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20. Industries in the Muggle world.

Severus opens his eyes and finds himself in a ruined landscape.

"Where the-"

Before he could complete he was swallowed by the ground he was standing on.


Severus tried to escape from the hands that were dragging his body down into darkness.

He wasn't able to see anything, but he can feel a bunch of hands all over his body pulling him down.


His screams were cut off, his mouth covered by a hand.

'What is happening here?! where am I ?! Why am I unable to use magic?! Am I in a dream?!'

When he realized he was dreaming, he tried to control his dream world and end it but he wasn't able to.

Suddenly his pulling stopped, he slowly opened his eyes due to the screams that rang in his ears.

"Why?!…. Please save me, Sev!"

"DON'T come near me!!"

"Please don't HIT me!"

Severus snapped his eyes open as soon as he heard cries of three people he loved the most.

He saw the bloodied figures of his mother, Cissy, and Lily. He saw a dark figure holding a knife to his mother's throat.

He tried to run to help them but he was restrained by the hands that dragged him down there.


He tried to scream but his mouth was once again covered by the hands, he saw the man digging his knife deeper into his mother's stomach.

'Please! wake up! I can't bear to see her die again!'

He tried to wake up but he wasn't able, the scene was too realistic for him to witness.

He tried to crawl but he was dragged back.

Unable to move or scream, he felt paralyzed and dead as he witnessed the knife dig deeper into his mother.


He wasn't able to do anything as the man killed his mother, he just cried in rage and madness.

The dark figure wasn't finished yet, the dark figure moved towards Cissy and Lily.

"Please don't come near us!!"

They tried to crawl away from the figure but they too were restrained by the dark endless hands.

*Thud!* *Thud!*

The sound of footsteps echoed through the dark void as the figure made its way towards the pair.

In a swift slice from the knife, both Lily and Narcissa's throats were cut open.

Tears ran down Severus's face as he witnessed the last two people he loved die.

Rage bubbled up in hearts at the dark figure, his screams were yet again silenced.

The dark figure walked slowly towards him.

Severus stares at the incoming figure with hatred.

"I have done what you were always fearful of"

An icy cold voice echoes through the void.

The dark figure finally reaches Severus.

Severus was finally able to see the figure that was blurry till now.

The figure that was towering over him was none other than himself.

The shock from finding out that it was him, who killed his mother, Lily, and Cissy, wakes him up.

Severus wakes up gasping for air.

He looks around and finds himself in his dorm.

He goes to the bathroom and takes a long cold shower.

'Stop thinking about that dream! This wasn't the first time that you had a nightmare of your mother, Cissy, and Lily's deaths. Get it together, you have a meeting to attend today'

He hid the memories of this nightmare in the back of his mind and ended the shower.

He was having these nightmares ever since his mother's death, with each dream, the visuals become more realistic.

These dreams affected him mentally and emotionally every day but they were also his motivation to do better and train harder.

After clearing the thought of the nightmare, he came out of the bathroom with just a towel on him.


He looked around his room and found Avery staring at him.

"...… Stop staring at me!"

Severus shouts at him due to being still disturbed by the dream.

"Sorry… I was just about to leave,"

Avery said with a bit of fear.

"Didn't I tell you to find another room to stay in?! If not I will just throw you out of the room! I don't want to see you in this room by tomorrow! "

Severus asks in a cold tone, which sent shivers down Avery's back.

"No…No one wants me in their room ever since Mulciber was expelled! please!"

"I don't care, I want you out by tomorrow, now leave!"

Avery nods and runs out of the room.

Severus terrified Avery after he confronted Severus about his involvement in Mulciber's expulsion.

After Avery left the room, Severus summoned his clothes rack.

"Since it's going a potential business deal, I need to look presentable"

He muttered to himself.

Severus looked through his clothes and decided to wear a black suit with a black overcoat.

After looking into the mirror one last time, he made his way towards the castle gates.

At the gates, Severus saw Mary and Lily waiting for him.

"Hello, ladies, shall we make our way to Hogsmeade?" Severus said from behind.

Lily and Mary turn around to look at Severus; Lily starts blushing, Mary just stares at him with surprise.

"Hello! hello! Earth to Lily! Can you stop staring?! Do I look bad in this?! Should I change?!"

Severus was confused why they kept staring at him.

(A/n: You can't blame him for not understanding their reaction as he didn't receive this kind of attention before)



"Ok then. I take that my clothes are suitable for the occasion. Who are we waiting for then? let's move."

"No. Dad said he would send someone to pick us up, the place we are meeting is not in Hogsmeade"

Mary informed them.

