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30.71% The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory / Chapter 41: Unyielding Steel, Burning Pride

Chương 41: Unyielding Steel, Burning Pride

The next morning.

As I walked into the living room of Carpe Diem's side of the building, I saw the usual people sitting there. Ian, Hugo, Chohong, Flone... but there was someone else there as well that I didn't expect.

"You're finally up, huh?" Maldong nodded his head towards me and said, "Damned brat. You need to take better care of yourself."

I dragged a chair over to the group and sat down. "I know my limits well enough, Sifu... but thank you for the concern."


Ian chuckled and said, "Don't mind my old pal, Jihu. His grumpiness is his way of showing that he likes you."

Chohong rubbed her head and said, "Well, I'd rather have the old man show that he likes us the usual way instead."

Hugo shuddered and said, "Tell me about it."

Maldong narrowed his eyes. "Should I teach you two another lesson? It seems that you've forgotten your manners since the last time I was here."

Flone giggled and said, "That's right! You should respect your elders, Chocho!"

Chohong tilted her head towards Flone and said, "You mean like you?"

Flone narrowed her eyes.

I sighed and said, "It's way too early for this, so could you stop?"

Chohong flinched and then lowered her head. "Sorry, Oppa."

"Sorry Jihu."

Maldong blinked and then looked at Chohong. "Oppa?"

She blushed but didn't say anything else.

Ian hid a smirk behind his hands and averted his eyes.

I sighed again and looked to Maldong. "Anyway, Sifu. I thought you were leaving?"

He had cleaned up his affairs and everything, so there shouldn't be anything left for him here. Unless...

"I did too. But a certain someone convinced me otherwise." Maldong glanced at Ian.

Ian fist pumped the air.

Maldong sighed and then said, "It won't be forever though. Considering that Carpe Diem is lacking an Archer and that I can't rely on those two idiots to keep things running, there has to be someone sensible to keep things in line."

"Hey!" Chohong frowned and said, "I'm a High Ranker now!"

"And one who can barely take care of herself let alone a team. And we don't even need to talk about Ian here."

Ian mimed getting stabbed in the heart and said, "Old pal! I'm hurt!"

Maldong shook his head and looked towards me. "Anyway, I'll be around for a little while longer. Just thought I'd let you know." He pushed himself off his chair and then groaned. "Hah... might as well walk for a bit then. This old man can't keep up with you young brats without warming up."

After saying that, Maldong left the building, walking out onto the streets with his cane.

Ian watched him leave and chuckled. "Seems like my old friend is still as dishonest as ever."

I frowned and said, "Is he really sticking around then?"

It'd be great if he was, but since he didn't have any golden threads around him, I wasn't too sure about that...

Chohong shook her head and said, "Forget about the old man for now." She reached to the side of her chair and picked up a bag before walking over to me. "I got you a gift while back on Earth." She blushed and averted her gaze. "It's not much, but... A-Anyway, here!"

I grabbed the bag. "A gift? You didn't have to..."

I opened the bag and took a look inside.

They were training weights. The sorts that you could wear on your wrists and ankles.

Chohong coughed and said, "I noticed that you were training a lot more so I thought you might need some. U-Um... Is it no good?"

Hugo mimed gagging in the background.

I ignored him and smiled at Chohong. "Thanks. This saves me the trouble of getting them myself."

They weren't really that useful at the moment, but with a bit of tinkering, they would be.

Chohong smiled, clearly relieved.

Seeing that, I remembered something. "One sec. I've got something for you too."


"Wait here."

I headed back to my room and quickly did some thinking.

Since Chohong gave me a gift, it was only fair that I gave her one as well, wasn't it? Not to mention the fact that she said she became a High Ranker, so she would be in need of some new equipment.

In that case...

I dropped the bag with weights down in my room and then focused.

Something that could protect her since she was a bit reckless in fighting. And then a weapon that suited her and would help take out her enemies quicker...

