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83.33% TBATE | GREY x CAERA - A Fan-fiction / Chapter 25: Chapter 23

Chương 25: Chapter 23

[A few weeks later]


"Good morning Assistant Caera" some of the students greeted me while I walked past the long line waiting to enter the Relictombs portal.

A few weeks had passed since I had taken my position as Grey's assistant. It wasn't difficult to do so, since my adoptive parents were onboard with the intention of keeping me closer to Grey...at least till the Victoriad event.

Today, we were on a school trip that will finally allow the students to enter the Relictombs and experience it firsthand. Unlike the ascenders who enter the portal, only to be taken to random zones, this school trip will be fully monitored and kept in check, thanks to the special relic that allows us to choose the less dangerous and already explored zone, which are usually reserved for training.

Quickening my pace, I walked towards the far end of the line. My eyes focused on the professor in-charge, standing near the portal, patiently, with his arms crossed at his back. 


Just as I reached, Grey turned his head towards my direction. Our eyes met only for a short while, but...he quickly averted his gaze, uncomfortably, to avoid any eye contact.

I tried to keep my face impassive, despite the pain I felt at seeing his actions. He must be thinking that I would get used to this treatment...but, I wasn't so sure about that. I sighed in exasperation.

Grey has been giving me the cold shoulder, ever since that day...the day we almost—

My thoughts were interrupted when the portal in-charge came into view. "Identification, please." She asked Grey first, and then turned towards me. Taking out my ascender ID, I gave it to the uniformed woman, while Grey followed.

The uniformed women checked our IDs before handing it back. I reached to take it while Grey did the same, our hands touched...before Grey pulled back with a jerk. "S-Sorry. Please go ahead." He said, looking flustered.

I glared at the man, taken aback by his reaction. What's with treating me like some stranger?! I questioned inwardly. Opening my mouth, I was about to ask him the same, while a voice interrupted. "Wait! Are you going to leave without me!?"

Turning around, my eyebrows crunched in a frown, seeing a blonde haired woman, dressed in the Central Academy's clothing as she hastily approached us. Her smile was bright, despite the beads of sweat rolling down her tired face.

Before I could question her unexpected presence, Grey spoke up from my side. "Abby, what are you doing here?"

Professor Abby Redcliff, looked at Grey and me with a sheepish smile. "I volunteered to assist your class since it's not everyday students get to enter the Relictombs." She said, shaking her head in amusement. "But why am I surprised? Your class has gained a lot of attention ever since the bestowment ceremony... You really are a lucky charm, Grey. What more can you do?" She said with a grin, twirling her hair and eyeing the professor, while she completely ignored me.

"Here. Take my ID" she walked to the uniformed guard and handed over her ID. After checking the lists, and a final head count of the students, we started to move inside the portal.

"Let's go, Grey, Caera." Abby spoke in a cheery tone as she gestured the students to follow. "Do you mind?" She asked Grey, who was silently walking a few paces ahead of me as she grabbed his hand and—interlocked hers with his.

Grey's eyebrows twitched slightly, mirroring mine...but he kept his face blank, and walked alongside Abby. I followed them, while an uneasy feeling clawed at my insides. No, I am not jealous!  I repeated those words inside my head.

Sucking in a deep breath, I entered the portal, following Grey and the blonde woman. My vision was enveloped with a canvas of colourful lights as it soon faded away to reveal the changed surroundings.

We were now in the sanctuary room.

I noticed few other ascenders already inside, who took a glance at our group for a few seconds before going about their own business. It felt odd to enter the sanctuary room, let alone come across other ascenders, as I was used to Grey's unusual methods of transportation.

Shaking my head, I focused on the students as they slowly entered the portal in pairs. I tried to ignore the conversation between Abby and Grey, as it was very obvious that the blonde woman was trying to flirt with the professor.

After counting all the students, I walked next to the two professors. Abby was pulling at Grey's shirt as she laughed out loud at something he had said. I looked at him, hoping to catch his attention, but the man was constantly hit with questions from the blonde woman as he kept answering her. I noticed him glancing at me from time to time, which made me shake my head.

Pushing down the rising up frustration, I cleared my throat loudly, to grab the pair's attention. Grey snapped his head towards me and took a step back from Abby. His face was slowly turning red. Was it because of embarrassment or anger? I didn't know. "Professor Grey, all the students have been checked for their simulets. We're ready to go, once you activate the relic." I informed the man who looked frozen, while Abby simply nodded at my words.

