kitty I see more as a "Bro" for the MC.
But that doesn't stop the MC from having one night stand with some Marvel Girls.
I just want to say: don't expect serious romantic development for now.
And not to get excited every time a female appears,
I can say now the requirement to be a true love interest: Accept all faces of the MC, good and bad. And believe me, that eliminates a lot of possibilities... Gwen, for example, would never accept Hector as having a criminal Empire.
By the way, a question for you guys. If you could only choose one Marvel Woman to marry, who would you choose? Take everything into account.
Well, That's all. Back to the chapter.)
Taking a deep breath I start to process the rest of the vision so I see what I wanted, or rather what I didn't want...
A Jean Grey engulfed in flames...
Two huge flaming wings behind her. And her speaking the famous Dark Phoenix phrase...
"I am fire! And life incarnate! Now and forever - I am PHOENIX!"
Shit I have an average time of six months to try to avoid this...
Okay. You can do it, Hector. There are several contingencies... Is no End Game yet.
"How are you Jean?" I ask to get my mind off negative thoughts. And hers too.
"I... I don't know. It's a lot to receive."
"...Sorry. But I thought it would be better to be upfront with you." I say.
"No, no… I appreciate it. Thanks, but now what? You'll kill me? I am a danger to everyone, right?" she asks looking straight at me.
Her body language says she won't go down without a fight, but at the same time she's not so averse to the idea of being killed to protect her friends.
She is just that nice.
"No, Jean… I want to avoid the worst case scenario. I want you to prepare and be alert... Who knows, maybe the mere fact that I told you, has already altered the future." I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Make no mistake... If I run out of options, and you really are going to destroy the world... I will kill you without mercy." I say seriously. She widens her eyes a little.
"But I'll give you every chance, Jean. I will help you as best I can."
"I appreciate it... I really don't think about becoming evil, but..." She talks but I interrupt.
"You're not evil… The problem is that Phoenix Force. It is an entity that represents rebirth. Life and Death. It has no concept of good or evil. It will likely act by responding to the host's emotions. Amplifying your emotions, if they are too negative…maybe you'll become the Dark Phoenix" I say.
"There's also the fact that we don't know what it's like to transcend and have all that power in your hands, right? Maybe you miss the distinction between good and evil. Maybe you wanted to make better planet earth, but in order for it to have rebirth... Death is necessary first. It's a complicated subject, Jean... We have to think about avoiding it. That's why I'm curious about your telepathic training... How do you train? Honestly, I think you're too weak for an omega-level, sorry..." I says honestly.
"Well... The Professor usually instructs me with telepathic training, not all of my mental barriers have been removed yet..."
"Um...I don't like this." I say sincerely. "Creating restrictions like that will only bring more bad than good. You have to get used to your real power. And I also don't like the idea of someone else having access to your mind."
"I trust the Professor" she defends.
"I don't. To be honest, I have the theory that him putting up a barrier to restrict your powers is one of the factors in you becoming Dark Phoenix. He appears to be the controlling type..." I speak sincerely.
"Maybe this will create much pressure in you, till you simply explode..." I speak, thinking about the various media of my former world.
She only looks at me.
I shrug. "Again I'm just talking, consider it all bullshit ig you want, you're the only one who knows the guy."
I almost finished copying Telepathy.
"Here, take this." I say delivering a stack of papers. "These are mental exercises, for defense and such... I found it in an old book." Knowing I was going to talk to Jean, and knowing that her mental instability might have been caused by Xavier, I copied the defense and mental training parts from the Chakra Books. Just the basics, if this can avoid the Dark Phoenix Saga, I'll be more than happy...
"I don't know if it will work for you, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?" I say and watch her read the papers.
"Thanks... All of this makes sense a little, I can say only by looking superficially." She speaks gratefully.
"Relax, it's just a copy. I didn't lose anything doing it." I say.
And doone. Telepathy acquired.
I will keep deactivated for now. I will train later.
"We can go now, Jean. Your friends must be worried…" I say making a move to stand up.
"Wait..." She says and I stop. "Can we stay here for a while?" she asks a little hesitantly.
I just look at her.
"It's so quiet here, you know... Distant... Isolated...Relaxing..." She confesses after a while.
I see. Must be hard.
"All the time you need, Jean" I say relaxing back into my seat. And I take advantage of this and start to copy Telekinesis too.
She also straightens up and takes my hand off her shoulder and places it on her thigh, just above the knee.
"I will allow... Don't tell, Scott." She says smiling a little "It feels uncomfortable to keep your hand on my shoulder all the time, right?"
I laugh. "HAHA. Okay, if it doesn't bother you."
After that, we were silent for a while.
Looking around, I relax a little... Woah. I was really tense, huh? It's only when I feel the tension leave my shoulders that I notice the difference.
And I contemplate... I'm on top of Mount Everest, a hard place to go for a normal person and I came here in seconds... I could have used my powers to enjoy life a little, right? See the world...
All I'd done was some "Super" business, not that it's bad. But this is slowly burning me out.
I'm so focused on surviving, that I'm not living...
Haah~ Let's work on that in the future.
Reaching out my hand I make a camera lens appear in my palm and I take a picture of the beautiful landscape.
"What is that?" Jean asks from my side.
"Ah.. You know I have various powers… Not all of them are for fighting, do you know?" I say pulling out a picture of the opening that appeared in my chest and showing it to her.
"[Whole Body Lens]... It allows me to make camera lenses appear on my body, and it allows me to take pictures of this aperture right here." I say showing the opening and making several other lenses appear all over my forearm.
"Neat... Very nice." She says a little impressed.
I move my hand as if taking a selfie and take a picture of the two of us together.
Pulling the picture off my chest I use a pen to write... "To jean Grey, My first fan, My first photo. -Eidolon" And I put the date and place.
"Here, an autograph. You're welcome." I say smugly.
She receives it and looks at it for a while and laughs.
"You are famous? I've never heard of you until today..." She says.
Bitch... I will be.
"Because I haven't made my debut yet... But this photo will be worth a lot in a few years, believe me..." I say faking outrage. "Keep it as compensation for your time…" I say and huff.
"Hehe. Okay, okay. Mr. Eidolon. I will make it a family heirloom." She says and bows sarcastically. "Do you want an autograph too?"
"Nah. With a stupid name like Marvel Girl, you'll never reach the big leagues anyway..." I say mockingly.
"How dare yo- I was 13 when I was asked to decide my codename." She slaps my shoulder lightly as she blushes a little.
Well... Considering all the usernames I've used in online games... I can't say shit.
"You know, Jean… It will be boring just staying here. Wants to come with me for a little trip around the world?" I stand up and extend my hand to her.
Earth is at my fingertips, and I never went beyond America (Continent). I remember several places that I wanted to visit before getting my powers...
She looks at me and speaks. "I would love". And take my hand.
With Jean in tow, I start teleporting to various places that I remember being tourist attractions in the world.
