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83.07% Naruto: Futa Swordsman / Chapter 45: Haku One shot

Chương 45: Haku One shot

Haku was looking for herbs when he finds a boy not much younger then himself in a clearing asleep under a tree; burnt remains of what used to be his jumpsuit lay around him. If not for the burnt remains of his boxers he would be completely revealed to the world. He was intrigued by the presence of the boy who got Zabuza to release his hold on Kakashi

Stepping closer, Haku knelt down next to the boy, placing a hand on his neck to feel for a pulse. Naruto's eyes snapped open. In that moment Haku can see the pain, sorrow and despair in those blue orbs, pain he knows all too well.

Naruto, not one to take a chance on whether this person is here to hurt him or not, tries to run but stumbles against the tree he was lying beneath. Resigned to his fate, he leans against the tree hugging his knees crying. Seeing the same reactions he had not too long ago, Haku can't help but feel pity for this young boy.

Slowly, so as to not scare the poor boy any more then he already is, Haku kneels in front of him to look into those eyes. 'How would one so young know such pain to stain the depths of ones being so deep?' He thought.

"You don't need to fear me, I won't hurt you. Why are you out here all alone?" Haku pleaded, trying to get the cowering boy to open up. 'He was so strong when he fought Zabuza. Seeing this I wonder where that indomitable spirit went?'

"I-I am a-a-always a-alo..." he couldn't even finish his sentence. It was like a dam had burst and all he could do was cry. "N-no-one w-wants me. Th-the vil-ligers ha-ha-hate me, t-they say I-I don't de-des-erve t-to live."

In his sobs, Haku could feel the pain from his own childhood. He reached out and hugged him, trying desperately to console one so broken.

"Shhhh, I wontt hurt you; I too know the pain of being hated. It's hard, I know." he said, now rubbing Naruto's back. It seemed to be helping, as he was slowly calming down. Instead of the violent sobs, there were only endless tears.

"Why?" Naruto finally asks, "You're a nice lady. Why would they hate anyone so nice?"

"It's because where I come from, people like me are hated and feared. It's not something I did but something I am. But enough about me," there was a comfortable silence as they just sit there. Finally, Haku grew curious, "My name is Haku, and may I ask your name?"

"Naruto, my name is Uzumaki Naruto." he replied. He was just happy that this lady was being nice. Even though she would probably either run screaming or try to kill him if she knew what he was. Right now he was enjoying just sitting with his head leaning on her shoulder.

"So, would you mind telling me about these?" Haku asked while brushing his hands against burns on his body, which were already healing, somehow.

"I'm just tired of it all." He said, rubbing the singed skin while just sighing. His voice was one too old to be coming from the boy. "It hurts so much, the way they look at me. I can see it in their eyes. They want me to die. They've tried to kill me on several occasions, but I just wake up in the hospital. Even the doctors and nurses whisper the hateful names as I leave. The only ones who care are the Hokage and Iruka-sensei, but they're always busy. Every night I come home to find my apartment trashed or a rock that's been thrown through the window. Sometimes, they come to beat me in the middle of the night. I'm really just too tired to try anymore. Even my teammates hate me. If this is life, it's just not worth living. Would you be able to live with it Haku, all the hate, all the stares, and all the beatings? Am I wrong to want it to end?" with that final sentence he broke into violent sobs again.

"Have you not known love? Surely someone must love you?" asked Haku without thinking. The response he got tore out his heart. Instead of tears he heard Naruto laugh. Not a happy laugh, but one that comes from anger and despair.

"Ha, that's a good one Haku, love. It's something I will never have. They will rejoice and celebrate the day I die, so why not today? I tried my hardest, but I couldn't last night. I passed out before I finished. But eventually I will succeed. I will give them their party and go out with a bang!"

It couldn't be. To see the fire and determination in his eyes was hurting Haku as if he was there. To want ones end so desperately, it was sickening. Haku came to a realization. He would show the boy love, albeit a physical love. One so broken surely deserves it before the end. Slowly, he guided Naruto's face to his own and pressed their lips together. The first thing he noticed was he could taste the saltiness of his tears.

