"Calm down, everyone. When I said she should get out of the house, I didn't mean it permanently. We can book a room for her in a hotel for a while. At least until Father became too busy to come home for a while again." Li Junjie explained slowly.
"But still….Xiaoyi is a girl, and the world outside is too dangerous for her alone!" Li Chunhua stubbornly stood her ground.
"If you would rather she becomes Father's target to vent his anger, then be my guest."
Su Suyin shook her head slowly. "I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe Jie is right."
"Mother! Why are you agreeing with Big Brother's stupid plan now?"
"Xiaohua, at this rate, there won't be any peace in the house until your father goes back to the hospital. It shouldn't be a problem if it's only one or two days. You know your father never stays home for long. We just need to be patient for now."
Thank you for reading guys! I hope you enjoy it! ^^