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12.5% Harry Potter: The INCUBUS / Chapter 3: Quidditch World Cup

Chương 3: Quidditch World Cup

As Harry semi-groggily trudged up the grassy hill, one part curious about how they would be reaching the Quidditch World Cup and two parts asleep, he felt a slight shuffling from the inside of his thick white hoodie. Slipping his hands (which were free of bags thanks to the genius who invented the backpack) into the large joined pocket that rested at the bottom front of the zipperless hoodie, Harry gently stroked his tiny companion's silky blue hair and laid his other hand over her legs like a blanket. Once he'd determined that his Smallguide was still snoozing away, he allowed his mind to wander as the group, containing five Weasleys, two Diggorys, a Lovegood, a Granger, and a Potter, continued their upwards trek.

Harry's thoughts turned toward the conversation he and Bell had earlier; the two of them having come to a few important decisions under the indigo sky of the very early morning. Their conversation had largely focused on Harry's incubus heritage as well as Bell, and how much, if any, of the truth should be shared with whom. Harry had been feeling conflicted about the subject since the morning after he'd accepted his ancestry and Chose.

On one hand, he really didn't feel burdened by his incubus nature. He wasn't mopey or depressed about his being different, honestly just not seeing it as a negative. The closest thing Harry could compare it to was how he'd felt when he'd found out that he was a wizard. While the information factually made him different than those around him, it also brought him a sense of closeness with his family, specifically his mother. There wasn't a shred of shame inside of him thanks to that.

On the other hand though, Harry just wasn't sure what kind of backlash there'd be should he reveal the truth. He honestly was prepared to inform the Weasleys of his recently discovered creature heritage, but at Bell's urging he'd decided to keep from revealing his secret until he'd had the chance to better understand what his new status meant in the wizarding world. Would he be considered a dark creature like a werewolf or dementor, or were incubi held with the same regard as the goblins or perhaps even the house elves? Harry wasn't sure he was entirely happy with the idea of being treated like any of those groups, but figured that he'd just have to wait and see what his research turned up before deciding anything. Still, Harry had come to the decision to at least tell Ron and Hermione, but by the time he'd decided to do that, everybody else had already been awake and there'd been no opportunity for him to spill the beans.

As the group of ten reached the peak of the hill, Harry felt what little sleepiness that had remained slip away, making room for a huge amount of excited anticipation. Seeing new magic in action never failed to get his blood pumping and his heart racing. Stars in his eyes, Harry completed the circle the rest of the group had made around something that was blocked from view via the Weasleys and their neighbors.

All of the wondrous thoughts racing through the last Potter's head abruptly evaporated as the object of their journey came into view, leaving behind a deadpan expression in its wake.

'Das Boot', was all Harry could think as he laid eyes upon what was possibly the rattiest, tattiest, most unattractive boot in all the cosmos, colored a headache-inducing neon green to top off its 'ugh' factor.

'This is why I need to make sure seductive creatures aren't like held down and raped or shipped to the moon before I come out of the creature closet,' thought a suddenly very wary Harry as he looked around at those in his company with a queer look. 'Wizards are fucking weirdoes.'

Not quite managing to keep the incredulous expression off of his handsome face, Harry locked eyes with the Lovegood girl across from him as he followed the instructions Mr. Weasley was giving out. Just because everyone else was doing it didn't mean Harry didn't feel like a tool; bent over in a circle on top of a hill, touching a boot that seemed to have fallen out of a Dr. Seuss book, all while having to endure the wide-eyed gaze of the platinum-blonde in front of him. Just as the young Potter was about to give his many completely understandable questions voice, the world exploded.

Or at least, that's what it felt like to Harry. One moment he was trying to ignore the surprising amount of lust radiating off of the wide-eyed Lovegood girl (and the way her crossing-guard orange bra could be seen thanks to her bending over and her choice of a super wide-necked shirt) and the next he was being furiously thrashed about in the air, not so oddly being reminded of the Vomit Comet he'd ridden earlier in the summer. That evil contraption, horrid as it was (and it really fucking was) this was about six-or-seven hundred times as bad. Even once he'd slammed into the soft grassy ground of the World Cup site, getting a whole day's worth of fiber in a single bite, Harry could still feel the earth spinning around him.

As the world came back to him, thankfully quite hastily, Harry realized that, while he was by far the worst case, neither of his friends, Ginny, or the Loovegood girl (he had to put more effort into remembering people's names, damnit!!!) had managed a graceful landing either.

