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58.42% One Piece: White Hunter / Chapter 100: Chapter 99: Our Future

Chương 100: Chapter 99: Our Future

"With due respect, we would like to ask one question, Imu-sama."

In front of the long staircase leading to the high throne, which was occupied by the mysterious Imu, one of the three Elders currently present, named Jaygarcia Saturn, asked grimly.

Looking down at his three loyal servants, Imu said, "...Speak."

Saturn, without daring to raise his head, asked while sweating profusely, "What exactly is the true identity of Smoke Smoke fruit, for its awakened ability to be capable of such disastrous effects? Imu-sama... the sense of danger we felt upon witnessing its power, we couldn't help but wonder if this fruit is..."

"A Mythical Zoan akin to 'Human Human fruit, model: Nika,' you're asking."

Imu's crimson eyes drifted away from Saturn. Peering into the darkness ahead of him, he opened his mouth,

"Long before Mu's time, it was said that there initially were four mystical fruits in this world. Whether by a miraculous phenomenon or by an unknown witchery, those fruits—granting immense strength to their wielders—existed from the very start of the world."

Imu's gaze then lowered. His eyes, so cold and mighty that they sent shivers down into the Elders' spines, seemed not to be looking into the three of them, but rather, the past itself.

"Their wielders, harnessing the powers beyond what an average human being is capable of, were glorified as gods, with each receiving the title of sun, rain, forest, and earth."

The Elders froze from the information, processing the information. By four fruits...

"It was already discovered back then, that Gum Gum fruit is one of the four. Today, with the reveal of Smoke Smoke fruit's awakening... the three fruits have now been identified, leaving only the domain of earth as a mystery. And numerous ones other than the four fruits... they are the creations of the Ancient Kingdom, born from the combination of their advanced technology and devilish ambition to open the so-called 'future'—where only the destruction awaited for them, that is."

The true name of Gum Gum fruit is 'Human Human fruit, model: Nika.' Nika, being the 'sun god' who is hailed as the warrior of liberation, is perceived as the hope of the world and the one who will bring the new dawn onto the world.

800 years ago, during the Void Century, the wielder of this fruit was given the title of 'Joy Boy.' His fighting style itself was the very manifestation of freedom, utilizing everything around its surroundings in the most ridiculous ways possible.

Imu, he was the one who faced this ancient warrior, and ultimately, came out as a victor. And naturally, one capable of defeating a god was yet another god.

Human Human fruit, model: Mu.

One of the original four fruits, hailed as the 'forest god.' Today, he's witnessed the rise of another contender—one whom he's never met in his life before.

Another Elder, named Shepherd Ju Peter, muttered shakily, "T-then... the true name of Smoke Smoke fruit is..."

Imu stayed silent for a while, seemingly in a foul mood. The entire room shook from the silent Conqueror's Haki that slowly spread throughout the surroundings. The three Elders, completely oppressed by the sheer pressure of Imu's Haki, couldn't dare to mumble out a single word.


Imu's tone took a turn into one filled with coldness, "It is one full of mysteriousness. The given name of 'rain god' and the full potential of Smoke Smoke fruit—all remains unknown... which is precisely the reason why Smoker must be killed at this point."


With Kuzan, Stainless, and Momonga's arrival, there stood five Marine Warships in total, on the shore of the Impel Down. Standing across said five were the remaining twenty-nine Warships, all of whom decided to side with the World Government.

"...Monkey D. Garp. I am not here to converse with the likes of you."

In the dark night, where the moon sent its pale light down to the calm sea, Garling unsheathed his fine-looking sword while passing on the speaker to shadowy figures at the back. The blade, revealing a blue-ish gleam upon receiving the moonlight, was pointed directly at the distant Smoker.

"The only aspect that matters in the current scenario... is whether you side with White Hunter Smoker or not."

Garling snarled in a deep frown,

"If I were to remind you... your lives aren't as valuable as you'd like to believe. The World Government has been generous thus far, however, there shall be no more tolerance henceforth. Decide, mongrels."

Behind Garling stood two old-aged men with long white beards, whose appearance were covered by long and white robes. Among them, one without the speaker stepped up and opened a scroll in his grasp. As the another held the speaker close to this one's mouth, he's begun his words,

<<Here is the verdict from the almighty World Government, the worldly federation found by 20 great kingdoms over 800 years ago!>>

The voice boomed loudly, and Sengoku, in this situation, found his eyes narrowed at the darkness above the other floating ships in the sky—knowing that Garling wasn't the only formidable foe who had arrived.