Naruto was in shock. Like a deer in the headlights he couldn't move. What was she doing? He could feel her hand creeping through his hair. Instinct finally won out and he started to return the kiss.

When Haku noticed this, he started to kiss his cheek until he reached Naruto's ear. "Let me show you. Let me show you what you so rightfully deserve!" The passion in Haku's voice echoed through his ears.

His mind raced to catch up with what was happening, but was blown away when Haku kissed and nipped her way to Naruto's chest. His mind just stopped when Haku bit his nipple slightly and then blew her breath across it. Everything was a burr of pleasure, but everything finally came crystal clear when something similar to a hand wrapped around his manhood. Now Naruto has had an erection before. He has even pleasured himself, but the feeling of someone else doing it couldn't compare. All he could do was shutter.

"Let me do this for you. Enjoy yourself, for you deserve this!" before Naruto could even reply Haku took the head of his shaft into his mouth.

All Naruto could do was fall back onto the grass and grip the earth for all he was worth. The feel of Haku's mouth was something that Naruto would never forget, the soft velvetiness of the tongue and the warm suction was soon becoming too much.

'Six inches, I have to be at least a year older and I'm only six and a half. Well, it's time for the finisher. I'm kind of glad I read those Icha Icha books the demon brothers loved so much.' with that though he took Naruto to the base and hummed. It had its desired effect.

Naruto's eyes flashed open as he felt the biggest orgasm of his life. In his fourteen years of existence, this was on the list of 'Five Best Moments in my Life'. All he could do was stare at Haku as she swallowed his seed with a grin.

"Naruto-kun, I enjoyed doing this for you. I must go now but meet me here tomorrow morning before the sun rises and we will meet again." and with that Haku tucked Naruto back into his boxers and left.

After he caught his breath he stood up and henge'd some cloths and started walking to Tazuna's house. When he got there the only one home was Tsunami.

"Naruto, where were you? I was so worried. Here, let me get you something to eat!" as she said this he just looked at her. It wasn't his usual cheerful grin; no, it was a look of solemn contemplation. Something happened to the boy she could tell, but what it was she could not. He ate what she gave him and thanked her, but it seemed to just be mechanical reflex. He stood up and mentioned he was tired and was going to bed. She just nodded and wished him good dreams as he found his way to the futon that was to be his bed.

'Why did Haku do that? Did she really think I, "The Demon Brat of Konoha" deserved that? It's not that I didn't enjoy it, it had to be one of the single most pleasurable things I've ever had. Would she have done it if she knew? Will she really be there tomorrow? Will I go there? Will she do that again? I saw in her eyes that she cared. Was it pity? What was the feeling I felt for her? That felt so good, but did she really enjoy it? If it happens again, the least I could do is return the favor. Will she let me touch her? Ahhh, this is giving me a headache. But I don't want to sleep. The nightmares and memories are just too painful. I'll go there tomorrow and tell her what I am. She deserves to know. If she's just like the rest I'll just end it there. My new technique should work. But if she's not like the others, then what do I do? I'll just have to wait and see.

At this time, Haku was making his way to his room. He had just finished bandaging Zabuza's wounds and had an encounter with Gato. He just lay across his bed and stared at the ceiling.

He was in so much pain. If it was really as bad as he says it is, how did he last this long? How long has he been trying to end it all? Could my pain even compare to his? He thought I was a girl. Did I do the right thing? He's the enemy. He is the reason why Zabuza is hurt. Did he wish to die in that fight? What will I do when we fight again? Zabuza will be ready in three days time. Why did I say I wanted to meet him again? Will he accept what I am? Will he be grossed out? Will he hate me? Why did I do that to him? I admit that he's cute, but that was the first time I've done something like that. He certainly seemed like he enjoyed it, and I'm happy he did, but was it right? Will he be there tomorrow? Will I be there tomorrow? I have to go. Everyone has abandoned him and I will not do the same! But can I face him after what I did? What could he have done? Konoha is prided for there bloodlines so that can't be it. Maybe I should ask him? It didn't taste bad at all, kind of salty but good. Oh god I'm hard as a rock! I hope he didn't see it. I'll tell him tomorrow. He has the right to know.