"Honestly Sev, You look dashing in this suit. The color black suits you"

Lily whispered to Severus. She was having a hard time not staring at him.

"This green dress makes you look more stunning than you already are. It matches your emerald green eyes, just as beautiful as the day I met"

Severus whispers back.

Lily blushed heavily. She turns around to hide her red cheeks from Severus.

'Smooth, Sev, Smooth. Now, I know why Narcissa loves your change'

Severus just looks at Lily and then turns towards Mary, who was giving him odd looks.


"Nothing" Mary shakes her head but can't help but think 'How can a person miss the obvious flags he is getting from a girl? Maybe he is just dense. I don't think it was him who asked Narcissa out instead it was her.'

"Good morning young miss, I am here to receive you and guests. Your parents are waiting for you and the guests nearby"

30 old years looking guy informs Mary

"Fine then, take us there"

"Please follow me."

Three of them followed the man.

After a while, they crossed the Hogsmeade village.

Just out of the Hogsmeade village, they saw a limousine waiting for them.

The guy who came along with them opens the door for them.

"Isn't this excessive?"

Lily silently whispered to Mary. Mary just laughs it off.

"No, it isn't. Dad came with less security this time."

Lily knew that Mary was rich but she had no idea just how much.

"Come on in. I told dad and mom all about you. My mom loves you, Lily. she wanted to meet you for a long time."

Mary drags Lily inside.

Severus just walks inside while he read the mind of the guard.

It seems this limo was being followed by two other cars that were full of guards.

He entered the car and saw a man and woman sitting inside.

The man was about 6 feet tall, had a muscular build, blonde hair, and appeared to be in his early 40s.

The woman was pleasing for eyes to see, she appeared a lot younger for her age.

"Come here, my little princess!! mama missed you!!"

Mrs. MacDonald brought Mary into a hug.

"Mom!! I am not 5 years old anymore. stop calling me that!!"

Mary grumbled as she was being treated as little in front of her friends.

"For me, you will always be my little princess. Is this the best friend you were talking about? The one that rocked you to sleep, held you when you cried."


"What? It was who you wrote so much about her, How she helped you? , and that she is your best friend I am thankful that you have someone like her. Lily Evans, isn't it? Can I call you Lily? You don't mind, do you?"

"No, I don't mind Mrs. MacDonald, please call me Lily."

Lily smiled at Mary's mom's behavior, she reminded her of her mother.

"You should call me Sasha then. Mrs. MacDonald makes me feel old, tell me, do I look like I am a mother to a 16-year-old child?"

Lily smiled at Sasha's cheerful behavior.

"No, Mrs. MacDona__ I mean Sasha. When I entered the car, I thought you were Mary's sister."

Lily said with a wink.

"Aww!! come here you look so cute.!"

Sasha pulled Lily into a hug.

After breaking away the hug, Sasha turned serious.

"I am thankful for what you did for Mary, I asked her to come with us to our home but she said she wanted to stay, she wrote how much you supported her."

"You don't need to thank me, Sasha. Mary is my friend. I will do it a hundred times if I have to"

Sasha smiles at lily, she drags both lily and Mary to sit along with her.


From the side, Severus watched the trio in amusement.

He took a seat in front of Mr. MacDonald,

"Hello, Mr. MacDonald. I am Severus Prince."

Severus extended his hand for a handshake, Mr. MacDonald caught his hand and greets Severus.

"Hello, Mr. Prince. I heard quite a lot of things from Mary about you."

"I hope it wasn't all bad."

"No, rather I heard a lot of good things about you. I am thankful that you helped my daughter that night."

"There is nothing to be thankful for. I did what anyone would have done if they were there that night."

Severus read Mr. MacDonald's mind, the man's full name is Robert MacDonald, a second-generation billionaire, he raised his father's million-dollar company to a multi-billion-dollar empire, and it is solely owned by him.

"It would be optimistic to think that everyone is brave enough to go against a pure-blooded family that holds significant power in their judicial system, don't you think ?"

"You seem well versed in how the wizarding world works then you should also know that I hold power in that same judicial system as well, Mr. MacDonald, and yes, it would be optimistic to think that everyone has good intention."

Severus read Robert's mind, Robert has a wizard working for him, who gives him info on the workings of the Wizarding world.

"Ah, finally someone with common sense. Not everyone has what it takes to do what's right. Call me Robert, Mr. MacDonald is too formal"

Robert smiles, but Severus knew that he was being assessed by Robert.

"Then please call me Severus."


The car stops in front of a hotel in muggle town near Hogwarts.

