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72.5% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 459: The Wizard and the Snow Queen by spartanr981 (Harry PotterxFrozen)

Chương 459: The Wizard and the Snow Queen by spartanr981 (Harry PotterxFrozen)

Latest Update:One Shot

Summary: Harry Potter, a Wizard lost in a world not his own awakes to see the world covered in snow, further investigation saw him discovering the source being a beautiful Queen of Ice and Snow. Together as the only two wielders of magic in this new world they will face everything together. Hints of Elsa x Harry.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13494601/1/The-Wizard-and-the-Snow-Queen

Word Count:16k


Chapter 1, part 1

Green eyes looked deeply into the mug on the wooden table in front of him, as if it held all the answers in the universe inside. Noise surrounded him, people making loud merry in the tavern. To most that would have brought smiles to their face, to him he just tried to ignore it and everything else. Drowning his problems and sorrows in his cups.

It hadn't been that long since he had arrived in this brand new world. Tired and battered he had found the nearest city, exhausted he made his way into the city of Arendelle of the country of the same name. He had found a tavern, paid for a room and spent his nights drinking his memories away.

As he sat there, wearing a black cloak with a hood that hid his face projecting an aura that kept all the people in the bar away from him he let out a sigh. He knew if his bushy-haired bookworm of a best friend had been there she would have said he was brooding, something he would have vehemently denied to his last day. He did not brood dammit, he just thought deeply!

Who would have thought he of all people would have taken up drinking! Though… he now completely understood why Moody kept a hip flask on him at all times. The paranoid old bastard probably had needed it just to get through the day!

Groaning to himself he lay his head own on the table. His eyes slowly drifting shut, he hated the darkness of sleep it allowed the night terrors in but he was exhausted having tried to stay awake the night before.

Just as his mind was about to fall into slumber he thought he felt a wave of powerful magic roll over his body even as his eyes shut but he was far too tired and drunk to remain conscious.

Lights flashed in the darkness illuminating the mountainside even as the ground shook and rumbled under his feet. Cold wind battered his face as arctic cold winds slammed into his body though they seemed to have absolutely no effect despite the relatively thin amount of clothing he was wearing for the weather. In the distance, the sound of explosive shells hitting the ground and exploding could be heard along with the symphony of cracks that signaled gunfire.

Ignoring that he swiped his hand in front of his face creating a large gale of wind that pushed back the snow falling in his face and obscuring his view allowing him to see the multiple glowing red eyes illuminating his surroundings. Some were small and low to the ground like those of a dog's while others were massive red pools of lava that burned with malice towering far above his head hinting at the true size of the monsters.

He shivered in disgust as the corrupt and unholy magic coming off the creatures around him rolled over his senses.

Suddenly roar rang out as all at once the smaller creatures in the group came alive and rushed towards him.

Pulling on his magic from deep within he lifted his arms allowing his magic to conform to his intent brought about and controlled by his will. Bolts of electricity crackled down his limbs and around his body. As he brought his arms together, the number of sparkling bolts of electricity increasing until he slashed his arms outwards releasing the lightning in a circular area around him destroying everything in its path.

The lightning smashed straight into the creatures illumining them in all their unholy glory. They seemed to look like dogs, though what breed he had no idea. They weren't alive, not in the traditional way anyway that he was sure. Most of them were missing most of their stomachs, the area having been eaten away revealing bone underneath. One creepy and disturbing observation of the dogs was the sheer number of teeth in their mouths. Each had two sets of teeth like that of a shark and each one was sharpened like razors. A single bite would easily rip through skin and bone.

Growing frustrated at the lack of light, he raised his hand and channeled his magic into his finger. Pointing it to the sky like a gun he realised the magic, a small ball of magic shot quickly into the air. As it reached a few hundred feet up it suddenly expanded and glowed with a powerful white light. Illuminating everything underneath it like a second smaller sun.

He was surrounded, great monstrous creatures towered over him eager to tear him to pieces whilst scores of lesser demons filled every inch of the landscape around him, ravenous for his flesh. In the distance, a scant few hundred meters was his goal, the fifteen-meter wide pool of inky blackness that many who had seen it nicknamed the Satan Pit.

Looking around he growled as he reached deep into the magic inside him and pulled, submerging himself in it until it infused every cell in his body and began to twist the air around him, cracking the ground underneath his feet from the sheer pressure his magic created. His eyes glowed a bright green like torches, wisps of energy coiling out of them.