First is the famous Pink Lake in Australia.
"Wow. Looks like Nesquik." Jean says next to me as we float high.
"Yeah… There's no definitive explanation for the coloring. But it appears to be because of certain algae and bacteria." I say.
After that, we were traveling to places that I remember, and in the meantime, I was talking to Jean.
I gained important information from her.
She tells me about the X-men, the day-to-day, training... It's not too much for her.
But for me, it is very valuable to profile these people of interest.
There are many more people than I expected at the institute.
She gossips about the fact that Rogue and Bobby have a crush on Scott. But Rogue crush is slowly fading...And Kitty has the hots for the older Colossus... and more.
"Scott can't control his power, because of an accident... He received brain damage." Jean says by my side, while we observe some landscapes of New Zealand.
"Oh~. Brain damage, that's explain everything!" I say exaggeratedly.
She slaps my shoulder playfully, but she laughs too. "You're the worst. HAHA."
But this reminds me, Scott has two brothers. The younger one is an Omega-level that was taken by the Shi'ar empire: Vulcan.
I need to keep an eye on the stars too...
On my side, I talk a little bit about the crazy things that are in the world and remain hidden.
Obviously, I don't say names... But I talk about secret organizations, some aliens...
"Skrulls, apparently can shapeshifters… But telepaths like you and Xavier can identify them. If they want to take Earth, they'll have to take care of you. I have the theory that maybe they're out of the shadows and done with the meta-human image, you know... To invade." I talk. I know there's a sentient virus out there too... Sublime.
But is impossible to pinpoint his location, for now.
"Do all the aliens want to kill us?" she asks as we float over the Jurassic coast in England.
"Nah. Just the assholes, but that's what we're most likely to meet, right? By the way, I think throughout our history alien invasions have been stopped several times..." I remember reading about prehistoric Avengers one time. There's even a stone age Phoenix avatar.
Oh... And she is a redhead too... Phoenix Force has good taste.
"Have you ever encountered any aliens?" she asks me.
"Nope." I answer. I don't count Donald Blake/Thor.
"What! And how do you know these things?" she asks surprised
"I read in a certain place." In comics, not that I'm going to say that.
Maybe all this stuff I'm talking about doesn't even exist, but I don't think I'm so lucky.
"Well... You can apparently see the future, I'll believe you for now." She speaks resignedly.
I just shrug my shoulders.
I'm just saying this because Jean is a very strong potential ally. Always good to gain good faith with her.
"And this thing of 'Meta-humans'... What is this? I heard you use the term a few times." She asks.
"Well..." then I start to explain the whole philosophy behind it.
About disassociating mutants with the names that reduce us and that make us look like narcissistic assholes.
"Yeah… Makes sense. 'Mutants' come from our 'Mutations', so I never really thought about it. But I like meta-human" jean says after I try to convert her.
"Woah…beautiful." She says mesmerized looking at the place we've come to now. Keukenhoff in Netherland. The most beautiful flower garden in the world.
The fact that the sun is setting also adds to the effect of the image. I will take some pictures too.
I leave Jean alone to enjoy the place a little while I make one last stop.. "Wait for me here. I'll be back in 30 seconds." I say.
She just nods her head.
Teleporting to Canada, I go to Niagara Falls. Catching a barrel, I'll make a childhood dream come true... Too bad there's no one to cheer for me.
Almost a minute later I come back and Jean asks me why I'm wet. I just replied.
"I'm a accomplished man now."
"Ehh... Okay." She looks at me strangely but doesn't comment further on the matter.
"Time to go home, Jean." I say opening the portal to the place of the fight with the X-men and Brotherhood.
We found a completely empty place.
"Looks like we took more time than I anticipated… Your friends must be worried. I will drop you off at the institute." I say before opening another portal near the institute.
Looking at the mansion I feel a large number of people inside, it seems that although the X-men are not very active, Xavier already has several students.
"We're here. I really lost track of time. They must be crazy after me...thinking I'm straped to a lab table in some underground facility somewhere." Jean speaks.
"Already happened?" I ask.
"Not with me... Do you want to enter? Introduce yourself… I'm sure you can get along with a lot of the people of the institute if you show up normally, you know?" she offers.
"Nope. In the future…" I promise, I want to have a good grip on Telepathy before I come face to face with the bald man on wheels.
"Too bad...Thanks for the ride, Eidolon." Jean says as she holds the mental training papers and the photo.
"I thank you for your time... One last thing, Jean..." I say.
She turns and waits for me to speak.
"I just want you to know, that you have options…" I say and she just tilts her head in confusion.
"About this, you know... Meta-human and X-men stuff." I say trying to convey my point. "Until now you only had two options Xavier or Magneto. Good or bad. Not much like a choice, right? But I can help you too... And help you if you want to leave this 'super' life behind and follow a normal career too. Nobody said being a heroine has to be for life, right?" I finish.
And she looks at me.
"Are you offering me a job or something? Hehe" she asks.
"Haha. It could be... I just want you to know that you always have a third option. By the way, I will come to visit you periodically. Maybe next month... To see how you're doing. And formally introduce myself to the Institute. Let Xavier know beforehand." I speak
I want to ensure good mental health for Jean. Too Much pressure can be a catalyst to the Dark Phoenix... And she is nice enough too, to be part of my group.
"Okay. I'm sure the Professor will welcome you with open arms." She says as she drops to the institute's gate and waves. "Goodbye, Eidolon."
"See you later" I disappear from the spot, but I still watch her until she enters the mansion.
Jean Grey P.O.V.
Entering the mansion I brace myself for the barrage of questions I'm likely to receive. Well, it's partly my fault... I'm the one who asked to extend the time for Eidolon.
And when we noticed, hours had already passed.
Using my password I pass through the gate and walk through the garden to the front porch. The systems will alert the people of my arrival.
And as expected, in the entrance hall there are already several people waiting for me.
I come face to face with most of the X-men, With Ororo, Mr. McCoy, Logan and the Professor. I think only the youngest are not here, they must be sleeping... And...
"Where's Rogue?" I ask before anyone can say anything. Did she get hurt in the confrontation with Eidolon? It didn't seem to be the case.
"She's sleeping, there was a little problem..." Kitty says a little uncertainly.
"She is dazed after absorbing Eidolon. A few minutes after you were kidnapped-" Kitty says
"Invited." I interrupt and correct her. I have to cut the misunderstandings from the root.
"...Invited. The Professor and the others arrived, and the Professor went to check her mind. To see if everything was okay and..." Kitty continues.
But it is Jubilee that finishes.
"She just flipped and attacked the Professor. Damn, you should have seen her moves. She did a double backflip and throw her hand... And then a high concentrate mass of air went straight to the Professor. If colossus didn't get in the front…" Jubille speaks excitedly, as is her custom. "She realized later and calmed down... It seems like it was some reflex."
"…It must be something she got from Eidolon. Eidolon has a great aversion to mind probing… It must have been instinct." I say, remembering my conversation as we traveled the world.
