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17.85% The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory / Chapter 23: What Cannot Be Forgiven

Chương 23: What Cannot Be Forgiven

The battle came to a swift end. After that, there was a brief celebration before the decision to continue the expedition was made. Everyone refreshed the potions, calmed down... and then we were off.

With a minor change. Since I managed to perform so well, my Porter duties were handed off to the two others, and I was included as part of the expedition.

There were some other minor things, but I didn't pay it as much attention. Instead, my body took higher priority.

A miscalculation. Because I had been channeling so much energy in my core, I neglected my body. It was stronger than most Level 5 Warriors in terms of pure physical might and endurance, but it was a far cry from my EX ranked mana. In fact, I was certain that if not for my EX ranked Luck, my arms would have shattered.

Nothing fatal, considering my restoration skill, but far, far too many questions to be answered if it did.

It was fine while I used my mana blade since the excess was sucked inside of it. I could also use it to channel my energy directly. But the problem was in fighting.

Most techniques used mana in this world. And by following that, my body instinctively did the same. But the problem was that my 'mana' was bordering on divinity at the moment. Channeling that in a human body was inevitably going to shatter it.

So then I had to adapt it. Rather than mana, I had to use something else entirely- No. I should just not use the abilities granted to me.

As I thought, it was better to come up with my own.


"By any chance, Samuel, do you know who is buried in this tomb?"

I blinked to see that we had arrived at a pristine white tomb. Ian was standing a fair distance away, talking with Samuel while inspecting the area.

Samuel shook his head. "According to the written history in the royal library, it's supposedly a beautiful last-born daughter of a noble family who used to enjoy great acclaim once upon a time before their influences waned a great deal. And she was even chosen as a Saintess after her death, too."

Ian continued with the story, picking off from where Samuel left off.

A tale from several centuries ago. The owner of the tomb suffering the tragic fate of being sacrificed in a politically arranged marriage. Of the wedding being expedited since the son was on the brink of death. Of the husband dying as soon as the wedding ceremony concluded, before continuing the bloodline.

And then that woman being buried alive against her will, filled with resentment and hatred.

Of being tied down to fate.

My heart throbbed and then I spoke up. "Didn't... Didn't that woman's family do anything?"

Ian looked towards me and shook his head. "It seems that they did not. Having the woman becoming a Saintess, even if just a symbolic gesture, was a huge honor back then."

I clenched my hand.

Ian furrowed his brow and said, "Even so... and now this is just conjecture on my part. But it seemed that they were afraid of the Saintess's resentment after that gesture." He took a look around the surroundings and said, "After experiencing it first hand... and with my friend's insights, I believe the effects of the Forest of Denial is actually a defensive magic created by a sage to protect the two families from the resentment of that unfortunate lady. And if that's the case..." He lowered his voice and gazed into the distance. "The most dangerous place in the entire forest should be inside that tomb."

A somber warning. One that made both logical sense and conveyed the necessary precaution.

But the group carried on with the expedition regardless.

And then we arrived.

The scenery looked like something out of a horror film. A misty marble tomb in the midst of a misty dark forest. But more than that...

'They're going to die.'

The members of Carpe Diem and Ian glowed with a yellow light, but the others were covered in a dark crimson. But as all the members approached the tomb, the colors started to converge, turning a bloody red.

I frowned and considered the situation.

A resting area for a young maiden buried before her time with a fate that she resisted with all her might and failed to overcome. All of us, showing up at her 'home' with the intention to enter and take the treasures there... the gifts left behind to attempt to appease her.

In that situation...


Everybody turned back to look at me.

Ian spoke up. "Yes, friend Seol? Is there something wrong?"

I stared at the tomb and said, "This is a resting place for the dead. And from your story, the woman there died bearing tremendous resentment, enough to where the royal families were afraid of her. Going in like this... Wouldn't it seem like we were thieves then? And wouldn't that person be even more angry? Being buried alive against her will, trapped her for all of eternity alone, and now even thieves trying to take what was rightfully hers... That'd piss even a Buddha off, wouldn't it?"

Samuel frowned. "So what? Do you want us to stop because of that?"

I shook my head. "No... But I have an experiment I want to try first. It'll be short, at most ten minutes."

Saying that, I reached into my bag and pulled out a quill, one I almost forgot about. At the same time, I pulled out a piece of paper.

