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50% A Hero by the Name of Silk / Chapter 14: Chapter 13

Chương 14: Chapter 13


It has come, the first volume reached its end. It feels like a long time since this began. I have to thank every one of you who read the story and helped it reach a good placement overall on Web novel.

Not like this matters overall, since its just a story I'm writing for myself.

That's why I'm going on Pat- Nah just kidding. I'm writing this for myself and everyone that enjoys my writing, which still amazes me that people enjoy my trash writing.

ANYWAY, thank you everyone once again. I'm sorry to say that I did lost my passion to write this for a while, but slowly regained, then when I was about to post Covid said "nah fam, not today"

I'm splitting the chapter into 2 parts, cause if a chapter is too long then some of you lose what happens in the story. So yup.

Now I'll try to publish every week but I can guarantee that every 2 weeks you guys will get a chapter. This story should be ending by the end of the year, or middle of next year.

Also, every time a marvel movie or tv show finale is released I'll post 2 chapters.

((Disclaimer: I'm answering through here because I don't want for any of the people who comment feel underappreciated or ignored, and I don't want for the Chapter Comments or Paragraph comments to look like a reddit thread ))

Reviews = R

Chapter Comments = CC

My favorite reviewers (yes I'm extremely biased)

CanRead: Thanks again, you're of the few that I always wonder when you would leave a review since day one! So thanks for that and here is the end of Volume 1 "Origins"

ZoneTail: Im back now! Thanks for your message.

MrGoose: Im back!

AeonCDG: Thanks for your comments motivating me to write again and finish this end.

The_cow: Thanks for asking and checking up since you were one of the readers that gave me inspiration to come back.


Devils_and_angels Understandable that you didn't enjoy the story of misery to a working member of society, but this is her origin story a way to make Cindy into a relatable character, not a one dimensional character that can fit into any story.

MeanSister Thanks! Here is the end of the first Volume! See you in 2 weeks!

Mad_hatter1: Trauma is part of life! No need to be mean and leave that as a review.

KiraHeat <3

CrepeMaker: Thanks! But I'm not a good writer in my opinion but thanks for the encouragement. But I'm sure you can be a good writer if you practice! Nothing is impossible!

TuffelFlake: Well this is explained in the story, also being transmigrated or isekaid. It doesn't mean anyone is suceptible to pain.

Kiiiddd THANKS FOR NOTICING THE DETAILS IM LEAVING! You sir or mam, or them. Are quite the good reader! Yes, everything has a meaning.


Okay I messed up I can't answer all chapter comments since I don't know where to start answering Chapter comments. So I'll answer all comments that arrive after this chapter.


For once I feel like I'm doing great, the media isn't talking shit about me. I've gotten a few modeling opportunities that I no longer struggle to pay the monthly fees. I mean I still got to Community College but that's about it.

I'm getting a lot of opportunities, while I still have my other job, which is really annoying, sucks balls but now I get to patrol a bit more.

A vibration comes from my pocket notifying me that I got a text.

With a flick of my wrist I pull out my phone as I change trajectory in the intersection.

I land on the sidewalk, about three people get freaked out from my landing, but I check my phone nonetheless.

I got a few texts that I begin to read them. "STOP! NYPD!" A yell comes from the other side of the street as the guy running is carrying a gun. And he aims back at the police that are ignoring me even when I'm just checking my phone, people start to scream as cars come to a stop. 'well ain't this convenient.' Deploying the reactor and securing it to my palm.

I calculate a small web shot at the street lamp with two fingers. With a single burst a small ball of web comes out of my finger and it ricochets right into his face stopping him in his tracks as he gets freaked out. His body begins to stumble as his hands get to his face dropping the gun. Followed by my repulsor blast gets him in the chest sending him to the wall.

The police get to him and with a small knife they open up a piece of the web that covered his nose. I receive a nod from across the street from the officer as he talks into his radio.

With a two finger salute towards them they nodded and cuffed the guy that is groaning. People around me seem to notice me as one kid is pointing at me.

"Miss Silk, can we take a selfie?" Turning around as I'm placing my reactor into the pocket, as I checked my phone. It's a text from to the group chat to drop by Alana's house for a sleepover. That sounds fun actually, more so because its Friday. Turning to the guy as I placed my phone on the other pocket.

"Sure thing!" I said as the guy placed his arm around my shoulder and with his phone using the front camera took the picture. "Did it come out alright?" My question put him off as his face clearly gave away that it didn't. "We can take another."

"I can take the picture." A woman said as she was looking at us. The guy immediately took the chance and handed the phone to her.

"Please." He said as he looked stiff as a board, with a stupid idea I threw a rock hands in an X using my arms.

"Come on!" I urged at him, he followed as he did the same pose. The photo was taken and he thanked me with a smile on his face. Right as I was about to leave a massive guy with dark skin took out his phone.

"Can we...?" His voice sounds extremely nervous.