"Alright there, Harry?" the Loovego-Luna (ah ha!) asked from her spot prone on the ground, just in front of him. As she pushed herself up off the barely-damp ground, Harry was treated to the sight of her pale-pink nipple topped breasts through the gaping neck of her white shirt.

'Ya take the good with the bad,' Harry thought with a quick glance at the horrid boot before turning back and admiring Luna and her malfunctioning wardrobe. He then proceeded to spit out a mouthful of turf and answer the now standing blonde, absently taking in his new surroundings all the while.

"Mmhmm, just fine, thanks. Say, not that I mind exactly, but your, uh, support system seems to've fallen outta place," Harry said, nodding at her chest.

The rest of the group was too far away to hear them, the boot having scattered them a good bit (although they all remained within eyesight thankfully). Thus, the glorious sight that was Luna Lovegood's tits, pushed up by her bra, obscured only by a very thin damp white shirt, pert nipples clearly visible, was all his.

"Oh dear," Luna said, not sounding the least bit embarrassed or upset, "it seems you're right." Turning stormy blue eyes, which suddenly were half lidded, on him, Luna continued and said, "I don't suppose you could help me, could you Harry Potter?"

Enough time had passed since his Choice that Harry was far different than he had been just a few weeks ago. Still, it wasn't like Luna had any way of knowing that, which made her incredibly brazen offer, and the confidence with which she'd delivered it, all the more shocking. Still though, those weeks had passed, and he was different now.

Very, very different.

As a result of said differences, instead of turning as red as a beet and sputtering like a muffler as he might have before, Harry instead flipped his hair to the side with a single quick movement of his neck, straightened his hoodie (which still held a sleeping Bell, unbelievably enough), and coolly walked up to the flushed girl. Harry watched the suddenly shy looking teen avert her gaze down to her toes and fold her hands behind her back, unintentionally (Or perhaps not? The girl was confusing) pushing her slightly heaving chest out even more, hypnotizing Harry with the rising and falling of her orange sized breasts.

"Here," Harry whispered, grasping the younger girl's soft feminine chin gently and redirecting her gaze onto him, "let me."

Harry then released Luna's soft, feminine chin, although her intense blue-eyed gaze remained firmly locked onto the young incubus anyway, as he lowered his hands down to rest on the female Lovegood's waist. Harry gently squeezed the girl's soft skin, running his thumbs up and down the front of the pale blonde's waist as he just enjoyed the way her skin felt against his fingertips. Luna's breathing started getting heavy as she found herself in a position she'd only been able to fantasize about before. She was doubly surprised by this turn of events since she'd really only been meaning to tease the handsome boy who'd held her affections with his awkward charm and bravery since her first year at Hogwarts.

Harry offered Luna a winning smile as he played with the hem of her shirt, rolling it teasingly in his calloused fingers as he lightly grazed Luna's smooth belly skin with his clipped nails, sending electric shocks up the girl's body that had her curling her rainbow painted toes and fisting her dainty hands at her sides in ticklish pleasure. Harry kept this innocent teasing up until a soft whimper left Luna's parted pink lips, urging him on.

More than happy to oblige, Harry ever so slowly moved his hands up the inside of Luna's thin white shirt, softly scratching the virgin flesh underneath with his fingernails, causing adorable little goose bumps to break out all along Luna's arms and legs, and further hardening her small nipples. Luna felt her breath hitch in her chest as liquid fire rushed through her veins, setting her nerves ablaze and making Harry's every touch send Zeus-like bolts of lightning straight to her moistening pussy and up, along her slightly arched spine.

Harry's hands continued to travel higher and higher and higher, revealing inch by delicate inch of Luna's flat, pale, belly as his forearms caught the bottom of her shirt, until finally they came into contact with the panting teen's silky bra. Instead of just pushing the garment up however, Harry instead worked his fingers underneath the material and continued his upward climb, not stopping even as his nails gently scratched over the hyper sensitive skin of Luna's nipples. The young blonde closed her eyes and arched her back at the agonizingly pleasant sensation and reached her hands out, wrapping them around her crush and giving his firm buttocks a groping squeeze as she slowly lost herself to the sensations.