"Oh!" Grace reacted first, the blonde swordswoman pointing. "That thing! Did you get it back in the tutorial?"

I nodded. "That's right. Do you know it?"

"I do! It's the Quill Pen of the Flowing Consciousness, right? Man, I spent so many coins trying to get those SPECIAL items..."

Chohong frowned. "And why would you-"

"With this, we can convert the spirit's thoughts to words." I looked around and then picked a thin blade of grass growing on the tomb and wrapped it around the pen. Then, the moment I did, the quill stood up, pressing against the paper I laid beside it.

Ian walked over and hummed. "Interesting. Using that quill to find out what the tomb is 'thinking' about... You never cease to amaze me, my friend."

Soon, everyone walked over. And then-

[More came kill them all kill kill heheheh must kill wanna kill, heheheh it's unfair i'm angry why am i bothersome hateful detestable blame everyone i curse you...]

Vicious scrawling that could have been from a serial murder filled the page. And then the pen dropped, leaving only that resent filled parchment behind.

Silence, and then Ian opened his mouth. "We would have been in big trouble if we just entered."

"So what?" Samuel spoke up. "Even if that's true, it's just a spirit. And inside of that tomb... there's treasures from the Empire! As the leader of this expedition, I'm of the opinion we go inside and risk it."

I stared at him. Specifically, I stared at his bloody red light around his body and sighed.

Ian looked at me and said, "You seem to have other ideas, friend. Tell me, what do you think? If you're thinking of a different solution, then I'd like to hear it."

"Isn't it obvious?" I rummaged in my bag and pulled out some supplies.

At least, that was what it looked like. But instead, I used my ability to create things.

A pot. Some flour. Water. Jerky. Various vegetables. Setting them on the ground, I reached in again and formed a small altar, similar to the ones I saw in the temple.

"The heck?" Samuel blinked. "Seol... What are you doing? And why do you have things like that?"

"Making an offering. As for why I have these... I like collecting things." I stared at the tomb and said, "But anyway, this woman died filled with resentment for an unjust death. For a fate she fought against to the bitter end but couldn't resist. And now, we're trying to barge into her final resting area... At the least we should show a bit of sincerity and respect the autonomy she never had."

Silence. Some mutterings. But while they debated, I already started setting up the ceremony.

Ian backed me up, I began the rites, instructed everyone about the importance of ceremony and making offerings...

I let them go first while I prepared my own offering.

A warm, savory broth. Spongey noodles to restore the soul.

Thinking about how that woman was buried at such a young age and unable to resist her fate... It pissed me off. Enough that I would kill the person who did it if they were still alive.

It was the same.

Just like Jinhee.

Just like Yun Seora.

Just like Roe Scheherazade was right now.

But... I couldn't. Not yet.

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy for putting in so much effort for a dead spirit. But I didn't care.

Placing my bowl on the altar, I closed my eyes in prayer.

This wasn't fair. Being victim to a fate you didn't choose. Having to abide by other's wills.

I can't do anything right now. But at least, with this-

"The quill's moving again!"

I stood up and glanced over.

I didn't know who shouted out, but they were right. The pen was upright. But unlike before, it was hesitant.

Ian quickly swapped the paper and then stepped back, waiting.

[The first time in a long time I ate food my stomach is full really yummy. Really? You understand me? Really, Really, Really? Right those bastards are bad I'm angry I resent them I want to be consoled it's totally unfair Thanks for understanding me thank you black-haired man thank you really. You can come inside it's fine take things I don't need anyway Ah and don't touch the keepsakes around my coffin keepsakes please]

Like before, the paper had barely legible letters. But they did a good enough job to get the intention across.

Samuel's jaw dropped to the floor. "I really can't believe it."

Ian stared at the paper and then looked at me. "An event like this is worthy of making a report to the Magic Tower. Just who are you really?" A gaze filled with respect and admiration.

I started tidying up the altar and said, "I'm just Seol. What else can I say?"

Hugo chuckled and said, "There's something I'm really curious about, Seol. Honestly, just who were you back on Earth?"

I didn't respond, instead moving over to the paper and staring at it.

...How lonely and scared was she? For the resentment and anger to fade this much with just a simple little appeasement ceremony?

I knew it off hand. From the book, I read about it. But seeing it like this...

'Soon.' I sharpened my gaze and gently folded the paper away, tucking it into my bag.