"SURE!" I said as he handed the phone to another woman beside him.

"Can you lift me?"

Nodding at him as I grabbed him by his side. "If it hurts let me know!" I said to him as I got him in a bridal carry, but slowly lifted him over my head first with two hands and now with one. He was smiling as I carried him over my head. After him landing on the ground he laughed and thanked me as well as took a picture with the woman he was with and a selfie I took of us three as I jumped over them.

Soon after others asked me for different pictures, from them getting a hand webbed to themselves, others about getting punched, carried over my head, with me getting on their backs, one I took his phone and proceeded to take pictures of me and him from different angles. It was fun until I heard sirens of police vehicles driving down the street.

"Sorry but there is people to help!" I said as I took my phone and noticed the line of people wanting to get a picture. 'Holy shit that's almost the entire block. I heard a few curses as well as others that looked down, getting a stupid idea. "EVERYONE GET READY!" I placed the phone on recording and turned the camera to me as I took a running position. I began to run lightly as I extended my hand for high fives, as I began to run at them, I clashed hands with people as I recorded them getting high fives. After getting everyone I took a jump swinging and with a flip I checked my phone and saved the video.

Throwing a line at the building I began to swing around it after one lap and enough speed I changed trajectory, making a swing from the fifth floor and onto the street as people cheered, I avoided a bus that stopped in front of the crowd and using the roof of said bus in order to get a small grip of something solid I jumped making sure to not bend it. I heard the people cheer as I now swinging with confidence down the streets of Manhattan towards the noise of sirens. Maybe I can get a police radio or something to help more people, but that's for later.


After that long patrol, I posted the video of me and the crowd that got approved to be posted by the one in charge of my phone. After that I was now free to drop by into the Alana's house, which is really nice and by nice I mean expensive and big. Knocking the door after sending a quick text of being at the entrance. A guy about mid twenties that looks like Alana only he is wearing sweatpants and has a protein shake in his hand. "Oh shoot." He quickly looked at himself noticing his state of dress as I can tell the grey shirt he has is wet from the protein shake he is holding. He quickly caught himself and smiled at me using that same smile Alana uses to look charming as he leaned on the doorway using his forearm as support. "Hey." His voice is deeper as he did a small nod with his head aiming to say that casually. "Sorry I look like this." He flexed him arm

"Umm, hi? I'm looking for Alana Maisey." I said as he looked me up and down eying me and smiling.

"Yeah, she's not here. She went out for snacks, but you can come in." He said with a smile as he opened the door wide enough for me to go through. "Whoa, Alana didn't say that her friends were so pretty. But I think you're really gorgeous." He compliments me with sincerity in his voice. As I'm about to answer Alana appears and kicks him in the butt.

"NO JACKSON! DON'T FLIRT WITH MY FRIENDS!" She said as he got pushed into the kitchen. "Also, you stink! Go take a shower!" He relented immediately.

"Jeez, you on your days?" He only got a pillow from the nearest couch in his direction.

"Hey! Dad said not to throw these!"

"Bullshit he never said that!"

"OOOHHH That's a bad word! Pay up!" He said as he laughed.

"No I wont! Come on Honey, everyone is already here." She said as she began to drag me along into her room. "Rani! Get out of my room!" She yelled as she stepped into her room that the door has a small purple heart with her name written by a kid's handwriting on the door.

"But I want to be with the others!" The voice of a younger girl sounded from behind the door. We stepped inside I moaned in relief as I felt the AC had cooled the room from the hot weather outside.

"Keep it in your pants girl!" Erica said as I landed on the nearest coach face down.

"Shhhh." I shushed her as I felt a weight on top of me, then another. "Get off! You're both heavy!" I said as I received a spank. "HEY!" My voice is muffled by the couch.

"It jiggled." Mandy said as she delivered another.

"Ouch! Okay, I'm up." I said with a smile that crawled to my slips throwing both of them off as I rolled down the couch and into the carpeted floor. "Oooff." That sound left my lips as I felt a little bit of energy return to me and slowly sat up straight. "Come on!" They told me to clean up as the rest of them did, I made sure to take less time but the warm shower was great, I dressed in the pajamas that I were a gift from Erica's mom this year as well as followed her advice that having big boobs you should sleep with a bra on. Eventually we settled down and began to talk as we got pizza saying that it was okay to cheat today since photo shoots begin again next Wednesday. Her little sister that I learned her name is Ranielle also joined us.

Alana wanted to kick her out but when Ranielle looked like she was about to cry she relented much like I did back then. I entertained her for a time as I braided her hair into a double waterfall braid that she liked. She was there to listen to us talk, until she lost interest and began to fall asleep as we chatted and noticed she was falling asleep. "You're tired." I noted as she tried to deny it but ended up yawning again.

"Time for bed, or else." I tickled her stomach, she laughed as she tried to protect herself from the relentless attack. "THE BEDBUGS WILL ATTACK!" She laughed harder as I stopped my attack with her arms.