With that thought Haku stroked himself to an orgasm and fell asleep, both of them dreaming of each other.

'What time is it?' was the only thought that ran through Naruto's head as he looked out the window. 'Well, it's close to morning. AAAAH, do I go or not? She was so nice. I'll go if it's just to see her one last time.' With that thought, he throws on a pair of his orange pants and a black undershirt and sneaks out. 'All those pranks helped my stealth tremendously. Well I better hurry'

'Where is he?' was the thought running through Haku's mind at that time. 'It's ten minutes till dawn and he still isn't here. Did he already kill himself? I was kind of hoping to play again. AAAAH what am I thinking! When he finds out what I am he'll get angry. I wonder how old he is. He's definitely older than the other two. A hell of a lot cuter too! AAAAAHHHH! Here I am thinking perverted thoughts about someone that is trying to kill them self!' caught in his own thoughts Haku didn't notice Naruto walk into the clearing.

'She hasn't noticed me. Is she thinking about last time? She's blushing. Well the only way to find out is to ask!'

"Good morning Haku." was all he said and her head instantly swung to face him. He could also see her get slightly redder but then she shook her head as if to clear away a thought.

"Good morning Naruto. I'd like to talk to you some more. Care to join me?" Haku asked as he sat with his back against a tree. 'I hope he didn't see my erection. I'm not ready to explain that one just yet'

"Sure, but I'm not sure you going to like what I'm going to tell you." sitting across from Haku Indian-style he gets comfortable. "Um… Haku, I've decided to tell you why the villagers hate me. If you hate me after that, I'll tell you now that I don't blame you. Just promise you'll listen all the way through."

Haku noticed how stressed he seemed to be so, without warning, he pulled Naruto next to him and just hugged him. "It must pain you a lot to tell someone this. I don't know what you could say to make me hate you, but I promise to listen to the whole story."

Bowing his head, he started. "Well, what do you know about the Yondaime Hokage?"

"I know he was one of the most powerful ninja's to ever live. I mean he stopped the Iwa Village from conquering Konoha and that he killed a demon." Haku saw Naruto stiffen as he mentioned the demon.

"Well, you're mostly right." resting his elbows on his knees and placing his head in his hands he continued. "Haku, nobody can kill a demon when it's unleashed. It's impossible. The only way to stop it was to seal it." at this moment Haku knew where this was going but let him continue. "And you can't just seal it into anything. No, the only option was a new born. One whose chakra coils hadn't yet developed. I don't know how he chose it but I was the lucky one. He gave his life to seal the Kyuubi no Kitsune into me. I carry a demon that killed thousands. They see it instead of me. Do they realize that I'm not it? Or is its misery so important they have to condemn me. Do his sins outweigh my innocence?" he turned to look Haku straight in the eyes. "Do you fee dirty for touching me? Do you want to gag? Do you want to kill me? Your eyes yesterday told me you cared. What will they tell me today?"

'He holds the Kyuubi? That's why they hate him? What gives them the right? Don't they see they were hurting a little boy?'

As Haku was thinking Naruto saw anger in her eyes. With a sigh he stood and walked to the middle of the clearing and started the hand seals that would end his life.

'What's he doing? Oh god, this must be what he was talking about! The technique that will kill him! I must stop him!' Without further thought, Haku dived at Naruto tackling him to the ground to stop the seals. "DON'T YOU DARE! Don't you see if you kill yourself they win?"