"Alright, let's m—"

"Oh my Vritra! What a coincidence! To meet you again!" A feminine voice spoke from behind, grabbing our attention. I turned to the side to see a figure approaching us. Her face looked familiar yet I couldn't remember her name.

"What? Don't tell me that you don't remember who I am." The woman spoke, eyeing both Grey and me with a bemused smile. Seeing our confused faces, she continued. "I know we only met for a short while, but come on Grey! Don't tell me you forgot who I am." She said, looking at Grey, then turned her gaze on me. "And you, Miss Denoir, I didn't expect to see you here. And that too with him. I guess I was mistaken that day to think Grey was with the Denoir's. Rather, it's the other way around, huh?" She laughed.

Suddenly, it hit me, as my eyes widened in realisation. "Daria!" But before I could say her name out loud, Grey beat me to it. "Quite unexpected to see you again." He said with a small nod while his face remained stoic.

"Wait. That's it!?" Daria exclaimed in surprise, mirroring my own thoughts. Grey furrowed his eyebrows before answering with his usual cold tone. "Yes. We do not have much time, we must leave."

He swept his gaze over the students who were watching our conversation as they murmured between themselves. His eyes then stopped at me for a second but, he turned away and looked at Abby before nodding. Why is he mad at me? I asked myself, yet again, a countless number of times by now.

"Wait!" Daria shouted, looking at us head towards the ascension portal. I saw her walk over to us, after talking with few other ascenders who looked to be her teammates. "Let me come with you guys! These students are from the Central Academy right? And you are their professors? Maybe I could find myself some capable mage to join our team later on." She spoke with a glint in her eyes while looking intently at Grey. The professor looked thoughtful for a few seconds, before speaking up. "Alright. As long as you help us in keeping the students safe." He gave a curt nod towards the woman before handing her a simulet.

Daria grinned wide before walking close to me. She looked like she was about to say something but was interrupted by Abby's shout. "Alright everyone, we've wasted enough time already. Now if you can, let us leave. We have a long day ahead of us."

Students stirred awake from whatever they were doing before starting to enter the portal in pairs. I looked over at Grey, who was standing next to the portal, looking at the students, while Abby stayed close to him, holding his hand...

I gritted my teeth, unknowingly, as the growing frustration twisted my insides. I knew it was foolish of me to feel such way, given that, nothing had happened between us—between me and Grey—but, I still felt hurt somehow. Shaking my head, I stayed back and watched till everyone was inside the portal. Everyone except me—and Daria, I noticed.

The woman looked at me, her face wore a knowing smile as she eyed me closely. "What is it?" I asked with curiosity. She glanced back at the now-empty portal before opening her mouth. "Are Grey and that blonde woman, dating?" My breathing stopped for a second while my body stiffened. I could feel my face contort into a scowl, which I fought to keep it impassive. Taking in a deep breath, I spoke. "Why do you ask?" My tone was cold as usual.

Daria was looking at me, as if studying my reaction. She took a pause before shrugging as she walked towards the portal. Just as I thought she won't answer, her voice came. "No reasons. I was merely curious, seeing them both being close."

I opened my mouth to retort, to say 'that wasn't the fact', but, she stopped on her tracks before turning back to me. "Or should I say that the I was surprised—that it wasn't you with him?" She chuckled. "W-What?" I sputtered at her sudden words to which she smiled. "Oh nothing. I thought you two were a thing, seeing him with you earlier. Clearly I was mistaken. Tsk."

My face warmed up at her words. All the memories of Grey and I, rushed up my mind, as a sudden goosebump rose up my body. So much for being bold, I thought bitterly.

"I'd be more surprised if that cold hearted man, who denied the request of a beautiful woman such as me, ever open his heart to someone else. He doesn't seem like that type." She finished, shaking her head to dismiss her own words.

'You're right.' I wanted to say, but my heart sank at that realisation. I felt a mixture of emotions surge inside me. Should I try to talk to him first? Should I take the initiative, again? What could go wrong, he already treats me like a stranger, despite the fact that it was him who tried to kiss me first! What's he thinking inside that dense head of his...

"Are you okay?" Daria spoke, pulling me out of my spiralling thoughts. I sighed, and looked at her with a bitter smile and answered. "I'm okay. Let's just go. They will be waiting."

"Yes, yes."

The zone we had entered was a rocky terrain which was illuminated by a perpetual light source.

"Everyone, please gather around." Grey ordered the students as they formed a circle with us, professors at the centre. "As you have already been informed, this zone is classified as 'safe to enter', with only low level monsters inhabiting the deeper parts. These monsters are a variation of typical crawlers, but only much slower and very weaker. Making it easier for first timers."