"But I'm not-" She yawned longer this time, smiling gently I said. "Time to sleep, if you want I can tell you a story." I said as she nodded reluctantly. "Is that okay Alana?" Alana nodded with a small smile. She led me to her room, for a second her shape changed as the hallway grew dimmer, making me stop in my tracks. The shape of the hallway turned to the croaking old wood as the small child walked in her pajamas down the hall.

"Cindy? Are you feeling alright?" A small hand pulled my own forward, forcing em to rid myself of those thoughts as the hallway is not the same and the kid in front of me isn't a kid waiting for me to follow.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. Now what story do you want to hear?"

"I don't know...."

"How about... the story of... Silk?"

"The super hero?" She got excited as she crawled beneath the sheets.

"Yeah." I began to tell her an exaggerated version and a more toned down things of what happened to me, rather than a spider bite I said she woke up one day and when she was getting bullied instead of using her strength to punish others. She used it to help and save people. By the time I said that she was going to help Iron Man fight evil robots she fell asleep. I walked out and turned off the lights but keeping the nightstand light on, for myself rather than hers. When I flipped the switch and turned to the door I noticed that my friends were waiting for me.

"I didn't know you were so good with kids."

"I have a ton of experience; I was one of the big girls. So I had to take care of the other kids, from showering them, bedtime stories, or just an ear to listen. Sometimes it was just a hug or a back rub, hell even some snuck into the closet I slept on." The tone of melancholy fills the air, but 2 different hands reach out to me, grabbing one hand each and pulling me towards the room.

"Thanks for that by the way, she has trouble falling asleep sometimes. Mom would tell her a story but that was two and a half years ago and well she's... thank you." Alana said with a sad smile.

We ended up in the room and I ate an entire pizza, then Erica proceeded to tell everyone about that night when I puked my guts out. I was the center of attention as the rest laughed about my misfortune but I told the story about the nickname that her mother has for her. Which involves a blueberry jam, soap and a chair. We kept talking until around 1 AM. rolled around.

"Soooo... how's your, you know." Mandy asked as she used her index finger and thumb into a circular motion as well as her index finger to simulate a finger entering a hole. Alana got a little blush but began to explain in detail about how her first time went with his now Boyfriend Matthew.

"It was sooo, BAD. But neither of us knew what to do, so it was a time of disappointment and awkward glances." She kept smiling.

"If it was so bad, why are you smiling?" I can't help but ask.

"Well, it was sweet. He was really cute and we fell asleep, we cuddled. But then as we we're falling asleep we tried again and..." She trailed off.

"So how was it, the second time?" Erica is curious since she is leaning forwards.

"It was great, but since then we've done it like 3 times and he's getting better. The videos or doing it yourself got nothing on actually doing it."

"Really?" I can't help myself.

"Girl, you have no idea."

"Talking about that, and to stop her from bragging about her boyfriend again, did you ever have a crush on someone?"

"A crush?"

"Yeah, like, you really like someone."

"OHH I had one, his name was Michael, he played Football in high school and we actually made out once." Mandy bragged before turning to me.

"Not really, I mean I think I have a crush on someone. But she-"


"HE." I corrected myself from spilling my crush over them.

"I mean we text a lot, and he's kinda cute, but we don't have time. He also cares about me a lot, like he asks about my day and how I'm feeling."

"OMG! You sent him nudes!"

"NO! I didn't send any pictures like that!" Would Maria even like that? "Should I?"

"Come on! Show him to me!" Mandy leaned over to me as I just held my phone closer to my chest, but that didn't save me from getting groped by her. In a last ditch effort I threw the phone to the rood and shot web at it so it sticks there for an hour.

"NO! WHY YOU BITCH!" Mandy said as she looked at the roof. "Then capital punishment!" She began to tickle me in my stomach. "STOP!" I began to laugh, as my snorts filled the room Alana and Erica joined her. "NO! NOT FAIR!" That kept going for a few minutes before I retaliated by holding Mandy as Erica tickled her feet. Eventually we stopped when everyone was panting hard, including me. We had an awkward silent that ended up in some yawning, making me yawn as well.

"I am curious, have any of you sucked a dick?" I asked aloud as it is a question I wanted to make for a while.

"Who are you? And what did you do to our cinnamon?" Alana said as she turned to me.

"Yeah! Since when have you been curious about that?" Erica joined as well.

"Well, it's just. I'm curious, do men actually like getting their dicks sucked?"

"Well, yeah. I mean they like to think they're in control but in the end the girl controls the pace and its kinda empowering having someone by the balls knowing you could ruin their life." Alana said as she looked at us.

"Alana that is oddly specific." Erica pointed out as we all looked at her.

"I mean, I have a boyfriend and he's the perfect gentleman but well I do get horny some times and it's kinda fun."

"Yeah, it is." Mandy agreed, which made us look at her, she only answered with a smirk.

