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24.6% Hentai Verse / Chapter 63: All Girls For One Deku: Tech Head Introduction- Mei Hatsume I

Chương 63: All Girls For One Deku: Tech Head Introduction- Mei Hatsume I

"Mmnngghh!....*Yaawwwnnn!*...oooohh..." Izuku Midoriya grumbled as he awoke in a groggy manner from his slumber. The broccoli-haired lad stirred awake with eyes peering over to his side seeing that it was nearly seven o'clock, making them bolt wide awake for now alarm was triggered foremost in his mind. 'Oh crap! I'm going to be late!'

He bolted upright with a panicked look on his face and quickly stretched his arms over his muscular chest feeling like a feline and letting out another loud yawn before getting up out of his bed.

"Mmhmm? Izu-kun darling? What's....*Yawwnn*...what's the hurry?" A woman's voice stirred next to him making him turn his face to see his mother Inko lying in bed naked underneath his All-Might themed blankets with a sleepy smile on her face.

Seeing that grin on this lovely Milf of a woman always sparked Izuku's heart, among other things, no matter how many times he had seen it.

"I'm running late, Kasaan. I gotta hurry up and get going before I miss the next subway car to Yuuei." Izuku excused, feeling giddy as well as nervous since it had been only a day or two since his classroom gangbang romp followed by the threeway he had between his mother, Mitsuki, and his loving girlfriend Nana.

Inko sat up from her bed letting the sheets spill off of her naked upper body, showing off her pendulous breasts and making them jiggle slightly as she focused her loving stare on her son.

"Are you sure you need to leave in such a hurry? I wouldn't mind making you some breakfast before you go.~" She asked eagerly, stroking one of her hands along her son's broad shoulders from behind as he pulled his pants up over his body.

'Hehehhe, every time she asks things escalate into me taking her into the kitchen counter. I can't help it no matter how much control I have over this bizarre Quirk of mine, I still fall prey to it every time Mom or Nana-Chan look extra beautiful.' Izuku thought the temptation make his Dark Quirk quell with desire for his beautiful mother. Seeing Inko's thick round breasts and naked body draped through his sheets certainly did that to it, but a more reasonable part of Izuku's mind rationed that he needed to make a good lasting impression on his class, especially since Nana told him she would be working there herself as an instructor from time to time.

"Gomen, Kaa-san, but I really need to be going. I have no time for breakfast." Izuku rescued and instead of seeing a deflated look on his mother's face, Inko simply grabbed her son by the chin and pulled him onto her lips once again, swallowing his own into a loving and passionate lip-lock of pure incest and love.

"Mmhhmmm.~" She suckled on his bottom lip some more, rolling her tongue into his mouth eloquently for a moment before eventually pulling herself back leaving Izuku standing there in a daze. His Quirk; Absolute Devotion, throbbed even more as a result. "There, take my Goodbye 'Treat' for yourself before you are late to class. Hurry along, Izu-kun, you don't want to be late.~" Inko giggled making her son snap out of his trance and scramble to collect his belongings such as school bag, UA uniform, and typical school equipment with him before making a mad dash for the door. He took one last look at Inko waving at him pleasantly from the inside of their house, flashing him a peek of her naked body after opening up her sleeping robe.

"G-gghh! Kaa-san! You're making riding the subway more difficult if you keep doing that." Izuku said while flustered, Inko was amused and Izzuku, struggling to push down his ever-growing lust for the female body, rushed out of his house on his way back to Yuuei Academy.


Eventually, he arrived and had successfully contained his erection preventing him from groping a monocle-wearing girl riding the same girl as he was. She was indeed eye-catching to say the very least and quite the beauty, Izuku assumed she was around his age on top of it, making him wonder if she was going to UA as well until he got off at his stop. Walking a few paces and crossing a few blocks he hastily arrived at the front gates of UA academy, ready to begin the day and secretly hope that the girls in his classroom wouldn't come on to him as much, preventing the progress of his academics, not that he minded too much ever since getting to 'Know' them on Orientation day.

"Alright, I'm here...*huff...huff...huff*..finally. I hope I'm not too late." He said to himself and was about to open the door until he heard a feminine voice call out to him, clearing her throat and making him turn his head in their direction. He saw Midnight, his homeroom teacher, standing there with her arms crossed l looking as though she was barely restraining herself from lunging at the boy and hauling him over to her apartment.

