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58.33% The Road to the EGOT / Chapter 28: Chapter 28 - The Wedding Day 2

Chương 28: Chapter 28 - The Wedding Day 2

I must have fallen asleep. The next time i opened my eyes the sun was shining through the window. I got up and stretched my back. Mark came out fully dressed and ready to head out.

"Hey. You slept on the couch?" He asked.

"Yeah must have dozed off."

"I need to head to the venue early. I'll see you around 1 okay?"

"I'll be there earlier than that." He left like a bat out of hell. I made myself some breakfast and sat down on the couch. My phone rang while i had a forkful of bacon halfway to my mouth. Caller I.D showed that it was Kanye.

"Hey how you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm great man! just got a call from HBO, they gonna go ahead and greenlight a second season."

"What? You serious? That's awesome."

"Yeah man. We gonna head out with the crew to

Miami to celebrate. You should join us."

"I got a friend's wedding today but might come through later."

"Great man we will be here til tuesday. May even check out the Dolphins-Packers game on monday night you more than welcome to come along."

"Alright i'll try to flight out tonight after the reception."

After hanging up i went to my laptop and found a flight leaving for Miami at midnight. The reception would have been finished long before. I packed a bag with some clothes and made sure to reserve a hotel room.

I took a shower and got dressed before heading to the wedding. On my way i decided to call Kiersey. She had been in Miami working with Pharell Williams on something.

"Hey Clemons. How are you?" I asked her when she picked up.

"Hey Superstar i'm happy to hear from you. How are you? "

"I'm great thanks. My show was just renewed for a second season this morning. Hasn't been made public yet but HBO will announce it tomorrow morning."

"That's awesome! You deserve it. You worked really hard this past year." She congratulated me.

"Well Kanye is heading down to party in Miami and wants me to join in. I was hoping we could see each other."

"Yeah that would be great i'm free tomorrow all day. Just let me know where you're gonna be staying."

"Alright see you tomorrow Clemons."

"Take care, superstar."

I hung up feeling very light. This trip was just what i needed to get myself out of this current funk. Partying with Kanye was always fun and seeing Kiersey is going to be great. We stayed in touch after i left New York. After our tryst i was worried how it would affect our friendship. It had been silly and immature of me to lose myself in that moment and hoped i hadn't done any damage.

Fortunately Kiersey was cool about everything as always. We had only been together that way once more since that night. After Eye Candy was canceled she came out to L.A to spend some time with me. My cock grew hard remembering the fun we had that evening. Maybe a repeat performance would take place? I could only hope.

I arrived at the Taglyan Complex with time to spare. It was a beautiful venue right off of Santa Monica Boulevard. It had a beautiful garden, where the actual wedding would be taking place. As well as an amazing ballroom; with LED lights in the ceiling and a great sound system. It had all you needed for such an event.

The beauty and classic wedding feel and the amenities for a pretty spectacular party. They had been planning this for more than a year and with some luck it would be a great day for them and their guests.

I went into the groom's quarters and found Brad and Marty already dressed in their tuxedos.

"Well look who finally decides to show up?" Joked Marty. " If you had been 15 minutes later i would have taken your spot as best man."

"Mark would have never forgiven you for that one Duncan." Added Brad.

"What is that supposed to mean? Asked Marty.

"That if you're anyone's best man, it definitely means we went wrong somewhere."

"Duncan i'm gonna be your best man right?"

"Marty with the way things are going i'm sure you'll be married before me."

"Care to make a wager?" Marty said with an excited look in his eye.

"Sure what you got?" I asked.

"Whoever gets engaged first has to run naked through a venue of the other's choosing."

"You came up with that WAY too quickly. Either you've been thinking about this for awhile. Or you just want to see Duncan naked." Mark threw at Marty as he came out of the bathroom looking mariage ready.

"Of course i do! He's a good looking dude." We all laughed. "So Bryant! We on?"

"Sure Marty!" I replied as i went to get my tuxedo. "Oh guys! HBO renewed MADD DOGG!" My friends were happy and congratulated me.Brad and Mark came over and gave me high fives. Marty came over and i pushed him away.

"Nope. With what you just said you may just try to kiss me." I joked with him.


The guests had arrived, their seats were taken, and Mark, Brad, Marty and I were all at the altar across from Maiara's bridesmaids. The garden was splendid and tastefully decorated. The music began to play and Mark's back went straight.

