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35.44% The Reluctant Hero / Chapter 28: The Love, the Hurt, the Wacky (3)

Chương 28: The Love, the Hurt, the Wacky (3)

"You've got to put the past behind you, before you can move on." – Forrest Gump

The next morning saw us making the final walk around Atlas as we prepared for what was going to be a safe return back to Menagerie.

The visit had come to its conclusion now that the official purpose of this trip had been deal with. The council had finally delivered a proper judgment in regard of Jacques Schnee's scandal, and had seen it fit to create a second, co-dependent trial to see for the infidelity charges the former businessman was now facing.

It was surprising how some greater understanding of economics could put the 'ambitious' man in such a dreadful position. Maybe it was more the way he tried to handle things, when he tried and failed more than once to get me in trouble by harming his family.

Karma was still a thing here in Remnant, and Murphy was happily cackling somewhere as grand evil was answered with a grand punishment.

We weren't staying around to hear the full judgment as we knew that such a trial would take months to end. While Jacques didn't have the Schnee's money to pay for his lawyers, I was surprised to hear that he still had a bank account filled with his past allowance as heir of the Gelé Family.

A gruesome path waited Willow and Nicholas, but I was quite certain that both were going to successfully score a final victory over the man. The SDC will surely suffer some scrutiny from the Council's own inspectors to verify the workers' conditions in the company's factories.

Jacques will be in hell for a long time even though he wasn't in proper prison just yet, with the reporters grilling the heck out of his tattered reputation.

Still, what was mostly important was that nobody had died during this trip.

Except Hazel. But I was partly glad he was gone, as I knew that the queen was now out of pawns to use for a long time.

And she will be careful to pick those few people that don't trust you.

I- wait what?

[What Ozma is trying to say is… that while you think that only Menagerie had seen a raise in reputation before the other Kingdoms, you're also going to become a symbol. An individual that stands behind a better idea of understanding.]

So I'm… becoming Adam, but gooder?

Adam Taurus led his men through pain and suffering. While his heinous deeds became apparent only after Ms. Belladonna left the White Fang, there was a degree of control to not let his bloodlust known. Meanwhile, you're someone that doesn't need to hold back anything. People look at you, and see a change through reforms.

[And it will keep growing from now on. People will seek you to find answers about laws now that you've braved such a complicated situation and left it with a massive victory on your side.]

I mean, I can see why it's a good thing that people noticed me like this but… wouldn't that mean that I'm going to get harassed by some stalkers?

You survived Ms. Branwen, and you have a professional guard as your lover. I don't think that will turn in some legitimate trouble-

[What if it's the other Ozma that decides to check on him? I can see the point you're raising, dear, but John is also correct in being concerned by this eventuality.]

I can see that turning… problematic. You should perhaps check with the chieftain for that possibility.

Ignoring the little digression, I still had plenty of things to think about as we arrived at the airport.

Like how was I supposed to explain how I got this large cast around my arm when I was supposed to be safe and sound during the entire visit.

I was glad that Sienna had decided against contacting back home to reveal this but… I really hope that the classic 'I tripped down a flight of stairs' will work even for this occasion.

"You know, I really don't miss the wheelchair," I muttered dryly as Sienna walked beside me. "I mean, sure- it's fun to be carried around without having to do much other than saying where to go… but-"

"It's a restricting experience," The Tiger Faunus hummed as she carefully looked around, sighing as she noticed the large amount of reported occupying both sides of the path. "I've had the pleasure of trying it by myself years ago."

"Sounds like a big story," I hummed back with some interest. "Would you mind if I asked for more when we're in the airship?"

"Not at all. After all… this is going to be a boring trip," The tanned woman pointed out. "With Atlas having agreed to escort us, I don't see anyone this much stupid to jump at the occasion."

"Yeah… but I really don't like to jinx it. You know how I am with luck."

"Raven reminded me that her brother was quite unlucky," She commented calmly. "Do you think that if we put you both in the same room we would get pure good luck?"

I snorted. "Maybe a higher degree of bad luck. I think that's not anything anyone would want."

She offered an agreeing nod, but soon we found ourselves stopping before an unexpected obstacle.