Since I had been operating without my mana, and since I had refrained from energy manipulation for a while, when I tried using it, I felt like I was reunited with an old friend. Everything was even more fluid than before, and it was almost like my sense of awareness was expanded twice over.

Of course, that could have been from increasing Synthesis Blade a few levels, but that was neither here nor there.

Something easy for Chohong to wear... A ring would be no good since she was the careless sort. A necklace would get caught too easily. Then... a bracelet.

I focused and then formed it. Crystallized mana with the 'intent' to block fatal wounds. Magical glyphs that would automatically activate and deflect dangerous strikes...

A flash of white light filled the room, and then an elegant diamond bracelet with a titanium chain appeared in my hands.

That was one thing done. The next...

A black steel mace with spikes, similar to the one she already used. But to help her attacks... a gravity enchantment that automatically activated on each strike as well as one that reflected kinetic energy. Something useful for offense and defense.

That emerged in my other hand.

With those created, I walked back to the living room.

Flone and Ian were chatting with each other while Hugo had left.

Chohong was still standing where I left her. When she saw me walking over though, her eyes grew wide. "O-Oppa-"

"It's Jihu, dammit." I frowned and said, "Being called Oppa by you is weird, so please, stop."

Chohong shook her head. "I made a promise, remember? And I don't go back on my word."

I froze, remembering that. And then I sighed. "...Fine. Anyway, hold out your left arm."

"Hm?" Chohong looked confused, but did as I asked.

I shifted the mace around and then quickly slipped the diamond bracelet on Chohong's arm.

She flinched and tried stepping back, but I already finished.


Chohong turned a deep red and said, "O-Oppa! T-This...?!"

"It's a gift. Since you're definitely going to get thrown in more dangerous situations now, I figured I'd get you something useful. That'll protect you from fatal blows as long as you have some mana left. And this." I held out the mace and said, "Is so you can protect yourself. You needed a new weapon, right?"

I quickly gave a rundown on how both of them worked and handed the gifts over.


Chohong stared at me with blank eyes and then shook her head. "...You're a shameless flirt, Jihu."


Chohong smirked and said, "Nothing, Oppa."


Chohong gave my arm a light punch and said, "Thanks. I'll go test them out right now."

Before I could say anything else, Chohong ran off, apparently eager to try out her new gear.

From her red face, it seemed like she was mostly just embarrassed... of course I didn't dare bring that up.

And I also pointedly ignored the red strings emanating from her as she left.

"Speaking of gifts." Ian called out from his spot and stood up.

"Ooh, right!" Flone got up as well and said, "We got you a gift too, Jihu!"

Ian nodded. "Yes. It's only right to get a welcome back gift for our hero, isn't it?"

I rolled my eyes. "You guys are treating it like it's such a big deal... but thanks."

"Here you are!" Flone held out a bracelet- No, it was more of a metal bangle than a bracelet. Kind of like a wrist guard.

I took it and frowned, scanning it. I could tell that there was a lot of magic stored inside of it, and there seemed to be some alchemy logic in the magical glyphs, but I couldn't quite pick out what it did on a casual glance.

I looked up at Flone and said, "What's this?"

Flone crossed her arms and said, "Chocho's not the only one who's reckless, you know? You keep charging into fights without any armor, so Ian and I decided to do something about it."

I blinked and looked over at Ian.

He rubbed his neck and said, "It's nothing as special as what you make, Jihu, but Flone and I managed to make a set of armor for you from the relics left at her tomb." He stuck up his thumb and said, "Next time, you won't have to go giving all your lady friends heart attacks by getting stabbed through your body because you didn't wear armor."

I coughed, rubbing the back of my neck. "...Thanks."

Ian laughed.


After getting the gifts from Flone and Ian, I went back to training. Although Maldong said that he was staying, I had a feeling he hadn't completely set his mind on doing that forever. If he was, then I would have seen some karmic threads around him, but there weren't anything like that.

Which meant he could still leave at any time.

So, while he was here and before he changed his mind, I had to make the most of it.