She had a certain frown on her face as she stood there fixing a stern frown on him, making him think that he indeed got in trouble.

"You are late, Izu-kuuun.~" She mused, making him chuckle nervously and hang his head.

"I'm sorry, I overslept, before I realized it I had missed the last train over to his area and had to wait for a new one. So I kinda had to rush over here, without using my powers too." He admitted, a part of him knew he could get here in no time at all, but since he was an unlicensed student still, Izuku didn't want to take the chance.

"That's quite alright, Izu-kun, but you do need to be more 'Proper' and punctual when arriving for class. I can't pull any strings for you or get you special treatment, you know." Nemuri admitted with a sultry purr in her voice as she walked up to the boy with swaying hips left to right, making her buttocks jiggle from behind her outfit's codpiece. She had decided to wear a tighter size today just for the sole sake of seducing him and having him to herself.

Her hands came up along his shoulders, gently stroking his face in a more adult manner, making Izuku look up into her hunger-ridden eyes while she licked her lips.

'Uh oh, it's going to happen again, isn't it?' Izuku assumed but to his surprise, Nemuri restrained herself and simply pointed in the direction of the hallway down towards the Support Lab. 'Huh?'

"You have only missed homeroom welcome, we discussed that we'll be choosing class reps later today after our first official training exercise in Field F, but for right now you are needed to go tell the Lab group your designs for your costume, Midoriya. So far you're the only one who hasn't yet." She instructed leaving Izuku a bit bewildered till he nodded in slow understanding and felt pumped up.

'Finally! I get to design my costume just like Kaa-san designed for me. She gave me the basic outfit which is a green tunic, all I need are the support class adjustments to make it into a reality. It's still kind of a work in progress into looking more stylish for hero work, but Kaa-san designed it with love and in full support.' Izuku thought to himself looking determined and fired, coincidentally exciting Midnight even more as she shuddered quietly to herself with hands rubbing up against her arms.

"Uuuhhh....! M-Midoriya, you better get down there quick and see Power Loader, he and his assistant will help you complete your costume, When that is finished hurry onto the training field with the rest of your class, okay?" Midnight instructed, feeling at odds with herself since she wanted to have Izuku right here and now, but contained herself and her needs, for the time being anyway.

"H-hai, Midnight-sensei!" Izuku addressed with a proper salute before jogging down the hallway heading to the support lab. Nemuri watched his butt from behind the entire way, clutching her mound through her costume stroking herself with her fingers as she watched him run away.

'Nnghh! It's not fair! A woman my age can only have such an active libido around someone so young and ripe with manly muscle. Ughhh! I can barely keep it in, I may need to find a restroom quickly and relieve myself. Oh, Midoriya-Kun, I want you so very badly right now. Maybe you're the answer single women like me, the Pussycats, Ryukyuu-san, and many other Pro-Hero women have been looking for.' Midnight thought to herself before opening the door to her classroom and telling them she'll be right back.


Arriving at the double doorway of the Engineering Lab, Izuku pulled open the doors revealing a large spacious room filled with machinery and support gear items such as armor, engines, and other things that wowed him instantly. He stepped in, putting his bag down by the side as he saw just one person a few feet away, tinkering with something on the ground and humming to herself in peaceful solitude.

'Huh? Is that....? No, that isn't Power Loader, I know what he looks like, that must be another student like me.' He figured as he got closer, noticing that it was a girl wearing her uniform blazer around her waist, wearing a goggle-mounted helmet over her head with pink curly hair sticking out from underneath. She had mesmerizing yellow eyes with crosshair pupils inside each of them, clearly, she was fixated on what she was working on and noticed Izuku's presence once he got in close enough.

"Hmmm? Are you here to be my next guinea pig? Did Power Loader send you to try out my Proto-type 'Titan Buster' armor I've been working on? I've been looking for volunteers, but everyone keeps sneaking away once they see black smoke coming out of each one of my inventions." The girl greeted in an enthusiastic voice and wiped some oil smudge off of her face when greeting Izuku.

She got up from her spot and dusted off of her uniform skirt before going over to him, feeling suddenly drawn to the boy despite that her number one infatuation was with machinery. She did love to create and perfect her so-called Babies after all.

