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64.47% BROKEN FLOWER ( BL ) / Chapter 49: 48 : Deep worries

Chương 49: 48 : Deep worries

Akihito rubbed his eyes. He was feeling dizzy and drained. He had a bad headache and just thinking about yesterday was dejecting him.


Twenty-three hours earlier…

" - Are you cheating on me ?"

The question was so crazy to Akihito that he had to ask Haru to repeat again, and that was what he did. Same words. Same voice and the same thoughts crossed over his mind.

" - Why would I… No ! Never !" Akihito replied, quite shocked.

Haru frowned as if he couldn't believe the alpha.

" - Someone saw you two days ago in front of a hotel with a woman," Haru said with a cold voice.

Two days ago. It was when he brought Vicky and Dana to the hotel. Akihito put Vicky in charge of Dana to keep an eye on the beta. Dana was his close link to the Kanzaki and she was the one who worked on Reinz's case everytime the doctor did something suspicious. Akihito had never believe her story about being force to sleep with Satoh. But, knowing that Satoh was having an affair while being married will probably serve him one day.

The problem was he had to play the dumb card. By saying he was a married man he had hoped to stop Dana's flirtatious behavior but she was more wild and bold recently.

But Akihito wasn't interested. No. What he wanted was destroying everyone in the Kanzaki Clan. And Dana was part of his plan. Though she did not know about it.

Of course, he thought he had to tell Haru some day but he didn't want to put Haru in a tough situation. If the omega knew he was working with Silas, he might relapse and shut himself or leave him, to go back with his fated pair. His real one.

Akihito left his thought when he felt Haru's scent becoming stronger.

The omega was angry.

" - I'm not cheating. I will never do it ! I'd rather die than cheat on you !" Akihito said firmly.

It was true. Haru was too precious to him. His love for the omega was crazy enough for him to wreck every people who will try to touch him even with just the tip of their finger.

Every damn days, Akihito had to clenched his fists to not punch Silas and cut his dick. And, God knew he wanted to fire Dana. But he needed her to trap Reinz and Satoh. And then, he will fire her and ruin her life just like she messed up Haru's life when he was with Silas.

Thanks to Zaizen's work, Akihito learned that Dana was the one who brought clients to Silas. She knew what was happening but she turned a blind eye even though, she had never met Haru personally. Maybe it was for the better. But she was still the worse woman Akihito had met since Angela. He was feeling so disgusted just being next to her.

" - You lie… you're lying ! They saw you !" Haru screamed.

" - I'm not lying ! Yes, I was at the hotel with two of my assistants. But that's all. "

" - Why did you go there ?" Haru asked.

" - One of the girl is currently living there. And…"

" - And ?" Insisted Haru.

" - And nothing. I promise you I'm not.."

Akihito couldn't finish his sentence. Haru's pheromones were exploding in the house.

Maybe because the omega was a dominant one, Akihito throw up, feeling sick by the bad smell. Akihito didn't recognize the delicious fragrance that usually emanated from Haru.

Haru ran to the room and packed up his stuffs. Panicking, Akihito followed him though the smell was making him dizzier and dizzier.

" - Where… are you going ?"

" - You're lying, " Haru whispered. " You lie to me. I hate that. I.."

He started to sob.

" - I don't want that. If you don't love me anymore let me go now. I don't want to be trap here while you have someone else outside. I don't like it… I…"

Akihito approached the omega and wiped his tears. He put his forehead against Haru's and soothed him softly while stroking his little arms.

" - Pam said that going in heat could be dangerous for the baby," Akihito said with difficulty.

He was trying to breath through this miasma of pheromones. Slowly, the scent became softer and sweeter. But it was still too heavy for Akihito to breath properly.

" - I… I'll tell you everything… but please, give me a chance to… Hum ?"

Haru nodded slowly even if he was still crying.

They sat down on the bed. Haru was hugging a pillow. He didn't want Akihito to touch him. He seemed cautious and a deep frown was darkening his pretty face.

Akihito wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell him the truth so he kept thinking.

" - I'm… working with the Kanzaki." He said.

Haru froze.

" - And two days ago, I was really there with my assistants. One of them is linked to the Kanzaki so I need her to…"

" - Why didn't you tell me about it ?" Haru asked.

" - I didn't want to put you in danger. I know what you went through with Silas and…"

" - You know ?" Haru interrupted him again.

" - Yeah… Gisele gave me the details first and then I… dug deeper." Akihito confessed.

" - So you knew everything since the beginning?" Haru said.

His voice trembled. Akihito moved closer and took both Haru's hands in his.

" - Not from the beginning. I knew what Gisele was okay to let me know and then, everyday I learned about your past through investigations. I wanted to let you tell me everything when you would be ready but…"

" - But ?" Haru whispered.