Naruto was surprised. 'She stopped me? But I saw the anger and hate in her eyes. All I see now is fear, fear and something else.' "Why shouldn't I let them win? I saw it in your eyes Haku. The same hate and anger! I thought you might understand, but I was wrong. But don't worry. When I die I'll take him with me! You don't have to fear his release! Now leave me!" his eyes where closed so he never saw it coming. When he felt her lips on his he stared into her eyes. Gone was the anger and hatred. All that remained was compassion and a softness he'd never seen.

"I don't hate you Uzumaki Naruto. The burden was placed on you without consent. They have no right to hate you. What I fear is that they've broken you beyond repair. I fear that you will hate me for what I am." as Naruto stared at her he could only cry.

"Haku, why would I hate you?" Naruto was confused. Haku didn't hate him, but Haku thinks he might hate her. "How could I hate someone who accepts me? I don't think there is anything you could say that would make me hate you."

Haku realized that he was sitting on Naruto's hips and quickly stood and turned his back to Naruto. "What if I told you I wasn't a girl?"

Naruto, to his credit, just stood and hugged Haku from behind. "I couldn't care less. Just the fact that you accept me tells me that you're not a bad person. So what if you're a guy. I mean it's a surprise but I don't think any less of you."

"You don't feel disgusted? Yesterday, what I did? You still don't care?" twinges of hope were hidden in the despair in his voice.

"No, I quite enjoyed it either way. I was hoping you'd let me return the favor." to say Haku was surprised would be a vast understatement. But then worry still hit him.

"Naruto, I appreciate your words, but you still don't understand. I'm not a boy either." Naruto was so confused that he let Haku slip from his embrace.

Naruto watched as Haku slowly removed her pink kimono to reveal the most beautiful body he has ever seen. Her figure was something out of a dream. It was flawless; white alabaster skin, round full breasts, smooth stomach, wide hips and long sensuous legs that seemed to go on forever. The only thing that contradicted that fact that she was female was a fully erect penis just above her slit. Naruto snapped out of his stupor to see Haku looking away from him. 'She is afraid I'll hate her for this?'

(AN: I'm going to refer to Haku as a girl from now to stop confusion)

Naruto stepped up to the goddess in front of him and gently moved her chin to face him. "Haku, you're beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They're blind to not see the goddess before me."

Tears of joy were streaming down her cheeks. 'He thinks I'm beautiful.' "Thank you Naruto. You don't know how much your words mean to me. But there is something else I have to tell you. I was the hunter-nin that saved Zabuza."

Shock and confusion ran rampant though his mind. 'She's Zabuza's accomplice? If that's so then why didn't she kill me?' "Why." was all that he could say.

"When I found you yesterday, I thought you were dead. When I went to check for a pulse you tried to run and that's when I saw your eyes. They spoke of endless pain and sorrow. It made me remember my past. I was hated for my bloodline. It was hated so much my father killed my mother and tried to kill me to end it. I killed him with my powers. I killed my own father and the rest of the mob. From that day on I lived on the streets, digging through trash for clothes and something to eat. That is when Zabuza found me. He makes no allusions to have feelings or to care. I was told outright I was to be his weapon, but I didn't care because someone wanted me. Someone needed my help. But most importantly I was no longer alone. After hearing your tale I knew I wouldn't be able to kill you. It would be like killing myself. What am I going to do Naruto? I can't betray Zabuza. He protected me and gave me a reason to live. I just don't know anymore." Haku let loose all the tears she's kept inside and just cried into his chest. Caught in his own thoughts, he just sat against the tree and held her in his lap.

'Haku is Zabuza's weapon. I will have to fight Haku. But I couldn't hurt her. But the mission will fail if I don't fight. I would be condemning this country to slavery if I stand aside. Can I let a country of innocent people die because I have finally found someone who understands? If it was just a matter of betraying my village I could do it, I mean the old man and Iruka would understand. But could I live with letting Tazuna die.' "Haku, I don't want to have to fight you. But I can't condemn this country to slavery at the hands of Gato. He is an evil man that hurts innocent people. But neither can I harm you, the one person that truly understands me."

Haku just looked into Naruto's eyes, "Do you think we could have been together if things were different?"