Harry grinned at Luna's reaction and felt his absurdly large cock, which was genetically engineered to be the perfect tool for impregnating any females his eyes should turn to, stiffen and pulse angrily as the inexperienced girls hands wandered. Then, with a mischievous smile, Harry gave the young Lovegood's pert nipples a gentle pinch, drawing a startled gasp from the horny girl that had her pressing her needy, jean-covered pussy up against the obvious outline that Harry's horse-cock made in his jeans. As Harry rolled the pebbled nipples between his thumbs and pointer fingers, Luna continued to slide her cloth-covered cunt up and down the venerable pole that Harry's stiff cock made, humping and grinding her young, horny heat along the fuck-meat's length with wanton lust clear in her cloudy blue eyes.

Just as Harry was about to lose his last reservation and take Luna right there in front of everybody, a tiny, chiming voice called out, "Party-poopers, Master, six o' clock."

Harry, despite being quite fucking startled by Bell's sudden interruption, managed to beat down the impulse to leap away from Luna and guiltily try and hide his (ridiculously obvious) erection. Instead he, in a distinctly unHarry-esq moment, managed to keep his cool.

Gently pushing her away, Harry managed to fix Luna's bra, extract his arms from under her shirt, promise to continue later, and even lay a quick peck on the stunned, flushed girl's slightly pouting lips before calmly tucking Bell back into his hoodie and turning around. When he did, he saw Hermione making her way towards him, clad in a sinful black skirt that didn't even have the decency to try and reach the girl's feminine knees and a small red shirt featuring the Hogwarts crest above her left breast and a stylized Gryffindor shield on its back. Next to her walked Ginny, who managed to look quite cute herself, despite the baggy grey sweatpants and matching grey hoodie she'd dressed in before zombie-ing her way through the morning.

"You and Ron both, huh Ginny?" Harry asked, smiling brightly when a low groan with a slightly questioning lilt was all that answered him. "Not too keen about mornings, the youngest Weasleys are, methinks," Harry teased as he reached back and grabbed Luna's hand before pulling her forward and turning to Hermione and asking, "You haven't met Luna Lovegood before, have you Hermione?"

Hermione and Ginny had finished walking over and stopped just a few feet in front of Harry and Luna, where Hermione studied the still slightly blushing blonde for a moment before frowning and saying, "No, sorry, I'm sure I've seen you before, but we've never spoken. Harry," Hermione suddenly said, seeming to remember something, "Why don't you introduce us while we walk back. You two were flung furthest, so Fred and George should've gone and got Ron by now. Poor guy, landing in the only thorn bush for miles around…"

Even as he laughed good naturedly at his buddy's misfortune and did the customary 'X, this is Y; Y, this is X,' introductions, Harry was internally musing over the first scrap of evidence he'd seen concerning how witches and wizards might react to his newfound incubus status.

'It seems like without my hand literally up her shirt to focus her, all've Luna's expressions are kinda spacey, but I can definitely tell that she's got plenty going on upstairs. Eccentric, then, maybe. What's for sure is that she both heard and saw Bell. She's not wigging out, which is good, but she's also not asking any questions, which is kinda weird. Either she honestly wasn't surprised to see a naked blue fairy pop outta my hoodie and call me 'Master', highly unlikely, or she's just extremely good at reading and adapting to situations. Either way, the fact that she has neither flinched away from my touch nor started looking at me oddly since seeing Bell is a good sign.' By the time Harry finished analyzing the situation they'd managed to reconvene with the rest of the group and start trekking towards a sea of different colored tents. That the huge majority of the tents were already pitched brought a smile to Harry's face.

'No matter how barmy magical folk can be at times,' Harry thought happily, 'at least they've got the right idea about quidditch!'


By the time the group of eight (both Diggorys having split off to go hunt down their own tent some time ago) had almost made it to the tent they'd be sharing through the day and overnight, Harry was practically vibrating with excitement. More magicals had shown up to watch the Irish and Bulgarian teams battle it out than he'd even known existed, with the sheer volume of those gathered inspiring awe, to say nothing of the fantastic variety. He literally couldn't walk more than two feet without seeing some new and interesting kind of magical being. All of them shared at least a mostly humanoid base, with fangs or claws or tails or wings or scales or strange skin colors, or any combination of those traits and three dozen others, being all that told them apart from normal and magical humans. It was quite the spectacle in and of itself, not to mention the World Quidditch Game that'd be played in a few hours!

As Harry cheerfully smiled back at a little scarlet skinned girl who was waving at him from atop her devilish looking father's shoulders, he absently wondered how the ignorant, pureblooded assholes like Malfoy and his ilk felt brushing shoulders with so many nonhumans. Harry was positive that an impressive sneer would be plastered across their faces, but all he could seem to do was smile.