Back in the courtyard behind the buildings, I had my sword drawn and was focusing on my techniques.

Synthesis Blade. I hadn't explained what I was doing to Maldong, but his tips gave me some hints on what to do.

The problem I had was that I still didn't understand what it meant to use a 'sword.' So far, I had been treating it just like a stick and a club, like Maldong said.

But it wasn't.

I'd made it so far on brute force, but that would only take me so far.

It wasn't wrong. A sword could indeed be used as a club. After all, it was the same length and roughly the same mass. But it wasn't the ideal usage.

Neither was it the only one.

Standing beneath the morning sun, I slowly moved my iron sword, tracing out arcs while carefully analyzing each movement.

Slash. That was the primary use of a sword. To cut apart what was in front of me.

At the same time, it wasn't something to be done only with the arm. Thinking like that was too shallow.

Hadn't I read about it? Mind and body as one, the sword and the user moving in harmony.

Breaking that down mechanically, it meant that the attack didn't start with the hand, arm, or even shoulder. Rather, one that moved with the entire body. A fluid motion.

My sword flicked through the air like a whip as I turned, letting out a loud crack.

But it wasn't right.

I could sense it. I was still lacking something.

Sweat dripped down my body as I focused on controlling every bit. Since my shirt was getting drenched, I took it off and went back to training.

Beginning in the feet, moving through the legs to the waist, extending out to the arm, then wrist, and finally the fingers to the blade.

Hundreds of points of contact and energy transference. Potential energy being turned into kinetic at countless turns.

I understood the theory now. At least, in how to properly move in harmony with the sword and treat it as an extension of my body. But attacking with it...

A constant body awareness, shifting so that every movement was swift and fluid. Arced and smooth rather than straight and choppy...

"Gah, fuck it."

I sheathed my sword and gave up.

The sun had fallen. Without me realizing it, an entire day had passed.

Did the others realize how intent I was in training? It seemed like even Flone had left me alone- Ah, no. There was a neatly wrapped sandwich and jug of water nearby for me that could only have been from her.

I swung my shirt over my shoulder and picked up the food and water. Unwrapping the sandwich, I took a bite and headed back into the building. As I did, I took a swig of the water.

"Damn... Gula really gave me a hard one to train, huh?" I muttered to myself as I opened the door into the building.

Synthesis Blade was useful, but I hadn't even begun to scratch the surface. So far I had an inkling in unifying my body with the blade, but that didn't even start to consider how to add mana to it, let alone my own unique energy. And then there was the divine energy too...

I sighed and finished my sandwich, walking down the hallway into the main lobby. As I did, I heard a gruff old voice echo. Maldong's.

"The moment you bring up even the 'nee' in needle in front of me..." The sound of cracking wood echoed, and then Maldong said, "I will cut off all connections with you."

Hm? Needle...?

I frowned and stepped into the main lobby.

Maldong was there as I expected, but there was someone else there as well.


The Japanese Archer looked over and let out a wry smile. "Ah, Benefactor."

I waved my hand and said, "There's no need for that. Just Jihu or Seol is fine with me." I looked over at Maldong, standing right in front of Kazuki.

The old man looked annoyed, but his expression softened a bit when he saw me. Still, it quickly went back to a neutral one and he said, "Working hard, brat?"

...It was annoying being called a brat all the time, but I ignored it and smiled. "I am, Master. Though..." I frowned and said, "Using a sword properly is difficult."

Maldong scoffed and said, "Of course it is. It's even harder for someone who's trained their body as much as you have." He frowned and said, "Honestly, choosing a sword this late after training your body differently... You're lucky that you're so talented. And put on a shirt."

"Ah, my bad." I quickly threw my shirt back on. After that, I turned back to Kazuki and said, "So what brings you here, Kazuki? Did something happen with your sister?"

Kazuki shook his head. "No, Benefactor Jihu."

I let out a wry smile at the title, but let him continue.