"Ah, sorry for the intrusion, I came here to see Power Loader at Midnight-senpai's request, I've been meaning to upgrade my costume base into a perfected outfit," Izuku explained and suddenly saw lights sparkle in the girl's eyes, making him suddenly wary of her as she appeared right next to him a millisecond later looking intrigued as though he was made out of solid gold. 'S-so close!'

"Ohhhh! Do you need my help with consumer designing?! I'll be delighted to work on it for you in Power Loader's place. He's currently out buying some supplies at the moment, allow me to take a look at it. Oh, my name is Hatsume Mei by the way, pleased to meet you!" She beamed excitedly dn shook Izuku's hands with both of her own, making him feel the throbbing surge of that other Quirk begin to swell up yet again.

'Gghk! Not now...! I need that costume ready!' Izuku commanded that so-called Special Quirk to calm itself down, and succeeded in doing so since gaining a new form of breathing control over it since that last classroom romp he had earlier. "U-Um, my name is Izuku Midoriya, pleased to meet you. I have my outfit right here in my backpack, let me show it to you then." He quickly excused himself and rushed over to the side grabbing his bag and pulling out the green tunic his mother made for him out of wonder and pride for his achievement in getting into UA.

Hatsume held her chin in one of her gloved hands and watched Izuku lay it along the surface of a nearby lab table before going over to survey it herself. Little did she know, or even care, that he was watching her legs sway left to right underneath her skirt, making him glue his eyes to her exposed thighs as well as her butt once she leaned over the table to take a close look at it.

'Nnghh! Dammit, Izuku-control it, you're not here for this, nor do you have any time for it either. Everyone's waiting for you back at the training area, especially Midnight-sensei....!' He thought to himself picturing the sight of Midnight propped up over the teacher's desk wearing only her belt and high-heel boots and nothing more. She was stark naked and cupped each of her breasts into her hands, rolling them around in circles until she brought one of her nipples right to her lips in order to suck on.

Izuku now panicked as he realized he had just started fantasizing about his teacher without so much as a provocation. He looked down to see his erection pushing out from between his legs and aiming for the valley of Hatsume's thighs since he was so close to her already. He wanted to hold down his erection and keep it from going crazy, triggering another fit of animal-like lust in his body thanks to that Special Quirk of his.

'Control it...control it!' He said inside his mind while Hatsume took to overlooking the piece of fabric and pulled it up into the air admiring its texture and thinking over what enhancements she could make to it.

"I'm actually really surprised.~ Despite being only made out of average sports cloth the person who tailored this really understood the need for material and flexibility, with my help this will be a great costume indeed, Midoriy-aaah....? Eh? Do I feel something harder than steel poking me from behind?" Hatsume asked wryly with a confused smile on her face as she stiffened up.

"Mmhp! Uh...no you don't?" Izuku weakly defended, feeling at odds with himself since his rationale was currently at war with his newly awakened hormones making his member throb even harder from within the teenage girl's thighs. 'They just feel so smooth.'

'Is that the butt-end of a very large screwdriver poking between me? No...that wouldn't make sense since he'd have to stab himself in order to make it possible, yes?' Hatsume shakily turned her face to the side, feeling the color red creep up from within her cheeks. Her yellow eyes zoomed in on Izuku's face, feeling her heart skip a beat or two since he was physically close to her like this. Then those eyes peered downward at the sight of something rather larger poking through his uniform trousers and into the space of her thighs.

Ironically Hatsume didn't understand what this was exactly and simply saw an opportunity to take his measurements for his costume, currently putting what she saw out of her mind.

"L-let me take a measurement of your frame, Midoriya-kun, I just now noticed that the size of this uniform won't cut it with your current build. Tell me though; what kind of Quirk do you have? Does it utilize your body in some way?" She asked, feeling further and further drawn in my Izuku's manly scent as well as his impressive features.

The glow of Absolute Devotion continued burning brightly, ensnaring a new female Hero into its midst. Regardless of its own actions in 'Feeding' Izuku thrills, women found themselves drawn to the boy regardless thanks to his impressive features and his youthful kicked-puppy innocence.

"S-ure thing, thank you, Hatsume-san. Also, my Quirk is a Power-up type, it builds energy into my muscles giving me amazing strength and speed, but it comes with a bit of risk in doing so. I can't yet use it at a hundred percent, but even so, I have enough control of it to make it work without causing my body harm. I want my costume to be undamaged when I do use it though." He blurted out and hoped he could keep himself in control of his urges for just a little while longer.