The owner had consented, so the only thing left to do was enter.


The inside of the tomb was dome-shaped, with a diameter of around 20 meters. At the highest point, it was at least 4-5 meters high. But shockingly, every inch of the walls were covered in priceless jewels and decorative items.

Not only that, but there were two sarcophagi in the altar in the middle of the room. The one on the right was nothing special, but the other was made of top-quality marble, draped with a red fabric bearing golden embroidery. And on top of it all, there was a beautiful longsword and a sleek shield.

Countless accessories, all bearing a decently strong magical energy... Well, to me it was decently strong. To the others, it must have been incredible.

While they were busy gawking at the wares, I looked straight at the coffin and bowed my head. 'I'm sorry. Right now, I can't do anything. But later...!'

A promise.

Raising my head, I turned around to look to see if there was anything useful for future ideas.

But the moment I did, blaring crimson light flashed in the corner of my eyes. Turning, I saw Alex and Clara reaching out to the burial goods on the left sarcophagus.

More specifically, they were holding the keepsake and a brilliant necklace with blue gemstones.

"What are you two doing?!"

I didn't hesitate. Before the two could react, I dashed over and snatched the two items away before quickly placing them back.

Clara spat out a grunt and then chuckled in disbelief. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I turned around and glared at her. "I should ask you that. Didn't you see the contents of that paper? The spirit's wishes?"

"I did. So what?"

I blinked and then shook my head in disbelief. "So what...? So what?" I narrowed my eyes and said, "You're going to disrespect her wishes after all of that? Is your greed that vast?"

Clara crossed her arms, a mocking grin on her face. "Looks like you're mistaken about something here. Samuel said that even if the result of the ceremony wasn't good, you should follow his suggestion. He said nothing about following what's on the paper even if the results were good. Same story for me, as well as the others."

Bloody crimson light, shining from each and every one of Samuel's team. Yellow from everyone else.

Seeing that, I muttered, "You want to die that bad huh?"

"Get the fuck out of here. How can you be so sure? How the fuck do you know whether the bitch buried below that lid is strong or not?"

I stared at her quietly and said, "So you're saying you aren't satisfied with what's on the walls? That you're willing to take even her personal keepsakes?"

Clara scoffed. "The bitch is dead. Now, if you don't mind-" She stepped past me, shoving me away- Or trying to. Before she could, I pushed her back.

Clara's greed filled eyes turned towards me. "So that's how it's going to be, huh? You want to have a go? That's it?"

She stepped up, drawing her bow-


My sword was drawn first. I narrowed my eyes, a thin smile on my face. "So there are bastards like this here too that are entranced by more than what they deserve."

"You fucker!" Clara stood up and drew her weapon.

The moment she did, I held up my left hand, lightning crackling.

Everyone froze.

Dylan slowly spoke. "Seol. You never mentioned that you could use magic."

"You never asked."

Clara scoffed. "A level one like you thinks he's hot stuff just because he scared off a Lioner and has some magic. Touting those high and mighty morals in Paradise-"

"That's right. I'm keeping these high and mighty morals. And if someone's going to try to force me to bend them... Well." I smiled and said, "Let's find out who's better. This 'Level One' or you greedy fucks. Wouldn't be the first time I killed some arrogant bastards above my level."

A tense silence. But then...

"Wait." Samuel looked at me and said, "Seol... Seol, right? Could your full name be... Seol Jihu?"

I glanced at him but didn't lower my sword. "Yeah?"

"...The rookie who beat the impossible mission? The same guy who wiped out a half dozen Inviters in the banquet hall with lightning magic?"

"Depends. Who's asking?"

Clara shook her head and said, "He's bluffing. No way in hell-"

"Try me, Bitch." I focused my gaze on her, as well as [Impending Demise]. "I'm waiting."

She blanched and fell back, a small puddle forming beneath her. Still, it seemed that her greed overpowered her rationale as she stood back up and said, "You fucker! I'm going to-!"

A terrifying rumble, a tremor throughout the entire burial chamber.

The place that had been as quiet as the dead suddenly came to life, vibrating like a magnitude 11 earthquake.

And the source of it-

I sheathed my sword and turned around.

The sarcophagus was trembling, as if threatening to break loose.

I sighed and walked forward, gently fixing the ruined arrangements and placing them back as they were.