"Yui is doing fine... Better than fine, actually." He smiled and said, "While she still has nightmares, it seems that her heart is stronger than I expected. She's insisting on returning to Paradise to help and also to thank you, but..." Kazuki frowned, seeming hesitant.

I shook my head and said, "It's fine. I don't need to be thanked for something like this. Just let her know that if she really wants to thank me, she should take the time off to properly relax and sort out her thoughts first."

Kazuki smiled. "I will, Benefactor Jihu."

Maldong gave me a strange look and then said, "You know Ayase Yui?"

I waved my hand. "It's a long story... and not mine to tell. Suffice to say, I managed to help her out of a dire situation."

Kazuki shook his head and said, "Benefactor Jihu is as humble as always."

"Anyway." I turned back to Kazuki and said, "If you're not here to chat with me, what's up? Just catching up with Sifu?"

"Not... quite." He paused and then said, "I suppose this concerns you as well since you are now part of Carpe Diem." Looking at me and then at Maldong, Kazuki said, "From this point on, I will be speaking as the leader of Umi Tsubame."

Maldong nodded.

I frowned, but nodded as well.

"For the Banquet that will soon start," Kazuki said. "Umi Tsubame would like to request cooperation from Carpe Diem."

"Banquet...?" I muttered and placed a hand on my chin to think.

Banquet... it didn't seem like an ordinary one. And the term was familiar to me as well. What was it again...?

Maldong frowned and then looked up at Kazuki. Perhaps seeing something in the Archer's gaze, Maldong said, "Seems like people are still in a frenzy considering what happened in the last one."

Kazuki gave a firm nod. "Yes. Some are already on the move to secure entrances."

Entrances, Banquet...


I remembered now.

The details escaped me, but it was 'that', wasn't it? The place where Seol unlocked the other parts of his eyes as well as stepped up to the plate of being a proper leader?

...Was it that time already?

"Hoh?" Ian walked out from the basement hallway and then said, "Business this early in the morning?"

Maldong glanced over at him and shook his head. "Some of us actually intend to be professional and get work done, Ian."

"Hey now, I've been working all night." Ian leaned against a wall and then glanced over at Kazuki. "I caught the gist of what you guys were talking about... but I thought the princess and the king were planning to ban Earthlings from participating in the Banquet after that incident. Did they change their mind?"

"It's been canceled." Kazuki frowned and said, "The recent high death count among High Rankers seems to have affected their decision."

"Tch." Maldong shook his head. "How foolish. Even if that's their intention... Do they want to repeat the same mistake again?"

Kazuki was silent.

I looked over at Kazuki and said, "Why do you need our help though? Not that I mind, but you're a pretty strong Archer, aren't you, Kazuki? And your team's bound to be elite as well... Or is the Banquet just that dangerous?"

Maldong frowned. "The brat makes a good point. Umi Tsubame- No, the Japan Business Federation should have already acquired a couple of entrances."

Kazuki nodded. "They have. Even so, the current state of Umi Tsubame isn't good."

"Hm?" Maldong tilted his head.

Kazuki fell silent.

Seeing that, I realized it. "Ah... Your boss didn't like you charging in to rescue your sister, huh? And especially you keeping her back on Earth to be safe, right?"

Kazuki let out a wry chuckle. "Benefactor is as insightful as ever." He shook his head and said, "The Federation Head has formed a team of elites from half of Umi Tsubame and left me out. Fortunately, I wasn't explicitly forbidden from participating."

I placed my hand on my chin. "So that's why you want help, huh?"

Ian slapped his leg and said, "Well, isn't this just perfect?" He looked to me and said, "Since our friend here has been making waves, why not turn them into a tsunami?"

Maldong shook his head. "You're being too brash, Ian. Something like this... it needs consideration."

"What's there to consider?" Ian crossed his arms and said, "There are plenty of entrances left for the Banquet, and Mister Ayase here is plenty reliable. Not to mention our friend's own special set of skills. And me!"

Maldong sighed. "And this is why I don't want you being the leader. Those animations have rotted your mind."

Ian stuck out his tongue.