"You must know the how to deal with of these crawlers." I continued as Grey looked at me. "Apart from being weak and slow, they do just as their name suggest. They crawl with their four legs. You need to watch out for their sharp claws, and their numbers. Do not let them group up on you, because it will be difficult to kill them all at once. Their weakness is their head and their limbs. If you aim correctly, you can kill them with a single strike." I finished, as students started to murmur amongst themselves.

"Alright, you heard her. Now speak up if you have any doubts. Because once we enter, you won't be having time to do anything other than fighting for your life."

"Professor Grey!" A boy in glasses lifted his hand up as he looked at the professor awkwardly. "D-Do we have to—fight in groups? Or individually?"

"You will be fighting in pairs. We won't be going deeper into the zone, where their numbers are unpredictable. Instead, we will fight near the valley, few miles ahead of us, to keep their numbers in check. Don't worry, as that is our job." Grey answered while looking at his assistants, Abby and me. Daria nodded her head, as she stood next to me, watching Grey answer all the questions.

We soon moved as the students followed. Daria wanted to make a ice carriage, but Grey denied, saying that it's a waste of time and that there are no dangers in walking. Some students grumbled and complained, but most of them were in a happy mood, having able to experience Relictombs for the first time.

An hour had passed before the valley came into view. My eyes were glued to Grey's back, unable to get myself to go up and talk to him. Abby was at his side, holding his hand and never letting go.

Daria had kept asking me about Grey's relationship with me, as she seemed interested about our ascents and adventures. So, I talked to her, keeping myself some company. She pushed me forward at times, towards Grey, to encourage me—to talk to him but...I was nervous, to say the least.

"Attention students! We're here and this is where you will be having your first real fight. We have four adults right here, to guide you. While two of us will be on the other end of the valley, letting only two crawlers enter through it. And rest of the adults will be standing here as a backup, waiting to enter if something goes wrong."

"Alright. Now pair up. Two students will be going up to fight at a time. You will be facing two crawlers. Fight together, as it will be easier that way. Do not try to divide yourself." Grey finished, gesturing the students to stand in pairs.

"So who are the ones going to be on the other side?" Daria asked while looking at the three of us. "I think I should go with Grey." Abby replied immediately, while walking closer to stand next to Grey.

Grey shook his head. "Caera and I will be herding the monsters from the other side. You two keep your eyes on the students." He spoke to Abby and Daria, before turning his attention on me. My heart skipped a beat, under his fixed gaze. It has been many days since he looked at me for more than a few seconds. His voice came, snapping me back to reality. "That is, if you are okay with it." He asked me, expectantly.

I immediately nodded my head in approval, as my lips curved up in a smile. I was feeling ecstatic and anxious at the same time to be alone with him. "I accept." Daria winked at me, seeing my reaction, making me blush.

"Why not me, Grey?" Abby grunted, making Daria let out a chuckle. "It's because we know how each other fight. In fact we've been training together for the past month." Grey glared at the blonde professor, his tone clearly showing that this isn't up for debate.

"What!? I didn't know you two were training together!" Abby exclaimed, ignoring Grey's intense glare and looked at between us, questioningly.

My heart skipped a beat when I thought back to the day Grey and I started training together. And then, the memory of his warm, chiseled body on top of mine as we laid on the floor.

Instantly, my cheeks heated up, as I remembered the feeling of his ragged breath hitting my face, so fresh and hot. And our lips so close.

My body shuddered.

I shook my head in sudden disappointment as the image of the orange haired girl came into mind. Briar...

'If it wasn't for her intrusion, would Grey and I have—kissed that day?'

I kept asking this question, over and over, inside my mind ever since.


My heart dropped at the thought of seeing Grey revert back to his old self. Cold and apathetic. The way he had been avoiding my gaze, it wasn't difficult to see how uncomfortable he felt from that moment on.

'Is he regretting his choices? Or is he afraid of the other possibilities? I wanted to ask him.

"Back me up if horde of monsters start to come in." Grey's voice stirred me away from my thoughts. He was walking few paces ahead, while I followed him closely behind. "Okay." I replied, knowing the reason for his request. Grey has been pouring out all his aether into the rainbow stone, constantly draining himself of energy. Either that, or helping out Regis with his new relic to get him a humanoid form. Despite the weak state my companion was in, I wasn't worried about him. Though, I knew it was my duty to watch his back, so I will be doing exactly that. I thought in determination as I noticed Grey stopping in his tracks.

There were several small monsters rising up from the ground few hundred meters away from us. Crawlers. They made a rattling sound as their sharp metallic claws hit the hard rocky ground as it echoed inside the valley we were in.