...It wasn't fair. Everyone had a bottom line, and this woman had endured for this long. She was even gracious enough to give up what was rightfully hers... and yet these greedy bastards...!

I quietly arranged the keepsakes and then stood up. Turning back around, I placed my hand on my sword, determined to stop anyone from touching it.

Did she realize my intent?

Suddenly, the vibrating coffin lid came to a stop.

But I didn't turn back. Instead, I waited, watching the group.

Clara scoffed. "Quit acting cool and get away from there, kid." She got up and said, "Or are we going to have to force you?" This time, killing intent roiled off of her, mana gathering on her bow.

"Over my dead body." I drew mine as well and took a stance. One that I saw once and pondered over whether it could be done in reality.

A casual stance, sword held parallel to the ground. Simultaneous strikes, cleaving across time and space.

An epiphany. Was it because of my resolve, or determination?

[Mirror's edge Swordsmanship has turned into Heavenly Reversal Blade]

Right. A sword that rivaled the divine through sheer technique, refracting across time and space...

"That's enough."

Samuel jumped in and held out his hands. "Clara, lower your bow."

"S-Samuel? But that bastard-!"

"I said. Lower. Your. Bow."

Hearing the stern voice, Clara did. But not without giving me a bitter glare.

Samuel looked to me. "Seol. Please lower your sword as well."

I paused and then said, "I don't feel like it."

Samuel stared at me and said, "I am the expedition leader, Seol. As long as you are part of this expedition party-"

"Then I quit." I stared at him and said, "Shut up and fight me if you're that desperate to trample over the Saintess's good will and take everything she has left."

He flinched. "N-Now let's not be too hasty."

"Hasty? I think that's you." I cocked my head to the burial goods and said, "That's plenty to fund an entire team for up to level 5. Putting aside the costs, it's more than 1000 times your return. But you want more. And you're willing to trample over an innocent woman's wishes for it." I spat on the ground and said, "I'll say it now. Levels be damned, I have my bottom line. And if you guys are going to cross it, then let's just get this over with."

Samuel shook his head. "We can still resolve this peacefully... How about a vote? Majority rules?"

I didn't reply.

Samuel went ahead with the vote anyway. "W-Well, you're obviously against. And Clara's definitely for... Let's get started. I'm for it."

Alex and Grace voted for it as well.

In short, it was four against one.

My gaze became sharper.

So it was like that. Then-

"I'm against it."


I blinked and looked over to the person who spoke. It was Hugo.

Seeing me, he smiled and then shook his head. "I don't wanna touch that woman's coffin if I can help it."

Dylan stared at me for a bit and then nodded. "Against."

Samuel's brows quivered. "Dylan... you're against it?"

"Mm." Dylan shifted his gaze and said, "I understand where you're coming from, but when I think about the fate of Kahn's team, it's the right idea not to touch the coffin."

A logical response. Not yielding to my threats, but carefully analyzing the situation.

...Maybe I misjudged the group?

"Eii... Damn it." Chohong shook her head and said, "I vote against, too."

Four against. Four towards.

All the members of Carpe Diem had sided with me.

Seeing this, the members of Samuel's team became visibly flustered.

Then there was only one vote left.

Ian was quiet and stared at me. Then, he slowly shifted his gaze to the Pathfinder and said, "Samuel. Were you aware that several times in this expedition you revealed how much of a rush you were in?"

He flinched and said, "M-Me?"

Ian nodded. "Once, before with the Lioners and right after. Then, when the Quill Pen of the Flowing Consciousness was used. And finally... Just now, when you were having a heated discussion with this friend."

The Alchemist turned to look at me.

Seeing that respectful gaze, I sighed and sheathed my sword.

Ian nodded approvingly and turned towards Samuel. "I pondered for a long time whether I should mention this or not. The reason I kept my mouth shut until now was, firstly, because I respected the authority of the leader of the expedition. Secondly, I didn't want to snatch that authority from you. And finally, because I knew of your circumstances."

Samuel took a step back. "Master Ian..."

Ian shook his head. "There will be other expeditions in the future. I pray that you don't bet everything on this one."

Samuel clenched his fist, stared at me... and then lowered his head, sighing. "I understand."

Seeing that, Ian let out a refreshing grin. "A trustworthy leader is a leader who knows when to retreat. You made the right choice."

A weak smile flickered on Samuel's lips.

