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37.03% Roses Multiverse Power Unlocking System / Chapter 10: Taco Tuesday and Slight Issue?

Chương 10: Taco Tuesday and Slight Issue?

Winston and I sighed in relief as Lena finally stopped her rant about tacos because we soon entered the cafeteria.

Upon entering you could see a multitude of different people doing different things, and even some important people. Sadly I couldn't spot anymore people who are well known in Overwatch for example, Torbjorn or Mccree.

Winston, Lena, and I all lined up at a small cafeteria line. We each grabbed a plate and walked up. Winston opted to grab some bananas and a taco, Lena decided to get 3 tacos and some beans, while Lena chose mine for me.

"She will have two tacos, and some rice and beans." Lena ordered my food as the chef nodded and gave me my food.

Looking at my food I took a small whiff and thought 'Oh my gosh, I can't believe Vale didn't have these.'

We sat down at an empty table with a window next to it. Looking out the window you could see we were on the 2nd or 3rd floor overlooking the front of the Overwatch Headquarters.


Lena took a big bite out of her food and said "Cmon Luv Ghet Eating" while her mouth was full.

Winston smiled while he too began to eat. Slowly I picked up the taco and took my first bite.

"Ohm my ghosh thish is shooo good!" I tried saying as I quickly started stuffing my face with the Mexican cuisine.

Lena smiled brightly at how I almost looked like a chipmunk as Winston lightly chuckled. Eating the tacos all I could think of was how much I wish I had it in Remnant.

'I am definitely going to learn how to cook this food and bring it back to Weiss.'

With those thoughts I began to finish off my food. After some light conversations with Winston and Lena as we simply enjoyed our day off. 'You know this almost reminds me of Beacon.' I thought until I saw Mercy run in searching for someone.

She quickly spotted us in the corner and pointed at me.

'Uhhhh.' I pointed at myself and she started to speed walk towards us.

"Oh no what did I do!" I exclaimed as I nervously backed away.

Lena and Winston decided to stay quiet as Angela walked aggressively towards me. Marching towards me she grabbed my hand and began to pull me out of my seat.

"Hey wait what did I do?" I protested as Angela began to drag me out of the cafeteria.

I tried looking towards Lena and Winston for help but both decided to look away. Lena was even whistling while ignoring my pleas for help.

Being dragged out of the room Angela decided to not say anything. Sighing out I thought 'Might as well follow her, it can't be that bad can it?'

After some time of "walking" we arrived at a more dedicated medical room. Angela finally stopped dragging me and sat me down on a medical table.

"I want you to be very honest with me Ruby. Have you ever seen a doctor before?" Angela asked as I was inwardly slightly afraid at how calm Angela became.

Nervously I said "Wel-l yeah I have? Why?"

"Well it seems that you have no antibodies for any virus or flu. I was at first thinking you just forgot to get one vaccine but then I checked and saw more and more discrepancies."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I was now slightly intrigued about what she would say.

"Well first off, it should be impossible for you to not have any antibodies for modern day virus's. But somehow you have none. Second of all, any antibodies that you do have are for virus's or illnesses never seen before." Angela then looked down at her clipboard.

"For this reason I checked your blood for anything else wrong, and I soon noticed that your DNA code is slightly different from ours, giving you many benefits that a normal human doesn't have."

'Oh shoot, how could a blood test lead to this...' I scratched my head and frowned as I saw that Angela was waiting for an answer.

"Well... I have gotten vaccines before but I have never really gotten very sick. And uhhh for the different DNA I don't... know?" Meekly I said the last part, hoping that Angela would just not bother asking anything.

Angela dead panned at me and said "Either you were grown in a lab, or you aren't from this planet. Your DNA is still human but just too different, that by itself wouldn't worry me but considering you have no antibodies even for the common cold well..."

'Why did I have to give her some of my blood... Should I tell her?' I shook my head to my own thoughts and answered Angela.

"I have a good reason, but I am simply not comfortable telling you. Maybe when we get to know each other better?" I asked hoping that Angela would just drop it.

She sighed and slightly smiled. "Alright, I will let it drop for later. But do know that you are getting vaccines... A lot of them." She said the last part grimly.

'Haha! I got her to drop it... Wait vaccines?'

I quickly flailed my hands around and said "Wait wait wait! What do you mean by vaccines?"