It was enough to unnerve even the powerful demons around him.

Concentrating on the spell he wanted he focused his intent and concentrated his magic. Pulling his Occlumency barrier's to full power he reinforced his mental defenses as he put out one hand in front of him.

Flicking his wrist the familiar Elder Wand fell into his palm and the magic inside him rushed down its length as he roared out the name of the spell.


Sparks and embers of fire ignited at the end of the Elder Wand, a fire unlike any other. At first glance, it looked like normal fire, all oranges, yellows and reds. Yet it wasn't, a deep black could be seen deep in the multi-colored light of the small embers and sparks.

He could feel the budding consciousness of the sentient flame attack his mind, but it was far from enough and with ease he wrested complete control over it as he fed magic into the spell all the while keeping his control over the temperamental flame.

The embers and sparks quickly turned to thick flames that exploded outwards from the tip of his wand enveloping his surroundings in the eldritch fire which formed massive constructs of flame that charged towards his enemies with the fury of a raging Fire Spirit.

Great Phoenix's, Owls and Hippogriff's charged at the waiting enemies smashing into them incinerating everything, the larger creatures attempted to use their twisted magic's to form red magical shields to defend themselves, they quickly shattered under the effects of the magic eating fire.

The larger and larger the fire got the more he could feel it trying to break free of his control and ran rampant freely, devouring everything including him.

Using his iron will and well-controlled mind reinforced by his Occlumency shields he kept the reigns of the sentient flame as he began to walk towards the pool of darkness.

There was no snow under his feet nor in his surroundings, it had long since melted and turned to steam by the staggering temperature of the Dark Fire.

Four hundred meters away.

He could feel the sweat on his brow evaporating from the heat even as he advanced forward, one foot after the other.

Three hundred meters.

The ground shook from falling bodies as the smell of burning flesh thickened the air. Mounds of charred flesh and skin began to pile up.

Two hundred meters.

The screeches and howls of the demons burning filled his ears creating a savage delight deep inside him.

One hundred meters.

Glowing crimson eyes turned to the Anathema filled with malice and hatred, the skin of half its corrupt visage having burned off leaving behind charred skin and blacked scales.

Fifty meters.

The ground under the Greater Demon cracked as it threw itself forward crushing its Lesser brethren under its feet as it charged blindly forward through the fire. The magic eating flame tearing into the flesh and scales. The Demon if it could feel such things ignored the pain lancing through its artificial nerves.

He was right in front of it now, the pool of inky blackness in front of him was radiating a twisted and foul energy that clung to everything it touched. Harry had never felt such corrupted magic. Power ran from deep within the earth running upwards towards the pit where it seemed to twist and writhe as it was corrupted and changed becoming foul and warped.

With a gargantuan force of will he gave his last order to the sentient fire he forced the Dark Fire to maintain its position around him stopping it from turning on him or rampaging out of control.

Reaching down to examine the pool his wand in hand he flicked and twisted it in a chain of complicated patterns as he cast a series of Diagnostic Charms at the Satan Pit.

His eyes widened in horror as the information returned to him from the Charms ad he truly comprehended for the first time exactly what depths the Dark Lord had fallen to in order to create these heinous abominations. Voldemort must have been truly insane to come up with something as vile and horrific as this, it was a level of fiendish insanity beyond anything he'd heard of before.

His final act of vengeance had desecrated the magic of the world itself, contaminating it with vile Dark Soul and Necromantic Magicks to form these monstrous creatures out of the souls of the dead drawn from Limbo before they crossed over into the afterlife and bodies constructed by the Dark Magic of the Pit itself. Though there was some mixed news form the Charm, the massive and beyond complex Runic Array filling the bottom of the Pit was the source and anchor for the Ritual allowing it to continue churning out those monsters indefinitely as long as the Array remained intact. The Ritual was so complex and intricate that it would have taken years to devise and create, the thought that it must have been created when he was nothing more than a shade percolated through his brain, it was after all the only point in time that Voldemort would have been depraved enough to devise something as vile as this. However, there was a ray of light in the darkness, as long as he could destroy the Array he would be able to shut down the Pool for good stopping any more of those foul beings being born.

Idly a thought wandered into his brain as he continued his analyses, the power involved in the creation of such a complex and dangerous Ritual was staggering, in fact, it was only possible thanks to the Array being powered by the sheer overwhelming and almost bottomless power drawn from the World itself through the power of the Lay Lines.