Maldong turned back to Kazuki and said, "Ignore him for now. Even if Carpe Diem decides to help... it'll be hard to find an entrance for ourselves. Of course, if you're approaching us with this offer..."

Kazuki nodded. "Yes. I have an entrance available. Or rather, I was contacted by someone in a similar situation who possesses an entrance."

"Oh?" Maldong tilted his head. "And who might this person be?"

"Hao Win, a middle-level executive of the Triads."

"Oh?" I spoke up and said, "Hao's participating?"

"Mm?" Jang Maldong looked at me. "You know him?"

"Yeah. We're pretty good friends from the Neutral Zone, actually. Hm... He's probably asking us because of me, come to think about it."

Maldong hummed and then looked back at Kazuki and said, "Looks like you're starting to think about going independent then if you're teaming up with the Triads."

Kazuki shut his mouth for a moment and then heaved out a sigh. "It's just... difficult to go about things alone. Since I have the opportunity, I decided to grab it."

I frowned, seeing Kazuki's weary look and said, "Do you need help?"

Maldong gave me an odd look.

Kazuki glanced over and smiled before shaking his head. "This is a matter I must deal with myself, Benefactor. But... I appreciate your sentiment, truly. Ah. And should you find yourself in Japan, please, come visit."

Like that, Kazuki left.

Then it was just me, Ian, and Maldong.

Ian stroked his beard and said, "Interesting... It seems like there's going to be quite a stir soon enough." He looked to Maldong and said, "What do you think, Old Pal?"

Maldong frowned and said, "...Let's gather everyone together first."


After Kazuki left, Ian went to get everyone to go over the news about the Banquet.

As a result, all of us gathered around the living room... In the former Elysium building considering there were so many of us. Anyway, we were there, seated at various chairs and the sofas.

"...And that's the situation." Maldong finished explaining and looked around. "What do you all think?"

Hugo grinned and said, "Isn't it obvious? We should go! An opportunity that comes around once every two years... I'm going for sure."

Chohong frowned. "I don't know... Even though we have Oppa, Flone and Ian, we're still missing an Archer. Not to mention Flone might not even be able to enter."

"Hm?" Maldong glanced at Flone and said, "Is something wrong with Miss Flone?"

"Ah." I interrupted and said, "Flone's situation is a bit... Well, unique? She's not an Earthling."

Maldong's eyes widened. "What? Then you mean that she's like the princess?"

Flone moved to my side and leaned against me, smiling. "I'm a bit special. Isn't that right, Jihu?"

"To me at the least?"

Flone blinked and then pouted. "Hmph. Meanie." She shook her head and then looked up at Maldong. "But like the princess... You mean Resa, right Grandpa Maldong?"

Maldong blinked, caught off guard at her words, but then he nodded. "Yes. Can I presume that your status is similar to hers?"

Flone shook her head. "Resa was curious about it too, but she said that my abilities are a bit different. Her status is from the gods, but mine is a result of what Jihu did to save me and my history."

"What that brat did?" Maldong glanced at me again, frowning.

Ian waved his hand. "It's complicated, Old Pal. We'll explain it to you sometime... If you decide to stick around. But that's right..." The alchemist rubbed his beard and said, "The Banquet is meant for Earthlings, so Flone likely won't be able to enter it. And considering how dangerous events can be, it might not be worth the risk to try it."

Flone bristled. "Dangerous?" She looked to me and said, "Jihu-"

I shook my head. "No. Even if there could be a way to get you in... We really shouldn't tempt fate. Moreover..."

I stared at Flone's body when she asked that. Specifically, at the color emanating off of her.

Black. A pure shadowy hue as dark as her resentment had been. Except that this wasn't her power, but rather mine. A sign of her 'Fated Demise.'

"...I want you to stay here. If something happened to you, I don't know what I would do."

Flone's eyes widened and then she blushed. "Jihu..."

With that reaction, the black color vanished, turning her back to normal.

I suppressed my urge to sigh in relief.