"Can you give me a sword?" Grey asked with his head slightly titled to my side. "Y-Yes." I answered before pulling out a longsword that I had kept as a reserve, and threw it to him. I knew it wouldn't hold up if he coated it with his aether, but, I wanted to do most of the work here, so he doesn't have to.

Taking in a deep breath, I composed myself before looking at him with determination.

Walking closer to him, I put my hand on his shoulder. His body jerked at my touch, before he snapped his head towards me. I looked up at him, as I held my gaze to his, not wanting to break away.

It felt truly calming, just looking into his honey tinted eyes and, having his eyes fixed on mine. There wasn't any other feeling similar to what I felt when I was with Grey, I realised.

He was looking at me and waiting for me to speak, I noticed. So I did. "You don't have to push yourself too hard, Grey. Take it easy. Let me help you. I won't be able to forgive myself if something happened to you... So, please save your energy for that precious stone."

Grey's stoic face faltered for the first time in a while, as I saw the traces of emotions that I have come to watch and like, slowly coming back to him.

Soon, his mask broke, turning his face a visible red. He was blushing, I figured. His body stiffened following that, as he stood in front of me unmovingly. Our eyes were still fixed on each other's...I moved my hand from his shoulder, down to his hand, as I held him tightly.

His warm hands came in contact with mine, giving me the sense of safety and comfort that I had been missing for a while now. Though we were far away from everyone's sight, I was sure that we were visible to their eyes. Yet...I couldn't care less about the others.

I wanted this moment to hold on, to keep it forever. I wanted to leap inside his arms and stay there clinging onto his warmth. "Thank you, Caera." He replied, breaking me out of my trance, while my body shuddered when I felt his hand reciprocating the same pressure I was giving him, as he held me back tightly.

We were holding hands. It was such a simple gesture, but filled with bond and trust.

Uncaring to the world, to the students looking at us, to Abby and Daria, even to the horde of monsters rallying towards us...Grey's eyes were fixed on mine, exuding a warmth, that melted away the cold facade he had been wearing for a long time, dispersing visibly, as a gentle smile appeared on his handsome face.

All of my previous feelings of frustration washed away in an instant, at his attention...at his touch...at his smile.


I smiled in return, just at his thought, and our eyes still holding in a perpetual lock. Unconsciously...my free hand moved up to my face as I wiped away the wetness. That's when I realised that tears were rolling down my cheeks, and that...I was crying.


"What are they doing?" Laurel asked, craning her neck, to look at Professor Grey and Assistant Caera. She was paired up with Deacon, while Mayla asked—demanded—to be paired up with me. I agreed, awkwardly, still feeling uncomfortable having her close to me. But she didn't seem to mind my lack of proper social skills, so I was thankful for her pleasant company.

Mayla's chuckle snapped me back. "They're being lovey dovey. It's so cute!" She giggled pressing her hand against her mouth to keep the sound to minimum.

"Ooh, look! Look! They're going to kiss!" Enola squealed as she shook Portrel's shoulders violently making him yell out curses.

"You idiot! Can't you see? Assistant Caera is crying. Look at Professor Grey's hand. He's wiping her tears!" Laurel corrected her.

I'm so glad that I can't see properly with these glasses, I sighed in relief. Still, I shifted my eyes away, feeling super uncomfortable watching the two adults touching each other in public. Then, I felt a hard jab at my side. Mayla had elbowed me, something she has been doing a lot these days. "W-What is it?" I asked hoarsely, rubbing away the sharp pain from her jab.

"Awe! Are you feeling shy, Seth!? They are not kissing. Not yet atleast! Kekeke" she giggled once more, her eyes still glued to the two adults at the far end of the valley.

"But why is Lady Caera crying?" Enola then asked out loud to no one in particular. I shook my head. "Hmm, maybe Professor Grey cheated on her or something." A voice answered, making Mayla, Laurel, Enola and I to snap back our heads to see the person who said that. It was Yanick.

Series of gasps sounded from my side and behind, as the three girls started to snap at Yanick, who simply shrugged in response. "Hey hey, don't blame me for this. As a man, I know how other men think. That's why I think Professor Grey cheated on Assistant Caera."

"Maybe it's true! I mean have you looked at him, he's so pretty." Laurel chirped, earning a smack from Enola. Mayla giggled at this, before tugging at me. "Don't listen to them. I don't think Professor Grey is the type of cheat." She said confidently, as if she knew the professor.

It was already unbelievable to see the stone cold man, having one lover. So I couldn't be sure what he is truly capable of.