Make no mistake, Izuku wanted to have himself a piece of Hatsume pie right after feeling turned on by his mother earlier in bed, not to mention seeing just how thirsty Midnight appeared to be when confronting him.

It was hit and miss at times with this Quirk of his, making it a challenge to control whereas taming OFA proved to be relatively easier.

He was caught in a daze until he felt a pair of hands patting down his body through his clothing, making him shape out of it and saw Hatsume placing her hands here and there all over his anatomy. Not really feeling him up per se, but more like checking out his size and build for the costume.

"Oooh, you are pretty well filled out for someone my age, heheheh. You'll make a great hero, I'm sure of it if this body is anything to go by." She whimsically said while running her gloves hands along his shoulders, then trailing them down his biceps making Izuku shudder in his wake.

Hatsume found herself drawn even further into the boy in question, mentally hoping that Power Loader wouldn't come back for some time longer. Without realizing it, her hands patted their way down his waist next, arriving at his hips and noting that he was indeed firm underneath that school uniform.

A blush crept up on her face and another nervous giggle escaped her lips, she had never been so intrigued by anything else other than machinery in her whole life thus far. She was behind Izuku at the moment, looking up at him from behind his neck with a vexed gaze in her bizarre crosshair-filled eyes. Suddenly Hatsume crept down on both knees now, sliding her hands down his waist until she reached his legs and patted them both entirely before bringing her hands back up to his crotch to where the 'Tent' was seen still in place.

"It looks like you have something there, mind if I ....take a look, Midoriya-san?" She asked coyly, feeling the blood rush to her body making her feel both hot and bothered underneath her clothing.

Izuku, feeling compelled to obey his lust now that it had grown from a spark into a bonfire, nodded his consent and raised his hands up allowing the girl to have unrestricted freedom to his waist.

"Go ahead, Hatusme-san." He said quietly and saw the girl run her tongue along her lips, bring her hands over to his crotch where they felt up the massive protrusion that was his erection. Her right hand came up first, running her gloved fingers along the head of his bulge feeling it up while making Izuku whimper in ever-growing delight.

'S-so firm, and thick...I think it might be harder than a diamond now that I think about it. Is this part of his quirk perhaps? Is his body some special kind of durability I can exploit to further my own Babies development?' She considered, weighing in on her options while at the same time feeling undeniably attracted to Izuku.

feeling the heart of her mind and soul yearns for the boy's body thanks to AD, Hastume made up her mind and ran her hands around his groin again, this time bringing them up to his belt to undo it in its entirety.


"H-Hatsume-san?" Izuku questioned, not feeling the will to resist as he felt his pants become undone, leaving them to drop around his ankles with only his light blue boxers left in place. Hatsume pulled back both of her hands and yanked off her gloves entirely, exposing her bare skin as she then grabbed the hem of his briefs, pulling them down so that his massive footlong erection sprung out of its confines making her hair straighten out with excitement.

"Ooowweeeeehhh! S-so big! It must be larger than my Proto-type Bitchbreaker Vibrator set!" She gushed with fangirl levels of excitement making Izuku sweatdrop with embarrassment.

'That's what she's excited about?' He wondered until he felt the soft groove of both of her hands wrapping around his length from behind with fingers coiling tightly around his length. "Hnggghhh! Oohh.....Hatsume-san!"

Izuku groaned out feeling the soft digits of her fingers stroke his penis like so, Hastume was now blushing up a storm as she took to massaging his massive length, both taking measurements as well as enjoying herself since she was now taken in by Izuku's 'Charm'.

"Shhh, don't you ruin it for me, Izuku, I'm going to start begging you to come here more often so I can take some more body 'Measurements', heheheh." She giggled playfully and felt his length stiffen up even more between her hands. she was barely able to get her fingers around such a thick trunk of a penis, making her insides yearn with sexual excitement as she started giving Izuku a handjob from behind.

"Mmnngghhhh!" He whimpered and moaned pleasantly, feeling the mechanical wonder girl fondle his penis like it was a sacred object of worship. Hatsume stoked and pumped his length tirelessly with a smile on her face, she saw that his balls were stiffing up, making them look like low-hanging pears ready to explode. She was feeling the urges of the female body call to her, overriding her sense of rationale and thinking, m making her into another member of Izuku's ever-growing harem of women.