Maiara appeared at the top of the aisle looking incredibly gorgeous in her wedding gown. I looked at Mark and saw the smile he had on. Like a kid on Christmas morning. Maiara made her way towards Mark with her father on her arm. When they arrived Maiara's father gave her away to Mark. I caught a tear in his eye. It must have been difficult for him to let go of his daughter.

The happy couple held hands as the priests went through the motions. The whole time Mark and Maiara never lost sight of one another. A few minutes later they had both said "I Do". Shared a loving and passionate kiss as everyone stood and clapped and cheered them on. Maiara went back down the aisle only this time with her Husband and not her father by her side.


"LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, PLEASE WELCOME FOR THE FIRST TIME. MARK AND MAIARA PHILIPS." The DJ said as the happy couple stepped on the dance floor and began their first dance together. They were lovely to watch. They were both smiling from ear to ear while whispering sweet things to each other. A few minutes later we were all instructed to join them on the floor.

After the dance everyone sat down and began to enjoy the meal. The food was marvelous and the ballroom looked gorgeous. Tables everywhere with a huge dance floor right in the middle. The ceiling was the best part. With chandeliers and purple LED lights making the room look that much more stunning. I stood up and tapped my champagne flute.

"Hello everyone. For those of you who don't know me i'm Duncan Bryant the best man. Mark and I have known each other for quite some time. We were roommates in college and best friends ever since. My father was a diplomat and i spent many years of my childhood moving from place to place.

Not really having anywhere to call home. There were many advantages and i've been blessed with some truly extraordinary experiences. Unfortunately making and keeping friends was difficult. Being an only child didn't help matters much. I spent a lot of time alone, my nose in a book.

Most people look at going to college and see it as the next step for their education. Some see it as a four year party. Those were both true for me as well. But it was also a chance for me to know where i would be for four years straight which had never been the case until that point.

My very first day i met Mark and i have never been lonely again. He's the best person that i know and have been blessed to have had him by my side through some of the best and worst moments of my life. He always knew what to say to cheer you up when you needed it, but also got on your back whenever you needed a swift kick to the butt.

He's by no means perfect. He never wanted to buy socks so he would always steal mine. He plays Backstreet Boys records as though they were Marvin Gaye. Will never EVER give me credit for getting him hooked on television shows or movies.

It's always "some guy at work" that i have yet to meet. The most annoying part about Mark; is that he's always right. And there really is no better proof of that than who he has chosen to build his life with.

I remember when Mark came back from his first date with Maiara. He would not shut up. He was literally giddy. I had never seen him so happy. Well except for the day he found out the Backstreet Boys were getting back together.

He told me he knew that she was the one and that he would do whatever it took to be with her. And here we are today. Celebrating their love and hoping for their eternal happiness. There's no two people who deserve it more.

Mark and Maiara congratulations, you are proof to all of us that love is very real and worth searching and fighting for. Mark I never had a brother until we met. Maiara welcome to the family! Congratulations. We love you both."

The room stood up with applause. Mark came over and gave me a huge hug.

"Thanks for not mentioning the folder." He whispered in my ear.

"I'm saving that for when you renew your vows." I replied.

Soon after that the party was in full swing. People were dancing, laughing and drinking. Mark and Maiara were doing the rounds thanking everyone for coming and enjoying themselves.

The wedding had gone exactly according to plan. I was sitting at a table by myself just watching Marty flirting with one of the bridesmaids. Brad and Cindy were all over each other on the dance floor.

"That was a pretty great speech." I looked up and was flummoxed by the deepest most beautiful set of blue eyes i had ever seen. I almost choked on the sip of champagne i was drinking at that moment. My eyes refocused and took in the rest of the picture. The perfect flawless face, the remarkable full lips the long flowing dark hair.

The sexy strapless little black dress that hung to her breast perfectly. It stopped a little over her knees so her incredibly long soft legs were on full display. My mind did the best it could to take it all in as quickly as possible before returning to those mesmerizing eyes. I knew her from somewhere but could not place her if my life depended on it. I cleared my throat.

"hum thanks!" was all i said. What the hell! hmm thanks? That's all i have? I thought as she smiled and almost made my heart stop dead. "I'm glad you liked it." Nope that was not better. She sat down next to me, a perfectly manicured hand holding a champagne coupe.

"I did. It was touching and funny. You should do that for a living."