Then, Garp muttered from Sengoku's side, causing Sengoku to click his tongue in a frown. Sengoku silently shifted his eyes to the back, where Tsuru was standing by, and got Tsuru's firm nod in response.


And atop one floating ship located higher than any other, two among the Five Elders: Topman Valkyrie and Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, were found to be silently sitting in the darkness.

Among them, Nusjuro's eyes headed downward,

"...Garp. Though you've considerably withered, your will hasn't diminished since back then."

<<White Hunter Smoker! Hereby, he is convicted of treason, as well as manipulating marines to stray from the path of justice, destroying the crucial facility necessary for imprisoning the vile criminals of the world, and murdering the CP0 agent for an illogical rationale!>>

This criminal, being spoken through the loudly booming voice, was currently busy inspecting the state of the wounded snail.

<<As such, he is sentenced to immediate execution, and all those who side with him shall receive the same treatment!>>

"What did you say?" Aramaki, tilting his head sideway and placing his hand over his ear, pretended as if he didn't hear properly, "Fuck you? Yeah, fuck you too."

From the floating ships, the cannons revealed themselves. The numerous Marine Warships, no longer the allies to the likes of Garp and Sengoku, readied to fire their own cannons at their legends—though most of them were hesitant to do so.

'Smoker, Hina...!' And among them was Maynard, who bit his lips so hard that they bled, 'Why did you decide to betray?! Why go to an excessive extent and throw your lives away like this?! What's the point of opposing the Government, when the only thing that awaits you is death?!'

Throughout his time served in Sakazuki's division, Maynard came to learn the truth, that no matter how strong you get, the World Government will always be stronger. Even Sakazuki, the Admiral whom Maynard admired for his incredible strength and unwavering justice, revealed a troubled expression when facing the World Government's oppressive rule, and... succumbed to it in the end.

...Yes, that's right. Strength is justice, and therefore, the World Government is absolute under any circumstance; that's the idea in which Maynard ultimately settled.


'So they decided, that the weight of my life is heavier than the combined lives of Marine legends.'

there was no space for a loser in Smoker's eyes, who held onto the Cameko that had passed out with a bleeding hole on its body. Smoker, placing his ear close to the Den Den Mushi's body, deduced,

'This one's still alive, right...?' Shrugging, Smoker passed Cameko to Law,

"Law, this one's yours."

"Ugh... I'm not a vet though."

Law then proceeded to complain of how he's run out of bandages, before deciding to rip off Drake's top without the latter's consent, inducing the latter's anguish. The ripped cloth was used as the replacement for bandages, wrapping them around the snail to prevent any further bleeding.

"How's the Cameko, little boy?" Gion, crouching down at Law, asked. Law, growing a tickmark on his head, growled,

"Don't call me little boy, old lady!!"

"Hah?! Who are you to call me old lady?! I'm only in early twenties!!"

Meanwhile, Smoker had his gaze up at the night sky, filled with exasperation as he saw the soldiers above loading cannonballs into the cannons.

"That's one hell of a number."

Numerous thoughts ran through his mind. Fight back? Run? Try to trick them? Or, if all of them won't work, then...

"Smoker, Hina's saying it just in case, but," Huffing with her arms crossed, Hina called Smoker, "Don't you dare sprout some bullshit like sacrificing your life to let others escape."

"Yeah, Smoker-san," Rosinante nodded at Hina's words in agreement, "I'm not a fan of some forced drama stuff, you know."

"Something like how the main character of the story uses all his strength to hold enemies back, let others escape, and enters a nigh-dead state, only to be saved by a stranger, recover, and make a comeback later." Kujaku with her hand supporting her chin, said thoughtfully, "I remember reading one novel like that before. Had to quit it in the middle because of some ridiculous plot armour though."

"...What's with all those talks all of a sudden?"

Smoker chuckled in amusement. Looking around the deck that was quite packed now, and receiving heated gazes from many around him, Smoker's expression changed to that of a grim smile.

"You know, I gave a little thought in this short period of time. The current situation seems pretty bleak, and though we have more friends here with us including Kuzan, Stainless-san, and Momonga-san, there are tons for us to deal with. I can literally sense at least two incredibly strong presences above, and running away with an exhausted deadweight like me sounds almost impossible."

Hina frowned, "Hina said, don't you dare—"

Then, Smoker's grin suddenly widened, filled with that of mischievousness,

"But even so, and even though I can't fight or move right now, I want to live. So save me, all of you."

"—say something idiotic..."

Hina's words slowed down, as Smoker said exactly the opposite of what she expected. After the realization, Hina deadpanned at Smoker, who grinned back at her.