"Turn around, Midoriya-kun! Please!" She pleaded with a manic smile on her face, Izuku obeyed and flipped himself around facing her with his length barely brushing up her face. Hatsume had stars in her eyes as she grabbed the base of his cock and lowered it onto her mouth, allowing her to engulf the head into her lips and start swallowing some of it into her face.


"Mmmmnngghh!" She cried out with excitement, barely able to fit her mouth around the bulbous head of his meat as she started forcing herself down even further, taking Izuku halfway to the back of her slender throat. Quiet slurping noises started coming out, a lot of Hatsume's saliva escaped her lips as she lubricated his monster of a cock while running her tongue around its surface.

Izuku grabbed the side of her head on reflex, grabbing onto the latches of her bizarre helmet as he felt the girl bobbing her head back and forth into his lap. Hatsume was throating him so hard, so frenziedly that he was forced to lean back into the lab table with her face burying itself to the hilt between his legs. she struggled to keep that monstrous dick inside of her throat without gagging and peered up into Izuku's distressed face moaning constantly at her actions, giving her an injection of pride in her first try at deepthroating.

Honestly, for Hatsume, who had never paid any attention to sexuality whatsoever, felt this was a hallmark achievement for her right this second. She kept her hands glued to the base of Izuku's length, keeping herself steady as she thrust her entire face into his lap swallowing his cock all over again while struggling to keep from gagging. Loud slurping noises followed as she continued to suck off Izuku's member with frenzied gusto for the next few minutes. No longer was the suit on her mind, nor of anything else involving inventions, she just wanted to feel him melt underneath her hands as she tasted every last inch of his member down her esophagus.


"Mmmmhhh....*Midoriya-kun*" She moaned with thick throbbing phallus wedged tightly between the folds of her throat. Hatsume closed her eyes tightly as she worked him for a bit longer, feeling his shaft swelling like it was ready to discharge its load down the hollow of her mouth. Sensing this, she slowly drew back her head from his length, leaving the knob of his member nestled between her slimy lips before thrusting herself back into his groin!

"Aaaggghhh!" Izuku yelled out, clutching the back of her head as he felt his cock swell up like a balloon and pump a vicious downpour of sperm into the girl's slender throat!

Hatsume's eyes shot wide open in surprise as she tempted herself into gulping down every last drop of his seed that came her way.


One loud 'Gulp' after another sounded out as Izuku came for a good hard minute until he was finished. He then felt the girl slowly pull herself off of his waist, leaving a slick saliva-coated member in her wake, with a quiet pop of saliva she took her lips off of his cock and smiled up at him with an open mouth full of his sperm. her tongue swished around it readily like a blender mixing a batch of cookie batter.

"Hhmmhh....mmmm! *Gulp*...Aaah, from what I read this essence here is super nutritious, hehehe. I would like to take more 'Personal' measurements of your body, Midoriya-kun. Care to take some of mine?" She asked coyly, still the manic gearhead she always is,but this time sexually awakened to an insane degree.

Hatsume stood up and threw off her helmet to the side, she unbuttoned her uniform T-shirt revealing her ample C-cup sized breasts to Izuku after pulling apart her clothing one article at a time. In no time at all, she was deprived of everything except her knee-high socks, uniform shoes, and pinstriped panties.

Izuku winces with newly awakened desire all over again, feeling the raw power of OFA combined with Absolute Devotion's effects, making his member swell up and become hard as a steel pole while crackling with energy. That last part amazed Hatsume even more once she saw it, immediately becoming inspired to do a Bitch-Breaker cock mark Ultra in the near future. She hastily pulled down her panties and laid herself along with the table behind her, clearing off some of the clutter as she rested on her side with her left leg held high in the air. Her right hand came down between her creamy legs spreading open her pussy in an invitation for Izuku to push it inside of her.

'This is crazy...! I barely know Midoriya-kun, but it feels as though meeting him made me want to be Bitch-broken by that magnificent power pole of his! I can't help it, or maybe, I don't want to help it. If doing this means I'll progress even further in my research then so be it, besides....he's really handsome and cute. He really is the first-ever boy to make me feel like a woman after a life-long obsession with machines. It certainly he's that he's machine-like himself with that body of his! Fuck me, Izuku Midoirya!' She screamed out in her head, which was seen as a rather manic expression from outside by Izuku. Hatsume then noticed him staring at her with a fixated gaze of lust as he approached her body with dick held in hand, ready to push into her as she wanted.