"Although he's not wrong to be against having his mind read. It worries me how this Eidolon resorts to violence so quickly..." The Professor speaks from his wheelchair.
"I don't think he's that belligerent. He seems like a very calm guy... It must be because Rogue hasn't gotten used to it yet..." I can't help and defend Eidolon.
Scott speaks right after.
"Jean, are you okay? Did that guy do something to you?"
"No, no. We just talked." I decide to clarify. "Actually, the delay was my fault. Sorry for worrying you guys."
"Your fault?" Ororo asks.
In the past, I called her Ms. Munroe. But we've grown very close to each other over the years. And I already see her as a big sister. And she asked to call her by her first name.
"Yes… He was teleporting me around the world while we were talking… I got a little excited seeing several interesting places. Sorry." I say a little sheepishly. I look like a kid at Disneyland that way.
"Fufu. It's alright, dear. You should have called... Cerebro had trouble locating you..." Ororo speaks.
"It's just that we move around a lot."
"Aaand~ What did you guys talk about? Or did he just want to take you on a date around the world like Aladdin?" Kitty asks grinning a little.
"Oh~~ Romantic." Yukio talks to the side and I see Ellie rolling her eyes.
"He…" I hesitate. "He wanted to tell me about a threat that would affect everyone. Me mostly…" I decide not to say everything.
I'm afraid of what they'll think if they know I'm a potential threat.
"Threat?" logan asks
"Yes. Global level threat." I speak.
"Wow. So it was really important." Kitty speaks.
"Yeah. He also told me some interesting things, but you won't believe it. Oh! He said he will visit in the future." I say.
"Will that guy still have the guts to come after everything he did?" Scott asks incensed.
"Calm down… He didn't even do much. Well, just kicking your asses." Ellie, Negasonic Teeanger Warhead speaks. That's a name worse than Marvel Girl, I will introduce her to Eidolon next time. I want to see his reaction. Fufu.
"He is welcome to visit anytime. As long as he comes in peace." The Professor speaks.
"I wonder if he's the mutant Cerebro detected yesterday..." Kurt ponders.
"Meta-human" I correct without thinking.
"Meta-what?" logan asks
"It's... It's complicated, I'll talk later. And I should have asked if it was him, but he seems too experienced to have awakened his powers just yesterday." I say.
"He may be a mutant for longer, but Cerebro only found him yesterday. Because he used his powers in excess for some reason... Some mutants are resistant to having their brainwaves read... I've been told you couldn't read his mind, right?" Dr. McCoy speaks.
I nod.
"Wel.. Let's let Jean rest, tomorrow we can continue this conversation." Ororo speaks clapping his hands together to disperse the students.
I give her a grateful smile and start walking to my room.
The room I share with Rogue, Kitty and Jubilee. Rogue is sleeping in her bed... I wonder what she absorbs from Eidolon.
But we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see the effects.
"So… Did your guys kiss?" Kitty asks smiling while phasing through the wall.
Hah~ Looks like the night isn't over yet
New York, Third Person P.O.V.
In a New York apartment, a man rests in bed with his beloved.
That man is Donald Blake, Thor's alter ego. At the moment he is together with Jane Foster, but different from his partner. He is wide awake.
Months ago he finally remembered who he was: Thor, The God of Thunder.
At first, it was confusing.
A few months ago he had the urge to go visit Norway as if something was calling him. He resisted for a long time in making this pointless trip. But finally gave in...
It was then I all changed.
In a cave he found the Mjolnir.
And he turned into Thor.
At first, he thought that that hammer that had the inscription: "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor".is the one that allow him to gain the powers of the Norse god of thunder.
But over time the memories started to come back, visions in dreams...
He doesn't have Thor powers... He's Thor, and for some reason, he was in Midgard. Many theories popped up in his mind, like reincarnation, or trickery of a sorcerer... A name floated in his mind when he thought of tricks.
A few days ago he remembered almost everything.
Thor, Son of Odin. Banished to Midgard for his arrogance and for almost starting a war.
He doesn't remember everything from his childhood, but now his memories are clearer.
And it's also clear that with his identity as Thor... one day he's going to have to return to Asgard. Leaving life like Donald Blake, Leaving Jane...
Donald Sighs.
He hid the fact that he had powers for a long time from Jane.
But when she returned from New Mexico, he decided to tell her everything. And it was... complicated...
She didn't believe it at first… He had to transform in front of her to prove it. And when he brought up the fact that as prince of Asgard, one day he would have to come back... Well... They have a huge fight...
Only two days ago they reconciled. After all, it's nobody's fault.
One day he will have to come back, but until that day he and Jane have agreed to try to make this relationship work.
No. Even if he comes back, he will make this relationship work. He loves Jane.
He's lived two lives, and now they're blending together...
Donald/Thor just hopes that the day he has to make a final decision will take a long time to come.
.. .....
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Hector P.O.V.
Going down in the neighborhood I use illusion to make me look like a regular guy.
This place is where the Grey's residence is located.
Jean told me a lot about her childhood, seriously she has to be more careful with what she reveals.
She lived here until she was 12, before her friend's accident and awakening from her powers.
Looking around I see a house with the surname "Richardson" and I walk over to it.
Ringing the doorbell, I wait until I'm answered by a young woman.
"Oh, goodnight. Sorry to bother... My name is Bruce Wayne, I'm looking for the Greys' residence. I'm friends with their daughter..." I say to the teenager in front of me.
Then she speaks...
"The Greys have no daughter." My eyes harden.
But on the outside, I look only a little surprised.
"Is that so? Am I at the wrong address? Oh. Excuse me, what's your name again?" I ask with a smile.
And she shocks me again.
One of my fears proves true.
"Annie... Annie Richardson, a pleasure." She says reaching out for a handshake.
Annie... Jean's dead childhood friend.
I don't know if I showed anything on my face, but Annie took a step back a little startled.
"Oh. I'm sorry, I remembered something... I'll have to look for the right residence, otherwise I'll be late." I say turning around.
"Xavier..." I growl under my breath after taking a good distance.
And then I take off the illusions and soar to the sky.
A.N.: Hello, my dear readers.
I just can't help myself, can I? 10k words...
I really worked in developing Jean. Well, she is an important character in the universe, so... characters like her, Thor, and Peter have to receive special attention.
Well, as I said before, don't go thinking that she is a future love interest, only because she has a little screen time, in the vision that Hector sees, could be a clone, an illusion... I can change.
I just have that feeling you know? I don't know if you guys have too... That feeling that doesn't want to let Jean, that is a very special character, ended up with someone else like Scott. A feel like would be a waste.... Maybe is a male possessive thing.
But Jean is overused in fanfics... Ugh. Let's leave her in open for now. Who knows...
Well, let me say something... The MCU works because they made movies of the characters before the Avengers of 2012. I'm trying to imitate, showing the characters e highlighting the differences between them and the movie's counterparts.