After that, the expedition group started picking everything up and heading out.

But I didn't move until the last person was at the door.

After all, I could still see it. Crimson red, highlighting all of Samuel's team, revealing their true intentions.

At the door, Clara spun around, gritting her teeth. She sneered and said, "You must be really fucking happy now that you can-"

Lightning flashed, striking at her feet.

Clara flinched and stepped back.

I stared at her and said, "Like I said. Any time, Bitch."

Her eyes widened and she made a quick retreat.

Seeing that, I sighed and said, "Fucking idiots..."

The color hadn't changed. And so, I knew what they would try next.

After I walked out, I noticed someone waiting for me at the door. Chohong.

"...Seems like you handled that pretty well."

I nodded and said, "I'd like to think so. But that bitch isn't as smart as you."

"Pft." Chohong shook her head. "Yeah. Trying to test you out when you can out speed me and take on that Lioner... Stupid bitch. But then again, Paradise is filled with those."

I walked back over to the sarcophagus to carefully clean it and muttered, "I'm sorry about the commotion. I'll definitely come back soon to visit, so please don't be too lonely until then, Miss."

With that, I turned around and walked out with Chohong.

For a moment, I thought I might have heard something dropping to the ground behind me, but I ignored it.

After all, greed was never good.


A short break outside.

The group had separated in half, one side Samuel's team and the others Carpe Diem plus Ian and myself.

I quietly munched on some jerky, lost in thought.

I was still angry. In truth, I wanted to go over there right now and cut those people apart. Daring to trample over someone's wishes like that, not even caring and prioritizing one's own desires...

"You seem pretty somber, friend."

Ian's voice called out.

I blinked and looked up to see him staring at me, a kind smile on his face.

"Still upset about what happened in there?"

I nodded. "Obviously." I narrowed my eyes and said, "Getting that greedy for just some treasure to the extent of desecrating the dead..."

"It isn't just 'some treasure' though, my friend." He shook his head and said, "I don't know much about the necklace, but I recognize that token. If memory serves... that thing was most likely the Proof of Castitas. It's a sacred treasure that-"

"It doesn't matter." I shook my head and said, "The Saintess made her intentions clear. She trusted us and gave us her consent, but those guys betrayed it. Even knowing how she died, even knowing how conflicted she would have felt to trust someone else, they still...!"

I heaved a deep sigh and shook my head. "Sorry. Seems like I still need to temper my mind."

This was bad. Killing intent was useful, but it seemed like I might be going a bit too far...

Ian stared at me, pondering. And then, he tilted his head and said, "Friend. I'd like to ask you something, if you don't mind."

"Hm?" I nodded and said, "That's fine, if it's something I can answer."

"Let me ask you this. Back then, what would you have done if I voted yes back there?"

I blinked and said, "First of all... I'd be disappointed that a person I respected fell to greed. Second, I'd instantly charge Clara and kill her off before starting on the others. Third... Well, I guess I wouldn't kill you, but I'd at least punch you a few times?"

Ian blinked, taken aback by my answer. Then he asked a follow up question. "Even so, regardless of the result, you had no thoughts of ever touching the items found on the sarcophagus, is that it?"

I nodded. "Of course. The Saintess- No, that lady showed us goodwill and clearly laid out her terms. It's only natural that we honor it."

Ian silently stared at me, as if trying to judge me. And then he nodded. "You are a righteous man, friend. A tad extreme, but righteous nonetheless."

"Righteous? Me?" I shook my head and said, "You've got the wrong person, Mister Ian. If someone like me is righteous..." I looked at my sword and shook my head.

I wasn't going to lie to myself. I was extreme, ruthless, and selfish. Sins abounded with me, and I would stoop to any means to protect those I loved and cared for. Not only that, but if someone crossed my bottom line, I would crush them without hesitation.

Ian gave me a gentle smile. "I see... I think I have a better understanding of you now. I wondered why there was this odd incongruity when I looked at you, but I think I can understand." He stood up and held out his hands. "Jihu. Let me introduce myself properly."

I looked at him.

Ian stared back and said, "I am Ian Denzel, a Level 4 Alchemist, currently employed by the Royal Magic Corps. I'm from Area 4." His smile widened and he said, "From what I hear, it had not been long since you came to Haramark. Have you found a suitable team to join, yet?"

I shook my head. "Not yet."

