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82.12% Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group! / Chapter 167: Chapter 165 ~ Overlord

Chương 167: Chapter 165 ~ Overlord

The next morning.

Still slightly tired from the trip yesterday, the twins unconsciously leaned their bodies towards Yuuji as they walked side by side, making their way to school. 

Yuna would let out a cute little yawn from time to time, while Nina walked silently in a daze. 

Arriving at school, Yuuji walked his sisters to her classroom first. But before they separate, Yuuji held their hands for a moment, halting them from entering.

"Hm? What's wrong, Yuu-kun?"


Yuuji smiled softly and responded. 

"I made a promise this afternoon with Haruka-senpai this afternoon. So we won't be able to walk home together."

"Ah… That's right. I remember you did make that promise after the basketball game this friday."

Nina thought for a moment before nodding, remembering hearing about it. 

"Eeh~? Well… I guess it can't be helped…"

Yuna pouted her lips and averted her eyes to the side, sulking. 

Walking home after school with her Yuu-kun was always something she looked forward to. After all, she could hug his arms and be super close to him when very few people would be walking the streets near their home. 

Nina was inwardly disappointed as well, but she kept her cool and understood Yuuji's situation. 

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you next time. Meanwhile, you should bring Aria and Alice with you when you walk home. They'll protect you. Right, you two?"

Yuuji touched the obsidian gem and white, pearly necklace affectionately, and the two slimes responded with a slight jiggle, imperceptible to anyone else but those near Yuuji. 

"Alright. Then, we'll be in Aria-chan and Alice-chan's care."

"Mm. I'll come to your class to hand you Aria and Alice. DOn't go before I come, okay?"



The two then entered their class, and Yuuji also made his way to his classroom, which was the one next to Yuna and Nina's. 

Upon entering, he greeted his classmates, as well as Raku and Ai as he took his seat beside them. 

And just then… A notification came to his phone. 


World: [Overlord]


Become an Adamantite class adventurer.

Obtain 1 World-Tier Item

Subjugate the Evil Organization

Subjugate at least one nation. (Special Mission: 5000 GCP)Additional 5000 GCP per nation for each participant.

Number of Participant(s): 3

Supporting Items:

Special Level 100 Race and ClassDivine Class Items and EquipmentIdentity and Background HistoryStarting Money: Equivalent to 60% of the owner's current wealth.

Failure Condition(s):

Failing to become an Adamantite Class adventure.

Failing to obtain a world-tier item.

No Evil Organization subjugated.

No Nation subjugated.

Rewards upon completion:

All supporting items will be permanently available to participants upon successful completion of the quest.10+1 pull ticket from the GachaGroup Chat Points equal to 1000 x the number of missions completed.

Penalties upon failure:

All supporting items will be removed from participants upon failure to complete the missions. Group Chat Points equal to 1000 x the number of missions failed will be deducted from participants. If points owned are less than points deducted, the points owned will be 0.


Yuuji's eyes widened in surprise. It finally arrived… The mission in Satoru's world. 

He quickly went to the group chat room, and as he expected, everyone had gathered and begun discussing the mission. 

Suzuki Satoru: "So it has finally arrived huh…?"

Lelouch Lamperouge: "The missions seem… Quite difficult this time."

Shiba Tatsuya: "Indeed. Subjugating an evil organization and a nation… Not to mention, obtaining a World-tier item. They're not easy tasks…"

Kiryuu Aika: "If we follow the anime, then we might be able to get a world-tier item from the Theocracy, right?"

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "Yes. As for an evil organization… Perhaps we can target the Eight Fingers."

C.C: "What about the nation…?"

Chiba Erika: "Yeah… That's a really difficult one to accomplish."

Yuuji fell into thought for a moment…

Subjugating a nation… Even if they follow what happened in the anime, it still wouldn't be an easy task. 

Moreover, doing the same thing as what happened in the anime would mean that they would have to kill hundreds of thousands of people. 

That was… something he'd like to avoid, if at all possible. 

Moreover, killing so many people might also attract the unwanted attention and enmity of the Platinum Dragon Lord, who already regarded "Players" as the cancer of the world that needed to be removed. 