"Rahahaha!" Aramaki, placing his hand on the rail and standing back up, grinned, "Y'all heard that! Smoker-san wants to live!"

"Then he indeed will!" Shuzo, the muscular trainee of Zephyr, laughed boisterously as he bumped his fists together. Following suit, the others around unsheathed their swords, loaded firearms in their grasps, or raised their guards—ready to combat.

"Bwahaha..." Garp, picking his ear casually in the rising tension, spoke, "Sengoku, Tsuru, do you remember in the past, when we were surrounded by Rocks pirates?"

"...Now of all times, you're talking about that?" Sengoku said dryly, "And that event that you're talking of... I believe that it ended up as a failure. All of us literally drowned, and if not for that man saving us—"

"This time, it's going to work. We got more hands, and unlike that last time, Tsuru's fruit ability is awakened!" Garp, cutting Sengoku off, grinned in confidence.

"Arara... now you got me curious there, Garp-san." Kuzan, looking up at the floating ships, said with a fiery grin.

"...Whatever plan it may be, if it's from Garp-san, it's going to be suicidal," Said Momonga, to which Stainless agreed.

"If we're doing that, we have to do it now." Tsuru then said, with her head raised up, "Here they come."



Followed by Garling's order was the rain of cannonballs, filling the night sky with metallic gray. They, simultaneously falling right on top of the Impel Down, harboured the intent to destroy everything in its path, mercilessly. And that wasn't the end.


Among the marine ships, Vice Admiral Yamakaji shouted, causing many marines nearby to jolt in surprise. Nonetheless, ones in charge of cannons fired, grimly.


At the same time, Borsalino jumped up high in the air, and crossed his arms as his hands began to glow in brilliant yellow,

"Yasakani Sacred Jewel~!"

The numerous beams of laser were mixed with cannonballs. Countless in amount, those projectiles filled up the entire sky in metallic black and bright yellow as they rapidly flew at Smoker and the others. Many trainees of Zephyr and the marine soldiers of Kuzan, Stainless, and Momonga watched the rainfall of damnation in disbelief.

'T-this is just like...' Robin's face paled up in horror, '...Buster Call.'

Robin's eyes unconsciously headed to her source of comfort: Smoker. He, noticing her stare, gave her a smirk. His eyes, full of confidence, seemed to be saying,

'But unlike back then, we aren't helpless and alone.'

With her eyes widened, Robin looked around her. There were many fellow marines, hurriedly moving in a coordinated manner, working at their utmost to prepare for the incoming attacks. The situation indeed was different than the Ohara incident where Smoker, Saul, and herself were hiding in a deep pit until the calamity passed by; there existed a sense of hope.

'...Then, you've proven yourself, Smoker,' Thought Robin, as she too glared at the cannonballs in determination of her own, 'Your efforts for years, to lead Marine to the path of righteousness... though there are and will be many losses, we've finally took a first step. Then I'll also show, of how much I managed to improve—'




One figure abruptly suddenly shot out to the sky above, with his fist cocked back. Short gray-coloured hair and thick beard of same colour. Garp, with the justice cape thrown away from his back, was flying at the countless cannonballs with a grin.

"Tch...! So we really are doing it, huh, Garp?!" Sengoku, gritting his teeth, immediately ordered, "Zephyr! Kuzan! Momonga! Stainless! All of you and your subordinates get on this ship! We're escaping right away!"

"Hurry! Go back inside!" Meanwhile, Gion motioned the children to go back inside the ship, to which the timidly standing Monet, Sugar, and Baby 5 immediately complied. The stubborn Law and Drake, on the other hand, followed reluctantly.


And from the above, one of the Elders, Valkyrie, said sternly,

"They are planning to escape. Lower half of the ships' positions and surround the entire Impel Down. By doing so, all the escape routes—whether by sky or sea—will be blocked."

Garling lowered his head and placed his clenched right hand in front of his chest, strictly, "Yes, dear Elders."


Up high in the sky, Garp's right arm blasted out the intense black lightning, one that crackled around his arm, dangerously.

Paz—! Paz—!

Witnessing the might of it brought goosebumps onto Smoker's skin, and Smoker recognized what it was, right away.

Borsalino, with his eyes slightly widened behind his glasses, mumbled, "O-Oh my, Garp-san... aren't you going a bit too harsh on us..."

"Fist Bone—"

Smoker, with a cold sweat on his back, watched and saved the current form of his mentor into his memory. He had his eyes locked on Garp, not daring to miss even a single millisecond of the scene.

That crackling black lightning, without a doubt... it was the Advanced Conqueror's Haki: Infusion.