As he was analysing it he didn't see the attack coming until it was right on top of him.

He only had a split second as the wave of corrupted magic washed over him ahead of the creature itself. He had just enough time to shunt magic down his wand and raise it to cast a hastily and poorly put together Shield Charm.

The magical shield wasn't powerful enough to hold under the strength of the foul magic reinforced fist of the massive hulking creature. Though it was enough to slow down its momentum just enough that when it hit his Basilisk hide armor rather than crush his body into powder it only threw him backwards.

Unfortunately, the only thing behind him was the black pool and with an almighty splash, he was submerged in the Satan Pit.

The moment the foul energy of the Satan Pit touched him he felt its corrupted magic pierce his body and infect him. As he submerged in it fully the assault only grew stronger.

Deep within his body, his own magic reacted violently to the invasion as it exploded outwards from his core slamming into the corrupt magic with the force of a rampaging Nundu stopping it in its tracks as if it had smashed straight into an unbreakable wall.

A war between the two opposing magic's raged inside him as he tried to block out the agonizing pain the conflict of the two opposing forces inflicted in his body. Pushing his Occlumency Shields as far as they could go he blocked out as much of the pain as possible.

Raising the Elder Wand he flicked it pushing magic down its end as he fired off one last spell. A large bolt of blue-tinted magic lanced out the wand and headed downwards, cutting through the blackness of the Pool until it reached the bottom. Smashing into the Runic Array with the force of a train locomotive. Instantly a full third of the bottom of the pool along with a good portion of the Runic Array vaporized reduced to ashes in an instant.

The entire pool shuddered, vibrations reverberating through it from the shockwaves.

Harry felt the corrupt magic invading him falter. Taking advantage of the moment he gathered up his magic from inside him and forced it through his body. With a roar, his magic pushed out the corruption exploding out of his body in the form of a shockwave.

His wave of magic smashed into the broken Array at the bottom of the pool further destabilizing it causing something unexpected to happen.

Harry's eyes glinted with a sense of victory, he had done it! He had finally put an end to the last legacy of the Dark Lord! He ha-

His solitary victory party was interrupted by a wave of magic rolling over his body as the broken Array under his feet pulsated with magic, still trying to pull magic from within the Lay Lines to complete its preprogrammed tasks. Only now it could no longer construct the bodies for the twisted creatures, the runic series that gave the parameters for them having been destroyed by his spell. Only the Runes that pulled and guided the magic of the Lay Lines up into the Array along with the temporal-spatial runic series that opened a dimensional pathway still remained intact.

Unfortunately, or perhaps the opposite depending on your point of view, the series of runes that defined the spatial coordinates for the dimension of Limbo had also been destroyed.

All that power, still being drawn up into the Pit but with nothing to do with it but activate the temporal-spatial runes. Space twisted and turned folding in on itself.

Harry screamed in pain as space twisted him in different directions only to choke as he almost ingested the foul liquid of the pool.

Pain lanced through his body as he felt himself get pulled in every different direction.

He couldn't breathe, he felt his lungs burning as they demanded oxygen even as space continued to shift and twist seeming to reach its limits.

Blackness began to cloud his vision as he felt everything go dark.

Just as everything was fading, he felt space 'straighten' and snap back to normal as the effects of gravity suddenly kicked in and he found himself falling. Dimly he was aware that he had somehow, impossibly landed on soft grass even as he took great mouthfuls of air to fill his lungs.

Blearily he saw grass-covered hills and trees in his surroundings as he fell into unconsciousness knowing unconsciously that he was no longer in any danger.

Harry's bleary eyes snapped open as he was jolted from his nightmare, ridding himself of the sleep in his eyes.

He breathed out, only to blink as he saw his breath condense in the air. Shaking his head he groaned as he felt the hangover from the drinking the night before. Closing his eyes he reached into his pouch, the same pouch Hermione had given him at the beginning of the hunt for the Horcrux's he pulled out a small via, flicked off the top and downed the whole thing in one go.

He resisted the urge to gag as the tasted the utter vial potion go down his throat. He sighed as he felt the headache slowly receded and he could concentrate properly.

Opening his eyes once more he looked around the tavern. The first thing he noticed was how cold it now was, he could see the breath of the other occupants inside. Taking a look through the window he blinked.

It was snowing, that should be impossible. He was pretty sure it hadn't been snowing the day before, in fact, it had been a bright sunny day for the coronation of the Queen. This was fishy, he needed to get to the bottom of this.