Because of this, the progression of the story is going slow, sorry.
But I predict that in 3/4 chapters must start the events of "Avengers".
By the way, I notice that I don't describe the characters that showed up. I'm assuming everyone knows them. Most of them are famous...
Should I start putting images in the paragraphs? Or maybe make a discord server? Give me suggestions...
Thanks for reading, stay safe you all.
Till next time.
Nothing to add here.
Thanks for reading. Any feedback is appreciated.
Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to make the history better for everyone. Stay good you all.
Till next time.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~
"There's a fine line between manipulating people and motivating them."
- Brad Turnbull
There's a reason I keep these smart Marvel guys at arm's length... They always think they know best, and end up fucking up something.
Civil War, Ultron, World War Hulk, Secret Invasion, and Much more... All caused by these smart guys.
Obviously, not everyone is that bad... Hank McCoy, the Beast is pretty chill.
But with examples like Hank Pym, the wife beater who created Ultron. We see that we are one step away from being fucked by a mistake of these guys.
And the worst one is the "Smart Guys Club", the Illuminati always think they have all the answers. And if someone who doesn't have an I.Q. on the same level as they offer another option, they don't even consider the idea.
Brightest minds my ass, they're arrogant and thoughtless. They work with absolutes and only talk after bullying the other party in submission.
They try to manipulate the true strong guys like the Sentry, and if they can't they say the person is too dangerous and make them an enemy. Like Hulk, or Thor when he didn't want to sign the Super Registration Act.
Hmm... I have to be careful, I'm smart too. I hope I don't become like these guys.
I try don't make mistakes, and I don't think that I have all the answers, I always prepare myself before making a move. And I have the example of these guys of what "not" to do...
I'll keep an eye on my actions as collateral... Self-awareness is always a good thing.
I will try to surround myself with people down to earth too. To give me other perspectives, maybe even keep myself in check.
Huhu. I remember that Batman doesn't even trust himself, only Alfred.
I think that is one of the motives that he doesn't pursue superpowers, would be hard to stop the guy if he goes rogue and be on the same level as the heavy hitters. He wants his own humanity as a weakness...
Anyway, getting arrogant is the beginning of one downfall. But with so many bad examples, I just need to do the opposite of what these guys did.
Because of that, I'm trying to be reasonable and try to resolve things on the basis of conversation... So I talked to Jean and went upfront with her. And I feel it was a good step taken... Let's see how it develops in the future.
Even if Dark Phoenix is inevitable because of Xavier's fuck up, now I know Jean can trust and listen to me in the future.
And with that common cliche route of trying to bring her back to their senses. She wouldn't listen to me if I were a total stranger. Now I have a chance.
But seriously... If someone sent Scarlet Witch to a psychiatrist many catastrophes might be avoided. But no one takes the initiative...
It seems that Marvel's heroes prefer to punch problems when they arise rather than trying to do a steady job of making things better.
Half measures, huh.
Descending from the sky to an isolated area of Africa I think again about the problem at hand... Xavier altered the memory of Jean and those involved with her.
Did he feel the Phoenix? I didn't feel the Phoenix... Using Power Manipulation I didn't find any traces of the Phoenix in Jean.
Either Phoenix isn't in Jean at the moment, or she's too above me to feel it.
Did Xavier sense because a telepath would have an easier time detecting a Psionic Entity?
There's much I don't know... Jean thinks that her parents didn't care about her and that her childhood friend is dead.
In reality, her parents don't even remember that she exists, and her childhood friend is alive and doesn't remember either.
Did Xavier do this to gain control over Jean? To be the only pillar for her?
Ugh... I remember Xavier had romantic feelings for Jean when she was 15 in the comics... UGHHHHH
I'm worried. These actions by Xavier will likely be what makes Jean snaps.
Should I tell her the truth now?
Tch... I can't. The damage is already done.
It's best to wait for Jean to study the papers I've given her, and for me to get stronger, before doing something that might trigger the Dark Phoenix Saga.
I will apologize to Jean later.
But I also need to have a good grasp of Telepathy.
And that's what I'm going to do now.
That's why I'm in Africa now, I'm going to train with an Omega level power. I won't do this at my house.
And also I'm taking advantage and making a shot in the dark...
I'm on the border of Kenya and Ethiopia, and you know what else is close to where I am? Wakanda.
I will not invade the place, I will not underestimate the most advanced nation in the world. But I want to see if I can learn something about Wakanda while I'm here.
There must be some people from Wakanda around, so if I train telepathy, I might get lucky and find a secret passage... Who knows.
Contrary to what is shown in the fanfics, it is not easy to locate Ulysses Klaue, the guy is not running away from the best technology on the planet for decades for nothing...
So... If while I'm training my telepathy I happen to find the mind of some Wakandan soldier at an outpost, lucky me...
I don't think they can detect people with power, and even if they find me I can run away.
The only concern would be Baast, but I'm not doing anything magical, and if I still get her attention... Sword Of Actuation as a last resort.
I'm willing to take the risk right now.
Hiding under some trees to avoid being spotted by a satellite, I enter the famous lotus position for meditation and activate my newly acquired telepathic power.
I have the ability to turn ON/OFF all my powers, so I don't have any change in appearance of heteromorphic powers... But when I activate it, it's up to me to control the powers.
Taking Jean's telepathy as an example, she can't turn off her ability to read minds. If I turn it on, I also can't turn it off without turning the power off completely.
Until I train, obviously.
Let's see what it's like to be a telepath.
I release my new power and start to feel my mind expanding into my surroundings. I feel the minds of some animals since there are no humans around...
But my mind doesn't stop with just a few meters.
100 meters...
1000 meters...
10,000 meters...
100,000 meters...
1,000,000 meters...
10,000,000 meters...
I begin to suppress my power, causing it to recede. It's too much information.
The circumference of space that my telepathic powers reach begins to slowly decrease.
Ugh.. So this is an Omega-level power.
With me at the center, my mind can make a circle 10,000 km in diameter. That's 25% of the Earth's circumference. With this power, Jean can sense people's minds on a continental scale.
And I don't think it's the limit...
Omega-level... I remember seeing it on the Marvel wiki, that means when someone has a power with no upper limit, or the person is at the apex of that power.
There is a lot of discussion about the power level itself. But I think it's somewhere between Continental-level to Planet-level.
Magneto can affect the whole world, even the Earth's rotation, with his control over Electromagnetism. Storm and Iceman, can affect continents too...
Iceman is so underrated... I remember a comic where Emma Frost possessed Bobby Drake's body, and since she doesn't put limits on herself, she affected entire countries with the Omega-level Cryokinesis, as well as becoming untouchable. because it became ice itself... Like a Logia.
There's a ridiculous feat of Magneto, he pulls the Breakworld Bullet, that Kitty is trapped inside, from at least galaxies away...
No wonder it has less than 20 Omega-level powerhouses on Earth.