Another thing that Mason and I both have in common was our mutual hate for vaccines. I might have fought grimm and even met Salem, but it is still something I hate doing.

"Well you have been shown to have no anti bodies for any common illness, as such you will be receiving many vaccines to help. It hurts me just as much as it hurts you to do this so just let it happen." Angela said as she began to organize a whole handful of needles, and one of them was actually quite large.

'Nope! Aura can protect me!' I thought as I quickly used my semblance to dash out of the room as Angela's back was turned.


Feeling the breeze Angela turned around to see the room covered in rose petals and that I was long gone.

Angela took a second and looked down at her clean room only to see it covered in petals. A vein popped out on her head as she ran out of the room.

"Ruby! get back here!" Angela shouted after me as I quickly dashed away heading back towards the commons room.

Almost like a cartoon, Angela was chasing after a cloud of rose petals, as people just went about their day. Dodging person after person, I ran far enough away that Angela could no longer keep up. Entering the commons room I passed by the one and only Jesse McCree.

Jesse seemed to ignore me entirely as he was sitting at the small bar in the corner drinking. The rest of the commons room was empty and he was the only one here. McCree was wearing bits and pieces of his BlackWatch uniform, and honestly looked to be doing pretty bad.

'He reminds me so much of Qrow...' I thought as I slowed down and walked towards McCree.

Approaching McCree with the attitude of helping him I pulled out a chair next to him and sat down. McCree stopped drinking whatever he was drinking and turned to look at me.

McCree slurred slightly and said "Whatda ya want kid. You are too young to drink."

Chuckling slightly I said "You know, you remind me so much of my Uncle Qrow. Had this whole... thing about him, he was always drinking while going off to do his own missions. He is probably the strongest but most difficult person I know..."

McCree seemed to listen to me as I was speaking.

I was reminiscing slightly as I was describing Qrow. "He always had something that he wouldn't tell anyone, be it from a bad mission or even just being depressed. And I would always be there to help him... So what's a matter?"

McCree frowned slightly and took another sip of his drink. "Why do you think I have an issue, huh?"

I deadpanned towards McCree and pointed towards an empty bottle of alcohol and his cup filled with it. He looked down at his cup and shrugged.

"Well, I mean anyone drinking mid day must've had something bad happen." I answered his question with no room to budge.

He chuckled slightly as he took another gulp of his alcohol. Sighing out he looked down at his shot glass and said "Heh, guess I do have a problem, don't I?"

"You do, but I could help if you want? Maybe you could tell me what happened? It helped my Uncle Qrow, so it might help you." I asked as I was hoping to get him to stop drinking, even just a little.

"Kid, I appreciate whatcha doing for me, but I just don't need it." McCree said as he pulled his classic cowboy hat down over his head.

I pouted and thought 'Ugh this guy is too much like Qrow, I was hoping he would be willing to listen but I am going to have to actually go all out.'

Making the largest puppy dog eyes I could muster with large crocodile tears I looked at McCree. I even added in a small whimper like a puppy would make. McCree stopped drinking and looked at me, nearly spitting out his alcohol he started to crack.

Inwardly McCree was thinking 'Dangnabet! I can just ignore her right? Yeah... I-I Fine!'

McCree finally broke as he put down his glass and sighed out. "Fine kid, you can stop that face, no need to go that far. I will tell ya."

'Heh Yes! Adorableness for the win!' I thought as I finally stopped doing the face and instead did a little fist pump. McCree looked towards me and sighed even louder.

"I just didn't have a good day. Just got back from a less than morally right mission, and no I can't tell you any specifics." McCree looked back down towards his alcohol and was about to take another sip until I stopped him.

I pushed the alcohol away from him. "You know, drinking isn't the answer. My Uncle Qrow learned that later on and then he stopped. I don't want you to quit drinking but just know that it doesn't make the day better or get rid of your problems."

I smiled and patted his back and said "At the end of the day you just have to keep moving forward for whatever you believe in."

McCree listened and began to laugh lightly. I pouted and yelled "Hey! what's so funny?" After hearing my shout McCree began to laugh even more.

"Hahaha, nothing kid, I am just surprised someone like you can say something that wise. You don't exactly look like someone who would say something like that." McCree said as he slowly stopped laughing.

I smiled lightly and exclaimed "Well I have taken on the job of helping people wherever I can! Everyone needs someone to rely upon. So now you can come talk to me if you have an issue."