For the first time since he arrived in this place, he focused his mind on something greater than just drowning his sorrows

Getting up he walked over to the bar where the barman was cleaning one of his mugs with a somewhat worried look on his face.

"Yo." He said as he sat down on one of the stools.

The barman looked up in surprise as one of the new regulars sat in front of him. He was rather surprised. This particular customer was an odd one. Appeared around a month ago, a strange accent so a foreigner and oddest of all, he never lowered his hood. The barman would have believed him a spy or something as far-fetched if the man did not spend every day drinking. It was like the man was trying to drown his entire life away! He had seen men be self-destructive before due to problems in their lives but there was an aura around the man that seemed to hint that his problems were far from the mundane and greater than the fishermen who lost his boat in a storm.

"What can I do for you?" The barman asked, he was rather intimidated by the cloaked man despite him being no bigger than him. In fact, he would go as far as to say that the cloaked man was slightly smaller than him, but there was something about the man that made him seem far bigger than his mere physical size.

Waving his hand in the direction of the window he asked. "The snow, where did it come from? Pretty sure it wasn't snowing or even cold last night when I fell asleep."

The barkeeper suddenly understood why the man had approached him. "Ah, you see not sure if you knew or not but it was Princess Elsa's coronation yesterday. No one is quite sure what happened but it was revealed at the party afterwards that she possessed magic! Rumour has it that she created spikes of ice that nearly hurt Princess Anna and the Duke of Weselton before fleeing the castle into the mountains. As she did though the bay froze along with everything else and now it looks like we're in the depths of winter despite it being summer!"

Harry's eyebrows rose at that, and for the first time in a month, he wasn't wallowing in self-loathing and was instead focusing on something else. It was the first time he had heard magic mentioned in this country after all and on such a scale, he knew that he himself wasn't capable of such a feat and he had been one of the strongest Wizards in history standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the greatest magicals in history; Merlin, Morgana, Solomon, Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore all coming to mind.

Asking in surprise he said. "Did anyone know that the Queen could do such a thing?"

The barman shook his head. "Apparently even Princess Anna was just as shocked as everyone. If anyone knew it would have been King Agnarr and Queen Iduna the Princesses parents but they obviously it seems didn't tell anyone else."

Harry nodded in understanding, he could relate. Not everyone was receptive to magic and many viewed it with suspicion. A memory of the Dursley's coming to mind before he forced that image away. "So what's going on with the kingdom then?"

The man shrugged before answering. "Who knows everyone seems to be in shock at the moment. Apparently, this has affected all of Arendells someone will have to get the Queen to end this freeze, Arendelle won't survive for long if it's frozen over."

Harry nodded in understanding before he dropped a gold coin in the man's hand said. "Thank you for the information. Before he turned around and disappeared out the door of the tavern.

The barman looked down at the strange coin, it was like the other coin the man had paid his rent with. It was pure solid gold, something he had never seen before, he didn't think anyone even the nobles could get a hold of gold as pure. It was the reason he was willing to overlook the suspicious behavior of the man including the whole business of not lowering his hood. Whoever he was, was obviously powerful and someone who could afford to overpay so greatly on just a room at a tavern was not someone that could be underestimated. The thought of robbing the man hadn't even entered his mind as more than a passing thought the moment the man laid the coin down on the counter when he asked for food and boarding. The subtle aura of violence that seemed to cling to the man like a second skin was more than enough to drive away any sort of less than pure intention.

Harry emerged out onto the street, everything was covered in snow, the ground the roofs and, the newly frozen over bay even the castles was completely covered in snow and ice. Ominous black clouds filled the sky and seemed to be filled with even more snow ready to be unleashed on the world below.

Crouching down even as his boots made crunching sounds in the snow he put his bare hand to the ground ignoring how cold the snow was on his hand he closed his eyes and pushed out his senses.

He gasped as he received the feedback. The barman had been correct he could feel the magic emanating off of the snow all of it. It was all coming from one source, Harry had to stop himself from gaping. It was magic on a scale he could barely fathom. That made it all the more confusing, he should have been able to sense someone so strong from a mile away. Power on this scale should have been impossible to hide.

Shutting his eyes he concentrated magic into his eyes as he activated his Mage Sight.

Mage Sight.

The ability to 'see' magic, or rather the ability to interpret the energy known as magic in the visible spectrum.

He let out a gasp, there was magic everywhere. It was in the ground and in the air. This was definitely the work of a single person no matter how impossible that seemed to be.