Nicholas Schnee was smiling happily, beside him his oldest grandchild as both were waiting for our approach.

"John, Sienna, I'm glad that you're both here and..." The old man paused for just a moment to notice my cast. "I guess that you had some issues, John."

"Minor encounter with a flight of stairs," I replied curtly. "Once again, the stairs won against me."

His confused look faltered in an amused one at my joke, while Winter seemed more surprised at the medical cloth than else.

I decided to address her before we ended up 'forgetting' about her.

"And hello to you too, Winter," I said, with the girl's eyes swiftly looking up to my face.

"M-Mr. Bukharin," She replied, bowing her head a little bit and showing a brief sad look before turning it in an uneasy one. "I'm… sorry for what father tried to do to you."


[Nooo, sweetie! You shouldn't apologize for that moron's faults…]

Why would she want to do that? Sure, I know Winter was rigorous back when she visited for Vytal and that she covered for her sister a lot after the tournament… but why now and about him?

Ms. Schnee was someone that I've known for little during my tenure as Beacon's Headmaster, but I can say for certain that if there was a problem caused by her family, she would've taken the blame to herself. I suppose this is something that is part of her true self if it exists even now.

I had a little grimace the moment I heard these words and I sighed.

"You don't have nothing to apologize for your father's actions, Winter," I replied softly, but she wasn't having any of that.

"Weiss thinks that you're the reason why father is now not at home," The girl explained. "But even when I told her that it wasn't true she still think that you're at fault."

Gah, that's so bad.

Young Ms. Schnee is still young. She will understand the truth when she gets older-

The issue is that I now have to deal with the fact that if I ever decided to visit back, I would end up dealing with an angry, pouty Weiss in her cutest form! Do you know how much of a moral loss that is?

[A tragic one. It will take time, wisdom and hopes to fix this.]

For a small moment, I thought you two were being serious for once.

"That's… quite saddening," I replied with a nod. "But still, I don't blame your sister for thinking so."

Surprise filled her blue eyes. "And she said that I was lying to her. And… that was the first time she didn't believe me."

Oh no, I knew very well what was happening.

"She was just fussy, Winter. People say or do silly thing when they are driven to act by emotions," I pointed out with a small smile. "And handling fussy siblings can be quite tedious when this is the first time you both disagreed. Which is why I would suggest you leave the job to calm her down to your mother."

Winter looked confused at this advice. "But- But why? I'm her older sister-"

"And that is a title that doesn't translate in absolute trust. Especially when your sister is just angry and needs a scapegoat to vent on," I interjected quickly. "For now, let your mother calm her down."

"But I want to help."

I gave a slight shake of head and… I was reminded of when my sister and I-

You had a sibling?

I have one.

[I'm sure she's fine, John.]

I really hope so…

"And I didn't tell you that you shouldn't," I rebuked with a wider smile. "It's just that sometimes we need to leave this kind of work to people that are more experienced with that."

"But she would still hate you," Winter reminded and I nodded.

"She would. But at least she would hate just me and not her sister for not immediately siding with her," I responded, getting a perplexed glance out of her.

"What? Why would she hate me?"

"People do silly things when they're angry. I think I've told you that already," I replied calmly. "If you headbutt with her about it, you will only get her angrier and aiming her entire fury at yourself."

A blink, then two… she looked particularly upset about the circumstances.

"But it's not fair to you."

I nodded, feeling my heart warming up at her unhappy reaction over this specific detail.

[Maybe she just finds you a trustworthy person. I can see you becoming a better father candidate than her own.]

Which is quite difficult to digest. It's quite a big leap she's making with this.

But one that will repay her well considering who she is putting her trust into.

"I guess that can be a problem too… which is why I'm asking you to be patient about it," I continued with a sigh. "I can handle a little bit of hate thrown my way. And I know that your mother will do well with your sister."

I crouched on one knee and nodded.

"Understand that I'm glad that you feel this way," I praised happily. "It just confirms to me that you're a good sister and that Weiss will have someone brave and goodhearted to led her away from any mistakes she could come close to make."

Her eyes widened at the compliments, ultimately bringing a tiny smile on her face.