Come to think of it, my power is not all that great in the beginning, it has the greatest potential... But without resources(Other people with power) I would be a normal human.
Well... My Power Manipulation does much more than just copying and stealing powers. And I will still invest in breaking the barrier to Beyond Omega-level.
After an hour of concentration I finally manage to retract my psychic power to just a few feet away again.
I groan, and bring my hand to my face. She comes back red and wet. Blood...
I bled from the nose and eyes...
Instead of worrying about any damage to my body, I wonder what it's going to be like for Jean when her psychic powers explode to full potential. I think Phoenix should heal her. Or maybe she will adapt.
But my body is adapting to this new power too.
I watch my blood evaporate, thanks to my Titan Powers.
So I have an idea. One of my favorite manga was HunterxHunter. And one of Nen's techniques, the power of the HxH world, was the "En".
"En" consisted of releasing your aura into your surroundings so that you could feel the world around you as if it were touching your skin.
When I let my psychic power run amok, it was very similar. Then...
I start to extend my psychic power in one direction, like a tendril...
Kilometers pass without problems, I feel the minds of some animals and even some people. Since I'm not specifically delving into their minds, I just listen to and feel their surface thoughts.
This is easier than I thought.
Maybe it's because I'm already used to Force.
Retracting my psychic tendril I begin to shrink the circle my power can reach, to be smaller than my head.
And I leave it there.
Aaaaand done.
No more Reading minds by accident.
It's so simple? Why can't Jean do it?
(A.N.: The MC is very good with powers, and certain characters assimilations helped too. )
It must be because she can't get used to it... Xavier should have let things take their natural course.
You'll never learn to ride a bike if you don't take the training wheels off.
By the way, I also manage to copy Jean Telekinesis, despite not being Omega-level, it is already a boost.
And it's even easier to use. I will try to combine with the Force later...
I take a deep breath and exhale.
Thanks to my super advanced brain, I was able to process all the words and sensations that came to my mind.
Disappearing from my position, I move quickly and stand above a range of mountains... Below me... Wakanda.
Hidden under a hologram, very advanced. I can't see this place even with various powers like infra-red.
I felt the minds of several guards in huts surrounding the country in the center.
Hmm... Tucking my chin between my fingers I contemplate for a while.
Nah... Let's leave them alone for a while... I thought I'd steal one of those guards. And see if I could create vibranium with [Creation] but it has too many variables.
Like the fact that vibranium only works if it's exposed to a specific type of radiation...I remember that I have vibranium in Savage Land, and the vibranium there acts completely different from Wakanda.
It's not worth drawing attention to these guys, probably destroying any future good relationship I may have with Wakanda for a thing that is not certain.
Disappearing again from my position I appear above a small village nearby... During my training I felt the minds of the villagers.
Fear, hunger, despair... Reality just slaps me in the face.
Everyone knows that Africa is poor, but seeing and feeling it firsthand certainly gives you a new perspective.
Haah... I felt many villages like this too. And other places even worse.
Dropping fast to the ground I touch the ground. The earth begins to be manipulated by me and makes way for a river not too close to here. Diverting the waters closer to the village...
The process took about 30 minutes. Is not optimal.
I'm doing this more for my own satisfaction, after all I'm not helping all the other villages.
Clenching my first I remember myself that I really need all types of power.
Also... Why doesn't Wakanda help? Seriously... Wakanda is the richest country in fiction. From all fiction!
They've already ignored slaves being carried from their homes 500 years ago... Tch. I don't know what to think anymore... People have their own circumstances.
I understand that revealing that you have vibranium, would be the same as attracting the greed of certain people. They will be attacked... Then they would have to fight back.. But they could give a little more support, right?
Argh... Whatever. I will go home.
Time Hector, your only need time...
New York, Carvalho's Residence
I go down the stairs to the dining room dressed now in casual clothes.
Before returning home I placed cameras at points of importance. And I made a little tour of New York, finally found what I was looking for in the sewers... Huhu. I will go there tomorrow.
Now I have an eye on the Stark Tower, Baxter Building, Oscorp, and many other companies...
Obviously, I didn't put it in the places themselves. Just around so I can get a good view of the buildings. Knowing who goes in and who goes out... And if the place is attacked.
I also working on making some drones. I already have the blueprints.
But I don't have anyone to keep an eye on 24/7.
I need an A.I., I have some versions that I got in the world of BNHA, I think I'll program later. Hum... a V.I. should suffice...
I don't need an A.I. with personality and self-awareness.
I really need allies... I don't think there's any reason to delay further...
I spot Isabella sitting on the couch reading a book with Cathulhu in her lap. The TV is on and shows how Spider-Man saved a building on fire. Good job, Peter.
"Welcome back, Master Hector. I hope that your trip has been worthwhile." Isabela says meanwhile gets up and gives me a little bow.
"Yes, it was. And you? Did you deliver the documents to the lawyers?" I ask.
"Yes. The two lawyers and a woman were in the office. They said that your emancipation will be ready as soon as possible." She reports.
"Good. And woman, huh? Is that a blonde named Karen Page?" I ask
She looks at me. "Yes... Ms. Page was in charge of attendance." she answers.
"I see..." Karen Page is not very important. The love interest of the Daredevil, and she didn't die like Gwen, I think... But it reminds me of Elektra.
Street-level people aren't a problem, but I think Elektra died at some point in the comics... maybe I can avoid that. And maybe even recruit her...
I can give people powers, if someone already knows how to fight, even better.
"I will bring in more allies now, Isabella. Do you want to watch?" I ask, after deciding not to delay further.
Her eyes show surprise. "If you allow." She says.
"Okay" We move to one of the rooms in Infinity Castle. I sit on my chair with a couch in front of me. Cathulhu comes to sit on my lap. And Isabella stands behind me.
I will summon the two together... Shego and Huntress.
[Do you want to use a Background Customization Card(03)?]
This message appears twice, side by side.
"Yes and yes"
Then two windows for customizing the background appear.
On my left is Shego's and on my right is Huntress's.
I read what is by default...
Helena's background is very similar to her story in the comics.
She is an Italian, an orphan very early in her life. But it doesn't speak of her becoming a vigilante in this world. So she will not have a history in the Marvel world as a hero.
Shego is a little more unusual... It's saying that she was a mercenary and assassin who has already accepted jobs from various criminal organizations like Hydra, Hellfire Club and others...
Do I leave this?
It has advantages and disadvantages.
Hmm.... I think for several minutes about this...
I make my decision after thinking hard.
It's best that Shego doesn't have a criminal history, even if she loses the contacts she would have with such a background.
I plan for Shego to be my right-hand woman, I don't want her to be in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database so early.
I start to edit the background of the two, but I don't change Helena's much. I decide to add that she has some properties, I test to see if I can add that she has an Italian restaurant.
To my surprise, a prompt appears... Charging me Money...
[Do you want to part with money, or equivalent, to add a property to this character's background? Note Will cost 300% of the actual market price.]