He didn't know of any single spell that could do anything on this scale, more interesting perhaps was the form the magic had taken.


Not an element he was used to seeing in action beyond the basic Glacius Charm and a few advanced Elemental Battle Spells. This, on the other hand, was something completely different. This seemed something more than just mere Elemental Magic. He didn't know how to describe it but the sheer scale and power of the magic involved along with the ridiculously short time since it had been cast pointed towards something different.

Pure Elemental Manipulation.

Something thought to be impossible even to someone with the levels of power he possessed. It was different from Elemental Magic which was the use of spells to cause a specific element to act in a certain way. Creating spikes of earth or the Fire-Making-Spell are two examples of forms of Elemental Magic.

Elemental Manipulation as a completely different kettle of fish though, it was the manipulation of an Element at its very base level without the need for the creation or use of a spell. The element would simply respond to the desire of the user. Direct Elemental manipulation was said to involve the absolute control of the practitioner's element. They could manipulate it however they wished on both a large and small scale performing feats with a thought and a wave of the hand that would require a Wizard to chain together multiple spells or create a new one to recreate the same effect. Their existence was thought a myth by modern magicals, the only texts that referenced that they even existed in the first place were ones that were rumored to have originated in ancient magical civilisations like Atlantis. He would have had no idea that they ever even existed if it had not been the Demon Crisis caused by Voldemort, he had researched as much information on ambient magic and its interactions with Wizards and other magics in order to discover just what the Dark Lord had done to create those abominations. If she was an Elemental then he really needed to pay her a visit.

Standing up Harry looked around as he began to make his way through the city, people looked nervous and somewhat scared. Though surprisingly there was not the terror that he might have expected, it seemed that despite not being very well known the current generation of the Arendelle Royal Family was incredibly well-liked and it seemed the people held out hope for things getting better.

That was something he found intriguing, their behaviour was something he hadn't seen before. The only experience he had with Muggles encountering magic was the Dursley's and the Grangers. The Dursley's outlook was obvious. They hated anything that didn't fit into their little perfect 'normal' world, magic was 'freakish' it was abominable and should be kept away from normal decent folk. They were xenophobic to the extreme and reacted violently to anything that didn't fit their view on how the world should be. They didn't really understand that taken from another viewpoint their views could be seen as abnormal. After all, no one obsessed after 'normality' in quite the way they did.

On the other end of the spectrum were the Granger family. They had supported their daughter right from the start even when they didn't know what was going on with their child they still loved her with all their hearts and whilst they were somewhat confused and fearful of the strange going's on around their daughter. It was more fear for young Hermione than fear of her. They supported her when they found out she was a Witch and when she went to Hogwarts, even as she began to drift away from them they still steadfastly supported her in all the things she did. They were the complete opposite of the Dursley's but even then magic had driven a wedge between Hermione and her parents. As much as they wanted to understand their world the truth was that they weren't magical and so much of the Wizarding World went over their heads this meant that Hermione and her parents slowly drifted away as the gap over how they could connect seemed to widen.

It was a sad state of affairs and Harry was afraid that Hermione's action in wiping their memories created a deep rift between her and her parents as they could no longer trust their daughter in the same way, even if they understood why she had done what she had done.

He was drawn out of his rather side-tracked thoughts by the sound of shouting. Looking up he saw a rather short and pompous looking man wearing what looked to Harry like some kind of military dress uniform with a red sash across his body. The man was wearing big round spectacles and had a massive white mustache that seemed to take up most of his face.

The moment he took it the man Harry could tell the uniform and its wearer did not match, it was easy to tell that the man was no warrior and certainly did not deserve the very prestigious uniform he was wearing. He certainly hadn't earned it, the man possessed no military discipline at all from what Harry could tell.

Flanking him were two burly looking men that towered over the man between them, one had a bushy beard that stretched around his chin. Both men had thick wide chins and strong jaws giving them a look similar to that of a bear. The way the scanned their surroundings suggested a military background, definitely soldiers. How experienced he wouldn't know, not at least until he could look them in the eye.

The man had his arms up in the air and seemed to be complaining loudly. "That women is a monster now! I don't care if she was just declared Queen a sorceress cannot rule Arendelle!" the man's cheeks were red, though whether that was from his ranting or from the cold Harry couldn't tell.

"Of course sir, but how?" asked one of the two in a deep voice.