"What make wedding speeches? I think Kevin Hart could sue me. After his last movie he probably bought the patent on that idea." She laughed a very real laugh. It instantly made me feel at ease.

"I meant writing speeches. But that would be a pretty good business. Just imagine best men everywhere would turn to you."

"The Best Man Whisperer! You know VH1 would give me my own show."

"I would watch. You would go from wedding to wedding getting the best man into shape. Planning the bachelor party, writing the speeches."

"Making sure the groom didn't run out on the wedding." I finished.

"Did you have to do that today?" She asked me as she leaned in dropping her voice in a conspiratorial tone. I guided her attention towards Mark and Maiara dancing.

"Look at that guy. He looks like he just found a diamond under his pillow. There was no need for such theatrics."

"They do look happy." She said. i looked over at her and was finally able to place her. It was Alexandra Daddario. I gave myself a mental kick in the ass. How could i not recognise her? I had watched her True Detective scene about 80 times. She had just filmed San Andreas with The Rock in Australia. Those eyes of hers had stunned me into temporary amnesia.

"In all seriousness what do you actually do?" She asked me.

"I'm a writer."

"Really? What kind?" She asked seeming impressed.

"I write fortunes."

"What?" She asked with a confused look.

"You know fortune cookies. When you crack one open the little message inside that's all me!"

She laughed.

"Really? So you're the culprit for such wise sayings as "Your shoes will make you happy today."?"

"Don't forget the lottery numbers. Don't let anyone fool you those are the hardest to write."

"I wouldn't have guessed. So what would my fortune be saying?"

"That if you're not careful with those eyes of yours; you will send someone to the hospital from heart failure."

"Oh good line! Hadn't heard that one yet." She said blushing slightly.

"Writer!" I replied pointing to myself.

"So what do you write?"

"I work on TV. My new show is premiering on HBO tonight!" A look of recognition flashed across her pretty face.

"Ah so you're THAT Duncan Bryant."

"Huh excuse me?" I asked perplexed.

"You're the guy that got MTV three emmy nominations!."

"Guilty!" I replied feeling very proud that she knew who i was.

"Much better than writing fortunes. Why didn't you lead with that?"

"I don't like to brag."


"No not really! If i had won i would have been bragging about it. I would have been walking around with that Emmy in my pocket. Hell i would have introduced myself that way. I'm the Emmy winning Duncan Bryant." She laughed. " Come on! How come Doctors get to have their jobs right there in their names? Why not the rest of us? Wouldn't you like to go "Hello, i'm actress Alex Daddario?"?"

"I was wondering if you knew who i was!" she said smiling.

"Come on. How could i not?" We looked at each other and there was something there. I wouldn't call it a spark, but something felt different but very similar. A feeling that i had known once and hadn't again in quite some time. I would be lying if i said i didn't enjoy it. "So you know Maiara?" I asked breaking our moment.

"No not exactly. A friend of mine was suppose to come with her boyfriend and they broke up so i got called in as a sub!"

"Well your friend definitely made an upgrade. Her boyfriend wouldn't look this good in that dress."

"I don't know about that. He does have really great legs."

"Oh yeah?" i asked laughing.

"Oh you would not believe. This guy took VERY good care of himself. Manicure Pedicure every week, he would shave his legs. Once i swore i caught him putting on make up."

"You don't seem to like him very much. Is that due to breaking your friend's heart or before that."

"Oh way way way before that. Plus he's a cat person."

"Really? Why?"

"My point exactly." She said taking a sip from her drink. "Dogs rule."

"Something tells me you're a dog person!."

She nodded and her blue eyes seemed to get bigger.

"I have a little dog named Levon. I love him to death."

"i gotta ask you something!"


"Are you one of those people that have a social media account for their dog?"

She looked away for a moment before fixing those blue eyes of hers through me.


"You just as crazy as a cat person." We both laughed and it felt so natural.

"I'm not, i'm really really not!" I continued to look at her with a disapproving stare. "Okay maybe a little. But he's just so cute."

"Oh i'm sure. Doesn't make you any less crazy."

I couldn't stop looking at her. I couldn't stop smiling. It wasn't just that she was gorgeous. It was just so great talking to her and hearing her laugh. I liked making her laugh.

"So you traveled a lot growing up?" I nodded.

"Where to?"

"Paris, Germany, Spain, Nigeria, Canada, New York for a bit. Japan."