"But returning to the matter at hand. I thought no one caught your eye, or well he lives far away." Alana pointed out.

"It's not that anyone caught my eye... It's just..."

"OMG, are you going to ask for tips?"

"She'll be getting tips soon enough." Erica added as her elbow crashed against my arm.

"No, it's just... Some people have asked me to do that."

"Who?" Alana asked as she sat down from her lying down position.

"I mean, remember the semester I used to do basketball, right?"

"Yeah, you were miserable." Mandy told me as she too sat down.

"In more ways than one... Coach, at first she blackmailed me into sucking the dean's dick to keep my scholarship. If I didn't I would lose my scholarship. Coach told me that if you suck enough cock you can get places."

"Cindy, did the dean touch you?"

"No, I mean he was close to kissing me by force as he took off his pants and told me to do THAT."

"But you didn't do it?"

"No, of course not. It's the reason why I took out a big loan and now in debt."

"You said some... Right? Who also asked you to do that?"

"My landlord, I'm living under a discount from full price for 2 years cause of favors he owed my mom. But the rents been rising up and he asked to do that but if I do it he would keep my rent low. And he's always leering at me and telling me gross comments like, looking hot today, or you have nice tits. Ugh or how he just stares at my tits when I talk to him. He charges more for everything, like when I lost my keys. 20 bucks for the replacement."

"Cindy that's a crime. That's sexual harassment."

"It doesn't matter now, I have a small discount but I mostly ignore him and tell him to fuck off and he charges me more when I tell him that but it's worth it."

"But what about the coach and the Dean?"

"Well, I don't have a scholarship. I'm in massive debt for the next 10 years and I have at least 4 more years to pay rent in that apartment. But by May of next year, I should be good." We spent the night talking about anything that went down that week. Like Alana bragging about how her boyfriend is super romantic. Erica saying she's getting ghosted by some guy and she's dying to answer to him. While Mandy showed us a chain of texts that involved her life. Little did I know that things by the a month passed I wouldn't even be able to tolerate their existence.

I was chilling in my couch wearing a big shirt that Clint left one time and now it's mine and panties since my bra was getting in the way and its comfortable this way. But as I was watching intently as the bikes with light trails were fighting for survival as the main guy was doing a good job staring alive from getting deleted by the programs. But as he was about to get killed a truck crashed into the wall of the arena to break him free.

But as the chase began, I heard a siren outside my window, that siren is parked outside, instead of rushing past the building it stopped. "Oh shit." I felt panic rush through me as I am recalling every time I took my mask off lately.

Another cruiser arrived as I moved to get dressed. My suit under my clothes as I was psyching myself up for a fight or to run... But as my fist curled tight, I didn't think it would be smart to do that 'Maybe I can do something to avoid trouble'. A knock on the door tore through my thoughts as I looked through the peephole.

Two officers, I can't hear any heavy boots, or multiple people outside the door, neither are my senses alerting me of danger.

"Coming!" I yell as the hoodie covers the suit entirely as well as the jeans I'm wearing.

"Miss, NYPD." The officers present themselves. A calming exhale leaves my mouth as I open up the door without removing the chain lock in order for it to not be opened entirely.

"Hello officers? What can I help you with?"

"Hi, I'm officer Wagner, this is my partner." I recognize her, she's the officer that is obsessed in getting me behind bars. "We received a tip from someone that the owner of this apartment complex. Has been exhorting sexual favors in exchange for lowering rent and living costs." She said as her gaze falls on me.

"Uhm, yes? He asked that a few times from me, but I've said no every time he even charged more for cursing at him and saying no."

"Have we met before?"

"No, I don't think so." I said as I looked at her holding my face to not show any emotion.

"How old are you mam?"


"This is not the first door we asked, and other have confirmed this behavior. Don't worry, with your confession he's going to jail a long time. We will notify you later about developments."

"But what about this place?"

"The apartments will now be managed by his daughter. so you won't lose your place to live." They left soon after; closing the door I exhaled in relief as I slid down on the door and took a seat on the floor.

"That was... weird." Walking towards the windows and noticing that both the cops and the landlord are entering the police cruiser with him cuffed, a smile reached my face, maybe people do get what they deserve.


Walking into campus after a good nights rest only to notice that. 'Why the fuck are there police here?' Looking up to see a few police officers and campus guards holding the dean as he is cuffed as the coach is being shoved into a police car. Turning to the closest person which is someone that smells like pot and is dressed entirely black. "Hey, what's going on?" She answered me without even looking at me.

"Dude, the Dean was like a creep. Like the police came in and arrested the basketball coach. Something about forcing girls to do sexual favors or so they say." 'One is chance, two is a coincidence.' I can't help but narrow my eyes as I looked around, focusing my ears on the police trying to discern what they're saying. As multiple guards are walking by with computers and laptops.

A tap on my shoulder brings me out of my thoughts as I turn back, to see the former ace of the team. "What?" I glare at her.