"Isn't that the question?" the short and pompous looking man answered. Harry narrowed his eyes that was the sort of behavior Harry had been expecting from people who had been exposed to magic. The fear mixed with a certain level of hate. This man could be dangerous, it was possible that if he was high up in the government in the country then he could influence the country's outlook on magic, it was imperative then that Harry keep an eye on him just in cas-

His thoughts were derailed as he watched the man flail his arms in the air as he tripped in the snow and face planted.



Okay, perhaps he wasn't so dangerous after all.

Turning away Harry had to wonder to himself why he was getting so worked up about all this. Yes, he understood that the runaway Queen was the first magical he had encountered since he got here, but…

For the first time in over a month of trying to drink his problems away, he had a purpose, something to do. It meant he was being drawn in again, to the mystery and adventure. To a life greater than that of the normal man but he didn't care, it was magic. He couldn't just ignore it, he had to go and see for himself what sort of women this Queen was.

With a small chuckle at that thought, he moved towards an alleyway, disappearing into the darkness as a sharp crack like sound rang out in the relative silence of the morning. A guard was sent to investigate the noise but all he found was dead-end alleyway with no one and nothing in it.

Meanwhile, a horse galloped through the morning light, crushing snow under its hooves. A young women rode atop the steed, her long red hair tied into two braids flapped in the cold wind, her cheeks were stained a near-permanent red colour form the wind and cold. She was wearing a green ball gown under a purple cloak and riding as if her life depends on it.

Well, that was wrong, it was not her life that was at risk but rather that of her sisters, for she was the Princess Anna of Arendelle and she was frantically searching for her sister the newly crowned Queen Elsa.

Discovering her sister had powers had been slightly disconcerting and upsetting but not because she feared her older sister, no that would be the furthest from the truth. In truth she was sad that her sister had kept such a thing form her for so long, it was like Elsa didn't trust her! Though it did explain why she had shut herself up in her room for so long.

What she was going to do, she didn't know. Everything was all so confusing. She had left the Kingdom in the capable hands of Hans, a man she had only just met but trusted with her life, he was her chosen love after all. He would never betray her. Though how she was going to bring back her sister she didn't know, the people of Arendelle couldn't live in the snow forever and more importantly, Anna wanted her sister back.

So she rode on through the wind and snow not stopping to eat or sleep in search of the sister who means the world to her.

Harry reappeared stumbling slightly as he felt his vision blur. Line of Sight Apparation always made him feel queasy. Apparating line of sight meant that he in effect teleported to the furthest place he could see in the distance, usually he did this by teleporting to the highest point in the direction he was travelling in and continuing this until he reached his destination.

It was an incredibly disorientating experience. Apparation required a great deal of concentration no matter the distance and doing it line of sight one jump after another was incredibly disorientating. Just Apparating once could make a first-timer feel sick if not violently ill. Even an experienced user like Harry couldn't stomach doing it over and over again for long, he had been forced to take a few minutes rest between each go less he end up on the floor his stomach ejected from his mouth. That wouldn't be a pretty sight and was not something Harry felt any particular desire to have a repeat of. It had happened the first time he had performed a series of Line of Sight Apparation's, he had vowed to never talk of it again, ever.

Looking up he saw the North Mountain, it was located on the border of the Kingdom of Arendelle and nestled amongst the many snow-covered mountains that scattered the border of Arendelle. It was tall, incredibly so reaching into the clouds. It looked nothing like any mountain Harry had ever seen before. It was sheer, going almost straight up on one side with an incredibly steep slope on the other. He most certainly didn't fancy the idea of trekking up it.

Luckily for him, he had the ability to teleport so it wouldn't be a problem, he had covered himself in Warming Charms, it meant that he wasn't going to freeze to death thanks to his lack of warm cloak.

As he took in a deep lungful of air, preparing for one last Apparation to reach the peak of the mountain he couldn't help but wonder what sought of women the Queen would be. Much to his embarrassment he hadn't done much investigation into the country he had found himself in, he had been more focused on just trying to drown out the soul-crushing guilt he felt deep inside him.

He didn't know if this Queen Elsa was good or bad. She could be a slot soul who had hidden her power for so long, a girl who had at last finally been allowed the freedom to let her powers loose. Something harry could greatly understand, being at the Dursleys unable to perform magic, something that was an intrinsic part of him had been greatly aggravating.