Doberman quickly shouted, "BRACE YOURSELVES!!!"



There was a gigantic explosion of the very air, demolishing the entire laser beams and cannonballs at once. The cannonballs simultaneously exploded up in the air, covering the entire area in that of gray smoke. In this chaos of a situation where everyone momentarily lost their concentration, Garp's eyes briefly met Smoker's, and Smoker immediately realized.

"...Hah, you expect far too much from me, Garp-sensei."

Still in a sitting position, Smoker held his trembling right hand out at the vast volume of smoke ahead of them. As his form flickered into that of a gaseous character, forming smoke-made cape on his back and changing his hair into gray in colour, Smoker operated his fruit ability with all the strength that he could muster at the current moment,

"Arcane Storm."

The smoke swirled along with the sprinkles of ocean water that rose from the impact of cannonballs. Becoming larger and larger, it sat right in the middle of the sea right in-between Smoker's group and the opposing marines.

"This ability, it has to be...!" From the above, Valkyrie scowled, seeing how many World Government's ships were pulled into the gigantic storm, helplessly. Nusjuro unsheathed his sword and narrowed his eyes at the storm,

"Locate Garp!!" Nusjuro shouted in urgency, "That man's planning something!!"


In this situation, Garp, still afloat in the air, grinned as he cocked his left fist back, and struck right down into the sea below.



The water erupted and merged with the ongoing smoke storm. At the same time, the sheer impact behind his attack was sufficient enough... to create a hole in the middle of the sea for a brief moment.


Sengoku immediately cried while jumping out of the ship, and Tsuru, holding the rail of the ship and closing her eyes to focus,

"Damn it… I'm far too old for this now!"

Then yanked it up—as if holding a wet piece of cloth.


"E-Eh? Sister Tsuru?" Gion's jaw opened wide, before her form became flat along with the entire ship that was turning into a flat piece of cloth.


And Smoker, completed depleted and filled with dead exhaustion from head to core, was of no difference either, also having his body turning into a piece of wet cloth.

With all others receiving the same treatment, all of them were interconnected into one piece of giant cloth that was quickly hung around Sengoku's shoulders, as the latter turned his body into a giant golden buddha and propelled himself right at the hole in the ocean.

"Wow, what even is this, Tsuru-san? Arara, since when were you capable of doing something like this?" Kuzan, being the only one apart from Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru not to be turned into a wet garment, laughed as Sengoku gripped him and Tsuru and jumped into the hole in the middle of the ocean.

"Focus, Kuzan!" Tsuru said seriously, "The next step will decide whether we succeed or not! And your role is crucial here!"

With Smoker having become part of the huge piece of cloth around Sengoku's shoulders, the smoke storm naturally died down.

"Bwahahaha! Now this is fun!"

Garp, using Geppo to propel himself downward, grinned at Garling and two Elders,


before he, along with Sengoku, Tsuru, and Kuzan, disappeared into the depths of the sea, with the sea hole closing back in.

"...E-Elders. They..." Garling, unable to understand what happened just now, stuttered with evident disbelief, "...committed suicide."

"AS IF!!!" Valkyrie barked in rage.

"OPEN YOUR EYES, GARLING!" Nusjuro, looking downward keenly, roared with his finger pointing at the sea, "The water is vibrating in an unnatural manner! They... yes! It must be Sengoku's ability, utilizing the force wave to repel the water of immense pressure off of them! Coupled with Geppo, Garp's brute strength, and Kuzan's ability to freeze the water... HURRY!!"

In a devilish manner, Nusjuro glared at Garling,

"White Hunter Smoker must be killed!!! Try whatever is possible to track them down, and if necessary... chase him to the end of the world!!!"

"Y-Yes, Elders. However..."

Garling, staring at the sea, mumbled,



"W-wa... ha... ha... ha..."


From the long piece of cloth hung around Sengoku, Smoker and Aramaki's faces poked out. They, amazed by how the combination of Sengoku's pressure waves, Kuzan's constant freezing of all the surrounding water, and Garp's punches propelling them forth, are making it possible for them to travel underwater without a single bit of water touching them, laughed.


Garp too, was laughing uncontrollably, thinking of how ridiculous the faces of Garling and two Elders were just before.

"SHUT UP!!!" Then, Sengoku barked as his buddha form had sweat dripping all over, "Huff, huff, LET ME FOCUS, YOU MONKEYS!!!"