"I... I heard a few things... I'm sorry"

"..." I couldn't answer to her as she looked bothered at my lack of response.

"I get it. I wouldn't want to say something, just, I'm sorry." She says as I feel anger at her, for acting like a bitch, making it clear that I was scum since I took her spot for a WNBA team, making it hard to say the least to talk to others aside from proyects or homework.

My phone made itself known, taking it out from my pocket I answered as I walked away. "Hello?"

"Is this...." The sound of papers ruffling behind the other line. "Cynthia Moon?" That caught me off-guard, since nobody uses my full name.

"Yes, this is her."

"I'm calling from the faculty office, if you could come to the Dean's office to answer some questions." Ending the call and sighing out loud I make my way towards where they told me. 'What a way to start the semester.' As I walk inside the same officer as yesterday is standing there.

"Officer Wagner?" My voice comes as a question as I walk inside, but this time its her and another person with a blazer and a tie, also wearing jeans.

"Ms. Moon, sorry to bother you from your classes." She goes for a handshake which I reciprocate.

"What's going on?" I feel the tension in the air as the man walks forward.

"Hi, I'm Detective Paul Chambers, Wagner here is just shadowing me, since she's about to become a detective." The officer gains a small blush on her tan skin as her brown eyes lie upon me. "We wanted to ask some questions, regarding the conduct of the Dean and basketball coach."

"Uhmm, is this about the..." I can't really answer to them as it feels awkward to speak about that.

"The Coach is being charged for grooming of a minor and sexual assault on a minor."

"But for that you need to tell us what happened." I told them about how coach was threatening me with removing my scholarship, how I went to the Dean who just obeyed the coach then how he touched me face and lips as he got closer to kissing me but I pushed him. Then told them how the semester went, with coach pushing me towards doing what she wanted as I just kept my head down, her threats of losing my scholarship and how she wanted me to take pictures of myself.

"Thank you for this, I'm sure it's hard... just know that this is enough evidence. Miss Tate over here, was able to collaborate as well."

"What now?"

"Now, you return to class." Miss Tate said as she looked over to me and motioned for me to get out. One thing I thought I was used to were the stares, but I feel like everyone looks at me with pity.

Never in my life did I thought I would get this type of treatment, in high school people ignored me. Better me than them, after all. But that wasn't the case here.

Everyone is looking at me with pity, like I have the plague; they make a wide berth for me to pass by them. Like I'm some sort of freak, those stares are worse than those that ignore me.

Some girls were talking beside me but they got quiet as I walked by, the silence everyone is making is annoying. "Is that her?" "Shh, she'll hear us."

This is worse than middle school, I remember the rumors that Molly spread about me, that I used to be an alien. But those were simple pranks, I got pushed or shoved, hell I got picked last every game. But this is just demeaning, making me feel like I'm a victim of something.

Yet one question does stand. 'Who made the accusation about those things?'

Arriving at the photoshoot after two days of having a few relaxing patrols of only a purse snatcher and stopping a mugging, I found myself at peace for once. "Hey!" Mandy jumps on me as if a monkey would and now getting piggy back from me.

"Hi." My reply comes as I keep walking like I'm not carrying her, she steadies herself over my backpack by entwining her arms over my neck and smiling.

"Whatchu doing?"

"Did you just Isabella'd me?"

"No?" Her snickers are a clear indication that she did.

"I thought that you were too old to watch cartoons?"

"Says the girl that likes kids shows."

"Dude, Phineas and Ferb are peak comedy, also Kim Possible is SOOO good! She's a red head and fights crime."

"So you enjoy kids shows?"

"I mean, yes, I didn't used to watch those since the TV was broken or the others were using it. Then one day it broke and no more tv. But I found my ways."

"Hoh?!" She looked at me as she got off my back.

"Yup, tutored some idiots for 5 bucks an hour, that got me about an hour and snacks for a game console in a convenience store, it was my small heaven. No one bothered me, I played a bit to forget about going home then I just went on my way back home in a pretty good mood."

"Sorry if it brought something nasty."

"Nah, it's good to talk about it sometimes." We walked in silence the rest of the way, I took notice that as soon as we got there she took out a few books as the conference room is still empty and the meeting is supposed to be in 15 minutes. Taking my chance I also began to do my homework for the week.

"Hi." Alana showed up as well, she only has her purse with her. I took notice of her but kept working. "SO-" She expanded the O. "How did the you know? THWIP THWIP GO?" She motioned with her hands how I fire webs from my webshooters... but I didn't answer since I'm trying to calculate without a calculator. "I suddenly feel like a middle child."

"Shhh" Came both our answers at the same time.

"Yup, just like one." She added as she sat down beside me.

"Ignored?" Mandy said as I finished writing down the last number.

"Huh, I thought that happened to everyone." I gave a light joke about it, but both seem to just stare at me with that same look everyone today gave me.