"What are they doing? Shouldn't we go and break them up!" An adult voice spoke, not far away from us. I noticed Professor Abby, who for some reason came to aid our class, grumbling, as she kicked the rocks in front of her, while glaring at Professor Grey and Assistant Caera.

A loud chuckle came from the other women, the ascender who somehow knew both Professor Grey and his assistant. "You're just jealous...fufufu" She said out loud, looking at Professor Abby who stiffened at those words.

Pascal and few other students burst into laughter, while some started to murmur. Professor Abby snapped her head towards us, giving us a warning glare...making our class fall silent. "If you think you can laugh, let's see how you all can fight!" She spoke in a low tone, yet her voice was very clear. She was using her wind magic.

"You two! Move on and intercept the two incoming crawlers." Professor Abby said, pointing at the two students at the front and then at the valley. That's when I noticed that the previously—touchy adults—were now fighting off the monsters, while only allowing two monsters to enter the valley at a time.

Valen and Remy walked forward, as they took their stances. Fighting the crawlers would have been an easier task if we were allowed to use weapons. But, fighting with bare hands will be a difficult task, considering their sharp claws that can cut through metal at ease. Even mana reinforced mages will have a difficult time to fight off a horde of crawlers with bare hands.

I turned my focus back on Professor Grey and his assistant, while Valen and Remy teamed up to fight off the monsters that came in pairs.

"Why isn't Professor Grey fighting?" I asked out loud.

"I know, right!? Shouldn't the man be the one to protect his woman, then why is Professor Grey letting Assistant Caera do all the work!" Enola asked in a hushed tone not wanting the other two adults to hear our conversation.

"It's because Assistant Caera is trying to impress Professor Grey. We all know how strong he is, so will he even accept someone so weak?!" Laurel answered confidently as if she knew that was the reason.

Mayla rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "Why would Lady Caera need to impress Professor Grey? They're already together..." she crossed her hands defensively and looked at the duo fighting off the monsters with a smile.

Assistant Caera slashed down most of the horde, her blade moving so fluidly, she looked as if she was calmly dancing between the monsters. While the Professor killed the remaining crawlers that ended up coming in from the sides.

Pascal joined in the conversation. "You're right." He looked at Mayla, who stuck her tongue out playfully, earning a laugh from Pascal as he continued. "The only one trying to impress the professor is this one." He then pointed at the blonde haired professor, Abby.

Mayla, Laurel and Enola laughed as they nodded their heads in agreement. While I looked at them confusingly. Not wanting to ask 'why they think that way!?' and embarrass myself, I turned back to watch the professor fight. But, Mayla, as usual noticed my reaction as she asked. "What is it, Seth? You know you tell me anything, right?" She smiled brightly, her hazelnut eyes shining in contrast against the orange canvas, that is her hair. "I-I...it's nothing.... I don't understand why you think Professor Abby is..."

".... why she's trying hard?" Mayla finished. "Y-Yeah, something like that." I replied, adjusting my glasses before lowering my gaze in embarrassment.

I heard Mayla giggle softly, as she grabbed my hand. "You have a lot to learn, Seth. Otherwise, your future wife will be having a hard time. I already feel a headache, thinking about it." She said with a tight-lipped smile, as she eyed me in...pity?

"S-Sorry. Please take care of me?" I blurted out as my face grew hot. I immediately turned away from her sight...but she held my hand firmly before giving it a slight shake. Then, her voice came next to my ears. "It's okay. I'll take care of you." She whispered.

My body tensed up, followed by a series of chuckle from my classmates. They seem to have heard our conversation, I realised in horror. Suddenly, a hand poked at my torso, making me turn to the side. I noticed Mayla giving me an apologetic smile. Our eyes met, I could feel my body relaxing when she placed her hand on mine. Her smile widened, making my face blush.

But, a loud voice snapped me back, then wince. "Look again! Professor Grey is carrying Assistant Caera!"

"Oh my..."


"So cute!..."

"What happened to Lady Caera!? Is she injured?"

Cacophony of screams and squeals erupted around me, as my friends loudly chattered while looking at the previously cold professor carrying his assistant in a princess carry. "Whoa, what did we miss?!" Mayla squealed with joy, her eyes wide, and grinning, she jumped up and down as she tugged at my arm.

Everyone was looking at the two, uncaring of the monsters, most of which were already dead. Even the two fighting in the middle, Brion and Sloane were staring at the professor and his assistant.

"Very romantic!" someone shouted from the side, making the whole class giggle, as the ever-so-cold professor's face turned red while his assistant blushed in his arms.

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