Upon finally arriving, and after the other's had gone in, Harry held the tent flap open for the girls, giving Luna's butt a little pinch as she walked in that had her blushing and quickly turning back at him with a smile that showed off her pearly whites. After Harry winked at Luna and entered behind her, he couldn't help an awestruck look from stealing across his face as he let how magnificently different magical tents were from muggle ones sink in.

The interior of the deceptively plain looking tent was quite grand, in more than one sense of the word. Not only was the space impressive in its size; magically containing, according to Mr. Weasley, three house quality bedrooms, a bathroom, and even a small kitchen, it was also all beautifully decorated in Gryffindor reds and warm wooden colors. In a tent!

'Alright magic,' Harry thought, 'I guess I can forgive you this time.'

He may or may not have been picturing a certain horrid boot as he thought this.

"Okay everybody, listen up!" Mr. Weasley started, gathering all seven of the underage mages' attention. "It's only," he took a quick peek at his watch, "eight o' clock, and the game doesn't start till ten. Luna, did you have a chance to eat before we left?"

Luna replied, "Oh yes, quite a few, in fact. Unfortunately I thought Ginny had told me not to, so I didn't."

Harry smirked even as Mr. Weasley let out a tiny sigh at the girl's unintentional difficulty. As the older redhead tried to elaborate, Harry thought he saw Luna's lips twitch minutely in amusement.

'That girl!' Harry thought with a secret smile as Mr. Weasley finally decided to just say, "Right, breakfast it is. Fred, George, can the two of you go and fetch some firewood for the stove?"

When the twin's simultaneous answer that they could, but will they, was met with a weak glare, the two redheads made their way out of the flap, snickering all the way.

Mr. Weasley let a sigh out through his nose before asking the air, "Where do they get it?"

Harry and the others snickered at the Weasley patriarch's exasperation until he mock frowned at them and said, "Alright, alright. Why don't the rest of you go and entertain yourselves till they get back? You're free to explore a little, but don't go outside of shouting distance from here. I'll holler when breakfast is ready."

Excited smiles broke out on the faces of Harry, Hermione, and Ginny, though Ron still looked too tired to care and Luna seemed off in her own little world. That changed, however, when Harry immediately took hold of her lithe hand and began quickly leading her out of the fantastical tent. He could feel the surprised looks from the others boring into his back, but Harry was too focused on finding a place to have a chat with the first person to ever lay eyes on his Smallguide to care.

Upon exiting the tent Harry took a hard left straight away, leading the somewhat odd blonde towards where he could see a thick wood over by the edge of the sea of people. Both Harry and Luna remained comfortably silent as they made off towards the trees, but that was hardly to say that the trip was quiet. There were grand groups of people mingling absolutely everywhere, and the festive atmosphere of the gathering seemed to encourage the crowd to be more boisterous than normal, for there were shouted jests and loud greetings booming out all around.

'This is amazing,' Harry thought, feeling a happy flush color his cheeks as he just took in his surroundings while walking. Harry found the smell of fried ham and crisped bacon mixing with the fruity aroma of fresh wines almost as intoxicating as the heady feeling of belonging that being a part of such a gathering, rather than the focus of it, brought him. 'And good God, I still can't believe how many fucking people are here!' he thought with a fierce smile.

Still, despite the strong effect the mass gathering was having on him, the last Potter didn't allow his mind to wander too far off course, keeping his immediate objective of confronting the young Lovegood at the forefront of his mind.

As the two walked, hand in hand, further and further away from the tent, the crowd grew thinner and thinner, until finally they reached the wall of thick trees and green bushes and gnarled roots and were alone. And then they trekked a tad further still, not pausing even as a flash of guilt over disobeying Mr. Weasley's sole command ran through their heads. Harry had his mind resolutely set on having this talk with Luna, and the blue eyed girl felt that she'd be perfectly content to walk for the rest of the day so long as the dark haired wizard's hand held hers.

Finally they reached a small clearing that Harry felt would serve their purposes well enough. Luna frowned when Harry dropped her hand, but felt her disappointment give way to curiosity when Harry asked for her to, "Take a seat, please."

Looking around more closely, Luna decided that a thick fallen tree, which lay parallel to a softly flowing brook bisecting the clearing, would serve as a nice enough bench. Harry watched her claim a spot on the upturned oak before he hopped onto a softly shaped boulder just a few feet in front of her, on the edge of the quiet stream. Crossing his legs Indian style for comfort, Harry was distantly amused with the thought that the crossed-legged position was quickly becoming his official 'Choiceling Discussion' seating arrangement. Pushing the observation from his mind, Harry cleared his throat and began the questioning.