"Agreed, huff, huff," Tsuru, with her eyes closed and her hand holding onto the long piece of cloth, mumbled with difficulty, "And, huff, huff, get your, huff, heads, huff, back in, children, huff, huff... it's, huff, hard for me, huff, to maintain control over this, huff, if you resist..."

"...Oh, damn."

Smoker and Aramaki immediately dove back into the piece of cloth, allowing Tsuru to sigh in relief. But still, Garp wasn't done,





"O-OHHHHHH!!!" This time around, it was Kuzan who let out a war cry as he operated his fruit ability to its maximum, "ICE AGE!!!!!"




Sengoku was the one suffering the most currently, it seemed.

"Huff, huff, I-I'm reaching my limit..." Tsuru said with her face turning pale from the extreme stress. Sengoku, also feeling the same with him fighting against the immense pressure of the water, shouted,



Fixing his position from Sengoku's back to butt, Garp began punching downward and propel all of them upward. At a rapid pace, the golden buddha—with three humans and a long piece of cloth attached—was rising to the surface of the sea, before,


they were blasted out of the sea into the empty night sky. And Tsuru's technique was released at the same time, creating a ridiculous chaos where numerous people and one huge ship were thrown all over the sky.


In this state, Zephyr, Momonga, and Stainless quickly acted, jumping to the left and right to catch all falling marines and place them on the airborne ship.



upon the ship dropping into the ocean, generating a huge splash of water, everyone huffed in exhilaration, before,

"We... we really managed to escape from that...?!"

"W-Waaa, we're saved!!!"

expressing their joy and wonder, and celebrating what seemed to be a successful escape from the inevitable doom.

"So, huff," Sengoku, catching a breather on the ship, asked Garp, "Any idea where we are, Garp?"

"Bwahaha, of course, Sengoku!" Garp pointed a thumb at his chest, "We should be near Sabaody Archipelago! We have to pick up the family members of our fellow marines, right?"

"That's... surprisingly considerate of you," Sengoku replied, finding himself agreeing with Garp's decision.

"If... huff... I end up dying... huff..." On the other hand, Tsuru was seen to be surrounded by Gion and Kujaku, who were supporting her weight with worried expressions, "Gion, huff, I'll leave Kujaku in your, huff, hands..."

"N-No, sister Tsuru! You aren't going to die on us, you hear that?! No way that we'll let you!!"

"Grandma... please... sniff... you can't die this soon... sniff... you haven't even seen me whipping a single pirate yet..."

"Ugh... c-cough, cough..." Tsuru then coughed, terrifying Gion and Kujaku,



"...oh, I'm suddenly fine!" Tsuru then said, raising her arms up high and widening her eyes comically. She then embraced Gion and Kujaku with a warm smile on her, before her smile froze in a sudden confusion, "...And who am I?"

Hina, viewing such a scene from the back with a sweatdrop, sat down next to Smoker, who was currently sprawled across the deck.

"...Hina never expected that our number would increase this much," Said Hina, "Marine was a huge organization. Though mighty, we were separated from one another and blinded by many deceiving schemes from the World Government."

On the side, Aramaki, Rosinante, and Senor Pink were locating down the kids, ensuring that all of them were fine. Hina, chuckled softly as she watched their antics, continued,

"You brought all of us together, Smoker."

Smoker, turning his head to the right in a lying position, saw that Zephyr and his trainees were staring at the dark horizon. Shu and Akehende were up at the Crow's Nest for whatever reason, and the other marine soldiers were speaking among themselves with a variety of emotions in their words. Robin, standing in the middle of the crowd, turned her head upon feeling his gaze, and smiled.

"...Correction," Smoker replied with a smile of his own, "All of us made this possible... together."


On this dark night with twinkling stars, Sabaody Archipelago revealed itself in the view of the ship. Afar, there was Bastille, standing on one ship that was filled with many civilians.


The small snowballing that Smoker has started years ago has now developed into something this big, and the world has completely deviated from the so-called 'plot' that he knew of.

Back then, the old woman asked him,

<Are you ready... to bear the weight of the world?>

And today, here was Smoker's response to it,

'Heh, I sure am...

...because I won't be bearing it alone.'




Well guys, guess what? This chapter ended up being 4k-long lmao. I thought of cutting it, but meh, decided to leave it as it is. As always, I'll be going through the context later, checking if there's any mistakes.

And so, this marks the end of the Volume One: Snake's Rise. There will be a time skip on the next chapter, which will serve as the start of the Volume Two: Dragon's Conqueror. One important thing to expect for the Volume Two is: #op mc. Simply put, Smoker is going to wreck it all~

If you liked the story up to this far, then look forward to the next one! Thank you for reading, and see you on the next chap!

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