Now, this looks like Gacha.
It means that if I have enough money, I can give houses, businesses or even private islands to my summons...
Makes sense. Theses reality warping powers of the Background Customization Card need a price.
I remember that Isabella came with just the basics.
But where will the money be taken from? From my bank account? It's not in my name yet... I don't have access to everything my parents left me... I'm delaying the inheritance process until I have my emancipation in hand.
Hmm.. I have a lot of gold bars.
Removing a ton of gold from my inventory,
I think a ton of gold is somewhere around 40 million dollars these days.
On second thought, I take out another ton. Living in New York is not cheap.
Come to think of it, this can be a waste of money.
After all, if a tragedy happens here in New York, and I'm sure it will... Destroyed properties will have their prices lowered greatly.
But I don't want to wait. And I have gold to spare. Better to spend on Gacha than to destroy the country's economy...
I start writing that Helena has a penthouse and an upscale restaurant here in New York. And with Shego, I write that she also has a penthouse and a bar.
I find cool something like a "Villain Pub".
I wonder if these establishments will have any reputations.
When I write that places have "capable employees" the text turns red... Not allowing it.
I see. She'll have to open the place now and work from scratch.
No more creating a multimillion-dollar company out of thin air. Too bad.
I may have a building, but not a business with an excellent reputation.
Reputation is priceless.
Whatever... Making Shego and Helena have a life that can't be related to "Hector" is enough.
I put in specs for a really good location, then another one pops up for me to customize the houses and establishments.
I end up getting excited... I always get excited about these games of creating things. Who never took 3hrs to create their own character?
Shego's nightclub ends up being similar to Lucifer's nightclub in the series, Lux. Shego's house is on the top floor of the building as well.
For Helena, the restaurant is quite fancy. And Helena has a house nearby.
I will hope to have capable workers to open these establishments. Who knows? Maybe I will get someone from Toriko or Shokugeki no Souma to work at the restaurant... I Wait for the next Gacha.
"Master Hector..." I hear Isabella's voice behind me.
"You've been moving your hands for two hours… I thought you were concentrating and didn't want to interrupt. But is everything alright?" she asks displaying a little concern.
Two hours... Damn. Wait...
"Isabella... Can you see this?" I ask pointing to the screens around me.
"This what...?" She responds confused.
"Oh..." I thought since she was a summon, she could see. Interesting... "Sorry for the delay. It's time" I say.
After finishing everything I press "OK"
About 60% of the gold disappears and the screens turn into motes of lights and go in two different directions to form two silhouettes.
I and Isabella focus on these two new appearances.
Helena Bertinelli, the Huntress appears in her vigilante outfit, in purple colors, white an a little of black. Hmm... Do you really need to leave your abdomen exposed like that? Looking now her suit is very similar to the Hawkeye one. I should make some changes...
Helena is obviously a beautiful woman, with a fit and slender build, long dark hair and slight tan skin. As expected... In addition to the usual suit, she has a crossbow in her back. Hmm... So the summons brings their weapons. Or is it just because of the Background Card?
Shifting my focus to the other newcomer I notice… Damn. Mary Jane has just lost her place as the sexiest woman I know.
Shego has a slender and curvaceous build with waist-length black hair, piercing green eyes, pale skin, gray-like with a little shade of green and black lips.
Obviously, I don't show anything to my face.
The two look around a little. I notice Isabella curiously watching the two as well.
Reading their body language, I notice that Huntress appears to be on guard. Her body is tense and ready to move, legs wide enough to go into any position, center of gravity a little lower and her left hand tucked behind her body, probably going for some concealed weapon or to quickly withdraw. her crossbow.
Shego on the other hand, despite looking around carefully, seems much more relaxed. But I don't doubt she can react as fast as Huntress if she needs to.
The two then turn their eyes towards me. And just like Isabella, I'll just watch the two of them react.
Huntress, don't move. She just watches me, but she also doesn't draw any weapons to defend or attack. Looks like she's going for the "wait and see" tactic.
Shego on the other hand. ..
She blatantly gives me an up-down look and smirks before she just starts walking confidently towards me with a sway of her hips.
I just keep looking into her eyes, curious about what she's going to do.
Cathulhu raises her head that was lazily on my thigh and starts to face Shego, to stop him from attacking I start caressing his neck.
Shego continues to approach and...
As if it were the most normal thing in the world, she sits on the arm of my chair and starts polishing her nails.
"So~ You're my boss now..." She humms a little while giving me another look up and down. "I have to say it is an improvement compared to my other employer."
Well... Someone is taking this all pretty well...
Even Isabella is staring at her with a little frown, probably because she's acting too familiar.
Huntress seems happy to let Shego test the waters.
Um... A power play, huh? I remember that Shego doesn't respect Drakken very much in the cartoon.
"Don't act overfamiliar, Shego..." I say and telekinetically pick her up and sit her on the couch across from me. "Let's know each other first. No need to worry, in time you'll notice that I'm a pretty chill guy…" I smile a little at the shocked Shego.
Then I wave my hand for Huntress to sit down too. "Please..."
Not wanting to be manhandled too, Huntress sits on Shego's left side.
"Well… You two seem to know a little bit about what's going on. But I will ask you some questions anyway." I say calmly. "But first I'm going to start talking a little about myself anyway." Let's gain some of their trust.
"My name is Hector Belluci de Carvalho, my power is what allowed me to bring you all here, to a different world. This world is similar to yours but incredibly dangerous. Dangerous on the level of your world, Huntress…" I say looking at the woman in purple.
She looks surprised but doesn't seem to take my words to heart. I will prove her wrong in time...
"Before I explain further, I would like to ask about you... Who are you and how were your last moments in your former world." I say.
Now I will have more than one example to know how the Essence works.
Shego starts.
"I'm Shego, get bored out of my mind in my cell, you know... Life sentences grow tedious fast. I felt something giving me an opportunity and BAM! Here I am." She talks while supporting her cheek with one hand; "So... What's the plan? World domination, please tell me it's world domination."
"Nope. World domination brings too much paperwork. Next, please..." I say turning to Huntress as I ignore Shego pouting for now.
Every summons has its preferences, huh. Keep that in mind in the future. Shego is not a problem to control. And my activities in the future align with what she does too.
But I will be careful with whom I summon.
The right person for the right job.
Huntress looks at me and speaks.
"Helena Bertinneli, My universe... My universe has been destroyed, so here I am." She says simply.
Well... Things went from 0 to 100 pretty fast...
"...Do you want to talk about this?" I ask sympathetically.
"...Not really." She responds flatly.
I shrug.
"Okay. I won't force you, it must be a difficult subject." It must have been a Crisis, wherein her universe the heroes failed.
Endless possibilities, huh. Just one wrong step and everything goes to shit.
And it looks like the Essence really takes the versions in a tight spot, Shego imprisoned and Huntress dead like Isabella. There's a pattern here...