"Alright," he started, feeling a small stirring of nervousness in his belly as he did. "I want to talk to you about what you saw, earlier, I mean. After we'd landed."

"What do you mean," Luna asked confusedly, "There were quite a few things to see, after all. I saw the sky, and the grass, and your big, fat, cock, trying to fight its way out from behind your zipper."

Harry felt said organ give a hearty pulse at the little blonde's vulgarity, but he was sharp enough to notice the almost-hidden look of teasing that swam behind the girl's wide, blue, eyes. Recognizing the redirection for what it was, Harry spared a moment to worry about why she wouldn't want to talk about his Parva Dux before deciding to push the issue.

"No, Luna, you know what I'm talking about. Bell?" Harry called.

The tiny fairy-like being poked her head out from within Harry's hoodie before emerging fully and hovering at shoulder height with Harry, just in front of him and to his right. Luna spared the black eyed, blue haired fairy a quick, intense look before clenching her jaw and refocusing her gaze onto Harry.

Harry noticed the odd reaction and couldn't help but ask, "Luna? What's wrong?" with concern clear in his voice.

Luna fisted her hands in her lap, a clear sign of upset that Harry recognized, before she turned almost watery blue eyes on him. She seemed to war with herself for a bit as she chewed on her bottom lip in silent indecision.

"C-can you see her?" the petite Lovegood asked in a small, timid voice. Harry could tell that she didn't expect a positive response, in either context or tone, from him, and realized at once that the girl hadn't been unsurprised or calm at seeing the fairy earlier.

She'd thought herself mad.

"Oh Luna," Harry whispered, quickly deciding that the girl needed something more tangible than words to ease her mind. "Come here," he continued, patting the boulder in beckoning.

As Luna tentatively made her way over to the huge, smooth rock, Harry and Bell watched on in silence. Once she'd reached the side of the boulder, Harry threw a calloused hand down and helped the pale-skinned girl scramble up the small child high edges of his perch. Instead of letting go once she was up, Harry instead pulled the petite girl into his lap; her jean clad bum coming to rest in the seat made by his folded legs as her own more shapely ones were automatically wrapped around his waist.

Luna felt her breath hitch at the unexpected intimacy, but despite the willingness on her part, made obvious by the strength of her legs' grip, Harry only placed one hand on her waist tenderly.

His other hand, instead of reaching out to caress or grope the nubile flesh sat in his lap, gently wrapped around the small nude woman, still hovering just to his right, whose wings instantly quit beating upon entering his easy grasp, and pulled her in. Harry ended up holding his hand, palm up, in the small space between his and Luna's chests. Bell sat with her legs crossed in Harry's palm silently, for she did not want to upset the uneasy girl any more.

"Luna," Harry whispered, gently kneading the girl's hip as he did. "Look, Luna."

And so she did, reluctantly, look.

When the young, silvery blonde haired Lovegood cast her gaze downwards, it was instantly locked with the otherworldly eyes staring up at her calmly. As silvery blue gazed into pure black, Harry leaned forward to press his forehead against Luna's gently before saying, "I'm an incubus, Luna. A very rare breed of incubus, actually, called a Choiceling. We, that is, my kind, Choicelings, have some pretty crazy, well, choices, I suppose, that we have to make every so often. To help us out, magic itself gifts each of us with a parva dux, or a Smallguide. This is my Smallguide, Luna. Her name is Bell."

Luna had looked up at Harry in surprise when he'd told her that he was an incubus, but by the time he'd finished his brief explanation her eyes had returned to Bell's.

That was why, when the little fairy suddenly jumped up in Harry's hand and chirped out a cheery, "Nice to meet ya!" Luna wasn't too terribly startled.

Feeling her head swimming just a little, Luna nevertheless managed to eke out a quiet, "Hullo," to the nude woman.

"Hello back at'cha! I'm Bell, like Master said," Bell chimed out, edging on over exuberant in her quest to appear as likable as possible, not wanting to make a bad impression and feeling shy to boot.

"Um," Luna just said uncertainly, "I'm Luna, ah, nice to meet you?"

"Bell, relax," Harry said before whispering, "Just be yourself."