That means, they'd need to think of a way to subjugate Re-Estize, Baharuth, or some other nations without having to kill a massive number of people and attracting the Platinum Dragon Lord's attention. 

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "Satoru-san, how much time do we have before the server shutdown in Yggdrasil?"

Suzuki Satoru: "...Around 4 hours from now."

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "I see… Then we have approximately 4 hours to think of a plan before the 3 of us begin the mission."

Shiba Tatsuya: "Then perhaps we should decide who will participate in this mission first so we can plan around their abilities."

Lelouch Lamperouge: "Agreed. Then, Satoru-san, I believe you should be the one to choose who you would like to participate in this mission."

Everyone agreed with Tatsuya and Lelouch's proposal. 

With missions in a world where one of the members originated from, that member would be given the freedom to choose who would participate in the mission. After all, it concerned the direction and the future in which their world would take.

Moreover, given it's their world, they would be more knowledgeable about its intricacies and choose who would be the most appropriate for the missions. 

This was the case with the mission in Tatsuya's world and Lelouch's world. 

Thus, they let Satoru choose the participants of the mission that would be joining him in his world. 

Suzuki Satoru: "I understand. In truth, I would've preferred if everyone could join me in this world, not only to help with the mission, but to also show you the "Home" my comrades and I have made. But unfortunately, I can only choose three…"

Kiryuu Aika: "It's fine, Satoru-san~! You can just invite us once you clear the mission~"

Chiba Erika: "That's true! You don't need to feel bad."

Shiba Tatsuya: "Yes. That's why, please feel free to choose who you would like to join you in this mission."

Suzuki Satoru: "Yes. I will definitely invite everyone once we finish this mission. So for now…"

Suzuki Satoru: "First, I would like Yuuji-kun to join me. I believe his strength, his anti-magic geass, business skills, and flexibility would be extremely helpful for this mission. Moreover, as someone who had participated in the past two missions, I believe his experience would be crucial for us to succeed in these particularly difficult tasks."

With Yuuji's [Divine Physique], the [Yin Yang Slimes], [Terminus Est], his geass which negates all magic in his vision, his Elemental Sight, and the power to bend the very fabric of space to his will, his combat and weapon proficiencies, in addition to the level 100 class and race and divine ranked items he would receive as supporting items from the group chat, Satoru had no doubt that his strength would surpass him in his Overlord form, and perhaps even the greatest warrior in Nazarick, the world Champion, Touch Me, and the strongest Entity of Nazarick, Rubedo. 

If he wanted to complete missions such as subjugating a nation while also being capable of fighting against powers like the Platinum Dragon Lord, then he'll need someone as powerful as Yuuji. 

Moreover, Yuuji's management skills and investment skills would be extremely beneficial to Nazarick's economy. Although he now possessed the world item, Draupnir, which translated into infinite Yggdrasil Gold, it'd be better if there's someone who could use those riches to its fullest potential.

All in all, even if he put aside his own personal feelings and friendship for Yuuji, choosing him was objectively the best choice he could make. 

Tsubakihara Yuuji: "I understand. I will try my best to live up to your expectations, Satoru-san."

Suzuki Satoru: "Mm, I will be in your care as well, Yuuji-kun."

Suzuki Satoru: "Then, second. I would like Lelouch to join me as well. With his strategic brilliance and ability to collect any information in the world at will, we would be able to create more efficient and safe plans to complete the missions."

Having seen Lelouch's leadership and strategic skills first hand during the mission, Satoru was confident in Lelouch's ability to even subjugate a nation, since he had done so in the past. 

In addition, with his SSR, the [Archivist of Universal Knowledge], which gave him the power to collect any information in the world at will, they'd be able to gain much needed information for their plans to go forward safely and efficiently. 

With Yuuji as the tip of the spear and Lelouch as the strategist, he doubted any nation, to his knowledge, would be capable of defeating Nazarick. 

Lelouch Lamperouge: "Understood. I will be in your care."

Suzuki Satoru: "Likewise. Thank you, Lelouch-kun."

Suzuki Satoru: "Then finally… I would like Aika-san to join this mission."