Not to mention the risk of becoming an Obscurial if a Wizard or Witch kept their powers locked inside them for too long. Harry remembered Hermione telling him about a time that an Obscurial had become active in New York in 1926, helped along by the manipulations of a disguised Gellert Grindelwald. Though how Newt Scamander played into the whole thing still somewhat confused harry, it seemed the man had as much penance for trouble as Harry himself did. M.A.C.U.S.A was just lucky that Newt had a Thunderbird on hand at the time or things would have gotten incredibly messy, the entire Statute of Secrecy had been busted wide open by Gellert and the rampaging Obscurial.

Hopefully, this Queen Elsa did not turn out to be some kind of Dark Witch, that would put a dampener on the whole thing. Though his intuition told him that wasn't the case and he'd long learnt to trust that. On a battlefield of magic, none of your senses could truly be trusted on. Magic could fool sight, sound, touch, smell and taste sometimes you had to trust in your magic and your gut to see you through.

With one last crack he was gone, reappearing on the slope of the mountain, he stumbled slightly as his feet dug into the snow and he sunk a foot into it. Steadying himself he mentally thanked the Warming Charms he had cast on himself, it was freezing up here!

Taking a glance around he let out a gasp, he was near the top of the mountain but it was not the breath-taking view that had caught his attention. No, it was the beautiful castle built into the side of the North Mountain that had caught his eyes.

It was made purely of ice that sparkled even in the waning hours of darkness, it seemed to glow with an inner blue light as it stood there alone in the snow-covered landscape. It was a rather small one compared to something like Hogwarts but towering towers of ice jutted into the sky just like the ancient magic school. The entrance was allowed through an ice bridge that crossed over a large gorge in the mountain and led straight up to the front doors. It wasn't exactly a very sound strategic thought out fortress but he doubted a peacetime Princess like Elsa had any knowledge of military fortifications.

Slowly he began to walk forwards approaching the ice castle, it felt strangely sacred in a way he couldn't quite describe. The magic within it was practically palpable in a way he hadn't seen since Hogwarts, though it was on a far smaller scale. Still, it invoked a strange nostalgia inside him that he couldn't quite banish.

He paused as he reached the bottom of the ice stairs wandering if there would be any defenses placed down, any wards or other kind of magical protections. It seemed almost too easy otherwise.

His brow furrowed in confusion as he found no defense of any kind. That was odd, unless… unless she truly didn't think he would be in danger. He didn't know what to think of that.

It could be that she was arrogant enough that she didn't believe that she needed such protections or it could be that she didn't think she needed them because of the location of the castle. The trip up to the mountain had been bloody cold even under the Warming Charms he'd cast on himself, someone would have to be very dedicated to make their way up to the top even if it wasn't snowing up here at the peak.

Or… it could be that she simply had forgotten. He'd seen magic users do things far dumber than that, like a Wizard transfiguring half his body into a teacup. That had been amusing as hell and yet incredibly disturbing all at the same time.

Either way, he placed one foot on the ice bridge as he reached out with a gloved hand and took hold of the railing. It was sturdy and solid, surprisingly so and not as slippery as he thought it might be considering the material it was made of.

With a glance at the castle in front of him, he flicked his wrist and the familiar weight of the Elder Wand landed in his palm. Raising it in a way that would allow him to use it at a moment's notice he slowly began to make his way up the stairs.

A glance down as he crossed the center of the bridge revealed just how deep the chasm was. Taking a breath he pushed onwards towards the castle.

It wasn't cold, the ice.

It had never been cold, not to her. Never to her.

The ice that seemed to so cold to everyone else she never found it cold, in fact to her it was almost the opposite. She felt war, around it. Not the warmth of a lit fireplace or a roaring campfire no, nothing so, so mundane. It was like an inner warmth, something that she knew would not harm her in any way, ever.

The ice was her and she was the ice.

The cold, the snow and the ice would never harm her even by making her feel the cold. It was why she had never actually needed to wear thick clothing when it was cold in the castle. She had only done so just in case anyone touched her and she reacted to them by lashing out with her powers.

But she no longer needed to worry about that, now she could finally let her powers run free and cast off the thick clothes and fearful behaviour she had always lived with. Freedom, a dream that she had only been able to fantasize about for so long was finally in her grasp and by all the Gods was it liberating.

The power that she had once denied herself for so long felt natural as it flowed through her body, responding to her every will.

She would miss her sister, the girl she had harmed in her youth, she loved her sister more than anything or anyone in the world, even the title of Queen meant nothing in compassion to Anna but she could no longer see her sister anymore. That was perhaps what she regretted the most.