" - I was angry. The omega I'm in love with would cry when I accidentally raise my voice. He had nightmares and I could not save him. I was so furious. I'm still furious ! Against all those who hurt you ! I couldn't just sit there and look at you while you were struggling to live. I was afraid that one day you will leave me… I was afraid that you will take your life away from me so I needed to know. I want to get rid of all of them to build a better world for you and now for both of you. "

Haru touched his belly after Akihito's last words.

" - You should have tell me you were working with Silas… " Haru said softly. " Nothing can happen if I'm with you. "

" - He's your destined partner," Akihito said.

" - What are you insinuating ?" Haru asked with a frown.

Akihito stood up and started to pace in the room.

" - Exactly what I mean. He's your fated pair, Haru. He can find you if he wants," Akihito said.

" - Even if he finds me I'm yours now. He can't even buy me even if he tries !" Haru said.

" - That's not what I mean…" Akihito sighed.

Haru furrowed his eyebrows.

" - Are you doubting me ?" Haru asked. " You think I will follow him blindly just because he's my fated pair ?! "

" - I don't…"

" - That's exactly what you're saying !" Haru shouted.

" - I don't know !" Akihito growled, making Haru silent. " I don't know…" he repeated as he sat on the edge of the bed. " I just know that you loved him before. I know you went with him because you loved him. And you loved him because he's your fated pair. "

" - Do… You don't trust me ?" Haru asked in a whisper.

Akihito did not answer.

" - Ngh… tell me you trust me… please…" Haru said with a trembling in his voice.

Head down, Akihito didn't answer. When he finally turned his head towards Haru, he couldn't utter a word in front of the crying omega.

Akihito was afraid that Haru will leave him. It was not about his trust towards the omega but a fear deep in his heart.

For the past weeks, he had found it hard to label Silas as a monster. The man was a hard worker. He was humble and diligent in his job. He was smart though impulsive in his decisions and he was treating people with a kind regards. Knowing that, Akihito had lost confidence. This man hurt Haru. He thought he will be in front of a real jerk but Silas was not like that. And now, Akihito could understand why Haru had loved him. Fears took place in his heart and slowly he feared that Haru leaved him for Silas.

Haru left the bed to take his things. He wiped his tears and slowly shoved some clothes in his bag.

Akihito embraced him from behind and Haru did not push him away.

" - Stay," Akihito said softly. " Stay… I'll go to my parent's for the time being."

Akihito was stroking tenderly Haru's belly.

" - Do you love me ?" Haru asked without looking at him.

" - Forever," Akihito replied in a soft whisper.

" - If I tell you that I love you… you believe me ?" Haru asked in a shaking voice.

" - Yes."

" - But you don't trust me…"

" - It's more complicated…" Akihito said.

" - I'll stay," Haru said.

" - Thank you."

" - But I need space."

Akihito's heart sank.

" - How… how many days ?" He asked.

" - I don't know." Haru replied as he removed his husband's hands around him.

He pulled off Akihito's shirt on him and decided to wore his own pajama's shirt. Then he went back to the bed and curled up under the cover.

" - I'm sleepy now." Akihito heard.

The alpha hesitated. He got closer to Haru. Even if he couldn't see his wife's face, he could hear the faint sobs and feel the heartbreaking trembling. He leaned down a kiss the cover, where he guessed was Haru's head. Before he left he said :

" - Don't skip any meal…"

Haru clenched his jaw to restraint the cries that tried to escape.

When he heard the front door, he came out from under the blanket and his eyes travels in the silent room.

" - A… Aki ?" He called, knowing full well he was alone.


Akihito massaged his eyelids again. He was sleepy. The meeting this morning had almost kill him.

" - Here," said Zaizen.

He had put a cup of coffee on Akihito's desk.

" - We have another meeting this afternoon. If the executives see you with this head, you're going to hear them nag for days," Zaizen said.

" - I need an aspirin," Akihito muttered, his eyes closed.

" - No. You took one earlier. Just wait another three hours and you will be able to take another one."

Akihito just sighed for any answer.

" - He will forgive you," Zaizen said then. " Haru really loves you. Don't doubt that."

" - I'm doubting myself," Akihito replied. " I want to protect him but I have to do things he will hate. I want to free him but I have to lock him until I can… It's so tricky."

" - He went through hell you know," Zaizen remembered him. " He can stand firm in front of Silas without letting your hand go."

Akihito smiled softly while playing with the ring on his necklace.

" - I know you said you will let him go if he wants to, but now, he's not just the omega living in your house. He is your wife and the mother of your child. I think you have the right to keep him next to you. And I'm pretty sure he will be more than happy," Zaizen explained.

Akihito turned his head towards Zaizen. The man was reading some files and signing papers on the sitting room's table of the office.

" - The machine became a human," Akihito joked.

He joined Zaizen and sat in front of him.

" - How's Gordon ?" he asked then.

" - Bad," Zaizen replied without concern.

" - What else ?"

Zaizen sighed.

" - Yuto barged at Gisele's club last night. He asked about Gordon." He explained.

" - Does Gisele know the thruth ?"