Hatsume spread out her other leg once she felt his groin pushing up into her buttocks, making her ass rise up off the surface and allowing her right leg to hook around his waist like so. It was here that she decided to scream out her thoughts for once.

"Break me into pieces, Midoriya-kun! I want to see what you're really made out of! Don't worry about ruining my legs, if I end up in a wheelchair I can certainly craft up a pair of bionic legs to better withstand your pounding in the future." She gushed out, once more making Izuku sweatdrop at her craziness.

"Hehe, no need to worry about that, Hatsume-chan, I won't do that much to you, I'll just....*Schlup*....make sure to give you a good time." He answered, inserting himself into the girl's folds mid-sentence and making her quiver with euphoric elation.

Hatsume's face screwed up into one pure bliss, giving her a borderline ahegao expression Izuku's only seen in hentai manga as of late. The girl shuddered explicitly and leaned back with head tossing back making her bouncy pink hair sway side to side with chest heaving noticeably in front of him. Izuku whimpered in delight at seeing her luscious boobs jiggle, she was almost as stacked as Midnight-sensei or Momo and Kendou of his class, seeing those melons jiggle made the beast inside his loins growl with stimulated lust. Thus, he began pushing himself to the brink inside the girl, noticing that her tight space was indeed lacking a hymen. He looked to her for an answer.

"I-I-I took to experimenting on myself when crafting the Bitchbreaker Mark One, but I don't think I need it anymore. All models of that toy are now completely obsolete.....ooooohhh! P-pound me already, Izuku!" She cried out and felt her insides tighten around his length, making him begin bucking into her pelvis in a rhythmic repetition of hard thrusts.

"Uuaaaggghhhhh! Aahh..aahh..aah...aahh..aahhh! Ooohhh Midoriya!" She cried out again, with a wide-open smile on her face as she held onto his broad shoulders for support. Hatsume soon began bouncing up and down onto Izuku's waist, feeling his massive cock hollow out her sensitive insides, repeatedly pushing into her teenage cervix without mercy. His balls were slapping gently into Hatsume's nether region making her flop about along the table till both of her legs pointed straight up, the girl was feeling amazing power inside the tree trunk that was Izuku's cock now cleaving its way into her pussy like so. He huffed and kept pounding her creamy body from above, making her feel like she was ready to turn into putty at a moment's notice.

The lab table shook constantly to their ruckus, her breasts swayed about while Hatsume herself let out a constant barrage of loud ragged breaths coming out as willing moans. Her pink curly hair jiggled along with her while her skin became sweaty, the girl was feeling a miasma of sexual euphoria surge throughout her body thanks to Izuku and his amazing sexual prowess.

"Mmghh..nngh..ngh..nghh..ngghhh! Uuuggghhh! H-Hatsume-chan!~" He growled in ecstasy after surrendering himself to the allure of bliss in regards to this girl's surprise fondling of his body. She may have brought it up herself, but Izuku knew all it took was a little flirtation and brazenness in feeling up his anatomy to trigger another 'Fit' from the secondary Quirk he had inside of himself.

It burned brightly making Hatsume fall in love with the first-ever boy of her dreams, fantasies of wanting to measure him repeatedly and make him take her over the table flooded her mind along with constant waves of euphoria. Her delicate sweaty frame jiggled voraciously with her legs dangling in the air, Izuku kept his hands firmly around her waist while he sundered his penis directly into the girl's pussy, knocking on the door to her womb like so.

A few more thrust later and Izuku pressed the 'Button' that was Hatsume's G-spot, making her thrash about wildly in orgasmic euphoria. Her pussy squeezed tightly around his length, milking him to no avail while she gushed nectar all over his crotch feeling like he had conquered her without even trying.

She shuddered some more and rode out her climax constantly for the next couple of minutes until she calmed down. Her chest was left heaving and her face riddled with desire amidst the messy locks of her pink hair. Hatsume now had little hearts in her eyes, within the crosshairs of her pupils and she lunged herself up off the table to wrap her hands around Izuku's neck, pulling him onto her lips for a fierce kiss!

"Mmhhmmnhhgg! Muuuaaahhh.....! More....! I need more 'Data', Midoriya-kun!" She gushed out magically with a crazed look on her eyes that both frightened Izuku as well as excited him. She pulled her lips off of his mouth entirely with tongue spilling out of her o own, fixing him with a sultry daze that said 'Impregnate me' already, but Izuku wasn't going to do that even when he'll cum inside of her.