"OH COME ON! It was a joke." I said as both just looked at each other and laughed lightly in an awkward manner. "UGH! It's been like this all week! First the cops show up on my door, then at school and both the landlord and dean AND the coach get sent to jail. I still have to go and do a few things in court and then I'm happy that they would go to jail but it's ANNOYING! Besides everyone looks at me like I'm missing limbs, also they think I'm made of glass or radioactive or something since they avoid me. Like if they get closer than five feet then they're dead or something!"

Both stare at me as Erica comes in, the scowl on her face is clear that she's in a bad mood. No surprise since she's been like this for the past week or so. "What's got your panties in a twist?"

"NOTHING!" Her tone is a clear indication that she's not good.

"Okay then." I turn to Alana.

"It went good, simple things. One Chip and a dog." Those codenames are for these sort of occasions.

"Really? That's simple?"

"I mean, I helped two people. It was a good stroll." I said to her who seemed disappointed for some reason. 'Well excuse me!'

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! YOU FOUR GET TO THE DRESSING ROOMS! WE'RE BEHIND ON SCHEDULE!" Michael yelled as he proceeded to slam the door, making everyone jump including me from their seats and scamper off towards the dressing room.

But as I was walking out I saw what Mandy was working on. I know it's bad to do this, but she's one of my best friends. Meh, maybe it's something about psychology. But as I opened the notebook, I didn't expect this as I read the contents in her handwriting.

'Cin, told us that she has powers. AS IN ACTUAL SUPERPOWERS! But what I'm more interested is how it affects her way of thinking, she has trust issues, and after her freak-out I learned a bit about her, but it seems that she doesn't trust me or anyone close. I think I need to get closer to her to understand her mind is so interesting.'

"What the fuck?" I flipped through a few pages as I got to the last few entries.

'Cindy trust me more, she told me about how her mom used to punch her every time she said the M word. Maybe I can get her to say that word and see her reaction. Erica seems pissy around her lately; maybe her Mom is saying something that bothers her. Alana keeps pressuring Cindy to do more hours of patrol. But that doesn't matter, my thesis should be close I just need to see the extent of the abuse she received. But first I need to know how she stayed stable, I fed her gaming addiction. She seems to really enjoy them. Maybe something in her childhood? Ask more about her likes as a child, and ask for how she kept her mood up.' I feel betrayed, I try to read but my eyes are blurry it doesn't make sense; the tears are running down my face as they cover the page I'm on. Did I get manipulated? To Alana am I just something to get back at crime? BUT TO MANDY, to the girl that reigned over my heart.

"I'm just an experiment!"

"Cin-" I turn to the person in question who is standing there, her eyes wide as her mouth gapes opening and closing like a fish.

"YOU!" I feel so angry at her, so much anger but also a deep sadness.

"It's not what it looks like-"

"THE HELL IT IS! YOU FUCKING!" I feel the need to punch her, to toy with me, to write what I said, to trust her only to find out she was using me. Just like Mom, just like the coach, just LIKE EVERYONE IN MY LIFE!

She takes a step back as I walk towards her. "Baby-" I slam my hand on the wall making a loud rumble. "Cin, you're scaring me." As I'm feeling so blinded by rage and sadness.

"What is going on here?!"

"I was-"

"Cindy, what. IS. HAPPENING!"


"I didn't-"

"And what were you going to do?"

"I was going to slap her!"

"Violence? Really?"


"Alright, take 5 five. Mandy, out!"


"OUT!" I heard the door close as I just kept crying and holding myself from punching at the closest thing to me.

"Cindy, I was afraid this would happen. I will have to put you on a temporary leave."

"WHAT?! NO, NO, no no no nono no! you can't this is all I have."

"Don't worry, just you need to go to a psychiatrist and you'll be good."

"Am I getting fired?"

"No, no. It just I think that your little noggin of yours is causing trouble for you. Here in the management offices you can get counseling, heck even your college can get you one valid enough."

"So I can come back?"

"Look I'll try to get you in a paid leave."

"Thanks." I say as I just go back to grab my bag and pick the fucking notebook followed by it being thrown in the opposite side of the room. As I'm walking out the door my nose is snotty from crying but looking at Mandy who is just balling her eyes out.

"Sorry." She tries to say as I just move out the way.

"Fucking traitor." I spit at her shoes as I walk out the offices and into the elevator.

Arriving exhausted at home I turn to the door of my home, only to notice one thing. 'Eviction notice' 'WHAT THE FUCK NOW?!'

Reaching the lower floors and the reception I knock on the door where the pigman used to dwell. "Hello?" The door opens as blonde hair that looks like it got a perm as the almost orange skin and the most fake green eyes I've seen make her presence known.

"Uhm, what?" Her voice is as obnoxious as I thought it would be.

"I was just..." Shaking my head and steeling myself. "So I go this eviction notice? I'm on time for rent."