" - Do you really think Yuto had said the truth ? He'd rather die than to admit that he fucked up. So no. Gisele think they had a fight and that her little brother had acted on an impulse," Zaizen said, frustrated.

" - And Gordon ? What did he say about all of it ?"

" - To not say anything to his sister. "

" - I kind of understand his point of view. If Gisele knows that Yuto cheated on her brother, she will surely cut his throat and gave his guts to the pigs. " Akihito said. " She's a real mobster."

" - Yuto deserves it."

" - You really like Gordon, right ? You were always protecting him like that since we were young," Akihito said with a smile.

" - For a beta, he is really weak. He got scam easily, and people always target him because he's too kind," Zaizen sighed. " Since that time… I'm indebted to him. He really saved me."

Akihito nodded, knowing what his old friend was talking about.

Zaizen was actually from a rich family. His father was the President of Androuse years ago. At that time, Zaizen was the prey to people who wanted to destroy the President.

When Zaizen was in his last year of high school, he got kidnapped on the way to his house. Fortunately, Gordon saw everything. And despite his small build and his fear of everything, Gordon went to save him. That day, the beta got beat up really badly.

Zaizen still could remember the screams and the cries of the beta while they were beating him to death. He still remembered Gordon shouted at him to run. And that was what Zaizen had done. Once home, he pleaded his father's men to save Gordon.

When they arrived, Gordon was a bloody body, naked without his clothes on. They didn't sexually assault him. No… they just wanted to humiliate the young beta.

Gordon was rushed to hospital and when he woke up, he just couldn't remember a thing about the accident. He only remembered being on his way home and nothing else.

Since that time, Zaizen was quite attached to Gordon. No one talked about that day with Gordon and Zaizen changed his name and left his family's home to protect his friends.

The only people that knew about his real identity were the Ogata, Gisele, Gordon and his best friend Thomas - he was also their lawyer - and probably soon, the little Haru.

Zaizen was not ashamed of his family but being the Ogata's major secretary and being able to protect his close friends was his only wish. And since he saw what Yuto did or almost did to Gordon, he wanted to kill the man himself.

But he was respecting Gordon's beliefs and wishes. If the beta wanted to hide, he will hide him, if he wanted to go back with Yuto, he will help him, if he wanted to disappear from this town, he will find him a new identity and a new place where he could live. Zaizen would do what Gordon wanted. Because he was the only man in this world who risked his life for him so he was ready to do so.

A knock on the door brought both alphas from their thoughts.

Dana opened the door. She smiled widely when she saw Akihito.

Today she was wearing a purple tight suit and black high heels.

" - Mr President, your mother is here," she said with a soft tone.

Akihito winced internally. If his mother was here, that meant she was aware of his quarrel with Haru. Alicia was fond of the omega. She would not let anyone hurt the boy, not on her watch.

Alicia entered the room and Zaizen stood up to greet her.

" - I will bring some tea," Dana said before she left.

" - Who's this bitch ?" Alicia asked when the door was shut.

" - Satoh's secretary." Akihito replied with a laugh in his voice.

" - Why is she here ?" His mother asked as she sat next to him after indicating to Zaizen to sit.

" - Satoh put her under Silas's command. Though it seems she's not really listening to him. "

" - Fire her," Alicia said. " Coming to work without a bra and with so much makeup, as if she's going to open her legs on the table ? I hate that. Those type of girls are the reasons why men treat woman like object or insignificant people. "

" - I can't," Akihito sighed. " Silas and Satoh had some sort of deal. Without Dana, Silas can't be here and I need to have him under my eyes. Especially now that doctor Reinz is in town. "

" - You mean the…"

Akihito nodded though his mother didn't finish what she was saying.

When a knock on the door resonated again, the three of them turned to see Dana coming with the tea.

She served them and smiled calmly before she left.

" - I'm not going to drink that," Alicia said after the door was closed. " What did you discover ?"

Akihito signaled to Alicia to wait a minute. He pressed on a button on the phone and said :

" - Vicky. Can you come please."

Not ten seconds later, Vicky arrived.

" - Mrs Ogata," she greeted Alicia with a bow.

" - Your report," Alicia said.

" - I heard Dana on the phone last night. It seems like Satoh Kanzaki will visit Reinz today. The doctor is going to work in the main hospital of the city for two weeks. " Vicky started.

" - It's where Pam is currently working," Akihito said with a frown. " When will he start ?"

" - Today sir," Vicky replied.

Akihito stood up rapidly.

" - Haru… Haru has an appointment with Pam in an hour," Akihito said, his heart beating hastily.

As he took his phone, he rushed out of the office, pushing Dana on his course. She almost stumbled but the man didn't even help her.

Akihito had to find Haru before it was too late.

WndyButter WndyButter

A new chapter :3 Hope you like it !

Good reading and as always I’m sorry for the mistakes, but thank you for your support, you’re all the best !!!!! :3

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