All of them sat down at a fine table reserved for them.

"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself to you back in the car, you seem to be having a fun conversation with my husband. I hope he didn't bore with his talk; he can be a bit boring sometimes. I am Sasha MacDonald"

"No, Miss MacDonald, Robert was pleasant to talk with. I am Severus prince"

"You call my husband by his name yet you call me formally, I am hurt."

Sasha made a mock hurt expression.

"Sorry, Sasha," Severus said with a slight smile.

"Tell us something about yourself, Severus. Mary wrote a lot about Lily but she only mentioned that you are Lily's best friend. What do you like? What do you want to be? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Mom!! you shouldn't be asking him that" Mary taps her mom lightly.

"What? I thought you might have been crushing on him after he rescued you. Just like in the stories prince saves a princess from a villain. I mean his name has a prince in it, doesn't it ?"

Sasha teased her daughter.

Robert smiled at his wife's teasing, he wasn't an overly controlling father, he knew that girls at this age, girls develop crushes and fall in love, etc.

Mary grumbles and pouts at her mother's questions.

"Oh god! mom, you are embarrassing me. No offense Severus but you are not my type. I always wanted a strong and silent brother like you. So, I never thought of you that way, and you already have enough on your plate to deal with."

Lily laughs seeing Mary behave like an embarrassed child.

Severus just smiles at Sasha and Mary's banter.

"None was taken, Mary. I don't mind it."

Severus said with a light smile.

After they completed the lunch, Sasha decided to take Lily and Mary shopping.

"Darling, I am taking Lily and Mary to get them some clothes,"

"Sasha, I am thankful for the lunch but I can't let you buy me clothes"

Lily said polity, but Sasha pulled Lily off the sofa.

"Nonsense! Can't I gift my daughter's best friend something? You are coming with me and that's final!"


"No buts or won'ts, you are coming and that's final!" Lily gives in.

Sasha kissed Robert on the cheek, dragged her daughter and Lily along with her.


After they were gone, Severus cast a Muffliato around them, Robert didn't notice any change.

"you should drop your plan on killing Mulciber. It won't end well right now"

Robert was shocked for a second but a look of understanding dawned on his face.

"I didn't know 6th-year students were taught mind-reading," Robert said calmly.

Severus was impressed by Robert's ability to remain calm

"No, they are not. but I am not your average 6th year, Robert."

"Not an average teenager, are you? you spent your whole life until the previous month in spinner street. Then suddenly the whole family disappears right before Christmas. You took up the heirship of the prince's family right after the disappearance. One might guess something must have happened for this sudden change."

Robert took a sip of tea and looked at Severus, who was oddly smiling even after what he just revealed.

"Your info is pretty accurate. Robert."

"Now tell me, what do you want? I would have sent you away with some gifts after thanking you for saving my daughter but you seem more interesting, the more I talk to you"

Robert smiled at Severus.

He wasn't worried about Severus harming as he has guards surrounding them and a sniper at the other building.

"I don't need anything from you for saving daughter, Robert. Someone as informed as you must know that I am quite wealthy right now."

"Then what is that you need and why did you say I must not kill that piece shit for trying to molest my daughter?"

Robert was slightly angry, not at Severus, he was angry at Mulciber.

"Do you know the situation of the Wizarding World right now?"

Robert raised an eyebrow at Severus,

"Is it about the war?"

"Yes, it is. Yet, you don't seem troubled by the fact that Voldemort might start a full-scale war with the muggle world."

"The result of the war is obvious, is it?"

"Oh, who might victors be according to you?"

"Us, the muggles. Many forces protect our side from shadow and you must have heard about superhero teams, Avengers, and fantastic four, don't you?" Roberts smirked.

"Oh! Tell me what you think will happen once muggles win?"

"They will-" Severus chuckles as Robert's expressions change.

Robert suddenly realized what would happen if Muggles won the war.

"Yes, Witch trials would start again. wizards/ witches will be openly hunted, even those who didn't even take part in the war will be blamed, and those who were born to normal people will not be spared."

Severus smirked as he saw the color drain from Robert's face.

"You think the government would allow the witch hunt and mistreatment of these witches/ wizards? We are not like we were in the middle ages. People have changed, they would accept the wizarding world."

"They didn't give a rat shit when it came to mutants. Why do you think they will care about us? If one side wins, a maniac would kill the muggle-born witches/ wizards. If the muggles side wins, the hate for the wizards/witches would increase. so how will you keep your daughter safe, Robert?"

Severus's voice lost all the warmth it had at the lunch, now it was just cold.