Chohong rolled her eyes and said, "Flirting again, huh...? No shame, really."

Ian chuckled. "Even so, my friend has a point. All of us can get a second chance, but Miss Flone here... Well, she's already had hers."

Maldong stared at Flone, frowning. "...I am missing a great deal of context from this story."

Hugo laughed. "And you wouldn't believe it, Old Man."

Maldong narrowed his eyes and subtly adjusted his cane. "Should we begin your lessons again?"

Hugo squeaked and quickly leaned back, trying to make himself as small as possible against the sofa.

Maldong sighed and then shook his head. After that, he took a look around at everyone. "In any case... Hugo is for it. Chohong is against it. Miss Flone can't attend. Ian... I don't need to hear your answer."

Ian shook his head. "As harsh as ever, Old Pal."

Maldong hummed and looked at me. "Well. What do you think, Brat?"


So now he decides to ask...?

Maldong nodded. "You're as much a part of Carpe Diem as everyone else... And these idiots." He pointed at Ian, Hugo and Chohong with his cane. "Seem to hold you in high esteem. So I might as well hear you out." He lowered his cane and said, "Well?"

"Mm..." I placed my hand on my chin and said, "If you ask me... Carpe Diem should attend."

I was going regardless of what the old man thought, but when considering things, Carpe Diem should go too.

Maldong kept a neutral expression and then said, "Explain."

A demanding tone. Slightly condescending.

I noticed Flone get irritated... and to be honest, I was as well, but I didn't let it show. Instead, I kept cool and said, "Carpe Diem's reputation isn't too good now. While you've returned and while we have Ian here, Dylan is gone now. Considering that he was the symbol of the team, we need to show now more than ever that we can still perform the same, if not better than before... especially if we want a skilled Archer to join us to try and fill Dylan's shoes."

"And you think the Banquet is the place for that?"

I hummed and looked over at Ian. "The Banquet will have people from all over Paradise, right? I'm guessing such a rare event isn't something that would get passed over."

Ian smiled and said, "That's right. A perfect stage for rising powers and old powerhouses alike to show their strengths." He paused and then his eyes widened. "Ah. I see... So you plan to...?"

"Ride the tide of recent events? Yeah." I leaned back and said, "Not to tout my own horn, but I've made quite a big splash recently. With all of us together, it might just be enough to at the least show Carpe Diem isn't worse off than before... Not to mention the greatest addition to our fire power." I turned towards Chohong and smiled. "Isn't that right, Miss High Ranker?"

"E-Eh?" She flinched, caught off guard at being suddenly addressed. "Me? Greatest addition?"

I nodded. "Chung Chohong, the newly turned Templar... and armed with new equipment to make a splash of her own." I grinned and said, "Isn't this a great place to do it?"

Chohong's eyes widened and then she grinned as well. "When you put it *that* way..."

I looked back at Maldong and said, "That's why I think we should attend the Banquet. Well, considering all that's been going on around us, I think we'll be getting everyone's attention anyway... so might as well do it on our terms, right, Sifu?"

Maldong gave me a thoughtful look, as if trying to peer into my depths.

I met his gaze with a calm smile.

Was he satisfied with what he saw? Maldong smiled and then looked to Chohong. "Go visit Umi Tsubame."


Since it was settled that Carpe Diem was participating in the Banquet, we had to make preparations.

The actual start of it was six weeks away, but considering the dangers and unknown variables, it was important to gather as much info as possible and make our plans.

To that end, Ian, Maldong, and I were seated around the living room once more.

Plus Flone, of course.

"So what is the Banquet anyway, Ian?" I looked to my trusty friend and said, "I'm guessing it's something like those ancient inheritance grounds or something?"

The alchemist shrugged. "No one really knows. I've got my own hypotheses on what it is, but what matters is that there are trials that end with rewards."

Maldong nodded. "That's right. The details of the Banquet change with each turn... but what is certain is that entrances leading to an unknown place open biannually all across Paradise. We know that this place is separated into three stages, but as to the contents..." He shook his head.