It's good that all the summons agreed to come here. But that doesn't mean they're super happy.
I look at Huntress who still maintains an unfriendly expression. Very different from Shego.
"I'm going to tell you a little bit about how I got you here and how my power works…" I start. Obviously, I will leave things out. But it's hard to hide the power of Essence from people who literally came from the Essence.
Everyone seems interested, even Isabella who only knows the basics.
"My power allows me to connect with the omniverse" I begin dramatically "I can reach all universes, even those you would consider fictional, and bring things from there. Including people…" I say pointing to the two in front of me.
"It's like a well... I put my hand there and pull something. I can't control what I pull, but I can use everything. In the case of people, I have two options…" I say to my interested audience.
"Or I summon, as I did with you. Or I assimilate the person... Gaining their powers, experiences, traits, and so on... Ah. I can imbue someone what I 'pull' in someone other than myself too." I explain.
And I stay silent letting them digest the information. I think this is a good cover for Gacha.
"...that's some bullshit power. Does that mean you can absorb anyone from the multiverse?" Helena speaks in disbelief.
"Omniverse" I correct. "And I wouldn't say I absolve, I assimilate because I don't absorb the person. I assimilate the person template. It's not like I'm killing someone to absorb that person's powers. Only when I wish to summon, that is when the option for you all come, appears. You guys were kind of 'invited', right?" I conclude.
Shego asks.
"So there are more people besides us? Are you trying to make an organization?"
"I just summon the three of you this cat here. Meet Cathulhu." I say hold out Catthulhu Lion King style.
"Cathulhu? Seriously?" Shego asks in disbelief
Cathulhu opens his mouth releasing several tentacles and stealing some gold bars.
Shego and Huntress get into a battle stance.
They relax only after Cathulhu has eaten the gold, and retracted his tentacles.
He looks smug, like "Go on, offend me. And you will see what happens." Cats...
"I think I understand now." Shego speaks with her eyes still wide. And also take a good look at the gold and my reaction.
"Cathulhu... I already told you to eat only what I say." I don't really care for him to eat gold, I can easily create it in a few minutes. But I have to create a habit for the pet.
"Meowth." He says.
"Whatever... I'll let it go this time." It seems he has a taste for precious metals. The little bastard is picky.
"Moving on... I have this power for less than a month, you all are the first ones I summon." I say.
"So we are qhat? Your little harem?" Huntress speaks raising an eyebrow as she looks at her companions.
I shrug.
"Meh…Believe it or not, it was a coincidence that you were all women. As I've said before I can absorb people's templates, right? I have already absorbed the strongest options... You are all people who would have not added anything to my personal strength, but you can be useful as a person." I say.
They need to know that they are not special. They're alive because of me. And they should be grateful for that. A little necessary manipulation...
Looking at the expressions of the three I can see that they arrive at the conclusion I want. After all, they could have been absorbed instead of being here right now.
"By the way, Helena… I absorbed a person from your universe. You must know..." I say and she looks at me with interest.
"The Batman, Bruce Wayne."
She widens her eyes.
"Oh god. Where are the eavesdropping devices and trackers?" She gets up and starts looking through her clothes.
What- I'm not that bad... I'm offended.
"Calm down, even though I'm influenced a little bit by the people I absorb, I'm me. I am different from Batman." I say, making her stop looking for some microchip or whatever, on her own body.
"Wait… Batman is Bruce Wayne?" She says after a while shocked.
"You do not know?" I ask a little puzzled.
"I'm not that close to the inner circle of the Justice League because of my preferences in… not letting loose ends. I met him several times, but apart from him trying to convince me to stop using lethal force, we didn't interact much." She says.
"I see. Batman can be pretty strict with his code. He probably didn't arrest you because of your similar past." I say.
She shows an expression of realization, remembering that Bruce Wayne's parents also died because of crime, similar to her own parents.
"...Do you know about me?" she asks me.
And there we go. Let's rip off the band-aid.
If there's anyone who can take this easy, it's Helena.
"Yes. I know a little about who I summon. Let's say, due to special circumstances...(My Other life, but I will not reveal that) Your world was fictional to me." I reveal.
She widens her eyes but doesn't look too surprised.
"You don't look very surprised? I see... Superboy-prime?" I ask.
For those who know DC, you know that Superboy-prime is an alternate version of Superman (very OP btw), which is from an Earth in which DC is comics. Like my last life.
"You even know about this. Huh?" She speaks.
"I'm a fan" I say simply. "Let me say one last thing before we go take a look at the house I've prepared for you all…" I say, gaining attention from both of them.
"You've all made your choice to come into this world and 'serve me'... But relax I'm not a heartless bastard. I don't plan on making you do anything you don't want to, you can even be independent and pursue your dreams and hobbies. I'll ask you to help me when I need it. Take this as a job, if you guys want to quit, just say so. Don' betray me."
I say this end seriously.
"Just trust me for a while" I conclude
Better clear the air soon.
They just look at me, I don't need an answer. Without waiting for them, I open a portal to the location of the nightclub I prepared for Shego.
"Come." I say.
Shego P.O.V.
Well, isn't that interesting?
One moment I'm trapped with no prospect of escape, and the next I'm in an entirely different universe. When I felt something reaching out and offering me my freedom in exchange for my loyalty, I thought I'd finally gone mad.
But look who's done well now.
The Multiverse is real. Drakken had told me about the possibility, but I'd always brushed it off thinking it was just another one of the gibberish talks of him.
I just passed through the portal to a very fancy building.
And apparently, this place is going to be mine, I'm already liking my new employer.
Good-looking, rich, and apparently smart and he only getting started. Apparently that Helena is still brooding about her universe being destroyed. Girl, put yourself together... I'd be having a party if everyone in my universe died and only me was left.
It was going to be a lonely party, but at least everyone there would be great. Because of would-be only me.
Unlike the woman wearing that hideous purple, I see it as an opportunity. My Young employer has a lot of potentials, and I'm one of the first people to join his group, which is sure to be a big one.
I need to secure my position.
Make him see that the evil side is much more fun and convince him to take over the world. So I, Shego, will be at the top right beside him. Hehe.
Ugh. Does he plan to go hero? Isn't it easier to just take the reins of the situation? And have everyone obeying you?
Well, apparently not, because he's talking about how dangerous this world is. Gods, demons, aliens, cosmic entities...
I will need to work hard, to make my life easy.
Oh, nothing comes easy to Shego. can't I catch a break?
I just want to be at the top of the world, like is my natural position, duh.
"It doesn't seem to have a lot of furniture, besides the basics." Hector notices as we walk through my penthouse.
I can agree with him, the layout, and location are excellent. But I will need to decorate the place.
Make better, more like me.
"Although you work for me, it is completely unnecessary for you to live with me. My normal identity has to be disassociated from the 'super world' as much as possible. Only Isabella will live with me." Hector talks as he opens all the rooms and checks all the windows.