"I'm sure of it." They both just continued to shed tears holding onto each other.

"Naruto, can we be together, just this once?" Haku's answer was Naruto's lips being pressed to hers. She felt him nip and suck at her lips, slowly rolling them so she was beneath him.

Tilting her chin up, he stared straight into her eyes, "Haku, know now that I love you no matter what." Before she could respond he returned to her lips with twice the passion of before. Tongues collided and battled for dominance, as hands roamed each other's bodies. Naruto's kisses made their way to her ear; "Now it's my turn to give you something you deserve!" Her moans were answer enough for him as he made his way down her neck, sucking on the flesh hard enough to leave a mark. Noting her mewling at his actions, he continued his journey down the angel beneath him. As his lips climbed her breast, his hand traced the other. He couldn't get enough of her skin. It was so smooth and soft as if to hide power concealed beneath the velvet exterior. With a devilish smirk he took her nipple into his mouth, tracing his tongue around it before biting it slightly. He was awarded with her moans that turned to whimpers as he blew across her abused flesh. Making sure as to not leave out the other breast he attacked it with the same ferocity as his hand traveled her stomach wrapping around her hardness. He smirked again when he felt her heartbeat double.

"Naruto yo...ahhh" Her thoughts skipped as he gently squeezed her as his tongue made its way over her navel. Suddenly Haku loses all ability to form a coherent though as his lips pressed against her head. Leaving butterfly kisses down the underside to her womanhood. Spreading her lips he explored her inner folds with his tongue, enjoying the chorus of mewls, moans and whimpers.

Haku was in absolute bliss as she ran her hands through his hair. She didn't believe the body could experience such pleasure. She arched her back and screamed his name to the heavens when he found her little bundle of nerves. After her reaction he seemed to take special care to that particular part. When she felt his mouth leave her she whimpered with want and need. When she suddenly felt his mouth around her penis, her eyes snapped open but all she saw was white.

He knew she wasn't expecting this. He knew most men would avoid it like the plague, but he loved her in all her glory. He could feel her nails dig into his scalp and took that as encouragement. He continued to trace every detail of her penis while applying a slight suction. He figured if it felt great when she did it to him yesterday, then it would make her feel just as good. As he slowly progressed down her length his hand found its way back to her slippery folds. Figuring she wasn't going to last he tried to take her into his throat. After a couple of tries he managed to take her to her root and hum just like she did to him only he also attacked her clit with his diligent fingers. Knowing what was coming helped a lot when he felt her shoot into his throat. Only gagging slightly he pulled back just so he could swallow her seed. He was surprised that it didn't taste that bad.

As Naruto started to deepthroat her, her world singled down to just her and the blonde boy between her legs, and when he started to hum just like she did to him she lost all perspective. It was like floating in nothingness while warmth explodes out from your core. When she finally came to she saw his whiskered face smiling up at her.

"By your screams I would say you enjoyed that very much." his knowing smile only seemed to broaden when she blushed slightly. Reclaiming his place above her he took her lips in a passionate kiss once again battling for dominance as her hands removed his pants and boxers in one fell swoop.

Sliding her hand around him she licked his ear. "I want you to take me, make me yours."

With a nod he positions himself at her opening. "Haku, with this I declare myself yours." with this said, he took her lips as he took her innocence. Seeing her in pain he tries to speak only to be silenced by her finger at his lips.

"Just let me get used to it, I'll be alright." with a smile he went to kissing the mark he left on her collar while caressing her chest. After a short while she wrapped her legs around his waist. He started a slow and steady rhythm so as to not to hurt her. This didn't last long as she started to plead for him to go faster. Her insides were gripping him tightly, her pussy squirmed around his cock every time he thrust. His head tilted down and he captured on of her breasts in his mouth. Her screams started to drive him wild as his instincts made him try to get deeper, to go harder. He had to resist biting down on her nipple as her nails raked across his back. Their eyes met as they hit their respective peaks. They quickly fell into a peaceful slumber cuddling into each other

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