The blue haired fairy let out a sheepish smile even as a faint dusting of color appeared on her cheeks, giving her embarrassment away. Just knowing that she, too, was feeling nervous, strangely went a long way to calming Luna down. It was she who spoke next.

"I'm sorry. For not, well, for pretending not to see you. That's horribly rude in retrospect, but I, uh…" Luna said before seeming to freeze up, looking ashamed.

"I could be reading this entirely the wrong way, but I think that you, um, well that you doubted yourself, I suppose. Doubted that Bell was there even though you'd seen her, maybe?" Harry wagered, not wanting to offend Luna and certainly not wanting to use words like 'crazy'. Obviously she wasn't, but he supposed that when someone sees something so odd they can scarcely believe it, they convince themselves that they hadn't seen it at all.

Luna seemed to argue with herself for a moment before responding.

"I, well, I'm rather looked down upon in my house. They think I'm weird. Loony Lovegood; that's what everybody calls me. I-I don't really know when I started, but usually when someone starts teasing me, I just, I don't know, start acting weird. Like, if I just prove them right then they'll move on and leave me alone. One of the things I do; well, the one I do the most, really, is make up some fantastical creature and tell whoever's bugging me about it. I'll tell them that they've got nargles messing with their head or that I've got to go and hunt down a rumple horned snorecac, and then they'll call me 'Loony' and leave me alone."

Here she stopped to stare at Harry earnestly, begging him to believe her with her eyes as she said, "B-but I don't really see stuff like that, I swear! I'm not loony, Harry, just… awkward, I suppose. And maybe kinda spacey and a little bit weird too, but that's not so horrible, right?"

Harry just gave the girl sat in his lap a small smile and said, "Weird? Luna, just wait till I explain what being a Choiceling means. Then, maybe, you'll know what weird is. And just to be perfectly clear, no, I don't think you're 'Loony', not for a second. You seem perfectly fine to me."

Luna's eyes filled up with restrained hope at Harry's words, obviously wanting to believe him but not quite able to.

Fumbling for a way to convince Luna that he honestly didn't think ill of her, Harry rushed to say, "Look, Luna, trust me when I say that even if you are a little weird, you've still got nothing on me."

And so, Harry and Luna spent the next few minutes discussing their oddities with one another. When Harry revealed that he physically couldn't practice monogamy, at least for another whole year, Luna was somewhat upset, but quickly enough insisted that she understood. While Harry didn't learn anything about how Incubi, never mind Choicelings specifically, were treated in the magical world, he was left feeling as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders all the same.


"I, uh," Luna started quietly, barely loud enough for Harry to catch over the rambunctious crowd all around them, which they were trying to work their way through, heading back towards their tent. "I was just hoping that, well, you know…" she trailed off, obviously embarrassed.

Harry looked at her in mild concern, and asked, "You were hoping what, Luna?"

"Ah, it's just that, well, I know you're not looking for a steady girlfriend or anything, but…" Luna, completely red-faced, muttered out, before once again stopping herself. Finally, seemingly frustrated with herself, Luna pulled Harry back, behind a couple of tents that were set up near the large camp's perimeter, and rushed out, though still in a lower voice, "Could we still, you know, be a little more than friends? I don't know that I'm up to helping out with your, you know, but I like this," she trembled out, obviously not used to saying embarrassing things.

Harry looked down at her, a tad surprised that she still wanted to fool around and tease one another, but after a quick moment he did the only thing he felt he could.

Harry tenderly wrapped his hands around Luna's petite form, hugging her front to his with a strong grip on the small of her back and angling her head just so with a soft pull to her moonlight blonde hair, and then he leaned in and kissed the girl, passionately massaging his lips against her, lightly probing her warm, minty fresh mouth with his conquering tongue, drawing a long, low moan out of the inexperienced girl as she was ravished by the deviant incubus.

They remained locked at the lips for a long couple of seconds, until finally, Harry pulled free from the younger girl's still hungry lips and said, with a mischievous smile, "Try and stop me."


(That's all in this chapter. To those of you who were hoping for a juicier chapter, I apologize. However, if I'm going to keep working on this story, I'm going to need to make sure that the plot can carry the smut. Please Review and comment on it. Honestly When I see the reviews and comments It gives a lot of motivation that there are people who are reading and liking this.)

Ah yes I am hungry after writing this and I need power stones.

This week quota is over because I will write 3-4 chapters a week. Though if you want more feed me powerstones. I can write another chapter if there are enough powerstones (uhhh).

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