"So please, do let this one slide. And do learn how your sister thinks from this situation," I suggested. "Try do to this and… your duties as a big sister will be easier from this point onward. It will still be a responsibility, and as such you will still have to put effort in your decisions, but I know you will manage."

As I finished saying this, Winter took a couple of steps forward and proceeded to wrap her small arms around my neck. I blinked in surprise at the unexpected action, but I was shocked enough to not react at all.

I slowly had my unharmed had reach for her upper back and gave her two soft pats. Since I had one arm unable to work properly, my attempt to close the embrace was limited. But it was enough from the way she sighed and muttered four words.

"I will miss you."

I closed my eyes, smiling even more at the reluctance in her tone and I sighed.

"I will miss you too, sweetie."

Before I had the chance of properly end this hug, I realized that a large group of people around us was letting out a collective 'awww' at the scene.

I completely forgot about the paparazzi.

If only that was the only thing you usually forget.

Quiet you!

Giving another soft pat by her shoulders, I interrupted the hug to glance at left and then right.

"I wish to make a statement. One that I wish for every journalist here to understand clearly and without creating any issues with the newspapers here in Atlas," I said loudly and clearly. "I wish for the journalists here present to be wary that young Ms. Schnee's situation is fragile considering the circumstances with her family. I know that the key factor of journalism is to seek the truth within predicaments that might shape or change society. But I also remind all those present here that children shouldn't be subjected to any unneeded pressure. That they shouldn't be subjected to any unpleasant development about the case."

I took a pause, glancing around as I realized that the photographers had stopped taking pictures and some of the anchormen here had gone silent to listen to what I was saying.

"Which is why I wish to make it clear that I can promise you all here that if this simple understanding is shredded over amoral journalism, then I will find myself forced to not only condemn this offense, but to also denounce said offense by the laws set by the kingdoms over this specific kind of situation."

Silence followed my words, but I knew that it was more of a tacit agreement from the understanding glances I was getting and the lessening of the reporters' insistence for an interview.

Winter looked surprised, but she felt elated once she realized what I had just said. Her grandfather had a mirthful look, but I could also see some fascination over how I had handled the press in this instance.

After exchanging farewells, Sienna and I proceeded to enter inside the airship with happy but slightly drained expressions. Dealing with the press was never an easy task, but now I had plenty of time to waste either talking with the Tiger Faunus over her interesting stories from her past.

But just as I took a seat beside her and prepared for the airship to lift off, I noticed a perplexed look on the woman's face.

"Something's troubling you?"

She sighed. "Just… noticed something about your interaction with Winter," Sienna replied, smiling a little bit. "You know how to handle kids."

"It's… something that I took from my mother," I explained with a hint of nervousness. "Really loving and caring. Her attitude in handling children just stuck on me."

She gave a distracted nod, seemingly lost in her own thoughts for a little while… before she managed to build up enough courage to finally ask what was getting her this much uneasy.

"John, I know that it might sound sudden, but I feel the need of asking."

I blinked at that, giving her a slow nod as I tried to make sense of what she wanted to inquire about.

"Did you have a sibling before leaving your home?"

~Ruby's POV~

Today was indeed a good day.

That was the principal thought that drove the young woman around the kitchens within Atlas Academy. The place was massive compared to what Beacon had for kitchens, and the space available for her little operation was enough in her opinion.

Having stolen a small section of the room to start with her plans, Ruby was immersed in her stealth tasks to notice that a certain General had decided to visit and see why she had been spotted blitzing left and right in the few unoccupied aisles of the kitchen.

Ironwood was quiet. Merely observing the scene unfolding as he tried to unravel what the mysterious time traveler that had decided to put her faith in him and his means of acting around Remnant was trying to do at this time of the day in here.

Humming quietly, the one-eyed Rose eagerly crouched down to check on the small baked goods that she had just finished preparing and placing inside the oven.

This was the first time she was making cookies.

Or rather, this was the first time she tried making cookies.

Either because Yang took care of cooking, or because Ren wanted to give them plenty of healthy food, or when they ultimately ended up eating what they could find on the run, there was never a chance for Ruby to actually try her hand at cooking.

And the experience that she was giving at try to now was… actually exciting despite how precise and slow the overall process was.