"I see."

It was similar to what I remembered about the thing then.

Three stages... Dammit. My memory was too fuzzy now to recall the details.

...No. That was probably a good thing. Better to react with a fresh mind than to expect things to occur and be thrown off.

Even so...

"...It's risky, huh?"

Maldong snorted. "That's putting it lightly." He looked at me and then said, "To be honest... it's way too early for you to participate in the Banquet."

I blinked and then narrowed my eyes. "Excuse me?"

Ian's eyes widened and he cleared his throat.

Maldong ignored him, still looking at me. "You're a level two, aren't you? I don't know how you obtained that crazy level of physique and I'm not diminishing your accomplishments... but a vast majority of those attending the Banquet will be Level 4s. Everyone even remotely decent will flock to the event."

I raised an eyebrow. "And?"

Flone nodded and said, "That's right! Jihu's stronger than any level 4! Who cares about them?"

Maldong glanced at Flone and then shook his head. "It isn't a matter of strength. Even if the brat has the stats of a high ranker, he still lacks experience. Even if someone like Ian goes with the group to keep an eye on things, it's too dangerous for a newbie to enter."

A flicker of irritation. I'd endured a lot up until this point, even lowering my pride out of respect to what I knew about Maldong, but this...!

Ian coughed and said, "My old friend. I hate to say this, but you're underestimating Jihu by a vast margin."

"Am I?" Maldong stared at me and then shook his head. "I admit that the brat... No, that Jihu is strong. And I admit that his feats border on miraculous. But the way I see it, it's all luck." He turned towards me and said, "You've been getting by on your talent and stats until this point, but that won't be enough in the Banquet. As a Warrior... No, as a swordsman, you fall far too short to meet the qualifications needed to attend." He paused and said, "I've heard that you can use magic, so if you do that it should be fine. But then you'll be participating in the role of an Archer rather than a Warrior."

I stood up, glaring at Maldong- No, at the old man that kept underestimating me.

He frowned and then looked up, meeting my glare with an unyielding gaze.

A tense silence fell in the room. And then...

"I refuse."

...I broke it.

Maldong's eyes widened and then he smacked his cane on the ground. "You...!" He pushed himself to his feet and then pointed at me with the cane. "Do you think that just because of some accomplishments, you're qualified? Did you think that swinging around your sword blindly will be enough?"

"I don't swing my sword blindly. And more than anything..."

I could sense it. Danger that was looming in the distance.

"...I'm not going to let others throw themselves in harm's way for my sake."

"You... arrogant fool! A weakling who's only...!"

Ian coughed. "My old friend-"

"Shut up, Ian!" Maldong smacked his stick on the ground and then glared at me.

I glared back.

"...Tomorrow." Maldong said. "First thing in the morning, we're going to the Huge Stone Rocky Mountain. As soon as those two get back, we'll see just how you match up. If you give up on my training half way, I'll kick you out of Carpe Diem."

I scoffed and said, "No need for that. If your training is worthless enough to the point that I give up on it, I'll walk out on my own two feet."

Ian looked between me and Maldong, his face conflicted. "F-Friends, let's calm down-"

Maldong whipped his cane towards the alchemist and said, "Shut up, Ian!"

I nodded. "Stay out of this."

Ian sighed.

Staring at Maldong's unyielding gaze, I realized it.

An immovable mountain and an unstoppable force. That old man's steel spine and my unrelenting determination...

Well, we'd see soon enough just who yielded first.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

Mục lục

Cài đặt hiển thị



Kích thước

Việc quản lý bình luận chương

Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C41
Không đăng được. Vui lòng thử lại
  • Chất lượng bài viết
  • Tính ổn định của các bản cập nhật
  • Phát triển câu chuyện
  • Thiết kế nhân vật
  • Bối cảnh thế giới

Tổng điểm 0.0

Đánh giá được đăng thành công! Đọc thêm đánh giá
Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

Chú thích đoạn văn

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