"OOHH!" Her eyes are filled with recognition. "You're the fucking bitch that threw my father in jail! I knew I had to do something!"

"So, I assume that the eviction was just a mistake right?" She turned to me as if I was dumb.

"No. YOU, took the comfortable life daddy was giving me, the government wants us to pay a few things that I don't really understand and I'm being petty. So I don't care how pretty you are, or what the fuck do you do. I want you out by tomorrow or I'm calling the cops for trespassing. Also anything you leave is mine and will be sold."

"You can't do this, where will I live?" I asked in genuine concern.

"I actually don't care." She said as she closed the door on my face. Fuck, turning to the stairs and decided to just return to my apartment but I think I need help. Turning to my phone and dialing the only number I can think of.

"Hey I need a favor."

"UGh, what?"

"I need to drop off some stuff into your apartment."

"Fine, whatever, you know the way inside." The phone call ended the way I expected, with her annoyed and me reluctantly going to her apartment. After wrapping everything in web and filled bags of stuff, I carried off to the rood and after a few trips across the city I was done. With my backpack on my back and the rest of my shit in the doorstep to Erica's place.


"Kinda... So the new landlord kinda just didn't give a shit and behaved petty enough to kick me out."

"Don't blame her." Erica said as she sighed and opened the door. "And you're crashing here?"

"Just a few days, I get the paper thingies I need from the psychiatrist at school and I'm back to work and then apartment hunting. Two weeks tops, then I'll get out of your hair."

"Is that my little Moonpie?"

"Hi auntie!" She just walked up to me and hugged me tightly followed by a kiss on the cheek.

"What happened?!"

"I got evicted, so is it okay if I crash for a few days?"

"Sure, Moonpie, you can stay here as long as you like?"

"No, I'll be out of here in a few days."

"You hungry? Of course you are, come on!"

"Hon, Cindy will be staying here a few days."

"Who was Cindy again?"

"Erica's friend, you know the one that we helped with a medical bill?"

"OH, her."

"Hello again uncle." I said as I announced my presence in the room.

"OOOhh that Cindy, how are you kid?"

"Kinda good, but I'll be out in a few days." He smiled as he looked at me, but with a sad expression in his eyes,

"Let me help auntie." I said as I moved towards the apron I always use the stain of coffee and strawberry jam is still there.

"Sure, help me with cutting the chicken; I am not letting you close to fire."

"It was one time!" She laughed as we kept cooking,

"Moonpie, can you let Erica know that the food is ready? Also wash your hands!" I smiled at the warmth in her tone.

"Is what you said true?"

"That she helped me, yes. Like you have no idea, I just remember her a lot, it's like she's here with us again. Like it was a message we talked about her a lot."

"I know, and she does remind me of her a lot." 'Who are they talking about?'

"Erica." I barged in, only to see her in an awkward position to say the least, let's call it with her pants down and hands shoved in said pants.

"DUDE! KNOCK ON THE DOOR!" She said as she jumped out of her bed and into the floor.

"SORRY! OH MY GOD!" I slammed the door closed, a minute later it was open by a flushed Erica with a red face and different shirt and pants.

"Next time, KNOCK!" Her words were like steel as she looked with anger in her eyes. "WHAT?"

"Dinner's ready, I'll wait over there." I said as I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where I helped set it up and plating everything, as the dinner went on I noticed the similarities between Erica and her dad. Like how both eat the same way, both open their mouths and extend out their tongues before munching on the food. It's cute, but both do it out of reflex.

"So, Cindy, Cindy right?" Erica's dad breaks the silence that rules over the dinner table.

"Yes." I nod in confirmation.

"What are you majoring in?"

"Oh! Well, right now I'm majoring in Electrical engineering and Mechanical engineering as well as a minor in Korean cause I kinda look Korean. So I'm now waiting for Brown to answer via email to set up the interview for my scholarship. But I have to wait for them to tell me if I get the full scholarship or should I look elsewhere."


"Yup. They're the only ones that have answered to my submissions. All others aside from the community college I'm in answered to my applications."

"Sounds like you're looking to improve, what's your GPA?"

"It's perfect, just like my attendance record."

"I wasn't expecting to hear that. Erica you should be more like Cindy." She only grumbled in annoyance, noticing her discomfort I stepped in.

"Well, Eh- I was actually struggling with a subject and Erica here, actually helped me finish the work that had to be done. She helped me maintain my score after all."

"Is that so?" He turned to Erica.

"Yes, she helped me with the paper that was due by helping me in the redaction. Yup."

"That's great Erica. Then why are you still struggling to pass which class was it... Federal Laws?"

"Federal Income Tax... and it's only 1 semester and a summer that I couldn't pass."

"Well, it's going to be third."

"Dad, it's the hardest class. Of course it's hard, Mom knows."

"I passed that the first time." Erica's mom answered.