"Wow. That's amazing. I wish i had that chance."

"Its great. I speak a bunch of different languages. it just got lonely at times. "

"So you turned to books for comfort?"

"In a nutshell. Now i have friends." I pointed to Marty dancing with the same bridesmaid, Brad and Cindy feeding desert to each other and Mark and Maiara holding hands while talking to her parents. "And god i miss my books."

"They don't seem that bad."

"They're the best." I admitted to her. Actually meaning it. "Just don't ever let em know i said that. I'd never hear the end of it."

"On one condition." She said standing up.

"Okay i'll stop making fun of your dog's instagram page."

"He has a twitter and an Tumbler. Instagram is still to come. And that's not what i wanted to ask."


"Dance with me!" The music had changed to a slow song and Alex grabbed me by the hand and led me on the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. She smelled amazing. Her body felt even better against mine.

"You smell pretty good Duncan!" She said with her head on my shoulder. "I was expecting gallons of axe body spray." I laughed.

"Are you sniffing me?"

"Oh cuz you haven't sniffed me?"

"I maybe took a whiff. I wouldn't say full out


"Whatever dude! I totally caught you sniffing the merchandise the moment i sat down."

"Couldn't help myself. You smell damn good." She held me tighter against her body and the wonderful scent of her perfume took me to new heights.

"Not many girls tell me that you know?"

"That you smell good, well you do! And you should be told more often so that you keep smelling good, Don't want you to give up and just hit the axe body spray."

"What do you have against Axe body spray?"

"Ex boyfriend use to put it on all the time. He was a real dick so whenever i smell it i get bad memories."

"Good to know."

We continued to dance and make jokes. Our senses of humor were in complete sync and it was a hell of a good time. When we were tired we went outside on the furnished patio. There were a couple of lounge chairs as well as a great view of the gardens.

"What do your parents do?" I asked her.

"They're both lawyers. My dad was actually a pretty big prosecutor."

"Really? That's impressive. I guess that means i need to be careful about touching their daughter?"

"Not too careful i hope." She replied with her dazzling smile

"How did they feel about you wanting to act?"

"They were both very supportive. My brother is also an actor actually."

"Oh yeah i had no idea."

"Yeah he's doing pretty well. I'm proud of him."

"Are you guys close?"

"We used to be." I caught the tone in her voice and knew instantly this was a touchy topic.

"When i was a young kid. Big ass glasses pimples everywhere. Clothes taken right out of Steve Urkel's closet." She laughed.

"Including the suspenders?"

"It ain't Urkel without them baby! So anyways, there was this girl i had this huge crush on. I passed a note on to her. Do you like me check yes or no. If yes meet me after school!"

"Oh so you were a player?"

"Not even a tiny little bit. She checks yes! So i'm like hell yeah. When school ends and she's waiting for me, the moment she sees me she has this disappointed look as though i had mixed up Star Wars and Star Trek."

"Who in their right minds would do that?" She cut me off.

"People that aren't cool. That's who." I answered. "Apparently she was expecting the guy who had handed her the dude sitting between us and not me."

Alex was laughing her head off.

"Hey it's not that funny. That scarred me for life. I've never passed on a note since that day."

"That's too bad. I think note passing was sexy as hell."

"A lot of that going on in your school?"

"Dude i went to an all girls school. I would have killed to get a note from a boy."

"Oh all girls? That must have been rough."

"Wasn't all that bad. Had some good times and made friends that i'm still close to today. Only problem was the lack of ramen."

"Ramen?" I asked confused.

"Yeah ramen noodles are incredible." She said with a straight face. I was at a loss for words. This incredibly beautiful and talented actress was talking to me about her love of Ramen.

"You're incredible." I told her as i got closer to her.

"You think so?" I nodded. Losing myself once again in those beautiful eyes. "You haven't seen anything yet."

The next thing i felt was probably the closest thing to an out of body experience that you could possibly have. One moment we were talking about the greatness of ramen noodles the next we were kissing. Her lips that i had neglected because of the ocean that resided a few inches above them, were incredibly soft and full.

I lost track of everything. Where i was, why i was there in the first place. Hell i forgot my name. All that mattered was these lips and the beautifully sexy woman attached to them. For a few minutes it felt as though the world had tipped its axis.

We Stood from our chairs and pressed our bodies close to each others as our mouth resumed their activity. I could feel her breast press against my chest, the quickening beat of her heart. We pulled away to catch our breaths. I was locked onto her eyes. She placed her hand on my chest.