What a methodic guy.
"That said, you will live with me for the time being, until you settle down. Your background appears that you have just arrived in New York from overseas and you have just moved into your respective homes. Meanwhile, you will be using the portals to live with me." He continues.
"Although I have prepared a business for each one, they don't have to open them right away. Let's take it easy. After all, we don't have reliable people to work with. These places will be a good cover for any 'shady' activity and will be a good source of income too. I think that's all." Hector says as we walk through Helena's empty restaurant.
I prefer my nightclub
And it looks like he's not a total goody-two-shoes. Nice...
He is looking at me.
He smiles and says.
"You know, Shego. Trying to manipulate me into the path you want is not going to work." he says shocking me. He can read mind-
"I can read minds." He answers before I even finish the thought.
"But I'm not reading anyone's mind at the moment. I'm a hypocrite, but not that much... It's written all over your face, your thoughts." he says as he approaches me.
"I know that each of you is your own person, I will never force you to do something you don't want to. You don't want to be a hero, you won't be. I will ask you to help me in my endeavors that you have an affinity for." He says then take a look at the three of us.
"Each of you all isn't good people, but you aren't evil either. That's good because I can't be considered good or bad either. I will do bad things and do good things in the future... But what I do will come from my own decisions. Any attempt at subtle manipulation will not work. Like you girls, I am my own person too..." He finishes looking at me with a calm smile.
I can only nod.
"But that doesn't stop you from giving me suggestions." He shrugs his shoulders. "Feel free to speak your mind and act however you want, as long as you don't hurt innocents. I'm just letting you know, so our relationship doesn't go down a bad path, because you would overstep your own boundaries or whatever. Well, Isabella. Open a portal to a training room into the Infinity Castle, let's see how strong your guys are…" He concludes, smiling at us.
I see the maid making a white and black double door appear in the middle of a fog.
When the door opens, I can see a large space on the other side. Hector enters the portal without hesitation.
Well, he is young, not dumb... Point to him.
"Ouch" And strong Too. Another point.
I think as I'm thrown to the ground for the hundredth time since we started sparing an hour ago.
At first, Helena and I alternated one by one to fight Hector. Let's just say we didn't have much of a chance.
Now we are teaming up against him. Without much luck either.
"Very good, above normal humans in the physical aspects." Hector comments quietly.
The bastard hasn't moved from his spot since this started.
I hear Helena mutter under her breath "Fucking Batman" as she catches her breath on the floor.
"Now for the last round, you can use your weapon powers on anything. Come." He says but doesn't even put himself in a battle position.
Alright, I will kick his ass. And wipe that condescending look off his face.
(A.N.: Hector has no condescending look on his eyes from him, but for Shego is pretty much like that . Unreliable narrator, you know.)
I see Helena going to get her crossbow, meanwhile, I get up
Igniting my hands with my green energy, I go on the attack.
First I launch towards him.
He simply steps aside.
"Interesting, but you'd better set your hands on fire, revealing your powers, middle motion. To catch the enemy unsuspecting." He speaks calmly.
Ugh. Annoying...
I jump and go to close quarters.
"Gah" He gives me a punch in the stomach. "You don't know how to treat a fragile lady?" I asked catching my breath.
"I see no fragile girl and these fists are rated E, to everyone." He responds while leaning back a little, dodging an arrow that was going to hit his shoulder.
"Too straightforward" He says looking at Helena, who makes multiple shots, none hitting the target. "Later we will work on a wider type of arrows."
I take advantage and attempt another attack, swiping with my hand in his face.
He just catches it.
"I see, it's no fire. Is like a corrosive energy, can it explode too? Neat." He says intertwining his fingers with mine.
What! That shocks me. My power can melt steel, and he is just holding it? I try to take my hand off, but he doesn't seem to budge.
"Calm down, this won't hurt me." He speaks withdrawing his unscathed hand from mine.
Then he turns his face quickly and catches an arrow shot by Helena, with his teeth.
And then start munching the whole thing and eating it.
"I have a power that allows me to eat anything, without problems." He says.
(A.N.: A quirk of one of the Chisaki guys.)
This guy is full of bullshit.
"Well, I have a good idea of what you can do now." He says and pulls telekinetically Helena, causing her to collide with me.
"Get off me you fat bitch!" I say 'gently' pushing the woman above me. Giving a revenge slap in her fat ass in the meantime.
It's bigger than mine. Just a little.
But mine is perkier
She glares at me, and I glare back.
"Okay, ladies. No infighting... I will give your all a gift." Hector says approaching.
Oh. I like gifts.
"I can give powers too. To me no matter how strong you are, I can make you stronger…" He says.
I understand the hidden message.
We are not so important, we can help him but he doesn't really need us.
It has a double side too. Will not be much of a loss to him if we go away. So we can leave him without guilt.
His hands touch my forehead and Helena's and I feel power coursing through my body.
Ooh! I see. I hit the jackpot.
Baxter Building
Bruce Banner, the Hulk paces furiously while waiting in a corridor outside a room in the Baxter Building.
He wants to be inside the room, helping. But he can't. And it wouldn't do anyone any good if he lost his cool right now.
It's too personal for to him involve himself.
Inside the room is the last family that he has in the world, Jennifer Walters, his cousin.
She is sick with a terminal illness. And she needs a transfusion from him. But he knows how dangerous that can be.
So he sought the help of the Fantastic Four, to look for a solution. Reed assured that there was a way to get the blood transfused without causing any harm to the patient.
While Bruce Banner is having pessimistic thoughts, the door to the room where Jennifer is receiving surgery or procedure opens.
And a blue-eyed blonde woman leaves the room, she is using the Fantastic Four's blue uniform. This woman is obviously Susan Storm.
"Dr. Banner" she begins "I'm happy to say everything was smooth but..."
"But what? What's the problem?" Interromps Banner.
"Jennifer will be unconscious for weeks, maybe even a month."
"What? Why is this happening?"
"Your blood is… very strong and harmful." Susan talks kindly "She receives it without any problems, but to her body adapts without any problem, even if we use a special chamber. It will take time." Susan concludes.
The Fantastic Four are using a chamber that was first developed to try to make them normal again, when they wanted to be normal again...
Well, the Thing still wants to go back to being less rocky. But it's not a priority anymore...
It is now being used so that Jenifer Walters does not suffer from Gamma Radiation.
"I see…that's good. We need to be very careful with this." Bruce speaks.
He's at a big risk being inNew York, memories of Harlem come to his mind.
He doesn't want to put anyone at risk anymore.
But he needs to stay here for Jennifer, in case anything goes wrong.
A.N.: Well, hello there.
This chapter should be bigger, but I cut him in half. So, only 7k worlds for now.
In the next, we will see the MC creating his foothold in the world.
And more development for Shego and Helena.
Nothing to add here.
Thanks for reading. Any feedback is appreciated.
Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to make the story better for everyone. Stay good you all.
Till next time.
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