Patience had long turned into her best friend (a little before Crescent Rose, and just a bit after capes), and so handling the various tasks required for some cookie-making ended up being easier than she had expected those to be.

Setting up a timer within the advanced oven, she happily waited for the cookies to be properly cooked. It was at that point that she looked around and stopped at the curious stare Ironwood was giving her.

Instead of tensing up in utmost dread at getting caught in the deed, Ruby decided to exploit this opportunity to gain a proper… tester.

"Ms. Rose, may I ask what you're doing here in the kitchens at this hour of the day?"

She merely smiled, gesturing him to come closer and… he complied. Maybe it was the curiosity, or maybe it was the fact that he trusted her well enough to allow this little silliness.

"I've been thinking it's about time we talk about the recent events," The brunette lied giddily as she addressed the matter. "And I thought that making it seem like I was cooking while we chatted would throw off any listeners right now."

He frowned with some surprise at the explanation, but he looked a little bit hesitant to genuinely trust her about the matter.

"What about?"

"John Bukharin," Ruby answered readily, knowing that she had yet to discuss about the man to the General. "I trust him."

The Atlesian officer looked surprised at the curt judgment. "Is that so? I recall you having some reservations from offering a proper comment about the individual."

She nodded. "That was before I had the chance of talking with him."


A sigh left the one-eyed girl's lips as she checked again on her cookies.

"And he's someone I find trustworthy," She repeated calmly. "At least, a little more than Ozpin."

"It's not much considering how mysterious Ozpin is," James rebuked politely. "Care to elaborate some more?"

A huff, then two. Finally she looked at Ironwood with a serious look.

"I can say that he has some knowledge of the future," Ruby admitted with some hesitation, quickly catching on the uneasy look on the General's face. "It's limited to only after I started studying at Beacon Academy… and finish way before I end up traveling in the past."

"Are you sure that he's not aware of the past events?"

"I can tell that he was surprised when I mentioned to him that you went to Beacon too for a time," The brunette mentioned calmly, ignoring James' alarmed look over this unexpected revelation. "In fact, I would say that he has been winging a couple of things while he was here in Atlas."

"That's sounds like a long stretch considering that he had quite the flawless visit," The General pointed out and Ruby giggled at it.

"I think it's more of an unexpected surprise for both the world and John himself," The Rose rebuked happily. "I would even go as far to say that he kind of reminds me of how I started dealing with how big the world is. Everything started to fall on my lap, both good things and bad ones."


She huffed again. "And you're being awfully unnerving over the topic? It's like you have some doubts about my words."

There was a tense silence after she pointed this detail out, with the General actually looking away for a moment to contemplate about this and… he sighed.

"I feel like he's trustworthy too," He confessed with a nod. "But I've noticed that there are times where he sounds… just like Ozpin."

Ruby actually stopped thinking about cookies for a moment to give a serious look at the General.


"It's more of feeling. Nothing truly… I can feel as a relevant element," He continued to say with an uneasy tone. "It's just feel like he's 'older' than me. That he is trying to take the world's burden as his own and-"

"James, do you forget that I'm literally doing the same?" She interjected with an annoyed voice. "I've seen what happens if we fail. And I know for certain that John is now aware of this too."

"So you trust him because-"

"Because, despite the fact he isn't part of the timeline I came from, he still wants Salem to lose since the alternative isn't acceptable," The young woman interrupted again. "My mere presence, albeit he will never say it publicly, frightened him at the prospect of losing everything."

"And you think that's enough?"

She actually smiled at that, having taken notice of something about John while she talked to him about the different timelines.

"I think that's more than enough actually," Ruby confirmed without hesitation. "I think he was already sold to the cause when Tyrian struck Sienna. But the moment he discovered me and what happens 'next' if we don't stop the queen? He has agreed to keep in contact with me on a monthly basis."

Ironwood looked surprised at this discovery. "Wouldn't it be convenient if I just stationed you in Menagerie?"



She sighed. "While that would be helpful, I've two strong reasons to keep myself away from John and his family."

Staring down back at her cookies as the timer came to an end with a loud 'ding', Ruby smiled and turned off the oven.