"Look at Cindy, she has perfect scores. Hell she's smart enough to go for a double major and a minor and you're only in Law." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at your father, he just-"

"He just what?! He wants to tell everyone how right he is, how he knows I'm not worth shit."

"No swearing in this house." Her mom said as I just felt the need to hide.


"NO SCREAMING IN HERE! IM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN SCREAM." Her dad is now pissed, I made myself as small as possible as I just lowered my head into my shoulders.












"I HATE YOU BOTH! EVERYTHING SUCKS HERE SINCE WE HAVE THAT STUPID URN SITTING IN THE ENTRYWAY! YOU BOTH ABANDONED ME AS IF I DIED AS WELL!" That stopped both of them; my eyes don't leave the ground as I'm waiting for the shouting to finish. This ends up in a chair in the ground from when Erica stood up a door slamming close followed by Erica's dad getting up from his seat and another door closed. I can hear Erica crying.

"Jesus fuck." Erica's mom says, I flinch as the anger and tired tone reminds me of when mom had a tough day, which usually meant pain for me or another kid.

"Ci- CINDY!" I flinch as I feel a hand coming close to me I did what I used to do, since she's tired I run but not before grabbing a bit of bread and run for the closet I saw on the top floor. Using as much speed as I can I'm now hiding in the darkness of a few coats hugging myself, Hiding in the top part of the closet I'm safe from someone getting here.

Sighing in relief I begin to eat the bread I stored.

"Cindy?" The voice is Erica's mom as she walks past the closet door I'm stop eating only for the doors to open up gasping in surprise she doesn't notice me. But as she's about to close the door after rummaging around the coats a small fart comes out of me making her gaze turn upwards.

"How did you get up there? Come on down."

"No, I'm good."

"Cindy Moon, get down here."

"Only if you promise not to hit me."

"Moonpie I would never do that, don't worry." Placing the bread in my mouth I jump and land in front of her without much of an issue.

"Listen, about what happened... I didn't mean to get that ugly. I'm sorry; I didn't want you to see that."

"It's okay, I won't say anything."

"No, but you're owed and explanation. Come." She motioned as she opened her palm as an invitation to grab it I took it and she walked me to the front door, but right beside the front door I didn't notice the small table with a picture of a girl that looks around 4 years old.

"That's April, go on introduce yourself." She said as right beside the picture a silver and gold pot with a name tag embroiled into it. 'April Jocelyn Baker 1994-1999.'

"Hi April.... I think you saw me a few times, I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you when I came in."

"I'm sure she's happy you're here, I think you would be great friends." She paused as she looked at me. "Erica and she were really close; they were inseparable as time went by. But we had an accident where a drunk cab driver crashed their car against ours. I was in the car with her." She raised right left sleep and I noticed she has burn scars from mid forearm and it goes on and on into the shoulder and a little on her neck. "The car caught on fire and well, she had severe burns in her body." She clenched her fist

"Those fuckers, gave priority to me rather than her. I kept yelling that she first but by the time they went over her the damage was done. She got into the ICU and they told me the infection was too harsh on her body and it couldn't keep up. And that piece of shit human only got fifteen years; we fought for him to rot in jail. But the man only got minimal with good conduct. I tried to get in the case and get him a harsher condition but I couldn't join in the trial." That clicked on why Erica is so cold, on why she studies law and how she told me she wants to become a prosecutor. It's for her; it's also why they don't cook meat here, only chicken and fish.

"I blamed myself, I was the one driving, and I should've paid more attention instead of singing with her. I tried everything I could but nothing worked, it's funny." She exhaled though her nose. "The law firm couldn't back me up. But I'm still the boss.... So I found comfort in wine, the pain went away, the screams she made were muted, the smell of burning meat, just forgotten." She turned to me. "I abandoned Erica, but suddenly you came. You the awkward kid too skinny for her own good. But you needed to be loved and it was like a switch. You helped me go through what years of therapy couldn't."

"I didn't do anything."

"You did so much, I taught you how to cook, how to do your makeup, how to even eat at a regular pace." She smirked as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"I never thanked you for that. Don't worry about it."

"Mom, I just wanted to- oh." We turn to find Erica looking at us with red puffy eyes that still has tears. "Am I interrupting something?" Her tone is now angrier compared to the almost shy tone.

"Erica, she was telling me." She crossed her arms.

"You fucking bitch, you come here and take over. You're not her! You're just a replacement a worthless fucking orphan!" Erica's anger is palpable as she stares at me, her words hurt. "First you steal food and now you try this shit."

"Erica don't talk to her like that, one thing I did taught you was respect."

"And what? Respect this attention whore?" Erica said as she's crying again and starts to walk away.

"Don't mind her, she's angry."

"It's okay, I will just eat and take my stuff to the guest room, and I'll be out in a few days." I said as I walked into the kitchen to eat as fast as I can, the night came faster, and I didn't see Erica or her mom or dad. But the sound of crying made it abundantly clear that this wasn't a warm welcome.

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