"Your heart. It's beating so fast." I hadn't noticed it. I hadn't paid much attention to my heart as of late. It seemed to always beat steadily. This was the first time in a long time that i was overtaken by this rush of excitement. I had missed it.

I kissed her again, now officially addicted to her lips and the taste of her mouth. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and moaned as i met hers. Her taste and her smell had overtaken all of me. I could have continued kissing her for hours. We stopped to breathe again. Damn human lungs!

"This is probably a weird thing to ask. But did you just feel that?" Alex asked me with bewilderment in her eyes.

"You mean that tipping in your stomach?"

"Yeah. That! How the hell did you do that?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

We both laughed holding each other closely.

"Duncan." She said as she backed away from me.

"I'm sorry but i can't do this."

"Can't do what?" I asked genuinely confused.

"You're smart, funny, charming, smart and god damn i've never been kissed like that before."

"Okay.. what's the problem?" I asked concerned.

"I approached you tonight hoping for a one night stand. Does this feel like something you can have for just one night and then walk away from without regret?"

I took a deep breath and knew she was right. There was something here. Something special. I felt it way before i kissed her.

"It's not. You're right." I finally conceded.

"If we're going to try this i want to do things right. I've rushed into things before and don't want to make the same mistakes again.

Especially with you, There's just something about you, i can't really explain it." She was babbling. She was cute when she babbled. I brought her close to me again, feeling the heat radiating off of her skin and the beating of her heart. I kissed her once more; just to be able to feel my feet lifting off the ground. I was not disappointed.

"Ok we'll take things slow. How about i take you out on a date?" A pained expression swept across her face.

"There's one more tiny little problem!"

"What now?"

"I'm actually going to London tomorrow."

"You gotta be kidding me!" I exclaimed. She laughed at my reaction. "How long?"

"Three months!" She answered with an apologetic smile.

"Good god!" I said before one look in her eyes calmed me down instantly. "Alright then, in three months when you get back. If you're still interested of course." She smiled at that last bit. "I would really like to take you out on a date."

"I would love to. Do you think that maybe i could."

"No." i said cutting her off.

"You didn't even know what i was gonna say."

"You can't bring your dog on our date."

"But, but, but!!"

"You can tell him it's my fault."

"I was going to anyway." We kissed again. I didn't want to stop or pull away. But after sometime enjoying the moonlight and the way it made her look even more beautiful we had to say goodbye.

We held each other tightly, sniffing away at each other. After all we wouldn't be able to do it for the next three months. We exchanged phone numbers and i watched her walk away.

I waited a few minutes before going back inside. Mark spotted me and came over.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"I just bought a lottery ticket."


A few hours later the food had been eaten, the band had played its last note and the bride and groom were on their way to tahiti. I was in my car on my way to the airport to head to Miami. Smiling from ear to ear. I parked in the extended lot, killed the engine and waited. No longer than five minutes later Gary took the passenger seat.

"What you got for me Gary?" I asked him.

"Well Stamp is definitely into money laundering. Not sure with who exactly but it seems to be with a group from Europe. No idea where the money is coming from or going to. "

"So nothing that we can stick him with? Or have him charged?"

"Not yet. But we got to stay on it. Stay on him. Eventually he'll make a mistake."

"Another thing. I heard from a very reliable source that Stamp has been blackmailing people. A tape is involved. Do you know where he would be keeping it?"

"Well i know he has a safe in his office at home and at work. And a security deposit box at one of the biggest branches in the city. "

"Which one is the best bet?"

"I don't know Duncan." He said shaking his head."We can try the safes first. I have a contact that works for a company that builds the safes; we may be able to find a way in and hope we get something. The bank is a whole other mess. Too much security."

"You're saying it can't be done?"

"Oh it can be done. Depends on how badly you want this."

"He needs to go down Gary."

"I'll talk to my contact. Then we gotta find a way to get close to his home and office. Meanwhile i'll continue to follow the money."

"Thanks Gary."

"Oh don't thank me yet."

With that he left as quickly as he had entered. I took a beat to ask myself if i was doing the right thing. That i should just drop this whole Stamp thing and move on. But deep down i knew i couldn't do that. He had hurt far too many people. Someone had to stop him from hurting more. I left my car and grabbed my bag. Miami was a few hours away.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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