"What does it have to do with me wanting to kill that son of bitch"

Robert shouts angrily.

"Calm down, Robert. Let me explain."

Severus said with the same cold distant voice.

Robert takes a deep breath and calms himself down. He felt fear when Severus looked at him with cold eyes.

"Get me a drink,"

Robert orders his guards but the guard doesn't respond.

Robert looks around in confusion as none of his guards respond.

"GET ME A DAMN DRINK !!" he shouts at his guards.

"Decrease your volume, Robert. No one can hear us right now. I cast a spell around us that will cancel any sound made by us"

"But you don't have-"

"A wand, I don't need a wand to perform magic, Robert. I am sure you are familiar with wandless magic"

Robert seemed shocked, of course, he knew about it.

Severus smiled at Robert's reaction.

Robert sighs, and leans back in his seat.

"You are full of surprises, Severus. First, legilimency, now, wandless magic. You performed things that I heard, only a highly experienced Wizard/witch can do."

"I might be. what I am saying is If you get Mulciber killed right now, it will be used as muggles attacking purebloods by Voldemort to further his ranks. If you did get him killed, you will be the prime suspect due to the incident that happened a few days ago."

Robert thinks for a while and sighs.

"*Sigh* Okay. I will think about how I can get my revenge against him later. There is something you need, don't you?"

Severus smiles and says "What I need is your influence, your companies are spread across Europe. I am starting an organization that would help young Wizards/witches escape their abusive houses, I want some help in the muggle world to close the loose ends, once I take them."

"So, you want to start a wizarding orphanage, and you want my help to make it seem normal and avoid any investigation after you abduct the children."

Robert asked, he had no problem with helping, but he still didn't understand how it was related to the war.

"How is this related to the war that is happening right now?"

"To win a war, you need soldiers, Robert." Severus smiles

Robert's eyes widened

"...You mean you will use these---"

"Yes, some of them but not all of them. I want to buy your closed medicinal factory. you know about potions, don't you?"

Robert processes what he heard for a minute,

"You mean you want to start a medicinal company?"

"No, I want to open a research facility and cosmetic company. Not all potions work on muggles but some of them work well, like cosmetics potions and Energy potions, which I am sure would be a massive hit in the muggle world. I want to ask you; do you invest in success? I am sure you have heard about Half-blood prince from your agent in Wizarding world."

Robert's eyes widen at the mention of the Half-blood prince, his agent told him about the new rising potion master who has modified many potions.

He connected the dots and he knew he can profit from this deal,

"I will but I need 40% equity in the company"

Robert thought he had the upper hand in this conversation due to Severus's age.

"Don't take me for a fool, Robert. I can just Imperio you to agree with whatever I say. I am not asking for money, I only asked you to invest in the company due to the weight your name carries, that's it. I just need your name."

Severus stated coldly.

"I need 10% in the company; I will advertise the products myself; I will even find you people who would work along with those who make the potions without revealing anything to the muggle world."

"4%, it is final, you don't need to find anyone, I will find the people myself. You take care of facilities for these people to work in."

"Deal" Robert smiled as he shakes hands with Severus.

He knew just how big the cosmetic and energy drinks industries are, he also knew how effective the cosmetic potions are.

He was profiting in this deal anyway; he wasn't even losing in money here.

"But what about the war?"

Robert asked, the prospect of profit was appealing to him but if the war goes on it would be useless to hope for the success of this company.

"I will take care of it; don't fear it won't reach the muggle world."

Severus leaned back in the seat with a smile, his first step into muggle business.

"How are you so sure that you can end this war?"

Severus just smiled and said, "Trust me, Robert. Haven't I shown you enough that I am not your average teenager, I even told you my other identity which no one knows?"

Robert thought for five minutes and smiled "I will go by my gut feeling this time."

"What are you going name this company and the organization?"

"I didn't think about it, we will get there the next time we meet,"

"How should I contact you?" Robert asked.

"When I am at Hogwarts, you can contact me through owls. When I am outside you can contact me on this number and mail"

Severus gave him a card that was engraved with his number and mail.

Severus canceled the spell surrounding them, Robert asked his guard to bring champagne.

The guard poured champagne in two glasses, Robert raised the glass and said "For the success"

*Click* *Click*

"For the success"

Severus drinks along with Robert.


After some time Sasha returned along with Lily and Mary, the guards behind them were carrying a lot of bags.

"Someone seems to be in good mood" Sasha teases Robert.

After spending some more time, Robert dropped three of them back at Hogwarts.

Robert promised to send the information on the factory by the end of next week via owl.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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