"Very good." Ian nodded and said, "Actually, I was planning to resign from the Royal Magic Corps."

"Seriously?" Dylan glanced over, his eyes wide.

"I've already informed them of my decision. This was my last assignment for them. Well, it's true that I was comfortable there, but things could get rather stuffy and boring too. And I believe that I've repaid their kindness by now." Ian grinned brightly. "In any case, I'll soon be unemployed, and no team is asking me to join them, so... How about it? Would you like us two with similar circumstances to partner up?"

I blinked. "You... want to team up with me? Of all people?"

"Of course!" His eyes twinkled and he said, "Not only your brilliant intellect, but my intuition is telling me you're a man with a *very* interesting past. I think it'd be quite enjoyable... and I think we'd have quite a fun time discussing the intricacies of magic as well." He held out his hand. "What do you say?"

"Gah!" Hugo yelped and hurriedly knelt to the ground. Seeing Chohong and Dylan still sitting, he quickly tried to pull them down as well and said, "What are you two doing? Hurry up and get down!" He looked to me and kowtowed. "Seol-nim! We're sorry for turning you away last time!"

Hearing that, Ian's eyes grew wide. After that, he looked to Dylan and said, "I've always thought that you possessed pretty discerning eyes. Why did you turn him away?"

Dylan shook his head. "I was tempted, but I wasn't confident. Maybe if the old man was here with us, but..."

"Ahh." Ian stroked his beard and said, "Now that I think about it, I haven't heard anything from him recently..."

Seeing that the conversation had turned away from me, I shook my head and contemplated.

Teaming up with Ian... That might be fun. And it would be different as well.

Someone with his expertise... It might be helpful- No, it would be helpful. But then-


A desperate scream from the distance.

The flowing conversation between Dylan and Ian ended in an instant.

I reacted first, instantly standing up and drawing my sword.

Chohong acted next, grabbing her mace. "Dylan!"

Dylan grit his teeth and said, "That was Alex. And the direction..."

I ran off and muttered, "Those dumb fucks."


We ran to the tomb, just in time to see Samuel clawing at the ground trying to escape.

Something, someone, was trying to pull him in.

Looking at us, the man reached out, tearfully saying, "S-Save m-!"

But it cut off.

In an instant, he lost his grip and was pulled inside the open tomb.

Not a moment later, the doors slammed shut, followed by an ear-piercing scream.


Even I couldn't say a word.

The altar that I left for her was upturned, the food scattered everywhere. The offerings left behind were taken back...

"Those... Those dumb idiots!" For the first time since the expedition began, Ian flew into a rage.

Dylan looked at Ian before raising his crossbow. That done, he looked to his team members and said, "Chohong, Hugo! I'll cover you."

My eyes widened and I dashed out in front of them, spreading out my arms. "Wait!"

"Seol?" Dylan frowned and said, "What are you-?!"


Unimaginably thick killing intent, sharp enough to give the illusion of ripping everything apart.

"U-Uwah?!" Chohong, who was usually fearless, stumbled back, her face full of fear.

Everyone else, even Ian, was forced to the ground, eyes wide in terror.

At the same time, crimson began dyeing their bodies.

I quickly scanned the surroundings. When I did, I saw treasures lying on the ground. A glittering tiara, the shield that had been on the sarcophagus...

There wasn't any time.

I swept my insight across the surroundings, used my energy manipulation to draw in all the treasures, and then walked inside the tomb.

There I saw them. Those dumb idiots tempted by greed, not even leaving behind an intact corpse.

I sighed and carefully picked up the treasures they stole.

That done, I walked over to the sarcophagi.

As expected, the left sarcophagus was completely disarranged. But not only that, the lid was half-open, revealing a chilly, pale blue aura.

Seeing that, I grit my teeth. "Those fucking-" I growled and then shook my head.

Words wouldn't be enough.

Without hesitating, I stepped forward to the sarcophagus. As I did, a thick evil aura enveloped me.

I wasn't frightened. Instead... I was sorrowful. "...I'm sorry. I thought they'd know better, but..." I shook my head and then bowed, holding out the treasures.

Silence, that thick evil aura intensifying. And then, icy cold hands brushed against my own.

[A keepsake from my mom.]

The necklace slowly left my hands.

[This, a gift from someone dear.]

The tiara vanished.