McCree looked down towards the table and nodded towards me but not before saying "You too kid, come to me if you want to talk about something you can't tell others. I'll keep it nice and safe."

After McCree said that we both just happily sat there in silence, both in our own thoughts. McCree finally poured out hit drink and instead pulled out a Cola and handed me one.

"Oh yeah kid, never asked for your name." McCree said as he handed me a Cola.

'Huh I thought I was forgetting something.' I thought as I held out my hand and said "Ruby Rose! Newly initiated Overwatch Cadet."

McCree grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. "Nice to me ya Ruby, names Jesse. Jesse McCree."

After our introductions we went back to drinking our Colas. In between drinking our colas we would talk about what we do and the such. McCree would talk about being a bandit while I would talk about Uncle Qrow, and all of the amazing missions he has done.

After some time McCree said "You know kid, your Uncle Qrow sounds like an amazing person, make sure you tell em that I would like to drink sometime with him."

The room got slightly somber as I inwardly frowned. Trying to forget that I was currently separated from Qrow and the others I put on a big smile and said "For sure! I will make sure to tell him, but it might take awhile, a long while that is..."

McCree side eyed me, making me slightly nervous. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to asking me something else.

"So to join Overwatch just like that must mean you are special, what can you do?" McCree asked as he finished his Cola and threw it in the bin.

Happy that the conversation was no longer somber I responded with my story of Overwatch finding me. "Well Overwatch wanted to get me to join because I have some... Interesting abilities, and in general I'm just awesome. I am going to take a test to show them off tomorrow so if you are really interested feel free to come and watch."

Saying the last part naturally not expecting McCree to actually answer he said "Sure kid, you have piqued me interest in ya."


The door to the commons room was rudely opened.

Both McCree and I turned around to see Lena blink into the room as an very angry Angela came in after her. "There she is. Lena grab her!" Angela shouted as Lena nodded towards her and tried grabbing me.

"Sorry McCree I gotta go! Cya tomorrow!" I said as I quickly used my semblance to burst into a cloud of rose petals to escape. Turning intangible Lena went straight through me and fell.

"Come on love! It is just a few needles! Just let Angela give them to you, it will be over in a jiffy!" Lena shouted as she got up and began to blink after me.

Flying out of the room I turned corporeal again and began running down the hall. Not looking at what was in front of me I shouted "No way! She has an elephant shot and a hundred oth-"

"Oof!" Not finishing the sentence I ran into what felt like a brick wall. Landing on the floor with dizzy eyes I was picked up like a cat by what ever I ran into.

"Ahh... can someone get the number of the bus that just hit me." I slowly mumbled out as Lena finally caught up to me.

"Thanks Reinhardt! We been chasing her for 20 minutes." In an amazing feat of strength Lena grabbed my hand and arm, making it almost impossible to run away.

Angela slowly caught up while catching her breath and tried to say "Thank... You... Reinhardt, I have... been chasing her for... a long time."

Reinhardt scratched his head as he had no clue of what was happening, but decided to accept their gratitude. "Haha! No problem, anytime!"

Reinhardt continued his walk towards what ever area he was heading to as I was manhandled by Lena. Lena grabbed my arm and began to drag me away, following Angela back towards the medical room.

"Wait wait wait! We can talk about this right? I don't really get sick, so I should be ok?" I vocalized any excuse to get out of going to get that elephant sized needle. Trying to escape Lena's grasp on me just made her hold me tighter.

'Since when was she this strong?!' I thought as I tried breaking out of Lenas death grip.

"Sorry luv, but you need those to keep ya healthy. Can't do anythin, doctors orders." Lena responded to me in a cheeky voice.

Being dragged towards the medical room I tried anything to escape. Sadly I couldn't and I just simply decided to accept my fate.

Like a wise man I simply closed my eyes and thought 'I accept this, let us just get this over with.'

With that last thought I was dragged into the room, with a table full of needles my eyes opened comically large and I quickly thought 'I take it back! I don't accept anything!'.

GaZe_Zero GaZe_Zero

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Next Chapter will be her officially joining Overwatch and doing her test! Some might ask why Ruby is so afraid of shots? Well I say because it is slightly funny, and understandable as Ruby was seen as slightly childish in the show. Anyways hope you enjoyed Ruby finding someone like Qrow :P

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