"Heh, o-okay....!" He gasped loudly and grabbed the cheeks of her ass, making her squeal internally as he kept her mounted fully on top of his dick. Izuku could feel the head of his cock pushing into her cervix from inside as he adjusted Hatsume to remain secure in this stand-n-carry position. 'I'm going to have to give her one of the packets Nana-chan gave me so that she doesn't get pregnant.' He mused and grinned with a confident smile, making her heart skip many more beats.

"Here I go!" He announced and started pounding himself into Hatusme's frame from below, using his enhanced strength and durability making her squeal like a puppy as she felt his cock hammering away into her cervix like a man possessed by sex.

Loud raucous slaps of flesh sounded off in the air as Hatsume rode Izuku passionately while he fucked her like a monster. she leaned back from his chest, leaving her hands around his neck so that her breasts jiggled constantly while her face contorted into one of utter bliss while moaning.

"Aaaggghhh...! haaaghh..haaagghh..aaagghhhh!~" She gasped loudly while feeling his pelvis slam into her bottom nonstop. Her buttcheeks jiggled, her insides squirmed around his length, making it suffocate underneath her slick slimy folds as she felt him penetrate her pussy. Izuku's cock had managed to punch through her cervix causing a mixture of pain and pleasure as he continued railing her while standing up, making her body bounce and writhe along his waist as they continued to have hardcore sex for another fifteen minutes.

During that time, Hatsume succumbed to orgasm after orgasm while Izuku simply held out with a grimace on his face. He struggled to keep himself from blowing out her insides with sperm, simply out of pride and for how amazing this sweaty Greasemonkey girl felt on his dick.

He voraciously pumped his pelvis upwards like a jackhammer into her ass, making her cum one last time, coincidently being the orgasm that brought him to the edge as well. Izuku rutted into Hatsume's mouth like an animal until she came hard with legs wrapping around his waist and her screaming out his name loud enough to reach the hallways behind the engineering lab!

"Aaaagggghhhh!" She cried out in ecstasy with eyes wide open, mouth h hanging agape, and body shivering with a climax as she felt her cervix tug furiously on Izuku's cock, bringing him to climax himself.

He grunted and shoved it in as far as it could go, making a bulge protruding from her belly. Izuku let out a loud growl and felt his sperm come surging out into the depths of Hatsume's womb, filling it up like a balloon while she writhed uncontrollably along his waist, grinding her taut ass against his thighs as they came together for a solid minute before expiring.

"Ughhhh....aaaahhhh....uugghhh! Ohhh..yeah....heh heh, that was...*huff..huff..huff*...an excellent acquisition of Data for my next Baby." She cackled deliriously as she felt thick amounts of pearly sludge drip out of her cunt.

Izuku gently let her down onto the table, allowing her to rest on top of it while sperm continued to ooze out of her gaping pussy. He felt an invisible connection to Hatsume now, meaning that she was now a part of the ever-growing 'Family' he unknowingly created the day he took Nana Shimura.

"Yeah...*huff...huff...huff..* I hope you gathered enough Data for your measurement,s Hatsume-san. I really need that outfit, ya know." Izuku panted and the girl bristled up with an enthusiastic smile while nodding.

"Oh that, I already had everything I needed to modify your costume the moment I looked at it. Feeling you up and leading to this was just extra icing on the cake, heheheh." She giggled notoriously with a mischievous smile on her face, once again making Izuku sweatdrop until he broke out in friendly laughter with her.

They ended their romp on a positive note with her giving him her number as well as a schedule of hours in which she was in the lab.


Power Loader eventually came back, hauling large cargo containers filled with various parts and supplies needed to continue support gear research. He opened the doors to find Hatsume once again tinkering with a random mechanical object nearby, humming brightly to herself as a blush remained on her face.

"I'm back, didja miss me, Hatsume?" He asked unknowing full well she never answers seriously when she's in her own little world. "Yeah, I figured you'd be like that still, but what...*sniff sniff*...is that smell? Why does it smell so funky in here?" Power Loader asked and Hatsume simply blushed a brighter red b before giggling mischievously to herself.

Load failed, please RETRY

Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C63
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Stone -- Power Stone
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