Slowly, the other treasures did as well, until my hands were empty. When that was done, I raised my head.

There was someone standing there. A mass of pure malevolence and darkness. It glared at me and spoke, words that were more a transmittal of a will than actual words.

[I warned them.]

[I hate those people.]

[I told them not to enter.]

[But they entered anyway.]

[I was going to endure, but then, these two...!]

I bowed my head again. "I'm sorry. Back then, I should have-"

A deep sigh.

[...It's fine.]

I raised my head.

The dark malevolence began to fade, showing someone inside. Wisps of pure white, an elegant face.

[These people, they secretly schemed.]

[They lied.]

[That man said it. That I won't be able to chase them once they passed the boundary.]


The malevolence- No, the Saintess nodded. [Right. Idiots.]

[I was seeing you off, but felt something was wrong so I followed them.]

I blinked. "You... were seeing me off?"

[Un. You promised to come see me again.]

"I did, but..." I blinked again and frowned. "To be able to sneak up on me like that..."

Was I that distracted? Or was she that good at hiding?

She didn't speak, but I saw a faint smile cross her face.

I sighed and then nodded. "You should rest. I'll clean up this mess." I looked around and frowned, seeing the scattered burial goods.

She stared at me and then nodded. [You're a good person.]

I laughed and shook my head. "I'm not a good person... But even bad people can do good things sometimes, you know?"

That smile widened and she went back into her sarcophagus. The lid slid shut with a thud.

And then I started cleaning.

Carefully unfurling the red cloth before laying it back on the sarcophagus. Moving the longsword and shield back where they were.

I tidied everything up and then paused, looking at the barren chambers.

"...It's a bit cold, isn't it?"

Seeing nothing there, I frowned and then held out my right hand.

Light blossomed, carefully gathering together, and then forming bright yellow flowers. At the same time, I created a crystal vase and placed it by the head of the sarcophagus. Filling it with water, I dropped the flowers in and then focused again.

Since it was probably going to be a while, I felt a bit guilty leaving her just there, so I made something else.

It was simple. Mostly just water and sugar... But with some energy, it should keep regrowing.

A string of pure gold, stretching out in front of me. Water, shining on it, before crystallizing into a delicate flower of sugar crystals.

I placed it on top of the lid and said, "It's not much, but it should be something you can taste and have fun enjoying. It'll take a day or two to regenerate after you finish it, but it should last forever from the magical energy of the spell binding you. Think of it as a promise, alright?"

I brushed myself off after checking over everything one last time and then turned around. "Then... I'll see you later, Miss Saintess. Try to not be too lonely, alright?"

I patted the sarcophagus again... but then noticed that the earrings and Proof of Castitas had fallen down.

"Hm?" I frowned and picked them up. "...Did I misplace them?" Confused, I placed them back on, only for them to fall off again. Picking them up, I stared at the delicate crystal rose that I left, only to see that it was still there. "That's weird..."



A soft sigh and then the Saintess's voice echoed in my head. [You can take them.]

"What? But aren't they-?"

[It's fine.]


[It was the first time.]

[A person protecting me...]

[Not scared. Precious gifts...]

[Come again.]

I blinked.

Before I knew it, a force gently pushed me outside, the iron doors shutting in my face.

Staring at the earrings and necklace in my hands, I shook my head with a wry smile. "This lady..."

I turned around... and then saw Dylan, Chohong, Hugo, and Ian waiting patiently for me.

Ian nodded and then shifted his gaze towards the tomb. "We heard what happened. Listening to the will of the vengeful spirit... That was truly and unexpected phenomenon."

Ian closed his eyes with wistful regret. "It was my fault that Samuel's team decided to act separately like this. If I didn't speak of my hypothesis so carelessly, then-"

"That's not true." Dylan spoke up and said, "We all were given the same opportunity. It was they who ignored it. They could not control their greed and paid the price for it."

"That may be so..." Ian sighed and then shifted the gaze to the accessories in my hands. "Goodwill with goodwill, malice with malice... I've learned a lot during this expedition."

My heart throbbed when I heard those words.

Right. Wasn't that...?

"I agree." Dylan smiled ruefully before turning back. "After all, humans aren't the only race who possess intelligence." He paused and then walked forward. "Let's go back."

11 had entered the forest... now only 7 were leaving.

Load failed, please RETRY

Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C23
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Stone -- Power Stone
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