"First thing first, I've things to do in Shade Academy. I need to set up a trap in case Salem tries to change direction and aim at the Relic of Destruction," The young woman explained. "Then there is the fact that I don't feel truly happy while around him."

"What was that?"

"It's more of an inner uneasiness I have. It's not about him being mysterious or anything like that," She elaborated. "It's more of what he shows as a genuine attitude over everything around him."

"But isn't he a good person?"

"He is. And one that actually tries to save as many people as he can," Ruby agreed wholeheartedly about it. But that was actually the issue for her. "Which is why it becomes difficult for me to feel at ease around him. He just reminds me of a time where I believed anyone could be helped."

"And I suppose that time is now long gone. When your friends all sacrificed to-"

"Don't!" She half-yelled almost quickly at that, tensing up at her brief outburst before sagging a little bit over the counter behind her. "I have my nightmares to remind me that. I don't need this."

"You should take my offer to go to a therapist," Ironwood pointed out firmly.

"I don't deserve that," The young woman rebuked nervously. "The world was screwed the moment I thought that I could find peace in the middle of that war. And now that I can finally get some peace while working on a way to fix things? I know that I don't deserve any of that. I made my mistakes, now I live with those."

"Did you tell him about that?"

She blinked, holding back her tongue from actually answering that trap of a question.

Still, she had to. It was more of a moral compliance than a willing one.


"And what did he tell you in return?" James pressed on with some more interest.

"That it's not my fault, and that I'm not even close to flawless," Ruby started to list up. "That I can't take all the blame on myself, and that I'm a moron for retorting everything without hesitation while he was talking."

A small smile twitched on Ironwood's face. "I can see him say all of that, but… I want to know what you think of it."

She sighed. "I feel like he is saying the truth. The way he is saying those words is just… right. He is genuine and he doesn't seem to be saying those things out of pity or sympathy."

"He sounds like he is actively trying to save someone with this intervention," The General pondered out loud with a rhetorical tone. "And I can see that it's actually working on you."

"Don't start again with this-"

"I'm not 'starting again' anything, Ms. Rose. But I do find myself thinking that maybe he wouldn't be wrong in helping you."

"You need me here to operate any attacks on Salem," She tried to bluff. It was a big stretch, but considering the trust he had given to her, it wasn't impossible for her to get away with it.

Sadly, fate had other plans as Ironwood proved to be stubborn on the matter.

"Your actions are indeed needed where I know those can make the largest impact," James admitted with a nod. "But it wouldn't be professional from my part if I allowed someone with survivor's guilt to operate without getting properly taken care for."

"I still need to go to Shade-"

"Which is why you will be reassigned once you're done with that task," He interjected quickly. "That will make up for plenty of time for you to think how to deal with the instance. Either you behave like an adult about it… or you pull a Bukharin."

She frowned at that, pausing just an instant to think about what was the last bit.

"Pull a… Bukharin?"

"John is known to despise getting helped, even though said help is of medical nature," The General explained calmly. "I've noticed that you two have a similar set of personalities. And there is this very element that you two share to an interesting degree."

"I wouldn't refuse medical help-"

"You just did by saying no to a therapist," Ironwood rebuked one last time as he scooped one of the steamy cookies up to his mouth. He gave it a swift bite and… smiled. "And this is quite the batch. I think this is one of the best cookies I've ever eaten."

Ruby's jaws dropped at that random comment, but before she had the chance of recovering, the man was already gone back to his office.

Left alone in the kitchens, the brunette groaned as she looked at her cookies, lifting one up to her lips and devouring it.

At first she was still influenced by the disgruntled mood the conversation had left her into.

Then she tensed up in awe at the delicious flavor of these chocolate cookies.

A grin spread on her face as she scooped two at first, and then five.

In her moment of gluttonous delight, the Rose couldn't help but think how this very situation had been created by a suggestion given by John himself.

'Since you aren't restrained from trying your luck in the kitchens, why don't you try to make some cookies for yourself?'

And the effort had paid off brilliantly from the delicious cookies she just made.

But it was in that bliss that she realized what her trail of thoughts had derailed into. She fumed for a moment, still munching at the cookies as she didn't know how to handle that moment of happiness and annoyance.

Goddammit John, why did you ruin my victory like this!?

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