Kiryuu Aika: "E-Eh? I-Is that okay, Satoru-san…?"

Aika, seeing Satoru's message declaring his decision to choose her for the mission, couldn't help but look at her phone in shock. 

Initially, she did want to join the mission to increase her strength in preparation for the upcoming "events" and conflicts that would happen in her world. 

But after seeing the missions… The difficulty seemed a bit too much for her, who's only capable of some magic and healing that's mediocre compared to Yuuji, Satoru, Tatsuya, and C.C, and mediocre physical combat skills compared to Erika. 

She also didn't have specialized magic that would be useful like Lelouch's [Archivist of Universal Knowledge]. 

Even after she received the supporting items from the group chat for the mission, wouldn't it be better for someone, who's initially powerful, to have that and help complete the mission more easily?

Suzuki Satoru: "Of course I'm sure, Aika-san."

Kiryuu Aika: "But…"

Suzuki Satoru: "Aika-san, would you like to know why I chose you?"

Kiryuu Aika: "Yes…"

Suzuki Satoru: "Then, I will tell you. Firstly, although Tatsuya-kun is powerful, the New World is one with extremely primitive technology compared to his world. While his magic would be useful, I don't think he'll be able to utilize his true skills and talent, which lies in engineering and programming, much in this world."

Shiba Tatsuya: "I agree. Thank you for your consideration, Satoru-san."

Suzuki Satoru: "Mm. I'm sorry, Tatsuya-kun. I promise I'll invite you to my world after the mission is done."

Shiba Tatsuya: "There's no need for apologies. And I look forward to visiting your world."

Suzuki Satoru: "Secondly, while C.C-san is immortal and is capable of powerful healing and life saving abilities with her [Saintess of Life] SSR, her abilities might rarely be utilized, given how carefully I plan on approaching these missions. Of course it'd be reassuring to have such a powerful healer. If I can choose one more participant, then I would definitely have C.C-san join us, but… 

Suzuki Satoru: "Since only three participants are allowed, I would like someone else to have this chance."

C.C: "I understand. I would also find it boring if I have nothing to do… It's not like I can help manage the base. All I'd do is laze around."

Suzuki Satoru: "Thank you for understanding, C.C-san."

Suzuki Satoru: "And so, this left me with two choices. Either you, Aika-san, or Erika-san. And… I choose you, because Erika-san already has a powerful and combat oriented SSR."

Chiba Erika: "I see, that makes sense… Aika, Satoru-san is right. You should use this chance to get stronger! Your world is dangerous, right? We don't even know when a mission for your world will appear, so you have to be able to protect yourself there!"

Kiryuu Aika: "Satoru-san… Erika-chan…"

Kiryuu Aika: "Alright… Thank you for giving me this chance!!! I will do my best!!!"

Seeing the conversation unfolding in the group chat, Yuuji couldn't help but feel relief spreading throughout his entire being…

As he had hoped, Aika was given the chance to join this mission and grow stronger, and he would also be there to protect her in case something happens. 

This was the best case scenario. Even if the mission seemed difficult, he was confident that they'd be able to overcome it. 

Suzuki Satoru: "Yes. Then, I'll be in all of your care! Now then, shall we start discussing our plans for the mission? I would also like to hear Tatsuya-kun, C.C-san, and Erika-san's opinion as well."

Shiba Tatsuya: "Of course."

The group chat was filled with conversations and planning for the entirety of Yuuji's time in school. 

At this moment, the mission was more important than school, so Yuuji secretly kept using his phone even during class. 

And thanks to his [Acting Proficiency], no one was the wiser about this. 

Time passed gently to others, but quickly for Yuuji, as before he knew it, the bell signifying the end of school for the day rang, and the message from Satoru, informing that there was only 10 minutes left before the server shut down, came to his phone. 

Thus, everyone decided to start the mission now. 

The world before him began to shine brilliantly, enveloping his classroom and the figure of his friends in light. And in the next moment, he felt the familiar sensation of suddenly being weightless, before he was transported. 


AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!! 

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~! 

Or buy me a cofee at buymeacoffee.com/verglasx 

Thank you~!

EclypseX EclypseX

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