The moment Anna hit the floor was the worst moment in her life. The feeling of dread that she had hurt her had nearly consumed her and she was very lucky that the Rock Trolls had been able to assist them and heal her younger sister.

It was an absolute shame that she would never remember the fun they had as children, frolicking about in the snow and ice together but if that was what was required in order to stop her from dying then that was what was necessary.

That event changed everything, before that she had loved her talent, her ability that allowed her to move and summon the ice and snow around her as if it was an extension of her body. After hurting Anna she had grown to hate her talent, her parents had given her a pair of gloves to help stop her power and had her locked up in a room in the castle where she could not hurt anyone else. Where she could learn to master her abilities without it affecting anyone else.

Conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show.

Those words reverberated through her head all the time, of every moment of every day. Her parent's had hammered those words into her head so they were scarred into her brain. That was how she lived her life. In that room, never coming out for anything spending all her time trying to suppress her monstrous ability in order to be able to control it with her parent's assistance.

Though that changed when her parents had gone on that fated journey.

They had left on a ship bound for the sea to never return, the journey that should have lasted only two weeks ended tragically when the King and Queen were consumed by monstrous waves in a great storm.

Anna and the people of Arandelle grieved for them as one even as Elsa was nearly consumed by her grief within that room she was locked in, her power lashing out uncontrollably as she grieved alone. Her training left incomplete with her powers left uncontrolled.

She had tried alone after that to master her powers.

Conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show.

It was… difficult to try to learn on to control it by herself, no longer did she hear the encouraging voice of her mother or the proud smile on her father's face. Things that kept her going when she was all alone in that room away from her sister and the possibility of making friends. Despite her growing maturity she still struggled with controlling it every day.

For three years she hid away, alone. Trying desperately to control her ability until it was time for her to become Queen. She had hoped she would have the control to be ready when she was coroneted but almost from the moment, the day began her nerves had only increased. It had all culminated in an awful disaster of a ball when her younger sister had presented a man she had only spent little over a scant few hours with to marry! She knew her sister was rather naive about the ways of the world having grown up alone in a castle but… really!

Adding on the constant drivel coming from the Duke of Weselton it had driven her to her limits and she had just lashed out. Ice going everywhere and once more, she nearly hurt Anna again!

She had fled that night, abandoning everything she once was. Her position as Queen and even her sister. Too terrified to stay she fled up into the North Mountain afraid and scared for not only her own life but the future of her country and her sister.

Though something strange happened up on that mountain, for the first time in forever she felt free.

For the first time she had no expectations on her shoulders, no need to conceal what was a part of her and for the first time in thirteen years, she let her powers go. Let them flow through her, snow twisting around her body and ice forming underneath her feet. Forming first a bridge than an entire castle for her to live in. The snow and ice conforming to her every wish like a playful animal, always eager.

Free from the constraints of her life in the castle she was able to experiment with her power in ways she had never even thought of, the last time she had been able to use her powers freely she had been very young but now as a grown woman she could explore them to her heart's content.

She had been resting in her castle when she took a glance out of one of the windows and saw a cloaked figure crossing the bridge made of ice. She froze as she saw that, could someone from Arandelle be sent here to kill her, she knew some people had rather extreme views on magic but she didn't think they would do something like this! Lifting up the front of her dress so it didn't get in the way she turned and rushed down the tower and headed for the entrance, her shoes clicking loudly against the ice under her feet.

As she reached the large ornate staircases that led down towards the entrance she froze not only at the sight of the shadowy figure that could be seen on the other side of the door made of ice but also as she acknowledged the fact that she had no idea what she was doing. She had never fought anything in her life, nor did she want to kill anyone, she didn't know she didn't have the stomach for such a thing. That was, of course, denying the fact that if she did harm people it would be an easy and slippery road for someone with her powers to become a tyrant. Something she was acutely aware of. That was the other reason she had kept her power concealed, on the off chance that the people demanded she become a weapon to defend Aradnelle, she didn't think her kind-hearted people would do such a thing but her parents paranoia had been there all the same.

Her momentary thought tangent was ruined by the sound of banging, the figure had banged on the door. That was interesting, meant that whoever it was, was at least polite, minutely she allowed herself to relax slightly. Assassins or Witch hunters were unlikely to knock after all.

Taking a deep breath she steeled her nerves and said. "Come in."

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13494601/1/The-Wizard-and-the-Snow-Queen

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